
#' @title Earthtide class
#' @description Class to generate synthetic earthtide signals.
#' @rdname Earthtide_class
#' @section Usage:
#' \preformatted{
#' et <- Earthtide$new(
#'   utc = as.POSIXct("2017-01-01", tz = "UTC") + 0:(24 * 7) * 3600,
#'   latitude = 52.3868,
#'   longitude = 9.7144,
#'   catalog = "ksm04",
#'   wave_groups = data.frame(start = 0.0, end = 6.0))
#' et$predict(method = "gravity", n_thread = 1)
#' et$analyze(method = "gravity", n_thread = 1)
#' et$lod_tide()
#' et$pole_tide()
#' et$tide()
#' et$print()
#' }
#' @section Arguments:
#' \code{Earthtide$new}
#' \describe{
#'   \item{et: }{An \code{Earthtide} object.}
#'   \item{utc: }{The date-time in UTC (POSIXct vector).}
#'   \item{latitude: }{The station latitude (WGS84) (degree) (numeric)
#'     defaults to 0.0}
#'   \item{longitude: }{The station longitude (WGS84) (degree) (numeric)
#'     defaults to 0.0}
#'   \item{elevation: }{The station ellipsoidal height (WGS84) (m) (numeric)
#'     defaults to 0.0}
#'   \item{azimuth: }{Earth azimuth (numeric) defaults to 0 (degrees)}
#'   \item{gravity: }{Gravity at the station (m/s^2) (numeric) 0 to
#'     estimate gravity from elevation and latitude.}
#'   \item{earth_radius: }{Radius of earth (m) (numeric) defaults to 6378136.3 }
#'   \item{earth_eccen: }{Eccentricity of earth (numeric)
#'     defaults to 6.69439795140e-3}
#'   \item{cutoff: }{Cutoff amplitude for constituents (numeric)
#'     defaults to 1e-6}
#'   \item{wave_groups: }{Two column data.frame having start and end of
#'     frequency groups (data.frame). This data.frame must have two columns
#'     with the names 'start', and 'end' signifying the start and end of the
#'     wave groupings.  An optional third column 'multiplier' can be provided
#'     to scale the particular wave group.  If column names do no match, the
#'     inferred column positions are start, end, multiplier.}
#'   \item{catalog: }{Use the "hw95s" catalog or "ksm04" catalog (character).}
#'   \item{eop: }{User defined Earth Orientation Parameter (EOP) data.frame
#'     with the following columns: datetime, ddt, ut1_utc, lod, x, y, dx, dy}
#'   \item{...: }{Currently not used.}
#' }
#' \code{Earthtide$predict, Earthtide$analyze}
#' \describe{
#'   \item{method: }{For \code{predict} and \code{analyze}. One of "gravity",
#'     "tidal_potential", "tidal_tilt", "vertical_displacement",
#'     "horizontal_displacement", "n_s_displacement", "e_w_displacement",
#'     "vertical_strain", "areal_strain", "volume_strain", "horizontal_strain"
#'     or "ocean_tides".}
#'   \item{return_matrix: }{For \code{predict} and \code{analyze}. Return a
#'     matrix of tidal values instead of data.frame. The datetime column will
#'     not be present in this case (logical).}
#'   \item{n_thread: }{For \code{predict} and \code{analyze}. Number of threads
#'     to use for parallel processing.}
#' }
#' @section Details:
#' \code{$new(utc, latitude, longitude, elevation, azimuth, gravity,} \cr
#' \code{earth_radius, earth_eccen, cutoff, wave_groups, catalog, ...)} \cr
#' create a new \code{Earthtide} object and initialize catalog, station
#' and times.
#' \code{$predict(method, astro_argument, return_matrix)} generate a combined
#'   synthetic Earth tide.
#' \code{$analyze(method, astro_argument, return_matrix, scale)} generate
#'   components of the Earth tide for analysis.
#' \code{$lod_tide()} generate components of the LOD (Length Of Day) tide.
#' \code{$pole_tide()} generate components of the pole tide.
#' \code{$tide()} get the tide \code{data.frame}.
#' \code{$print()} print the \code{Earthtide} object.
#' @docType class
#' @aliases Earthtide-class
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @importFrom RcppThread detectCores
#' @importFrom stats approx
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @importFrom utils read.fwf
#' @importFrom utils download.file
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @format An \code{\link{R6Class}} generator object
#' @references Hartmann, T., Wenzel, H.-G., 1995. The HW95 tidal potential catalogue. Geophys. Res. Lett. 22, 3553-3556. \doi{10.1029/95GL03324}
#' @references Kudryavtsev, S.M., 2004. Improved harmonic development of the Earth tide-generating potential. J. Geod. 77, 829-838. \doi{10.1007/s00190-003-0361-2}
#' @references Wenzel, H.G., 1996. The nanogal software: Earth tide data processing package ETERNA 3.30. Bull. Inf. Marées Terrestres, 124, pp.9425-9439. \url{https://www.eas.slu.edu/GGP/ETERNA34/MANUAL/ETERNA33.HTM}
#' @examples
#' et <- Earthtide$new(
#'   utc = as.POSIXct("2017-01-01", tz = "UTC") + 0:(24 * 7) * 3600,
#'   latitude = 52.3868,
#'   longitude = 9.7144,
#'   catalog = "ksm04",
#'   wave_groups = data.frame(start = 0.0, end = 6.0)
#' )
#' et$predict(method = "gravity")
#' plot(gravity ~ datetime, et$tide(), type = "l")
#' @name Earthtide

