
Defines functions ecdfHT ecdfHT.draw ecdfHT.axes ecdfHT.h ecdfHT.g ecdfHT.fit ecdfHT.fit.tails pecdfHT decdfHT qecdfHT recdfHT ecdfHT.multivar ecdfHT.multivar.transform ecdfHT.2d ecdfHT.2d.axes lp.norm

Documented in decdfHT ecdfHT ecdfHT.2d ecdfHT.2d.axes ecdfHT.axes ecdfHT.draw ecdfHT.fit ecdfHT.fit.tails ecdfHT.g ecdfHT.h ecdfHT.multivar ecdfHT.multivar.transform lp.norm pecdfHT qecdfHT recdfHT

#' The \code{ecdfHT} package computes and plot a transformed empirical cdf for data.
#' This is useful because a standard empirical cdf (ecdf) gives little information
#' about the tails of the data when there are extreme values.
#' The transform is nonparametric: linear in the middle of the data and matched to a log-log
#' transform on the tails, where the tail regions  are determined by quantiles.
#' If the data has power law behavior on the tails, the plot is linear on those tails,
#' so this plot can be used as a graphical diagnostic to determine if a data set is heavy tailed.
#' In addition, there are functions to
#' \itemize{
#' \item annotate the plot, add custom axes and grid lines
#' \item overlay proposed models on the plot
#' \item fit the tails using linear regression on the transformed tails
#' \item combine the empirical cdf in the middle and the above fit on the tails to get a semi-parametric fit to the data
#' \item compute cdf, pdf, quantiles, and simulate from the semi-parametric fit
#' \item some multivariate plots that look at tail behavior of multiple components and some idea of the dependence.
#' }
#' I will try to fix the code if you provide a simple demonstration of a bug.  Polite suggestions for
#' improvements will be considered if there is time available.
#' @seealso  \code{\link{ecdfHT}} for a basic plot,
#' \code{\link{ecdfHT.draw}} for annotations and additions to a basic plot,
#' \code{\link{ecdfHT.fit}} to fit a semi-parametric model to the data,
#' \code{\link{pecdfHT}} to compute the cdf, pdf, quantiles and simulate from a
#' semi-parametric model,
#' \code{\link{ecdfHT.multivar}} for multivariate generalizations.
#' @importFrom "grDevices"  "dev.new"
#' @importFrom "graphics" "abline"
#' @importFrom "graphics" "legend"
#' @importFrom "graphics" "lines"
#' @importFrom "graphics" "mtext"
#' @importFrom "graphics"  "par"
#' @importFrom "graphics" "plot"
#' @importFrom "graphics"  "points"
#' @importFrom "graphics" "title"
#' @importFrom "graphics" "pairs"
#' @importFrom "stats" "IQR"
#' @importFrom "stats" "lm"
#' @importFrom "stats" "median"
#' @importFrom "stats" "quantile"
#' @importFrom "stats" "runif"
#' @importFrom "stats" "approxfun"
#' @title ecdfHT: A package to plot an empirical cdf for heavy tailed data
#' @docType package
#' @name ecdfHT-package
#' Plot a transformed empirical cdf
#' Produces a basic plot showing a transformed empirical cdf for heavy tailed data.  It uses a log-log
#' transform on the tails, which shows power law decay as linear.
#' @param x A vector of data
#' @param scale.q A vector of 3 probabilites; specifies the quantiles of the data to use for the left tail, mid region, and right tail
#' @param show.axes.labels Boolean value: indicates whether default labels are plotted or not.  (Use function \code{ecdfHT.axes} to add custom labels)
#' @param show.plot Boolean value: show plot or only do calculations
#' @param type Type of plot, passed to plot.  Use type='p' for points, type='l' for lines
#' @param ... Optional graphical parameters, e.g. col='red'
#' @details Most of the work is done by \code{ecdfHT.draw} and the associated helper functions.
#' Assuming no repeats in x,  ecdf = (standard ecdf - (1/2))/n, like type=5 in the R function \code{quantile}.
#' So instead of taking values 1/n, 2/n, 3/n, ... , k/n, ...,  1 it takes values
#'   1/(2n), 3/(2n), ..., (2k-1)/(2n), ..., (2n-1)/(2n).
#' This avoids 0 at lower endpoint and 1 at upper endpoint, which causes problems
#' when we extend tails with a power law.  (If there are m repeated x values, then the corresponding
#' jump in the ecdf at that point is m/n instead of 1/n.)
#' @return An object of class 'ecdfHT.transform' which gives the information necessary to draw the plot and later add other curves and labels.
#' This list is returned invisibly and contains the following fields:
#' \describe{
#' \item{scale.q}{vector of length 3, copied from the input argument}
#' \item{scale.x}{vector of length 3, the quantiles from the data corresponding to scale.q}
#' \item{xsort}{vector of the sorted, unique data values}
#' \item{ecdf}{nonstandard empirical cdf, see details}
#' \item{xx}{transformed x values: xx[i]=h(xsort[i])}
#' \item{yy}{transformed ecdf values: yy[i]=g(ecdf[i])}
#' }
#' @export
#' @details The default values scale.q=c(.25,.5,.75) splits the data into quartiles; picking
#' different quantiles splits the data into 4 different groups: the lowest group is the left tail,
#' i.e. all values less than the quantile corresponding to scale.q[1];
#' the next group is between the left tail and center = quantile scale.q[2]); the third
#' group is the center and quantile scale.q[3]; the last group is the upper tail.
#' For two-sided data, it makes sense to use something like (p,0.5,1-p) for scale.q, where
#' p is choosen to determine where the tail regions begin.
#' For one-sided data, it makes sense to use scale.q=c(0,0,p).  In this case,
#' the first two groups are empty and the effect is to divide the data into two groups:
#' a moderate/lower range and a right tail.  See the example below with nonnegative data.
#' The transformations h(x) acts on these different regions.  It is linear on the middle
#' two regions and logarithmic on the tails.  The transformation g(p) acts on the corresponding
#' values of the ecdf described above.
#' The basic plot shows (h(x[i]),g(ecdf[i])): the first component is a monotonic transform of the
#' x values, the second component is a monotonic transform of the ecdf.
#' See the accompanying vignette for exact definitions: go to the package index and click on User
#' guides, package vignettes and other documentation.
#' @seealso  \code{\link{ecdfHT.draw}} for annotations and additions to a basic plot
#' @examples
#' x <- rcauchy( 1000 )
#' ecdfHT( x )
#' title("basic ecdfHT plot")
#' xabs <- abs(x)
#' ecdfHT( xabs, scale.q=c(0,0,.75) )
#' title("one sided data")
ecdfHT <- function( x, scale.q=c(0.25,0.5,0.75), show.axes.labels=TRUE, show.plot=TRUE, type='p', ... ) {

