# EDF(+)/BDF(+) file signals reader functions
# Purpose : Reading signals in .edf(+)/.bdf(+) files
# Copyright : (C) 2015-2018, Vis Consultancy, the Netherlands
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with edfReader package for R. If not, see <>.
# History :
# Oct15 - Created
# Feb16 - Version 1.0.0
# Mar16 - Version 1.1.0 with:
# - support for multiple annotation signals; multiple annatations per TAL
# - annotations data.frame with only one annotation per row (resolves a bug)
# - support sub second start specification in first data record (in + file)
# - signal names copied from sHeaders
# Apr16 - Version 1.1.1, no changes
# May17 - Version 1.1.2, no changes
# Nov17 - Annotation signals: onset within from-till changed into overlap with duration
# dealt with consequences of NA values for annotation signals
# R signal numbers (RSignalNumber) added to signal elements
# nSamples (total number of samples) added for fragmented signals
# improved margin for 'till' based on getNumericLowerSpacing()
# Feb18 - reading a aSignal range without annotation improved; encoding="UTF-16LE" removed;
# RSignalNumber element relocated next to the signalNumber;
# superfluous and confusion isRecordStart removed from annotation data frame
# onset of annotations corrected: old onset renamed to onsetHT, new onset equals onsetRT
# Mar18 - version 1.2.0
# Suffixes (not always used):
# HT : header time, i.e. time in sec relative to start of recording as specified in the header.
# RT : recording reference time, i.e. HT + the subsecond specified as start for the first EDF+ data start record
# the 'fromm' and 'till' parameters are interpreted as RTs
# ST : sample time, based on data record durartion and samples per record, origin equals RT origing
# ST is used to also to check the correcness of data data record start times for continuous recordings
# RS : Sample number relative signal sampling startin at RT=0
# DS and DT : Data record Sample number en Time in seconds, i.e. relative to the start of a data record
# FS and FT : Fragment Sample number and Time in seconds, i.e. relative to the start of signal fragment
# L and D : Length (number of samples) and duration (in seconds)
# prefixes indicate objects (not always used)
# wRec : the whole recording
# dRec : a data record (using RT)
# recS : a data record signal (using ST)
# sel : the selection made with the from and till parameters
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# read ordinary / annotation signals
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Reads signals from an EDF(+)/BDF(+) file
#' The function reads ordinary or annotation signals from an EDF(+)/BDF(+) file.
#' @param hdr An ebdfHeader object read with the readEdfHeader() function.
#' @param signals a vector with one or more of the following signal designations:
#' 'All' (default), to include all signals;
#' 'Ordinary', to include all ordinary signals;
#' 'Annotations', to include all annotation signals;
#' signal labels and/or signal names; or
#' signal numbers (numeric or as character).
#' @param from numeric, the time in seconds from which the signals shall be read.
#' @param till numeric, the time in seconds till which the signals shall be read.
#' The value may exceed the total duration of the recoding.
#' @param physical logical, if TRUE (the default) digital samples values are mapped to their physical values,
#' If not, the digital values are returned.
#' @param fragments logical, if TRUE discontinuously recorded signals are stored as a list of continuous
#' fragments. If FALSE (the default), a signal is stored as one numeric vector with NA values filling the gaps.
#' @param recordStarts logical, if TRUE a data frame with the empty annotations with the data record start
#' time will be included. If FALSE (the default), not.
#' @param mergeASignals logical, if TRUE all annotations will be merged into one data frame. If FALSE
#' there will be one data frame per annotation signal.
#' @param simplify logical, if TRUE and if there is only one signal read, the signal itself is returned
#' (in stead of a list with that signal as the only one element).
#' If FALSE, this simplification is not performed.
#' @details
#' For ordinary signals the from and till parameters are interpreted as [from, till).
#' For annotation signals from-till has to overlap the onset-(onset+duration) period.
#' For for details see the package vignette.
