
Defines functions crmh crmht crmht2 crmhlgt crmhtlgt crmht2lgt lcrm lcrmlgt crm crmsim mtrials onetrial titecrm print.mtd plot.mtd myjitter cohere getinit print.dxcrm titesim onetite mtite print.sim plot.sim crmsens nopt getn print.crmsize getprior

Documented in cohere crm crmh crmhlgt crmht crmht2 crmht2lgt crmhtlgt crmsens crmsim getinit getn getprior lcrm lcrmlgt mtite mtrials myjitter nopt onetite onetrial plot.mtd plot.sim print.crmsize print.dxcrm print.mtd print.sim titecrm titesim

crmh = function(a,x,y,w,s) {  ## posterior
  v = exp(-a^2/2/s^2) 
  for (i in 1:length(x)) {
	v = v * ((x[i]^exp(a))^y[i])*(((1-w[i]*x[i]^exp(a))^(1-y[i])))
crmht = function(a,x,y,w,s) { ## posterior times x
  v = a * exp(-a^2/2/s^2) 
  for (i in 1:length(x)) {
	v = v * ((x[i]^exp(a))^y[i])*(((1-w[i]*x[i]^exp(a))^(1-y[i])))
crmht2 = function(a,x,y,w,s) { ## posterior times x^2
  v = a^2 * exp(-a^2/2/s^2) 
  for (i in 1:length(x)) {
	v = v * ((x[i]^exp(a))^y[i])*(((1-w[i]*x[i]^exp(a))^(1-y[i])))

crmhlgt <- function(a,x,y,w,s,alp0)  { ## posterior logit model
  v = exp(-a^2/2/s^2) 
  for (i in 1:length(x)) {
 	PSI <- (1 + exp(-alp0-exp(a)*x[i]))^{-1}
    	v <- v * (PSI^y[i]) * (1-w[i]*PSI)^(1-y[i])
crmhtlgt <- function(a,x,y,w,s,alp0)  { ## posterior times x
  v = a * exp(-a^2/2/s^2) 
  for (i in 1:length(x)) {
 	PSI <- (1 + exp(-alp0-exp(a)*x[i]))^{-1}
    	v <- v * (PSI^y[i]) * (1-w[i]*PSI)^(1-y[i])
crmht2lgt <- function(a,x,y,w,s,alp0)  { ## posterior times x^2
  v = a^2 * exp(-a^2/2/s^2) 
  for (i in 1:length(x)) {
 	PSI <- (1 + exp(-alp0-exp(a)*x[i]))^{-1}
    	v <- v * (PSI^y[i]) * (1-w[i]*PSI)^(1-y[i])

lcrm <- function(a,x,y,w) { #loglikelihood of empiric function
  v <- 0
  for (i in 1:length(x))
    v <- v + y[i]*log(x[i])*exp(a) + (1-y[i])*log(1 - w[i]*x[i]^exp(a))
lcrmlgt <- function(a,x,y,w,alp0) { #loglikelihood of logit function
  v <- 0
  for (i in 1:length(x)) {
    PSI <- (1 + exp(-alp0-exp(a)*x[i]))^{-1}
    v <- v + y[i]*log(PSI) + (1-y[i])*log(1-w[i]*PSI)

crm <- function(prior, target, tox, level, n=length(level),
                dosename=NULL, include=1:n, pid=1:n, conf.level=0.90,
                method="bayes", model="empiric", intcpt=3,
                scale=sqrt(1.34), model.detail=TRUE, patient.detail=TRUE, var.est=TRUE) {

  y1p <- tox[include]
  w1p <- rep(1,length(include))
  if (model=="empiric") {
    dosescaled <- prior
    x1p <- prior[level[include]]
    if (method=="mle") {
      if (sum(y1p)==0 | sum(y1p)==length(y1p)) stop(" mle does not exist!")
      est <- optimize(lcrm,c(-10,10),x1p,y1p,w1p,tol=0.0001,maximum=TRUE)$max
      if (var.est) { e2 <- integrate(crmht2,-100,100,x1p,y1p,w1p,500,abs.tol=0)[[1]] / integrate(crmh,-10,10,x1p,y1p,w1p,500,abs.tol=0)[[1]]; }
    else if (method=="bayes") {
      den <- integrate(crmh,-Inf,Inf,x1p,y1p,w1p,scale,abs.tol=0)[[1]]
      est <- integrate(crmht,-10,10,x1p,y1p,w1p,scale,abs.tol=0)[[1]] / den
      if (var.est) { e2 <- integrate(crmht2,-10,10,x1p,y1p,w1p,scale,abs.tol=0)[[1]] / den; }
    else { stop(" unknown estimation method"); }
    ptox <- prior^exp(est)
    if (var.est) {
      post.var <- e2-est^2
      crit <- qnorm(0.5+conf.level/2)
      lb <- est - crit*sqrt(post.var)
      ub <- est + crit*sqrt(post.var)
      ptoxL <- prior^exp(ub)
      ptoxU <- prior^exp(lb)
  else if (model=="logistic") {
    dosescaled <- log(prior/(1-prior)) - intcpt
    if (!all(dosescaled<0)) {
      stop( "Intercept parameter in logit model is too small: scaled doses > 0!")
    x1p <- dosescaled[level[include]]
    if (method=="mle") {
      if (sum(y1p)==0 | sum(y1p)==length(y1p)) stop(" mle does not exist!")
      est <- optimize(lcrmlgt,c(-10,10),x1p,y1p,w1p,intcpt,tol=0.0001,maximum=TRUE)$max
      if (var.est) { e2 <- integrate(crmht2lgt,-100,100,x1p,y1p,w1p,500,intcpt,abs.tol=0)[[1]] / integrate(crmhlgt,-10,10,x1p,y1p,w1p,500,intcpt,abs.tol=0)[[1]]; }
    else if (method=="bayes") {
      den <- integrate(crmhlgt,-Inf,Inf,x1p,y1p,w1p,scale,intcpt,abs.tol=0)[[1]]
      est <- integrate(crmhtlgt,-10,10,x1p,y1p,w1p,scale,intcpt,abs.tol=0)[[1]] / den
      if (var.est) { e2 <- integrate(crmht2lgt,-10,10,x1p,y1p,w1p,scale,intcpt,abs.tol=0)[[1]] / den; }
    else { stop(" unknown estimation method"); }
    ptox <- (1 + exp(-intcpt-exp(est)*dosescaled))^{-1}
    if (var.est) {
      post.var <- e2-est^2
      crit <- qnorm(0.5+conf.level/2)
      lb <- est - crit*sqrt(post.var)
      ub <- est + crit*sqrt(post.var)
      ptoxL <- (1 + exp(-intcpt-exp(ub)*dosescaled))^{-1}
      ptoxU <- (1 + exp(-intcpt-exp(lb)*dosescaled))^{-1}
  else { stop(" model specified not available."); }

  if (all(ptox<=target)) { rec <- length(prior); }
  else if (all(ptox>=target)) { rec <- 1; }
  else { rec <- order(abs(ptox-target))[1]; }
  if (!var.est) { post.var <- ptoxU <- ptoxL <- NA; }
  foo <- list(prior=prior, target=target, tox=tox, level=level,
              dosename=dosename, subset=pid[include], estimate=est,
              model=model, prior.var=scale^2, post.var=post.var,method=method,
              mtd=rec, include=include, pid=pid, model.detail=model.detail,intcpt=intcpt,
              ptox=ptox, ptoxL=ptoxL, ptoxU=ptoxU, conf.level=conf.level,
  class(foo) <- "mtd"

crmsim <- function(PI, prior, target, n, x0, nsim=1, mcohort=1, restrict=TRUE, count=TRUE,
                    method="bayes", model="empiric", intcpt=3, scale=sqrt(1.34),seed=1009) {
  if (nsim==1) {
    foo <- onetrial(PI,prior,target,n,x0,mcohort=mcohort,restrict=restrict,method=method,
  else {
    foo <- mtrials(nsim,PI,prior,target,n,x0,mcohort=mcohort,restrict=restrict,method=method,

mtrials <- function(nsim, PI, prior, target, n, x0, mcohort=1, restrict=TRUE, count=TRUE,
                    method="bayes", model="empiric", intcpt=3, scale=sqrt(1.34),seed=1009) {
  if (nsim<=1) { stop(" nsim less than 2!  For single simulation replicate, use function `onetrial'."); }
  if ((n/mcohort != round(n/mcohort))) { stop(" Number of patients is not multiple of cohort size!"); }
  M <- n/mcohort

