
Defines functions disclapmix

Documented in disclapmix

#' Discrete Laplace mixture inference using the EM algorithm
#' \code{disclapmix} makes inference in a mixture of Discrete Laplace
#' distributions using the EM algorithm. After the EM algorithm has converged,
#' the centers are moved if the marginal likelihood increases by doing so. And
#' then the EM algorithm is run again. This continues until the centers are not
#' moved.
#' \code{glm_method}: \code{internal_coef} is the fastest as it uses the
#' relative changes in the coefficients as a stopping criterium, hence it does
#' not need to compute the deviance until the very end. In normal situations,
#' it would not be a problem to use this method. \code{internal_dev} is the
#' reasonably fast method that uses the deviance as a stopping criterium (like
#' \code{glm.fit}). \code{glm.fit} to use the traditional \code{glm.fit} IWLS
#' implementation and is slow compared to the other two methods.
#' \code{init_y_method}: For \code{init_y_method = 'clara'}, the sampling
#' parameters are: \code{samples = 100}, \code{sampsize =
#' min(ceiling(nrow(x)/2), 100 + 2*clusters)} and the random number generator
#' in R is used.
#' @aliases disclapmixfit
#' @param x Dataset.
#' @param clusters The number of clusters/components to fit the model for.
#' @param init_y Initial central haplotypes, if NULL, these will be estimated
#' as described under the \code{init_y_method} argument.
#' @param iterations Maximum number of iterations in the EM-algorithm.
#' @param eps Convergence stop criteria in the EM algorithm which is compared
#' to \eqn{\frac{\max \{ v_{new} - v_{old} \}}{\max \{ v_{old} \}}}{| max
#' (v\_new - v\_old) | / max(v\_old)}, where \code{v} is a matrix of each
#' observation's probability of belonging to a certain center.
#' @param verbose from 0 to 2 (both including): 0 for silent, 2 for extra
#' verbose.
#' @param glm_method \code{internal_coef}, \code{internal_dev} or
#' \code{glm.fit}. Please see details.
#' @param glm_control_maxit Integer giving the maximal number of IWLS
#' iterations.
#' @param glm_control_eps Positive convergence tolerance epsilon; the
#' iterations converge when \code{|x - x_{old}|/(|x| + 0.1) < epsilon}, where
#' \code{x = beta_correction} for \code{internal_coef} and \code{x = deviance}
#' otherwise.
#' @param init_y_method Which cluster method to use for finding initial central
#' haplotypes, y: \code{pam} (recommended) or \code{clara}. Ignored if
#' \code{init_y} is supplied.
#' @param init_v Matrix with `nrow(x)` rows and `clusters` columns specifying 
#' initial posterior probabilities to get EM started, if
#' none specified, then `matrix(1/clusters, nrow = nrow(x), ncol = clusters)` is used.
#' @param ret_x Return data `x`
#' @param ... Used to detect obsolete usage (when using parameters
#' \code{centers}, \code{use.parallel}, \code{calculate.logLs} or
#' \code{plots.prefix}).
#' @return A \code{\link{disclapmixfit}} object: \describe{
#' \item{list("glm_method")}{The supplied GLM method.}
#' \item{list("init_y")}{The supplied initial central haplotypes,
#' \code{init_y}.} 
#' \item{list("init_y_method")}{The supplied method for
#' choosing initial central haplotypes (only used if \code{init_y} is
#' \code{NULL}).}
#' \item{list("converged")}{Whether the estimation converged or not.}
#' \item{list("x")}{Dataset used to fit the model if `ret_x` is `TRUE`, else `NULL`.} 
#' \item{list("y")}{The
