
# Function to compute forward simulation of community dynamics with (eventually)
# environmental filtering
forward <- function(initial, prob = 0, d = 1, gens = 150, keep = FALSE,
                    pool = NULL, limit.sim = FALSE, coeff.lim.sim = 1,
                    sigm = 0.1, filt = NULL, prob.death = NULL,
                    method.dist = "euclidean", plot_gens = FALSE) {
  # The function will stop if niche - based dynamics is requested, but trait
  # information is missing in the local community
  # For strictly neutral communities, a vector of species names is enough for
  # the initial community
  # Checking basic parameters
  if (!is.numeric(prob) | prob < 0) {
    stop("Probability of migration or mutation must be a number belonging to ",
         "[0; 1] interval.")
  if (!is.numeric(d) | d < 0) {
    stop("Number of individuals that die in each time step must be a positive",
         " number.")
  if (!is.numeric(gens) | gens <= 0) {
    stop("Number of generations must be a positive number.")
  if (!is.logical(keep)) {
    stop("keep parameter must be a boolean.")
  if (!is.logical(limit.sim)) {
    stop("limiting similarity parameter must be a boolean.")
  if (!is.numeric(coeff.lim.sim)) {
    stop("coeff.lim.sim parameter must be numeric.")
  if (!is.numeric(sigm) | sigm < 0) {
    stop("sigm parameter must be a positive number.")
  if (!is.null(filt) & !is.function(filt)) {
    stop("filt() must be a function.")
  if ((method.dist %in% c("euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan", "canberra",
                          "binary", "minkowski")) == FALSE) {
    stop("Provided distance does not exist. See stats::dist function for help.")
  if (!is.logical(plot_gens)) {
    stop("plot_gens parameter must be a boolean.")
  # Stops if only a vector of species name is given as initial community with
  # environmental filtering or limiting similarity
  if ((is.character(initial) | is.vector(initial)) &
      (limit.sim | !is.null(filt))) {
    stop("Trait information must be provided along with species identity in",
         " the initial community for niche - based dynamics")
  # If environmental filtering or limiting similarity, the initial community
  # needs to be a matrix or a data.frame
  if (!is.matrix(initial) & !is.data.frame(initial) &
      (limit.sim | !is.null(filt))) {
    stop("Misdefined initial community")
  # If no limiting similarity nor environmental filter -> community dynamics are
  # considered neutral
  if (!limit.sim & is.null(filt)) {
    message("Simulation of a neutral community")
  # "pool" will be a three - column matrix of individuals in the regional pool,
  # with individual id in first column, species name in second column, and
  # additional trait information for niche - based dynamics in third column
  if (is.character(pool)) {
    pool <- data.frame(id = 1:length(pool),
                       sp = pool,
                       trait = rep(NA, length(pool)),
                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    if (limit.sim | !is.null(filt)) {
      message("No trait information provided in the regional pool")
      pool[, 3] <- runif(nrow(pool))
      message("Random trait values attributed to individuals of the regional",
              " pool")
      colnames(pool) <- c("id", "sp", "trait")
  # If species pool is specified by user
  if (!is.null(pool)) {
    if (ncol(pool) < 2) {
      stop("The regional pool is misdefined (at least two columns ",
           "required when a matrix or data frame is provided)")
    } else if (ncol(pool) == 2) {
      message("No trait information provided in the regional pool")
    if ((!limit.sim | !is.null(filt)) & ncol(pool) < 3) {
      pool[, 3] <- runif(nrow(pool))
      message("Random (uniform) trait values attributed to individuals of ",
              "the regional pool")
    colnames(pool) <- c("id", "sp", "trait")
  # "init_comm" is a 3 columns matrix of individuals in the initial community,
  # with individual id in first column, species name in second column, and
  # additional trait information for niche-based dynamics in the third column
  if (is.character(initial)) {  # If only list of species names provided
