
Defines functions diagmeta

Documented in diagmeta

#' Meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy studies with the multiple
#' cutoffs model
#' @description
#' Diagnostic tests may be based on an ordinal or continuous biomarker
#' or an ordinal score together with a cutoff. The decision whether
#' the target condition is present or not (positive or negative test
#' result) depends on whether the observed value is above or below the
#' cutoff. Here we assume that higher values of the biomarker indicate
#' a greater probability for the target condition (e.g., a disease);
#' otherwise, the poling must be changed by multiplying all values of
#' the biomarker by -1. Sensitivity and specificity of the test depend
#' on the chosen cutoff and vary with the cutoff. In meta-analysis of
#' diagnostic accuracy studies, results are often reported for
#' multiple cutoffs within a study, and the cutoffs may differ between
#' studies.  The multiple cutoffs model creates a link between the
#' range of cutoffs and the respective pairs of sensitivity and
#' specificity and thus allows identifying cutoffs at which the test
#' is likely to perform best (Steinhauser et al., 2016).
#' @param TP,FP,TN,FN Numeric vectors giving the number of true
#'   positives, false positives, true negatives and false negatives
#' @param cutoff A number vector indicating the cutoff values
#' @param studlab A numeric or a character vector with study labels
#' @param data An optional data frame containing the study information
#' @param distr A character indicating the distribution (see Details)
#' @param model A character indicating the model (see Details)
#' @param equalvar A logical indicating whether the variances of the
#'   biomarker in both groups are thought equal (see Details)
#' @param lambda A numeric between 0 and 1 indicating the weight of
#'   the sensitivity (such that specificity receives weight 1 -
#'   lambda)
#' @param log.cutoff A logical indicating whether the cutoffs should
#'   be log-transformed
#' @param method.weights A character indicating the method for
#'   weighting the studies: \code{invvar} (default) means inverse
#'   variance weighting, \code{size} means weighting by group sample
#'   size, \code{equal} means that all studies are equally weighted
#' @param incr A numeric between 0 and 1 that is added as a continuity
#'   correction
#' @param level A numeric indicating the significance level (1 -
#'   alpha) for tests (default is 0.95)
#' @param n.iter.max A numeric indicating the maximal number of common
#'   point iterations for finding the optimal cutoff
#' @param tol A numeric indicating the tolerance for convergence of
#'   the common point iteration
#' @param silent A logical indicating whether iterations should be
#'   suppressed
#' @param \dots additional arguments
#' @details
#' Each row of the data set provides at least a study label, a cutoff
#' and the numbers of true positives, false positives, true negatives
#' and false negatives. Different studies may contribute a varying
#' number of cutoffs, as well as different sets of cutoffs.
#' The multiple cutoffs model is a multi-level random effects
#' model. At the study level, for the group of patients without the
#' target condition (in short disease-free), the specificities at all
#' available cutoffs together provide an estimate of the cumulative
#' distribution function (cdf) of the test results within the
#' disease-free individuals. Likewise, for patients with the target
#' condition (in short diseased), via the observed sensitivities at
#' all observed cutoffs we obtain an estimate of the cdf of the test
#' results within the diseased patients. At the meta-analytic level,
#' the model fits the data for both groups and all available cutoffs
#' over all studies. Based on a parametric model, it provides
#' estimates of the two cdfs for the two groups across all studies,
#' accounting for the between-study heterogeneity and correlation
#' between groups.
#' Users have the choice between the normal (argument
#' \code{distr="normal"}) and the logistic distribution (argument
#' \code{distr="logistic"} which is the default). In addition, it is
#' possible to log-transform the cutoffs (argument \code{log.cutoff},
#' default is \code{FALSE}).
#' The cdf, transformed using the quantile function of the chosen
#' distribution, is modelled by one of eight mixed linear models
#' ("DIDS", "CIDS", "DICS", "CICS", "DS", "CS", "DI", "CI") as
#' described in Steinhauser et al. (2016).  The argument
#' \code{equalvar} indicates if the variances of the biomarker in both
#' groups are assumed to be equal (equalvar = TRUE) or unequal
#' (equalvar = FALSE).