#' central haplotypes, \code{y}.} \item{list("tau")}{The prior probabilities of
#' belonging to a cluster, \code{tau}.} \item{list("v_matrix")}{The matrix
#' \code{v} of each observation's probability of belonging to a certain
#' cluster. The rows are in the same order as the observations in \code{x} used
#' to generate this fit.} \item{list("disclap_parameters")}{A matrix with the
#' estimated dicrete Laplace parameters.} \item{list("glm_coef")}{The
#' coefficients from the last GLM fit (used to calculate
#' \code{disclap_parameters}).}
#' \item{list("model_observations")}{Number of observations.}
#' \item{list("model_parameters")}{Number of parameters in the model.}
#' \item{list("iterations")}{Number of iterations performed in total (including
#' moving centers and re-estimating using the EM algorithm).}
#' \item{list("logL_full")}{Full log likelihood of the final model.}
#' \item{list("logL_marginal")}{Marginal log likelihood of the final model.}
#' \item{list("BIC_full")}{BIC based on the full log likelihood of the final
#' model.} 
#' \item{list("BIC_marginal")}{BIC based on the marginal log likelihood
#' of the final model.}
#' \item{list("v_gain_iterations")}{The gain \eqn{\frac{\max \{ v_{new} -
#' v_{old} \}}{\max \{ v_{old} \}}}{| max (v\_new - v\_old) | / max(v\_old)},
#' where \code{v} is \code{vic_matrix} mentioned above, during the iterations.}
#' \item{list("tau_iterations")}{The prior probability of belonging to the
#' centers during the iterations.}
# \item{\code{changed_center}}{A vector with the iteration numbers where the
# centers have changed.} \item{list("centers_iterations")}{The centers before
# the changes in \code{changed_center}.}
#' \item{list("logL_full_iterations")}{Full log likelihood of the models during
#' the iterations (only calculated when \code{verbose = 2L}).}
#' \item{list("logL_marginal_iterations")}{Marginal log likelihood of the
#' models during the iterations (only calculated when \code{verbose = 2L}).}
#' \item{list("BIC_full_iterations")}{BIC based on full log likelihood of the
#' models during the iterations (only calculated when \code{verbose = 2L}).}
#' \item{list("BIC_marginal_iterations")}{BIC based on marginal log likelihood
#' of the models during the iterations (only calculated when \code{verbose =
#' 2L}).} }
#' @seealso \code{\link{disclapmix-package}} \code{\link{disclapmix}}
#' \code{\link{disclapmixfit}} \code{\link{predict.disclapmixfit}}
#' \code{\link{print.disclapmixfit}} \code{\link{summary.disclapmixfit}}
#' \code{\link{simulate.disclapmixfit}} %\code{\link{haplotype_diversity}}
#' \code{\link{clusterdist}} \code{\link{clusterprob}} \code{\link{glm.fit}}
#' \code{\link[disclap]{disclap}} \code{\link[cluster]{pam}}
#' \code{\link[cluster]{clara}}
#' @keywords disclapmix clusters eps
#' @examples
#' # Generate sample database
#' db <- matrix(disclap::rdisclap(1000, 0.3), nrow = 250, ncol = 4)
#' # Add location parameters
#' db <- sapply(1:ncol(db), function(i) as.integer(db[, i]+13+i))
#' head(db)
#' fit1 <- disclapmix(db, clusters = 1L, verbose = 1L, glm_method = "glm.fit")
#' fit1$disclap_parameters
#' fit1$y
#' fit1b <- disclapmix(db, clusters = 1L, verbose = 1L, glm_method = "internal_coef")
#' fit1b$disclap_parameters
#' fit1b$y
#' max(abs(fit1$disclap_parameters - fit1b$disclap_parameters))
#' # Generate another type of database
#' db2 <- matrix(disclap::rdisclap(2000, 0.1), nrow = 500, ncol = 4)
