
Defines functions spatiotemp_thin

Documented in spatiotemp_thin

#'Thin species occurrence records by spatial and temporal proximity.
#'Thins species occurrence records that are within minimum spatial and temporal distance apart.
#'@param occ.data a data frame, with columns for occurrence record co-ordinates and dates with
#'  column names as follows; record longitude as "x", latitude as "y", year as "year", month as
#'  "month", and day as "day".
#'@param temporal.method a character string, the method to calculate temporal distance between
#'  records. One of `DOY` or `day.` See details for more information.
#'@param spatial.dist a numeric value, the spatial buffer distances in metres to thin records by.
#'  Default no spatial thinning.
#'@param temporal.dist a numeric value, the temporal buffer in days to thin records by.
#'@param spatial.split.degrees a numeric value, the grid cell resolution in degrees to split
#'  occurrence records by before temporal thinning.
#'@param iterations a numeric value, the number of iterations to randomly thin occurrence records
#'  by. Default; 100.
#'@param prj a character string, the coordinate reference system of occ.data co-ordinates. Default
#'  is "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84".
#'# Overview
#'`spatiotemp_thin()` calculates the temporal distance between occurrence records in given area
#'and excludes records below minimum temporal distance apart. Then calculates the spatial distance
#'between all occurrence records and filters records below the minimum spatial distance apart using
#'the `spThin` package function for spatial thinning (Aiello-Lammens et al., 2015). This approach
#'has been shown to improve species distribution model performance (Boria et al., 2014).
#'# Temporal thinning methods
#'For temporal thinning, the function first splits occurrence records into grid cells of given size
#'in degrees (set by `spatial.split.degrees`). This is to prevent spatially distant but temporally
#'close records from being excluded. For each grid cell, all records within the cell are temporally
#'thinned. This process works by removing records that are within given temporal distance
#'(`temporal.dist`) from each other by randomly selecting one of the two. This iterates through
#'until no records are within the given temporal distance of each other in each grid cell, following
#'a similar algorithm to `spThin` (Aiello-Lammens et al., 2015).
#'Two methods exist for measuring the temporal distance between occurrence records.
#'* 1) `doy` - calculates the minimum days apart within the annual cycle
#'* 2) `day` - uses the absolute number of days.
#'For instance, two dates “2010-01-05” and “2012-12-05” can be calculated as either 1065 absolute
#'days apart, or within the annual cycle these dates represent day 5 and day 339 of the year, and
#'are 31 days apart. Therefore, thinning by 40 days using the `DOY` method would remove one of these
#'records, but using the `day` method would not. The chosen `temporal.method` will depend upon
#'whether bias towards a point within the annual cycle or a point in linear time.
#'# Spatial thinning
#'Following temporal thinning, spatial thinning occurs across entire dataset. The spatial distance
#'between each record is calculated, and records within the given spatial distance (`spatial.dist`)
#'from each other are excluded by randomly selecting one of these. This iterates through until no
#'records are with the given spatial distances of each other across entire dataset using the package
#'`spThin` (Aiello-Lammens et al., 2015).
#'As random selection could alter the total number of occurrence records remaining in the occurrence
#'record dataset, this process is iterated through a specified number of times (`iterations`) and
#'the thinned data frame with the highest number of records remaining is returned.
#'@references Aiello-Lammens, M. E., Boria, R. A., Radosavljevic, A., Vilela, B. & Anderson, R. P.
#'2015. spThin: an R package for spatial thinning of species occurrence records for use in
#'ecological niche models. Ecography, 38, 541-545.
#'Boria, R. A., Olson, L. E., Goodman, S. M. & Anderson, R. P. 2014. Spatial Filtering To Reduce
#'Sampling Bias Can Improve The Performance Of Ecological Niche Models. Ecological Modelling, 275,
#'@return Returns data frame of occurrence records thinned by specified temporal and spatial
#'  distance.
#' @examples
#' data("sample_filt_data")
#' n.iterations <- 500
#' \donttest{
#'  occ.data = sample_filt_data,
#'  temporal.method = "day",
#'  temporal.dist = 100,
#'  spatial.split.degrees = 3,
#'  spatial.dist = 100000,
#'  iterations = n.iterations

spatiotemp_thin <-  function(occ.data,
                             spatial.dist = 0,
                             iterations = 100,
                             prj = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84") {

  # Check correct formatting of iterations argument

  if (!is.numeric(iterations)) {
    stop("iterations must be of class numeric")

  if (!length(iterations) == 1) {
    stop("iterations must be of length(1)")

  if (!is.numeric(temporal.dist)) {
    stop("temporal.dist must be of class numeric")

  if (!length(temporal.dist) == 1) {
    stop("temporal.dist must be of length(1)")

  # Round min coords down to nearest 10 to ensure all points included in a cell
  xmin <- floor(min(occ.data$x, na.rm = TRUE) / 10) * 10
  ymin <- floor(min(occ.data$y, na.rm = TRUE) / 10) * 10
  # Round max coords up to nearest 10 to ensure all points included in a cell
  xmax <- ceiling(max(occ.data$x, na.rm = TRUE) / 10) * 10
  ymax <- ceiling(max(occ.data$y, na.rm = TRUE) / 10) * 10

  # Create a grid using the rounded minimum and maximum longitude and latitude
  split_grid <- terra::rast(terra::ext(c(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)))

