
Defines functions predictRTModels predictConfModels

Documented in predictConfModels predictRTModels

#' Prediction of confidence and RT distributions for several sequential
#' sampling confidence models and parameter constellations in parallel
#' This function is a wrapper around the functions \code{\link{predictRTConf}} (see
#' there for more information). It calls the respective function for predicting the
#' response distribution (discrete decision and rating outcomes) and the rt density
#' (density for decision, rating and response time) for every model and
#' participant combination in \code{paramDf}.
#' Also, see \code{\link{dWEV}}, \code{\link{d2DSD}}, and \code{\link{dRM}} for more
#' information about the parameters.
#' @param paramDf a dataframe with one row per combination of model and
#' participant/parameter set. Columns may include a `participant` (`sbj`, or
#' `subject`) column, and must include a `model` column and the names of the model parameters.
#' For different stimulus
#' quality/mean drift rates, names should be `v1`, `v2`, `v3`,.... Different `s` parameters
#' are possible with `s1`, `s2`, `s3`... with equally many steps as for drift rates (same
#' for `sv` parameter in dynWEV and 2DSD).
#' Additionally, the confidence thresholds should be given by names with
#' `thetaUpper1`, `thetaUpper2`,..., `thetaLower1`,... or,
#' for symmetric thresholds only by `theta1`, `theta2`,....
#' @param maxrt numeric. The maximum RT for the
#' integration/density computation. Default: 15 (for \code{predictConfModels} (integration)) and
#' 9 (for \code{predictRTModels}).
#' @param subdivisions \code{integer} (default: 100).
#' For \code{predictConfModels} it is used as argument for the inner integral routine.
#' For \code{predictRTModels} it is the number of points for which the density is computed.
#' @param minrt numeric or `NULL`(default). The minimum rt for the density computation.
#' If `NULL`, the minimal possible response time possible with given parameters will be used (min(t0)).
#' @param  simult_conf logical, only relevant for dynWEV and 2DSD. Whether in the experiment
#' confidence was reported simultaneously with the decision, as then decision and confidence
#' judgment are assumed to have happened subsequent before response and computations are
#' different, when there is an observable interjudgment time (then `simult_conf` should be FALSE).
#' @param scaled logical. Whether the computed density
#' should be scaled to integrate to one (additional column `densscaled`). Otherwise the output
#' contains only the defective density (i.e. its integral is equal to the probability of a
#' response and not 1). If `TRUE`, the argument `DistConf` should be given, if available.
#' Default: `FALSE`.
#' @param DistConf `NULL` or `data.frame`. A `data.frame` with participant
#' and model columns and columns, giving the distribution of response and rating choices for
#' different conditions and stimulus categories in the form of the output of
#' \code{predictConfModels}. It is only necessary if `scaled=TRUE`, because these
#' probabilities are used for scaling. If `scaled=TRUE` and `DistConf=NULL`, it will be computed
#' with the function \code{predictConfModels}, which takes some time and the function will
#' throw a message. Default: `NULL`
#' @param stop.on.error logical. Argument directly passed on to integrate. Default is FALSE,
#' since the densities invoked may lead to slow convergence of the integrals (which are still
#' quite accurate) which causes R to throw an error.
#' @param parallel logical. If TRUE, prediction is parallelized over participants and models
#' (i.e. over the calls for the respective \code{\link{predictRTConf}} functions).
#' @param n.cores integer. If \code{parallel} is TRUE, the number of cores used for
#' parallelization is required. If `NULL` (default) the number of available cores -1 is used.
#' @param .progress logical. If TRUE (default) a progress bar is drawn to the console. (Works
#' for some OS only when `parallel=FALSE`.)
#' @return \code{predictConfModels} returns a `data.frame`/`tibble` with columns: `participant` (or `sbj`,
#' subject depending on the input), `model`, `condition`, `stimulus`,