#' db2 <- sapply(1:ncol(db2), function(i) as.integer(db2[, i]+14+i))
#' fit2 <- disclapmix(rbind(db, db2), clusters = 2L, verbose = 1L)
#' fit2$disclap_parameters
#' fit2$y
#' fit2$tau
#' @export
disclapmix <- function(x, clusters, 
                       init_y = NULL, 
                       iterations = 100L, eps = 0.001, verbose = 0L, 
                       glm_method = "internal_coef", 
                       glm_control_maxit = 50L, 
                       glm_control_eps = 1e-6, 
                       init_y_method = "pam", 
                       init_v = NULL, 
                       ret_x = FALSE,
                       ...) {
  dots <- list(...)
  if ("centers" %in% names(dots)) {
    stop("centers argument has been deprecated, please refer to the manual. You can use your prefered parallelisation strategy.")
  if ("use.parallel" %in% names(dots)) {
    stop("use.parallel argument has been deprecated, please refer to the manual. You can use your prefered parallelisation strategy.")
  if ("calculate.logLs" %in% names(dots)) {
    stop("calculate.logLs argument has been deprecated, please refer to the manual. You can use verbose = 2L to get the log likelihoods during the iterations.")
  if ("plots.prefix" %in% names(dots)) {
    stop("plots.prefix argument has been deprecated, please refer to the manual.")
  if (is.null(clusters) || length(clusters) != 1L) {
    stop("clusters must be a number, not a vector of numbers")
  if (!is.integer(clusters)) {
    stop("clusters must be an integer, e.g. 1L, 5L or similar (note the required L suffix)")
  if (clusters < 1L) {
    stop("clusters must be at least 1L")
  if (is.null(verbose) || !is.integer(verbose) || length(verbose) != 1 || verbose < 0L | verbose > 2L) {
    stop("verbose must be an integer between 0L and 2L (inclusive, note the required L suffix)")
  if (is.null(iterations) || length(iterations) != 1 || !is.integer(iterations) || iterations < 0L) {
    stop("iterations must be an integer strictly greater than 0L (note the required L suffix)")
  if (is.null(glm_method) | !is.character(glm_method) | length(glm_method) != 1L | (glm_method != "glm.fit" & glm_method != "internal_dev" & glm_method != "internal_coef")) {
    stop("For now, only 'glm.fit', 'internal_dev' and 'internal_coef' are supported for glm_method.")
  if (is.null(glm_control_maxit) || length(glm_control_maxit) != 1L) {
    stop("glm_control_maxit must be a number, not a vector of numbers")
  if (!is.integer(glm_control_maxit)) {
    stop("glm_control_maxit must be an integer, e.g. 25L or similar (note the required L suffix)")
  if (glm_control_maxit < 1L) {
    stop("glm_control_maxit must be at least 1L")
  if (is.null(glm_control_eps) || length(glm_control_eps) != 1L) {
    stop("glm_control_eps must be a number, not a vector of numbers")
  if (!is.numeric(glm_control_eps)) {
    stop("glm_control_eps must be a number, e.g. 1e-4 or similar")
  if (glm_control_eps <= 0) {
    stop("glm_control_eps must be greater than 0")
  if (is.null(init_y) && (
        is.null(init_y_method) || !is.character(init_y_method) || length(init_y_method) != 1L || (init_y_method != "pam" && init_y_method != "clara")
     )) {
    stop("The specified init_y_method is not valid, please refer to the documentation.")
  if (!is.null(init_y) && !is.null(init_y_method)) {
    warning(paste("A init_y_method specified, '", init_y_method, "', will be ignored as init_y is supplied.", sep = ""))
    init_y_method <- NULL

