
Defines functions predict.drf drf

Documented in drf predict.drf

#' Distributional Random Forests
#' Trains a distributional random forest that can be used to estimate
#' statistical functional F(P(Y | X)) for possibly multivariate response Y.
#' @param X The covariates used in the regression. Can be either a matrix of numerical values, or a data.frame with characters and factors. In the latter case,
#'   one-hot-encoding will be implicitely used.
#' @param Y The (multivariate) outcome. A matrix or data.frame of numeric values.
#' @param num.trees Number of trees grown in the forest. Default is 500.
#' @param splitting.rule a character value. The type of splitting rule used, can be either "CART" or "FourierMMD".
#' @param num.features a numeric value, in case of "FourierMMD", the number of random features to sample.
#' @param bandwidth a numeric value, the bandwidth of the Gaussian kernel used in case of "FourierMMD", by default the value is NULL and the median heuristic is used.
#' @param response.scaling a boolean value, should the reponses be globally scaled at first.
#' @param node.scaling a boolean value, should the responses be scaled or not by node.
#' @param sample.weights (experimental) Weights given to an observation in estimation.
#'                       If NULL, each observation is given the same weight. Default is NULL.
#' @param clusters Vector of integers or factors specifying which cluster each observation corresponds to.
#'  Default is NULL (ignored).
#' @param equalize.cluster.weights If FALSE, each unit is given the same weight (so that bigger
#'  clusters get more weight). If TRUE, each cluster is given equal weight in the forest. In this case,
#'  during training, each tree uses the same number of observations from each drawn cluster: If the
#'  smallest cluster has K units, then when we sample a cluster during training, we only give a random
#'  K elements of the cluster to the tree-growing procedure. When estimating average treatment effects,
#'  each observation is given weight 1/cluster size, so that the total weight of each cluster is the
#'  same. Note that, if this argument is FALSE, sample weights may also be directly adjusted via the
#'  sample.weights argument. If this argument is TRUE, sample.weights must be set to NULL. Default is
#'  FALSE.
#' @param sample.fraction Fraction of the data used to build each tree.
#'                        Note: If honesty = TRUE, these subsamples will
#'                        further be cut by a factor of honesty.fraction. Default is 0.5.
#' @param mtry Number of variables tried for each split. Default is
#'             \eqn{\sqrt p + 20} where p is the number of variables.
#' @param min.node.size A target for the minimum number of observations in each tree leaf. Note that nodes
#'                      with size smaller than min.node.size can occur, as in the original randomForest package.
#'                      Default is 5.
#' @param honesty Whether to use honest splitting (i.e., sub-sample splitting). Default is TRUE.
#'  For a detailed description of honesty, honesty.fraction, honesty.prune.leaves, and recommendations for
#'  parameter tuning, see the grf reference for more information (initial source)
#'  \href{https://grf-labs.github.io/grf/REFERENCE.html#honesty-honesty-fraction-honesty-prune-leaves}{algorithm reference}.
#' @param honesty.fraction The fraction of data that will be used for determining splits if honesty = TRUE. Corresponds
#'                         to set J1 in the notation of the paper. Default is 0.5 (i.e. half of the data is used for
#'                         determining splits).
#' @param honesty.prune.leaves If TRUE, prunes the estimation sample tree such that no leaves
#'  are empty. If FALSE, keep the same tree as determined in the splits sample (if an empty leave is encountered, that
#'  tree is skipped and does not contribute to the estimate). Setting this to FALSE may improve performance on
#'  small/marginally powered data, but requires more trees (note: tuning does not adjust the number of trees).
#'  Only applies if honesty is enabled. Default is TRUE.
#' @param alpha A tuning parameter that controls the maximum imbalance of a split. Default is 0.05.
#' @param imbalance.penalty A tuning parameter that controls how harshly imbalanced splits are penalized. Default is 0.
#' @param ci.group.size The forest will grow ci.group.size trees on each subsample.
#'                      In order to provide confidence intervals, ci.group.size must
#'                      be at least 2. Default is 2.
#' @param compute.oob.predictions Whether OOB predictions on training set should be precomputed. Default is TRUE.
#' @param num.threads Number of threads used in training. By default, the number of threads is set
#'                    to the maximum hardware concurrency.
#' @param seed The seed of the C++ random number generator.
#' @param compute.variable.importance boolean, should the variable importance be computed in the object.
#' @return A trained distributional random forest object.
#' @examples
#' # Train a distributional random forest with CART splitting rule.
#' n <- 100
#' p <- 2
#' X <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), n, p)
#' Y <- X + matrix(rnorm(n * p), ncol=p)
#' drf.forest <- drf(X = X, Y = Y)
#' # Predict conditional correlation.
#' X.test <- matrix(0, 101, p)
#' X.test[, 1] <- seq(-2, 2, length.out = 101)
#' cor.pred <- predict(drf.forest, X.test, functional = "cor")
#' # Predict on out-of-bag training samples.
#' cor.oob.pred <- predict(drf.forest,  functional = "cor")
#' # Train a distributional random forest with "FourierMMD" splitting rule.
#' n <- 100
#' p <- 2
#' X <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), n, p)
#' Y <- X + matrix(rnorm(n * p), ncol=p)
#' drf.forest <- drf(X = X, Y = Y, splitting.rule = "FourierMMD", num.features = 10)
#' # Predict conditional correlation.
#' X.test <- matrix(0, 101, p)
#' X.test[, 1] <- seq(-2, 2, length.out = 101)
#' cor.pred <- predict(drf.forest, X.test, functional = "cor")
#' # Predict on out-of-bag training samples.
#' cor.oob.pred <- predict(drf.forest,  functional = "cor")
#' @export
#' @useDynLib drf
#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp
#' @importFrom utils modifyList
drf <-               function(X, Y,
                              num.trees = 500,
                              splitting.rule = "FourierMMD",
                              num.features = 10,
                              bandwidth = NULL,
                              response.scaling = TRUE,
                              node.scaling = FALSE,
                              sample.weights = NULL,
                              clusters = NULL,
                              equalize.cluster.weights = FALSE,
                              sample.fraction = 0.5,
                              mtry = min(ceiling(sqrt(ncol(X)) + 20), ncol(X)),
                              min.node.size = 15,
                              honesty = TRUE,
                              honesty.fraction = 0.5,
                              honesty.prune.leaves = TRUE,
                              alpha = 0.05,
                              imbalance.penalty = 0,
                              ci.group.size = 2,
                              compute.oob.predictions = TRUE,
                              num.threads = NULL,
                              seed = stats::runif(1, 0, .Machine$integer.max),
                              compute.variable.importance = FALSE) {