  nexpt <- ntox <- sel <- rep(0,length(prior))
  BETAHAT <- matrix(rep(NA,nsim*n),nrow=nsim)
  final.est <- rep(NA,nsim)
  for (r in 1:nsim) {
    if (count) { cat("simulation number:",r,"\n"); }
    bethat <- y <- level <- rep(NA,n)
    if (length(x0)>1) {  # length(x0)>1 implies it's a user-input two-stage design
      if (length(x0)!=n) { stop(" Initial design has a different sample size than that is specified!"); }
      stage1 <- TRUE
      for (m in 1:M) {
        pos <- ((m-1)*mcohort+1):(m*mcohort)
        if (stage1) {
          bethat[pos] <- 0
          level[pos] <- x0[pos]
          ynew <- rbinom(mcohort, 1, PI[level[pos]])
          y[pos] <- ynew
          xcur <- level[1:pos[mcohort]]
          ycur <- y[1:pos[mcohort]]
          if (any(ynew==1)) { stage1 <- FALSE; }
        else {
          if (mean(ycur)==1) {
            obj <- crm(prior, target,ycur,xcur,model=model,intcpt=intcpt,scale=500,var.est=FALSE)
          else {
            obj <- crm(prior, target, ycur, xcur, method=method, model=model, intcpt=intcpt, scale=scale, var.est=FALSE)
          cur <- obj$mtd
          bethat[pos] <- obj$est
          if (restrict) {
            if (sum(ynew)/mcohort >= target) { cur <- min(cur, xcur[length(xcur)]); } # coherent restriction
            else { cur <- min(cur, xcur[length(xcur)]+1); } # no skipping dose restriction
          level[pos] <- cur
          ynew <- rbinom(mcohort, 1, PI[level[pos]])
          y[pos] <- ynew
          xcur <- level[1:pos[mcohort]]
          ycur <- y[1:pos[mcohort]]
      BETAHAT[r,] <- bethat
    else {
      if (method=="mle") { stop(" Require an initial design for mle-CRM!"); }
      pos <- 1:mcohort
      bethat[pos] <- 0
      level[pos] <- x0    
      ynew <- rbinom(mcohort, 1, PI[level[pos]])
      y[pos] <- ynew
      xcur <- level[1:pos[mcohort]]
      ycur <- y[1:pos[mcohort]]
      for (m in 2:M) {
        pos <- ((m-1)*mcohort+1):(m*mcohort)
        obj <- crm(prior, target, ycur, xcur, method=method, model=model, intcpt=intcpt, scale=scale, var.est=FALSE)
        cur <- obj$mtd
        bethat[pos] <- obj$est
        if (restrict) {
          if (sum(ynew)/mcohort >= target) { cur <- min(cur, xcur[length(xcur)]); }
          else { cur <- min(cur, xcur[length(xcur)]+1); }
        level[pos] <- cur
        ynew <- rbinom(mcohort, 1, PI[level[pos]])
        y[pos] <- ynew
        xcur <- level[1:pos[mcohort]]
        ycur <- y[1:pos[mcohort]]
      BETAHAT[r,] <- bethat

    if (method=="mle" & (sum(ycur)==0|mean(ycur)==1)) {
      finalobj <- crm(prior, target, ycur, xcur, model=model, intcpt=intcpt,scale=500, var.est=FALSE)
      msg <- "Warning: mle is approximated"
    else {
      finalobj <- crm(prior, target, ycur, xcur, method=method,model=model,intcpt=intcpt,scale=scale, var.est=FALSE)
      msg <- "Okay"
    rec <- finalobj$mtd
    sel[rec] <- sel[rec] + 1
    for (k in 1:length(prior)) {
      nexpt[k] <- nexpt[k] + length(which(xcur==k))
      ntox[k] <- ntox[k] + length(which(xcur==k & ycur==1))
    final.est[r] <- finalobj$est
  sel <- sel/nsim
  nexpt <- nexpt/nsim
  ntox <- ntox/nsim

  if (length(x0)==1) {
    if (mcohort==1) { design <- paste("CRM starting at dose",x0); }
    else { design <- paste("Group CRM starting at dose",x0,"with group size",mcohort); }
  else {
    if (mcohort==1) { design <- "Two-stage CRM"; }
    else { design <- paste("Two-stage group CRM with group size",mcohort); }
  foo <- list(PI=PI, prior=prior, target=target, n=n, x0=x0, nsim=nsim,
              MTD=sel, level=nexpt, tox=ntox, beta.hat=BETAHAT, final.est=final.est, 
              design=design, method=method, prior.var=scale^2, model=model, intcpt=intcpt,
              mcohort=mcohort, restriction=restrict,seed=seed,tite=FALSE,dosescaled=finalobj$dosescaled,msg=msg)
  class(foo) <- "sim"

onetrial <- function(PI, prior, target, n, x0, mcohort=1, restrict=TRUE,
                     method="bayes", model="empiric", intcpt=3, scale=sqrt(1.34),seed=1009) {
  if ((n/mcohort != round(n/mcohort))) { stop(" Number of patients is not multiple of cohort size!"); }
  M <- n/mcohort
  bethat <- y <- level <- rep(NA,n)

  if (length(x0)>1) {  # length(x0)>1 implies it's a user-input two-stage design
    if (length(x0)!=n) { stop(" Initial design has a different sample size than that is specified!"); }

    stage1 <- TRUE
    for (m in 1:M) {
      pos <- ((m-1)*mcohort+1):(m*mcohort)

      if (stage1) {
        bethat[pos] <- 0
        level[pos] <- x0[pos]
        ynew <- rbinom(mcohort, 1, PI[level[pos]])
        y[pos] <- ynew
        xcur <- level[1:pos[mcohort]]
        ycur <- y[1:pos[mcohort]]
        if (any(ynew==1)) { stage1 <- FALSE; }
      else {
        if (mean(ycur)==1) {
          obj <- crm(prior,target,ycur,xcur,model=model,intcpt=intcpt,scale=500,var.est=FALSE)
        else {
          obj <- crm(prior, target, ycur, xcur, method=method, model=model, intcpt=intcpt, scale=scale, var.est=FALSE)
        cur <- obj$mtd
        bethat[pos] <- obj$est
        if (restrict) {
          if (sum(ynew)/mcohort >= target) { cur <- min(cur, xcur[length(xcur)]); } # coherent restriction
          else { cur <- min(cur, xcur[length(xcur)]+1); } # no skipping dose restriction

        level[pos] <- cur
        ynew <- rbinom(mcohort, 1, PI[level[pos]])
        y[pos] <- ynew

        xcur <- level[1:pos[mcohort]]
        ycur <- y[1:pos[mcohort]]
  else {
    if (method=="mle") { stop(" Require an initial design for mle-CRM!"); }
    pos <- 1:mcohort
    bethat[pos] <- 0
    level[pos] <- x0    
    ynew <- rbinom(mcohort, 1, PI[level[pos]])
    y[pos] <- ynew
    xcur <- level[1:pos[mcohort]]
    ycur <- y[1:pos[mcohort]]
    for (m in 2:M) {
      pos <- ((m-1)*mcohort+1):(m*mcohort)
      obj <- crm(prior, target, ycur, xcur, method=method, model=model, intcpt=intcpt, scale=scale, var.est=FALSE)
      cur <- obj$mtd
      bethat[pos] <- obj$est
      if (restrict) {
        if (sum(ynew)/mcohort >= target) { cur <- min(cur, xcur[length(xcur)]); }
        else { cur <- min(cur, xcur[length(xcur)]+1); }

      level[pos] <- cur
      ynew <- rbinom(mcohort, 1, PI[level[pos]])
      y[pos] <- ynew

      xcur <- level[1:pos[mcohort]]
      ycur <- y[1:pos[mcohort]]

  if (method=="mle" & (sum(ycur)==0|mean(ycur)==1)) {
    finalobj <- crm(prior,target,ycur,xcur,model=model,intcpt=intcpt,scale=500)
    msg <- "Warning: mle is approximated"
  else {
    finalobj <- crm(prior, target, ycur, xcur, method=method,model=model,intcpt=intcpt,scale=scale)
    msg <- "Okay"
  cur <- finalobj$mtd; est <- finalobj$est;
  if (length(x0)==1) {
    if (mcohort==1) { design <- paste("CRM starting at dose",x0); }
    else { design <- paste("Group CRM starting at dose",x0,"with group size",mcohort); }
  else {
    if (mcohort==1) { design <- "Two-stage CRM"; }
    else { design <- paste("Two-stage group CRM with group size",mcohort); }
  foo <- list(PI=PI, prior=prior, target=target, n=n, x0=x0, nsim=1, 
              MTD=cur, level=level, tox=y, beta.hat=bethat, final.est=est,
              design=design, method=method, prior.var=scale^2, model=model, intcpt=intcpt,
              mcohort=mcohort, restriction=restrict, seed=seed, tite=FALSE, dosescaled=finalobj$dosescaled, msg=msg,
              post.var=finalobj$post.var, ptox=finalobj$ptox, ptoxL=finalobj$ptoxL, ptoxU=finalobj$ptoxU,
  class(foo) <- "sim"