#' The pooled sensitivity and specificity values can be obtained at
#' every cutoff; a multiple cutoffs summary ROC (sROC) naturally
#' follows while preserving cutoff information. The optimal cutoff is
#' defined as the cutoff where the maximum of a weighted sum of
#' sensitivity and specificity is obtained: lambda * sensitivity + (1
#' - lambda) * specificity. The 95\% confidence intervals of
#' sensitivities, specificities and the optimal cutoff are estimated
#' using the delta method (Steinhauser et al., 2016).
#' @return
#' An object of class "diagmeta" with corresponding print, summary,
#' and plot function. The object is a list containing the following
#' components
#' \item{TP, FP, TN, FN}{As defined above.}
#' \item{cutoff, studlab}{As defined above.}
#' \item{Sens}{Sensitivity (original data).}
#' \item{Spec}{Specificity (original data).}
#' \item{distr, model, equalvar, lambda}{As defined above.}
#' \item{log.cutoff, method.weights}{As defined above.}
#' \item{level, incr}{As defined above.}
#' \item{k}{The number of studies in the meta-analysis.}
#' \item{optcut}{The optimal cutoff.}
#' \item{lower.optcut, upper.optcut}{Corresponding lower and upper
#'   confidence limits (for normal distribution).}
#' \item{Sens.optcut}{The sensitivity at the optimal cutoff.}
#' \item{lower.Sens.optcut, upper.Sens.optcut}{Corresponding lower and
#'   upper confidence limits.}
#' \item{Spec.optcut}{The specificity at the optimal cutoff.}
#' \item{lower.Spec.optcut, upper.Spec.optcut}{Corresponding lower and
#'   upper confidence limits.}
#' \item{AUCSens, AUCSpec}{Area under the curve (AUC)}
#' \item{AUCSens.lower, AUCSens.upper}{Corresponding lower and upper
#'   confidence limits (based on the confidence region for the
#'   sensitivity, given the specificity)}
#' \item{AUCSpec.lower, AUCSpec.upper}{Corresponding lower and upper
#'   confidence limits (based on the confidence region for the
#'   specificity, given the sensitivity)}
#' \item{var.diseased, var.nondiseased}{The within-study variance for
#'   the diseased and non-diseased group, respectively.}
#' \item{AIC}{The value of the Akaike information criterion of the
#'   lmer object.}
#' \item{BIC}{The value of the Bayesian information criterion of the
#'   lmer object.}
#' \item{data.lmer}{A list with elements Study (study labels), Group
#'   (group labels (0 or 1)), Cutoff, N (group sizes), Negative
#'   (number of negative test results), NN (frequencies of negative
#'   test results).}
#' \item{result.lmer}{An object of class \code{\link[lme4]{lmer}}.}
#' \item{weights}{Normalized weights per study, group, and cutoff such
#'   that the sum of weights is twice the number of cutoffs over all
#'   studies.}
#' \item{regr}{A list with point estimates, variances, and covariances
#'   from regression parameters of \code{\link[lme4]{lmer}} object.}
#' \item{dist}{A list containing estimated means, standard deviations,
#'   and variances of distributions from diseased (ending with 1) and
#'   non-diseased (ending with 0).}
#' \item{Cov.common}{Covariance matrix from common effects model.}
#' \item{call}{Function call.}
#' \item{version}{Version of R package \bold{diagmeta} used to create
#'   object.}
#' @author
#' Gerta Rücker \email{gerta.ruecker@@uniklinik-freiburg.de},
#' Susanne Steinhauser \email{susanne.steinhauser@@uni-koeln.de},
#' Srinath Kolampally \email{kolampal@@imbi.uni-freiburg.de},
#' Guido Schwarzer \email{guido.schwarzer@@uniklinik-freiburg.de}
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot.diagmeta}, \link{summary.diagmeta}}
#' @references
#' Steinhauser S, Schumacher M, Rücker G (2016):
#' Modelling multiple thresholds in meta-analysis of diagnostic test
#' accuracy studies.
