
Defines functions validateDataFileMetaDataDataFileExists validateIDField validateAllowedValues validateSuggestedValues validateTypes validateStructure new_dmdScheme_validation

Documented in new_dmdScheme_validation validateAllowedValues validateDataFileMetaDataDataFileExists validateIDField validateStructure validateSuggestedValues validateTypes

#' Create new \code{dmdScheme_validation} object
#' @return new \code{dmdScheme_validation} object
#' @export
new_dmdScheme_validation <- function() {
  result <- list(
    error = NA,
    details = NA,
    header = "To Be Added",
    description = "To Be Added",
    descriptionDetails = "To Be Added",
    comment = ""
  class(result) <- append( "dmdScheme_validation", class(result) )

# General validation functions --------------------------------------------

#' Validate structure of \code{dmdScheme} object
#' @param x object of type \code{dmdScheme_raw}
#' @return \code{dmdScheme_validation} object
#' @export
validateStructure <- function(x){
  result <- new_dmdScheme_validation()
  result$header <- "Structural / Formal validity"
  result$description <- paste(
    "Test if the structure of the metadata is correct. ",
    "This includes column names, required info, ... ",
    "Should normally be OK, if no modification has been done."
  result$descriptionDetails <- ""
  struct <- as_dmdScheme( x, keepData = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
  dmdScheme_test <- dmdScheme()

  # Set irrelevant attributes to same values --------------------------------

  attr(struct, "fileName") <- "none"
  attr(dmdScheme_test, "fileName") <- "none"

  for (n in names(struct)) {
    attr(struct[[n]], "Description") <- "none"
  for (n in names(dmdScheme_test)) {
    attr(dmdScheme_test[[n]], "Description") <- "none"

  # And do the comparison ---------------------------------------------------

  result$details <- all.equal(struct, dmdScheme_test)
  if (isTRUE(result$details)) {
    result$error <- 0
  } else {
    result$error <- 3
  result$header <- valErr_TextErrCol(result)

#' Validate type of tab
#' @param sraw object of type \code{dmdScheme_data} generated with types not converted
#' @param sconv object of type \code{dmdScheme_data} generated with types converted
#' @return \code{dmdScheme_validation} object
#' @export
validateTypes <- function(sraw, sconv) {

  result <- new_dmdScheme_validation()
  result$header <- "conversion of values into specified type lossless possible"
  result$description <- paste(
    "Test if the metadata entered follows the type for the column, i.e. integer, characterd, ....",
    "The validation is done by verifying if the column can be losslessly converted from character to the columnb type specified.",
    "the value NA is allowed in all column types, empty cells should be avoided."
  result$descriptionDetails <- paste(
    "The details are a table of the same dimension as the input (green) area of the meatadata sheet.",
    "The following values are possible:\n",
    "   FALSE: If the cell contains an error, i.e. can not be losslessly converted.\n",
    "   TRUE : If the cell can be losslessly converted and is OK.\n",
    "   NA   : empty cell\n",
    "One or more FALSE values will result in an ERROR."
  if (nrow(sraw) == 0) {
      "Please report this message at github at\n",
      "   https://github.com/Exp-Micro-Ecol-Hub/dmdScheme/issues\n",
      "or send an email to Rainer.Krug@uzh.ch\n",
      "including the fiel you wanted to validate As this should not happenned!!!"
    # sraw <- tibble::add_row(sraw)
    # sconv <- tibble::add_row(sconv)
  t <- sraw == sconv
  na <- is.na(t)
  t[na] <- TRUE
  result$details <- as.data.frame(sraw, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  result$details[t] <- TRUE
  result$details[!t] <- paste( result$details[!t], "!=", as.data.frame(sconv, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[!t])
  result$details[na] <- NA
  #    result$details <- as_tibble(result$details, .name_repair = "unique")
  result$error = ifelse(
    all(result$details == TRUE, na.rm = TRUE),
  result$header <- valErr_TextErrCol(result)
  return( result )