stopifnot( is.vector(x), is.vector(scale.q), is.numeric(x), is.numeric(scale.q),
           is.logical(show.axes.labels), is.logical(show.plot),
           length(scale.q)==3, scale.q[1] <= scale.q[2], scale.q[2] <= scale.q[3] )

# compute cut points for the transform of the variables
scale.x <- quantile(x,prob=scale.q,names=FALSE)

# save transform info for later use
transform.info <- list( scale.q=scale.q, scale.x=scale.x)

# sort x and select unique values; then compute "non-standard" ecdf, handling duplicates.
xsort <- unique(sort(x))
ecdf <- ( cumsum(tabulate(match(x, xsort))) - 0.5 )/length(x)

r <- ecdfHT.draw(transform.info,xsort,ecdf,show.plot=show.plot,new.plot=TRUE,show.ci=FALSE,type=type,...)

if(show.plot) {
  # draw main plot
  if (show.axes.labels) {
    # default labels and style for the graph axes
    y.labels <- c(.01,.05,.1,.5,.90,.95,.99)
    x.labels <- quantile(x, c(.01,.1,.5,.9,.99) )
    x.labels <- signif( x.labels, 3 )  # round to show 3 sig. digits
    ecdfHT.axes( transform.info, x.labels, y.labels, FALSE, FALSE )

# add more fields to the transform info
transform.info$xsort <- xsort
transform.info$ecdf <- ecdf
transform.info$xx <- r$xx
transform.info$yy <- r$yy
class(transform.info) <- "ecdfHT.transform"

invisible(transform.info) }
#' Graph and annotate an ecdfHT plot
#' Does the computations and plotting for \code{ecdfHT} and can be used to add to an existing plot.
#' @param transform.info A list with information about the transformation, computed in \code{ecdfHT}
#' @param x The data, a vector of double precision numbers.  Assumbed to be sorted and have distinct values.
#' @param p Probabilities, a vector of doubles.  Typically p[i]=(i=0.5)/length(x), unless there are repeats in x.
#' @param show.plot Boolean value: indicates whether to plot or not.
#' @param new.plot Boolean value: indicates whether to produce a new plot or add to an existing plot.
#' @param show.ci Boolean value: indicates whether or not confidence intervals are shown.
#' @param xlab String to label the horizontal axis.
#' @param ylab String to label the vertical axis.
#' @param ... Optional parameters for the plot, e.g. col='red'.
#' @details  \code{ecdfHT.draw} computes transform and plots.
#' \code{ecdfHT.axes} draws axes on the plot; it can be used to manually select tick marks, etc.
#' \code{ecdfHT.h} computes the function h(x) for the transformation of the horizontal axis.
#' \code{ecdfHT.g} computes the function g(p) for the transformation of the vertical axis.
#' Always call \code{ecdfHT} first to produce the basic plot, then use \code{ecdfHT.draw}
#' to add other curves to the plot as in the examples below
#' @return A list of values used in the plot, see return value of \code{ecdfHT}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' x <- rcauchy( 1000 )
#' t.info <- ecdfHT( x, show.axes=FALSE )
#' ecdfHT.axes( t.info, x.labels=c(-50,-5,0,5,50), y.labels=c(.001,.01,.1,.5,.9,.99,.999),
#'   show.vert.gridlines=TRUE, show.horiz.gridline=TRUE, lty=2 )
#' q1 <- qcauchy(t.info$ecdf) # Cauchy quantiles
#' ecdfHT.draw( t.info, q1, t.info$ecdf, col='red',show.ci=TRUE)
#' q2 <- qnorm(t.info$ecdf,sd=sd(x))  # Gaussian quantiles
#' ecdfHT.draw( t.info, q2, t.info$ecdf, col='green',show.ci=TRUE)
#' title(paste("simulated Cauchy data, n=",length(x),"\nred=Cauchy cdf, green=normal cdf"))
ecdfHT.draw <- function( transform.info, x, p, show.plot=TRUE, new.plot=FALSE, show.ci=FALSE, xlab="x", ylab="", ...) {