  # Set grid as resolution specified by the user
  terra::res(split_grid) <- spatial.split.degrees

  # Fill grid squares with numerical value to create label
  split_grid <- terra::setValues(split_grid,  1:terra::ncell(split_grid))

  # Convert occ.data co-ordinates into spatial points
    occ.data.points <-  terra::vect(occ.data[, c("x", "y")],
                                    geom = c("x", "y"),
                                    crs = prj)
  }, error = function(e) {

    stop("Error making SpatialPointsDataFrame from co-ordinates filter occ.data spatiotemp_check()")

  # Extract grid cell number each record belongs to, to group before thinning
   split2 <- terra::extract(split_grid, occ.data.points, ID = FALSE)
   split2 <- split2$lyr.1
   occ.data$split2 <- split2

  # Temporal thinning

  # Create empty list to fill with thinned dataset after each iteration
  list.of.thinned.dfs <- vector("list", iterations)

  for (It in 1:iterations) {

    # Create null vector to bind results to in each split
    results <- NULL

    # Filter occurrence data to each individual grid cell
    for (split in 1:length(unique(split2))) {

      occ.data.split <- dplyr::filter(occ.data, split2 == unique(split2)[split])

      # Create distance matrix between points

      temporal.method <- match.arg(temporal.method, choices = c("DOY", "day"))

      if (temporal.method == "DOY") {

        # Turn dates into "day of year"
        dayofyear <- c(lubridate::yday(as.Date(with(occ.data.split,
                                                    paste(year, month, day, sep = "-")),

        # Create matrix of distance in days between records based on day of year
        matrix <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(dayofyear), length(dayofyear))

        for (x in 1:length(dayofyear)) {
          value <- dayofyear[x]
          a <- value - dayofyear
          b <- 365 - (dayofyear) + (value - 1)
          c <- 365 - (value) + (dayofyear - 1)
          matrix[x,] <- apply(data.frame(a, b, c), 1, FUN = min) # Extract min

        matrix <- abs(matrix) # Make distances positive

        # Compare to set minimum distance to thin by.
        matrix <- matrix < temporal.dist
        diag(matrix) <- FALSE # Set diagonal combinations as FALSE as always 0

      if (temporal.method == "day") {

        # Standardise all dates compared to earliest data in data.frame
        dayssince <- as.Date(with(occ.data.split, paste(year, month, day, sep = "-")),
                  "%Y-%m-%d") -
            occ.data.split, paste(year, month, day, sep = "-")
          ), "%Y-%m-%d"))
        # Create matrix of distance apart in days of each date
        matrix <- as.matrix(dist(dayssince))
        matrix <- matrix < temporal.dist
        diag(matrix) <- FALSE


      matrix.original <- matrix

      # Work out how many records each record is under the temporal thinning
      # distance from (when one is removed, others may not longer need removing)
      level.of.overlap <- rowSums(matrix.original, na.rm = TRUE)

      # Create vector of TRUE to record which row gets removed in the iteration
      record.of.removal <- rep(TRUE, length(level.of.overlap))

      # For each iteration reset values
      matrix <- matrix.original
      overlap <- level.of.overlap
      remove <- record.of.removal

      # While there are still records too close together,
      # keep iterating through and randomly removing them
      # and look at impact on others to select next record to remove

      num_rows <- nrow(matrix)

      for (i in 1:num_rows) {

        # Check if there are any remaining overlaps
        if (!any(matrix)){break}

        # Identify rows with the highest overlap
        max_overlap <- max(overlap, na.rm = TRUE)
        rows.to.remove <- which(overlap == max_overlap)

        # Randomly select one of the rows with the highest overlap
        row_to_remove <- sample(rows.to.remove, 1)

        # Update the overlap vector
        overlap <- overlap - matrix[row_to_remove, ]
        overlap[row_to_remove] <- 0

        # Update the matrix to mark the removed row and column as FALSE
        matrix[row_to_remove, ] <- FALSE
        matrix[, row_to_remove] <- FALSE

        # Update the removal record
        remove[row_to_remove] <- FALSE

      # Make the new, thinned, data set
      thinned.data.frame <- occ.data.split[remove, , drop = FALSE]
      results <- rbind(results, thinned.data.frame)


    total_removed <- nrow(occ.data) - nrow(results)
    print(paste(total_removed, " of ", nrow(occ.data), "removed by temporal"))
    # Spatial thinning

    # Create species column that spThin requires
    results$species <- rep("species1", nrow(results))

    # This loop will be iterated as specified by iterations so only five reps here
    thin_res <- spThin::thin(loc.data = results,
                            long = "x",
                            lat = "y",
                            spec.col = "species",
                            thin.par = spatial.dist/1000, # in km but dynSDM uses metres
                            reps = 1,
                            write.files = FALSE,
                            write.log.file = FALSE,
                            locs.thinned.list.return = TRUE)

    results <- results[as.numeric(rownames(as.data.frame(thin_res))), ]

    # Remove species name column
      list.of.thinned.dfs[[It]] <- results[, -which(names(results) %in% c("species"))]


  # Calculate which thinned dataframe has the most records remaining

  n.records <- unlist(lapply(list.of.thinned.dfs, nrow))

  thinned.df <- as.data.frame(list.of.thinned.dfs[which.max(n.records)])

  # Remove split name
  thinned.df <- thinned.df[, -which(names(thinned.df) %in% c("split2"))]


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dynamicSDM documentation built on June 28, 2024, 5:08 p.m.