titecrm <- function(prior, target, tox, level, n=length(level),
                    weights=NULL, followup=NULL, entry=NULL, exit=NULL,
                    obswin=NULL, scheme="linear", conf.level=0.90,
                    dosename=NULL, include=1:n, pid=1:n, method="bayes",model="empiric",var.est=TRUE,
                    scale=sqrt(1.34), intcpt=3, model.detail=TRUE, patient.detail=TRUE, tite=TRUE) {
  if (is.null(weights)) {
    if (is.null(followup)) { followup <- exit-entry; }
    if (scheme=="linear") { weights <- followup/obswin; }
    else if (scheme=="adaptive") {
      support <- sort(followup[tox==1])
      z <- length(support)
      if (z) {
        for (i in 1:n) {
          m <- length(support[support<=followup[i]])
          if (!m) weights[i] <- followup[i] / support[1] / (z+1)
          else if (m==z) weights[i] <- (z + (followup[i]-support[z])/(obswin-support[z]))/(z+1)
          else weights[i] <- (m + (followup[i]-support[m])/(support[m+1]-support[m]))/(z+1)
      else { weights <- followup/obswin; }
    else { stop(" Weighting scheme undefined!"); }
    weights <- pmin(weights, 1)
  if (any(weights>1) | any(weights<0)) stop(" Weights have to be between 0 and 1!")
  if (is.null(pid)) {
    if (! (length(tox)==length(level) & length(tox)==length(weights)))
      stop(" tox, level, and weights are of different lengths!")
  else {
    if (! (length(tox)==length(level) & length(tox)==length(weights) & length(tox)==length(pid)) )
      stop(" pid, tox, level, and weights are of different lengths!")
  weights[tox==1] <- 1
  y1p <- tox[include]
  w1p <- weights[include]
  if (model=="empiric") {
    dosescaled <- prior
    x1p <- prior[level[include]]
    if (method=="mle") {
      if (sum(y1p)==0 | sum(y1p)==length(y1p)) stop(" mle does not exist!")
      est <- optimize(lcrm,c(-10,10),x1p,y1p,w1p,tol=0.0001,maximum=TRUE)$max
      if (var.est) { e2 <- integrate(crmht2,-10,10,x1p,y1p,w1p,500,abs.tol=0)[[1]] / integrate(crmh,-10,10,x1p,y1p,w1p,500,abs.tol=0)[[1]]; }
    else if (method=="bayes") {
      den <- integrate(crmh,-Inf,Inf,x1p,y1p,w1p,scale,abs.tol=0)[[1]]
      est <- integrate(crmht,-10,10,x1p,y1p,w1p,scale,abs.tol=0)[[1]] / den
      if (var.est) { e2 <- integrate(crmht2,-10,10,x1p,y1p,w1p,scale,abs.tol=0)[[1]] / den; }
    else { stop(" unknown estimation method"); }
    ptox <- prior^exp(est)
    if (var.est) {
      post.var <- e2-est^2
      crit <- qnorm(0.5+conf.level/2)
      lb <- est - crit*sqrt(post.var)
      ub <- est + crit*sqrt(post.var)
      ptoxL <- prior^exp(ub)
      ptoxU <- prior^exp(lb)
  else if (model=="logistic") {
    dosescaled <- log(prior/(1-prior)) - intcpt
    if (!all(dosescaled<0)) {
      stop( "intercept parameter in logit model is too small: scaled doses > 0!")
#    LB <- log(  (log((1+target)/(1-target)) - intcpt)/dosescaled[1] ) - 3
#    UB <- log(  (log((target/2)/(1-target/2)) - intcpt)/dosescaled[length(prior)] ) + 3
    x1p <- dosescaled[level[include]]

    if (method=="mle") {
      if (sum(y1p)==0 | sum(y1p)==length(y1p)) stop(" mle does not exist!")
      est <- optimize(lcrmlgt,c(-10,10),x1p,y1p,w1p,intcpt,tol=0.0001,maximum=TRUE)$max
      if (var.est) { e2 <- integrate(crmht2lgt,-10,10,x1p,y1p,w1p,500,intcpt,abs.tol=0)[[1]] / integrate(crmhlgt,-10,10,x1p,y1p,w1p,500,abs.tol=0)[[1]]; }
    else if (method=="bayes") {
      den <- integrate(crmhlgt,-Inf,Inf,x1p,y1p,w1p,scale,intcpt,abs.tol=0)[[1]]
      est <- integrate(crmhtlgt,-10,10,x1p,y1p,w1p,scale,intcpt,abs.tol=0)[[1]] / den
      if (var.est) { e2 <- integrate(crmht2lgt,-10,10,x1p,y1p,w1p,scale,intcpt,abs.tol=0)[[1]] / den; }
    else { stop(" unknown estimation method"); }
#    est <- min(UB, max(LB, est))
    ptox <- (1 + exp(-intcpt-exp(est)*dosescaled))^{-1}
    if (var.est) {
      post.var <- e2-est^2
      crit <- qnorm(0.5+conf.level/2)
      lb <- est - crit*sqrt(post.var)
      ub <- est + crit*sqrt(post.var)
      ptoxL <- (1 + exp(-intcpt-exp(ub)*dosescaled))^{-1}
      ptoxU <- (1 + exp(-intcpt-exp(lb)*dosescaled))^{-1}
  else { stop(" model specified not available."); }

  if (all(ptox<=target)) { rec <- length(prior); }
  else if (all(ptox>=target)) { rec <- 1; }
  else { rec <- order(abs(ptox-target))[1]; }
  if (!var.est) { post.var <- ptoxL <- ptoxU <- NA; }
  foo <- list(prior=prior, target=target, tox=tox, level=level,
              dosename=dosename, subset=pid[include], estimate=est,
              weights=weights, followup=followup, entry=entry, exit=exit,
              obswin=obswin, scheme=scheme,
              model=model, prior.var=scale^2, post.var=post.var,method=method,
              mtd=rec, include=include, pid=pid, model.detail=model.detail,intcpt=intcpt,
              ptox=ptox, ptoxL=ptoxL, ptoxU=ptoxU, conf.level=conf.level,
  class(foo) <- "mtd"

print.mtd <- function(x, dgt=3, model.detail=x$model.detail, patient.detail=x$patient.detail, ...) {
  cat("Today: ", date(), "\n")
  n <- length(x$pid)
  used <- rep(0,n)
  used[x$include] <- 1
  ptox <- round(x$ptox, digits=dgt)
  ptoxL <- round(x$ptoxL, digits=dgt)
  ptoxU <- round(x$ptoxU, digits=dgt)
  if (x$tite) {
    wts <- round(x$weights, digits=dgt)
    if (is.null(x$followup)) { followup <- rep("N/A",n); }
    else { followup <- round(x$followup, digits=dgt); }
    if (patient.detail) {
      cat("DATA SUMMARY (TITE-CRM) \n")
      cat("PID", "\t", "Level", "\t","Toxicity","\t","f/u","\t","Weight","\t","Included","\n")
      for (i in 1:n)
  else {
    if (patient.detail) {
      cat("DATA SUMMARY (CRM) \n")
      cat("PID", "\t", "Level", "\t", "Toxicity", "\t", "Included", "\n")
      for (i in 1:n) {
  cat("\nToxicity probability update (with",x$conf.level*100,"percent probability interval):","\n")
  if (is.null(x$dosename)) {
    cat("Level", "\t", "Prior","\t","n","\t","total.wts","\t","total.tox","\t","Ptox", "\t",
        "LoLmt","\t", "UpLmt", "\n")
    K <- length(x$prior)
    for (k in 1:K) {
      expt <- which(x$level==k & used==1)
      if (!x$tite) { totwts <- length(expt); }
      else { totwts <- round(sum(x$weights[expt]),digits=dgt); }
      cat(k,"\t", x$prior[k], "\t", length(expt), "\t", totwts, "\t\t", sum(x$tox[expt]),"\t\t",ptox[k],"\t",ptoxL[k],"\t",ptoxU[k],"\n")
    cat("Next recommended dose level:", x$mtd,"\n")
  else {
    cat("Dose","\t\t","Level", "\t", "Prior","\t","n","\t","total.wts","\t","total.tox","\t","Ptox", "\t",
        "LoLmt","\t", "UpLmt", "\n")
    K <- length(x$prior)
    for (k in 1:K) {
      expt <- which(x$level==k & used==1)
      if (!x$tite) { totwts <- length(expt); }
      else { totwts <- round(sum(x$weights[expt]),digits=dgt); }
      cat(x$dosename[k],"\t", k,"\t", x$prior[k], "\t", length(expt), "\t", totwts, "\t\t", sum(x$tox[expt]),"\t\t",ptox[k],"\t",ptoxL[k],"\t",ptoxU[k],"\n")
    cat("Next recommended dose level:", x$mtd,"\n")
  cat("Recommendation is based on a target toxicity probability of",x$target,"\n")
  if (model.detail) {
    cat("\nEstimation details:\n")
    if (x$model=="empiric") { cat("Empiric dose-toxicity model: p = dose^{exp(beta)}\n"); }
    else { cat("Logistic dose-toxicity model: p = {1 + exp(-a-exp(beta)*dose)}^{-1} with a =",x$intcpt,"\n"); }
    cat("dose =", round(x$dosescaled,digits=dgt),"\n")
    if (x$method=="bayes") {
      cat("Normal prior on beta with mean 0 and variance",x$prior.var,"\n")
      cat("Posterior mean of beta:", round(x$estimate,digits=dgt),"\n")
      cat("Posterior variance of beta:",round(x$post.var,digits=dgt),"\n")
    else if (x$method=="mle") {
      cat("MLE of beta:", round(x$estimate,digits=dgt),"\n")
      cat("Approximate variance of beta:", round(x$post.var,digits=dgt),"\n")

plot.mtd <- function(x, ask=FALSE, den=40, ci=TRUE, drlegend=FALSE, ...) {
  ptox <- x$ptox
  ptoxL <- x$ptoxL
  ptoxU <- x$ptoxU
  conf.level <- x$conf.level
  ptox0 <- x$prior
  target <- x$target
  K <- length(ptox)
  include <- x$include
  status <- x$tox[include]
  level <- x$level[include]
  if (x$tite) {
    followup <- x$followup[include]
    exit <- x$exit[include]
    entry <- x$entry[include]
    obswin <- x$obswin
    scheme <- x$scheme
    if (!is.null(exit) & !is.null(entry)) { exit <- x$exit[include]; entry <- x$entry[include]; }
    if (!(is.null(obswin) | is.null(followup)))  {
      hor <- seq(0,obswin,len=den)
      ver <- hor/obswin
      if (scheme=="adaptive") {
        support <- sort(followup[status==1])
        z <- length(support)
        if (z) {
          for (j in 1:den) {
            m <- length(support[support<=hor[j]])
            if (!m)  ver[j] <- hor[j] / support[1] / (z+1)
            else if (m==z)
            ver[j] <- (z + (hor[j]-support[z])/(obswin-support[z])) / (z+1)
              ver[j] <- (m + (hor[j]-support[m])/(support[(m+1)]-support[m])) / (z+1)

