
### Reactive functions that return data frames for tables for various tabs
# Most tables use 'if... return()' rather than 'req()' so that
# subsequent reactive functions won't be stopped

# Original predictions

### Table of original predictions
table_orig <- reactive({
  if (length(vals$models.ll) == 0) return()

  data.frame(vals$models.names, t($,
             vapply(as.numeric(vals$models.pred.type), function(i) {
               switch(i, "Absolute density", "Relative density", "Abundance")
             }, character(1)),
             stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
    `rownames<-`(paste("Original", seq_along(vals$models.names))) %>%
      c("SDM filename", "Prediction", "Uncertainty", "Weight",
        "Pred value type"))

### Table of original predictions with stats
table_orig_stats <- reactive({

  data.frame(vals$models.names, t($models.specs)),
             stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
    `rownames<-`(paste("Original", seq_along(vals$models.names))) %>%
      c("SDM filename", "Resolution", "Polygon count",
        "Non-NA prediction count", "Abundance", "Long, lat range"))

### Table of overlaid predictions in 'Create ensemble predictions' tab
table_overlaid <- reactive({
  if (length(vals$overlaid.models) == 0) return()

  data.frame(t(data.frame(vals$overlaid.specs)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
    `rownames<-`(paste("Overlaid", seq_along(vals$overlaid.specs))) %>%
      c("SDM filename", "Prediction", "Uncertainty", "Weight",
        "Pred value type", "Resolution", "Polygon count",
        "Non-NA prediction count", "Abundance", "Long, lat range"))

# Ensemble predictions

### Table of created ensemble predictions
table_ensembles <- reactive({
  if (length(vals$ensemble.models) == 0) return()

  data.frame(t(data.frame(vals$ensemble.specs)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
    `rownames<-`(paste("Ensemble", seq_along(vals$ensemble.specs))) %>%
    dplyr::select(1, 2, 4, 6) %>%
      c("Predictions used", "Rescaling method", "Ensemble method",
        "Uncertainty method"))

### Table of created ensemble predictions with stats
table_ensembles_stats <- reactive({
  if (length(vals$ensemble.models) == 0) return()

  data.frame(t(data.frame(vals$ensemble.specs)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
    `rownames<-`(paste("Ensemble", seq_along(vals$ensemble.specs))) %>%
    dplyr::select(1, 3, 4, 5) %>%
      c("Predictions used", "Regional exclusion for", "Ensemble method",

# Other are rendered in their pertinent files


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eSDM documentation built on Sept. 21, 2024, 1:06 a.m.