
Defines functions makeHEMaster makeNCP writeCode setupMaster setupWorker defineNewComputation runDistcompApp resetComputationInfo getComputationInfo setComputationInfo generateId uploadNewNCP saveNewNCP uploadNewComputation saveNewComputation .deSerialize executeHEMethod executeMethod makeDefinition availableDataSources availableComputations makeMaster getConfig distcompSetup .defnOK .makeOpencpuURL

Documented in availableComputations availableDataSources defineNewComputation .defnOK .deSerialize distcompSetup executeHEMethod executeMethod generateId getComputationInfo getConfig makeDefinition makeHEMaster makeMaster makeNCP .makeOpencpuURL resetComputationInfo runDistcompApp saveNewComputation saveNewNCP setComputationInfo setupMaster setupWorker uploadNewComputation uploadNewNCP writeCode

#' Distributed Computing with R
#' `distcomp` is a collection of methods to fit models to data that may be
#' distributed at various sites. The package arose as a way of addressing the
#' issues regarding data aggregation; by allowing sites to have control over
#' local data and transmitting only summaries, some privacy controls can be
#' maintained. Even when participants have no objections in principle to data
#' aggregation, it may still be useful to keep data local and expose just the
#' computations. For further details, please see the reference cited below.
#' The initial implementation consists of a stratified Cox model fit with
#' distributed survival data and a Singular Value Decomposition
#' of a distributed matrix. General Linear Models will soon be added.
#' Although some sanity checks and balances are present, many more are needed
#' to make this truly robust. We also hope that other methods will be added by users.
#' We make the following assumptions in the implementation:
#' (a) the aggregate data is logically a stacking of data at each site, i.e.,
#' the full data is row-partitioned into sites where the rows are observations;
#' (b) Each site has the package `distcomp` installed and a workspace setup
#' for (writeable) use by the `opencpu` server
#' (see [distcompSetup()]; and (c) each site is exposing `distcomp`
#' via an `opencpu` server.
#' The main computation happens via a master process, a script of R code,
#' that makes calls to `distcomp` functions at worker sites via `opencpu`.
#' The use of `opencpu` allows developers to prototype their distributed implementations
#' on a local machine using the `opencpu` package that runs such a server locally
#' using `localhost` ports.
#' Note that `distcomp` computations are not intended for speed/efficiency;
#' indeed, they are orders of magnitude slower. However, the models that are fit are
#' not meant to be recomputed often. These and other details are discussed in the
#' paper mentioned above.
#' The current implementation, particularly the Stratified Cox Model, makes direct use of
#' code from [survival::coxph()]. That is, the underlying Cox model code is
#' derived from that in the R `survival` survival package.
#' For an understanding of how this package is meant to be used, please see the documented
#' examples and the reference.
#' @seealso The examples in `system.file("doc", "examples.html", package="distcomp")`
#' @seealso The source for the examples: `system.file("doc_src", "examples.Rmd", package="distcomp")`.
#' @docType package
#' @references Software for Distributed Computation on Medical Databases:
#' A Demonstration Project. Journal of Statistical Software, 77(13), 1-22.
#' doi:10.18637/jss.v077.i13
#' @references Appendix E of Modeling Survival Data: Extending the Cox Model by
#' Terry M. Therneau and Patricia Grambsch. Springer Verlag, 2000.
#' @name distcomp

#' Make an appropriate opencpu URL for a specified function and url prefix for the
#' distcomp package
#' @description .makeOpencpuURL returns an appropriate URL to call a function in the distcomp
#' package given the name of the function and a url prefix.
#' @param fn is the name of the function in the distcomp package
#' @param urlPrefix is the URL of the opencpu server with the distcomp package installed
#' @return the formatted url as a string
#' @rdname distcomp-internal
#' @import utils
#' @importFrom stringr str_trim
#' @importFrom httr POST stop_for_status
#' @importFrom httr headers
#' @importFrom httr add_headers
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom jsonlite toJSON
#' @examples
#' distcomp:::.makeOpencpuURL("foo", "http://localhost:9999/ocpu")
#' @keywords internal
.makeOpencpuURL <- function(fn, urlPrefix, package="distcomp") {
  paste(urlPrefix, "library", package, "R", fn, "json", sep="/")

#' Check that a definition object meets minimal requirements
#' @description .defnOK returns TRUE or FALSE depending on whether the definition object
#' meets minimimal requirements.
#' @param defn is the definition object passed
#' @return TRUE or FALSE depending on the result
#' @rdname distcomp-internal
#' @examples
#' distcomp:::.defnOK(data.frame()) ## FALSE
#' distcomp:::.defnOK(data.frame(id = "ABC", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)) ## TRUE
#' @keywords internal
.defnOK <- function(defn) {
    ! is.null(defn$id) && nchar(defn$id) > 0