  if (x$tite) { choices <- c("all","dose-response curves","trial summary","trial summary (study time)","weight function"); }
  else { choices <- c("all", "dose-response curves","trial summary"); }
  choices <- substring(choices,1,40)
  tmenu <- paste("Plot",choices)
  maxpick <- pick <- 2
  ask.now <- ask
  while (pick <= length(tmenu) + 1) {
    if (ask.now) pick <- menu(tmenu,title="\nMake a plot selection (or 0 to exit):") + 1
           return(invisible(x)),   # exit plotting
           ask.now <- FALSE,         # plot next
             if (drlegend) { cat("Please point-click location of legend.\n"); }
             plot(1:K,ptox, type="l",xlab="Dose level",ylab="Probability of toxicity",ylim=c(0,1))
             points(1:K,ptox, pch="X")
             if (ci) { lines(1:K,ptoxL,lty=3); lines(1:K,ptoxU,lty=3); }
             if (drlegend) {
               legend(locator(1), c("Updated curve","Prior curve"),lty=c(1,2),pch=c("X","O"),bty="n");
               mtext("Dose-toxicity curves based on",length(status),"subjects",line=0.5);
             else {  mtext("Prior (dashed) and updated (solid) dose-toxicity curves",line=0.5); }
             nontox <- which(status==0)
             plot(nontox,level[nontox],pch="O",ylim=c(1,K),xlab="Patient number",ylab="Dose level",xlim=c(1,length(status)))
             mtext("Each point represents a patient",line=2)
             mtext("A circle indicates no toxicity, a cross toxicity",line=0.5)
             if (is.null(entry) | is.null(exit)) {
               cat("\nNo plot output of the study-time trial summary:\n")
               cat("Patient entry and exit information is required.\n");
             else {
               n <- length(entry)
               entrycal <- entry - entry[1]
               exitcal <- exit - entry[1]
               xmax <- max( max(exitcal[status==1]), max(entrycal) )
               plot(entrycal, level, type="n", xlab="Study time (days)", ylab="Dose level",xlim=c(0,xmax),ylim=c(1,K))
               mtext("Each number represents a patient",line=2)
               mtext("An uncircled number indicates entry time, circled time of toxicity",line=0.5)
               leveljit <- level + 0.1
               text(exitcal[status==1],leveljit[status==1], as.character((1:n)[status==1]), cex=0.7)
               points(exitcal[status==1],leveljit[status==1], pch="O", cex =1.7 )
             if (! (is.null(followup) | is.null(obswin)) & scheme=="adaptive") {
               plot(hor,ver,type="n",xlab="Follow-up time of patient (days)",ylab="Weight",ylim=c(0,1))
               mtext("An adaptive weight function (dashed line)",line=0.5)
               if (z) points(myjitter(support),rep(0,z),pch=16)
             else {
               cat("\nNo plot output of weight function:\n")
               cat("Times-to-toxicity and censoring times are not available.\n")
    if (!ask.now)  pick <- pick + 1

myjitter <- function(x,factor=1) {
  z <- diff(range(x[!is.na(x)]))
  z <- factor * (z/50)
  if (!z)  z <- abs(mean(x)/50)
  x + runif(length(x),-z,z)

cohere <- function(prior,target,x0,method="bayes",model="empiric",intcpt=3,
                   scale=sqrt(1.34), detail=TRUE) {
  n <- length(x0)
  K <- length(prior)
  if (any(x0>K)) { stop(" Initial design escalates beyond the highest test dose"); }
  if (all(x0<K)) { stop(" Initial design never reaches the highest test dose"); }
  coh <- rep(TRUE,(n-1)); vlevel <- rep(NA,(n-1))
  for (i in 1:(n-1)) {
    if (method=="bayes" | i>1) {
      level <- x0[1:i]
      y <- c(rep(0,(i-1)),1)
      obj <- crm(prior,target,y,level,method=method,model=model,intcpt=intcpt,scale=scale,var.est=FALSE)
      est <- obj$estimate
      if (model=="logistic") {
	  pest = exp( intcpt + exp(est)*( log(prior/(1-prior)) - intcpt ) )
	  pest = pest/(1+pest)
	else {
	  pest <- prior^exp(est)
      cur <- order(abs(pest-target))[1]
      if (cur > level[i]) { 
        coh[i] <- FALSE; vlevel[i] <- cur;
        if (detail) {
          cat("\nIncoherent escalation could occur after n =",i,"patients; e.g.\n")
          cat("Level","\t",level,"\n"); cat("tox","\t",y,"\n");
          cat("Recommended level:",cur,"\n\n")
  if (all(coh)) { msg <- "Coherent" }
  else {
    ind <- which(!coh)
    m <- length(ind)
    msg <- "Incoherent: Take a less conservative initial design.  Try the function `getinit'."
  foo <- list(message=msg,coherent=coh,x0=x0,
  class(foo) <- "dxcrm"

getinit <- function(prior, target, n, nK=round(n/3), method="bayes", model="empiric",intcpt=3,
                    scale=sqrt(1.34), detail=FALSE) {
  K <- length(prior)
  if (K<=2) { stop(" Number of dose levels less than 3!"); }
  xtab <- c(rep(0,(K-2)),1,(n-1))
  x0 <- rep(1:K, xtab) 
  x1 <- x0
  counter <- K-2
  obj <- cohere(prior,target,x1,method=method,model=model,intcpt=intcpt,scale=scale,detail=detail)
  while (obj$message=="Coherent") {
    xtab[counter] <- xtab[counter]+1
    xtab[K] <- xtab[K]-1
    if (xtab[K] < nK) { x0 <- x1; break; }
    if (counter==1) { counter <- K-1; }
    else { counter <- counter - 1; }
    if (detail) { cat("An intermediate design:", xtab,"\n"); }
    x0 <- x1
    x1 <- rep(1:K, xtab)
    obj <- cohere(prior,target,x1,method=method,model=model,intcpt=intcpt,scale=scale,detail=detail)
print.dxcrm <- function(x, dgt=3, ...) {
  if (x$property=="cohere") {
    x0 <- x$x0; 
    cat("\nMessage:", x$message,"\n")
    cat("\nInitial design:", x0, "\n")
    cat("\nCRM setup:\n")
    if (x$model=="empiric" & x$method=="bayes") {
      obj <- list(prior=x$prior, target=x$target, model=x$model, method=x$method, prior.var=x$prior.var);
    else if (x$model=="empiric" & x$method=="mle") {
      obj <- list(prior=x$prior, target=x$target, model=x$model, method=x$method);
    else if (x$model=="logistic" & x$method=="bayes") {
      obj <- list(prior=x$prior, target=x$target, model=x$model, intercept=x$intcpt, method=x$method, prior.var=x$prior.var);
    else if (x$model=="logistic" & x$method=="mle") {
      obj <- list(prior=x$prior, target=x$target, model=x$model, intercept=x$intcpt,method=x$method);
  else if (x$property=="sens") {
    K <- length(x$prior)
    if (x$detail) {
      cat("\nThe H sets for the model setup:\n")
      rownames(x$Hset) <- paste("H -",1:K)
      colnames(x$Hset) <- c("LoLmt","UpLmt")

    cat("\nTrue","\t\t","Indifference interval","\n")
    for (k in 1:K) cat(k,"\t\t",round(x$iint[k,1],digits=dgt),"\t\t",round(x$iint[k,2],digits=dgt),"\n")
    cat("for the",x$model,"model with prior guesses",x$prior,"\n")
    if (x$model=="logistic") { cat("and intercept", x$intcpt,"\n"); }
    cat("With this model, the CRM will eventually choose a dose with \n")
    cat("  toxicity probability between", signif(min(x$iint[(2:K),1]),digits=dgt),"and",signif(max(x$iint[(1:(K-1)),2]),digits=dgt),
        "while targeting at",x$target,"\n\n")
    cat("Consistency will hold if\n")
    cat("(i) the dose below the MTD does not exceed the Lower limit\n")
    cat("(ii) the dose above the MTD is more toxic than the Upper limit\n\n")

titesim <- function(PI, prior, target, n, x0, nsim=1, restrict=TRUE, obswin=1, tgrp=obswin, rate=1, accrual="fixed",
                    surv="uniform", scheme="linear", count=TRUE, method="bayes",model="empiric",intcpt=3,scale=sqrt(1.34),seed=1009) {
  if (nsim==1) {
    foo <- onetite(PI,prior,target,n,x0,restrict=restrict,obswin=obswin,tgrp=tgrp,rate=rate,accrual=accrual,
  else {
    foo <- mtite(nsim,PI,prior,target,n,x0,restrict=restrict,obswin=obswin,tgrp=tgrp,rate=rate,accrual=accrual,count=count,

