
Defines functions .prepare_catalog .parse_wave_group .get_wave_subsets

.get_wave_subsets <- function(wave_groups, sub) {
  wave_groups <- wave_groups[order(wave_groups$start), ]

  freq_sub <- data.frame(
    wave_names = paste0(
      sprintf("%02d", seq_len(nrow(wave_groups)))
    id = seq_len(nrow(wave_groups))

  # create constituent subgroups
  sub_keep <- list()
  for (i in seq_len(nrow(freq_sub))) {
    wh <- which(sub$frequency_cpd >= freq_sub$start[i] &
      sub$frequency_cpd <= freq_sub$end[i])
    if (length(wh) > 0) {
      sub_keep[[i]] <- sub[wh, ]
      sub_keep[[i]]$start <- freq_sub$start[i]
      sub_keep[[i]]$end <- freq_sub$end[i]
      sub_keep[[i]]$wave_names <- freq_sub$wave_names[i]
      sub_keep[[i]]$id <- freq_sub$id[i]
    } else {
      sub_keep[[i]] <- NULL

  sub <- do.call(rbind, sub_keep)


.parse_wave_group <- function(wave_groups = NULL, sub) {
  # default to range of wave groups
  if (is.null(wave_groups)) {
      start = 0,
      end = max(sub$frequency_cpd),
      multiplier = 1.0

  nc <- ncol(wave_groups)
  # common columns
  col_matches <- intersect(c("start", "end", "multiplier"), names(wave_groups))
  len_matches <- length(col_matches)

  if (len_matches == 3L) {
    return(wave_groups[, c("start", "end", "multiplier")])
  } else if (nc == 3L) {
    names(wave_groups) <- c("start", "end", "multiplier")
  } else if (len_matches == 2L) {
    wave_groups$multiplier <- 1.0
    return(wave_groups[, c("start", "end", "multiplier")])
  } else if (nc == 2L) {
    wave_groups$multiplier <- 1.0
    names(wave_groups) <- c("start", "end", "multiplier")
  } else if (nc > 3L) {
    warning("Using the first three columns of data.frame for start,
             end, and multiplier.  Please either use named columns
             (start, end, multiplier) or provide a two or three
             column data.frame if this is not what you desired.")

    wave_groups <- wave_groups[, 1:3]
    names(wave_groups) <- c("start", "end", "multiplier")

  } else {
    stop("Wave groups should either be specifed as NULL, or with a data.frame
         with 2 or more columns")

.prepare_catalog <- function(cutoff, wave_groups = NULL, catalog = "ksm04") {
  if (catalog == "hw95s") {
    cat_sub <- hw95s
    cat_sub$C2 <- 0.0
    cat_sub$S2 <- 0.0
  } else if (catalog == "ksm04") {
    cat_sub <- ksm04

  wh <- which(cat_sub$amplitude > cutoff)

  sub <- cat_sub[wh, ]

  # combine groups with same astro arguments
  sub <- stats::aggregate(
    cbind(C0, C1, C2, S0, S1, S2) ~
      degree + order + k02 + k03 + k04 + k05 +
      k06 + k07 + k08 + k09 + k10 + k11 + frequency_cpd,
    data = sub, FUN = sum

  wave_groups <- .parse_wave_group(wave_groups, sub)
  sub <- .get_wave_subsets(wave_groups, sub)

  w <- unique(sub[, c("start", "end")])

    catalog = catalog,
    wave_groups = wave_groups,
    k = as.matrix(sub[, c(
      "order", "k02", "k03", "k04",
      "k05", "k06", "k07", "k08", "k09",
      "k10", "k11"
    col_names = paste(c("cos", "sin"),
      rep(paste(w$start, w$end, sep = "_"), each = 2),
      sep = "_"
    cutoff = cutoff,
    cat_sub = sub,
    degree = sub$degree,
    order = sub$order,
    n_constituents = nrow(sub),
    cc = as.matrix(sub[, c("C0", "C1", "C2")]),
    ss = as.matrix(sub[, c("S0", "S1", "S2")]),
    id = as.integer(sub$id),
    jcof = (sub$degree + 1) * sub$degree / 2 - 2 + sub$order

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earthtide documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:47 p.m.