#' Setup a workspace and configuration for a distributed computation
#' @description The function `distcompSetup` sets up a distributed computation
#' and configures some global parameters such as definition file names,
#' data file names, instance object file names, and ssl configuration parameters. The
#' function creates some of necessary subdirectories if not already present and throws
#' an error if the workspace areas are not writeable
#' @seealso [getConfig()]
#' @param workspacePath a folder specifying the workspace path. This
#'     has to be writable by the opencpu process. On a cloud opencpu
#'     server on Ubuntu, for example, this requires a one-time
#'     modification of apparmor profiles to enable write permissions
#'     to this path
#' @param defnPath the path where definition files will reside,
#'     organized by computation identifiers
#' @param instancePath the path where instance objects will reside
#' @param defnFileName the name for the compdef definition files
#' @param dataFileName the name for the data files
#' @param instanceFileName the name for the instance files
#' @param resultsCacheFileName the name for the instance results cache files for HE computations
#' @param ssl_verifyhost integer value, usually `1L`, but for
#'     testing with snake-oil certs, one might set this to `0L`
#' @param ssl_verifypeer integer value, usually `1L`, but for
#'     testing with snake-oil certs, one might set this to `0L`
#' @return TRUE if all is well
#' @importFrom httr config
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' distcompSetup(workspacePath="./workspace")
#' }
#' @export
distcompSetup <- function(workspacePath = "",
                          defnPath = paste(workspacePath, "defn", sep=.Platform$file.sep),
                          instancePath = paste(workspacePath, "instances", sep=.Platform$file.sep),
                          defnFileName = "defn.rds",
                          dataFileName = "data.rds",
                          instanceFileName = "instance.rds",
                          resultsCacheFileName = "results_cache.rds",
                          ssl_verifyhost = 1L,
                          ssl_verifypeer = 1L) {
  ## TODO: In the next version, this should be stuffed in an R6 class
  testFileName <- paste(sample(letters, 15), collapse="")
  if (!file.exists(defnPath)) {
    defnOk <- dir.create(defnPath)
    if (!defnOk) {
      stop("distcompSetup: workspace permissions issue: not writable!")
  } else {
    ## defnPath exists; check if it is writable
    testFile <- paste(defnPath, testFileName, sep=.Platform$file.sep)
    createOk <- file.create(testFile)
    if (!createOk) {
      stop("distcompSetup: workspace permissions issue: not writable!")

  if (!file.exists(instancePath)) {
    defnOk <- dir.create(instancePath)
    if (!defnOk) {
      stop("distcompSetup: workspace permissions issue: not writable!")
  } else {
    ## instancePath exists; check if it is writable
    testFile <- paste(instancePath, testFileName, sep=.Platform$file.sep)
    createOk <- file.create(testFile)
    if (!createOk) {
      stop("distcompSetup: workspace permissions issue: not writable!")

  distcompEnv <- getOption("distcompEnv")
  distcompEnv[["config"]] <- list(workspacePath = workspacePath,
                                  defnPath = defnPath,
                                  instancePath = instancePath,
                                  defnFileName = defnFileName,
                                  dataFileName = dataFileName,
                                  instanceFileName = instanceFileName,
                                  resultsCacheFileName = resultsCacheFileName,
                                  sslConfig = config(ssl_verifyhost = ssl_verifyhost,
                                    ssl_verifypeer = ssl_verifypeer))
  distcompEnv[["computationInfo"]] <- list()

#' Return the workspace and configuration setup values
#' @description The function `getConfig` returns the values of the
#' configuration parameters set up by `distcompSetup`
#' @seealso [distcompSetup()]
#' @param ... any further arguments
#' @return a list consisting of
#' \item{workspacePath}{a folder specifying the workspace path. This has to be
#' writable by the opencpu process. On a cloud opencpu server on Ubuntu, for example,
#' this requires a one-time modification of apparmor profiles to enable write
#' permissions to this path}
#' \item{defnPath}{the path where definition files will reside, organized by
#' computation identifiers}
#' \item{instancePath}{the path where instance objects will reside}
#' \item{defnFileName}{the name for the compdef definition files}
#' \item{dataFileName}{the name for the data files}
#' \item{instanceFileName}{the name for the instance files}
#' \item{ssl_verifyhost}{integer value, usually `1L`, but for testing with
#' snake-oil certs, one might set this to `0L`}
#' \item{ssl_verifypeer}{integer value, usually `1L`, but for testing with
#' snake-oil certs, one might set this to `0L`}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' getConfig()
#' }
#' @export
getConfig <- function(...) {
  ## TODO: In the next version, this should be stuffed in an R6 class

#' Make a worker object given a definition and data
#' @description The function `makeWorker` returns an object of the
#'     appropriate type based on a computation definition and sets the
#'     data for the object. The types of objects that can be created
#'     depend upon the available computations
#' @seealso [availableComputations()]
#' @param defn the computation definition
#' @param data the data for the computation
#' @param pubkey_bits the number of bits for the public key (used only
#'     if `he` is `TRUE` in computation definition)
#' @param pubkey_n the `n` for public key (used only if `he` is `TRUE`
#'     in computation definition)
#' @param den_bits the number of bits for the denominator (used only
#'     if `he` is `TRUE` in computation definition)
#' @return a worker object of the appropriate class based on the
#'     definition
#' @export
makeWorker <- function (defn, data, pubkey_bits = NULL, pubkey_n = NULL, den_bits = NULL) {
  compType <- defn$compType
  available <- availableComputations()
  k <- match(compType, names(available))
  if (is.na(k)) {
    stop(sprintf("No such computation: %s", compType))
  } else {
      available[[k]]$makeWorker(defn = defn, data = data, pubkey_bits = pubkey_bits,
                                pubkey_n = pubkey_n, den_bits = den_bits)

