
Defines functions getBF alcalc sameleaf.dynaTree varproptotal.dynaTree varpropuse.dynaTree sens.dynaTree qEI.dynaTree qEntropy.dynaTree entropyX.dynaTree relevance.dynaTree alcX.dynaTree alc.dynaTree ieci.dynaTree classprobs.dynaTree coef.dynaTree predict.dynaTree

Documented in alcalc alc.dynaTree alcX.dynaTree classprobs.dynaTree coef.dynaTree entropyX.dynaTree getBF ieci.dynaTree predict.dynaTree qEI.dynaTree qEntropy.dynaTree relevance.dynaTree sameleaf.dynaTree sens.dynaTree varproptotal.dynaTree varpropuse.dynaTree

# Dynamic trees for learning, design, variable selection, and sensitivity
# Copyright (C) 2011, The University of Chicago
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
# Questions? Contact Robert B. Gramacy (rbgramacy@chicagobooth.edu)

## predict.dynaTree:
## generic prediction function for new data XX --
## uses the existing obj$num C-side cloud which
## must not have been deleted

predict.dynaTree <- function(object, XX, yy=NULL, quants=TRUE,
                             ei=FALSE, verb=0, ...)
    ## for timing purposes
    ## p1 <- proc.time()[3]

    ## make sure object$num is defined
    if(is.null(object$num)) stop("no cloud number in object")
    ## extract the vitals of XX
    XX <- as.matrix(XX)
    nn <- nrow(XX)
    if(object$icept == "augmented") XX <- cbind(rep(1,nn), XX)
    if(ncol(XX) != object$m) stop("XX has bad dimensions");

    ## check yy if not NULL
    if(!is.null(yy)) {
      if(length(yy) != nn) stop("length(yy) must match nrow(XX)")
      if(object$model == "class") {
        yy <- round(yy)-1 ## check for sain class labels
        if(any(yy < 0)) stop("class labels must start at 1")
        if(any(yy >= max(object$classes)))
          stop("class labels must be <= max(object$y)")

    ## special handling for classification
    if(object$model == "class") {

      ## helpful prints
      if(ei) warning("ei not relevant for classification")
      ## number of classification labels
      nc <- max(object$classes)
      pred <- .C("predclass_R",
                 cloud = as.integer(object$num),
                 XX = as.double(t(XX)),
                 byy = as.integer(length(yy)),
                 yy = as.integer(yy),
                 nn = as.integer(nn),
                 verb = as.integer(verb),
                 p = double(nn*nc),
                 yypred = double(length(yy)),
                 entropy = double(nn),
                 PACKAGE = "dynaTree")

      ## combine pred with object
      pred$p <- matrix(pred$p, ncol=nc)
      colnames(pred$p) <- paste("c", 1:nc, sep="")
      object$p <- pred$p
      object$entropy <- pred$entropy
      object$yypred <- pred$yypred
    } else { ## typical handling for regression
      ## call the C-side predict routine
      pred <- .C("predict_R",
                 cloud = as.integer(object$num),
                 XX = as.double(t(XX)),
                 byy = as.integer(length(yy)),
                 yy = as.double(yy),
                 nn = as.integer(nn),
                 verb = as.integer(verb),
                 mean = double(nn),
                 vmean = double(nn),
                 var = double(nn),
                 df = double(nn),
                 quants = as.integer(quants),
                 q1 = double(nn*quants),
                 q2 = double(nn*quants),
                 yypred = double(length(yy)),
                 bei = as.integer(ei),
                 ei = double(nn*ei),
		 PACKAGE = "dynaTree")
      ## combine pred with object
      object$mean <- pred$mean
      object$vmean <- pred$vmean
      object$var <- pred$var
      object$df <- pred$df
      object$q1 <- pred$q1
      object$q2 <- pred$q2
      object$yypred <- pred$yypred
      object$ei <- pred$ei

      ## possibly remove ei and/or quants
      if(!ei) object$ei <- NULL
      if(!quants) object$q1 <- object$q2 <- NULL

    ## put originals back
    object$XX <- XX

    ## update time
    ## object$time <- object$time + proc.time()[3] - p1
    ## return

## coef.dynaTree:
## generic coef function for new data XX --
## note coefficients are input-dependent --
## uses the existing obj$num C-side cloud which
## must not have been deleted;  coeffs returned are
## averaged over particles

coef.dynaTree <- function(object, XX, verb=0, ...)
    ## special handling for classification
    if(object$model == "class" || object$model == "constant") {
      warning("coef and predict are the same for classification & constant models")
      return(predict(object, XX, verb=verb, ...))