# transform x and p values
xx <- ecdfHT.h( x, transform.info$scale.x )
yy <- ecdfHT.g( p, transform.info$scale.q )

# draw plot
if (show.plot) {
  if (new.plot) {  # do basic plot
    plot(xx,yy, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...)
  } else {  # add to existing plot

  # show pointwise confidence intervals if requested
  if (show.ci) {
    n <- length(x)
    low <- pmax(1e-100,p - 1.96*sqrt(p*(1-p)/n) )
    low <- ecdfHT.g(low,transform.info$scale.q)
    hi <- pmin(1,p + 1.96*sqrt(p*(1-p)/n))
    hi <- ecdfHT.g(hi, transform.info$scale.q)
invisible(list(xx=xx,yy=yy,x=x,p=p)) }
#' @rdname ecdfHT.draw
#' @export
#' @param x.labels Vector of numbers specifying the location of the labels on the horizontal axis
#' @param y.labels Vector of numbers specifying the location of the labels on the vertical axis
#' @param show.vert.gridlines Boolean value indicating whether or not vertical grid lines should be drawn.
#' @param show.horiz.gridlines Boolean value indicating whether or not horizontal grid lines should be drawn.
ecdfHT.axes <- function( transform.info, x.labels=c(), y.labels= c(),
                         show.vert.gridlines=FALSE, show.horiz.gridlines=FALSE, ... ) {
# label axes with nonlinear scaling
# use ... arguments to control line type and color of gridlines

# could not get axis( ) command to work as desired, draw things ourselves
par.usr <- par("usr") # left, right, bottom, top user coordinates
tick.width <- 0.01*(par.usr[2]-par.usr[1])
tick.height <- 0.01*(par.usr[4]-par.usr[3])
x.loc <- NULL; y.loc <- NULL

if( length(x.labels)>0 ){
  # compute x labels and plot
  x.loc <- ecdfHT.h(x.labels,transform.info$scale.x)
  x.str <- paste( signif(x.labels,4))
  mtext( x.str,side=1,at=x.loc,adj=0.5)
  for (i in 1:length(x.labels) ) {
    if (show.vert.gridlines) {
      abline(v=x.loc[i],...)  # vertical grid lines
    } else {
      lines(rep(x.loc[i],2),c(par.usr[3],par.usr[3]+tick.height),xpd=NA ) # tick marks only
if( length(y.labels)>0 ){
  # compute y labels and plot
  y.loc <- ecdfHT.g(y.labels,transform.info$scale.q )
  y.str <- paste(y.labels)
  for (i in 1:length(y.str)) {  # avoid exponential format for moderately small probabilities
    if ((y.labels[i] < .001) && (y.labels[i] > .000001)) {
      y.str[i] <- formatC(y.labels[i],digits=ceiling(-log(y.labels[i],base=10)))
  mtext(paste(y.str," "),side=2,at=y.loc,padj=0.5,las=1)
  for (i in 1:length(y.labels) ) {
    if (show.horiz.gridlines) {
      abline(h=y.loc[i],...)  # horizontal grid lines
    } else {
      lines( par.usr[1]+tick.width*c(0,1), rep(y.loc[i],2),xpd=NA )  # tick marks only
invisible( list(x.labels=x.labels,x.loc=x.loc,y.labels=y.labels,y.loc=y.loc))}
#' @rdname ecdfHT.draw
#' @param t A vector of length 3 that specifies the x values that determine the left tail, middle, and right tail
#' @export
#' @return \code{ecdfHT.h} returns the vector y=h(x;t), \code{ecdfHT.g} returns the vector y=g(p;q)
#' @examples
#' x <- seq(-5,5,1)
#' t <- c(-3,0,3)
#' ecdfHT.h(x,t)
#' p <- seq(0.05,.95,.1)
#' q <- c(.1,.5,.9)
#' ecdfHT.g(p,q)
ecdfHT.h <- function(x,t) {
# compute the transformation h(x) on the scale of the data

# shift and scale the data
y <- x
i <- which(x >= t[2])
y[i] <- (x[i]-t[2])/(t[3]-t[2])
i <- which(x < t[2])
y[i] <- (x[i]-t[2])/(t[2]-t[1])