#' \emph{BMC Medical Research Methodology},
#' \bold{16}, 97
#' @examples
#' # FENO dataset
#' #
#' data(Schneider2017)
#' diag1 <- diagmeta(tpos, fpos, tneg, fneg, cutpoint,
#'                   studlab = paste(author, year, group),
#'                   data = Schneider2017,
#'                   log.cutoff = TRUE)
#' summary(diag1)
#' plot(diag1)
#' @export
#' @importFrom lme4 lmer
#' @importFrom stats AIC BIC coef cov logLik vcov
#' @importFrom utils packageDescription

diagmeta <- function(TP, FP, TN, FN, cutoff, studlab, data = NULL,
                     distr = "logistic", model = "CICS", equalvar = FALSE,
                     lambda = 0.5, log.cutoff = FALSE,
                     method.weights = "invvar",
                     level = 0.95, incr = 0.5,
                     n.iter.max = 1000, tol = 1e-08, silent = TRUE,
                     ...) {
  ## (1) Check arguments
  distr <- setchar(distr, c("logistic", "normal"))
  is.logistic <- distr == "logistic"
  is.normal <- distr == "normal"
  model <- setchar(model,
                   c("CI", "DI", "CS", "DS", "CICS", "DICS", "CIDS", "DIDS"))
  chknumeric(incr, min = 0, length = 1)
  method.weights <- setchar(method.weights,
                            c("equal", "size", "invvar"))
  chknumeric(lambda, min = 0, length = 1)
  chknumeric(n.iter.max, min = 0, length = 1)
  chknumeric(tol, min = 0, length = 1)
  ## Additional arguments / checks
  fun <- "diagmeta"
  ## (2) Read data
  nulldata <- is.null(data)
  sfsp <- sys.frame(sys.parent())
  mc <- match.call()
  if (nulldata)
    data <- sfsp
  ## Catch 'TP', 'FP', 'TN', 'FN', 'cutoff', and 'studlab'
  TP <- catch("TP", mc, data, sfsp)
  chknumeric(TP, min = 0)
  k.All <- length(TP)
  FP <- catch("FP", mc, data, sfsp)
  chknumeric(FP, min = 0)
  TN <- catch("TN", mc, data, sfsp)
  chknumeric(TN, min = 0)
  FN <- catch("FN", mc, data, sfsp)
  chknumeric(FN, min = 0)
  cutoff <- catch("cutoff", mc, data, sfsp)
  studlab <- catch("studlab", mc, data, sfsp)
  ## (3) Check of essential variables
  chklength(FP, k.All, fun, name = "TP")
  chklength(TN, k.All, fun, name = "TP")
  chklength(FN, k.All, fun, name = "TP")
  chklength(cutoff, k.All, fun, name = "TP")
  chklength(studlab, k.All, fun, name = "TP")
  if (length(unique(cutoff)) == 1)
    stop("Model cannot be use with a single cutoff. ",
         "Consider using, e.g., madad() from R package mada.")
  ## (4) Auxiliary function
  ##     (to calculate weighted cut-off point of two logistic
  ##      distributions by an iterative fixpoint procedure)
  g <- function(x)
    mean1 - sd1 * acosh(lambda / (1 - lambda) * sd0 / sd1 *
                        (1 + cosh((x - mean0) / sd0)) - 1)
  ## Inverse function
  f <- function(x)
    mean0 + sd0 * acosh((1 - lambda) / lambda * sd1 / sd0 *
                        (1 + cosh((x - mean1) / sd1)) - 1)
  ## Error handling for iterate() - chooses f or g for iterations
  saveIterate <- function(x0, n.iter.max, tol, silent) {
    tryCatch({ # try iterating with function f
      x <- iterate(f, x0, n.iter.max, tol, !silent)
      if (!silent)
        cat("* Optimal cut-off iteration with f *\n")
      return(list(x = x, iter = "f"))
    warning = function(w) {
      suppressWarnings(x <- iterate(f, x0, n.iter.max, tol, !silent))
      return(list(x = x, iter = "f"))
    ## if error occurs, iterate with function g
    error = function(e) {
      tryCatch({ # try iteration with function g
        x <- iterate(g, x0, n.iter.max, tol, !silent)
        if (!silent)
          cat("* Optimal cut-off iteration with g *\n")
        return(list(x = x, iter = "g"))
      warning = function(wa) {
        suppressWarnings(x <- iterate(g, x0, n.iter.max, tol, !silent))
        return(list(x = x, iter = "g"))
      error = function(er) {
        warning("Optimal cutoff iteration didn't converge. ",
                "Consider using argument distribution = \"normal\".")
