##' R can use multiple archives: CRAN, BioConductor and Omegahat have
##' been supported for years. It is equally easy to add local
##' archives from the same machine, or local network, or university /
##' company network as well as other publically available
##' repositories. This function aids in the process, and defaults to
##' inserting a given source archive into a given repository.
##' This function inserts the given (source or binary) package file
##' into the given (local) package repository and updates the
##' index. By setting the \code{commit} option to \code{TRUE}, one can
##' then push to a remote git code repository. If the
##' \code{\link[git2r]{git2r}} package is installed, it is used for
##' the interaction with the git repository; otherwise the \code{git}
##' shell command is used.
##' An aliased function \code{insert} is also available, but not
##' exported via \code{NAMESPACE} to not clobber a possibly unrelated
##' function; use it via \code{drat:::insert()}.
##' The function also checks for a top-level \code{index.html} file to ensure
##' external tests against the repository (as for example done by CRAN if you
##' list the repository as an \sQuote{Additional_repositories} in a package)
##' do not return a \sQuote{404} error. If missing, a simple one-line example is
##' shown.
##' @section Options:
##' Set using \code{\link{options}}
##' \describe{
##' \item{\code{dratRepo}}{Path to git repo. Defaults to \code{~/git/drat}}
##' \item{\code{dratBranch}}{The git branch to store packages on. Defaults to \code{gh-pages}}
##' }
##' @title Insert a package source or binary file into a drat repository
##' @aliases drat:::insert
##' @param file One or more R package(s) in source or binary format
##' @param repodir A local directory corresponding to the repository
##' top-level directory.
##' @param commit Either boolean toggle to select automatic git operations
##' \sQuote{add}, \sQuote{commit}, and \sQuote{push} or, alternatively,
##' a character variable can be used to specify a commit message; this also
##' implies the \sQuote{TRUE} values in other contexts.
##' @param pullfirst Boolean toggle to call \code{git pull} before inserting the package.
##' @param action A character string containing one of: \dQuote{none}
##' (the default; add the new package into the repo, effectively masking
##' previous versions), \dQuote{archive} (place any previous versions into
##' a package-specific archive folder, creating such an archive if it does
##' not already exist), or \dQuote{prune} (calling \code{\link{pruneRepo}}).
##' @param ... For \code{insert} the aliases variant, a catch-all collection of
##' parameters. For \code{insertPackage} arguments passed to
##' \code{write_PACKAGES} currently include \code{latestOnly}, for which the
##' default value is set here to \code{FALSE}. See \code{\link{write_PACKAGES}}.
##' @param location A character variable with the GitHub Pages location:
##' either \dQuote{gh-pages} indicating a branch of that name, or
##' \dQuote{docs/} directory in the main branch. The default value can
##' be overridden via the \dQuote{dratBranch} option.
##' @param OSflavour an optional string naming the OSflavour, which is otherwise read as
##' the second element of the 'Built' field of the \code{file}. For packages that do not
##' need compilation on macOS for R >= 4.3 the 'Built' field is empty in the DESCRIPTION
##' in a binary file (tgz), in which case it can be useful to set the \code{OSflavour}
##' e.g. by the value of R.Version()$platform, so that \code{\link{insertPackages}} inserts
##' the binary into the appropriate sub folder (under bin/maxosx).
##' @return NULL is returned.
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' insertPackage("foo_0.2.3.tar.gz") # inserts into (default) repo
##' insertPackage("foo_0.2.3.tar.gz", "/nas/R/") # ... into local dir
##' }
##' \dontrun{
##' insertPackage("foo_0.2.3.tar.gz", action = "prune") # prunes any older copies
##' insertPackage("foo_0.2.3.tar.gz", action = "archive") # archives any older copies
##' }
##' @author Dirk Eddelbuettel
insertPackage <- function(file,
repodir = getOption("dratRepo", "~/git/drat"),
commit = FALSE,
pullfirst = FALSE,
action = c("none", "archive", "prune"),
location = getOption("dratBranch", "gh-pages"),
OSflavour = character(),
...) {
if (!file.exists(file)) stop("File ", file, " not found\n", call. = FALSE)
## TODO src/contrib if needed, preferably via git2r
if (!dir.exists(repodir)) stop("Directory ", repodir, " not found\n", call. = FALSE)
## check for the optional git2r package
haspkg <- requireNamespace("git2r", quietly = TRUE)
hascmd <- length(Sys.which("git")) > 0
curwd <- getwd()
on.exit(setwd(curwd)) # restore current working directory
pkg <- basename(file)
msg <- if (isTRUE(commit)) sprintf("Adding %s to drat", pkg) else ""
## special case of commit via message: not TRUE, and character
if (!isTRUE(commit) && typeof(commit) == "character" && nchar(commit) > 0) {
msg <- commit
commit <- TRUE
branch <- location
if (commit && haspkg) {
repo <- git2r::repository(repodir)
if (isTRUE(pullfirst)) git2r::pull(repo)
if (branch == "gh-pages") {
git2r::checkout(repo, branch)
} else if (commit && hascmd) {
if (isTRUE(pullfirst)) system("git pull")
if (branch == "gh-pages") {
system2("git", c("checkout", branch))
if (location == "docs") repodir <- file.path(repodir, location)
if (!file.exists(file.path(repodir, "index.html"))) {
message("The repository '", repodir, "' does not have a top-level 'index.html' file. ",
"Consider adding a simple file\nto avoid 404 results on the repo. A one-line ",
"example is '<!doctype html><title>empty</title>'.")