  #if (glm_method == "glm.fit" && clusters == 1L && ncol(x) == 1L) {
  #  warning("Only one cluster and one locus, using the internal_dev method.")
  #  glm_method <- "internal_dev"
  if (verbose >= 1L) {
    cat(as.character(Sys.time()), ": Starting estimation for ", clusters, " clusters.\n", sep = "")
  y <- NULL
  # y
  if (!is.null(init_y)) {
    check_y(init_y, clusters = clusters, loci = ncol(x))
    y <- init_y

    if (verbose >= 1L) {
      cat(as.character(Sys.time()), ": Using supplied y as the initial central haplotypes.\n", sep = "")
  } else {
    if (verbose >= 1L) {
      cat(as.character(Sys.time()), ": Estimating initial central haplotypes, y, using ", init_y_method, ".\n", sep = "")
    y <- create_initial_y(x, clusters = clusters, init_y_method = init_y_method)
    if (verbose >= 1L) {
      cat(as.character(Sys.time()), ": Initial central haplotypes, y, estimated.\n", sep = "")

  if (verbose >= 1L) {
    if (glm_method == "internal_dev" || glm_method == "internal_coef") {
      cat(as.character(Sys.time()), ": No need to generate model matrix when using ", glm_method, ".\n", sep = "")
    } else {
      cat(as.character(Sys.time()), ": Starting to generate model matrix.\n", sep = "")
  model.matrix.function <- model.matrix
  #if (glm_method == "OLD_internal" || glm_method == "internal") {
  #  model.matrix.function <- sparse.model.matrix
  model_matrix <- NULL
  if (!(glm_method == "internal_dev" || glm_method == "internal_coef")) {
    model_matrix <- create_model_matrix(x, clusters, model.matrix.function)
    if (verbose >= 1L) {
      cat(as.character(Sys.time()), ": Model matrix generated.\n", sep = "")
  if (verbose >= 1L) {
    cat(as.character(Sys.time()), ": Starting to generate initial response vector.\n", sep = "")
  response_vector <- create_response_vector(x, y)
  if (verbose >= 1L) {
    cat(as.character(Sys.time()), ": Initial response vector done.\n", sep = "")
  vic_matrix <- matrix(1/clusters, nrow = nrow(x), ncol = nrow(y))
  if (!is.null(init_v)) {
    if (nrow(init_v) != nrow(x)) {
      stop("nrow(init_v) != nrow(x)")
    } else if (ncol(init_v) != nrow(y)) {
      stop("ncol(init_v) != nrow(y)")
    } else if (any(init_v < 0)) {
      stop("any(init_v < 0)")
    } else if (any(init_v > 1)) {
      stop("any(init_v > 1)")
    init_v_sum <- apply(init_v, 1, sum)
    if (any(abs(init_v_sum - 1) > 1e-6)) {
      stop("any(abs(init_v_sum - 1) > 1e-6)")
    if (verbose >= 1L) {
      cat(as.character(Sys.time()), ": Using user-specified init_v matrix.\n", sep = "")
    vic_matrix <- init_v
  #vic_matrix <- matrix(runif(nrow(x)*nrow(y), 0.2, 0.8), nrow = nrow(x), ncol = nrow(y))
  #vic_matrix <- vic_matrix / rowSums(vic_matrix)
  weight_vector <- rcpp_create_new_weight_vector(vic_matrix, ncol(y))
  tau_vector <- rep(1/clusters, clusters)

  if (verbose >= 1L) {
    cat(as.character(Sys.time()), ": Model matrix and initial vectors has been generated.\n", sep = "")
  disclap_parameters <- NULL
  fit <- NULL

  iterations_total <- 0L
  logL_full_iterations <- NULL
  logL_marginal_iterations <- NULL
  AIC_full_iterations <- NULL
  AIC_marginal_iterations <- NULL
  AICc_full_iterations <- NULL
  AICc_marginal_iterations <- NULL
  BIC_full_iterations <- NULL
  BIC_marginal_iterations <- NULL
  covmat <- NULL
  v_gain_iterations <- NULL
  tau_iterations <- tau_vector
  changed_center <- NULL
  centers_iterations <- list()

  converged <- FALSE

  if (verbose >= 1L) {
    cat(as.character(Sys.time()), ": Starting the EM algorithm using ", glm_method, " IRLS method.\n", sep = "")
  if (clusters == 1L) {
    # Only one cluster, only one iteration in the EM algorithm is 
    # necessary (the weights are all 1 and no reestimation is needed)
    iterations <- 1L
    converged <- TRUE
  if (is.null(colnames(x))) {
    colnames(x) <- paste0("locus", 1L:ncol(x))
  repeat {   
    last_v_max <- 0
    last_logL_full <- -Inf
    last_logL_marginal <- -Inf 

