
Defines functions vloglik_point_normal loglik_point_normal

# Functions to compute the log likelihood under the point-normal prior.

loglik_point_normal = function(x, s, w, a, mu) {
  return(sum(vloglik_point_normal(x, s, w, a, mu)))

# Return log((1 - w)f + wg) as a vector (deal with cases w = 1 and w = 0
#   separately for stability).
#' @importFrom stats dnorm
vloglik_point_normal = function(x, s, w, a, mu) {
  if (w <= 0) {
    return(dnorm(x, mu, s, log = TRUE))

  lg <- dnorm(x, mu, sqrt(s^2 + 1/a), log = TRUE)
  if (w >= 1) {

  lf <- dnorm(x, mu, s, log = TRUE)
  lfac <- pmax(lg, lf)
  result <- lfac + log((1 - w) * exp(lf - lfac) + w * exp(lg - lfac))

  if (any(s == 0)) {
    result[s == 0 & x == mu] <- log(1 - w)
    result[s == 0 & x != mu] <- log(w) + lg[s == 0 & x != mu]


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