
Defines functions mult_sparse mult_wrap sparse_model_matrix did2s_sparse

# Make a sparse_model_matrix for fixest estimate. This only keeps the variables that are not removed from `fixest::feols`
did2s_sparse = function(data, fixest, weights_vector) {
	mat_list = sparse_model_matrix(data, fixest, weights_vector)

	# Coefficients
	if(!is.null(mat_list$mat_RHS)) {
		Z = mat_list$mat_RHS

		select = names(fixest$coefficients)
		cols = colnames(Z)

		# Fix i() names
		i_idx = grep("^i\\(", cols)
		cols[i_idx] = sub("^.*__CLEAN__", "", cols[i_idx])

		# Subset mat_RHS
		idx = which(select %in% cols)
		Z = Z[,idx]

		# If idx is a singular, Z becomes a vector
		if(inherits(Z, "numeric")) Z = Matrix::Matrix(Z, sparse=T)

	# Fixed Effects
	if("fixef_id" %in% names(fixest)) {

		Z_fixef = mat_list$mat_FE

		temp = fixest::fixef(fixest)
		select =	lapply(names(temp), function(var){
			names = names(temp[[var]])
			names = names[temp[[var]] != 0]

			paste0(var, "::", names)

		# Subset mat_FE
		idx = which(unlist(select) %in% colnames(Z_fixef))
		Z = cbind(Z, Z_fixef[, idx])


#### Sparse model.matrix ####
#### Written by Laurent Berge

# x: fixest estimation
sparse_model_matrix = function(data, x, weights_vector){

	# Linear formula
	fml_lin = stats::formula(x, "lin")

	# Step 1: Linear matrix

	vars = attr(stats::terms(fml_lin), "term.labels")

	if(length(vars) == 0){
		# Case only FEs
		mat = NULL
	} else {

		# Since we don't want to evaluate the factors,
		# the code is a bit intricate because we have to catch them before
		# any interaction takes place
		# that's why I wrap interactions in a function (mult_sparse())

		# Below, we evaluate all the variables in a "sparse" way

		vars_calls = lapply(vars, mult_wrap)

		n = length(vars)
		variables_list = vector("list", n)
		for(i in 1:n){
			variables_list[[i]] = eval(vars_calls[[i]], data)

		# To create the sparse matrix, we need the indexes

		total_cols = 0
		running_cols = c(0)
		for(i in 1:n){
			xi = variables_list[[i]]
			if(inherits(xi, "sparse_var")){
				total_cols = total_cols + xi$n_cols
			} else {
				total_cols = total_cols + NCOL(xi)
			running_cols[i + 1] = total_cols

		# We just create a sparse matrix and fill it

		# 1) creating the indexes + names

		# NOTA: I use lists to avoid creating copies
		rowid = 1:nrow(data)
		id_all = values_all = names_all = vector("list", n)
		for(i in 1:n){
			xi = variables_list[[i]]
			if(inherits(xi, "sparse_var")){
				id_all[[i]] = cbind(xi$rowid, running_cols[i] + xi$colid)
				values_all[[i]] = xi$values
				names_all[[i]] = paste0(vars[[i]], "::", xi$col_names)
			} else if(NCOL(xi) == 1){
				id_all[[i]] = cbind(rowid, running_cols[i] + 1)
				values_all[[i]] = xi
				names_all[[i]] = vars[[i]]
			} else {
				colid = rep(1:NCOL(xi), each = nrow(data))
				id_all[[i]] = cbind(rep(rowid, NCOL(xi)), running_cols[i] + colid)
				values_all[[i]] = as.vector(xi)
					names_all[[i]] = paste0(vars[[i]], colnames(xi))
				} else {
					names_all[[i]] = paste0(vars[[i]], 1:NCOL(xi))

		id_mat = do.call(rbind, id_all)
		values_vec = unlist(values_all)
		names_vec = unlist(names_all)