    J <- length(initial)
    # The ids of individuals present in the initial community begi with "init"
    init_comm <- data.frame(id = paste("init", 1:J, sep = ""),
                            sp = initial,
                            trait = rep(NA, J),
                            stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 
  } else {
    if (ncol(initial) < 3) {
      message("Two-column initial community: assumed to represent species ",
              "and trait information; individual ids will be generated")
      J <- nrow(initial)
      init_comm <- data.frame(id = paste("init", 1:J, sep = ""),
                              sp = initial[, 1],
                              trait = initial[, 2],
                              stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    } else
      J <- nrow(initial)
      init_comm <- initial
  if (J < d) stop("The number of dead individuals per time step ",
		  "cannot be greater than community size")
  if ((limit.sim | !is.null(filt)) & any(is.na(init_comm[, 3]))) {
    stop("Trait information must be provided in initial community ",
         "composition for niche-based dynamics")
  colnames(init_comm) <- c("id", "sp", "trait")
  new.index <- 0
  ## Forward simulation with community
  # Begins with the initial community
  next_comm <- init_comm
  # Richness of initial community is not included
  sp_t <- c()
  ind_t <- c()	
  dist.t <- c()
  if (keep) {  # If the user asked to keep all the communities at each timestep
    comm_through_time <- c()
  # Simulate the community for the given number of generations
  for (i in 1:gens) {
    if (keep) {
      # Store the community at time i
      comm_through_time[[i]] <- next_comm
    # Simulate community dynamics
    next_comm <- pick(next_comm, d = d, prob = prob, pool = pool,
                      prob.death = prob.death, limit.sim = limit.sim,
                      coeff.lim.sim = coeff.lim.sim, sigm = sigm,
                      filt = filt, new.index = new.index,
                      method.dist = "euclidean")
    sp_t <- c(sp_t, length(unique(next_comm$com$sp)))
    ind_t <- c(ind_t, length(unique(next_comm$com$ind)))
    # Store average trait distance among coexisting individuals
    if (!is.null(limit.sim)) {
      dist.t <- c(dist.t, next_comm$dist.t)
    new.index <- next_comm$new.index
    next_comm <- next_comm$com
  if (plot_gens) { # Plotting number of individuals and species over generations
    uniq_df <- data.frame(gens = 1:gens, ind_t = ind_t, sp_t = sp_t,
                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    if (requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)) {
      # Plot the number of individuals through all the generations
      plot_individuals <- ggplot(uniq_df, aes_string("gens", "ind_t")) +
        geom_line() +
        geom_line(aes_string("gens", "ind_t"),
                  size = 1) +
        labs(x = "Number of generations",
             y = "Number of distinct ancestors")
      # Plot the number of species through all the generations
      plot_species <- ggplot(uniq_df,
                             aes_string("gens", "sp_t")) +
        geom_line(size = 1) +
        labs(x = "Number of generations",
             y = "Number of species")
  if (!is.null(limit.sim))
    if (keep) return(list(com_t = comm_through_time,
                          sp_t = sp_t,
                          dist.t = dist.t,
                          pool = pool))
    else return(list(com = next_comm, sp_t = sp_t, 
                     dist.t = dist.t, pool = pool))
  } else
    if (keep) return(list(com_t = comm_through_time,
                          sp_t = sp_t,
                          pool = pool))
    else return(list(com = next_comm, sp_t = sp_t, pool = pool))

# Precise function to simulate a single timestep by picking an individual in
# the pool or make an individual mutate
pick <- function(com, d = 1, prob = 0, pool = NULL, prob.death = prob.death,
                 limit.sim = NULL, coeff.lim.sim = 1, sigm = 0.1, filt = NULL,