    ## make sure object$num is defined
    if(is.null(object$num)) stop("no cloud number in object")
    ## extract the vitals of XX
    XX <- as.matrix(XX)
    nn <- nrow(XX)
    if(object$icept == "augmented") {
      XX <- cbind(rep(1,nn), XX)
      m <- object$m
    } else if(object$icept == "none") m <- object$m 
    else m <- object$m + 1
    if(ncol(XX) != object$m) stop("XX has bad dimensions");

    ## call the C-side predict routine
    pred <- .C("coef_R",
               cloud = as.integer(object$num),
               XX = as.double(t(XX)),
               nn = as.integer(nn),
               verb = as.integer(verb),
               beta = double(nn * m),
               PACKAGE = "dynaTree")

    ## put originals back
    object$XXc <- XX
    object$coef <- matrix(pred$beta, ncol=m, byrow=TRUE)

    ## return

## classprobs.dynaTree:
## return the probabilities of a particular class, or a Boolean
## sample of that class

            function(object, ...)

classprobs.dynaTree <- function(object, class, XX, output=c("p", "c", "both"),
                                verb=0, ...)
    ## for timing purposes
    ## p1 <- proc.time()[3]

    ## make sure object$num is defined
    if(is.null(object$num)) stop("no cloud number in object")
    ## sanity check
    if(object$model != "class") stop("only valid for classification models")

    ## number of classification labels
    nc <- max(object$classes)
    if(length(class) != 1 || class <= 0 || class > nc)
      stop("class must be in 1:nc=max(object$classes)")

    ## extract the vitals of XX
    XX <- as.matrix(XX)
    nn <- nrow(XX)
    if(object$icept == "augmented") XX <- cbind(rep(1,nn), XX)
    if(ncol(XX) != object$m) stop("XX has bad dimensions");
    ## check output argument
    output <- match.arg(output)
    pcls <- cls <- FALSE
    if(output == "p") pcls <- TRUE
    else if (output == "c") cls <- TRUE
    else pcls <- cls <- TRUE
    pred <- .C("classprobs_R",
               cloud = as.integer(object$num),
               class = as.integer(class - 1),
               XX = as.double(t(XX)),
               nn = as.integer(nn),
               verb = as.integer(verb),
               pcls = double(nn*object$N*pcls),
               cls = double(nn*object$N*cls),
               PACKAGE = "dynaTree")

    ## combine pred with object
    if(pcls) object$pcls[[class]] <- matrix(pred$pcls, nrow=object$N, byrow=TRUE)
    if(cls) object$cls[[class]] <- matrix(pred$cls, nrow=object$N, byrow=TRUE)
    ## put originals back
    object$XX <- XX

    ## update time
    ## object$time <- object$time + proc.time()[3] - p1
    ## return

setMethod("classprobs", "dynaTree", classprobs.dynaTree)

## ieci.dynaTree:
## ieci calculation at new XX locations based on reference
## locations in Xref -- uses the existing
## obj$num C-side cloud which must not have been deleted

            function(object, ...)

ieci.dynaTree <- function(object, XX, Xref=NULL, probs=NULL, verb=0)
    ## for timing purposes
    ## p1 <- proc.time()[3]

    ## make sure object$num is defined
    if(is.null(object$num)) stop("no cloud number in object")
    ## sanity check
    if(object$model == "class") stop("not for use with classification models")
    ## extract the vitals of XX
    XX <- as.matrix(XX)
    nn <- nrow(XX)
    if(object$icept == "augmented") XX <- cbind(rep(1,nn), XX)
    if(ncol(XX) != object$m) stop("XX has bad dimensions");
    ## checking Xref
    if(!is.null(Xref)) { ## numerical ALC with Xref

      ## check formatting of Xref
      if(is.null(nrow(Xref))) Xref <- matrix(Xref, ncol=1)
      nref <- nrow(Xref)
      if(object$icept == "augmented") Xref <- cbind(rep(1,nref), Xref)
      if(nref > 0 && ncol(Xref) != object$m)
        stop("Xref has bad dimensions")
      Xref <- t(Xref)

    } else nref <- 0 ## using XX as Xref

    ## check probs
    if(!is.null(probs) && (is.null(dim(probs)) ||
                           nrow(probs) != object$N || ncol(probs) != nref))
      stop("probs must be a object$N * nrow(Xref) matrix")
    if(!is.null(probs)) probs <- t(probs)