# now compute log transform on lower and then upper tail
lo <- which(y < -1)
y[lo] <- -1 - log( -y[lo] )

hi <- which(y > 1)
y[hi] <- 1 + log( y[hi] )

return(y) }
#' @rdname ecdfHT.draw
#' @param q A vector of length 3 that specifies the quantile values that determine the left tail, middle, and right tail.
#' @export
ecdfHT.g <- function(p,q) {
# compute the transformation g(x) on the probability scale (0,1)

y <- p
lo <- which(p < q[1])
y[lo] <- q[1]*(1 + log( p[lo]/q[1] ) )

hi <- which(p > q[3])
y[hi] <- q[3] + (q[3]-1)* log( (1.0 -p[hi])/(1-q[3]) )

return(y) }
#' Fit heavy tailed data with a semi-parameteric model
#' Compute an interpolation of the transformed cdf in the middle with parametric power law decay on the tails.
#' @param p Vector of 2 probabilities that identify the quantile where data is cut to fit power decay on
#' lower/upper tail. Set tail.p[1]=0 to exclude lower tail fit; tail.p[2]=1 to exclude upper tail fit.
#' @param transform.info List containing transformation information, returned from \code{ecdfHT}
#' @param x.min Number describing cut-off of lower tail
#' @param x.max Number describing cut-off of upper tail
#' @param weights 'none' to do unweighted regression or 'var' to use weighted regression on tail with weights proportional to variance of quantile
#' @param add.to.plot Boolean indicating whether or not the interpolation is plotted
#' @param ... Optional parameters passed to plot routines, e.g. col='red'
#' @export
#' @return An object of class 'ecdfHT.fit' specifying the interpolation. The fields in the value are:
#' \describe{
#' \item{scale.q}{vector of length 3, copied from the input argument}
#' \item{scale.x}{vector of length 3, the quantiles from the data corresponding to scale.q}
#' \item{xsort}{vector of the sorted, unique data values}
#' \item{ecdf}{nonstandard empirical cdf, see details}
#' \item{xx}{transformed x values: xx[i]=h(xsort[i])}
#' \item{yy}{transformed p values: yy[i]=g(ecdf[i])}
#' \item{cdf.spline}{monotonic spline function used to compute the cdf}
#' \item{inf.cdf.spline}{monotonic spline function used to compute the inverse of the cdf}
#' \item{tail.p}{vector of length 2; probabilities saying where the lower and upper tails begin.
#'     Note these are generally not the exact values of input variable p, rather they are the closest values to those found in ecdf}
#' \item{tail.x}{vector of length 2; x values where the lower and upper tails begin}
#' \item{tail.c}{vector of length 2; tail constants for lower and upper powerlaw fit}
#' \item{tails.slope}{vector of length 2; slope of tails on transformed plot}
#' \item{tail.alpha}{vector of length 2; exponents for lower and upper power law fit}
#' \item{tail.m}{integer vector of length 2; indices in xsort where tails begin }
#' \item{weights}{copy of input variable weights}
#' }
#' @examples
#' x <- rcauchy( 1000 )
#' a <- ecdfHT( x )
#' fit <- ecdfHT.fit( c(.1,.9), a, col='red' )
#' str(fit)
ecdfHT.fit <- function( p, transform.info, x.min=NA, x.max=NA, add.to.plot=TRUE, weights="var", ... ) {

tail.info <- ecdfHT.fit.tails( p, transform.info, weights=weights, add.to.plot=add.to.plot, ... )

n <- length(transform.info$xsort)
# on lower tail back off to guarantee monotonic fit
if ( tail.info$tail.p[1] > 0 ) {
  m1 <- tail.info$tail.m[1]
} else {
  m1 <- 1

# on upper tail move right to guarantee monotonic fit
if ( tail.info$tail.p[2] < 1 ) {
  m2 <- tail.info$tail.m[2]
} else {
  m2 <- n

# compute the x and y values for the spline fit in the restricted range
xx <- transform.info$xsort[m1:m2]
yy <- transform.info$ecdf[m1:m2]

# create a new object to contain old ...
new <- transform.info

# ... and new information
new$cdf.spline <- approxfun( xx, yy, method="linear",  rule=2  )
new$inv.cdf.spline <- approxfun( yy, xx, method="linear", rule=2 )
new$tail.p <- tail.info$tail.p
new$tail.x  <- tail.info$tail.x
new$tail.c <- tail.info$tail.c
new$tail.alpha <- tail.info$tail.alpha
new$tail.slope <- tail.info$tail.slope
new$tail.m <- c(m1,m2)
new$weights <- weights
class(new) <- "ecdfHT.fit"
return(new ) }
#' @rdname ecdfHT.fit
#' @export
ecdfHT.fit.tails <- function( p, transform.info, weights, add.to.plot=TRUE, ... ) {
#  fit power law model to the lower and upper tails of data.