onetite <- function(PI, prior, target, n,x0, restrict=TRUE,
                    obswin=1, tgrp=obswin, rate=1, accrual="fixed", surv="uniform", scheme="linear",
                    method="bayes", model="empiric", intcpt=3, scale=sqrt(1.34), seed=1099) {
  if (accrual=="fixed") { next.arrival <- obswin/rate; }
  else if (accrual=="poisson") { next.arrival <- rexp(1, rate/obswin); }
  if (length(x0)>1) {
    if (length(x0)!=n) { stop(" Initial design has a different sample size than that is specified!"); }
    bethat <- rep(0,n)
    u <- y <- level <- arrival <- rep(NA,n)
    m <- 1
    while (TRUE) {
      level[m] <- cur <- x0[m]
      if (is.na(arrival[m])) { arrival[m] <- next.arrival; }
      if (is.na(y[m])) {
        if (surv=="uniform") {
          y[m] <- ynew <- rbinom(1,1,PI[cur])
          if (ynew) { unew <- runif(1,0,obswin); }
          else { unew <- Inf; }
          u[m] <- unew
          utox <- u + arrival
      if (accrual=="fixed") { next.arrival <- next.arrival + obswin/rate; }
      else if (accrual=="poisson") { next.arrival <- next.arrival + rexp(1, rate/obswin); }
      B <- rep(0,n); B[utox<=next.arrival] <- 1;
      if (sum(B)>0 | m==(n-1)) { break; }
      if (x0[m+1]==cur | (next.arrival-arrival[m])>=tgrp) { m <- m+1; }
    if (m==(n-1)) {
      if (sum(B)==0) { cur <- x0[n]; }
      else {
        censor <- pmin(next.arrival, utox) - arrival;
        followup <- pmin(censor, obswin)
        if (mean(B[1:m])==1) {
          obj <- titecrm(prior, target, B[1:m], level[1:m], followup=followup[1:m],obswin=obswin,scheme=scheme,model=model,
        else {
          obj <- titecrm(prior, target, B[1:m], level[1:m], followup=followup[1:m],obswin=obswin, scheme=scheme,method=method,
        if (restrict) { cur <- min(obj$mtd, (cur+1)); }
        else { cur <- obj$mtd; }
        bethat[m+1] <- obj$est
      arrival[n] <- next.arrival
      level[n] <- cur
      if (surv=="uniform") {
        y[n] <- ynew <- rbinom(1,1, PI[cur])
        if (ynew) { unew <- runif(1,0,obswin); }
        else { unew <- Inf; }
        u[n] <- unew; utox <- u + arrival
    else {
      censor <- pmin(next.arrival, utox) - arrival
      followup <- pmin(censor, obswin)
      if (mean(B[1:m])==1) {
        obj <- titecrm(prior, target, B[1:m], level[1:m], followup=followup[1:m],obswin=obswin,scheme=scheme,model=model,
      else {
        obj <- titecrm(prior, target, B[1:m], level[1:m], followup=followup[1:m],obswin=obswin, scheme=scheme,method=method,model=model,
#        if (accrual=="fixed") { next.arrival <- next.arrival + obswin/rate; }
#        else if (accrual=="poisson") { next.arrival <- next.arrival + rexp(1, rate/obswin); }
      if (restrict) { cur <- min(obj$mtd, (cur+1)); }
      else { cur <- obj$mtd; }
      bethat[m+1] <- obj$est
      for (i in (m+1):(n-1)) {
        arrival[i] <- next.arrival; level[i] <- cur;
        if (surv=="uniform") {
          y[i] <- ynew <- rbinom(1,1,PI[cur])
          if (ynew) unew <- runif(1,0,obswin)
          else unew <- Inf
          u[i] <- unew; utox <- u + arrival;
        if (accrual=="fixed") next.arrival <- next.arrival + obswin/rate
        else if (accrual=="poisson") next.arrival <- next.arrival + rexp(1,rate/obswin)
        B <- rep(0,n);  B[utox<=next.arrival] <- 1;
        censor <- pmin(next.arrival,utox) - arrival; followup <- pmin(censor,obswin);
        if (mean(B[1:i])==1) {
          obj <- titecrm(prior, target, B[1:i], level[1:i], followup=followup[1:i],obswin=obswin,scheme=scheme,model=model,
        else {
          obj <- titecrm(prior, target, B[1:i], level[1:i], followup=followup[1:i],obswin=obswin, scheme=scheme,method=method,
        if (restrict) { cur <- min(obj$mtd, (cur+1)); }
        else { cur <- obj$mtd; }
        bethat[i+1] <- obj$est

      arrival[n] <- next.arrival; level[n] <- cur;
      if (surv=="uniform") {
        y[n] <- ynew <- rbinom(1,1,PI[cur])
        if (ynew) unew <- runif(1,0,obswin)
        else unew <- Inf
        u[n] <- unew; utox <- u + arrival
    if (method=="mle" & (sum(y)==0|mean(y)==1)) {
      finalobj <- titecrm(prior,target,y,level,weights=rep(1,n),model=model,intcpt=intcpt,scale=500)
      msg <- "Warning: mle is approximated"
    else {
      finalobj <- titecrm(prior, target, y, level, weights=rep(1,n),method=method,model=model,intcpt=intcpt,scale=scale)
      msg <- "Okay"
    cur <- finalobj$mtd
    est <- finalobj$est
  else {
    bethat <- 0
    u <- y <- level <- arrival <- NULL
    cur <- x0
    if (method=="mle") { stop(" Require an initial design for mle-CRM!"); }
    for (i in 1:(n-1)) {
      arrival <- c(arrival, next.arrival)
      level <- c(level, cur)
      if (surv=="uniform") {
        ynew <- rbinom(1,1,PI[cur])
        if (ynew) unew <- runif(1,0,obswin)
        else unew <- Inf
        y <- c(y,ynew); u <- c(u,unew); utox <- u + arrival;
      if (accrual=="fixed") { next.arrival <- next.arrival + obswin/rate; }
      else if (accrual=="poisson") { next.arrival <- next.arrival + rexp(1, rate/obswin); }
      B <- rep(0,length(y));  B[utox<=next.arrival] <- 1;
      censor <- pmin(next.arrival,utox) - arrival
      followup <- pmin(censor,obswin)
      obj <- titecrm(prior,target,B,level,followup=followup,obswin=obswin, scheme=scheme, method=method,model=model,intcpt=intcpt,scale=scale,var.est=FALSE)
      if (restrict) { cur <- min(obj$mtd, (cur+1)); }
      else { cur <- obj$mtd; }
      bethat <- c(bethat, obj$est)
    arrival <- c(arrival, next.arrival)
    level <- c(level,cur)
    if (surv=="uniform") {
      ynew <- rbinom(1,1,PI[cur])
      if (ynew) unew <- runif(1,0,obswin)
      else unew <- Inf
      y <- c(y,ynew); u <- c(u,unew); utox <- u + arrival;
    finalobj <- titecrm(prior,target,y,level,weights=rep(1,n), method=method,model=model,intcpt=intcpt,scale=scale)
    cur <- finalobj$mtd
    est <- finalobj$est
    msg <- "Okay"
  if (length(x0)==1) { design <- paste("TITE-CRM starting at dose",x0); }
  else { design <- "Two-stage TITE-CRM"; }
  foo <- list(PI=PI, prior=prior, target=target, n=n, x0=x0, nsim=1,
              MTD=cur, level=level, tox=y, beta.hat=bethat, final.est=est, 
              arrival=arrival,  toxicity.time=u, toxicity.study.time=utox,
              design=design, method=method, prior.var=scale^2, model=model, intcpt=intcpt,
              restriction=restrict,  seed=seed, tite=TRUE, dosescaled=finalobj$dosescaled, msg=msg,
              obswin=obswin, tgrp=tgrp, rate=rate,accrual=accrual, scheme=scheme,
              post.var=finalobj$post.var, ptox=finalobj$ptox, ptoxL=finalobj$ptoxL, ptoxU=finalobj$ptoxU,

  class(foo) <- "sim"

mtite <- function(nsim, PI, prior, target, n, x0, restrict=TRUE, obswin=1, tgrp=obswin, rate=1, accrual="fixed",
                  surv="uniform", scheme="linear", count=TRUE, method="bayes",model="empiric",intcpt=3,scale=sqrt(1.34),seed=1009) {
  if (nsim<=1) { stop(" nsim less than 2!  For single simulation replicate, use function `onetite'."); }
  nexpt <- ntox <- sel <- rep(0,length(prior))
  BETAHAT <- matrix(rep(NA,nsim*n), nrow=nsim)
  final.est <- DURATION <- rep(NA,nsim)