    ## call the C-side alc routine
    pred <- .C("ieci_R",
               cloud = as.integer(object$num),
               XX = as.double(t(XX)),
               nn = as.integer(nn),
               Xref = as.double(Xref), 
               nref = as.integer(nref),
               probs = as.double(probs), ## transposed above
               verb = as.integer(verb),
               ieci = double(nn),
               PACKAGE = "dynaTree")
    ## combine pred with object
    object$ieci <- pred$ieci

    ## put originals back
    object$XX <- XX
    object$Xref <- Xref
    if(!is.null(probs)) object$probs <- t(probs)

    ## update time
    ## object$time <- object$time + proc.time()[3] - p1
    ## return

setMethod("ieci", "dynaTree", ieci.dynaTree)

## alc.dynaTree:
## alc calculation at new XX locations based on reference
## locations in Xref, or an analytic calculation using a
## rectangle in Xref -- uses the existing obj$num C-side
## cloud which must not have been deleted

            function(object, XX, rect=NULL, categ=NULL, approx=FALSE,
                         Xref=NULL, probs=NULL, verb=0)

alc.dynaTree <- function(object, XX, rect=NULL, categ=NULL, approx=FALSE,
                         Xref=NULL, probs=NULL, verb=0)
    ## for timing purposes
    ## p1 <- proc.time()[3]

    ## make sure object$num is defined
    if(is.null(object$num)) stop("no cloud number in object")

    ## sanity check
    if(object$model == "class") stop("not for use with classification models")
    ## extract the vitals of XX
    XX <- as.matrix(XX)
    nn <- nrow(XX)
    if(object$icept == "augmented") XX <- cbind(rep(1,nn), XX)
    if(ncol(XX) != object$m) stop("XX has bad dimensions");
    ## checking Xref and rect
    if(!is.null(Xref)) { ## numerical ALC with Xref

      ## sanity check
      if(!is.null(rect)) stop("Xref only valid when rect is NULL")
      if(!is.null(categ)) stop("categ not valid with Xref")

      ## check formatting of Xref
      if(is.null(nrow(Xref))) Xref <- matrix(Xref, ncol=1)
      nref <- nrow(Xref)
      if(object$icept == "augmented") Xref <- cbind(rep(1,nref), Xref)
      if(nref > 0 && ncol(Xref) != object$m)
        stop("Xref has bad dimensions")
      Xref <- t(Xref)

    } else if(length(rect) == 1 && rect == FALSE) {
      nref <- 0 ## using XX as Xref
      if(!is.null(categ)) stop("categ not valid with Xref=XX")
      if(approx) stop("approx not valid with Xref=XX")
    } else { ## using analytic calculation via rectangle
      ## sanity check
      if(!is.null(probs)) stop("must use Xref to use probs")

      ## default categ argument
      X <- as.matrix(object$X)
      d <- ncol(X)
      if(is.null(categ)) categ <- apply(X, 2, function(x) { setequal(unique(x), c(0,1)) })
      else if(object$icept == "augmented") categ <- c(FALSE, categ)
      if(verb > 0) cat("categorical inputs:", paste(((1:d)[categ]), sep=" "), "\n")

      ## check categ argument (not sure about the second check)
      if(length(categ) != d && ! is.logical(categ))
        stop("categ should be NULL or a length-d logical vector")
      ## extract/check the vitals of rect
      if(is.null(rect)) ## automatic rect
        rect <- t(apply(rbind(X, XX), 2, range)) ## combining with XX here is unique
      else { ## specified rect
        if(is.null(nrow(rect))) rect <- matrix(rect, nrow=1)
        if(object$icept == "augmented") rect <- rbind(rep(1,2), rect)
      ## post sanity check
      if(ncol(rect) != 2 && nrow(rect) != d) stop("rect has bad dimensions")
      if(any(rect[,2] < rect[,1])) stop("rect has reversed boundaries")

      ## check rect in the categorical variable context
      for(i in 1:d){
        if(categ[i] == TRUE){
          if(rect[i,1] != 0 || rect[i,2] != 1){
            stop(paste("rect must be [0,1] for cat inputs (i=", i,")", sep=""))

      ## check for possible numerical problems in area calculations
      if(length(approx) != 1 || !is.logical(approx))
        stop("approx should be a scalar logical")
      if(!approx) {
        A <- prod(rect[!categ,2] - rect[!categ,1])
        if(A > 1/sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
          warning("area of bounding rectangle is very large; suggest approx=TRUE or transform data",
      ## for sending to C
      nref <- -1; Xref <- rect 