stopifnot( (weights == "var" | weights == "none"), p[1] < p[2], length(transform.info$xsort) > 3 )
q <- transform.info$scale.q
xx <- transform.info$xx
yy <- transform.info$yy
ecdf <- transform.info$ecdf
xsort <- transform.info$xsort
n <- length(xx)

tail.p <- c(0,1)
tail.x <- c(NA,NA)
tail.slope <- c(NA,NA)
tail.alpha <- c(NA,NA)
tail.c <- c(NA,NA)
m1 <- NA; m2 <- NA
if (p[1] > 0) { # compute a power law on lower/left side
  if (p[1] > q[1]) stop("p[1] > scale.q[1]: lower tail approximation should not be computed on non-logarithmic transformed x values")
  m1 <- findInterval(p[1],ecdf)
  if (m1 < 2) { m1 <- 2 }  # guarantee at least 2 points in regression
  tail.p[1] <- ecdf[m1]
  tail.x[1] <- xsort[m1]
  if( tail.x[1] >= 0 ) stop("error: lower tail cut-off must be negative")

  lower.xx <- xx[1:m1]-xx[m1]
  lower.yy <- yy[1:m1]-yy[m1]
  if (weights=="none") {
    lower.fit <- lm( lower.yy ~ lower.xx - 1 )
  } else {
    w <- (ecdf[1:m1]*(1-ecdf[1:m1]))
    lower.fit <- lm( lower.yy ~ lower.xx - 1, weights=w )
  tail.slope[1] <- lower.fit$coefficients
  tail.alpha[1] <- tail.slope[1]/q[1]
  tail.c[1] <- ecdf[m1]*abs(tail.x[1])^tail.alpha[1]
  if (add.to.plot) {
    y1 <- yy[m1]+tail.slope[1]*(xx[1]-xx[m1])
    lines( c(xx[1],xx[m1]), c(y1,yy[m1]), ... )
    points( xx[m1], yy[m1] , pch="+", cex=3, ... )

if (p[2] < 1) { # compute a power law on upper/right side
  if (p[2] < q[3]) stop("p[2] < scale.q[3]: upper tail approximation should not be computed on a non-logarithmic transformed x values")
  m2 <- 1+findInterval(p[2],ecdf,rightmost.closed=TRUE)
  if (m2 >= n) { m2 <- n-1 }  # guarantee at least 2 points in regression
  tail.p[2] <- ecdf[m2]
  tail.x[2] <- xsort[m2]
  if( tail.x[2] <= 0 ) stop("error: upper tail cut-off must be positive")

  upper.xx <- xx[m2:n]-xx[m2]
  upper.yy <- yy[m2:n]-yy[m2]
  if (weights=="none") {
    upper.fit <- lm( upper.yy ~ upper.xx - 1)
  } else {
    w <- (ecdf[m2:n]*(1-ecdf[m2:n]))
    upper.fit <- lm( upper.yy ~ upper.xx - 1, weights=w )
  tail.slope[2] <- upper.fit$coefficients
  tail.alpha[2] <- tail.slope[2]/(1-q[3])
  tail.c[2] <- (1-ecdf[m2])*tail.x[2]^tail.alpha[2]
  if (add.to.plot) {
    y2 <- yy[m2]+tail.slope[2]*(xx[n]-xx[m2])
    lines( c(xx[m2],xx[n]), c(yy[m2],y2), ... )
    points( xx[m2], yy[m2], pch="+", cex=3,... )
fit <- list( tail.p=tail.p, tail.x=tail.x, tail.alpha=tail.alpha, tail.slope=tail.slope,
            tail.c=tail.c, tail.m=c(m1,m2) )
invisible( fit ) }
#' Compute cdf, pdf, quantiles, and simulate from a fitted distribution
#' Use the semi-parametric fit calculated by \code{ecdfHT.fit} to evaluate the cdf F(x), pdf f(x), quantiles and simulate.
#' @param x A vector of numbers
#' @param ecdfHT.fit An object returned by \code{ecdfHT.fit} describing the interpolation.
#' @export
#' @details \code{pecdfHT} computes the cdf of the semi-parametric fit to the data.
#' \code{decdfHT} computes the pdf of the semi-parametric fit to the data.  This is likely very irregular and not of much value except on the tails, where the pdf calculation is computed analytically.
#' \code{qecdfHT} computes quantiles.
#' \code{recdfHT} simulates from a semi-parameteric distribution.
#' @return \code{pecdfHT} computes the cdf, \code{decdfHT} computes the pdf, \code{qecdfHT} computes the quantiles (inverse of the cdf), \code{recdfHT} simulates from the distribution.
#' @examples
#' x <- rcauchy(1000)
#' a <- ecdfHT( x, show.plot=FALSE )
#' fit <- ecdfHT.fit( c(.1,.9), a, add.to.plot=FALSE )
#' pecdfHT( -3:3, fit )
#' decdfHT( -3:3, fit )
#' qecdfHT( seq(.1,.9,.1), fit )
#' recdfHT( 10, fit )
pecdfHT <- function( x, ecdfHT.fit ) {
# evaluate the cdf at locations x using spline fit to ecdf in middle
# and power law fit on tails

stopifnot( class(ecdfHT.fit) == "ecdfHT.fit" )

y <- rep( NA, length(x) )
if( is.null(ecdfHT.fit$cdf.spline) ) {
  warning("cannot compute cdf: ecdfHT.fit must be used to setup approximation")

# in the center of the data, use spline fit
i <- which( (x >= ecdfHT.fit$tail.x[1]) & (x <= ecdfHT.fit$tail.x[2]) )
y[i] <- ecdfHT.fit$cdf.spline( x[i] )