    # EM
    for (iter in 1L:iterations) {
      iterations_total <- iterations_total + 1L
      # M-step 
      fit <- NULL
      beta_start <- NULL
      if (iter == 1L && nrow(y) > 1L) {
        beta_start <- c(rep(-1, nrow(y)), rep(0.5, ncol(x)-1))
      disclap_parameters <- NULL
      if (glm_method == "glm.fit") {
        fit <- glm.fit(y = response_vector, x = model_matrix, 
          intercept = FALSE, weights = weight_vector, family = DiscreteLaplace(),
          start = beta_start,
          control = glm.control(trace = (verbose >= 2L), epsilon = glm_control_eps, maxit = glm_control_maxit))
        disclap_parameters <- convert_coef_to_disclap_parameters(fit$coefficients, clusters)
        covmat <- solve(t(model_matrix) %*% diag(fit$weights) %*% model_matrix) # assumens dispersion is 1 # Intercept is missing
        #covmat <- chol2inv(fit$qr$qr) 
        covmat_nms <- c(paste0("cluster", 1L:clusters), colnames(x)[-1L])
        #colnames(covmat) <- rownames(covmat) <- covmat_nms
      } else if (glm_method == "internal_dev") {
        fit <- INTERNAL_glmfit(loci = ncol(x), clusters = clusters, individuals = nrow(x), 
          response_vector = response_vector, apriori_probs = tau_vector, weight_vector = weight_vector, vmat = vic_matrix, 
          verbose = (verbose >= 2L), stop_by_deviance = TRUE, epsilon = glm_control_eps, maxit = glm_control_maxit) 
        disclap_parameters <- convert_coef_to_disclap_parameters_internal(fit$coefficients, clusters)
        colnames(disclap_parameters) <- colnames(x)
        covmat <- fit$P # assumens dispersion is 1        
        covmat_nms <- c(colnames(x), paste0("cluster", 1L:clusters))
        colnames(covmat) <- rownames(covmat) <- covmat_nms

      } else if (glm_method == "internal_coef") {
        fit <- INTERNAL_glmfit(loci = ncol(x), clusters = clusters, individuals = nrow(x), 
          response_vector = response_vector, apriori_probs = tau_vector, weight_vector = weight_vector, vmat = vic_matrix, 
          verbose = (verbose >= 2L), stop_by_deviance = FALSE, epsilon = glm_control_eps, maxit = glm_control_maxit) 
        disclap_parameters <- convert_coef_to_disclap_parameters_internal(fit$coefficients, clusters)
        colnames(disclap_parameters) <- colnames(x)

        covmat <- fit$P # assumens dispersion is 1
        covmat_nms <- c(colnames(x), paste0("cluster", 1L:clusters))
        colnames(covmat) <- rownames(covmat) <- covmat_nms
      } else {
        stop("Unsupported glm_method chosen")
      rownames(disclap_parameters) <- paste0("cluster", 1L:clusters)


      if (fit$converged == FALSE) {
        msg <- paste(glm_method, " IRLS did not converge in iteration ", iterations_total, sep = "")
      # E-step ########################
      wic <- rcpp_calculate_wic(x, y, disclap_parameters, tau_vector)
      new_vic_matrix <- rcpp_calculate_vic(wic)
      new_tau_vector <- apply(new_vic_matrix, 2, sum) / nrow(x)
      new_weight_vector <- rcpp_create_new_weight_vector(new_vic_matrix, ncol(y))
      tau_iterations <- rbind(tau_iterations, new_tau_vector)
      # v gain ########################
      v_max_diff <- max(abs(new_vic_matrix - vic_matrix))
      v_gain <- v_max_diff / last_v_max
      v_gain_iterations <- c(v_gain_iterations, v_gain)
      # Updating ######################
      vic_matrix <- new_vic_matrix
      tau_vector <- new_tau_vector
      weight_vector <- new_weight_vector
      if (verbose >= 2L) {
        logL_full <- get_loglikelihood_full(fit, clusters, ncol(x), response_vector, weight_vector, tau_norm = tau_vector^(1/ncol(x)))
        logL_marginal <- get_loglikelihood_marginal(x, y, disclap_parameters, tau_vector)
        AIC_full <- get_AIC(logL_full, individuals = nrow(x), clusters = clusters, loci = ncol(x))
        AIC_marginal <- get_AIC(logL_marginal, individuals = nrow(x), clusters = clusters, loci = ncol(x))
        AICc_full <- get_AICc(logL_full, individuals = nrow(x), clusters = clusters, loci = ncol(x))
        AICc_marginal <- get_AICc(logL_marginal, individuals = nrow(x), clusters = clusters, loci = ncol(x))
        BIC_full <- get_BIC(logL_full, individuals = nrow(x), clusters = clusters, loci = ncol(x))
        BIC_marginal <- get_BIC(logL_marginal, individuals = nrow(x), clusters = clusters, loci = ncol(x))