    ## check probs
    if(!is.null(probs) && (is.null(dim(probs)) ||
                           nrow(probs) != object$N || ncol(probs) != nref))
      stop("probs must be a object$N * nrow(Xref) matrix")
    if(!is.null(probs)) probs <- t(probs)

    ## call the C-side alc routine
    pred <- .C("alc_R",
               cloud = as.integer(object$num),
               XX = as.double(t(XX)),
               nn = as.integer(nn),
               Xref = as.double(Xref), 
               nref = as.integer(nref),
               categ = as.integer(categ),
               approx = as.integer(approx),
               probs = as.double(probs),
               verb = as.integer(verb),
               alc = double(nn),
               PACKAGE = "dynaTree")
    ## combine pred with object
    object$alc <- pred$alc

    ## put originals back
    object$XX <- XX
    object$Xref <- Xref  ## which may be rect
    object$categ <- categ
    if(!is.null(probs)) object$probs <- t(probs)

    ## update time
    ## object$time <- object$time + proc.time()[3] - p1
    ## return

setMethod("alc", "dynaTree", alc.dynaTree)

## alcX.dynaTree:
## calculate the ALC statistic at the data locations
## based on a rectangle of reference locations; 
## uses the existing obj$num C-side cloud which
## must not have been deleted

            function(object, rect=NULL, categ=NULL, approx=FALSE, verb=0)

alcX.dynaTree <- function(object, rect=NULL, categ=NULL, approx=FALSE, verb=0)
    ## make sure object$num is defined
    if(is.null(object$num)) stop("no cloud number in object")
    ## for timing purposes
    p1 <- proc.time()[3]

    ## must use something else for classification
    if(object$model == "class") stop("not for use with classification models")

    ## default categ argument
    X <- as.matrix(object$X)
    d <- ncol(X)
    if(is.null(categ)) categ <- apply(X, 2, function(x) { setequal(unique(x), c(0,1)) })
    else if(object$icept == "augmented") categ <- c(FALSE, categ)
    if(verb > 0) cat("categorical inputs:", paste(((1:d)[categ]), sep=" "), "\n")
    ## check categ argument (not sure about the second check)
    if(length(categ) != d && ! is.logical(categ))
      stop("categ should be NULL or a length-d logical vector")
    ## extract/check the vitals of rect
    if(is.null(rect)) rect <- t(apply(X, 2, range)) ## automatic rect
    else { ## specified rect
      if(is.null(nrow(rect))) rect <- matrix(rect, nrow=1)
      if(object$icept == "augmented") rect <- rbind(rep(1,2), rect)
    ## final sanity checks
    if(ncol(rect) != 2 && nrow(rect) != object$m) stop("rect has bad dimensions")
    if(any(rect[,2] < rect[,1])) stop("rect has reversed boundaries")

    ## check rect in the categorical variable context
    for(i in 1:d){
      if(categ[i] == TRUE){
        if(rect[i,1] != 0 || rect[i,2] != 1){
          stop(paste("rect must be [0,1] for cat inputs (i=", i,")", sep=""))

    ## check for possible numerical problems in area calculations
    if(length(approx) != 1 || !is.logical(approx))
      stop("approx should be a scalar logical")
    if(!approx) {
      A <- prod(rect[!categ,2] - rect[!categ,1])
      if(A > 1/sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
        warning("area of bounding rectangle is very large; suggest approx=TRUE or transform data",

    ## check that approx isn't changing from last time
    if(!is.null(object$alcX) && approx != object$approx)
      stop("must re-initialize object to change approx")
    ## call the C-side predict routine
    pred <- .C("alcX_R",
               cloud = as.integer(object$num),
               rect = as.double(rect),
               categ = as.integer(categ),
               approx = as.integer(approx),
               verb = as.integer(verb),
               alcX = double(nrow(X)),
               PACKAGE = "dynaTree")
    ## combine pred with object
    object$alcX <- pred$alcX
    object$rect <- rect
    object$categ <- categ
    object$approx <- approx

    ## update time
    object$time <- object$time + proc.time()[3] - p1
    ## return

setMethod("alcX", "dynaTree", alcX.dynaTree)

## relevance.dynaTree:
## calculate the average reduction in variance statistic,
## i.e., the partial dependencies of the input coordinates,
## for each leaf split in the tree of every particle 
## based on a rectangle of reference locations; 
## uses the existing obj$num C-side cloud which
## must not have been deleted

            function(object, rect=NULL, categ=NULL, approx=FALSE, verb=0)

relevance.dynaTree <- function(object, rect=NULL, categ=NULL, approx=FALSE, verb=0)
    ## make sure object$num is defined
    if(is.null(object$num)) stop("no cloud number in object")
    ## for timing purposes
    p1 <- proc.time()[3]

