
Defines functions imageDesign.fn

Documented in imageDesign.fn

imageDesign.fn <-
function(dataOnePlate.df, wellName=NA, rowName, colName, wells=NULL,colors=NULL,
         title = " ")
# author: Xiaohua Douglas Zhang & Zhaozhi Zhang, 2012                         #
# function to display the image of well designs in a plate                    #
# Input:                                                                      #
#   dataOnePlate.df: data for one plate including at least three columns      #
#       for well names, rows and columns, respectively                        #
#   wellName: data column name indicating well names                          #
#   rowName:  data column name indicating row numbers in a plate              #
#   colName:  data column name indicating column numbers in a plate           #
#   wells:  names for unique wells                                            #
#   colors:  colors for corresponding unique wells                            #
#   title:  title for the figure                                              # 
# References:
#   Zhang XHD, Zhang ZZ. 2012. displayHTS: a R package displaying data and
#        results from high-throughput screening experiments (submitted).  
#   Zhang XHD, 2011. Optimal High-Throughput Screening: Practical Experimental
#        Design and Data Analysis for Genome-scale RNAi Research.
#        Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK
#   Zhang XHD, 2008. Novel analytic criteria and effective plate designs for
#        quality control in genome-wide RNAi screens.
#        Journal of Biomolecular Screening 13(5): 363-377 
#   Zhang XHD, Espeseth AS, Johnson E, Chin J, Gates A, Mitnaul L, Marine SD,
#        Tian J, Stec EM, Kunapuli P, Holder DJ, Heyse JF, Stulovici B,
#        Ferrer M. 2008. Integrating experimental and analytic approaches to
#        improve data quality in genome-wide RNAi screens.
#        Journal of Biomolecular Screening 13(5): 378-389   
# See Also:
#   image.intensity.fn, dualFlashlight.fn, plateWellSeries.fn
# Example:                                                                    #
## for control image
# data("HTSdataSort", package = "displayHTS")
# wells = as.character(unique(HTSdataSort[, "WELL_USAGE"])); wells
# colors = c("black",  "yellow", "grey", "blue", "skyblue", "green", "red")
# plate.vec = as.vector(HTSdataSort[,"BARCODE"]); plates=unique(plate.vec)
# data.df = HTSdataSort[plate.vec==plates[1], c("XPOS","YPOS","WELL_USAGE")]
# imageDesign.fn(data.df, wellName="WELL_USAGE", rowName="XPOS",
#                 colName="YPOS", wells=wells, colors=colors)
## for hit and control image
# data("HTSresults", package = "displayHTS")
# condtSample = HTSresults[, "WELL_USAGE"] == "Sample"
# condtUp = HTSresults[,"ssmd"] >= 1 & HTSresults[,"mean"] >= log2(1.2)
# condtDown = HTSresults[,"ssmd"] <= -1 & HTSresults[,"mean"] <= -log2(1.2)
# sum(condtSample & (condtUp | condtDown) )/sum(condtSample)
# hit.vec = as.character(HTSresults[, "WELL_USAGE"])
# hit.vec[ condtSample & condtUp ] = "up-hit"
# hit.vec[ condtSample & condtDown ] = "down-hit"
# hit.vec[ condtSample & !condtUp & !condtDown] = "non-hit"
# result.df = cbind(HTSresults, "hitResult"=hit.vec)
# wells = as.character(unique(result.df[, "hitResult"])); wells
# colors = c("black",  "green", "white", "grey", "red",
#            "purple1", "purple2", "yellow", "purple3")  
# par( mfrow=c(1,2) )
# imageDesign.fn(result.df[1:384,], wellName="hitResult", rowName="XPOS",
#                 colName="YPOS", wells=wells, colors=colors,
#                 title="Source Plate I")                
# imageDesign.fn(result.df[1:384+384,],wellName="hitResult",rowName="XPOS",
#                 colName="YPOS", wells=wells, colors=colors,
#                 title="Source Plate II")

  fac2char.fn <- function(x) {levels(x)[as.numeric(x)]}

  getIntensityMatrix.fn <- function( dataIn.df, intensity=T, nrow=16, ncol=24)
  ## Functions to get the intensity matrix
  ## dataIn.df must have three columns respectively corresponding to
  ##  row position index, column position index and response
  ## The plate must have 'nrow' rows and 'ncol' columns
  # author: Xiaohua Douglas Zhang, 2005                                  
      if( dim(dataIn.df)[1] != nrow*ncol ) { 
        new.mat = matrix(NA, nrow, ncol)
        if( intensity ) {
          response.vec = dataIn.df[,3]
        } else {
          response.vec = fac2char.fn(dataIn.df[,3])
        for(i in 1:nrow)
          for(j in 1:ncol) {
            idx = dataIn.df[,1]==i& dataIn.df[,2]==j 
            if( sum(idx) == 1 ) 
              new.mat[i,j] = response.vec[idx]
      } else {
        data.df = dataIn.df[ order(dataIn.df[,1], dataIn.df[,2]),]
        new.mat = matrix(data.df[,3], nrow, ncol, byrow=T)