pkginfo <- getPackageInfo(file, OSflavour = OSflavour)
pkgtype <- identifyPackageType(file, pkginfo)
pkgdir <- normalizePath(contrib.url2(repodir, pkgtype, pkginfo["Rmajor"]),
mustWork = FALSE)
if (!file.exists(pkgdir)) {
## TODO: this could be in a git branch, need checking
if (!dir.create(pkgdir, recursive = TRUE)) {
stop("Directory ", pkgdir, " couldn't be created\n", call. = FALSE)
## copy file into repo
if (!file.copy(file, pkgdir, overwrite = TRUE)) {
stop("File ", file, " can not be copied to ", pkgdir, call. = FALSE)
## update index
args <- .norm_tools_package_args(...),
c(list(dir = pkgdir, type = .get_write_PACKAGES_type(pkgtype)), args))
if (commit) {
if (haspkg) {
repo <- git2r::repository(repodir)
git2r::add(repo, pkg)
git2r::add(repo, "PACKAGES")
git2r::add(repo, "PACKAGES.gz")
git2r::add(repo, "PACKAGES.rds")
tryCatch(git2r::commit(repo, msg), error = function(e) warning(e))
#TODO: authentication woes? git2r::push(repo)
message("Added and committed ", pkg, " plus PACKAGES files. Still need to push.\n")
} else if (hascmd) {
cmd <- sprintf(paste("git add %s %s;",
"git commit -m\"%s\";",
"git push"), pkg, pkgfs, msg)
system(cmd) ## TODO: error checking
message("Added, committed and pushed ", pkg, " plus PACKAGES files.\n")
} else {
warning("Commit skipped as both git2r package and git command missing.",
call. = FALSE)
action <- match.arg(action)
pkgname <- gsub("\\.tar\\..*$", "", pkg)
pkgname <- strsplit(pkgname, "_", fixed = TRUE)[[1L]][1L]
if (action == "prune") {
pruneRepo(repopath = repodir,
type = pkgtype,
pkg = pkgname,
version = pkginfo["Rmajor"],
remove = TRUE)
} else if (action == "archive") {
archivePackages(repopath = repodir,
type = pkgtype,
pkg = pkgname,
version = pkginfo["Rmajor"])
.norm_tools_package_args <- function(...){
args <- list(...)
args[["latestOnly"]] <- FALSE
.get_write_PACKAGES_type <- function(pkgtype){
split_pkgtype <- strsplit(pkgtype,"\\.")[[1L]]
write_pkgtype <- paste(split_pkgtype[,min(2L,length(split_pkgtype)))],
collapse = ".")
# write_pkgtype can only be "source", "mac.binary", or "win.binary"
# pkgtype could be "binary" in ARM Mac
if( write_pkgtype == "binary" && grepl("darwin", R.version$os) ){
write_pkgtype <- "mac.binary"
##' @rdname insertPackage
insertPackages <- function(file, ...){
invisible(lapply(file, insertPackage, ...))
##' @rdname insertPackage
insert <- function(...) {
args <- list(...)
if(length(args[["file"]]) > 1L){
} else {
##' This function identifies the package type from a filename.
##' The returned string is suitable for \code{write_PACKAGES()}.
##' @title Identifies the package type from a filename
##' @param file An R package in source or binary format,
##' @param pkginfo information on the R package referenced by \code{file}
##' @section Note:
##' This is an internal function, use \code{:::} to access it from outside
##' the internal package code.
##' @return string Type of the supplied package.