        return(list(x = NA, iter = ""))
  ## (5) Assignments
  k <- length(unique(studlab))
  N0 <- FP + TN   # number of non-diseased patients
  N1 <- TP + FN   # number of diseased patients
  N  <- c(N0, N1) # number of all patients in one study
  NN <- (c(TN, FN) + incr) / (N + 2 * incr)
  ## Inverse variance weights for variance within studies
  if (is.logistic) {
    w0.iv <- (TN + incr) * (FP + incr) / (N0 + 2 * incr)
    w1.iv <- (TP + incr) * (FN + incr) / (N1 + 2 * incr)
  else if (is.normal) {
    w0.iv <- (N0 + 2 * incr)^3 *
      dnorm(qnorm((TN + incr) /
                  (N0 + 2 * incr)))^2 / ((TN + incr) *
                                         (FP + incr))
    w1.iv <- (N1 + 2 * incr)^3 *
      dnorm(qnorm((TP + incr) /
                  (N1 + 2 * incr)))^2 / ((TP + incr) *
                                         (FN + incr))
  ## Variance component within studies for both models
  var.nondiseased <- k / sum(w0.iv)
  var.diseased <- k / sum(w1.iv)
  ## Weights
  if (method.weights == "equal")
    w <- rep(1, length(c(N0, N1)))
  else if (method.weights == "size")
    w <- (length(N) * N) / sum(N)
  else if (method.weights == "invvar") {
    w <- c(w0.iv, w1.iv)
    ## scaling
    w <-  length(w) * w / sum(w)
  iter <- ""
  ## (6) Model fitting
  ## Data frame consisting of rows with data for each cutoff of each
  ## study, first for all non-diseased individuals and then everything
  ## again for the diseased individuals (each cutoff of each study is
  ## named twice)
  Group <- c(rep(0, length(studlab)), rep(1, length(studlab)))
  if (log.cutoff)
    Cutoff <- log(c(cutoff, cutoff))
    Cutoff <- c(cutoff, cutoff)
  Study <- c(studlab, studlab)
  if (equalvar) {
    if (model == "CI")
      lme1 <- lmer(qdiag(NN, distr) ~ Group + Cutoff +
                     (1 | Study),
                   weights = w, ...)
    else if (model == "DI")
      lme1 <- lmer(qdiag(NN, distr) ~ Group + Cutoff +
                     (1 + Group | Study),
                   weights = w, ...)
    else if (model == "CS")
      lme1 <- lmer(qdiag(NN, distr) ~ Group + Cutoff +
                     (0 + Cutoff | Study),
                   weights = w, ...)
    else if (model == "DS")
      lme1 <- lmer(qdiag(NN, distr) ~ Group + Cutoff +
                     (0 + Cutoff + Group:Cutoff | Study),
                   weights = w, ...)
    else if (model == "CICS")
      lme1 <- lmer(qdiag(NN, distr) ~ Group + Cutoff +
                     (Cutoff | Study),
                   weights = w, ...)
    else if (model == "DICS")
      lme1 <- lmer(qdiag(NN, distr) ~ Group + Cutoff +
                     (Cutoff + Group | Study),
                   weights = w, ...)
    else if (model == "CIDS")
      lme1 <- lmer(qdiag(NN, distr) ~ Group + Cutoff +
                     (Cutoff +  Group:Cutoff | Study),
                   weights = w, ...)