  # initial checks for X and Y
  if (is.data.frame(X)) {

    if (is.null(names(X))) {
      stop("the regressor should be named if provided under data.frame format.")

    if (any(apply(X, 2, class) %in% c("factor", "character"))) {
      any.factor.or.character <- TRUE
      X.mat <- as.matrix(fastDummies::dummy_cols(X, remove_selected_columns = TRUE))
    } else {
      any.factor.or.character <- FALSE
      X.mat <- as.matrix(X)

    mat.col.names.df <- names(X)
    mat.col.names <- colnames(X.mat)
  } else {
    X.mat <- X
    mat.col.names <- NULL
    mat.col.names.df <- NULL
    any.factor.or.character <- FALSE

  if (is.data.frame(Y)) {

    if (any(apply(Y, 2, class) %in% c("factor", "character"))) {
      stop("Y should only contain numeric variables.")
    Y <- as.matrix(Y)
  if (is.vector(Y)) {
    Y <- matrix(Y,ncol=1)

  validate_sample_weights(sample.weights, X.mat)
  #Y <- validate_observations(Y, X)
  clusters <- validate_clusters(clusters, X.mat)
  samples.per.cluster <- validate_equalize_cluster_weights(equalize.cluster.weights, clusters, sample.weights)
  num.threads <- validate_num_threads(num.threads)