#' @return Either a list of one or more signals or a single signal. \cr
#' The list of signals returned is of class ebdfSignals and a single signal object is of one of the
#' following classes:
#' \itemize{
#' \item ebdfASignal, for an annotation signal
#' \item ebdfFSignal, for a fragmented ordinary signal
#' \item ebdfCSignal, for a continuous ordinary signal (possible supplemented with NA values)
#' }
#' All classes have supporting print and summary functions.
#' For object details see the package vignette.
#' @section Acknowledgement:
#' This package has used code from:
#' \itemize{
#' \item edf.R version 0.3 (27-11-2013),
#' \item the work of Henelius Andreas as of July 2015,
#' }
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{edfReader}}, \code{\link{readEdfHeader}}\cr
#' For the vignette use the console command:\cr
#' \code{vignette('edfReaderVignette', package = "edfReader")}\cr
#' or click on \code{Index} below.
#' @aliases readBdfSignals
#' @examples
#' # Examples from the vignette
#' libDir <- system.file ("extdata", package="edfReader")
#' # a continuous recording
#' CFile <- paste (libDir, '/edfPlusC.edf', sep='')
#' CHdr <- readEdfHeader (CFile)
#' CSignals <- readEdfSignals (CHdr) # to read all signals
#' # read 3 differently designated signals from 5.1 till 18 seconds period
#' someCSignalsPeriod <- readEdfSignals (CHdr, signals=c(3, "5", "sine 8.5 Hz"), from=5.1, till=18)
#' someCSignalsPeriod # print the signals
#' summary(someCSignalsPeriod) # print singals summary
#' someCSignalsPeriod$`sine 8.5 Hz` # print the `sine 8.5 Hz` signal
#' summary(someCSignalsPeriod$`sine 8.5 Hz`) # print a `sine 8.5 Hz` signal summary
#' str(CSignals$`sine 8.5 Hz`) # look to the details
#' # a discontinuous recording
#' DFile <- paste (libDir, '/edfPlusD.edf', sep='')
#' DHdr <- readEdfHeader (DFile)
#' DSignals <- readEdfSignals (DHdr, fragments=TRUE) # to read all signals
#' DSignals$`sine 8.5 Hz` # print fragmented signal
#' summary (DSignals$`sine 8.5 Hz`) # print fragmented signal summary
#' str(DSignals$`sine 8.5 Hz`) # look to the details
#' @export
readEdfSignals <- function (hdr, signals='All', from=0, till=Inf, physical=TRUE,
fragments=FALSE, recordStarts=FALSE, mergeASignals=TRUE,
simplify=TRUE) {
# check signals and get the indices
idxAndErr <- edfProcessSignalDesignations (hdr, signals)
if (is.null(idxAndErr)) stop ("Illegal 'signals' parameter")
errs <- sum (idxAndErr$errors)
if (errs) {
if (errs==1) pre <- 'Unkown signal designation'
else pre <- 'Unkown signal designations'
stop (paste (pre, signals[idxAndErr$errors]))
if (length(idxAndErr$outOfBound)) {
if (length(idxAndErr$outOfBound) == 1) pre <- "Signal number out of bound:"
else pre <- "Signal numbers out of bound:"
stop (paste(pre, paste(idxAndErr$outOfBound, collapse = " ")))
isPlus <- hdr$isPlus
isContinuous <- hdr$isContinuous
# check and justify 'from' and 'till'
if (from > till) {
stop ("Illegal from-till range.")
if (isContinuous & from > hdr$recordedPeriod) {
stop ("From after the continuously recorded period.")