    else if (model == "DIDS")
      lme1 <- lmer(qdiag(NN, distr) ~ Group + Cutoff +
                     (Group * Cutoff | Study),
                   weights = w, ...)
  else {
    if (model == "CI")
      lme1 <- lmer(qdiag(NN, distr) ~ Group * Cutoff +
                     (1 | Study),
                   weights = w, ...)
    else if (model == "DI")
      lme1 <- lmer(qdiag(NN, distr) ~ Group * Cutoff +
                     (1 + Group | Study),
                   weights = w, ...)
    else if (model == "CS")
      lme1 <- lmer(qdiag(NN, distr) ~ Group * Cutoff +
                     (0 + Cutoff | Study),
                   weights = w, ...)
    else if (model == "DS")
      lme1 <- lmer(qdiag(NN, distr) ~ Group * Cutoff +
                     (0 + Cutoff + Group:Cutoff | Study),
                   weights = w, ...)
    else if (model == "CICS")
      lme1 <- lmer(qdiag(NN, distr) ~ Group * Cutoff +
                     (Cutoff | Study),
                   weights = w, ...)
    else if (model == "DICS")
      lme1 <- lmer(qdiag(NN, distr) ~ Group * Cutoff +
                     (Cutoff + Group | Study),
                   weights = w, ...)
    else if (model == "CIDS")
      lme1 <- lmer(qdiag(NN, distr) ~ Group * Cutoff +
                     (Cutoff +  Group:Cutoff | Study),
                   weights = w, ...)
    else if (model == "DIDS")
      lme1 <- lmer(qdiag(NN, distr) ~ Group * Cutoff +
                     (Group * Cutoff | Study),
                   weights = w, ...)
  slme1 <- summary(lme1)
  ## Common effects
  cf <- coef(slme1)
  vc <- vcov(slme1)
  ## Random effects: variance-covariance matrix
  V <- cov(slme1$varcor$Study)
  ## Extract regression coefficients:
  ## - alpha0, beta0 (non-diseased)
  ## - alpha1 and beta1 (diseased)
  alpha0 <- cf[1, 1]
  alpha1 <- alpha0 + cf[2, 1]
  beta0 <- cf[3, 1]
  var.alpha0 <- vc[1, 1]
  var.alpha1 <- var.alpha0 + vc[2, 2] + 2 * vc[1, 2]
  var.beta0 <- vc[3, 3]
  cov.alpha0.beta0 <- vc[1, 3]
  cov.alpha0.alpha1 <- var.alpha0 + vc[1, 2]
  if (equalvar) {
    beta1 <- beta0
    var.beta1 <- var.beta0
    cov.alpha0.beta1 <- cov.alpha0.beta0
    cov.alpha1.beta0 <- cov.alpha0.beta0 + vc[2, 3]
    cov.alpha1.beta1 <- cov.alpha1.beta0
    cov.beta0.beta1 <- var.beta0
  else {
    beta1 <- beta0 + cf[4, 1]
    var.beta1 <- var.beta0 + vc[4, 4] + 2 * vc[3, 4]
    cov.alpha0.beta1 <- cov.alpha0.beta0 + vc[1, 4]
    cov.alpha1.beta0 <- cov.alpha0.beta0 + vc[2, 3]
    cov.alpha1.beta1 <- cov.alpha0.beta1 + vc[2, 3] + vc[2, 4]
    cov.beta0.beta1 <- var.beta0 + vc[3, 4]
  ## Correlation between increasing cutoffs and sensitivity must be positive
  if (beta0 <= 0 | beta1 <= 0)
    stop("Regression yields a negative correlation between ",
         "increasing cutoffs and sensitivity. This may happen, for example, ",
         "if disease is associated with smaller (not larger) values. ",
         "In this case, all values have to be multiplied with -1. ",
         "Another possible explanation is large between-study heterogeneity, ",
         "or many studies with only one cutoff.")