  all.tunable.params <- c("sample.fraction", "mtry", "min.node.size", "honesty.fraction",
                          "honesty.prune.leaves", "alpha", "imbalance.penalty")
  # should we scale or not the data
  if (response.scaling) {
    Y.transformed <- scale(Y)
  } else {
    Y.transformed <- Y

  data <- create_data_matrices(X.mat, outcome = Y.transformed, sample.weights = sample.weights)
  # bandwidth using median heuristic by default
  if (is.null(bandwidth)) {
    bandwidth <- medianHeuristic(Y.transformed)

  args <- list(num.trees = num.trees,
               clusters = clusters,
               samples.per.cluster = samples.per.cluster,
               sample.fraction = sample.fraction,
               mtry = mtry,
               min.node.size = min.node.size,
               honesty = honesty,
               honesty.fraction = honesty.fraction,
               honesty.prune.leaves = honesty.prune.leaves,
               alpha = alpha,
               imbalance.penalty = imbalance.penalty,
               ci.group.size = ci.group.size,
               compute.oob.predictions = compute.oob.predictions,
               num.threads = num.threads,
               seed = seed,
               num_features = num.features,
               bandwidth = bandwidth,
               node_scaling = ifelse(node.scaling, 1, 0))

   if (splitting.rule == "CART") {
     ##forest <- do.call(gini_train, c(data, args))
     forest <- do.call.rcpp(gini_train, c(data, args))
     ##forest <- do.call(gini_train, c(data, args))
   } else if (splitting.rule == "FourierMMD") {
     forest <- do.call.rcpp(fourier_train, c(data, args))
   } else {
     stop("splitting rule not available.")

   class(forest) <- c("drf")
   forest[["ci.group.size"]] <- ci.group.size
   forest[["X.orig"]] <- X.mat
   forest[["is.df.X"]] <- is.data.frame(X)
   forest[["Y.orig"]] <- Y
   forest[["sample.weights"]] <- sample.weights
   forest[["clusters"]] <- clusters
   forest[["equalize.cluster.weights"]] <- equalize.cluster.weights
   forest[["tunable.params"]] <- args[all.tunable.params]
   forest[["mat.col.names"]] <- mat.col.names
   forest[["mat.col.names.df"]] <- mat.col.names.df
   forest[["any.factor.or.character"]] <- any.factor.or.character
   if (compute.variable.importance) {
     forest[['variable.importance']] <- variableImportance(forest, h = bandwidth)