  matrixImage.fn <-
  function(matr, zlim.low=min(matr, na.rm=T), zlim.high=max(matr, na.rm=T),
           col=rgb(red=(0:20)/20, green=(20:0)/20, blue=0), xlab="", ylab="",
           cex.axis=1, gridcol="grey", gridlwd=1, cex.outlier=2,
           colUp="red", colDown="green", labUp="+", labDown="-")
    zlim=c(zlim.low, zlim.high)
    inten.mat = t(matr)[,nrow(matr):1]
    upI = inten.mat > zlim.high
    downI = inten.mat < zlim.low
    if(sum( upI, na.rm=T) != 0 ) inten.mat[upI] = NA
    if(sum( downI, na.rm=T) != 0 ) inten.mat[downI] = NA
    image(x, y, inten.mat, zlim=zlim, col=col, axes=FALSE, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab)
    if(sum( upI, na.rm=T) != 0 )
      text( row(inten.mat)[upI], col(inten.mat)[upI], labels=labUp,
           col=colUp, cex=cex.outlier)
    if(sum( downI, na.rm=T) != 0 )  
      text( row(inten.mat)[downI], col(inten.mat)[downI], labels=labDown,
           col=colDown, cex=cex.outlier)
  ## draw the grid ##
    grid(ncol(matr),nrow(matr),col=gridcol,lty = 1,lwd=gridlwd) # draw the grid

  image.scale <-  
  function(sample=1, z, col, x, y = NULL, size = NULL, digits = 2,
           labels = c("breaks", "ranges"), bkg.names, height.factor=0.618,
     n = length(col)
     usr = par("usr")
     mx = mean(usr[1:2]); my = mean(usr[3:4])
     dx = diff(usr[1:2]); dy = diff(usr[3:4])
     if (missing(x))
       x = mx + 1.05*dx/2 
     else if (is.list(x)) {
       if (length(x$x) == 2) 
         size = c(diff(x$x), -diff(x$y)/n)
       y = x$y[1]
       x = x$x[1]
     } else x = x[1]
     if (is.null(size))
       if (is.null(y)) {
         size = height.factor*dy/n   
         y = my + height.factor*dy/2  
       } else size = (y-my)*2/n
     if (length(size)==1)
       size = rep(size, 2)    
     if (is.null(y))
       y = my + n*size[2]/2
     i = seq(along = col)
     rect(x, y - i * size[2], x + size[1], y - (i - 1) * size[2], 
          col = rev(col), xpd = TRUE)
     rng = range(z, na.rm = TRUE)
     bks = seq(from = rng[2], to = rng[1], length = n + 1)
     bks = formatC(bks, format="f", digits=digits)
     labels = match.arg(labels)
     if (labels == "breaks")
       ypts = y - c(0, i) * size[2]
     else {
       bks = paste(bks[-1], bks[-(n+1)], sep = " - ")
       ypts = y - (i - 0.5) * size[2]
     if (sample == 1){# draw for sample(control) image # 
       text(x = x + 1.2 * size[1], y = ypts, labels = bks,
            adj = ifelse(size[1]>0, 0, 1), xpd = TRUE, cex=cex.label) 
     else{# draw for background (control) image #
       bks = bkg.names
       text(x = x + 1.2 * size[1], y = ypts+size[2]/2, labels = bks,
            adj = ifelse(size[1]>0, 0, 1), xpd = TRUE, cex=cex.label) 
  imageDiscrete.fn <-
  function(matr, zlim.low=min(matr, na.rm=T), zlim.high=max(matr, na.rm=T),
           col=c("red", "blue", "yellow","black", "green", "white"),
           bkg.names=c("","Background","Misc Control","Mock",
             "Negative Control", "Positive Control", "Sample", ""),
           gridcol="lightgray", gridlwd=1,
           mar=c(5, 4, 4, 10) + 0.1, height.factor=0.618, cex.label=1, 
           xlab="Colpos", ylab="Rowpos", cex.axis=1)
  # author: Xiaohua Douglas Zhang, 2005
    par("mar" = mar)   
    ## draw the expression image ##
    matrixImage.fn(matr, zlim.low=zlim.low, zlim.high=zlim.high,
                   col=col, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, cex.axis=cex.axis,
                   gridcol=gridcol, gridlwd=gridlwd)
    ## draw the scale (the first variable has to be 0)##
    image.scale(0, matr, col=col[length(col):1], bkg.names=bkg.names,
                cex.label=cex.label)# draw bkg image (sample = not true)
    par(mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1))
  dataIn.df = dataOnePlate.df
  nRow=max(dataIn.df[,rowName]); nCol=max(dataIn.df[,colName])#;nWell=nRow*nCol
  if( is.null(wells) ) wells = as.character(unique(dataIn.df[, wellName]))
  if( is.null(colors) ) colors = 1:length(wells)
  wellusage = dataIn.df[, wellName]
  newWellUsage = rep(NA, length( wellusage) )
  for( i in 1:length(wells) ) {
    newWellUsage[ wellusage == wells[i] ] = i
  inten.mat = 
    getIntensityMatrix.fn( dataIn.df= cbind(dataIn.df[,1:2], newWellUsage),
                           nrow=nRow, ncol=nCol)
#  par(mfrow=c(1,1))
  imageDiscrete.fn(inten.mat, col=colors, bkg.names=c("",wells,""),
                    gridcol="lightgray", gridlwd=1, mar=c(2, 4, 5, 7) + 0.1,
                    height.factor=0.618, xlab="", ylab="",
                    cex.label=0.6, cex.axis=0.75)
  title(paste(title, "         "))

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displayHTS documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:38 a.m.