#' Make a master object given a definition
#' @description The function `makeMaster` returns a master object
#'     corresponding to the definition. The types of master objects
#'     that can be created depend upon the available computations
#' @seealso [availableComputations()]
#' @param defn the computation definition
#' @param partyNumber the number of the noncooperating party, which
#'     can be optionally set if HE is desired
#' @param debug a debug flag
#' @return a master object of the appropriate class based on the
#'     definition
#' @export
makeMaster <- function(defn, partyNumber = NULL, debug = FALSE) {
    compType <- defn$compType
    available <- availableComputations()
    k <- match(compType, names(available))
    if (is.na(k)) {
        stop(sprintf("No such computation: %s", compType))
    } else {
        available[[k]]$makeMaster(defn = defn, partyNumber = partyNumber, debug = debug)

#' Return the currently available (implemented) computations
#' @description The function `availableComputations` returns a list
#' of available computations with various components. The names of this list
#' (with no spaces) are unique canonical tags that are used throughout the
#' package to unambiguously refer to the type of computation; web applications
#' particularly rely on this list to instantiate objects. As more computations
#' are implemented, this list is augmented.
#' @seealso [getComputationInfo()]
#' @return a list with the components corresponding to a computation
#' \item{desc}{a textual description (25 chars at most)}
#' \item{definitionApp}{the name of a function that will fire up a shiny webapp
#' for defining the particular computation}
#' \item{workerApp}{the name of a function that will fire up a shiny webapp
#' for setting up a worker site for the particular computation}
#' \item{masterApp}{the name of a function that will fire up a shiny webapp
#' for setting up a master for the particular computation}
#' \item{makeDefinition}{the name of a function that will return a data frame
#' with appropriate fields needed to define the particular computation assuming
#' that they are populated in a global variable. This function is used by web
#' applications to construct a definition object based on inputs specified
#' by the users. Since the full information is often gathered incrementally by
#' several web applications, the inputs are set in a global variable and
#' therefore retrieved here using the function `getComputationInfo`
#' designed for the purpose}
#' \item{makeMaster}{a function that will construct a master object for the
#' computation given the definition and a logical flag indicating
#' if debugging is desired}
#' \item{makeWorker}{a function that will construct
#' a worker object for that computation given the definition and data}
#' @examples
#' availableComputations()
#' @export
availableComputations <- function() {
      QueryCount = list(
          desc = "Distributed Query Count",
          definitionApp = "defineNewQueryCountModel",
          setupWorkerApp = "setupQueryCountWorker",
          setupMasterApp = "setupQueryCountMaster",
          makeDefinition = function() {
              data.frame(id = getComputationInfo("id"),
                         compType = getComputationInfo("compType"),
                         projectName = getComputationInfo("projectName"),
                         projectDesc = getComputationInfo("projectDesc"),
                         he = getComputationInfo("he"),
                         filterCondition = getComputationInfo("filterCondition"),
          makeMaster = function(defn, partyNumber, debug = FALSE) {
              if(!is.null(defn$he) && defn$he) {
                  HEQueryCountMaster$new(defn = defn, partyNumber = partyNumber, debug = debug)
              } else {
                  QueryCountMaster$new(defn = defn, debug = debug)
          makeWorker = function(defn, data, pubkey_bits = NULL, pubkey_n = NULL, den_bits = NULL) {
              if (defn$he) {
                  HEQueryCountWorker$new(defn = defn, data = data, pubkey_bits = pubkey_bits, pubkey_n = pubkey_n, den_bits = den_bits)
              } else {
                  QueryCountWorker$new(defn = defn, data = data)
      StratifiedCoxModel = list(
          desc = "Stratified Cox Model",
          definitionApp = "defineNewCoxModel",
          setupWorkerApp = "setupCoxWorker",
          setupMasterApp = "setupCoxMaster",
          makeDefinition = function() {
              data.frame(id = getComputationInfo("id"),
                         compType = getComputationInfo("compType"),
                         projectName = getComputationInfo("projectName"),
                         projectDesc = getComputationInfo("projectDesc"),
                         he = getComputationInfo("he"),
                         formula = getComputationInfo("formula"),
          makeMaster = function(defn, partyNumber, debug = FALSE) {
              if(!is.null(defn$he) && defn$he) {
                  stop("Not implemented")
              } else {
                  CoxMaster$new(defn = defn, debug = debug)
          makeWorker = function(defn, data, pubkey_bits = NULL, pubkey_n = NULL, den_bits = NULL) {
              if(!is.null(defn$he) && defn$he) {
                  stop("Not implemented")
              } else {
                  CoxWorker$new(defn = defn, data = data)
      RankKSVD = list(
          desc = "Rank K SVD",
          definitionApp = "defineNewSVDModel",
          setupWorkerApp = "setupSVDWorker",
          setupMasterApp = "setupSVDMaster",
          makeDefinition = function() {
              data.frame(id = getComputationInfo("id"),
                         compType = getComputationInfo("compType"),
                         projectName = getComputationInfo("projectName"),
                         projectDesc = getComputationInfo("projectDesc"),
                         he = getComputationInfo("he"),
                         rank = getComputationInfo("rank"),
                         ncol = getComputationInfo("ncol"),
          makeMaster = function(defn, partyNumber, debug = FALSE) {
              if(!is.null(defn$he) && defn$he) {
                  stop("Not implemented")
              } else {
                  SVDMaster$new(defn = defn, debug = debug)
          makeWorker = function(defn, data, pubkey_bits = NULL, pubkey_n = NULL, den_bits = NULL) {
              if(!is.null(defn$he) && defn$he) {
                  stop("Not implemented")
              } else {
                  SVDWorker$new(defn = defn, data = data)