#' Predict with a drf forest
#' @param object The trained drf forest.
#' @param newdata Points at which predictions should be made. If NULL, makes out-of-bag
#'                predictions on the training set instead (i.e., provides predictions at
#'                Xi using only trees that did not use the i-th training example). Note
#'                that this matrix (or vector) should have the number of columns as the training
#'                matrix, and that the columns must appear in the same order.
#' @param functional which type of statistical functional. One option between:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{"mean"}{the conditional mean, the returned value is a list containing a matrix \code{mean} of size \code{n} x \code{f},
#'  where \code{n} denotes the number of observation in \code{newdata} and \code{f} the dimension of the \code{transformation}.}
#'  \item{"sd"}{the conditional standard deviation, the returned value is a list containing a matrix \code{sd} of size \code{n} x \code{f},
#'  where \code{n} denotes the number of observation in \code{newdata} and \code{f} the dimension of the \code{transformation}.}
#'  \item{"quantile"}{the conditional quantiles, the returned value is a list containing an array \code{quantile} of size \code{n} x \code{f}  x \code{q},
#'  where \code{n} denotes the number of observation in \code{newdata}, \code{f} the dimension of the \code{transformation} and \code{q} the number of desired quantiles.}
#'  \item{"cor"}{the conditional correlation, the returned value is a list containing an array \code{cor} of size \code{n} x \code{f}  x \code{f},
#'  where \code{n} denotes the number of observation in \code{newdata}, \code{f} the dimension of the \code{transformation}.}
#' \item{"cov"}{the conditional covariance, the returned value is a list containing an array \code{cor} of size \code{n} x \code{f}  x \code{f},
#'  where \code{n} denotes the number of observation in \code{newdata}, \code{f} the dimension of the \code{transformation}.}
#'  \item{"normalPredictionScore"}{a prediction score based on an asymptotic normality assumption, the returned value is a list containing a list of functions \code{normalPredictionScore} of size \code{n},
#'  where \code{n} denotes the number of observation in \code{newdata}. Here the transformation should be uni-dimensional.}
#'  \item{"custom"}{a custom function provided by the user, the returned value is a list containing a matrix \code{custom} of size \code{n} x \code{f},
#'  where \code{n} denotes the number of observation in \code{newdata} and \code{f} the dimension of the output of the function \code{custom.functional}.}
#'  \item{"MQ"}{multivariate quantiles, return a list containing a matrix of the inputed ranks u (that should be provided as an argument of the predict function) along with a list of the different corresponding MQ (same size as u).}
#' }
#' @param transformation a function giving a transformation of the responses, by default if NULL, the identity \code{function(y) y} is used.
#' @param num.threads Number of threads used in training. If set to NULL, the software
#'                    automatically selects an appropriate amount.
#' @param custom.functional a function giving the custom functional when \code{functional} is set to "custom". This should be a function \code{f(y,w)} using the
#'   training response matrix \code{y} and the weights \code{w} at a single testing point.
#' @param ... additional parameters.
#' @return a list containing an entry with the same name as the functional selected.
#' @examples
#' # Train a distributional random forest with CART splitting rule.
#' n <- 100
#' p <- 2
#' X <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), n, p)
#' Y <- X + matrix(rnorm(n * p), ncol=p)
#' drf.forest <- drf(X = X, Y = Y)
#' # Predict conditional correlation.
#' X.test <- matrix(0, 101, p)
#' X.test[, 1] <- seq(-2, 2, length.out = 101)
#' cor.pred <- predict(drf.forest, X.test, functional = "cor")
#' # Predict on out-of-bag training samples.
#' cor.oob.pred <- predict(drf.forest,  functional = "cor")
#' # Train a distributional random forest with "FourierMMD" splitting rule.
#' n <- 100
#' p <- 2
#' X <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), n, p)
#' Y <- X + matrix(rnorm(n * p), ncol=p)
#' drf.forest <- drf(X = X, Y = Y, splitting.rule = "FourierMMD", num.features = 10)
#' # Predict conditional correlation.
#' X.test <- matrix(0, 101, p)
#' X.test[, 1] <- seq(-2, 2, length.out = 101)
#' cor.pred <- predict(drf.forest, X.test, functional = "cor")
#' # Predict on out-of-bag training samples.
#' cor.oob.pred <- predict(drf.forest,  functional = "cor")
#' @method predict drf
#' @export
predict.drf <- function(object,
                        newdata = NULL,
                        transformation = NULL,
                        functional = NULL,
                        num.threads = NULL,
                        custom.functional = function(y, w) apply(y,2,sum(y*w)),
                        ...) {

  # if the newdata is a data.frame we should be careful about the non existing levels
  if (!is.null(newdata) && is.data.frame(newdata)) {

    if (is.data.frame(newdata) && !object$is.df.X) {
      stop("data.frame for newdata is accepted only if it was used for training data.")
    if (ncol(newdata) != length(object$mat.col.names.df)) {
      stop("newdata should have the same dimension as the training data.")

    names(newdata) <- object$mat.col.names.df

    # check if factor or not
    if (!object$any.factor.or.character) {
      newdata.mat <- as.matrix(newdata)
    } else {
      newdata.mat <- as.matrix(fastDummies::dummy_cols(.data = newdata,
                                                       remove_selected_columns = TRUE))