#' `response`, `rating`, `correct`, `p`, `info`, `err`. `p` is the predicted probability of a response
#' and `rating`, given the stimulus category and condition. `info` and `err` refer to the
#' respective outputs of the integration routine used for the computation.
#' \code{predictRTModels} returns a `data.frame`/`tibble` with columns: `participant` (or `sbj`,
#' subject depending on the input), `model`, `condition`, `stimulus`,
#' `response`, `rating`, `correct`, `rt` and `dens` (and `densscaled`, if `scaled=TRUE`).
#' @details These functions merely split the input data frame by model participants combinations,
#' call the equivalent \code{\link{predictRTConf}} functions for the individual parameter sets
#' and bind the outputs together. They are included for convenience and the easy parallelization,
#' which facilitates speeding up computations considerably. For the argument
#' \code{paramDf}, the output of the fitting function \code{\link{fitRTConfModels}} with the
#' respective models and participants may be used.
#' The function \code{\link{predictConf}} (called by \code{predictConfModels})
#' consists merely of an integration of the reaction time density or the given model,
#' \code{{d*model*}}, over the reaction time in a reasonable interval (0 to `maxrt`).
#' The function \code{\link{predictRT}} (called by \code{predictRTModels}) wraps these
#' density functions to a parameter set input and a data.frame output. '
#' Note, that the encoding for stimulus identity is different between diffusion based models
#' (2DSD, dynWEV) and race models (IRM(t), PCRM(t)). Therefore, in the columns stimulus and
#' response there will be a mix of encodings: -1/1 for diffusion based models and 1/2 for
#' race models. This, usually is not important, since for further aggregation models will
#' not be mixed.
#' @note Different parameters for different conditions are only allowed for drift rate
#' \code{v}, drift rate variability \code{sv} (only dynWEV and 2DSD), and process variability
#' \code{s}. All other parameters are used for all conditions.
#' @author Sebastian Hellmann.
#' @name predictRTConfModels
#' @import parallel
# @importFrom pracma integral
#' @aliases predictConfModels
#' @examples
#' # First example for 2 participant and the "dynWEV" model
#' # (equivalent applicable for
#' # all other models (with different parameters!))
#' # 1. Define two parameter sets from different participants
#' paramDf <- data.frame(participant = c(1,2), model="dynWEV",
#'                       a=c(1.5, 2),v1=c(0.2,0.1), v2=c(1, 1.5),
#'                       t0=c(0.1, 0.2),z=c(0.52,0.45),
#'                       sz=c(0.0,0.3),sv=c(0.4,0.7), st0=c(0,0.01),
#'                       tau=c(2,3), w=c(0.5,0.2),
#'                       theta1=c(1,1.5), svis=c(0.5,0.1), sigvis=c(0.8, 1.2))
#' paramDf
#' # 2. Predict discrete Choice x Confidence distribution:
#' # model is not an extra argument but must be a column of paramDf
#' preds_Conf <- predictConfModels(paramDf, maxrt = 15, simult_conf=TRUE,
#'                                 .progress=TRUE, parallel = FALSE)
#' # 3. Compute RT density
#' preds_RT <- predictRTModels(paramDf, maxrt=6, subdivisions=100,
#'                       scaled=TRUE, DistConf = preds_Conf,
#'                       parallel=FALSE, .progress = TRUE)
#' head(preds_RT)
#' \donttest{
#'   # produces a warning, if scaled=TRUE and DistConf missing
#'   preds_RT <- predictRTModels(paramDf, scaled=TRUE)
#' }
#' # Use PDFtoQuantiles to get predicted RT quantiles
#' head(PDFtoQuantiles(preds_RT, scaled = FALSE))
#' # Second Example: only one parameter set but for two different models
#' \donttest{
#'   paramDf1 <- data.frame(model="dynWEV", a=1.5,v1=0.2, v2=1, t0=0.1,z=0.52,
#'                         sz=0.3,sv=0.4, st0=0,  tau=3, w=0.5,
#'                         theta1=1, svis=0.5, sigvis=0.8)
#'   paramDf2 <- data.frame(model="PCRMt", a=2,b=2, v1=0.5, v2=1, t0=0.1,st0=0,
#'                         wx=0.6, wint=0.2, wrt=0.2, theta1=4)
#'   paramDf <- dplyr::full_join(paramDf1, paramDf2)
#'   paramDf  # each model parameters sets hat its relevant parameters
#'   predictConfModels(paramDf, parallel=FALSE, .progress=TRUE)
#' }