                 new.index = new.index, method.dist = "euclidean") {
  if (is.null(pool)) {
    # If no species pool specified, mutate an individual
                       d = d,
                       prob.of.mutate = prob,
                       new.index = new.index)) 
  } else {
    if((!is.null(filt) | limit.sim) & prob > 0 & any(is.na(pool[,3]))) {
	    stop("With environmental filtering, NA trait values not allowed in ",
	         "regional pool")
  # If there is a species pool make an individual immigrates
    return(pick.immigrate(com, d = d, prob.of.immigrate = prob, pool = pool,
                          prob.death = prob.death, limit.sim = limit.sim,
                          coeff.lim.sim = coeff.lim.sim, sigm = sigm,
                          filt = filt, method.dist = "euclidean"))

# Return community with mutated inidividual (= new species)
pick.mutate <- function(com, d = 1, prob.of.mutate = 0, new.index = 0) {
  if (is.vector(com)) {
    # If community only defined by species names
    J <- length(com)
    com <- data.frame(id = paste("ind", 1:J, sep = ""),
                      sp = as.character(com),
                      trait = rep(NA, J),
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  } else if (is.matrix(com) | is.data.frame(com)) {
    # If the community has defined traits
    J <- nrow(com)
    if (is.matrix(com)) {
      	com <- as.data.frame(com, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
 	com[, 1] <- as.character(com[, 1])
     	com[, 2] <- as.character(com[, 2])	  
  } else {
    stop("pick.mutate: misdefined community composition")
  ## Simulate the dynamics of the community
  # Number of individuals who die at this timestep
  died <- sample(J, d, replace = FALSE)
  # How many of the dead individuals are replaced by mutated individuals
  mutated <- runif(length(died)) < prob.of.mutate
  # Number of mutated individuals
  n_mutated <- sum(mutated)
  # Dead individuals who did not mutate
  dead_non_mutated <- sum(!mutated)
  # Replace dead non mutated individuals by individuals from other species
  com[died[!mutated], ] <- com[sample(1:nrow(com), dead_non_mutated,
                                      replace = TRUE), ]
  # When mutation occurs
  if (n_mutated > 0) {
    # Attribute new species to individuals who mutate
    com[died[mutated], 1:2] <- paste("new.sp", new.index + (1:n_mutated),
                                     sep = "")
    #com[died[mutated], 3] <- rep(NA, n_mutated)  # No trait values
    # Default = trait value drawn from uniform distribution between 0 and 1
    com[died[mutated], 3] <- runif(n_mutated)
    # Number of new species which appeared (next one will be new.index + 1)
    new.index <- new.index + n_mutated
  return(list(com = com, new.index = new.index))

# Function to return individuals who immigrated from the species pool
# limit.sim = distances de traits; filt = habitat filtering function
pick.immigrate <- function(com, d = 1, prob.of.immigrate = 0, pool,
                           prob.death = NULL, limit.sim = NULL,
                           coeff.lim.sim = 1, sigm = 0.1, filt = NULL,
                           method.dist = "euclidean") {
  if (is.vector(com)) {
    # If community only defined by species names
    J <- length(com)
    com <- data.frame(id = paste("ind", 1:J, sep = ""),
                    sp = as.character(com),
                    trait = rep(NA, J),
                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  } else if (is.matrix(com) | is.data.frame(com)) {
    # If the community has defined traits
    J <- nrow(com)
    if (is.matrix(com)) {
      com <- as.data.frame(com, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    com[, 1] <- as.character(com[, 1])
    com[, 2] <- as.character(com[, 2])
  } else {
    stop("pick.immigrate: misdefined community composition")
  # Function defining habitat filtering according to trait value
  if (!is.null(filt)) {
    hab_filter <- function(x) filt(x)
  } else {
    # If no function defined, dummy function returning one
	  hab_filter <- function(x) vapply(x, function(x) 1, c(1))