      # define the modifications of the columns to do
      col.to.remove <- setdiff(colnames(newdata.mat), object$mat.col.names)
      col.to.add <- setdiff(object$mat.col.names, colnames(newdata.mat))

      # col to remove
      newdata.mat <- newdata.mat[,!(colnames(newdata.mat)%in%col.to.remove), drop = FALSE]

      # col to add
      prev.nb.col <- ncol(newdata.mat)
      prev.col.names <- colnames(newdata.mat)

      for (col in col.to.add) {
        newdata.mat <- cbind(newdata.mat, 0)

      colnames(newdata.mat) <- c(prev.col.names, col.to.add)

      newdata.mat <- newdata.mat[,object$mat.col.names]
  } else if (!is.null(newdata)) {
    newdata.mat <- newdata

  # support vector as input
  if (!is.null(newdata) && is.null(dim(newdata.mat))) {
    newdata.mat <- matrix(newdata.mat, 1)
  } else if (is.null(newdata)) {
    newdata.mat <- NULL

  # get the weights which are used in a second step
  w <- get_sample_weights(forest = object,
                          newdata = newdata.mat,
                          num.threads = num.threads)

  if (!is.null(transformation) && !(functional %in% c("mean", "quantile", "sd",
                                                      "cor", "cov",
                                                      "normalPredictionScore", "cdf"))) {
    stop("transformation not available.")

  if (is.null(transformation)) {
    transformation <- function(y) y

  if (is.null(functional)) {

    # return the weights
    return(list(weights = w,
                y = object$Y.orig))

  } else if (functional %in% c("mean",
                               "sd")) {

    # get the additional parameters
    add.param <- list(...)

    if (functional == "quantile" && is.null(add.param$quantiles)) {
      stop("additional parameter quantiles should be provided when functional is quantile.")

    # compute the functional on the training set
    functional.t <- t(apply(object$Y.orig,
                            function(yy) transformation(yy)))

    # check length one (R size management)
    if (length(transformation(object$Y.orig[1,])) == 1) {
      functional.t <- t(functional.t)

      # in case of quantile regression
      if (!is.null(add.param$quantiles)) {

        functional.val <- lapply(1:ncol(functional.t), function(j) t(apply(w, 1, function(ww) weighted.quantile(x = functional.t[ww!=0, j],
                                                                                                                          w = ww[ww!=0],
                                                                                                                          probs = add.param$quantiles))))
        quantile.array <- array(dim = c(nrow(w), ncol(functional.t), length(add.param$quantiles)),
                                dimnames = list(NULL, NULL, paste("q=", round(add.param$quantiles, 2), sep="")))

        for (i in 1:length(functional.val)) {

        if (length(add.param$quantile) == 1) {
          functional.val[[i]] <- t(functional.val[[i]])
        #colnames(functional.val[[i]]) <- paste("q=", round(add.param$quantiles, 2), sep="")
        quantile.array[,i,] <- functional.val[[i]]

        return(list(quantile = quantile.array))


    if (functional == "custom") {

      if (!is.null(transformation)) {
        stop("when custom functional is called, transformation should be the identity.")

      custom <- t(apply(w, 1, function(ww) custom.functional(object$Y.orig, ww)))

      return(list(custom = custom))

    } else if (functional == "mean") {

      functional.mean <- t(apply(w, 1, function(ww) ww%*%functional.t))

      # check length one (R size management)
      if (length(transformation(object$Y.orig[1,])) == 1) {

        functional.mean <- t(functional.mean)

      #colnames(functional.mean) <- colnames(object$Y.orig)

      return(list(mean = functional.mean))

    } else if (functional == "sd") {

      functional.mean <- t(apply(w, 1, function(ww) ww%*%functional.t))
      functional.mean2 <- t(apply(w, 1, function(ww) ww%*%(functional.t)^2))