isAnnotation <- hdr$sHeaders$isAnnotation
# check for annotation and non continuous signals in EDF+ and BDF+
sgn <- idxAndErr$signals # logocal vector indicating signals to be returned
oSignals <- sgn & !isAnnotation # the selected OSignals
aSignals <- sgn & isAnnotation # the selected ASignals
# add record start times
if (sum (isAnnotation)) {
annotations1 <- which.max (isAnnotation)
aSignals[annotations1] <- TRUE # contains record start times
} else if (isPlus) {
fp <- paste (hdr$fileType, '+', sep='')
cat (fp, 'ERROR: required annotation signal is missing, signals will be retrieved as for an',
hdr$fileType, 'file.\n')
isPLus <- FALSE
isContinuous <- TRUE
if (physical) { # conversion must be possible
digitalOk <- hdr$sHeaders$digitalMin < hdr$sHeaders$digitalMax
physicalOk <- hdr$sHeaders$physicalMin != hdr$sHeaders$physicalMax
digitalErr <- sum (!digitalOk [!isAnnotation])
physicalErr <- sum (!physicalOk[!isAnnotation])
if (digitalErr | physicalErr) {
if (digitalErr & physicalErr) {
msg <- "Illegal digital/physical min/max, use physical=FALSE"
} else if (digitalErr) {
msg <- "Illegal digital min/max, use physical=FALSE"
} else if (physicalErr) {
msg <- "Illegal physical min/max, use physical=FALSE"
stop (msg)
# open file; if +C get start time first record and reopen; skip the header NOTE : seek is not advised for Windows
if (file.exists (hdr$fileName)) inFile <- file(hdr$fileName, "rb") # encoding="UTF-16LE" removed; is standard
else stop (paste ("File '", hdr$fileName, "' doesn't exists.", sep=''))
readBin (inFile, 'raw', n=hdr$headerLength , size=1) # the header is not needed;
startOfRecHT <- hdr$startSecondFraction # start of recording (as specified in first data record)
# initialise signals
signals <- vector (mode='list', length=hdr$nSignals) # new list with a element per signal
names (signals) <- row.names (hdr$sHeaders) # signalNames
nextInCSignal <- integer (length=hdr$nSignals) + 1 # used for ordinary continuous signals only
# intialise signal boundary parameters
# aligned start of recording per signal
wRecFromST <- 0 # aligned first recorded sample
# aligned selection per signal
selFromRT <- max (0, from)
selTillRT <- rep (till, hdr$nSignals)
if (isContinuous) {
selTillRT <- min (hdr$recordDuration * hdr$nRecords, till)
maxFromErr <- 2 * getNumericLowerSpacing (selFromRT) # i.e. spacing between two successive numerical values
selFromRS <- ceiling (hdr$sHeaders$sRate * (selFromRT - maxFromErr)) +1# aligned first sample in selection per signal
selFromST <- (selFromRS-1) / hdr$sHeaders$sRate # aligned start of selection per signal
if (!isContinuous && till == Inf) {
selTillRS <- selTillRT
} else {
maxTillErr <- 2 * getNumericLowerSpacing (selTillRT)
selTillRS <- ceiling (hdr$sHeaders$sRate * (selTillRT - maxTillErr)) # aligned last sample in selection per signal
selTillST <- (selTillRS-1) / hdr$sHeaders$sRate # aligned end of selection per signal
# initialise data objects to be read
for (sn in 1:hdr$nSignals) if (sgn[sn]) { # => NULL if not in sgn
signals[[sn]]$startTime <- hdr$startTime # RT origin, i.e. incl startOfRecHT
signals[[sn]]$signalNumber <- sn
signals[[sn]]$RSignalNumber <- 0 # to be set later (for str() readability)
signals[[sn]]$label <- hdr$sHeaders$label[sn]