#' @export

Earthtide <- R6Class(
  public = list(

    # initialization
    initialize = function(utc,
                          latitude = 0,
                          longitude = 0,
                          elevation = 0,
                          azimuth = 0,
                          gravity = 0,
                          earth_radius = 6378136.3,
                          earth_eccen = 6.69439795140e-3,
                          cutoff = 1e-6,
                          wave_groups = NULL,
                          catalog = "ksm04",
                          eop = NULL,
                          ...) {
      # Initialize class using input values
      self$prepare_datetime(utc, eop)

        latitude, longitude, elevation, azimuth, gravity,
        earth_radius, earth_eccen


      self$prepare_catalog(cutoff, wave_groups, catalog)

      self$love_params <- love(latitude, elevation)


    # Initialize class using input values
    prepare_datetime = function(utc, eop) {
      self$datetime <- .prepare_datetime(utc, eop)
      self$tides <- data.frame(datetime = utc)

    # Calculate the astronical arguments and derivative
    prepare_astro = function() {
      self$astro <- .prepare_astro(self)

    # Subset values based using a cutoff amplitude and
    # cutoff frequencies
    prepare_catalog = function(cutoff, wave_groups = NULL, catalog = "ksm04") {
      self$catalog <- .prepare_catalog(cutoff, wave_groups, catalog = catalog)

    # Calculate properties based on the location of station
    prepare_station = function(latitude, longitude, elevation, azimuth,
                               gravity, earth_radius, earth_eccen) {
      self$station <- .prepare_station(
        self, latitude, longitude, elevation,
        azimuth, gravity, earth_radius,
      self$pole_quotient <- 1.16 # 1.1788, # Ducarme et al. 2006
      self$pk <- rep(0, 25)
      self$delta <- rep(1.0, 25)
      self$deltar <- 0.0
    gravity = function() {
      self$station$dgk <- self$station$dgz
      self$pk[] <- 180

      self$delta[1:12] <- self$love_params$dglat
      self$deltar <- self$love_params$dgr
    tidal_potential = function() {
      self$delta[1:12] <- self$love_params$dklat
      self$deltar <- self$love_params$dkr
    tidal_tilt = function() {
      to_radians <- pi / 180
      cos_azimuth <- cos(self$station$azimuth * to_radians)
      sin_azimuth <- sin(self$station$azimuth * to_radians)
      x_comp <- self$station$dgx[1:12] * cos_azimuth
      y_comp <- self$station$dgy[1:12] * sin_azimuth
      self$station$dgk[1:12] <- sqrt((x_comp)^2 + (y_comp)^2) * self$station$df

      wh <- which(x_comp != 0 | y_comp != 0)

      self$pk[] <- 0.0
      self$pk[wh] <- 180 / pi * atan2(y_comp[wh], x_comp[wh])

      # from etpots
      self$delta[1:12] <- self$love_params$dtlat
      self$deltar <- self$love_params$dkr - self$love_params$dhr

    vertical_displacement = function() {
      dfak <- 1e3 / self$station$gravity
      self$station$dgk[1:12] <- self$station$dgk[1:12] *
        self$love_params$dhlat[1:12] * dfak
      self$pk[] <- 0.0
    horizontal_displacement = function() {
      to_radians <- pi / 180

      dfak <- 1e-6 * self$station$geo_radius / self$station$gravity

      cos_azimuth <- cos(self$station$azimuth * to_radians)
      sin_azimuth <- sin(self$station$azimuth * to_radians)
      x_comp <- self$station$dgx[1:12] * cos_azimuth
      y_comp <- self$station$dgy[1:12] * sin_azimuth