# lower/left tail power law approximation
i <- which( x < ecdfHT.fit$tail.x[1] )
if (length(i) > 0) {
  y[i] <- ecdfHT.fit$tail.c[1]/abs(x[i])^(ecdfHT.fit$tail.alpha[1])

# upper/right tail power law approximation
i <- which( x > ecdfHT.fit$tail.x[2] )
if (length(i) > 0) {
  y[i] <- 1.0 - ecdfHT.fit$tail.c[2] / x[i]^(ecdfHT.fit$tail.alpha[2])

return(y) }
#' @rdname pecdfHT
#' @export
decdfHT <- function( x, ecdfHT.fit ) {
# approximate the pdf from the ecdfHT fit
# This is very irregular in the central region where it is piecewise constant, but is
# a smooth power law fit on tails.

stopifnot( class(ecdfHT.fit) == "ecdfHT.fit" )
y <- rep(NA,length(x))
if( is.null(ecdfHT.fit$cdf.spline) ) {
  warning("cannot compute cdf: ecdfHT.fit must be used to setup approximation")

# in the middle of the data, compute the derivative of the cdf F by a difference quotient
# since F is piecewise linear, this is an exact calculation
i <- which( (x >= ecdfHT.fit$tail.x[1]) & (x <= ecdfHT.fit$tail.x[2]) )
j <- findInterval( x[i], ecdfHT.fit$xsort, rightmost.closed=TRUE, all.inside=TRUE, left.open=FALSE )
u <- ecdfHT.fit$xsort
v <- ecdfHT.fit$ecdf
y[i] <- (v[j+1]-v[j])/(u[j+1]-u[j])

# lower/left tail
i <- which( x < ecdfHT.fit$tail.x[1] )
if (length(i) > 0) {
  y[i] <- ecdfHT.fit$tail.alpha[1]*ecdfHT.fit$tail.c[1]/abs(x[i])^(ecdfHT.fit$tail.alpha[1]+1)

# upper/right tail
i <- which( x > ecdfHT.fit$tail.x[2] )
if (length(i) > 0) {
  y[i] <-  ecdfHT.fit$tail.alpha[2] * ecdfHT.fit$tail.c[2]/x[i]^(ecdfHT.fit$tail.alpha[2]+1)

return(y) }
#' @rdname pecdfHT
#' @param p Vector of probabilites
#' @export
qecdfHT <- function( p, ecdfHT.fit ) {
# compute the quantiles from a semi-parametric fit of the data

stopifnot( class(ecdfHT.fit) == "ecdfHT.fit" )

y <- rep( NA, length(p) )
if( is.null(ecdfHT.fit$inv.cdf.spline) ) {
  warning("cannot compute quantiles: ecdfHT.fit must be used to setup approximation")

# in the center of the data, use spline fit
i <- which( (p >= ecdfHT.fit$tail.p[1]) & (p <= ecdfHT.fit$tail.p[2]) )
y[i] <- ecdfHT.fit$inv.cdf.spline( p[i] )

# lower/left tail power law approximation
i <- which( p < ecdfHT.fit$tail.p[1] )
if (length(i) > 0) {
  y[i] <- - (ecdfHT.fit$tail.c[1]/p[i])^(1/ecdfHT.fit$tail.alpha[1])

# upper/right tail power law approximation
i <- which( p > ecdfHT.fit$tail.p[2] )
if (length(i) > 0) {
  y[i] <- (ecdfHT.fit$tail.c[2]/(1.0-p[i]))^(1/ecdfHT.fit$tail.alpha[2])
#' @rdname pecdfHT
#' @param n Number of values to simulate
#' @export
recdfHT <- function( n, ecdfHT.fit ) {
# simulate from the semi-parametric fit of the data