  # Traits distances used to simulate limiting similarity
  if (limit.sim) {
   tr.dist <- as.matrix(dist(com[, -(1:2)], method = method.dist))
   colnames(tr.dist) <- com[, 1]
   rownames(tr.dist) <- com[, 1]
   diag(tr.dist) <- NA
  } else {
    tr.dist <- NULL
  # Initial community
  com.init <- com
  if (is.null(limit.sim) & is.null(filt)) {
    died <- sample(J, d, replace = FALSE)
    com <- com[-died, ]
    if (any(is.na(com[, 1]))) {
      stop("Error: NA values in community composition (1)")
  } else {# Influence of limiting similarity and habitat filtering on mortality
    # Vector of the individual probability of dying
    if (is.null(prob.death)) {
      prob.death <- rep(1, nrow(com))
    # Under limiting similarity, mortality increases when an individual is more
    # similar to other resident individuals
    if (!is.null(tr.dist)) {
      if (sum(!com[, 1] %in% rownames(tr.dist)) > 0 |
          sum(!com[, 1] %in% colnames(tr.dist)) > 0) {
        stop("tr.dist: mismatch of species names")
      # For each species: compute death probability depending on limiting
      # similarity
      # Individual death probability is the sum of the influence of each other
      # individuals  (Gaussian function of pairwise trait distance), plus a
      # baseline individual death probability coeff.lim.sim modulates the
      # strength of limiting similarity compared to the baseline mortality
      lim_sim_function <- function(x) {
        coeff.lim.sim * (sum(exp( -x^2 / (2 * (sigm^2))), na.rm = TRUE))
      prob.death <- apply(tr.dist[com[, 1], com[, 1]], 2,
                           function(x) lim_sim_function(x))
      # Add baseline probability
      prob.death <- prob.death + 1/J
      # Scaling prob.death
      prob.death <- prob.death / max(prob.death)			  
      names(prob.death ) <- com[, 1]
      # dist.t will display the average distance between trait of species
      # for the whole community at each generation
      dist.t <- mean(tr.dist[com[, 1], com[, 1]], na.rm = TRUE)
    # Habitat filtering also influences the individual death probability
    if (!is.null(filt)) {
      if (any(is.na(hab_filter(com[, -(1:2)])))) {
        stop("Error: NA values in habitat filter")
      prob.death <- prob.death * (1 - hab_filter(com[, -(1:2)]) /
                                    sum(hab_filter(com[, -(1:2)])))
      # Giving names to prob.death
      names(prob.death) <- com[, 1]      
    # Position of dead individuals in prob.death vector
    died <- sample(J, d, replace = FALSE, prob = prob.death)
    com <- com[-died, ] 
    if (sum(is.na(com[, 1])) != 0) {
      stop("Error: NA values in community composition (2)")
  immigrated <- runif(d) < prob.of.immigrate
  # If probability of immigration is high, then the new individual is drawn
  # from the regional pool
  J1 <- sum(immigrated)
  # The lower the probability of immigration, the higher the probability of
  # drawing the new individual from the community
  J2 <- sum(!immigrated)
  if (J1 > 0) { # Immigrant drawn from regional pool
    # Influence of habitat filtering on immigration
    if (is.null(filt)) {
      add <- pool[sample(1:nrow(pool), J1, replace = TRUE), 1:3]
      com <- rbind(com, add)
      if (sum(is.na(com[, 1])) != 0) {
        stop("Error: NA values in immigrants")
    } else {
      # Add new immigrated individual to community
      com <- rbind(com, pool[sample(1:nrow(pool), J1, replace = TRUE,
                                    prob = vapply(pool[, 3], hab_filter, 0)),
      if (any(is.na(hab_filter(pool[, 3])))) {
        stop("Error: NA values in habitat filtering")
    if (any(is.na(com[, 1]))) {
      stop("Error: NA values in community composition (3)")
  if (J2 > 0) { # Immigrant drawn from com.init
    com <- rbind(com, com.init[sample(1:nrow(com.init), J2, replace = TRUE),
    if (any(is.na(com[, 1]))) {
      stop("Error: NA values in community composition (4)")
  if (limit.sim) {
    # If there limiting similarity return the factor
    return(list(com = com, dist.t = dist.t))
  } else {
    # Without limiting similarity
    return(list(com = com))

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