      # check length one (R size management)
      if (length(transformation(object$Y.orig[1,])) == 1) {

        functional.mean <- t(functional.mean)
        functional.mean2 <- t(functional.mean2)

      functional.sd <- sqrt(functional.mean2-(functional.mean)^2)
      #colnames(functional.sd) <- colnames(object$Y.orig)

      return(list(sd = functional.sd))

  } else if (functional == "cor") {

    # compute the functional on the training set
    functional.t <- t(apply(object$Y.orig,
                            function(yy) transformation(yy)))

    # check length one (R size management)
    if (length(transformation(object$Y.orig[1,])) == 1) {
      stop("cor available only for multi-dimensional transformation.")

    cor.mat <- array(1, dim = c(nrow(w), ncol(functional.t), ncol(functional.t)),
                     dimnames = list(NULL, NULL, NULL))

    for (i in 1:nrow(w)) {
      cor.mat[i,,] <- stats::cov.wt(x = functional.t, wt = as.numeric(w[i,]), cor = TRUE)$cor

    return(list(cor = cor.mat))

  } else if (functional == "cov") {

    # compute the functional on the training set
    functional.t <- t(apply(object$Y.orig,
                            function(yy) transformation(yy)))

    # check length one (R size management)
    if (length(transformation(object$Y.orig[1,])) == 1) {
      stop("cor available only for multi-dimensional transformation.")

    cov.mat <- array(1, dim = c(nrow(w), ncol(functional.t), ncol(functional.t)),
                     dimnames = list(NULL, NULL, NULL))

    for (i in 1:nrow(w)) {
      cov.mat[i,,] <- stats::cov.wt(x = functional.t, wt = as.numeric(w[i,]))$cov

    return(list(cov = cov.mat))

  }  else if (functional == "normalPredictionScore") {

    # compute the functional on the training set
    functional.t <- t(apply(object$Y.orig,
                            function(yy) transformation(yy)))

    # check length one (R size management)
    if (length(transformation(object$Y.orig[1,])) == 1) {
      stop("cor available only for multi-dimensional transformation.")

    means <- t(apply(w, 1, function(ww) ww%*%functional.t))

    covs <- array(1, dim = c(nrow(w), ncol(functional.t), ncol(functional.t)))

    for (i in 1:nrow(w)) {
      covs[i,,] <- stats::cov.wt(x = functional.t, wt = as.numeric(w[i,]))$cov

    # dims
    n <- nrow(object$Y.orig)
    d <- ncol(object$Y.orig)

    funs <- lapply(1:nrow(w), function(i) {
                    inv.cov <- solve(covs[i,,])

                    return(function(y) (n/(n+1))*((n-d)/(d*(n-1)))*as.numeric((y-means[i,])%*%inv.cov%*%(y-means[i,])))

    return(list(normalPredictionScore = funs))
  } else if (functional == "MQ") {

    # compute the functional on the training set
    #functional.t <- t(apply(object$Y.orig,
    #                        1,
    #                        function(yy) transformation(yy)))

    u <- list(...)$u
    if (!is.matrix(u) || ncol(u)!=ncol(object$Y.orig)) {
      stop("imcompatible u with the response y.")

    # compute the cost between the provided u's and the y's
    costm <- t(apply(object$Y.orig, 1, function(yy) apply(u, 1, function(uu) {

    # get the transport solution
    info.mq <- apply(w,
                      function(ww) {
                        ids.in <- which(ww!=0)
                        tr <- transport::transport(costm[ids.in,], a = ww[ids.in], b = rep(1/nrow(u),nrow(u)), fullreturn = TRUE)
                        ids.y <- apply(tr$primal, 2, function(x) sample(1:length(x), size = 1, replace = FALSE, prob = x))
                        return(list(ids.y=ids.y, ids.in=ids.in))

    # get one version of the multimap
    yhat <- lapply(info.mq, function(info) {object$Y.orig[info$ids.in,,drop=F][info$ids.y,,drop=F]})
    return(list(multvariateQuantiles = list(yhat = yhat, u = u)))

  } else {
    stop("functional not implemented!")

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