
Defines functions boot.modreg

Documented in boot.modreg

boot.modreg <-
function(reg, nboot, level = 0.95, newdata = NULL, bw = c("variable", "fixed"), quiet = FALSE, terms = NULL, seed = NULL){

  if(!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
  bw <- match.arg(bw)
  if(!inherits(reg, "modreg"))stop('The reg argument needs to be of class modreg.')
  if(!length(reg$reg)>1 | any(is.na(reg$reg)))stop('Incomplete reg object')
  if(!is.numeric(nboot) | length(nboot)>1 || nboot%%1!=0)stop("The nboot argument must be a whole number")
  if(!all(is.numeric(level)) | any(level>1 | level<0) )stop("level(s) must be numeric and in between 0 and 1.")
  #check if the data in the newdata is consistent with the formula, necessary oder macht das die  predict Funktion?
  if(!is.null(newdata) & any(!all.vars(rhs(reg$reg$formula)) %in% names(newdata)))stop("All variables that appear in the formula of the modreg object must be present in the data of the newdata argument.")
    if(!is.character(terms)) stop("terms has to be a character scalar") 
    if(length(terms) != 1) stop("currently only one term is allowed") 
  response <- reg$reg$y
  pr <- predict(reg$reg)
  residuals <- response - pr
  n <- length(response)
  #dat <- reg$reg$model
  dat <- reg$called$data
  na <- 0
  # Beobachtungen erhalten neue IPC Gewichte basierend auf alten Daten
  delta <- rep(1, n)
  delta[reg$KMweights == 0] <- 0
  km <- survfit(Surv(response, 1 - delta) ~ 1,  type="kaplan-meier")
  kmsurv <- km$surv
  # damit wir nicht durch 0 teilen
  if(kmsurv[length(kmsurv)] == 0) kmsurv[length(kmsurv)] <- kmsurv[length(kmsurv) - 1]
    newdata <- dat
  formula <- reg$reg$formula
  rname <- as.character(formula.tools::lhs(formula))
  if(!(rname %in% names(dat))) stop("response name not found")
  param_boot <- predict_boot <- numeric()
  out <- list()
  # Takes all assigned variables and puts them in a list, which is passed on to the to_loop function
  #args = sapply(ls(), function(x)eval(parse(text = x)))
  bootdat <- dat
  for(i in 1:nboot){
    if(!quiet) message(paste("replication", i, "of", nboot))

    bootdat[, rname] <- pr + sample(residuals, n, replace = TRUE, prob = reg$KMweights)
    ind <- findInterval(bootdat[, 1], km$time)
    Wsurv <- ifelse(ind == 0, 1, kmsurv[ind])
    KMweights <- delta / Wsurv
    KMweights <- KMweights / sum(KMweights) * sum(reg$KMweights)
    argus <- reg$called
    argus$data <- bootdat
    argus$lambda <- reg$lambda
    if(bw == "fixed"){
      argus$bw <- reg$bw
    argus$KMweights <- KMweights
    fit <- do.call(modreg, argus)

    if(length(fit$reg) == 1 && is.na(fit$reg)){
      param_boot <- rbind(param_boot, rep(NA, length(summary(reg$reg)$p.coeff)))
      na <- na + 1
      predict_boot <- cbind(predict_boot, rep(NA, n))
    } else{
      param_boot <- rbind(param_boot, summary(fit$reg)$p.coeff)
        predict_boot <- cbind(predict_boot, predict(fit$reg, newdata = newdata, type = "terms", terms = terms))
      } else{
        predict_boot <- cbind(predict_boot, predict(fit$reg, newdata = newdata, type = "link"))

  se <- apply(param_boot,2, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
  confparam <- rbind(summary(reg$reg)$p.coeff - se * qnorm((1 + level) / 2), summary(reg$reg)$p.coeff + se * qnorm((1 + level) / 2))
  se_confpr <- apply(predict_boot,1, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
    pre <- predict(reg$reg, newdata = newdata, type = "terms", terms = terms)
  } else{
    pre <- predict(reg$reg, newdata = newdata, type = "link", terms = terms)
  confpredict <- cbind(pre - se_confpr * qnorm((1 + level) / 2), pre + se_confpr * qnorm((1 + level) / 2))
  out$confparams <- data.frame(SE = se, lower = confparam[1, ], upper = confparam[2, ])
  out$confpredict <- data.frame(lower = confpredict[, 1], upper = confpredict[, 2]) 
  out$level <- level
  out$na <- na
  out$seed <- seed

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