  for (r in 1:nsim) {
    if (count) { cat("simulation number:",r,"\n"); }
    if (accrual=="fixed") { next.arrival <- obswin/rate; }
    else if (accrual=="poisson") { next.arrival <- rexp(1, rate/obswin); }
    if (length(x0)>1) {
      if (length(x0)!=n) { stop(" Initial design has a different sample size than that is specified!"); }
      bethat <- rep(0,n)
      u <- y <- level <- arrival <- rep(NA,n)
      m <- 1
      while (TRUE) {
        level[m] <- cur <- x0[m]
        if (is.na(arrival[m])) { arrival[m] <- next.arrival; }
        if (is.na(y[m])) {
          if (surv=="uniform") {
            y[m] <- ynew <- rbinom(1,1,PI[cur])
            if (ynew) { unew <- runif(1,0,obswin); }
            else { unew <- Inf; }
            u[m] <- unew
            utox <- u + arrival
        if (accrual=="fixed") { next.arrival <- next.arrival + obswin/rate; }
        else if (accrual=="poisson") { next.arrival <- next.arrival + rexp(1, rate/obswin); }
        B <- rep(0,n); B[utox<=next.arrival] <- 1;
        if (sum(B)>0 | m==(n-1)) { break; }
        if (x0[m+1]==cur | (next.arrival-arrival[m])>=tgrp) { m <- m+1; }
      if (m==(n-1)) {
        if (sum(B)==0) { cur <- x0[n]; }
        else {
          censor <- pmin(next.arrival, utox) - arrival;
          followup <- pmin(censor, obswin)
          if (mean(B[1:m])==1) {
            obj <- titecrm(prior, target, B[1:m], level[1:m], followup=followup[1:m],obswin=obswin,scheme=scheme,model=model,
          else {
            obj <- titecrm(prior, target, B[1:m], level[1:m], followup=followup[1:m],obswin=obswin, scheme=scheme,method=method,model=model,
          if (restrict) { cur <- min(obj$mtd, (cur+1)); }
          else { cur <- obj$mtd; }
          bethat[m+1] <- obj$est
        arrival[n] <- next.arrival
        level[n] <- cur
        if (surv=="uniform") {
          y[n] <- ynew <- rbinom(1,1, PI[cur])
          if (ynew) { unew <- runif(1,0,obswin); }
          else { unew <- Inf; }
          u[n] <- unew; utox <- u + arrival
      else {
        censor <- pmin(next.arrival, utox) - arrival
        followup <- pmin(censor, obswin)
        if (mean(B[1:m])==1) {
          obj <- titecrm(prior, target, B[1:m], level[1:m], followup=followup[1:m],obswin=obswin,scheme=scheme,model=model,
        else {
          obj <- titecrm(prior, target, B[1:m], level[1:m], followup=followup[1:m],obswin=obswin, scheme=scheme,method=method,model=model,
        if (restrict) { cur <- min(obj$mtd, (cur+1)); }
        else { cur <- obj$mtd; }
        bethat[m+1] <- obj$est
#        if (accrual=="fixed") { next.arrival <- next.arrival + obswin/rate; }
#        else if (accrual=="poisson") { next.arrival <- next.arrival + rexp(1, rate/obswin); }
        for (i in (m+1):(n-1)) {
          arrival[i] <- next.arrival; level[i] <- cur;
          if (surv=="uniform") {
            y[i] <- ynew <- rbinom(1,1,PI[cur])
            if (ynew) unew <- runif(1,0,obswin)
            else unew <- Inf
            u[i] <- unew; utox <- u + arrival;
          if (accrual=="fixed") next.arrival <- next.arrival + obswin/rate
          else if (accrual=="poisson") next.arrival <- next.arrival + rexp(1,rate/obswin)
          B <- rep(0,n);  B[utox<=next.arrival] <- 1;
          censor <- pmin(next.arrival,utox) - arrival; followup <- pmin(censor,obswin);
          if (mean(B[1:i])==1) {
            obj <- titecrm(prior, target, B[1:i], level[1:i], followup=followup[1:i],obswin=obswin,scheme=scheme,model=model,
          else {
            obj <- titecrm(prior, target, B[1:i], level[1:i], followup=followup[1:i],obswin=obswin, scheme=scheme,method=method,model=model,
          if (restrict) { cur <- min(obj$mtd, (cur+1)); }
          else { cur <- obj$mtd; }
          bethat[i+1] <- obj$est
        BETAHAT[r,] <- bethat
        arrival[n] <- next.arrival; level[n] <- cur;
        if (surv=="uniform") {
          y[n] <- ynew <- rbinom(1,1,PI[cur])
          if (ynew) unew <- runif(1,0,obswin)
          else unew <- Inf
          u[n] <- unew; utox <- u + arrival
      if (method=="mle" & (sum(y)==0|mean(y)==1)) {
        finalobj <- titecrm(prior,target,y,level,weights=rep(1,n),model=model,intcpt=intcpt,scale=500,var.est=FALSE)
        msg <- "Warning: mle is approximated"
      else {
        finalobj <- titecrm(prior, target, y, level, weights=rep(1,n),method=method,model=model,intcpt=intcpt,scale=scale,var.est=FALSE)
        msg <- "Okay"
      cur <- finalobj$mtd
      est <- finalobj$est
    else {
      if (method=="mle") { stop(" Require an initial design for mle-CRM!"); }
      bethat <- 0
      u <- y <- level <- arrival <- NULL
      cur <- x0
      for (i in 1:(n-1)) {
        arrival <- c(arrival, next.arrival)
        level <- c(level, cur)
        if (surv=="uniform") {
          ynew <- rbinom(1,1,PI[cur])
          if (ynew) unew <- runif(1,0,obswin)
          else unew <- Inf
          y <- c(y,ynew); u <- c(u,unew); utox <- u + arrival;
        if (accrual=="fixed") { next.arrival <- next.arrival + obswin/rate; }
        else if (accrual=="poisson") { next.arrival <- next.arrival + rexp(1, rate/obswin); }
        B <- rep(0,length(y));  B[utox<=next.arrival] <- 1;
        censor <- pmin(next.arrival,utox) - arrival
        followup <- pmin(censor,obswin)
        obj <- titecrm(prior,target,B,level,followup=followup,obswin=obswin, scheme=scheme, method=method,model=model,intcpt=intcpt,scale=scale,var.est=FALSE)
        if (restrict) {
          cur <- min(obj$mtd, (cur+1))
        else {
          cur <- obj$mtd
        bethat <- c(bethat, obj$est)
      BETAHAT[r,] <- bethat
      arrival <- c(arrival, next.arrival)
      level <- c(level,cur)
      if (surv=="uniform") {
        ynew <- rbinom(1,1,PI[cur])
        if (ynew) unew <- runif(1,0,obswin)
        else unew <- Inf
        y <- c(y,ynew); u <- c(u,unew); utox <- u + arrival;
      finalobj <- titecrm(prior,target,y,level,weights=rep(1,n), method=method,model=model,intcpt=intcpt,scale=scale,var.est=FALSE)
      cur <- finalobj$mtd
      est <- finalobj$est
      msg <- "Okay"

    sel[cur] <- sel[cur] + 1
    final.est[r] <- est
    DURATION[r] <- max(arrival) + obswin
    for (k in 1:length(prior)) {
      nexpt[k] <- nexpt[k] + length(which(level==k))
      ntox[k] <- ntox[k] + length(which(y==1 & level==k))
  sel <- sel/nsim
  nexpt <- nexpt/nsim
  ntox <- ntox/nsim
  if (length(x0)==1) { design <- paste("TITE-CRM starting at dose",x0); }
  else { design <- "Two-stage TITE-CRM"; }
  foo <- list(PI=PI, prior=prior, target=target, n=n, x0=x0, nsim=nsim,
              MTD=sel, level=nexpt, tox=ntox, beta.hat=BETAHAT, final.est=final.est,
              design=design, method=method, prior.var=scale^2, model=model, intcpt=intcpt,
              restriction=restrict, seed=seed, tite=TRUE, dosescaled=finalobj$dosescaled, msg=msg,
              obswin=obswin, tgrp=tgrp, rate=rate, accrual=accrual, scheme=scheme)
  class(foo) <- "sim"

print.sim <- function(x, dgt=3, patient.detail=TRUE, ...) {
  n <- x$n
  PI <- x$PI
  prior <- round(x$prior, digits=dgt)
  target <- x$target
  K <- length(prior)
  if (x$nsim==1) {
    y <- x$tox
    level <- x$level
    bethat <- signif(x$beta.hat, digits=1)
    est <- round(x$final.est, digits=dgt)
    ptox <- round(x$ptox, digits=dgt)
    ptoxL <- round(x$ptoxL, digits=dgt)
    ptoxU <- round(x$ptoxU, digits=dgt)

    if (patient.detail) {
      if (x$tite) {
        arrival <- signif(x$arrival, digits=dgt)
        utox <- round(x$toxicity.study.time, digits=dgt)
        u <- round(x$toxicity.time, digits=dgt)
        tevent <- round( c(arrival,utox), digits=dgt)
        pid <- rep(1:n, 2)
        event <- c(rep("enrol",n), rep("TOX",n))
        level2 <- c(level, level)
        est2 <- round( c(bethat, rep(NA,n)), digits=dgt)
        o <- order(tevent)
        tevent <- tevent[o]; pid <- pid[o]; event <- event[o]; level2 <- level2[o]; est2 <- est2[o];
        ind <- which(tevent<Inf)
        tevent <- tevent[ind]; pid <- pid[ind]; event <- event[ind]; level2 <- level2[ind]; est2 <- est2[ind];
        m <- length(ind)
        cat("Trial summary on study time\n")
        cat("Time \t PID \t Event \t Level \t Beta \n")
        for (j in 1:m) { cat(tevent[j],"\t", pid[j], "\t", event[j], "\t", level2[j], "\t", est2[j],"\n"); }
        cat("\nPatient summary (TITE-CRM) \n")
        cat("PID \t Arrive \t Beta \t Level \t Tox \t Tox.time \n")
        for (i in 1:n) {
          cat(i,"\t", arrival[i], "\t\t", bethat[i],"\t", level[i], "\t", y[i], "\t", u[i],"\n")
      else {
        cat("Patient summary (CRM) \n")
        cat("PID", "\t", "Beta", "\t", "Level", "\t", "Toxicity", "\n")
        for (i in 1:n) {
          cat(i,"\t",bethat[i],"\t", level[i],"\t",y[i],"\n")

    cat("\nToxicity probability summary (with",x$conf.level*100,"percent probability interval):","\n")
    cat("Level", "\t", "Ptrue", "Prior","\t","n","\t","ntox","\t","Posterior", "\t",
        "LoLmt","\t", "UpLmt", "\n")

    ntox <- nexpt <- rep(0,K)
    for (k in 1:K) {
      nexpt[k] <- length(which(level==k))
      ntox[k] <- length(which(level==k & y==1))
      cat(k,"\t", PI[k], "\t", prior[k], "\t", nexpt[k], "\t", ntox[k],"\t",ptox[k],"\t\t",ptoxL[k],"\t",ptoxU[k],"\n")
    PIjit <- PI; PIjit[1] <- PI[1]-(1e-5); PIjit[K] <- PI[K]+(1e-5);
    cat("True MTD:", order(abs(PIjit-target))[1],"\tEstimated MTD:", x$MTD,"\tTarget DLT rate:",target,"\n")