#' Validate suggested values
#' @param sraw object of type \code{dmdScheme_data} generated with types not converted
#' @return \code{dmdScheme_validation} object
#' @export
validateSuggestedValues <- function(sraw) {
  if (is.null(attr(sraw, "allowedValues"))) {
    result <- NULL
  } else {
    result <- new_dmdScheme_validation()
    result$header <- "values in suggestedValues"
    result$description <- paste(
      "Test if the metadata entered is ion the suggestedValues list.",
      "The value NA is allowed in all column types, empty cells should be avoided."
    result$descriptionDetails <- paste(
      "The details are a table of the same dimension as the input (green) area of the meatadata sheet.",
      "The following values are possible:\n",
      "   FALSE: If the cell value is not contained in the suggestedValues list.\n",
      "   TRUE : If the cell value is contained in the suggestedValues list.\n",
      "   NA   : empty cell or no suggested values specified\n",
      "One or more FALSE values will result in a WARNING."
    sugVal <- strsplit(attr(sraw, "suggestedValues"), ",")
    # sugVal <- sugVal[!is.na(sugVal)]
    result$details <- sraw
    class(result$details) <- "data.frame"
    # result$details <- result$details[,!is.na(sugVal)]
    if (length(sugVal) > 0) {
      for (colN in 1:ncol(result$details)) {
        v <- trimws(sugVal[[colN]])
        if (all(is.na(v))) {
          v <- NA
        } else {
          v <- c( v, "NA", NA, "" )
        for (rowN in 1:nrow(result$details)) {
          if (all(is.na(v))) {
            al <- NA
          } else {
            al <- result$details[rowN, colN] %in% v

          # al <- ifelse(
          #   al,
          #   TRUE,
          #   paste0("'", result$details[rowN, colN], "' not in suggested Values!")
          # )
          result$details[rowN, colN] <- al
      result$error = ifelse(
        all(result$details == TRUE, na.rm = TRUE),
    } else {
      result$details <- NA
      result$error = 1

    result$header <- valErr_TextErrCol(result)
  return( result )

#' Validate allowed values
#' @param sraw object of type \code{dmdScheme_data} generated with types not converted
#' @return \code{dmdScheme_validation} object
#' @export
validateAllowedValues <- function(sraw) {
  if (is.null(attr(sraw, "allowedValues"))) {
    result <- NULL
  } else {
    result <- new_dmdScheme_validation()
    result$header <- "values in allowedValues"
    result$description <- paste(
      "Test if the metadata entered is ion the allowedValues list.",
      "The value NA is allowed in all column types, empty cells should be avoided."
    result$descriptionDetails <- paste(
      "The details are a table of the same dimension as the input (green) area of the meatadata sheet.",
      "The following values are possible:\n",
      "   FALSE: If the cell value is not contained in the allowedValues list.\n",
      "   TRUE : If the cell value is contained in the allowedValues list.\n",
      "   NA   : empty cell or no allowed values specified\n",
      "One or more FALSE values will result in an ERROR."
    allVal <- strsplit(attr(sraw, "allowedValues"), ",")
    # allVal <- allVal[!is.na(allVal)]
    result$details <- sraw
    class(result$details) <- "data.frame"
    # result$details <- result$details[,!is.na(allVal)]
    if (length(allVal) > 0) {
      for (colN in 1:ncol(result$details)) {
        v <- trimws(allVal[[colN]])
        if (all(is.na(v))) {
          v <- NA
        } else {
          v <- c( v, "NA", NA, "" )
        for (rowN in 1:nrow(result$details)) {
          if (all(is.na(v))) {
            al <- NA
          } else {
            al <- result$details[rowN, colN] %in% v
          # al <- ifelse(
          #   al,
          #   TRUE,
          #   paste0("'", result$details[rowN, colN], "' not in allowed Values!")
          # )
          result$details[rowN, colN] <- al
      result$error = ifelse( all(result$details == TRUE,na.rm = TRUE), 0, 3)
    } else {
      result$details <- NA
      result$error = 1
    result$header <- valErr_TextErrCol(result)
  return( result )

#' Validate id field
#' @param sraw object of type \code{dmdScheme_data} generated with types not converted
#' @return \code{dmdScheme_validation} object
#' @export
validateIDField <- function(sraw){
  result <- new_dmdScheme_validation()
  result$header <- "ID Field present and in the first column"
  result$description <- paste(
    "Check if the tab's first column contains an ID field,",
    "named as `...ID`.",
    "This function does not check for uniqueness of this ID field!"
  result$descriptionDetails <- paste(
    "Returns a boolean value, with the following possible values:\n",
    "   TRUE  : The tab's first column is an ID field\n",
    "   FALSE : The tab's first column is not an ID field\n",
    "FALSE will result in an ERROR."
  result$details <- data.frame(
    hasIDField = "tab has ID field in first column",
    isOK = 1 %in% grep("ID", names(sraw)),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  result$error <-  ifelse(
  result$header <- valErr_TextErrCol(result)