      # # shida numbers
      # dl0 <- c(
      #   0.08400, 0.08410, 0.08520, 0.01490, 0.01490, 0.01490,
      #   0.01490, 0.01000, 0.01000, 0.01000, 0.01000, 0.01000
      # )
      # if(any(abs(self$love_params$dllat[1:12]-dl0) > 0.04)) {
      #   self$love_params$dllat[1:12] <- dl0
      # }

      self$station$dgk[1:12] <- sqrt((x_comp)^2 + (y_comp)^2) *
        self$love_params$dllat[1:12] * dfak

      wh <- which(x_comp != 0 | y_comp != 0)

      self$pk[] <- 0.0
      self$pk[wh] <- 180 / pi * atan2(y_comp[wh], x_comp[wh])

      # from etpots (this is a modification as I think they are 0 and 1 in ETERNA)
      # look into this more closely
      self$delta[1:12] <- 1.0 #self$love_params$dtlat
      self$deltar <- 0.0 #self$love_params$dkr - self$love_params$dhr

    n_s_displacement = function() {
      to_radians <- pi / 180

      dfak <- 1e-6 * self$station$geo_radius / self$station$gravity

      cos_azimuth <- cos(0 * to_radians)
      sin_azimuth <- sin(0 * to_radians)
      x_comp <- self$station$dgx[1:12] * cos_azimuth
      y_comp <- self$station$dgy[1:12] * sin_azimuth
      self$station$dgk[1:12] <- sqrt((x_comp)^2 + (y_comp)^2) *
        self$love_params$dllat[1:12] * dfak

      self$pk[] <- 0.0

      self$pk[1:12] <- 180 / pi * atan2(y_comp, x_comp)

      wh <- which(x_comp == 0 & y_comp == 0)
      self$pk[wh] <- 0.0
    e_w_displacement = function() {
      to_radians <- pi / 180

      dfak <- 1e-6 * self$station$geo_radius / self$station$gravity

      cos_azimuth <- cos(90 * to_radians)
      sin_azimuth <- sin(90 * to_radians)
      x_comp <- self$station$dgx[1:12] * cos_azimuth
      y_comp <- self$station$dgy[1:12] * sin_azimuth
      self$station$dgk[1:12] <- sqrt((x_comp)^2 + (y_comp)^2) *
        self$love_params$dllat[1:12] * dfak

      self$pk[] <- 0.0

      self$pk[1:12] <- 180 / pi * atan2(y_comp, x_comp)

      wh <- which(x_comp == 0 & y_comp == 0)
      self$pk[wh] <- 0.0
    vertical_strain = function(poisson = 0.25) {
      dfak <- 1.e9 * poisson / (poisson - 1.0)
    areal_strain = function() {
      dfak <- 1.e9
    volume_strain = function(poisson = 0.25) {
      dfak <- 1.e9 * (1.0 - 2.0 * poisson) / (1.0 - poisson)
    strain = function(dfak) {
      scale <- c(rep(-6, 3), rep(-12, 4), rep(-20, 5))

      self$station$dgk[1:12] <- self$station$dgk[1:12] * dfak *
        (2.0 * self$love_params$dhlat[1:12] +
          scale * self$love_params$dllat[1:12]) /
        (self$station$gravity * self$station$geo_radius)
    horizontal_strain = function() {
      to_radians <- pi / 180

      dgx <- self$station$dgx
      dgy <- self$station$dgy
      dhlat <- self$love_params$dhlat
      dllat <- self$love_params$dllat

      theta <- self$station$theta * to_radians
      azr <- (self$station$azimuth + 180) * to_radians
      caz <- cos(azr)
      saz <- sin(azr)
      saz2 <- sin(2.0 * azr)
      csts <- -0.5 * sin(2.0 * azr)

      ct <- sin(self$station$geo_latitude * to_radians)
      st <- cos(self$station$geo_latitude * to_radians)

      ct2 <- ct * ct
      st2 <- st * st
      cc2 <- cos(2.0 * self$station$geo_latitude * to_radians)
      c2t <- -cc2
      cott <- 1.0 / tan(theta)
      cott2 <- 1.0 / tan(2.0 * theta)
      dfak <- 1e9 / (self$station$geo_radius * self$station$gravity)

