
### R code from vignette source 'dlnmTS.Rnw'

### code chunk number 1: dlnmTS.Rnw:53-55
options(continue="  ")

### code chunk number 2: data

### code chunk number 3: example1crossbasis
################################################### <- crossbasis(chicagoNMMAPS$pm10, lag=15, argvar=list(fun="lin"),
cb1.temp <- crossbasis(chicagoNMMAPS$temp, lag=3, argvar=list(df=5),

### code chunk number 4: example1summary

### code chunk number 5: example1model
model1 <- glm(death ~ + cb1.temp + ns(time, 7*14) + dow,
  family=quasipoisson(), chicagoNMMAPS)

### code chunk number 6: example1pred
################################################### <- crosspred(, model1, at=0:20, bylag=0.2, cumul=TRUE)

### code chunk number 7: example1slices
plot(, "slices", var=10, col=3, ylab="RR", ci.arg=list(density=15,lwd=2),
  main="Lag-response curve for a 10-unit increase in PM10")

### code chunk number 8: example1slicescumul
plot(, "slices", var=10, col=2, cumul=TRUE, ylab="Cumulative RR",
  main="Lag-response curve of incremental cumulative effects")

### code chunk number 9: example1slicesnoeval (eval = FALSE)
## plot(, "slices", var=10, col=3, ylab="RR", ci.arg=list(density=15,lwd=2),
##   main="Association with a 10-unit increase in PM10")
## plot(, "slices", var=10, col=2, cumul=TRUE, ylab="Cumulative RR",
##   main="Cumulative association with a 10-unit increase in PM10")

### code chunk number 10: example1effect

### code chunk number 11: dataseason
chicagoNMMAPSseas <- subset(chicagoNMMAPS, month %in% 6:9)

### code chunk number 12: example2crossbasis
cb2.o3 <- crossbasis(chicagoNMMAPSseas$o3, lag=5,
  argvar=list(fun="thr",thr=40.3), arglag=list(fun="integer"),
cb2.temp <- crossbasis(chicagoNMMAPSseas$temp, lag=10,
  argvar=list(fun="thr",thr=c(15,25)), arglag=list(fun="strata",breaks=c(2,6)),

### code chunk number 13: example2modelpred
model2 <- glm(death ~  cb2.o3 + cb2.temp + ns(doy, 4) + ns(time,3) + dow,
  family=quasipoisson(), chicagoNMMAPSseas)
pred2.o3 <- crosspred(cb2.o3, model2, at=c(0:65,40.3,50.3))

### code chunk number 14: example2slices
plot(pred2.o3, "slices", var=50.3, ci="bars", type="p", col=2, pch=19,
  ci.level=0.80, main="Lag-response a 10-unit increase above threshold (80CI)")

### code chunk number 15: example2overall
plot(pred2.o3,"overall",xlab="Ozone", ci="l", col=3, ylim=c(0.9,1.3), lwd=2,
  ci.arg=list(col=1,lty=3), main="Overall cumulative association for 5 lags")

### code chunk number 16: example2noeval1 (eval = FALSE)
## plot(pred2.o3, "slices", var=50.3, ci="bars", type="p", col=2, pch=19,
##   ci.level=0.80, main="Lag-response a 10-unit increase above threshold (80CI)")
## plot(pred2.o3,"overall",xlab="Ozone", ci="l", col=3, ylim=c(0.9,1.3), lwd=2,
##   ci.arg=list(col=1,lty=3), main="Overall cumulative association for 5 lags")

### code chunk number 17: example2effect
cbind(pred2.o3$allRRlow, pred2.o3$allRRhigh)["50.3",]

### code chunk number 18: example3crossbasis
################################################### <- crossbasis(chicagoNMMAPS$pm10, lag=1, argvar=list(fun="lin"),
varknots <- equalknots(chicagoNMMAPS$temp,fun="bs",df=5,degree=2)
lagknots <- logknots(30, 3)
cb3.temp <- crossbasis(chicagoNMMAPS$temp, lag=30, argvar=list(fun="bs",
  knots=varknots), arglag=list(knots=lagknots))