    ## default categ argument
    X <- as.matrix(object$X)
    d <- ncol(X)
    if(is.null(categ)) categ <- apply(X, 2, function(x) { setequal(unique(x), c(0,1)) })
    else if(object$icept == "augmented") categ <- c(FALSE, categ)
    if(any(categ) && verb > 0)
      cat("categorical inputs:", paste(((1:d)[categ]), sep=" "), "\n")
    ## check categ argument (not sure about the second check)
    if(length(categ) != d && ! is.logical(categ))
      stop("categ should be NULL or a length-d logical vector")

    ## extract/check the vitals of rect
    if(is.null(rect)) rect <- t(apply(X, 2, range)) ## automatic rect
    else { ## specified rect
      if(is.null(nrow(rect))) rect <- matrix(rect, nrow=1)
      if(object$icept == "augmented") rect <- rbind(rep(1,2), rect)
    ## final sanity checks
    if(ncol(rect) != 2 && nrow(rect) != d) stop("rect has bad dimensions")
    if(any(rect[,2] < rect[,1])) stop("rect has reversed boundaries")

    ## check rect in the categorical variable context
    for(i in 1:d){
      if(categ[i] == TRUE){
        if(rect[i,1] != 0 || rect[i,2] != 1){
          stop(paste("rect must be [0,1] for cat inputs (i=", i,")", sep=""))

    ## check for possible numerical problems in area calculations
    if(length(approx) != 1 || !is.logical(approx))
      stop("approx should be a scalar logical")
    if(!approx) {
      A <- prod(rect[!categ,2] - rect[!categ,1])
      if(A > 1/sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
        warning("area of bounding rectangle is very large; suggest approx=TRUE or transform data",
    ## call the C-side predict routine
    pred <- .C("relevance_R",
               cloud = as.integer(object$num),
               rect = as.double(rect),
               categ = as.integer(categ),
               approx = as.integer(approx),
               verb = as.integer(verb),
               delta = double(object$N * d),
               PACKAGE = "dynaTree")
    ## combine pred with object
    dn <- list(NULL, colnames(X))
    object$relevance <- matrix(pred$delta, ncol=d, byrow=TRUE, dimnames=dn)
    object$rect <- rect
    object$categ <- categ
    object$approx <- approx
    ## update time
    object$time <- object$time + proc.time()[3] - p1
    ## return

setMethod("relevance", "dynaTree", relevance.dynaTree)

## entropyX.dynaTree:
## calculate Entropy statistics at the data locations
## uses the existing obj$num C-side cloud which
## must not have been deleted

            function(object, ...)

entropyX.dynaTree <- function(object, verb=0)
    ## make sure object$num is defined
    if(is.null(object$num)) stop("no cloud number in object")
    ## for timing purposes
    p1 <- proc.time()[3]
    ## sanity check
    if(object$model != "class") stop("only used by classification models")

    ## call the C-side predict routine
    pred <- .C("entropyX_R",
               cloud = as.integer(object$num),
               verb = as.integer(verb),
               entropyX = double(nrow(object$X)),
               PACKAGE = "dynaTree")
    ## combine pred with object
    object$entropyX <- pred$entropyX

    ## update time
    object$time <- object$time + proc.time()[3] - p1
    ## return

setMethod("entropyX", "dynaTree", entropyX.dynaTree)

## qEntropy.dynaTree:
## quantile-based entropy calculation; uses the existing obj$num
## C-side cloud which must not have been deleted

            function(object, XX, q=0, verb=0)

qEntropy.dynaTree <- function(object, XX, q=0, verb=0)
    ## make sure object$num is defined
    if(is.null(object$num)) stop("no cloud number in object")
    ## for timing purposes
    p1 <- proc.time()[3]

    ## extract the vitals of XX
    XX <- as.matrix(XX)
    nn <- nrow(XX)
    if(object$icept == "augmented") XX <- cbind(rep(1,nn), XX)
    if(ncol(XX) != object$m) stop("XX has bad dimensions");

    ## check q
    if(length(q) != 1) stop("q must be a scalar")
    ## sanity check
    if(object$model == "class") stop("only used by regression models")