stopifnot( class(ecdfHT.fit) == "ecdfHT.fit" )
u <- runif(n)
x <- qecdfHT( u, ecdfHT.fit )
#' Multivariate extensions of transformed empirical cdf plot
#' Transform multivariate data and plot using the ideas from the univariate plot.
#' @param x Matrix of data of size (n x d)
#' @param q0 quantile of radii transformation
#' @param p.norm Power used in computing L^p norm
#' @param radii.upper.tail.p probability used as cutuoff to tail fit; set to 1 to suppress upper tail fit
#' @param zscale Vector of length 2, value of aspect ratio for the z axis when d=2 and the two 3d plots are drawn
#' @param scale.q matrix of sixe (3 x d), probabilities used to determine the scaling and centering for each component
#' @param show.axes.labels Boolean value, determines if axes are labeled or not
#' @param ... Optional graphical parameters, e.g. col='red'
#' @export
#' @details \code{ecdfHT.multivar} gives a quick graphical look at a d dimensional data set.
#' It produces two plots: the first is a superposition of the univariate \code{ecdfHT} plots
#' for each component; the second plot is an array of plots, showing one plot
#' for each component.
#' \code{ecdfHT.bivar} produces two plots of a bivariate data set.
#' The first one has three subplots:
#' a scatter plot of the data, a transformed scatterplot of the data, and a univariate
#' \code{ecdfHT} plot of the radii of the data.
#' For the second and third subplot, ???? then g(y[,1]) is plotted against g(y[,2]) to get the second plot.
#' For the third plot, compute radius r[i]= l_p norm of shifted and scaled data.  These radii are
#' plotted in a univariate, one-sided \code{ecdfHT} plot.
#' The second plot produced is a 3-dimensonal plot.  It takes the first two subplots just described and adds a
#' third dimension by looking at an ecdf for the radii. Thus the height of a point is low if the point is
#' near the center, and increases as points move away.  The first subplot shows points
#' (x[i,1],x[i,2],ecdf of r[i]).  The second plot transforms all three components:
#' it shows (h1(x[i,1]),hs(x[i,2]),g(ecdf of r[i]), where h1(.) and h2(.) are scaled versions of
#' h(.) from the univariate \code{ecdfHT} plot, and g(.) is as in the univariate plot.
#' See the vignette for more detail.
#' @return \code{ecdfHT.multivar} draws several plots, returns a list (invisibly) with fields:
#' \describe{
#' \item{x}{input (n x d) matrix of data}
#' \item{x.prime}{(n x d) matrix of centered and shifted version of x}
#' \item{y}{(n x d) matrix of transformed x}
#' \item{p.norm}{what p-norm to use; p.norm=2 is Euclidean norm}
#' \item{scale.q}{copy of input argument}
#' \item{radii}{vector of length n, p-norm of the rows of x.prime}
#' \item{q0}{copy of input value}
#' \item{r0}{q0-th quantile of the radii}
#' \item{univariate.ecdfHT}{list of length d, with j-th entry the object returned by \code{ecdfHT} for the j-th column of x}
#' \item{radii.ecdfHT}{list returned from ecdfHT( radii, ... )}
#' \item{radii.tail.fit}{object returned from ecdfHT.fit for the radii )}
#' \item{rgl.id}{rgl id of 3d plot(s); can be used to access, change, print 3d plots}
#' \item{radii.prob}{if d=2, this vector gives the empirical cdf of the radii}
#' \item{radii.prob2}{if d=2, this vector gives the transformed empirical cdf of the radii}
#' }
#' \code{ecdfHT.multivar.transform} computes the transformed vectors y, radii, and
#' \code{lp.norm} computes the lp-norm of the rows of x
#' @examples
#' # independent components
#' set.seed(2)
#' x <- matrix( rcauchy(4000), ncol=4 )
#' ecdfHT.multivar( x )
#' # radially symmetric
#' r <- rcauchy(1000)
#' theta <- runif(1000,min=0,max=2*pi)
#' x <- cbind( r*cos(theta), r*sin(theta) )
#' ecdfHT.multivar( x )

ecdfHT.multivar <- function( x, scale.q=matrix(c(0.25,.5,.75),nrow=3,ncol=ncol(x)), q0=0.5,
                             radii.upper.tail.p=0.90, p.norm=2, show.axes.labels=FALSE,

# compute transform for each coordinate and the radii
multivar.obj <- ecdfHT.multivar.transform( x, scale.q, q0=q0, p.norm=p.norm )
d <- ncol(x)

# multiple plots - one for each coordinate
dev.new( noRStudioGD=TRUE  )
k1 <- ceiling(sqrt(d)); k2 <- ceiling(d/k1)
for (j in 1:d) {
  temp <- multivar.obj$univariate.ecdfHT[[j]]
  ecdfHT.draw( temp, temp$xsort, temp$ecdf, new.plot=TRUE,...)

# single plot with all coordinate overlayed together
dev.new( noRStudioGD=TRUE  )
temp <- multivar.obj$univariate.ecdfHT[[1]]
ecdfHT( temp$xsort, temp$scale.q, type='l', show.axes.labels=FALSE,lwd=3)
for (j in 2:d) {
  temp <- multivar.obj$univariate.ecdfHT[[j]]
  ecdfHT.draw( temp, temp$xsort, temp$ecdf, new.plot=FALSE, col=j,lwd=3)
legend("topleft", paste("component",1:d),lty=1,col=1:d, lwd=3, inset=0.05)
title("All components")

# radii ecdfHT
dev.new( noRStudioGD=TRUE  )
temp <- multivar.obj$radii.ecdfHT
ecdfHT( temp$xsort, temp$scale.q, ...)
if( (radii.upper.tail.p > 0) & (radii.upper.tail.p < 1)) {
   temp2 <- ecdfHT.fit( p=c(0,radii.upper.tail.p), transform.info=temp, col='red', lwd=3 )
   cat("tail fit with radii.upper.tail.p=",radii.upper.tail.p,"\n")
} else {
  temp2 <- NULL
multivar.obj$radii.tail.fit <- temp2

