
gaugeIndicator <- structure(function #Gauge Biodiversity Indicator
### This function processes ecosystem-change maps from
### \code{\link{echanges}} to calculate biodiversity indicators,
### including ecosystem extent, entropy, fractal dimension, among
### others. To sample the indicators across fixed-size grids see
### \code{\link{sampleIndicator}}.
                            ##details<< Coordinate reference system of the
                            ##spatial units must have metric units \code{
                            ##UTM}. Performance in the computation of
                            ##ecosystem extents is optimized via the
                            ##implementation of the function
                            ##\code{\link{tabuleRaster}}.  Indicators other
                            ##than ecosystem extents are calculated
                            ##implementing \code{\link{calculate_lsm}}.
                            ##references<< {Hesselbarth, M. H., Sciaini, M.,
                            ##With, K. A., Wiegand, K., & Nowosad,
                            ##J. (2019). landscapemetrics: an open source R
                            ##tool to calculate landscape
                            ##metrics. Ecography, 42(10), 1648-1657.}
                            ##{O'Connor, B., Secades, C., Penner, J.,
                            ##Sonnenschein, R., Skidmore, A., Burgess,
                            ##N. D., & Hutton, J. M. (2015). Earth
                            ##observation as a tool for tracking progress
                            ##towards the Aichi Biodiversity Targets. Remote
                            ##sensing in ecology and conservation, 1(1),
                            ##{Pereira, H.M., Ferrier, S., Walters,
                            ##M., Geller, G.N., Jongman, R.H.G., Scholes,
                            ##R.J., Bruford, M.W., Brummitt, N., Butchart,
                            ##S.H.M., Cardoso, A.C. and Coops, N.C.,
                            ##2013. Essential biodiversity
                            ##variables. Science, 339(6117), pp.277-278}.
                            ##{Skidmore, A. K., & Pettorelli,
                            ##N. (2015). Agree on biodiversity metrics to
                            ##track from space: Ecologists and space
                            ##agencies must forge a global monitoring
                            ##strategy. Nature, 523(7561), 403-406.}
    ps, ##<<\code{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame} or
    ##\code{RasterStack}. Polygon geometry used to produce
    ##ecosystem-change maps via the implementation of
    ##\code{\link{echanges}} or the stack of ecosystem-change
    ..., ##<< If \code{ps} is a \code{polygon} then additional
    ##arguments in \code{\link{echanges}} or
    metric = 'area_ha', ##<<\code{character}. The name of an
    ##indicator. Default \code{'area_ha'} computes
    ##ecosystem areas (ha) at class level. See the
    ##argument \code{'metric'} in
    ##\code{\link{list_lsm}} to implement other
    smp_lsm = list(), ##<<\code{list}. List of arguments in
    ##\code{\link{calculate_lsm}}. This argument is
    ##ignored when \code{metric = 'area_ha'}.
    mc.cores = round(detectCores()*0.6,0) ##<<\code{numeric}. The
    ##number of cores. Default
    ##uses around 60 percent of
    ##the cores.
) {

    isLayer <- 'lyrs'%in%names(list(...))
        isLayer <- is.null(list(...)$'lyrs')
        if(inherits(ps, getOption('inh'))|is.logical(ps)){
            ps. <- ps
            ps <- echanges(ps,mc.cores = mc.cores, ...)

        tyr <- as.numeric(
            sub("\\D+","", names(ps)))
        tyr. <- tyr
            tyr <- names(ps)

                marg[['mc.cores']] <- mc.cores}

            lsm_is_empty <- length(smp_lsm)==0
                    cat("metrics = 'area_ha' makes the function to ignore parameters in smp_lsm\n")
                    cat("Hint: change the argument 'metrics' \n")
                ## if(metric%in%'area_ha'| is_area_ha){
                fa_smp_lsm <- function(w, del0=TRUE){
                    lst2 <- list(layer = w, del0 = del0)
                args <- Map(function(w)
                    fa_smp_lsm(w), as.list(ps))
                marg. <- c(list(FUN = function(x)
                    do.call('tabuleRaster', x),
                    x = args), marg)
                fn_smp_lsm <- function(w, metric, smp_lsm){
                    lst2 <- c(list(landscape = w, metric = metric), smp_lsm)
                args <- Map(function(w)
                    fn_smp_lsm(w, metric, smp_lsm), as.list(ps))
                marg. <- c(list(FUN = function(x)
                    do.call('calculate_lsm', x),
                    x = args), marg)}
            are.. <- do.call(getOption('fapp'), marg.)
            fnnm <- function(x,y){
                x$'layer' <- y
            are.. <- Map(function(x,y)
                fnnm(x,y), are.., names(ps))

            lsdot <- list(...) 

                mets <- tibble(do.call('rbind', are..))
                        sum <- Map(function(x){
                            x <- sum(x[,'value'])
                            return(x[[1]])}, are..)
                        tocum <- Map(function(x)
                            x[-1L,], are..)
                        toadd. <- Map(function(x)
                            x[1L,], are..)
                        toadd <- Map(function(x,y){
                            x[,'value'] <- y
                            return(x)}, toadd., sum)
                        cum <- Map(function(x){
                            x[,'value'] <- cumsum(x[,'value'])
                            return(x)}, tocum)
                        rest <- Map(function(x,y){
                            y[,'value'] <- x - y[,'value']
                            sum, cum)
                        binded <- Map(function(x,y){
                            rbind(x,y)},toadd, rest)
                        mets <- tibble(do.call('rbind', binded))
                        mets <- tibble(do.call('rbind', are..))


                class(mets) <- append('Indicator',class(mets))
### Class \code{Indicator}.
} , ex=function() {
    ## RasterBrick of structural Essential Biodiversity Variables
    ## covering the extent of a location in the northern Amazon basin
    ## (Colombia) is imported:
    path. <- system.file('amazon.grd',package = 'ecochange')
    amazon <- brick(path.)
    ## Changes in layers of tree-canopy cover (TC) in the 'amazon'
    ## brick are computed:
    def <- echanges(amazon, eco = 'TC',
                    change = 'lossyear',
                    eco_range = c(1,80),
                    get_unaffected = TRUE,
                    binary_output = FALSE,
                    mc.cores = 2)
    ## Function 'gaugeIndicator' is used to compute ecosystem areas
    ## (default):
    am_areas <- gaugeIndicator(def,
                               mc.cores = 2)


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ecochange documentation built on March 7, 2023, 7:16 p.m.