  ## (7) Compute parameters of the biomarker distributions and their
  ##     variances
  mean0 <- - alpha0 / beta0  # Mean disease-free
  mean1 <- - alpha1 / beta1  # Mean diseased
  sd0 <- 1 / beta0           # Standard deviation disease-free
  sd1 <- 1 / beta1           # Standard deviation diseased
  var.mean0 <- (alpha0^2) / (beta0^4) * var.beta0 + var.alpha0 /
    (beta0^2) - 2 * alpha0 / (beta0^3) * cov.alpha0.beta0
  var.mean1 <- (alpha1^2) / (beta1^4) * var.beta1 + var.alpha1 /
    (beta1^2) - 2 * alpha1 / (beta1^3) * cov.alpha1.beta1
  var.sd0 <- var.beta0 / (beta0^4)
  var.sd1 <- var.beta1 / (beta1^4)
  if (mean1 < mean0)
    stop("Estimated distribution of diseased patients is left of ",
         "non-diseased ones. Check if higher values for biomarker ",
         "really indicate illness.")
  ## (8) Distributions
  if (is.logistic) {
    ## Cutoffs of two logistics, weighted with lambda and 1 - lambda
    wmean <- (1 - lambda) * mean0 + lambda * mean1
    if ((1 - lambda) * sd1 != lambda * sd0) {
      x0 <- wmean
      iterateResult <- saveIterate(x0, n.iter.max, tol, silent)
      iter <- iterateResult$iter
      optcut <- iterateResult$x
      optcut <- wmean
    var.optcut <- NA
  else if (is.normal) {
    ## Cutoffs of two normals, weighted with lambda and 1 - lambda
    turn <- (mean0 * sd1^2 - mean1 * sd0^2) / (sd1^2 - sd0^2)
    rad <- sqrt(sd0^2 * sd1^2 * (2 * (sd1^2 - sd0^2) *
                                 (log(sd1) - log(sd0) - qlogis(lambda)) +
                                 (mean1 - mean0)^2) / (sd1^2 - sd0^2)^2)
    x0 <- turn - rad
    x1 <- turn + rad
    if (sd0 < sd1)
      optcut <- x1
    else if (sd0 > sd1)
      optcut <- x0
      optcut <- (-qlogis(lambda) * sd0^2 - 0.5 * (mean0^2 - mean1^2)) /
        (mean1 - mean0)
    if (sd1 != sd0) {
      ## Derivations of optimal cutoff function
      S <- sqrt(2 * (beta0^2 - beta1^2) *
                (log(beta0 / beta1) - qlogis(lambda)) +
                (alpha0 * beta1 - alpha1 * beta0)^2)
      dalpha0 <- (-beta0 + beta1 / S * (alpha0 * beta1 - alpha1 * beta0)) /
        (beta0^2 - beta1^2)
      dalpha1 <- (beta1 - beta0 / S * (alpha0 * beta1 - alpha1 * beta0)) /
        (beta0^2 - beta1^2)
      dbeta0 <- (- alpha0 + 1 / (beta0 * S) * (beta0^2 - beta1^2)) /
        (beta0^2 - beta1^2)+
        (4 * beta0 * (log(beta0 / beta1) - qlogis(lambda)) -
         2 * alpha1 * (alpha0 * beta1 - alpha1 * beta0)) /
        (2 * S * (beta0^2 - beta1^2)) -
        (2 * beta0 * (alpha1 * beta1 - alpha0 * beta0 + S)) /
        ((beta0^2 - beta1^2)^2)
      dbeta1 <- (alpha1 - 1 / (beta1 * S) * (beta0^2 - beta1^2)) /
        (beta0^2 - beta1^2) +
        (-4 * beta1 * (log(beta0 / beta1) - qlogis(lambda)) + 2 * alpha0 *
         (alpha0 * beta1 - alpha1 * beta0)) / (2 * S * (beta0^2 - beta1^2)) +
        (2 * beta1 * (alpha1 * beta1 - alpha0 * beta0 + S)) /
        ((beta0^2 - beta1^2)^2)
      ## Variance estimate of optimal cutoff
      var.optcut <- dalpha0^2 * var.alpha0 + dalpha1^2 * var.alpha1 +
        dbeta0^2 * var.beta0 + dbeta1^2 * var.beta1 +
        2 * dalpha0 * dalpha1 * cov.alpha0.alpha1 +