    cat("\nThis trial is generated by a",x$design,"\n")
    if (length(x$x0)>1) {
      cat("Dose escalation proceeds as follows before any toxicity is seen:")
      xtab <- cbind(1:K,rep(NA,K))
 	for (k in 1:K) { xtab[k,2] = length(which(x$x0==k)); }
      colnames(xtab) <- c("dose.level","cohort.size")
      rownames(xtab) <- rep("",K)

    if (x$restrict) {
      cat("\nRestrictions apply to avoid\n")
      cat("\t (1) Skipping doses in escalation;\n")
      cat("\t (2) Escalation immediately after a toxic outcome.\n")

    cat("\nThe working model is",x$model,"\n")
    if (x$model=="empiric") { cat("\tptox = dose^{exp(beta)} with doses =",round(x$dosescaled,digits=dgt),"\n"); }
    else { cat("\tlogit(ptox) = a + exp(beta)*dose, with a =",x$intcpt,"\n\tand doses =",signif(x$dosescaled,digits=dgt),"\n"); }

    if (x$method=="bayes") {
      cat("\tand beta is estimated by its posterior mean \n\tassuming a normal prior with mean 0 and variance",x$prior.var,"\n")
    else if (x$method=="mle") {
      cat("\tand beta is estimated by its mle\n")

    cat("\nThe final estimate of beta",round(x$final.est, digits=dgt))        
    if (x$method=="bayes") {
      cat(" with posterior variance",round(x$post.var,digits=dgt),"\n")
    else if (x$method=="mle") {
      cat(" with variance", round(x$post.var,digits=dgt),"\n")
      if (x$msg!="Okay") { print(x$msg); }

    if (x$tite) {
      cat("\nThe",x$scheme,"function is used to assign weights to patients.\n\n")
      cat("Patient arrival is modeled as a", x$accrual,"process\n")
      cat("\twith rate",x$rate,"patients per",x$obswin,"time units (= observation window).\n")
      if (length(x$x0)>1) {
        cat("\tA minimum waiting time of",x$tgrp,"time units is imposed\n")
        cat("\tbetween two dose cohorts in the initial stage.\n")
  else if (x$nsim > 1) {
    oc <- t(cbind(PI, prior, x$MTD, x$level, x$tox))
    colnames(oc) <- as.character(1:K)
    rownames(oc) <- c("Truth","Prior","Selected","Nexpt","Ntox")

    cat("\nNumber of simulations:\t",x$nsim,"\n")
    cat("Patient accrued:\t",n,"\n")
    cat("Target DLT rate:\t", target, "\n")

    if (x$tite) {
      cat("\nThe distribution of trial duration:\n")
    cat("\nThe trials are generated by a",x$design,"\n")
    if (length(x$x0)>1) {
      cat("Dose escalation proceeds as follows before any toxicity is seen:")
	xtab <- cbind(1:K,rep(NA,K))
 	for (k in 1:K) { xtab[k,2] = length(which(x$x0==k)); }
      colnames(xtab) <- c("dose.level","cohort.size")
      rownames(xtab) <- rep("",K)

    if (x$restrict) {
      cat("\nRestriction apply to avoid\n")
      cat("\t (1) Skipping doses in escalation;\n")
      cat("\t (2) Escalation immediately after a toxic outcome.\n")

    cat("\nThe working model is",x$model,"\n")
    if (x$model=="empiric") { cat("\tptox = dose^{exp(beta)} with doses =",round(x$dosescaled,digits=dgt),"\n"); }
    else { cat("\tlogit(ptox) = a + exp(beta)*dose, with a =",x$intcpt,"\n\tand doses =",signif(x$dosescaled,digits=dgt),"\n"); }
    x0 <- x$x0

    if (x$method=="bayes") {
      cat("\tand beta is estimated by its posterior mean \n\tassuming a normal prior with mean 0 and variance",x$prior.var,"\n")
    else if (x$method=="mle") {
      cat("\tand beta is estimated by its mle\n")

    if (x$tite) {
      cat("\nThe",x$scheme,"function is used to assign weights to patients.\n\n")
      cat("Patient arrival is modeled as a", x$accrual,"process\n")
      cat("\twith rate",x$rate,"patients per",x$obswin,"time units (= observation window).\n\n")
      if (length(x$x0)>1) {
        cat("\tA minimum waiting time of",x$tgrp,"time units is imposed\n")
        cat("\tbetween two dose cohorts in the initial stage.\n")


plot.sim <- function(x, ask=FALSE, den=40, ci=TRUE, drlegend=FALSE, n0=1, ...) {
  PI <- x$PI
  prior <- x$prior
  target <- x$target
  n <- x$n
  x0 <- x$x0
  nsim <- x$nsim
  K <- length(prior)
  if (nsim==1) {
    ptox <- x$ptox
    ptoxL <- x$ptoxL
    ptoxU <- x$ptoxU
    conf.level <- x$conf.level
    ptox0 <- prior
    status <- x$tox
    level <- x$level
    if (x$tite) {
      followup <- x$toxicity.time
      obswin <- x$obswin
      scheme <- x$scheme
      if (!(is.null(obswin) | is.null(followup)))  {
        hor <- seq(0,obswin,len=den)
        ver <- hor/obswin
        if (scheme=="adaptive") {
          support <- sort(followup[status==1])
          z <- length(support)
          if (z) {
            for (j in 1:den) {
              m <- length(support[support<=hor[j]])
              if (!m)  ver[j] <- hor[j] / support[1] / (z+1)
              else if (m==z)
                ver[j] <- (z + (hor[j]-support[z])/(obswin-support[z])) / (z+1)
                ver[j] <- (m + (hor[j]-support[m])/(support[(m+1)]-support[m])) / (z+1)

    if (x$tite) {
      choices <- c("all","dose-response curves","trial summary","trial summary (study time)","weight function");
    else { choices <- c("all", "dose-response curves","trial summary"); }
    choices <- substring(choices,1,40)
    tmenu <- paste("Plot",choices)
    maxpick <- pick <- 2
    ask.now <- ask
    while (pick <= length(tmenu) + 1) {
      if (ask.now) pick <- menu(tmenu,title="\nMake a plot selection (or 0 to exit):") + 1
             return(invisible(x)),   # exit plotting
             ask.now <- FALSE,         # plot next
               if (drlegend) { cat("Please point-click location of legend.\n"); }
               plot(1:K,ptox, type="l",xlab="Dose level",ylab="Probability of toxicity",ylim=c(0,1))
               points(1:K,ptox, pch="X")
               if (ci) { lines(1:K,ptoxL,lty=3); lines(1:K,ptoxU,lty=3); }
               if (drlegend) {
                 legend(locator(1), c("Updated curve","Prior curve"),lty=c(1,2),pch=c("X","O"),bty="n");
                 mtext("Dose-toxicity curves based on",length(status),"subjects",line=0.5);
               else {  mtext("Prior (dashed) and updated (solid) dose-toxicity curves",line=0.5); }
               nontox <- which(status==0)
               plot(nontox,level[nontox],pch="O",ylim=c(1,K),xlab="Patient number",ylab="Dose level",xlim=c(1,n))
               mtext("Each point represents a patient",line=2)
               mtext("A circle indicates no toxicity, a cross toxicity",line=0.5)
               entrycal <- x$arrival
               exitcal <- x$toxicity.study.time
               xmax <- max( max(exitcal[status==1]), max(entrycal) )
               plot(entrycal, level, type="n", xlab="Study time", ylab="Dose level",xlim=c(0,xmax),ylim=c(1,K))
               mtext("Each number represents a patient",line=2)
               mtext("An uncircled number indicates entry time, circled time of toxicity",line=0.5)
               leveljit <- level + 0.1
               text(exitcal[status==1],leveljit[status==1], as.character((1:n)[status==1]), cex=0.7)
               points(exitcal[status==1],leveljit[status==1], pch="O", cex =1.7 )
               if (! (is.null(followup) | is.null(obswin)) & scheme=="adaptive") {
                 plot(hor,ver,type="n",xlab="Follow-up time of patient",ylab="Weight",ylim=c(0,1))
                 mtext("An adaptive weight function (dashed line)",line=0.5)
                 if (z) points(myjitter(support),rep(0,z),pch=16)
               else {
                 cat("\nNo plot output of weight function:\n")
                 cat("Times-to-toxicity and censoring times are not available.\n")
      if (!ask.now)  pick <- pick + 1
  else {
    AllBeta <- cbind(x$beta.hat, x$final.est)
    if (x$tite) {
      dur <- x$Duration;
      choices <- c("all","beta","beta trajectory","trial duration")
    else {
      choices <- c("all","beta","beta trajectory")
    choices <- substring(choices, 1, 40)
    tmenu <- paste("Plot", choices)
    maxpic <- pick <- 2
    ask.now <- ask
    while (pick <= length(tmenu) + 1) {
      if (ask.now) { pick <- menu(tmenu,title="\nMake a plot selection (or 0 to exit):") + 1; }
             return(invisible(x)),   # exit plotting
             ask.now <- FALSE,         # plot next
               if (x$method=="bayes") { maintext <- "Posterior mean of beta";}
               else if (x$method=="mle") { maintext <- "MLE of beta"; }
               maintext <- paste(maintext,"with n =",n)
               hor <- n0:(n+1)
               med <- lcb <- ucb <- 1:(n+1)
               objsens <- crmsens(prior,target,model=x$model,intcpt=x$intcpt)
               LB <- objsens$Hset[1,1]; UB <- objsens$Hset[K,2];
               LB <- max(LB, min(AllBeta[,hor]))
               UB <- min(UB, max(AllBeta[,hor]))
               plot(hor, AllBeta[1,hor],type="l",ylim=c(LB,UB),xlab="Patient number",ylab="beta")
               for (i in hor) {
                 lcb[i] <- quantile(AllBeta[,i],0.05)
                 ucb[i] <- quantile(AllBeta[,i],0.95)
                 med[i] <- median(AllBeta[,i])
               for (r in 2:nsim) { lines(hor,AllBeta[r,hor]); }
               lines(hor,lcb[hor],lwd=3); lines(hor,ucb[hor],lwd=3);
               maintext <- paste("Trial duration for",x$design,"with n =",n)
      if (!ask.now) pick <- pick + 1

