
context("Testing bigglm_wrapper")

# From bigglm.function()
biglm_func <- function(formula, data, model = "logit", maxit=8, tolerance=1e-12,
                       weights = NULL){
  # beta <- start
  # etafun <- function(x) if(is.null(beta)) rep(0,nrow(x)) else x%*%beta

  for (i in 1:maxit){
    firstchunk <- TRUE
    data(reset=TRUE) # Returns the next chunk of data
      n<-n+nrow(chunk) # how many rows we are using

      ## Find X

      mm<-model.matrix(tt,mf) # Get the terms
      if (!is.null(weights)){
         if (!inherits(weights, "formula"))
             stop("`weights' must be a formula")
         w<-model.frame(weights, chunk)[[1]]
      } else w<-rep(1,nrow(mm))

      ## Init dummy entries if needed

      if (firstchunk) {
        qr<-bigqr.init(p) # simple function that create a list with dummy entries

        D <- qr$D
        rbar <- qr$rbar
        thetab <- qr$thetab
        ss <- qr$ss
        checked <- qr$checked
        tol <- qr$tol

        if(i == 1)
          beta <- rep(0, p)

        #function (p)
        #    rval <- list(D = numeric(p), rbar = numeric(choose(p, 2)),
        #        thetab = numeric(p), ss = 0, checked = FALSE, tol = numeric(p))
        #    class(rval) <- "bigqr"
        #    rval

        #if(sandwich) # <-- ignore. Relates to sandwhich estimate of variance
        #    xyqr<-bigqr.init(p*(p+1))
      #if (!identical(assn, attr(mm,"assign")))
      #    stop("model matrices incompatible")

      ## Find y and offsets

      if(is.null(off<-model.offset(mf))) off <- rep(0, nrow(mm))

      ## Find linear predcitor etc.

      eta <- mm %*% beta

      bigglm_updateQR_rcpp(D = D, rbar = rbar, ss = ss, thetab = thetab,
                           checked = checked, tol = tol, model = model,
                           # both R and Fotran are column-major so we transpose
                           X = t(as.matrix(mm)),
                           eta = eta, offset = off,
                           # at_risk_length added here. As of this writting we
                           # can set this to one to get same results as we
                           # expect from bigglm. May change if further families
                           # or link functions are implemented
                           at_risk_length = rep(1, length(y)),
                           y = y, w = w)

      # eta<-etafun(mm)+off
      # mu <- family$linkinv(eta)
      # dmu <- family$mu.eta(eta)
      # z<- eta+(y-mu)/dmu
      # ww<-w*dmu*dmu/(family$variance(mu))

      ## Update QR

      # qr<-update(qr,mm,z-off,ww) # calls update.bigqr

      ##function (bigQR, X, y, w = NULL, singcheck = FALSE, add.intercept = FALSE)
      ##    if (NCOL(X) + add.intercept != length(bigQR$D))
      ##        stop("Wrong number of columns")
      ##    if (length(y) != NROW(X))
      ##        stop("Wrong number of rows")
      ##    if (length(w) == 0)
      ##        w <- rep(1, length(y))
      ##    if (length(y) != length(w))
      ##        stop("`weights' has wrong length")
      ##    storage.mode(X) <- "double"
      ##    storage.mode(y) <- "double"
      ##    storage.mode(w) <- "double"
      ##    bigQR <- .Call("updateQR", X, y, w, bigQR, add.intercept)
      ##    if (singcheck)
      ##        bigQR <- .Call("singcheckQR", bigQR)
      ##    bigQR

      ## So this boils down to call to the C code:
      ## updateQR(X, y, w, bigQR, add.intercept)

      #if(!is.null(beta)){ # <-- not needed
      #    deviance<-deviance+sum(family$dev.resids(y,mu,w))
      #    rss<-rss+sum((y-mu)^2/(w*family$variance(mu)))*(sum(w)/length(w))
      #if (sandwich){
      #    xx<-matrix(nrow=nrow(mm), ncol=p*(p+1))
      #    xx[,1:p]<-mm*(drop(z)-off)
      #    for(i in 1:p)
      #        xx[,p*i+(1:p)]<-mm*mm[,i]
      #    xyqr<-update(xyqr,xx,rep(0,nrow(mm)),ww*ww)
      firstchunk <- FALSE

    # iwlm <- list(call=sys.call(-1), qr=qr, iterations=i, # Create "biglm" class
    #              assign=attr(mm,"assign"), terms=tt, converged=FALSE,
    #              n=n,names=colnames(mm), weights=weights,rss=rss)
    # if(sandwich)
    #   iwlm$sandwich <- list(xy=xyqr)
    # class(iwlm) <- "biglm"

    betaold <- beta
    beta <- bigglm_regcf_rcpp(D = D, rbar = rbar, thetab = thetab, ss = ss,
                              checked = checked, tol = tol)

    # beta <- coef(iwlm)

    ##function (object, ...)
    ##    if (!object$qr$checked)
    ##        object$qr <- singcheck.bigqr(object$qr)
    ##    rval <- coef(object$qr)
    ##    rval[object$qr$D == 0] <- NA
    ##    names(rval) <- object$names
    ##    rval