        2 * dalpha0 * dbeta0 * cov.alpha0.beta0 +
        2 * dalpha0 * dbeta1 * cov.alpha0.beta1 +
        2 * dalpha1 * dbeta0 * cov.alpha1.beta0 +
        2 * dalpha1 * dbeta1 * cov.alpha1.beta1 +
        2 * dbeta0 * dbeta1 * cov.beta0.beta1
    else {
      ## Derivations of optimal cutoff function
      S <- qlogis(lambda) + 0.5 * (alpha1^2 - alpha0^2)
      dalpha0 <- (alpha1 * (alpha1 - alpha0) - S / beta0) /
        ((alpha1 - alpha0)^2)
      dalpha1 <- (-alpha0 * (alpha1 - alpha0) + S / beta0) /
        ((alpha1 - alpha0)^2)
      dbeta0 <- (-S / beta0^2) / (alpha1 - alpha0)
      ## Variance estimate of optimal cutoff
      var.optcut <- dalpha0^2 * var.alpha0 + dalpha1^2 * var.alpha1 +
        dbeta0^2 * var.beta0 +
        2 * dalpha0 * dalpha1 * cov.alpha0.alpha1 +
        2 * dalpha0 * dbeta0 * cov.alpha0.beta0 +
        2 * dalpha1 * dbeta0 * cov.alpha1.beta0
  ci.optcut <- ci(optcut, sqrt(var.optcut), level = level)
  if (log.cutoff) {
    ci.optcut$TE    <- exp(ci.optcut$TE)
    ci.optcut$lower <- exp(ci.optcut$lower)
    ci.optcut$upper <- exp(ci.optcut$upper)
  ## (9) Calculate sensitivity and specificity at optimal cutpoint
  ci.regr1 <- ciRegr(optcut,
                     alpha1, var.alpha1, beta1, var.beta1, cov.alpha1.beta1,
  ci.regr0 <- ciRegr(optcut,
                     alpha0, var.alpha0, beta0, var.beta0, cov.alpha0.beta0,
  ## Calculate sensitivity and specificity at optimal cutpoint
  Se <- calcSens(ci.regr1$TE, distr)
  lower.Se <- calcSens(ci.regr1$upper, distr)  
  upper.Se <- calcSens(ci.regr1$lower, distr)  
  Sp <- calcSpec(ci.regr0$TE, distr)
  lower.Sp <- calcSpec(ci.regr0$lower, distr)  
  upper.Sp <- calcSpec(ci.regr0$upper, distr) 
  ## AUC
  index <- function(a, b, n) a + (b - a) * (1:(n - 1))/n
  t <- index((qdiag(0.000001, distr) - alpha1)/beta1,
  (qdiag(0.999999, distr) - alpha0)/beta0, 1000)
  t0 <- ciRegr(t, alpha0, var.alpha0, beta0, var.beta0,
               cov.alpha0.beta0, var.nondiseased, level)
  t1 <- ciRegr(t, alpha1, var.alpha1, beta1, var.beta1,
               cov.alpha1.beta1,var.diseased, level)
  Sens <- calcSens(t1$TE, distr)
  ## Note: ciRegr refers to qdiag(1 - Sens), therefore CI limits must
  ##       be exchanged to achieve upperSens > Sens > lowerSens
  upperSens <- calcSens(t1$lower, distr)
  lowerSens <- calcSens(t1$upper, distr)
  ## calcSpec calculates spec, given a cutoff (lowerSpec < Spec <
  ## upperSpec)
  Spec <- calcSpec(t0$TE, distr)
  lowerSpec <- calcSpec(t0$lower, distr)
  upperSpec <- calcSpec(t0$upper, distr)
  AUCSens <- trapz(Spec, Sens) / diff(range(Spec, na.rm = TRUE))
  AUCSens.lower <- trapz(Spec, lowerSens) / diff(range(Spec, na.rm = TRUE))
  AUCSens.upper <- trapz(Spec, upperSens) / diff(range(Spec, na.rm = TRUE))
  AUCSpec <- -trapz(Sens, Spec) / diff(range(Sens, na.rm = TRUE))
  AUCSpec.lower <- -trapz(Sens, lowerSpec) / diff(range(Sens, na.rm = TRUE))
  AUCSpec.upper <- -trapz(Sens, upperSpec) / diff(range(Sens, na.rm = TRUE))
  ## ciRegr calculates confidence intervals for qdiag(spec) and
  ## qdiag(1 - sens)
  Cov.common <- rbind(c(var.alpha0, cov.alpha0.alpha1,
                        cov.alpha0.beta0, cov.alpha0.beta1),