#' Validate suggested values
#' @param xraw object of type \code{dmdScheme_set} generated with types not converted
#' @param path path to the data files
#' @return \code{dmdScheme_validation} object
#' @export
validateDataFileMetaDataDataFileExists <- function(xraw, path) {
  result <- new_dmdScheme_validation()
  result$header <- "`dataFile` exists in path"
  result$description <- paste(
    "Test if all `dataFile` exist in the given `path`.",
    "The `error` can have the following values apart from `OK`:\n",
    "   error   : If not all `dataFile` exist in the given `path`\n",
  result$descriptionDetails <- paste(
    "The details are a table with one row per unique `variable`",
    "The following values are possible for the column `isTRUE`:\n",
    "   TRUE : If `dataFile` exist in the given `path`\n",
    "   FALSE: If `dataFile` does not exist in the given `path`\n",
    "   NA   : empty cell\n",
    "One or more FALSE or missing values will result in an ERROR."
  fns <- unique(xraw[[1]]["dataFileName"])[[1]]
  result$details <- data.frame(
    dataFileName = fns,
    IsOK = fns %>% file.path(path, .) %>% file.exists(),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  result$error <- ifelse(
  if (any(is.na(fns))) {
    result$error <- 3
  result$header <- valErr_TextErrCol(result)

# Tab specific validation functions ---------------------------------------
## these should not be exported, as they are specific to the scheme!

validateExperiment <- function(x, xraw, xconv) {
  result <- new_dmdScheme_validation()
  result$header <- "Experiment"
  result$description <- paste(
    "Test if the metadata concerning **Experiment** is correct. ",
    "This includes column names, required info, ... "
  result$descriptionDetails <- paste(
    "The details are a table with one row per unique validation.\n",
    "The column `Module` contains the name of the validation,\n",
    "The column `error` contains the actual error of the validation.\n",
    "The following values are possible for the column `isTRUE`:\n",
    "   TRUE : If the validation was `OK`.\n",
    "   FALSE: If the validation was an `error`, `warning` or `note`.\n",
    "   NA   : If at least one v alidation resulted in `NA\n",
    "One or more FALSE or missing values values will result in an ERROR."
  result$types <- validateTypes(xraw[[1]], xconv[[1]])
  result$suggestedValues <- validateSuggestedValues(xraw[[1]])
  result$details <- valErr_isOK(result)
  result$error <- max(valErr_extract(result, returnRootError = FALSE), na.rm = FALSE)
  if (is.na(result$error)) {
    result$error <- 3
  result$header <- valErr_TextErrCol(result)

validateTab <- function(x, xraw, xconv) {
  result <- new_dmdScheme_validation()
  result$header <- names(x)
  result$description <- paste(
    "Test if the metadata concerning **", names(x), "** is correct. ",
    "This includes column names, required info, ... "
  result$descriptionDetails <- paste(
    "The details are a table with one row per unique validation.\n",
    "The column `Module` contains the name of the validation,\n",
    "The column `error` contains the actual error of the validation.\n",
    "The following values are possible for the column `isTRUE`:\n",
    "   TRUE : If the validation was `OK`.\n",
    "   FALSE: If the validation was an `error`, `warning` or `note`.\n",
    "   NA   : If at least one v alidation resulted in `NA\n",
    "One or more FALSE or missing values values will result in an ERROR."
  result$types <- validateTypes(xraw[[1]], xconv[[1]])
  result$suggestedValues <- validateSuggestedValues(xraw[[1]])
  result$allowedValues <- validateAllowedValues(xraw[[1]])
  result$IDField <- validateIDField(xraw[[1]])
  result$details <- valErr_isOK(result)
  result$error <- max(valErr_extract(result), na.rm = FALSE)
  if (is.na(result$error)) {
    result$error <- 3
  result$header <- valErr_TextErrCol(result)

validateDataFileMetaData <- function(x, xraw, xconv, path){
  result <- new_dmdScheme_validation()
  result$header <- "DataFileMetaData"
  result$description <- paste(
    "Test if the metadata concerning **DataExtraction** is correct. ",
    "This includes column names, required info, ... "
  result$descriptionDetails <- paste(
    "The details are a table with one row per unique validation.\n",
    "The column `Module` contains the name of the validation,\n",
    "The column `error` contains the actual error of the validation.\n",
    "The following values are possible for the column `isTRUE`:\n",
    "   TRUE : If the validation was `OK`.\n",
    "   FALSE: If the validation was an `error`, `warning` or `note`.\n",
    "   NA   : If at least one v alidation resulted in `NA\n",
    "One or more FALSE or missing values values will result in an ERROR."
  result$types <- validateTypes(xraw[[1]], xconv[[1]])
  result$allowedValues <- validateAllowedValues(xraw[[1]])
  result$dataFilesExist <- validateDataFileMetaDataDataFileExists(xraw, path)
  result$details <- valErr_isOK(result)
  result$error <- max(valErr_extract(result), na.rm = FALSE)
  if (is.na(result$error)) {
    result$error <- 3
  result$header <- valErr_TextErrCol(result)

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dmdScheme documentation built on Aug. 22, 2022, 9:06 a.m.