    ##function (bigQR, nvar = NULL, ...)
    ##    p <- length(bigQR$D)
    ##    if (is.null(nvar))
    ##        nvar <- p
    ##    if (nvar < 1 | nvar > p)
    ##        stop("Invalid value of `nvar'")
    ##    if (!bigQR$checked)
    ##        bigQR <- singcheck.bigqr(bigQR)
    ##    tmp <- .Fortran("regcf", as.integer(p), as.integer(p * p/2),
    ##        bigQR$D, bigQR$rbar, bigQR$thetab, bigQR$tol, beta = numeric(p),
    ##        nreq = as.integer(nvar), ier = integer(1), DUP = FALSE)
    ##    if (tmp$ier != 0)
    ##        stop("Error in REGCF: can't happen")
    ##    tmp$beta

    ## So this boils down to a call to the Fortran code
    ## regcf(...)

    if (i >= maxit){
      warning("ran out of iterations and failed to converge")

    if (!is.null(betaold)){
      delta <- betaold - beta
      if (max(abs(delta)) < tolerance){


  #rval <- iwlm
  #rval$family <- family
  #rval$deviance <- deviance
  #rval$df.resid <- rval$n-length(rval$qr$D)
  #class(rval) <- c("bigglm","biglm")


# from ?bigglm
make.data<-function(urlname, chunksize,...){
      if(!is.null(conn)) close(conn)
    } else{
      rval<-read.table(conn, nrows=chunksize,...)
      if (nrow(rval)==0) {

sims <- exp_sim_200
chunksize <- 100
get_data_func <- with(new.env(), {
  n <- nrow(sims$res)
  cursor <- 0
  chunksize <- chunksize

  function(reset = FALSE){
      cursor <<- 0

    if (cursor >= n)

    start <- cursor + 1
    cursor <<- cursor + min(chunksize, n - cursor)
    sims$res[start:cursor, ]

test_that("I did not mess up with get_data_func", {
  expect_equal(sims$res[1:chunksize, ], get_data_func())
  expect_equal(sims$res[1:chunksize + chunksize, ], get_data_func())
  expect_equal(sims$res[1:chunksize, ], get_data_func())
  expect_equal(sims$res[1:chunksize + chunksize, ], get_data_func())

test_that("bigglm and my c++ version yields similar results", {

  form = formula(event ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9 + x10)

  for(model in c("logit", "exponential")){
    did_fail <- tryCatch(
      suppressWarnings(bigglm_res <- biglm::bigglm(
        form, get_data_func,
        family = if(model == "logit") binomial() else poisson())),
      error = function(...) TRUE)
      skip("bigglm failed (likely biglm error in 0.9-1 release)")

    # matplot(sims$betas, col = rainbow(ncol(sims$betas)), type = "l")
    # abline(h = coef(bigglm_res), col = rainbow(ncol(sims$betas)))

    suppressWarnings(b <- biglm_func(form, get_data_func, model = model))

    expect_equal(unname(coef(bigglm_res)), c(b))

test_that("bigglm and my c++ version yields similar results with offsets", {

  sims$res <- cbind(sims$res, offs = rexp(nrow(sims$res), rate = 1))
  form <- formula(event ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9 + x10 + offset(offs))

  for(model in c("logit", "exponential")){
    did_fail <- tryCatch(
      suppressWarnings(bigglm_res <- biglm::bigglm(
        form, get_data_func,
        family = if(model == "logit") binomial() else poisson())),
      error = function(...) TRUE)
      skip("bigglm failed (likely biglm error in 0.9-1 release)")

    # matplot(sims$betas, col = rainbow(ncol(sims$betas)), type = "l")
    # abline(h = coef(bigglm_res), col = rainbow(ncol(sims$betas)))

    suppressWarnings(b <- biglm_func(form, get_data_func, model = model))

    expect_equal(unname(coef(bigglm_res)), c(b))

test_that("bigglm and my c++ version yields similar with weights", {

  ws <- runif(nrow(sims$res))
  ws <- ws * (nrow(sims$res) / sum(ws))
  sims$res <- cbind(sims$res, ws = ws)

  sims$res <- cbind(sims$res, offs = rexp(nrow(sims$res), rate = 1))
  form = formula(event ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9 + x10 + offset(offs))

  for(model in c("logit", "exponential")){
    did_fail <- tryCatch(
      suppressWarnings(bigglm_res <- biglm::bigglm(
        form, get_data_func,
        family = if(model == "logit") binomial() else poisson(),
        weights = ~ ws)),
      error = function(...) TRUE)
      skip("bigglm failed (likely biglm error in 0.9-1 release)")

    # matplot(sims$betas, col = rainbow(ncol(sims$betas)), type = "l")
    # abline(h = coef(bigglm_res), col = rainbow(ncol(sims$betas)))

    suppressWarnings(b <- biglm_func(form, get_data_func, model = model, weights = ~ ws))

    expect_equal(unname(coef(bigglm_res)), c(b))

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