##' @author Jan Schulz and Dirk Eddelbuettel
identifyPackageType <- function(file, pkginfo = getPackageInfo(file)) {
##from src/library/tools/R/packages.R
ret <- if (grepl("_.*\\.tar\\..*$", file)) {
} else if (grepl("_.*\\.tgz$", file)) {
} else if (grepl("_.*\\.zip$", file)) {
} else {
stop("Unknown package type", call. = FALSE)
if(ret == "mac.binary"){
if(pkginfo["osxFolder"] == ""){
if(package_version(pkginfo["Rmajor"]) < package_version("4.1")){
ret <- switch(pkginfo["Rmajor"],
"3.2" = paste0(ret,".mavericks"),
"3.3" = paste0(ret,".mavericks"),
"3.4" = paste0(ret,".el-capitan"),
"3.5" = paste0(ret,".el-capitan"),
"3.6" = paste0(ret,".el-capitan"),
} else if (grepl("aarch64", pkginfo["OSflavour"])) {
# ARM Mac for R >= 4.1
ret <- "binary"
} else if(pkginfo["osxFolder"] %in% c("mavericks","el-capitan","big-sur-x86_64","big-sur-arm64")) {
ret <- paste0(ret,".",pkginfo["osxFolder"])
} else {
stop("mac.binary subtype couldn't be determined. This shouldn't ",
"happen. Please report it with a reproducable example and ",
"provide the binary, if you can. Thanks.")
##' This function returns the compile-time information added
##' to the \code{DESCRIPTION} file in the package.
##' @title Get information from a binary package
##' @param file the fully qualified path of the package
##' @param OSflavour an optional string naming the OSflavour, which is otherwise read as
##' the second element of the 'Built' field of the \code{file}. For packages that do not
##' need compilation on macOS for R >= 4.3 the 'Built' field is empty in the DESCRIPTION
##' in a binary file (tgz), in which case it can be useful to set the \code{OSflavour}
##' e.g. by the value of R.Version()$platform, so that \code{\link{insertPackages}} inserts
##' the binary into the appropriate sub folder (under bin/maxosx).
##' @section Note:
##' This is an internal function, use \code{:::} to access it from outside
##' the internal package code.
##' @return A named vector with several components
##' @author Dirk Eddelbuettel
getPackageInfo <- function(file, OSflavour = character()) {
if (!file.exists(file)) stop("File ", file, " not found!", call. = FALSE)
td <- tempdir()
if (grepl(".zip$", file)) {
unzip(file, exdir = td) # Windows
} else if (grepl(".tgz$", file)) {
untar(file, exdir = td) # macOS
} else {
# Source
##stop("Not sure we can handle ", file, call.=FALSE)
fields <- c("Source" = TRUE, "Rmajor" = NA, "osxFolder" = "")
# Working with data from compressed file only from here on
pkgname <- gsub("^([a-zA-Z0-9.]*)_.*", "\\1", basename(file))
path <- file.path(td, pkgname, "DESCRIPTION")
stop("DESCRIPTION file cannot be opened in '",file,"'. It is expected ",
"to be located in the base directory of compressed file.",
call. = FALSE)
builtstring <- read.dcf(path, 'Built')
unlink(file.path(td, pkgname), recursive = TRUE)
fields <- strsplit(builtstring, "; ")[[1]]
names(fields) <- c("Rversion", "OSflavour", "Date", "OS")
# Insert the OSflavour if specified by the user:
if(length(OSflavour) && is.character(OSflavour)) {
fields[["OSflavour"]] <- OSflavour
rmajor <- gsub("^R (\\d\\.\\d)\\.\\d.*", "\\1", fields["Rversion"])
osxFolder <- switch(fields["OSflavour"],
"x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0" = "mavericks",
"x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0" = "el-capitan",
"x86_64-apple-darwin20" = "big-sur-x86_64",
"aarch64-apple-darwin20" = "big-sur-arm64",
fields <- c(fields, "Rmajor" = unname(rmajor), "osxFolder" = osxFolder)
contrib.url2 <- function(repos, type = getOption("pkgType"), version = NULL){
FUN <- function(t){
contrib_url <- contrib.url(repos = repos, type = t)
} else if( {
if(t != "source"){
contrib_url <- c(contrib_url,
list.dirs(gsub(DRAT_CONTRIB_VERSION_REGEX, "contrib",
recursive = FALSE))
contrib_url <- unique(contrib_url)
} else {
version <- package_version(version)
contrib_url <- gsub(DRAT_CONTRIB_VERSION_REGEX,
urls <- lapply(type,FUN)
names <- unlist(mapply(rep,type,lengths(urls),SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
urls <- unlist(urls)
names(urls) <- names
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