#' Given the definition identifier of an object, instantiate and store
#' object in workspace
#' @description This function uses an identifier (`defnId`) to locate
#'     a stored definition in the workspace to create the appropriate
#'     object instance. The instantiated object is assigned the
#'     instanceId and saved under the dataFileName if the latter is
#'     not `NULL`.  This instantiated object may change state between
#'     iterations when a computation executes
#' @param name identifying the NC party
#' @param ncpId the id indicating the NCP definition
#' @param instanceId an indentifier to use for the created instance
#' @param pubkey_bits the public key number of bits
#' @param pubkey_n the pubkey n
#' @param den_bits the denominator number of bits for for rational
#'     approximations
#' @param dataFileName a file name to use for saving the
#'     data. Typically `NULL`, this is only needed when one is using a
#'     single opencpu server to behave like multiple sites in which
#'     case the data file name serves to distinguish the site-specific
#'     data files.  When it is `NULL`, the data file name is taken
#'     from the configuration settings
#' @import utils
#' @return TRUE if everything goes well
#' @export
createNCPInstance <- function (name, ncpId, instanceId, pubkey_bits, pubkey_n, den_bits, dataFileName = NULL) {
    config <- getConfig()
    defnPath <- paste(config$defnPath, ncpId, sep=.Platform$file.sep)
    defnFileName <- paste(name, "defn.rds", sep = "-")
    defn <- readRDS(paste(defnPath, defnFileName, sep=.Platform$file.sep))
    ncp <- makeNCP(ncp_defn = defn$defn, comp_defn = defn$comp_defn, pubkey_bits = pubkey_bits,
                   pubkey_n = gmp::as.bigz(pubkey_n), den_bits = den_bits)

    ncpDataFileName  <- if (is.null(dataFileName)) {
                            paste(name, config$dataFileName, sep = "-")
                        } else {
    sites  <- readRDS(paste(defnPath, ncpDataFileName, sep=.Platform$file.sep))
    site_names  <- sites$name
    site_urls  <- sites$url
    ## The JSON serialization makes the columns as lists, so use double bracket indexing!
    for (i in seq_along(site_names)) {
        ncp$addSite(name = site_names[[i]], url = site_urls[[i]])

    ## Check if the instance folder exists
    thisInstancePath <- paste(config$instancePath, instanceId, sep=.Platform$file.sep)
    ## Save it under the instance id to find it.
    saveRDS(ncp, file=paste(thisInstancePath, config$instanceFileName, sep=.Platform$file.sep))

#' Return currently implemented data sources
#' @description The function `availableDataSources` returns the
#' currently implemented data sources such as CSV files, Redcap etc.
#' @return a list of named arguments, each of which is another list, with
#' required fields named `desc`, a textual description and
#' `requiredPackages`
#' @examples
#' availableDataSources()
#' @export
availableDataSources <- function() {
    CSVFile = list(desc = "CSV File", requiredPackages = list())
    , Redcap = list(desc = "Redcap API", requiredPackages = list("redcapAPI"))
    ##, Postgres = list(desc = "Postgres", requiredPackages = list("RPostgreSQL"))

#' Make a computation definition given the computation type
#' @description The function `makeDefinition` returns a computational
#' definition based on current inputs (from the global store) given a
#' canonical computation type tag. This is a utility function for web
#' applications to use as input is being gathered
#' @seealso [availableComputations()]
#' @param compType the canonical computation type tag
#' @return a data frame corresponding to the computation type
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' makeDefinition(names(availableComputations())[1])
#' }
#' @export
makeDefinition <- function(compType) {
  available <- availableComputations()
  k <- match(compType, names(available))
  if (is.na(k)) {
    stop(paste("makeDefintion: No such computation:", compType))
  } else {

#' Given the id of a serialized object, invoke a method on the object
#' with arguments
#' @description The function `executeMethod` is really the heart of
#'     distcomp.  It executes an arbitrary method on an object that
#'     has been serialized to the distcomp workspace with any
#'     specified arguments. The result, which is dependent on the
#'     computation that is executed, is returned. If the object needs
#'     to save state between iterations on it, it is automatically
#'     serialized back for the ensuing iterations
#' @param objectId the (instance) identifier of the object on which to invoke a method
#' @param method the name of the method to invoke
#' @param ... further arguments as appropriate for the method
#' @return a result that depends on the computation being executed
#' @export
executeMethod <- function(objectId, method, ...) {
  config <- getConfig()
  filePath <- paste(config$instancePath, objectId, config$instanceFileName, sep=.Platform$file.sep)
  object <- readRDS(file=filePath)
  call <- substitute(object$METHOD(...), list(METHOD = as.name(method)))
  result <- eval(call)
  if (object$getStateful()) {
    saveRDS(object, file=filePath)