    ## call the C-side predict routine
    pred <- .C("qEntropy_R",
               cloud = as.integer(object$num),
               XX = as.double(t(XX)),
               nn = as.integer(nn),
               q = as.double(q),
               verb = as.integer(verb),
               qEntropy = double(nrow(XX)),
               PACKAGE = "dynaTree")
    ## combine pred with object
    object$qEntropy <- pred$qEntropy

    ## put originals back
    object$XX <- XX
    ## update time
    object$time <- object$time + proc.time()[3] - p1
    ## return

setMethod("qEntropy", "dynaTree", qEntropy.dynaTree)

## qEI.dynaTree:
## quantile-based EI calculation; uses the existing obj$num
## C-side cloud which must not have been deleted

            function(object, XX, q=0, alpha=2, verb=0)

qEI.dynaTree <- function(object, XX, q=0, alpha=2, verb=0)
    ## make sure object$num is defined
    if(is.null(object$num)) stop("no cloud number in object")
    ## for timing purposes
    p1 <- proc.time()[3]

    ## extract the vitals of XX
    XX <- as.matrix(XX)
    nn <- nrow(XX)
    if(object$icept == "augmented") XX <- cbind(rep(1,nn), XX)
    if(ncol(XX) != object$m) stop("XX has bad dimensions");

    ## check q, alpha
    if(length(q) != 1) stop("q must be a scalar")
    if(length(alpha != 1) && alpha <= 0) stop("alpha must be a positive scalar")
    ## sanity check
    if(object$model == "class") stop("only used by regression models")

    ## call the C-side predict routine
    pred <- .C("qEI_R",
               cloud = as.integer(object$num),
               XX = as.double(t(XX)),
               nn = as.integer(nn),
               q = as.double(q),
               alpha = as.double(alpha),
               verb = as.integer(verb),
               qEI = double(nrow(XX)),
               PACKAGE = "dynaTree")
    ## combine pred with object
    object$qEI <- pred$qEI

    ## put originals back
    object$XX <- XX
    ## update time
    object$time <- object$time + proc.time()[3] - p1
    ## return

setMethod("qEI", "dynaTree", qEI.dynaTree)

## sens.dynaTree:
## sensity analysis for dynaTree models
## uses the existing obj$num C-side cloud which
## must not have been deleted; a bunch of this C code
## was copied from the tgp package

            function(object, class=NULL, nns=1000, nME=100, span=0.3,
                          method=c("lhs", "boot"), lhs=NULL, categ=NULL,

sens.dynaTree <- function(object, class=NULL, nns=1000, nME=100, span=0.3,
                          method=c("lhs", "boot"), lhs=NULL, categ=NULL,
    ## make sure object$num is defined
    if(is.null(object$num)) stop("no cloud number in object")
    ## process the X data and extract dimensions & intercept
    X <- as.matrix(object$X)
    T <- nrow(X)
    if(object$icept == "augmented") X <- X[,-1]
    d <- ncol(X)
    ## check nns and nME
    nns <- round(nns)
    if(length(nns) != 1 || nns <= 0) stop("nns should be a positive scalar integer")
    nME <- round(nME)
    if(length(nME) != 1 || nME <= 0) stop("nME should be a positive scalar integer")
    ## process the method argument
    method <- match.arg(method)
    if(method == "boot" && !is.null(lhs)) {
      warning("lhs should be NULL for boot methd")
      lhs <- NULL
    ## default categ argument
    if(is.null(categ)) categ <- apply(X, 2, function(x) { setequal(unique(x), c(0,1)) })
    else if(object$icept == "augmented") categ <- c(FALSE, categ)
    if(any(categ) && verb > 0)
      cat("categorical inputs:", paste(((1:d)[categ]), sep=" "), "\n")
    ## check categ argument (not sure about the second check)
    if(length(categ) != d && ! is.logical(categ))
      stop("categ should be NULL or a length-d logical vector")
    if(method == "boot" && any(categ)) {
      if(any(apply(as.matrix(X[,categ]), 2, 
                   function(x) { !setequal(unique(x), c(0,1)) })))
        stop("X[,categ] can only have entries in {0,1}")
    ## deal with LHS list
    if(is.null(lhs)) lhs <- list(rect=NULL, shape=NULL, mode=NULL)
    if(method == "lhs") {
      ## process the rect argument
      if(is.null(lhs$rect)) lhs$rect <- t(apply(X,2,range))
      else if(nrow(lhs$rect) != d || ncol(lhs$rect) != 2)
        stop(paste("rect should be a ", d, "x2-matrix", sep=""))
      ## sanity check
      if(any(lhs$rect[,2] < lhs$rect[,1])) {
        stop("lhs$rect has reversed boundaries")
      ## check the shape LHS parameter vector
      if(is.null(lhs$shape)) lhs$shape <- as.numeric(!categ)
      else if(length(lhs$shape) != d || !all(lhs$shape >= 0)) { 
        stop(paste("lhs$shape should be a non-negative ", d, "-vector", sep=""))
      ## check the mode LHS parameter vector
      if(is.null(lhs$mode)) lhs$mode <- apply(X,2,mean)
      else if(length(lhs$mode) != d) {
        stop(paste("lhs$mode should be a ", d, "-vector", sep=""))
      ## check the LHS rectangle in the categorical variable context
      for(i in 1:d){
        if(categ[i] == TRUE){
          if(lhs$rect[i,1] != 0 || lhs$rect[i,2] != 1){
            stop(paste("lhs$rect must be [0,1] for cat inputs (i=", i,")", sep=""))
          if(any(lhs$shape[categ] != 0)) 
            stop("shape must be zero for categorical inputs")
    ## check span and create Main Effect grid
    if(length(span) != 1 || ((span > 1) || (span < 0)))
      stop("Bad smoothing span; must be scalar in (0,1).")
    MEgrid <- matrix(ncol=d, nrow=nME)
    if(! is.null(lhs$rect)) MErect <- lhs$rect
    else MErect <- t(apply(X,2,range))
    for(i in 1:d) { MEgrid[,i] <- seq(MErect[i,1], MErect[i,2], length=nME) }
    ## checks for classification
    if(object$model == "class") {
      ## default to all classes
      if(is.null(class)) class <- sort(unique(object$y))
      else { ## check the class argument
        for(cls in class) {
          uy <- unique(object$y)
          if(all(cls != uy)) {
            stop("classes must be one of the above choices")
    } else class <- -1 ## special coding for regression
    ## looping over classes, or single run for regression
    for(cls in class) {
      ## dummy class for regression
      if(cls < 0) {
        cls <- NULL
        if(verb > 0) cat("regression sensitivity analysis:\n")
      } else if(verb > 0) cat("class", cls, "sensitivity analysis:\n")