		# 2) filling the matrix: one shot, no copies

		mat = Matrix::Matrix(0, nrow(data), total_cols, dimnames = list(NULL, names_vec))
		mat[id_mat] = values_vec

	# Step 2: the fixed-effects

	if(length(x$fixef_id) == 0){
		mat_FE = NULL
	} else {
		# Same process, but easier
		x_full = stats::update(x, .~1, data = data)
		rowid = 1:nrow(data)
		total_cols = sum(x_full$fixef_sizes)
		running_cols = c(0, x_full$fixef_sizes)
		n_FE = length(x_full$fixef_sizes)
		id_all = names_all = vector("list", n_FE)

		for(i in 1:n_FE){
			xi = x_full$fixef_id[[i]]
			id_all[[i]] = cbind(rowid, running_cols[i] + xi)
			names_all[[i]] = paste0(names(x_full$fixef_id)[i], "::", attr(xi, "fixef_names"))

		id_mat = do.call(rbind, id_all)
		names_vec = unlist(names_all)

		mat_FE = Matrix::Matrix(0, nrow(data), total_cols, dimnames = list(NULL, names_vec))
		mat_FE[id_mat] = 1


	res = list(mat_RHS = mat, mat_FE = mat_FE)


# Internal: modifies the calls so that each variable/interaction is evaluated with mult_sparse
mult_wrap = function(x){
	# x: character string of a variable to be evaluated
	# ex: "x1" => mult_sparse(x1)
	#     "x1:factor(x2):x3" => mult_sparse(x3, factor(x2), x1)
	# We also add the argument sparse to i()
	#     "x1:i(species, TRUE)" => mult_sparse(x1, i(species, TRUE, sparse = TRUE))

	x_call = str2lang(x)

	res = (~ mult_sparse())[[2]]

	if(length(x_call) == 1 || x_call[[1]] != ":"){
		res[[2]] = x_call

	} else {
		res[[2]] = x_call[[3]]
		tmp = x_call[[2]]

		while(length(tmp) == 3 && tmp[[1]] == ":"){
			res[[length(res) + 1]] = tmp[[3]]
			tmp = tmp[[2]]

		res[[length(res) + 1]] = tmp

	# We also add sparse to i() if found
	for(i in 2:length(res)){
		ri = res[[i]]
		if(length(ri) > 1 && ri[[1]] == "i"){
			ri[["sparse"]] = TRUE
			res[[i]] = ri

	if(length(res) > 2){
		# we restore the original order
		res[-1] = rev(res[-1])


# Internal function to evaluate the variables (and interactions) in a sparse way
mult_sparse = function(...){
	# Only sparsifies factor variables
	# Takes care of interactions

	dots = list(...)
	n = length(dots)

	num_var = NULL
	factor_list = list()
	info_i = NULL
	is_i = is_factor = FALSE
	# You can't have interactions between i and factors, it's either

	for(i in 1:n){
		xi = dots[[i]]
			# We stack the product
			num_var = if(is.null(num_var)) xi else xi * num_var
		} else if(inherits(xi, "i_sparse")){
			is_i = TRUE
			info_i = xi
		} else {
			is_factor = TRUE
			factor_list[[length(factor_list) + 1]] = xi

	# numeric
	if(!is_i && !is_factor){
	# factor()
		factor_list$add_items = TRUE
		factor_list$items.list = TRUE

		fact_as_int = do.call(to_integer, factor_list)

		values = if(is.null(num_var)) rep(1, length(fact_as_int$x)) else num_var

		rowid = seq_along(values)
		res = list(rowid = rowid, colid = fact_as_int$x, values = values,
				   col_names = fact_as_int$items, n_cols = length(fact_as_int$items))
	# i()
	} else {

		values = info_i$values
			num_var = num_var[info_i$rowid]
			values = values * num_var

		res = list(rowid = info_i$rowid, colid = info_i$colid,
				   values = values[info_i$rowid],
				   col_names = info_i$col_names,
				   n_cols = length(info_i$col_names))

	class(res) = "sparse_var"


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