#' Given the id of a serialized object, invoke a method on the object
#' with arguments using homomorphic encryption
#' @description The function `executeHEMethod` is a homomorphic
#'     encryption wrapper around `executeMethod`. It ensures any
#'     returned result is encrypted using the homomorphic encryption
#'     function.
#' @param objectId the (instance) identifier of the object on which to
#'     invoke a method
#' @param method the name of the method to invoke
#' @param ... further arguments as appropriate for the method
#' @return a list containing an integer and a fractional result converted to characters
#' @export
executeHEMethod <- function(objectId, method, ...) {
  config <- getConfig()
  filePath <- paste(config$instancePath, objectId, config$instanceFileName, sep=.Platform$file.sep)
  object <- readRDS(file=filePath)
  call <- substitute(object$METHOD(...), list(METHOD = as.name(method)))
  result <- eval(call)
  if (object$getStateful()) {
    saveRDS(object, file=filePath)
  ## For an HE method, return results as strings since we need to serialize things over
  ## the wire!
  list(int = as.character(result$int),
       frac = as.character(result$frac))

#' Deserialize the result of a http response
#' @description .deSerialize will convert the JSON result of a http response as needed,
#' else the raw content is returned.
#' @rdname distcomp-internal
#' @import utils
#' @importFrom stringr str_trim
#' @importFrom httr POST
#' @importFrom httr headers
#' @importFrom httr add_headers
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom jsonlite toJSON
#' @param q the result of a httr response
#' @return the converted result, if JSON, or the raw content
#' @keywords internal
## Deserialize URL result, only handle JSON at the moment
.deSerialize <- function(q) {
    cType <- headers(q)['content-type']
    if (cType == "application/json")
        jsonlite::fromJSON(rawToChar(q$content), simplifyDataFrame = FALSE)

#' Given the definition identifier of an object, instantiate and store object in workspace
#' @description The function `createWorkerInstance` uses a definition identified by
#' defnId to create the appropriate object instance. The instantiated object is assigned
#' the instanceId and saved under the dataFileName if the latter is specified.
#' This instantiated object may change state between iterations when a computation executes
#' @seealso [availableComputations()]
#' @param defnId the identifier of an already defined computation
#' @param instanceId an indentifier to use for the created instance
#' @param pubkey_bits number of bits for public key
#' @param pubkey_n the `n` for public key
#' @param den_bits the number of bits for the denominator
#' @param dataFileName a file name to use for saving the data. Typically `NULL`, this
#' is only needed when one is using a single opencpu server to behave like multiple
#' sites in which case the data file name serves to distinguish the site-specific data files.
#' When it is `NULL`, the data file name is taken from the configuration settings
#' @import utils
#' @return TRUE if everything goes well
#' @export
createWorkerInstance <- function (defnId, instanceId, pubkey_bits = NULL, pubkey_n = NULL, den_bits = NULL, dataFileName=NULL) {
  config <- getConfig()
  defn <- readRDS(paste(config$defnPath, defnId, config$defnFileName, sep=.Platform$file.sep))
  compType <- defn$compType
  available <- availableComputations()
  if (!(compType %in% names(available))) {
    stop(paste("createWorkerInstance: No such computation:", compType))
  data <- readRDS(paste(config$defnPath, defnId,
                        if (is.null(dataFileName)) config$dataFileName else dataFileName,

  object <- makeWorker(defn = defn, data = data, pubkey_bits = pubkey_bits, pubkey_n = pubkey_n, den_bits = den_bits)

  ## Check if the instance folder exists
  thisInstancePath <- paste(config$instancePath, instanceId, sep=.Platform$file.sep)
  ## Save it under the instance id to find it.
  saveRDS(object, file=paste(thisInstancePath, config$instanceFileName, sep=.Platform$file.sep))

#' Given the definition identifier of an object, instantiate and store
#' object in workspace
#' @description The function `createHEWorkerInstance` uses a
#'     definition identified by defnId to create the appropriate
#'     object instance for HE computations. The instantiated object is
#'     searched for in the instance path and loaded if already
#'     present, otherwise it is created and assigned the instanceId
#'     and saved under the dataFileName if the latter is specified.
#'     This instantiated object may change state between iterations
#'     when a computation executes
#' @seealso [availableComputations()]
#' @param defnId the identifier of an already defined computation
#' @param instanceId an indentifier to use for the created instance
#' @param pubkey_bits number of bits for public key
#' @param pubkey_n the `n` for public key
#' @param den_bits the number of bits for the denominator
#' @param dataFileName a file name to use for saving the
#'     data. Typically `NULL`, this is only needed when one is using a
#'     single opencpu server to behave like multiple sites in which
#'     case the data file name serves to distinguish the site-specific
#'     data files.  When it is `NULL`, the data file name is taken
#'     from the configuration settings
#' @import utils
#' @return TRUE if everything goes well
#' @export
createHEWorkerInstance <- function (defnId, instanceId, pubkey_bits = NULL, pubkey_n = NULL, den_bits = NULL, dataFileName=NULL) {
  config <- getConfig()
  thisInstancePath <- paste(config$instancePath, instanceId, sep=.Platform$file.sep)
  instanceFile  <- file.path(thisInstancePath, config$instanceFileName)
  if (!file.exists(instanceFile)) {
      defn <- readRDS(paste(config$defnPath, defnId, config$defnFileName, sep=.Platform$file.sep))
      compType <- defn$compType
      available <- availableComputations()
      if (!(compType %in% names(available))) {
          stop(paste("createWorkerInstance: No such computation:", compType))
      data <- readRDS(paste(config$defnPath, defnId,
                            if (is.null(dataFileName)) config$dataFileName else dataFileName,