      ## call the C-side sens routine
      sens <- .C("sens_R",
                 cloud = as.integer(object$num),
                 bcls = as.integer(!is.null(cls)),
                 cls = as.integer(cls-1),
                 nns = as.integer(nns),
                 aug = as.integer(object$m - d),
                 brect = as.integer(!is.null(lhs$rect)),
                 rect = as.double(lhs$rect),
                 bshape = as.integer(!is.null(lhs$shape)),
                 shape = as.double(lhs$shape),
                 bmode = as.integer(!is.null(lhs$mode)),
                 mode = as.double(lhs$mode),
                 categ = as.integer(categ),
                 nME = as.integer(nME),
                 span = as.double(span),
                 MEgrid = as.double(MEgrid), ## do not transpose
                 verb = as.integer(verb),
                 MEmean = double(nME*d),
                 MEq1 = double(nME*d),
                 MEq2 = double(nME*d),
                 S = double(d*object$N),
                 T = double(d*object$N),
                 PACKAGE = "dynaTree")
      ## check S and T are in the right range
      o <- sens$S > 1 | sens$S < 0
      if(any(o)) sens$S[o] <- NA
      o <- sens$T < 0 | sens$T > 1
      if(any(o)) sens$T[o] <- NA
      ## names for columns of the outputs
      dn <- list(NULL, colnames(object$X))
      ## combine pred with object
      if(object$model == "class") { ## for classification
        object$MEmean[[cls]] <- matrix(sens$MEmean, ncol=d, dimnames=dn)
        object$MEq1[[cls]] <- matrix(sens$MEq1, ncol=d, dimnames=dn)
        object$MEq2[[cls]] <- matrix(sens$MEq2, ncol=d, dimnames=dn)
        object$S[[cls]] <- matrix(sens$S, ncol=d, byrow=TRUE, dimnames=dn)
        object$T[[cls]] <- matrix(sens$T, ncol=d, byrow=TRUE, dimnames=dn)
      } else { ## for regression
        object$MEgrid <- matrix(sens$MEgrid, ncol=d, dimnames=dn)
        object$MEmean <- matrix(sens$MEmean, ncol=d, dimnames=dn)
        object$MEq1 <- matrix(sens$MEq1, ncol=d, dimnames=dn)
        object$MEq2 <- matrix(sens$MEq2, ncol=d, dimnames=dn)
        object$S <- matrix(sens$S, ncol=d, byrow=TRUE, dimnames=dn)
        object$T <- matrix(sens$T, ncol=d, byrow=TRUE, dimnames=dn)
    } ## end class loop
    ## remember which classes sens was used on, if any
    if(all(class != -1)) object$sens.class <- class
    object$MEgrid <- MEgrid
    object$categ <- categ
    colnames(object$MEgrid) <- dn[[2]]
    ## assign class and return
    class(sens) <- "dynaTree"

setMethod("sens", "dynaTree", sens.dynaTree)