                      c(cov.alpha0.alpha1, var.alpha1,
                        cov.alpha1.beta0, cov.alpha1.beta1),
                      c(cov.alpha0.beta0, cov.alpha1.beta0,
                        var.beta0, cov.beta0.beta1),
                      c(cov.alpha0.beta1, cov.alpha1.beta1,
                        cov.beta0.beta1,  var.beta1))
  rownames(Cov.common) <- colnames(Cov.common) <-
    c("alpha0", "alpha1", "beta0", "beta1")
  ## (10) List with results
  res <- list(studlab = studlab,
              TP = TP, FP = FP, TN = TN, FN = FN,
              cutoff = cutoff,
              Sens = 1 - (FN + incr) / (N1 + 2 * incr),
              Spec = (TN + incr) / (N0 + 2 * incr),
              distr = distr, model = model, equalvar = equalvar,
              lambda = lambda,
              level = level, log.cutoff = log.cutoff,
              incr = incr, method.weights = method.weights,
              k = k,
              optcut = ci.optcut$TE,
              lower.optcut = ci.optcut$lower,
              upper.optcut = ci.optcut$upper,
              Sens.optcut = Se,
              lower.Sens.optcut = lower.Se,
              upper.Sens.optcut = upper.Se,
              Spec.optcut = Sp,
              lower.Spec.optcut = lower.Sp,
              upper.Spec.optcut = upper.Sp,
              AUC = AUCSens,
              AUCSens =  AUCSens,
              AUCSens.lower = AUCSens.lower,
              AUCSens.upper = AUCSens.upper,
              AUCSpec =  AUCSpec,
              AUCSpec.lower = AUCSpec.lower,
              AUCSpec.upper = AUCSpec.upper,
              var.diseased = var.diseased,
              var.nondiseased = var.nondiseased,
              AIC = AIC(logLik(lme1)),
              BIC = BIC(lme1),
              data.lmer = list(Study = Study, Group = Group, Cutoff = Cutoff,
                               N = N, Negative = c(TN, FN), NN = NN),
              result.lmer = lme1,
              weights = w,
              regr = list(alpha0 = alpha0, var.alpha0 = var.alpha0,
                          beta0 = beta0, var.beta0 = var.beta0,
                          cov.alpha0.beta0 = cov.alpha0.beta0,
                          alpha1 = alpha1, var.alpha1 = var.alpha1,
                          beta1 = beta1, var.beta1 = var.beta1,
                          cov.alpha1.beta1 = cov.alpha1.beta1,
                          cov.alpha0.alpha1 = cov.alpha0.alpha1,
                          cov.alpha0.beta1 = cov.alpha0.beta1,
                          cov.alpha1.beta0 = cov.alpha1.beta0,
                          cov.beta0.beta1 = cov.beta0.beta1),
              dist = list(mean0 = mean0, var.mean0 = var.mean0,
                          sd0 = sd0, var.sd0 = var.sd0,
                          mean1 = mean1, var.mean1 = var.mean1,
                          sd1 = sd1, var.sd1 = var.sd1),
              Cov.common = Cov.common,
              n.iter.max = n.iter.max, tol = tol, iter = iter,
              call = match.call(),
              version = packageDescription("diagmeta")$Version
  ## Backward compatibility
  res$Cov.fixed <- res$Cov.common
  class(res) <- "diagmeta"

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