      object <- makeWorker(defn = defn, data = data, pubkey_bits = pubkey_bits, pubkey_n = pubkey_n, den_bits = den_bits)
      ## Check if the instance folder exists
      thisInstancePath <- paste(config$instancePath, instanceId, sep=.Platform$file.sep)
      ## Save it under the instance id to find it.
      saveRDS(object, file=paste(thisInstancePath, config$instanceFileName, sep=.Platform$file.sep))

#' Destroy an instance object given its identifier
#' @description The function `destroyInstanceObject` deletes an object associated
#' with the instanceId. This is typically done after a computation completes and results
#' have been obtained.
#' @param instanceId the id of the object to destroy
#' @seealso [createWorkerInstance()]
#' @import utils
#' @return TRUE if everything goes well
#' @export
destroyInstanceObject <- function (instanceId) {
  config <- getConfig()
  file.remove(paste(config$instancePath, instanceId, config$instanceFileName, sep=.Platform$file.sep))
  file.remove(paste(config$instancePath, instanceId, sep=.Platform$file.sep))

#' Save a computation instance, given the computation definition, associated data and
#' possibly a data file name to use
#' @description The function `saveNewComputation` uses the computation definition to save
#' a new computation instance. This is typically done for every site that wants to participate
#' in a computation with its own local data. The function examines the computation definition
#' and uses the identifier therein to uniquely refer to the computation instance at the site.
#' This function is invoked (maybe remotely) on the opencpu server by
#' [uploadNewComputation()] when a worker site is being set up
#' @seealso [uploadNewComputation()]
#' @param defn an already defined computation
#' @param data the (local) data to use
#' @param dataFileName a file name to use for saving the data. Typically `NULL`, this
#' is only needed when one is using a single opencpu server to behave like multiple
#' sites in which case the data file name serves to distinguish the site-specific data files.
#' When it is `NULL`, the data file name is taken from the configuration settings
#' @return TRUE if everything goes well
#' @export
saveNewComputation <- function(defn, data, dataFileName=NULL) {
  config <- getConfig()
  defnId <- defn$id
  thisDefnPath <- paste(config$defnPath, defnId, sep=.Platform$file.sep)
  ## Should tryCatch this
  if (!file.exists(thisDefnPath)) {
  saveRDS(object=defn, file=paste(thisDefnPath, config$defnFileName, sep=.Platform$file.sep))
  if (is.null(dataFileName)) {
    saveRDS(object=data, file=paste(thisDefnPath, config$dataFileName, sep=.Platform$file.sep))
  } else {
    saveRDS(object=data, file=paste(thisDefnPath, dataFileName, sep=.Platform$file.sep))

#' Upload a new computation and data to an opencpu server
#' @description The function `uploadNewComputation` is really a remote version
#' of [saveNewComputation()], invoking that function on an opencpu server.
#' This is typically done for every site that wants to participate in a computation
#' with its own local data. Note that a site is always a list of at least a unique
#' name element (distinguishing the site from others) and a url element.
#' @seealso [saveNewComputation()]
#' @param site a list of two items, a unique `name` and a `url`
#' @param defn the identifier of an already defined computation
#' @param data the (local) data to use
#' @importFrom stringr str_trim
#' @importFrom httr POST
#' @importFrom httr headers
#' @importFrom httr add_headers
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom jsonlite toJSON
#' @return TRUE if everything goes well
#' @export
uploadNewComputation <- function(site, defn, data) {
  if (! .defnOK(defn)) {
      stop("uploadNewComputation: Improper definition")
  if (is.null(site$worker)) {
      localhost <- (grepl("^http://localhost", site$url) || grepl("^", site$url))
      payload <- if (localhost) {
                     list(defn = defn, data = data, dataFileName = paste0(site$name, ".rds"))
                 } else {
                     list(defn = defn, data = data)
      q <- POST(.makeOpencpuURL(urlPrefix = site$url, fn = "saveNewComputation"),
                body = jsonlite::toJSON(payload),
                add_headers("Content-Type" = "application/json"),
  } else {