      dgx[1] <-
        (dhlat[1] - (6.0 * dllat[1] * c2t) / (3.0 * ct2 - 1.0)) * caz^2 +
        (dhlat[1] - (6.0 * dllat[1] * ct2) / (3.0 * ct2 - 1.0)) * saz^2
      dgy[1] <- 0.0

      dgx[2] <- (dhlat[2] - 4.0 * dllat[2]) * caz^2 +
        (dhlat[2] - dllat[2] / st2 + 2.0 * dllat[2] * cott * cott2) * saz^2
      dgy[2] <- 2.0 * dllat[2] * (2.0 * cott2 - cott) * csts / st

      dgx[3] <- (dhlat[3] + 2.0 * dllat[3] * (cott^2 - 1.0)) * caz^2 +
        (dhlat[3] - 4.0 * dllat[3] / st2 + 2.0 * dllat[3] * cott^2) * saz^2
      dgy[3] <- 4.0 * dllat[3] * cott * csts / st

      dgx[4] <-
        (dhlat[4] + dllat[4] * (33.0 - 45.0 * ct2) / (5.0 * ct2 - 3.0)) * caz^2 +
        (dhlat[4] - dllat[4] * (1.00 + 10.0 * ct2 / (5.0 * ct2 - 3.0))) * saz^2
      dgy[4] <- 0.0

      dgx[5] <-
        (dhlat[5] - dllat[5] * (1.0 + 10.0 * (1.0 - 4.0 * ct2) / (1.0 - 5.0 * ct2))) * caz^2 +
        (dhlat[5] + dllat[5] * (cott^2 - 1.0 / st2 - 10.0 * ct2 / (5.0 * ct2 - 1.0))) * saz^2
      dgy[5] <- -20.0 * dllat[5] * ct * csts / (5.0 * ct2 - 1.0)

      dgx[6] <- (dhlat[6] + dllat[6] * (2.0 * cott^2 - 7.0)) * caz^2 +
        (dhlat[6] + dllat[6] * (2.0 * cott^2 - 1.0 - 4.0 / st2)) * saz^2
      dgy[6] <- -4.0 * dllat[6] * (cott - 1.0 / cott) * csts / st

      dgx[7] <- (dhlat[7] + dllat[7] * (6.0 * cott^2 - 3.0)) * caz^2 +
        (dhlat[7] + dllat[7] * (3.0 * cott^2 - 9.0 / st2)) * saz^2
      dgy[7] <- 12.0 * dllat[7] * cott * csts / st

      dgx[8] <-
        (dhlat[8] - 4.0 * dllat[8] * (4.0 - 3.0 * (5.0 * ct2 - 1.0) / (35.0 * ct2 * ct2 - 30.0 * ct2 + 3.0))) * caz^2 +
        (dhlat[8] - 4.0 * dllat[8] * (1.0 + 3.0 * (5.0 * ct2 - 1.0) / (35.0 * ct2 * ct2 - 30.0 * ct2 + 3.0))) * saz^2
      dgy[8] <- 0.0

      dgx[9] <-
        (dhlat[9] - 2.0 * dllat[9] * (8.0 - 3.0 / (7.0 * ct2 - 3.0))) * caz^2 +
        (dhlat[9] - 2.0 * dllat[9] * (2.0 + 3.0 / (7.0 * ct2 - 3.0))) * saz^2
      dgy[9] <- dllat[9] * 3.0 / ct * (1.0 + 2.0 / (7.0 * ct2 - 3.0)) * saz2

      dgx[10] <-
        (dhlat[10] - 4.0 * dllat[10] * (4.0 + 3.0 * ct2 / (7.0 * ct2^2 - 8.0 * ct2 + 1.0))) * caz^2 +
        (dhlat[10] - 4.0 * dllat[10] * (1.0 - 3.0 * ct2 / (7.0 * ct2^2 - 8.0 * ct2 + 1.0))) * saz^2
      dgy[10] <-
        -dllat[10] * 6.0 * ct / st^2 * (1.0 - 4.0 / (7.0 * ct2 - 1.0)) * saz2

      dgx[11] <- (dhlat[11] - 2.0 * dllat[11] * (8.0 - 3.0 / st2)) * caz^2 +
        (dhlat[11] - 2.0 * dllat[11] * (2.0 + 3.0 / st2)) * saz^2
      dgy[11] <- dllat[11] * 3.0 / ct * (3.0 - 2.0 / st2) * saz2