#' @rdname predictRTConfModels
#' @export
predictConfModels <- function(paramDf,
                              maxrt=15, subdivisions = 100L, simult_conf = FALSE,
                              parallel = FALSE, n.cores=NULL){
  models <- unique(paramDf$model)
  if (is.null(models)) stop("model column missing in paramDf")
  if (!is.numeric(maxrt)) stop("maxrt must be numeric")
  if (!all(grepl("dynWEV|2DSD|IRM|PCRM|DDMConf|dynaViTE", models))) {
    stop("model must contain 'dynaViTE', 'dynWEV', '2DSD', 'DDMConf', 'IRM', 'PCRM', 'IRMt', or 'PCRMt'")
  sbjcol <- c("subject", "participant", "sbj")[which(c("subject", "participant", "sbj") %in% names(paramDf))]
  if (length(sbjcol)==0) {
    paramDf$sbj <- 1
    sbjcol <- "sbj"
  } else {
    if (sbjcol != "sbj") {
      paramDf$sbj <- paramDf[[sbjcol]]
      paramDf[[sbjcol]] <- NULL
  subjects <- unique(paramDf$sbj)

  ### Determine number of jobs, i.e. model-participant-combinations
  nJobs <- nrow(paramDf)

  call_predfct <- function(X) {
    cur_model <- models[X[1]]
    cur_sbj <- X[2]
    sbj <- NULL # to omit a note because of an unbound variable
    model <- NULL # to omit a note because of an unbound variable
    params <- subset(paramDf, sbj==cur_sbj & model==cur_model)
    res <- predictConf(params, cur_model,
                       maxrt=maxrt, subdivisions = subdivisions,
                       simult_conf = simult_conf,
    res$model <- cur_model
    res[[sbjcol]] <- cur_sbj

  jobs <- expand.grid(model=1:length(models), sbj=subjects)
  if (nrow(jobs) < nJobs) stop("model and participant don't produce distinct rows!\nThere should be only one row per participant and model combination")

  if (parallel) {
    listjobs <- list()
    for (i in 1:nrow(jobs)) {
      listjobs[[i]] <- c(model = jobs[["model"]][i], sbj = jobs[["sbj"]][i])
    if (is.null(n.cores)) {
      n.cores <- detectCores()-1
    n.cores <- min(n.cores, nJobs)
    cl <- makeCluster(type="SOCK", n.cores)
    clusterExport(cl, c("paramDf", "sbjcol", "models",
                              "subjects", "maxrt",
                              "subdivisions", "simult_conf", "stop.on.error",
                              ".progress", "call_predfct"), envir = environment())
    on.exit(try(stopCluster(cl), silent = TRUE))
    res <- clusterApplyLB(cl, listjobs, fun=call_predfct)
  } else {
    res <- apply(jobs, 1, call_predfct)
  res <- do.call(rbind, res)

  # Put sbj and model column to the front
  res[,c(ncol(res),(ncol(res)-1), 1:(ncol(res)-2))]

#' @rdname predictRTConfModels
#' @export
predictRTModels <- function(paramDf,
                            maxrt=9, subdivisions = 100L,  minrt=NULL,
                            simult_conf = FALSE,
                            scaled = FALSE, DistConf=NULL,
                            .progress = TRUE,
                            parallel = FALSE, n.cores=NULL){ #  ?ToDO: vary_sv=FALSE, RRT=NULL, vary_tau=FALSE
  if (!is.numeric(maxrt)) stop("maxrt must be numeric")
  models <- unique(paramDf$model)
  if (is.null(models)) stop("model column missing in paramDf")
  if (!all(grepl("dynWEV|2DSD|IRM|PCRM|DDMConf|dynaViTE", models))) {
    stop("model must contain 'dynaViTE', 'dynWEV', '2DSD', 'DDMConf', 'IRM', 'PCRM', 'IRMt', or 'PCRMt'")
  sbjcol <- c("subject", "participant", "sbj")[which(c("subject", "participant", "sbj") %in% names(paramDf))]
  if (length(sbjcol)==0) {
    paramDf$sbj <- 1
    sbjcol <- "sbj"
  } else {
    if (sbjcol != "sbj") {
      paramDf$sbj <- paramDf[[sbjcol]]
      paramDf[[sbjcol]] <- NULL
  subjects <- unique(paramDf$sbj)