#' Save an NCP instance, given the sites as associated data and
#' possibly a data file name to use
#' @description The function `saveNewNCP` uses the list of sites
#'     definition to save a new NCP instance. This is
#'     typically done for every pair of NCPs used in a computation. The function examines the
#'     computation definition and uses the identifier therein to
#'     uniquely refer to the computation instance at the site.  This
#'     function is invoked (maybe remotely) on the opencpu server by
#'     [uploadNewComputation()] when a worker site is being set up
#' @seealso [uploadNewNCP()]
#' @param defn a definition of the ncp
#' @param comp_defn the computation definition
#' @param data the list of sites with name and url to use
#' @param dataFileName a file name to use for saving the
#'     data. Typically `NULL`, this is only needed when one is using a
#'     single opencpu server to behave like multiple sites in which
#'     case the data file name serves to distinguish the site-specific
#'     data files.  When it is `NULL`, the data file name is taken
#'     from the definition settings
#' @return TRUE if everything goes well
#' @export
saveNewNCP <- function(defn, comp_defn, data, dataFileName = NULL) {
  config <- getConfig()
  defnId <- defn$id
  thisDefnPath <- paste(config$defnPath, defnId, sep = .Platform$file.sep)
  ncpDefnFileName <- paste(defn$name, "defn.rds", sep = "-")
  ## Should tryCatch this
  if (!file.exists(thisDefnPath)) {
  saveRDS(object = list(defn = defn, comp_defn = comp_defn),
          file = paste(thisDefnPath, ncpDefnFileName, sep = .Platform$file.sep))
  ncpDataFileName  <- if (is.null(dataFileName)) {
                          paste(defn$name, config$dataFileName, sep = "-")
                      } else {
  saveRDS(object = data, file = paste(thisDefnPath, ncpDataFileName, sep = .Platform$file.sep))

#' Upload a new Non-Cooperating Party (NCP) information and sites to
#' an opencpu server
#' @description The function `uploadNewNCP` is really a remote version
#'     of [saveNewNCP()], invoking that function on an opencpu server.
#'     This is typically done for the two NCPs participating in a
#'     computation with the list of sites. Note that sites are always
#'     a list of at least a unique name element (distinguishing the
#'     site from others) and a url element.
#' @seealso [saveNewNCP()]
#' @param defn a definition for the NCP
#' @param comp_defn the computation definition
#' @param url the url for the NCP. Only one of url and worker can be
#'     non-null
#' @param worker the worker for the NCP if local. Only one of url and
#'     worker can be non-null
#' @param sites a list of lists, each containing two items, a unique
#'     `name` and a (not necessarily unique) `url`. This is the data
#'     for the NCP!
#' @importFrom stringr str_trim
#' @importFrom httr POST
#' @importFrom httr headers
#' @importFrom httr add_headers
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom jsonlite toJSON
#' @return TRUE if everything goes well
#' @export
uploadNewNCP <- function(defn, comp_defn, url = NULL, worker = NULL, sites) {
    if (is.null(worker)) {
        localhost <- (grepl("^http://localhost", url) || grepl("^", url))
        payload <- if (localhost) {
                       list(defn = defn, comp_defn = comp_defn, data = sites, dataFileName = paste0(defn$name, "-data.rds"))
                   } else {
                       list(defn = defn, comp_defn = comp_defn, data = sites)
        q <- POST(.makeOpencpuURL(urlPrefix = url, fn = "saveNewNCP"),
                  body = jsonlite::toJSON(payload),
                  add_headers("Content-Type" = "application/json"),
    } else {


#' Generate an identifier for an object
#' @description A hash is generated based on the contents of the object
#' @seealso [digest::digest()]
#' @param object the object for which a hash is desired
#' @param algo the algorithm to use, default is "xxhash64" from
#' [digest::digest()]
#' @importFrom digest digest
#' @return the hash as a string
#' @export
generateId <- function(object, algo="xxhash64") digest::digest(object, algo=algo)

## We have many apps that need to communicate values between each other.
## So a global area is needed to share variables.
## The function saveModelInfo will save model information in a named list.
## The function getModelInfo will return the value of an item in that list.

#' Set a name to a value in a global variable
#' @description In distcomp, several web applications need to communicate
#' between themselves. Since only one application is expected to be
#' active at any time, they do so via a global store, essentially a hash table.
#' This function sets a name to a value
#' @seealso [getComputationInfo()]
#' @param name the name for the object
#' @param value the value for the object
#' @return invisibly returns the all the name value pairs
#' @export
setComputationInfo <- function(name, value) {
  ## TODO: In the next version, this should be stuffed in an R6 class
  distcompEnv <- getOption("distcompEnv")
  currentValue <- distcompEnv[["computationInfo"]]
  ## This is guaranteed to be non-null because of distcompSetup
  ## Set the value
  currentValue[[name]] <- value
  ## Then save it back
  distcompEnv[["computationInfo"]] <- currentValue

#' Get the value of a variable from the global store
#' @description In distcomp, several web applications need to communicate
#' between themselves. Since only one application is expected to be
#' active at any time, they do so via a global store, essentially a hash table.
#' This function retrieves the value of a name
#' @seealso [setComputationInfo()]
#' @param name the name for the object
#' @return the value for the variable, `NULL` if not set
#' @export
getComputationInfo <- function(name) {
  ## TODO: In the next version, this should be stuffed in an R6 class
  distcompEnv <- getOption("distcompEnv")
  ## The statement below is guaranteed to work because of distcompSetup
  currentValue <- distcompEnv[["computationInfo"]]
  ## Note return value could be null

#' Clear the contents of the global store
#' @description In distcomp, several web applications need to communicate
#' between themselves. Since only one application is expected to be
#' active at any time, they do so via a global store, essentially a hash table.
#' This function clears the store, except for the working directory.
#' @seealso [setComputationInfo()], [getComputationInfo()]
#' @return an empty list
#' @export
resetComputationInfo <- function() {
  ## TODO: In the next version, this should be stuffed in an R6 class
  workingDir <- getComputationInfo("workingDir")
  distcompEnv <- getOption("distcompEnv")
  if (is.null(workingDir)) {
    invisible(distcompEnv[["computationInfo"]] <- list())
  } else {
    invisible(distcompEnv[["computationInfo"]] <- list(workingDir = workingDir))