## varpropuse:
## calculate the proportion of particles that use each column
## of X to make a treed partition


varpropuse.dynaTree <- function(object)
    ## make sure object$num is defined
    if(is.null(object$num)) stop("no cloud number in object")
    vc <- .C("varpropuse_R",
             cloud = as.integer(object$num),
             counts = double(ncol(object$X)),
             PACKAGE = "dynaTree")$counts

    vc[vc < 0] <- NA;
    if(object$icept == "augmented") vc <- vc[-1]


setMethod("varpropuse", "dynaTree", varpropuse.dynaTree)

## varproptotal:
## calculate the proportion of particles that use each column
## of X to make a treed partition


varproptotal.dynaTree <- function(object)
    ## make sure object$num is defined
    if(is.null(object$num)) stop("no cloud number in object")
    vc <- .C("varproptotal_R",
             cloud = as.integer(object$num),
             counts = double(ncol(object$X)),
             PACKAGE = "dynaTree")$counts
    vc[vc < 0] <- NA;
    if(object$icept == "augmented") vc <- vc[-1]

setMethod("varproptotal", "dynaTree", varproptotal.dynaTree)

## sameleaf:
## calculate the proportion of particles that use each column
## of X to make a treed partition

            function(object, ...)

sameleaf.dynaTree <- function(object, X)
    ## make sure object$num is defined
    if(is.null(object$num)) stop("no cloud number in object")
    ## extract the vitals of X
    X <- as.matrix(X)
    n <- nrow(X)
    if(object$icept == "augmented") X <- cbind(rep(1,n), X)
    if(ncol(X) != object$m) stop("X has bad dimensions");
    counts <- .C("sameleaf_R",
                 cloud = as.integer(object$num),
                 X = as.double(t(X)),
                 n = as.integer(n),
                 counts = integer(n),
                 PACKAGE = "dynaTree")$counts


setMethod("sameleaf", "dynaTree", sameleaf.dynaTree)

## alcalc:
## extract the active learning heuristic over
## the XX space

alcalc <- function(obj, method=c("alm", "alc", "ei", "ieci", "qEntropy", "qEI"),
    ## check the method argument
    method <- match.arg(method)

    if(method == "alc") return(obj$alc)
    else if(method == "ei" && prec > 0) return(obj$ei + sqrt(obj$var)/prec)
    else if(method == "ei") return(obj$ei)
    else if(method == "ieci") return(obj$ieci)
    else if(method == "qEntropy") return(obj$qEntropy)
    else if(method == "qEI") return(obj$qEI)
    else return(obj$var)

## getBF:
## get the (approximate) Bayes Factor for obj1 and obj2
## setting early non-comparible time steps to zero

getBF <- function(obj1, obj2)
  ## one repeat default
  if(is.null(obj1$R)) obj1$R <- 1
  if(is.null(obj2$R)) obj2$R <- 1
  ## sanity check
  if(obj1$R != obj2$R) stop("obj1$R != obj2$R")
  l1 <- nrow(obj1$lpred)
  if(is.null(l1)) l1 <- length(obj1$lpred)
  l2 <- nrow(obj2$lpred)
  if(is.null(l2)) l2 <- length(obj2$lpred)
  if(l1 != l2) stop("number of rows does not match")

  ## extract lpred and build BF (for repeats)
  R <- obj1$R
  bf <- matrix(0, nrow=l2, ncol=R)
  lp1 <- matrix(obj1$lpred, ncol=R)
  lp2 <- matrix(obj2$lpred, ncol=R)

  ## extract the BF for each repeat
  for(r in 1:R) {
    l1 <- which(lp1[,r] != 0)[1] - 1
    l2 <-  which(lp2[,r] != 0)[1] - 1
    l <- max(l1, l2)
    rem <- -(1:l)
    bf[rem,r] <- cumsum(lp1[rem,r]) - cumsum(lp2[rem,r])

  ## return the bayes factor

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dynaTree documentation built on Aug. 23, 2023, 9:07 a.m.