crmsens <- function(prior,target,model="empiric",intcpt=3,eps=1e-6,maxit=100,detail=FALSE) {
  K <- length(prior)
  b <- rep(NA,(K+1))
  Hset <- val <- matrix(rep(NA,K*2),nrow=K)

  if (model=="empiric") {
    dosescaled <- prior
    lb <- log(log((target+1)/2)/log(dosescaled[1]))
    b[1] <- min(-5,lb)
    ub <- log(log(target/2)/log(dosescaled[K]))
    b[K+1] <- max(5,ub)
    LB <- b[1]; UB <- b[K+1];
    for (k in 2:K) {
      lb <- LB; ub <- UB;
      while (TRUE) {
        mid <- (lb+ub)/2
        lhs <- dosescaled[k-1]^exp(mid) + dosescaled[k]^exp(mid)
        if (lhs>(2*target)) { lb <- mid; }
        if (lhs<(2*target)) { ub <- mid; }
        if (abs(lhs-2*target)<eps) { break; }
      LB <- b[k] <- mid
    val[1,1] <- NA; val[1,2] <- dosescaled[2]^exp(b[2])
    val[K,1] <- dosescaled[(K-1)]^exp(b[K]); val[K,2] <- NA;
    for (k in 2:(K-1)) {
      val[k,1] <- dosescaled[k-1]^exp(b[k])
      val[k,2] <- dosescaled[k+1]^exp(b[k+1])
  else if (model=="logistic") {
    dosescaled <- log(prior/(1-prior)) - intcpt
    lb <- log(  (log((1+target)/(1-target)) - intcpt)/dosescaled[1] )
    b[1] <- min(-5,lb)
    ub <- log(  (log((target/2)/(1-target/2)) - intcpt)/dosescaled[K] )
    b[K+1] <- max(5, ub)

    LB <- b[1]; UB <- b[K+1];
    for (k in 2:K) {
      lb <- LB; ub <- UB;
      while(TRUE) {
        mid <- (lb+ub)/2
        lhs <- (1 + exp(-intcpt-exp(mid)*dosescaled[k-1]))^{-1} + (1+exp(-intcpt-exp(mid)*dosescaled[k]))^{-1}
        if (lhs>(2*target)) { lb <- mid; }
        if (lhs<(2*target)) { ub <- mid; }
        if (abs(lhs-2*target)<eps) { break; }
      LB <- b[k] <- mid

    val[1,1] <- NA; val[1,2] <- (1 + exp(-intcpt-exp(b[2])*dosescaled[2]))^{-1};
    val[K,1] <- (1 + exp(-intcpt-exp(b[K])*dosescaled[K-1]))^{-1}
    for (k in 2:(K-1)) {
      val[k,1] <- (1 + exp(-intcpt-exp(b[k])*dosescaled[k-1]))^{-1}
      val[k,2] <- (1 + exp(-intcpt-exp(b[k+1])*dosescaled[k+1]))^{-1}
  else { stop( " model specified not available."); }

  for (k in 1:K) { Hset[k,1] <- b[k]; Hset[k,2] <- b[k+1]; }
  if (model=="empiric") a <- list(Hset=Hset, iint=val, target=target, prior=prior, model=model,detail=detail,property="sens")
  if (model=="logistic") a <- list(Hset=Hset,iint=val, target=target,prior=prior, model=model,intcpt=intcpt,
  class(a) <- "dxcrm"

nopt = function(apcs,target,K,psi,correction=TRUE) {
  pL = target / ( target + psi*(1-target) )
  pU = target * psi / (1 - target + target*psi)
  sigL = sqrt( target*(1-target) + pL*(1-pL) + 2*pL*(1-target) )
  sigU = sqrt( target*(1-target) + pU*(1-pU) + 2*target*(1-pU) )

  if (!correction) {
    delL = (target - pL)/sigL
    delU = (pU - target)/sigU
    del = (delL + delU)/2
    arg = 1 - K*(1-apcs)/2/(K-1)
    val = ( qnorm(arg) / del )^2
  else {
    n = 1
    while (T) {
	delL = (target-pL+0.5/n)/sigL
	delU = (pU-target-0.5/n)/sigU
	del = (delL + delU)/2
	bindex = 1/K + (1-1/K) * (2 * pnorm(sqrt(n)*del) - 1)
	if (bindex >= apcs) { break; }
	n = n+1
    delL = (target-pL+0.5/n)/sigL
    delU = (pU-target-0.5/n)/sigU
    del = (delL + delU)/2
    arg = 1 - K*(1-apcs)/2/(K-1)
    val = ( qnorm(arg) / del )^2

getn = function(apcs,target,nlevel,psi,correction=TRUE,detail=FALSE) {
  msg = "IMPORTANT: The calculated n is intended as a starting point, and is not recommended for use without validation by simulation"
  if (target<0.1 | target>0.3) msg = c(msg, "Warning: The sample size algorithm has been validated for target rate ranging from 0.1 to 0.3 only")
  if (nlevel<4 | nlevel >8) msg = c(msg, "Warning: The sample size algorithm has been validated for 4 to 8 dose levels only")
  if (psi<1.25 | psi>2.5) msg = c(msg, "Warning: The sample size algorithm has been validated for odds ratio (psi) ranging from 1.25 to 2.50 only")
  K = nlevel
  lterm = ( log(apcs/(1-apcs)) - 2.26 + 0.00235*K^2 + 0.7*psi + 1.903/psi ) / 0.854
  b = exp(lterm)/(1 + exp(lterm))
  na = nopt(b,target,K,psi,correction=correction)
  nb = nopt(apcs,target,K,psi,correction=correction)
  eff = nb / na
  if (na > 40)   msg = c(msg, "Warning: The calculation likely involves extrapolation - validate with simulation.")

  val = list(n = ceiling(na), astar=apcs, target=target, nlevel=K, psi=psi, bstar=b, efficiency = eff, correction=correction, na=na,nb=nb, messages=msg, detail=detail)
  class(val) = "crmsize"

print.crmsize = function(x, detail=x$detail, ...) {
  cat(" Target rate:\t\t\t", x$target, "\n")
  cat(" Number of dose levels:\t\t",x$nlevel,"\n")
  cat(" Effect size (odds ratio):\t",x$psi,"\n")
  cat(" Required accuracy:\t\t",x$astar,"\n")
  cat(" Calculated sample size:\t",x$n,"\n\n")

  if (detail) {
  	if (x$correction) { cat(" Method: With continuity correction\n"); }
	else { cat(" Method: Without continuity correction\n"); }

	cat(" Required sample size (to first decimal place):\t\t",round(x$na,digits=1),"\n")
	cat(" Sample size lower bound (to first decimal place):\t",round(x$nb,digits=1),"\n")
      cat(" Efficiency relative to optimal benchmark:\t\t",x$efficiency,"\n\n")



getprior <- function(halfwidth,target,nu,nlevel,model="empiric", intcpt=3) {
  dosescaled <- prior <- rep(NA,nlevel)
  b <- rep(NA,nlevel+1)
  b[1] <- -Inf
  b[(nlevel+1)] <- Inf
  if (model=="empiric") {
    dosescaled[nu] <- target
    for (k in nu:2) {
      b[k] <- log( log(target+halfwidth)/log(dosescaled[k]) )
      if (nu>1) { dosescaled[k-1] <- exp( log(target-halfwidth)/exp(b[k]) ); }
    if (nu < nlevel) {
      for (k in nu:(nlevel-1)) {
        b[k+1] <- log( log(target-halfwidth)/log(dosescaled[k]) )
        dosescaled[k+1] <- exp( log(target+halfwidth)/exp(b[k+1]) )
    val <- dosescaled
  else if (model=="logistic") {
    dosescaled[nu] <- log(target/(1-target)) - intcpt
    for (k in nu:2) {
      b[k] <- log( (log((target+halfwidth)/(1-target-halfwidth))-intcpt)/dosescaled[k] )
      if (nu>1) { dosescaled[k-1] <- (log((target-halfwidth)/(1-target+halfwidth))-intcpt) / exp(b[k]); }
    if (nu<nlevel) {
      for (k in nu:(nlevel-1)) {
        b[k+1] <- log( (log((target-halfwidth)/(1-target+halfwidth))-intcpt) / dosescaled[k] )
        dosescaled[k+1] <- (log((target+halfwidth)/(1-target-halfwidth))-intcpt) / exp(b[k+1])
    val <- {1 + exp(-intcpt-dosescaled)}^{-1}

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dfcrm documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:18 p.m.