        cat(as.character(Sys.time()), ": logL full     = ", logL_full, "\n", sep = "")
        cat(as.character(Sys.time()), ": logL marginal = ", logL_marginal, "\n", sep = "")
        cat(as.character(Sys.time()), ": AIC full      = ", AIC_full, "\n", sep = "")
        cat(as.character(Sys.time()), ": AIC marginal  = ", AIC_marginal, "\n", sep = "")
        cat(as.character(Sys.time()), ": AICc full     = ", AICc_full, "\n", sep = "")
        cat(as.character(Sys.time()), ": AICc marginal = ", AICc_marginal, "\n", sep = "")
        cat(as.character(Sys.time()), ": BIC full      = ", BIC_full, "\n", sep = "")
        cat(as.character(Sys.time()), ": BIC marginal  = ", BIC_marginal, "\n", sep = "")

        logL_full_iterations <- c(logL_full_iterations, logL_full)
        logL_marginal_iterations <- c(logL_marginal_iterations, logL_marginal)
        AIC_full_iterations <- c(AIC_full_iterations, AIC_full)
        AIC_marginal_iterations <- c(AIC_marginal_iterations, AIC_marginal)
        AICc_full_iterations <- c(AICc_full_iterations, AICc_full)
        AICc_marginal_iterations <- c(AICc_marginal_iterations, AICc_marginal)
        BIC_full_iterations <- c(BIC_full_iterations, BIC_full)
        BIC_marginal_iterations <- c(BIC_marginal_iterations, BIC_marginal)

      if (verbose >= 1L) {
        cat(as.character(Sys.time()), ": Iteration ", iter, ", ", sep = "")
        cat("max|vic - vic_old| / max(vic_old) = ", 
          v_max_diff, " / ", last_v_max, " = ", v_gain, " (eps = ", eps, ")\n", sep = "")
      if (!is.na(v_gain) && v_gain < eps) {
        converged <- TRUE
        if (verbose >= 1L) {
          cat(as.character(Sys.time()), ": Stopping after ", iterations_total, 
            " iterations due to convergence, ", eps, " > ", 
            v_gain, "\n\n", sep = "")
      last_v_max <- max(abs(new_vic_matrix))

      if (converged) {

    # Move centers
    if (verbose >= 1L) {
      cat(as.character(Sys.time()), ": Checking if the central haplotypes, y, are optimal.\n", sep = "")
    new_y <- move_centers(x, y, vic_matrix)
    dist_new_y <- sum(abs(y - new_y))
    if (dist_new_y == 0) {
      if (verbose >= 1L) {
        cat(as.character(Sys.time()), ": Central haplotypes, y, were optimal, no need to more EM iterations.\n", sep = "")
    } else if (any(duplicated(new_y))) { # new case introduced in version 1.6.3
      if (verbose >= 1L) {
        cat(as.character(Sys.time()), ": New central haplotypes had at least two haplotype being equal, did not change centers.\n", sep = "")
    } else {
      if (verbose >= 2L) {      
        cat(as.character(Sys.time()), ": Current central haplotypes, y, not optimal:\n", sep = "")
        cat("New centers:\n")
        print(new_y - y)
        cat("Number of stepwise mutations between center configurations = ", dist_new_y, "\n", sep = "")
        cat("Doing EM again with the new centers...\n")
      } else if (verbose >= 1) {
        cat(as.character(Sys.time()), ": Current centers not optimal, moving and making another EM iteration.\n", sep = "")
      converged <- FALSE
      changed_center <- c(changed_center, iterations_total)
      centers_iterations[[length(centers_iterations)+1]] <- y
      y <- new_y
      response_vector <- create_response_vector(x, y)