signals[[sn]]$name <- row.names (hdr$sHeaders) [sn]
signals[[sn]]$isContinuous <- isContinuous
signals[[sn]]$isAnnotation <- hdr$sHeaders$isAnnotation[sn]
if (oSignals[sn]) {
signals[[sn]]$recordedPeriod<- hdr$recordedPeriod
signals[[sn]]$totalPeriod <- as.numeric(NA)
signals[[sn]]$from <- from
signals[[sn]]$till <- till
if (oSignals[sn]) {
range <- paste (hdr$sHeaders$physicalMin[sn], " : ", hdr$sHeaders$physicalMax[sn],
' ', hdr$sHeaders$physicalDim[sn], sep = '')
signals[[sn]]$start <- selFromST[sn]
signals[[sn]]$fromSample <- selFromRS[sn]
signals[[sn]]$transducerType<- hdr$sHeaders$transducerType[sn]
signals[[sn]]$sampleBits <- hdr$sampleBits
signals[[sn]]$sRate <- hdr$sHeaders$sRate[sn]
signals[[sn]]$range <- range
signals[[sn]]$preFilter <- hdr$sHeaders$preFilter[sn]
if (aSignals[sn]) {
signals[[sn]]$annotations <- vector("list", length=hdr$nRecords) # initialise for raw data per record
class(signals[[sn]]) <- 'ebdfASignal'
} else if (isContinuous) {
for (sn in 1:hdr$nSignals) if (oSignals[sn]) {
l <- max (0, selTillRS[sn] - selFromRS[sn] + 1)
signals[[sn]]$signal <- integer (length=l) # initialise with 0 signal
if (l==0) {
signals[[sn]]$start <- as.numeric (NA)
signals[[sn]]$fromSample <- as.numeric (NA)
class(signals[[sn]]) <- 'ebdfCSignal'
} else { # +D signal
signals[[sn]]$rFragments <- vector("list", length=hdr$nRecords) # initialise for raw data per record
class(signals[[sn]]) <- 'ebdfFSignal'
# read
# cat ("Reading file", hdr$fileName, "signals, please wait.\n")
for (rn in 1:hdr$nRecords) {
samples <- readNextDataRecord (hdr, inFile) # read next data record
# get the start data
dRecFromRT <- hdr$recordDuration * (rn-1) # if continuous
dRecFromRS <- hdr$sHeaders$samplesPerRecord * (rn-1) + 1 # idem
dRecFromST <- rep (dRecFromRT, times= hdr$nSignals) # idem
if (isPlus) {
dRecFromHT <- getAnnoRecordStartRT (samples[[annotations1]]) # stated record start (in annotations1)
if (hdr$isContinuous) {
maxStartTDiff <- 1e-8 # more tolerant, only used for a warning
if ( abs(dRecFromHT - dRecFromRT - startOfRecHT) > maxStartTDiff) {
cat ("WARNING: Ambiguous data record start:\n",
"- start according to annotation signal:", sprintf("%.10f", dRecFromHT - startOfRecHT), '\n',
"- start based on recordDuration:", sprintf("%.10f", dRecFromRT), '\n')
} else { # if not conintuous
dRecFromRT <- dRecFromHT - startOfRecHT
maxFromErr <- 2 * getNumericLowerSpacing (dRecFromRT) # i.e. two successive numerical values
dRecFromRS <- ceiling (hdr$sHeader$sRate * (dRecFromRT - maxFromErr)) + 1 # a numeric vector
dRecFromST <- (dRecFromRS-1) / hdr$sHeaders$sRate # sRate alligned sample time first sample
} # if (hdr$isContinuous)
} # if (isPlus)
# (pre)process the signals selected
for (sn in 1:hdr$nSignals) if (sgn[sn]) {
if (hdr$sHeaders$isAnnotation[sn]) {
signals[[sn]]$annotations[[rn]] <- samples[[sn]] # NOTE, formally an annotation onset may not relate to the record start
} else { # an ordinary signal
# set read boundaries for this record
sLength <- hdr$sHeader$samplesPerRecord[sn] # signal samples per record
skipRecord <- FALSE
wholeRecord <- TRUE
drsFromRS <- dRecFromRS[sn] # dataRecordSignal
drsFrommST <- dRecFromST[sn]
if (selFromRS[sn] > 0 | till < Inf) {
fromDS <- max (1, selFromRS[sn] - drsFromRS + 1)