#' Run a specified distcomp web application
#' @description Web applications can define computation, setup worker sites or masters.
#' This function invokes the appropriate web application depending on the task
#' @seealso [defineNewComputation()], [setupWorker()], [setupMaster()]
#' @import shiny
#' @param appType one of three values: "definition", "setupWorker", "setupMaster"
#' @return the results of running the web application
#' @export
runDistcompApp <- function(appType = c("definition", "setupWorker", "setupMaster")) {
  appType <- match.arg(appType)
  app <- paste0(appType, "App")
  appPath <- system.file("webApps", app, package="distcomp")
  compType <- shiny::runApp(appPath, launch.browser=TRUE)
  available <- availableComputations()
  availableNames <- names(available)
  index <- match(compType, availableNames)
  subApp <- available[[index]][[app]]
  appPath <- system.file("webApps", app, subApp, package="distcomp")
  shiny::runApp(appPath, launch.browser=TRUE)

#' Define a new computation
#' @description This function just calls [runDistcompApp()] with the
#' parameter "definition"
#' @seealso [runDistcompApp()]
#' @return the results of running the web application
#' @export
defineNewComputation <- function() {
  setComputationInfo("workingDir", getwd())
  runDistcompApp(appType = "definition")

#' Setup a worker site
#' @description This function just calls [runDistcompApp()] with the
#' parameter "setupWorker"
#' @seealso [runDistcompApp()]
#' @return the results of running the web application
#' @export
setupWorker <- function() {
  setComputationInfo("workingDir", getwd())
  runDistcompApp(appType = "setupWorker")

#' Setup a computation master
#' @description This function just calls [runDistcompApp()] with the
#' parameter "setupMaster"
#' @seealso [runDistcompApp()]
#' @return the results of running the web application
#' @export
setupMaster <- function() {
  setComputationInfo("workingDir", getwd())
  appPath <- system.file("webApps", "setupMasterApp", package="distcomp")
  shiny::runApp(appPath, launch.browser=TRUE)

#' Write the code necessary to run a master process
#' @description Once a computation is defined, worker sites are set
#'     up, the master process code is written by this function. The
#'     current implementation does not allow one to mix localhost URLs
#'     with non-localhost URLs
#' @seealso [setupMaster()]
#' @param defn the computation definition
#' @param sites a named list of site URLs participating in the
#'     computation
#' @param outputFilenamePrefix the name of the output file prefix
#'     using which code and data will be written
#' @return the value `TRUE` if all goes well
#' @export
writeCode <- function(defn, sites, outputFilenamePrefix) {
  compType <- defn$compType
  siteNames <- names(sites)
  wd <- getComputationInfo("workingDir")
  f <- file(paste(wd, paste0(outputFilenamePrefix, ".R"), sep=.Platform$file.sep), open="w")
  writeLines("library(distcomp)", con=f)
  ## Change in version 1.2
  ## writeLines(sprintf("defn <- jsonlite::fromJSON('%s')", toJSON(defn)), f)
  ## writeLines(sprintf("sites <- jsonlite::fromJSON('%s', simplifyDataFrame = FALSE)", toJSON(sites)), f)
  ## dump(c("defn", "sites"), f)
  ## Neither dump, nor conversion to JSON is foolproof.  So resorting to
  ## R serialization.
  dataForCode  <- list(defn = defn, sites = sites)
  dataFilename  <- paste0(outputFilenamePrefix, ".RDS")
  dataFilepath <- paste(wd, dataFilename, sep=.Platform$file.sep)
  saveRDS(dataForCode, dataFilepath)
  writeLines(sprintf("masterData <- readRDS('%s')", dataFilename), f)
  writeLines("defn <- masterData$defn; sites <- masterData$sites;", f)
  writeLines("master <- makeMaster(defn)", f)
  writeLines("for (site in sites) {", f)
  writeLines("   master$addSite(name = site$name, url = site$url)", f)
  writeLines("}", f)
  writeLines("result <- master$run()", f)
  writeLines("print(master$summary())", f)

#' Instantiate an noncooperating party
#' @param ncp_defn the NCP definition
#' @param comp_defn the computation definition
#' @param sites a list of sites each entry a named list of name, url, worker
#' @param pubkey_bits number of bits for public key
#' @param pubkey_n the n for the public key
#' @param den_bits the log to base 2 of the denominator
#' @return an NCP object
#' @export
makeNCP  <- function(ncp_defn, comp_defn, sites = list(), pubkey_bits = NULL, pubkey_n = NULL, den_bits = NULL) {
    NCP$new(ncp_defn = ncp_defn, comp_defn = comp_defn, sites = sites, pubkey_bits = pubkey_bits, pubkey_n = pubkey_n, den_bits = den_bits)

#' Instantiate a master process for HE operations
#' @param defn the computation definition
#' @return an master object for HE operations
#' @export
makeHEMaster  <- function(defn) {

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distcomp documentation built on Sept. 2, 2022, 1:07 a.m.