  if (scaled && !is.null(DistConf)) {
    if (sbjcol != "sbj") {
      DistConf$sbj <- DistConf[[sbjcol]]
      DistConf[[sbjcol]] <- NULL
    if (!all(subjects %in% unique(DistConf$sbj))) stop("There is a subject in paramDf, that is not present in DistConf!")
    if (!all(models %in% unique(DistConf[["model"]]))) stop("There is a model in paramDf, that is not present in DistConf!")

  if (scaled && is.null(DistConf)) {
    message(paste0("scaled is TRUE and DistConf is NULL.\n",
                   "Confidence distribution is calculated before ",
            "computing the RT densities,\nthis takes considerable additional time..."))
    DistConf <- predictConfModels(paramDf, maxrt = 15,
                                  subdivisions = 100L,
                                  simult_conf = simult_conf,
                                  parallel = parallel, n.cores=n.cores)
    #if (is.null(return_DistConf)) return_DistConf <- TRUE
    message("...finished computation of confidence distribution.")

  ### Determine number of jobs, i.e. model-participant-combinations
  nJobs <- nrow(paramDf)
  ### set up parallelization settings
  if (parallel) {
    if (is.null(n.cores)) {
      n.cores <- detectCores()-1
    n.cores <- min(n.cores, nJobs)
  if (is.null(minrt)) {
    minrt <- min(paramDf$t0)
    if (simult_conf && any(c("2DSD", "dynWEV") %in% models)) {
      pars_diffmodels <- paramDf[paramDf$model %in% c("2DSD", "dynWEV"),]
      minrt <- min(minrt, pars_diffmodels$t0+pars_diffmodels$tau)
  call_predfct <- function(X) {
    cur_model <- models[X[1]]
    cur_sbj <- X[2]
    sbj <- NULL # to omit a note because of an unbound variable
    model <- NULL # to omit a note because of an unbound variable
    params <- subset(paramDf, sbj==cur_sbj & model==cur_model)
    if (scaled) {
      cur_DistConf <- subset(DistConf, sbj==cur_sbj & model==cur_model)
    } else {
      cur_DistConf <- NULL
    res <- predictRT(params, cur_model,
                     maxrt=maxrt, subdivisions = subdivisions,
                     minrt=minrt, simult_conf = simult_conf,
                     scaled=scaled, DistConf=cur_DistConf,
    res$model <- cur_model
    res[[sbjcol]] <- cur_sbj
  jobs <- expand.grid(model=1:length(models), sbj=subjects)
  if (nrow(jobs) < nJobs) stop("model and participant don't produce distinct rows!\nThere should be only one row per participant and model combination")

  if (parallel) {
    listjobs <- list()
    for (i in 1:nrow(jobs)) {
      listjobs[[i]] <- c(model = jobs[["model"]][i], sbj = jobs[["sbj"]][i])
    cl <- makeCluster(type="SOCK", n.cores)
    clusterExport(cl, c("paramDf", "sbjcol", "models",
                              "subjects", "maxrt", "minrt", "simult_conf",
                              "subdivisions", "scaled", "DistConf",
                              ".progress", "call_predfct"), envir = environment())
    on.exit(try(stopCluster(cl), silent = TRUE))
    res <- clusterApplyLB(cl, listjobs, fun=call_predfct)
  } else {
    res <- apply(jobs, 1, call_predfct)
  res <- do.call(rbind, res)

  # Put sbj and model column to the front
  res[,c(ncol(res),(ncol(res)-1), 1:(ncol(res)-2))]

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