# pairs and 2d and 3d cases
rgl.id <- NULL
if (d==2) {
  temp <- ecdfHT.2d( multivar.obj, zscale, ... )
  rgl.id <- temp$rgl.id
  multivar.obj$radii.prob <- temp$radii.prob
  multivar.obj$radii.prob2 <- temp$radii.prob2
} else {
  dev.new( noRStudioGD=TRUE  )
  pairs(x, ...)
  dev.new( noRStudioGD=TRUE  )
  pairs(multivar.obj$y, ...)
  if (d==3){
    rgl.id <- c(-1L,-1L)
    rgl.id[1] <- rgl::open3d()
    rgl::points3d( multivar.obj$x, ... )
    rgl::title3d("Original data X")
    rgl.id[2] <- rgl::open3d( )
    rgl::points3d( multivar.obj$y, ... )
    rgl::title3d("Transformed data Y")

multivar.obj$rgl.id <- rgl.id
#' @rdname ecdfHT.multivar
#' @export
ecdfHT.multivar.transform <- function( x, scale.q, q0, p.norm ) {

# check input
stopifnot( is.matrix(x), ncol(x) > 1, q0 > 0, q0 < 1, p.norm > 0, all(scale.q >= 0),
           all(scale.q<= 1) )
n <- nrow(x)
d <- ncol(x)

# compute all the univariate ecdfHTs (without plotting) and store in a list
univariate.ecdfHT <- vector( mode="list", length= d)
for (j in 1:d) {
  univariate.ecdfHT[[j]] <- ecdfHT( x[,j], scale.q[,j], show.plot=FALSE )

# compute radii
x.prime <- matrix(0.0,nrow=nrow(x),ncol=ncol(x))
for (j in 1:d) {
  t <- univariate.ecdfHT[[j]]$scale.x
  x.prime[,j] <- (x[,j]-t[2])/(t[3]-t[2])
radii <- lp.norm( x.prime, p.norm=p.norm )
radii.ecdfHT <- ecdfHT(radii, c(0,0,q0), show.plot=FALSE)

# compute transformed y
r0 <- quantile(radii,prob=q0)
h <- ecdfHT.h( radii, c(0,0,r0) )
y <- x.prime

colnames(y) <- paste("y[ ,",1:d,"]")
for (i in 1:n) {
  y[i, ] <- (h[i]/radii[i]) * x.prime[i,]

new <- list( x=x, x.prime=x.prime, y=y, p.norm=p.norm, scale.q=scale.q, q0=q0, r0=r0,
             univariate.ecdfHT=univariate.ecdfHT, radii=radii, radii.ecdfHT=radii.ecdfHT )
class(new) <- "ecdfHT.multivar"

invisible(new) }
#' @rdname ecdfHT.multivar
#' @export
#' @param multivar.obj An object of class 'ecdfHT.multivar', see details.
ecdfHT.2d <- function( multivar.obj, zscale=c(500,1), ... ) {

stopifnot( class(multivar.obj) == "ecdfHT.multivar", ncol(multivar.obj$x)==2 )

# x-y scatterplot of raw data
dev.new( noRStudioGD=TRUE  )
plot(multivar.obj$x, xlab="",ylab="", ...)
title("Original data")

# x-y scatterplot of transformed x-y data
plot( multivar.obj$y, ,xlab="",ylab="", ...)
title("Transformed data" )
if (multivar.obj$p.norm==2) {   # show circle where transformation starts
  r0 <- multivar.obj$r0
  theta <- seq(0,2*pi,length=201)
  xx <- r0*cos(theta); yy <- r0*sin(theta)

# show 3-dim plot of radial cdf
prob <- (rank(multivar.obj$radii) - 0.5)/ length(multivar.obj$radii)
rgl.id <- rgl::open3d()
rgl::points3d( cbind(multivar.obj$x, prob), scale=c(1,1,zscale[1]), ... )
ecdfHT.2d.axes( zscale[1] )   # add x,y,z axes

# 3-d plot of radial cdf in nonlinear x-y scale
# nonlinear scale in probability (z axis)
q0 <-  multivar.obj$q0
i <- which(prob > q0)
prob2 <- prob
prob2[i] <- q0 - log( (1-prob[i])/(1-q0) )
rgl.id[2] <- rgl::open3d()
rgl::points3d( cbind(multivar.obj$y, prob2), ... )
ecdfHT.2d.axes( zscale[2] ) # add x,y,z axes

invisible(list( radii.prob=prob, radii.prob2=prob2, rgl.id=rgl.id ) ) }
#' @rdname ecdfHT.multivar
#' @export
ecdfHT.2d.axes <- function( zscale ){

# add x,y,z axes centered at (0,0,0)
bbox <- rgl::par3d("bbox")
xmax <- max(abs(bbox[1:2]))
rgl::lines3d( c(-xmax,xmax), c(0,0), c(0,0) )
ymax <- max(abs(bbox[3:4]))
rgl::lines3d( c(0,0), c(-ymax,ymax), c(0,0) )
zmax <- max(abs(bbox[5:6]))
rgl::lines3d( c(0,0), c(0,0), c(-.1,1)*zmax )
rgl::aspect3d( 1, 1, zscale*bbox[6]/max(xmax,ymax) )     }
#' @rdname ecdfHT.multivar
#' @export
lp.norm <- function( x, p.norm ){
n <- nrow(x)
r <- rep(0.0,n)
for (i in 1:n) { r[i] <- (sum(x[i,]^p.norm))^(1/p.norm) }
return(r) }

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ecdfHT documentation built on May 2, 2019, 1:09 p.m.