      dgx[12] <- (dhlat[12] - 4.0 * dllat[12] * (4.0 - 3.0 / st2)) * caz^2 +
        (dhlat[12] - 4.0 * dllat[12] * (1.0 + 3.0 / st2)) * saz^2
      dgy[12] <- dllat[12] * 12.0 * ct / st2 * saz2

      self$station$dgx <- dgx
      self$station$dgy <- dgy

      self$station$dgk[1:12] <-
        self$station$dgk[1:12] * sqrt(dgx[1:12]^2 + dgy[1:12]^2) * dfak
      self$pk[1:12] <- self$pk[1:12] + atan2(dgy[1:12], dgx[1:12]) * to_radians
    ocean_tides = function() {
      dfak <- 1e3 / self$station$gravity
      self$station$dgk <- self$station$dgk * dfak
      self$pk[] <- 0.0
    predict = function(method = "gravity",
                       return_matrix = FALSE,
                       n_thread = 1) {
      if (return_matrix) {
        mat <- self$calculate(predict = TRUE, n_thread = n_thread)
        colnames(mat) <- method
      } else {
        self$tides[[method]] <-
            predict = TRUE, n_thread = n_thread

      # reset parameters after calculation
    analyze = function(method = "gravity",
                       return_matrix = FALSE,
                       scale = TRUE,
                       n_thread = 1) {

      mat <- self$calculate(predict = FALSE, scale = scale, n_thread = n_thread)

      # reset parameters after calculation

      if (return_matrix) {
        colnames(mat) <- self$catalog$col_names

      self$tides[self$catalog$col_names] <- mat

    apply_method = function(method) {
      if (method == "gravity") {
      } else if (method == "ocean_tides") {
      } else if (method == "tidal_potential") {
      } else if (method == "tidal_tilt") {
      } else if (method == "vertical_displacement") {
      } else if (method == "horizontal_displacement") {
      } else if (method == "n_s_displacement") {
      } else if (method == "e_w_displacement") {
      } else if (method == "vertical_strain") {
      } else if (method == "areal_strain") {
      } else if (method == "horizontal_strain") {
      } else if (method == "volume_strain") {
    calculate = function(predict = TRUE, scale = TRUE, n_thread = 1) {
      n_cores <- detectCores()
      if(n_thread > n_cores) {
        warning("number of threads is more than the number of cores, setting
                n_thread equal to the maximum number of cores.")
        n_thread <- n_cores

        self$catalog$jcof - 1,
    pole_tide = function() {
      self$tides$pole_tide <- self$pole_t
    lod_tide = function() {
      self$tides$lod_tide <- self$lod_t
    tide = function() {
    print = function(...) {
      cat("Earthtide: \n")
      cat("  Times: ", length(self$datetime$utc), "\n", sep = "")
      cat("    range (utc): ", as.character(head(self$datetime$utc, 1)), " to ",
        as.character(tail(self$datetime$utc, 1)), "\n",
        sep = ""
      cat("    dt[1] (sec): ", as.numeric(self$datetime$utc[2]) -
        as.numeric(self$datetime$utc[1]), "\n", sep = "")
      cat("  Station: \n")
      cat("    latitude:    ", head(self$station$latitude), "\n", sep = "")
      cat("    longitude:   ", head(self$station$longitude), "\n", sep = "")
      cat("    elevation:   ", head(self$station$elevation), "\n", sep = "")
      cat("    gravity:     ", head(self$station$gravity), "\n", sep = "")
      cat("    azimuth:     ", head(self$station$azimuth), "\n", sep = "")
      cat("  Wave groups: \n")
      cat("    catalog:     ", head(self$catalog$catalog), "\n", sep = "")
      cat("    cutoff:      ", head(self$catalog$cutoff), "\n", sep = "")
      cat("    n waves:     ", head(self$catalog$n_constituents), "\n", sep = "")
      cat("    n groups:    ", nrow(self$catalog$wave_groups), "\n", sep = "")


    # time variables
    datetime = list(),

    # astro arguments
    astro = list(),

    # wavegroup catalog
    catalog = list(),

    # geodetic coeficients
    station = list(),

    # love and shida numbers
    love_params = list(),
    pole_quotient = 1.16, # 1.1788, # Ducarme et al. 2006
    pk = rep(0, 25),
    delta = rep(1.0, 25),
    deltar = 0.0,

    # outputs
    lod_t = NA_real_,
    pole_t = NA_real_,
    tides = list()

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earthtide documentation built on Nov. 16, 2023, 5:07 p.m.