  rownames(tau_iterations) <- NULL
  colnames(disclap_parameters) <- colnames(x)
  colnames(y) <- colnames(x)

  if (verbose < 2L) { # If 2L, we already calculated these
    logL_full <- get_loglikelihood_full(fit, clusters, ncol(x), response_vector, weight_vector, tau_norm = tau_vector^(1/ncol(x)))
    logL_marginal <- get_loglikelihood_marginal(x, y, disclap_parameters, tau_vector)
    AIC_full <- get_AIC(logL_full, individuals = nrow(x), clusters = clusters, loci = ncol(x))
    AIC_marginal <- get_AIC(logL_marginal, individuals = nrow(x), clusters = clusters, loci = ncol(x))
    AICc_full <- get_AICc(logL_full, individuals = nrow(x), clusters = clusters, loci = ncol(x))
    AICc_marginal <- get_AICc(logL_marginal, individuals = nrow(x), clusters = clusters, loci = ncol(x))
    BIC_full <- get_BIC(logL_full, individuals = nrow(x), clusters = clusters, loci = ncol(x))
    BIC_marginal <- get_BIC(logL_marginal, individuals = nrow(x), clusters = clusters, loci = ncol(x))
  if (clusters > 1L && !converged) {
    msg <- paste("EM did not converge according to the specified eps = ", 
      eps, " (only reached ", v_gain, ")", sep = "")
  x_to_return <- if (length(ret_x) == 1L && 
                     is.logical(ret_x) && 
                     ret_x == TRUE) {
  } else {

  ans <- list(
    glm_method = glm_method,
#    glm_control_maxit = glm_control_maxit,
#    glm_control_eps = glm_control_eps,
    init_y = init_y,
    init_y_method = init_y_method,
    #fit = fit,

    converged = converged,
    x = x_to_return,

    y = y,
    tau = tau_vector,
    v_matrix = vic_matrix,
    disclap_parameters = disclap_parameters,
    glm_coef = fit$coefficients,
    covmat = covmat,
    model_observations = prod(dim(x)),
    model_parameters = ((clusters * ncol(x)) + (ncol(x) + clusters - 1) + (clusters - 1)),
    iterations = iterations_total,  
    logL_full = logL_full,
    logL_marginal = logL_marginal,  
    AIC_full = AIC_full,
    AIC_marginal = AIC_marginal,   
    AICc_full = AICc_full,
    AICc_marginal = AICc_marginal,  
    BIC_full = BIC_full,
    BIC_marginal = BIC_marginal, 

    v_gain_iterations = v_gain_iterations,
    tau_iterations = tau_iterations,
#    changed_center = changed_center,
    centers_iterations = centers_iterations,
    logL_full_iterations = logL_full_iterations,
    logL_marginal_iterations = logL_marginal_iterations,
    AIC_full_iterations = AIC_full_iterations,
    AIC_marginal_iterations = AIC_marginal_iterations,
    AICc_full_iterations = AICc_full_iterations,
    AICc_marginal_iterations = AICc_marginal_iterations,
    BIC_full_iterations = BIC_full_iterations,
    BIC_marginal_iterations = BIC_marginal_iterations    

  class(ans) <- "disclapmixfit"

  if (verbose >= 1L) {
    cat(as.character(Sys.time()), ": Done.\n", sep = "")

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disclapmix documentation built on June 29, 2022, 5:06 p.m.