
Defines functions e_grid_3d e_z_axis_3d e_y_axis_3d e_x_axis_3d e_axis_3d

Documented in e_axis_3d e_grid_3d e_x_axis_3d e_y_axis_3d e_z_axis_3d

#' Axis 3D
#' Customise 3D axis.
#' @inheritParams e_bar
#' @param axis Axis to customise.
#' @param index Index of axis to customise.
#' @examples
#' # phony data
#' v <- LETTERS[1:10]
#' matrix <- data.frame(
#'   x = sample(v, 300, replace = TRUE),
#'   y = sample(v, 300, replace = TRUE),
#'   z1 = rnorm(300, 10, 1),
#'   z2 = rnorm(300, 10, 1),
#'   stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' ) |>
#'   dplyr::group_by(x, y) |>
#'   dplyr::summarise(
#'     z1 = sum(z1),
#'     z2 = sum(z2)
#'   ) |>
#'   dplyr::ungroup()
#' trans <- list(opacity = 0.4) # transparency
#' emphasis <- list(itemStyle = list(color = "#313695"))
#' matrix |>
#'   e_charts(x) |>
#'   e_bar_3d(y, z1, stack = "stack", name = "Serie 1", itemStyle = trans, emphasis = emphasis) |>
#'   e_bar_3d(y, z2, stack = "stack", name = "Serie 2", itemStyle = trans, emphasis = emphasis) |>
#'   e_x_axis_3d(axisLine = list(lineStyle = list(color = "blue")))
#' @seealso \href{https://echarts.apache.org/en/option-gl.html#xAxis3D}{Additional x arguments},
#'  \href{https://echarts.apache.org/en/option-gl.html#yAxis3D}{Additional y arguments},
#'  \href{https://echarts.apache.org/en/option-gl.html#zAxis3D}{Additional z arguments}
#' @rdname axis3d
#' @export
e_axis_3d <- function(e, axis = c("x", "y", "z"), index = 0, ...) {
  if (missing(e)) {
    stop("missing e", call. = FALSE)

  axis <- .r2axis3D(axis[1])

  r.index <- index + 1
  max <- length(e$x$opts[[axis]])

  if (r.index > max) {
    stop("invalid axis", call. = FALSE)

  attrs <- list(...)

  if (!length(attrs)) {
    stop("no attribute", call. = FALSE)

  for (i in seq_along(attrs)) {
    arg <- names(attrs)[i]

    if (!e$x$tl) {
      e$x$opts[[axis]][[r.index]][[arg]] <- attrs[[i]]
    } else {
      e$x$opts$baseOption[[axis]][[r.index]][[arg]] <- attrs[[i]]


#' @rdname axis3d
#' @export
e_x_axis_3d <- function(e, index = 0, ...) {
  if (missing(e)) {
    stop("missing e", call. = FALSE)
  e <- e_axis_3d(e, axis = "x", index = index, ...)

#' @rdname axis3d
#' @export
e_y_axis_3d <- function(e, index = 0, ...) {
  if (missing(e)) {
    stop("missing e", call. = FALSE)
  e <- e_axis_3d(e = e, axis = "y", index = index, ...)

#' @rdname axis3d
#' @export
e_z_axis_3d <- function(e, index = 0, ...) {
  if (missing(e)) {
    stop("missing e", call. = FALSE)
  e <- e_axis_3d(e = e, axis = "z", index = index, ...)

#' Grid
#' Customise grid.
#' @inheritParams e_bar
#' @inheritParams e_axis
#' @examples
#' # phony data
#' v <- LETTERS[1:10]
#' matrix <- data.frame(
#'   x = sample(v, 300, replace = TRUE),
#'   y = sample(v, 300, replace = TRUE),
#'   z1 = rnorm(300, 10, 1),
#'   z2 = rnorm(300, 10, 1),
#'   stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' ) |>
#'   dplyr::group_by(x, y) |>
#'   dplyr::summarise(
#'     z1 = sum(z1),
#'     z2 = sum(z2)
#'   ) |>
#'   dplyr::ungroup()
#' trans <- list(opacity = 0.4) # transparency
#' emphasis <- list(itemStyle = list(color = "#313695"))
#' matrix |>
#'   e_charts(x) |>
#'   e_bar_3d(y, z1, stack = "stack", name = "Serie 1", itemStyle = trans, emphasis = emphasis) |>
#'   e_bar_3d(y, z2, stack = "stack", name = "Serie 2", itemStyle = trans, emphasis = emphasis) |>
#'   e_grid_3d(splitLine = list(lineStyle = list(color = "blue")))
#' @seealso \href{https://echarts.apache.org/en/option-gl.html#grid3D}{Additional arguments}
#' @export
e_grid_3d <- function(e, index = 0, ...) {
  if (missing(e)) {
    stop("missing e", call. = FALSE)

  r.index <- index + 1

  # initialise of not existing
  if (!e$x$tl) {
    if (!length(e$x$opts[["grid3D"]])) {
      e$x$opts$grid3D <- list()
  } else {
    if (!length(e$x$opts$baseOption[["grid3D"]])) {
      e$x$opts$baseOption$grid3D <- list()

  attrs <- list(...)

  if (!length(attrs)) {
    stop("no attribute", call. = FALSE)

  for (i in seq_along(attrs)) {
    arg <- names(attrs)[i]

    if (!e$x$tl) {
      e$x$opts$grid3D[[r.index]][[arg]] <- attrs[[i]]
    } else {
      e$x$opts$baseOption$grid3D[[r.index]][[arg]] <- attrs[[i]]


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echarts4r documentation built on July 9, 2023, 7:26 p.m.