### code chunk number 19: example3noeval (eval = FALSE)
## model3 <- glm(death ~ + cb3.temp + ns(time, 7*14) + dow,
##   family=quasipoisson(), chicagoNMMAPS)
## pred3.temp <- crosspred(cb3.temp, model3, cen=21, by=1)
## plot(pred3.temp, xlab="Temperature", zlab="RR", theta=200, phi=40, lphi=30,
##   main="3D graph of temperature effect")
## plot(pred3.temp, "contour", xlab="Temperature", key.title=title("RR"),
##   plot.title=title("Contour plot",xlab="Temperature",ylab="Lag"))

### code chunk number 20: example3plot3d
model3 <- glm(death ~ + cb3.temp + ns(time, 7*14) + dow,
  family=quasipoisson(), chicagoNMMAPS)
pred3.temp <- crosspred(cb3.temp, model3, cen=21, by=1)
plot(pred3.temp, xlab="Temperature", zlab="RR", theta=200, phi=40, lphi=30,
  main="3D graph of temperature effect")

### code chunk number 21: example3plotcontour
plot(pred3.temp, "contour", xlab="Temperature", key.title=title("RR"),
  plot.title=title("Contour plot",xlab="Temperature",ylab="Lag"))

### code chunk number 22: example3noeval2 (eval = FALSE)
## plot(pred3.temp, "slices", var=-20, ci="n", col=1, ylim=c(0.95,1.25), lwd=1.5,
##   main="Lag-response curves for different temperatures, ref. 21C")
## for(i in 1:3) lines(pred3.temp, "slices", var=c(0,27,33)[i], col=i+1, lwd=1.5)
## legend("topright",paste("Temperature =",c(-20,0,27,33)), col=1:4, lwd=1.5)
## plot(pred3.temp, "slices", var=c(-20,33), lag=c(0,5), col=4,
##   ci.arg=list(density=40,col=grey(0.7)))

### code chunk number 23: example3slices
plot(pred3.temp, "slices", var=-20, ci="n", col=1, ylim=c(0.95,1.25), lwd=1.5,
  main="Lag-response curves for different temperatures, ref. 21C")
for(i in 1:3) lines(pred3.temp, "slices", var=c(0,27,33)[i], col=i+1, lwd=1.5)
legend("topright",paste("Temperature =",c(-20,0,27,33)), col=1:4, lwd=1.5)

### code chunk number 24: example3slices2
plot(pred3.temp, "slices", var=c(-20,33), lag=c(0,5), col=4,

### code chunk number 25: example4prep
cb4 <- crossbasis(chicagoNMMAPS$temp, lag=30,
  argvar=list(fun="thr",thr=c(10,25)), arglag=list(knots=lagknots))
model4 <- glm(death ~  cb4 + ns(time, 7*14) + dow,
  family=quasipoisson(), chicagoNMMAPS)
pred4 <- crosspred(cb4, model4, by=1)

### code chunk number 26: example4reduce
redall <- crossreduce(cb4, model4)
redlag <- crossreduce(cb4, model4, type="lag", value=5)
redvar <- crossreduce(cb4, model4, type="var", value=33)

### code chunk number 27: example4dim
length(coef(redall)) ; length(coef(redlag))

### code chunk number 28: example4plotall
plot(pred4, "overall", xlab="Temperature", ylab="RR",
  ylim=c(0.8,1.6), main="Overall cumulative association")
lines(redall, ci="lines",col=4,lty=2)

### code chunk number 29: example4reconstr
b4 <- onebasis(0:30,knots=attributes(cb4)$arglag$knots,intercept=TRUE)
pred4b <- crosspred(b4,coef=coef(redvar),vcov=vcov(redvar),"log",by=1)

### code chunk number 30: example4plotvar
plot(pred4, "slices", var=33, ylab="RR", ylim=c(0.9,1.2),
  main="Predictor-specific association at 33C")
lines(redvar, ci="lines", col=4, lty=2)
points(pred4b, col=1, pch=19, cex=0.6)

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