tillDS <- min (sLength, selTillRS[sn] - drsFromRS + 1)
skipRecord <- (fromDS > sLength) | (tillDS <= 0)
wholeRecord <- (fromDS == 1) & (tillDS == sLength)
# convert sample values
if (!skipRecord) {
# FIRST: for bdf, convert to integer; then samples[[sn]] will get the right length too
if (hdr$fileType == 'BDF') samples[[sn]] <- int1sToInt3s (samples[[sn]])
# truncate, if required
if (!wholeRecord) {
samples[[sn]] <- samples[[sn]] [fromDS:tillDS]
# convert digital to physical, if required
if (physical) {
samples[[sn]] <- hdr$sHeaders$gain[sn] * samples[[sn]] + hdr$sHeaders$offset[sn]
# add the samples to signals / rFragments
if (isContinuous) {
lastOne <- nextInCSignal[sn] + length (samples[[sn]]) -1
signals[[sn]]$signal[nextInCSignal[sn]:lastOne] <- samples[[sn]] # copy to signals[[sn]]$signal
nextInCSignal[sn] <- lastOne + 1
} else { # not a continuous signal
fsFromRS <- drsFromRS + fromDS - 1
fsFromST <- (fsFromRS-1) / hdr$sHeaders$sRate[sn]
fsFromRT <- max (dRecFromRT, selFromRT)
signals[[sn]]$rFragments[[rn]] <- list (fsFromST=fsFromST, fsFromRS=fsFromRS,
} # if (isContinuous)
} # if (!skipRecord)
} # if (hdr$sHeaders$isAnnotation[sn])
} # for (sn in 1:hdr$nSignals) if (sgn[sn])
} # for (rn in 1:hdr$nRecords)
wRecTillRT <- dRecFromRT + hdr$recordDuration
wRecTillRS <- dRecFromRS + hdr$sHeader$samplesPerRecord - 1 # recordStartRS = aligned first sample last record
wRecTillST <- wRecTillRS / hdr$sHeaders$sRate # = total recording period
# save total period, recorded period (which may be part of the total period for EDF-D files)
for (sn in 1:hdr$nSignals) if (sgn[sn]) {
signals[[sn]]$totalPeriod <- wRecTillRT # including gaps
# process annotations
for (sn in 1:hdr$nSignals) if (sgn[sn] & hdr$sHeaders$isAnnotation[sn]) {
a <- edfProcesAnnotations ( hdr=hdr, ASignal=signals[[sn]],
isFirstASignal=sn==annotations1, recordStarts=recordStarts
signals[[sn]]$annotations <- a$annotations
signals[[sn]]$recordStartTimes <- a$recordStartTimes
# merge ASignals if requested
if (mergeASignals) {
annoSL <- hdr$sHeaders$isAnnotation & sgn
if (sum(annoSL) > 1) {
annoSN <- which (annoSL)
aSN1 <- which.max (annoSL)
signals[[aSN1]] <- doMergeASignals (signals[annoSN], annoSN) # the RST, present, are already part of aSN1
annoSL[aSN1] <- FALSE
sgn <- sgn & !annoSL
names <- names (signals)
SN1name <- substr (names[aSN1], 1, 15) # remove suffix
names[aSN1] <- SN1name
names(signals) <- names
signals[[aSN1]]$name<- SN1name
# sort annotations and add 'end' column
annoSL <- hdr$sHeaders$isAnnotation & sgn
if (sum(annoSL)) {
for (sn in 1:hdr$nSignals) if (annoSL[sn]) {
annots <- signals[[sn]]$annotations
if (nrow(annots) > 0) {
annots <- annots[order(annots$onset),]
# cat ("readEdfSignals:", "length(annots)=", length(annots), "nrow(annots)=", nrow(annots), '\n')
# cat ("readEdfSignals:", "annots$duration=", annots$duration, '\n')
annots$end <- annots$onset + annots$duration
signals[[sn]]$annotsFrom <- annots$onset[1]
signals[[sn]]$lastOnset <- annots$onset[nrow (annots)]
ends <- annots$end
nonNAs <- !
lastEnd <- as.numeric (NA)
if (sum(nonNAs)) lastEnd <- max (ends[nonNAs])
signals[[sn]]$lastEnd <- lastEnd
} else {
annots$end <- numeric() # same columns
signals[[sn]]$annotations <- annots
# process D signals
if (!isContinuous & sum(oSignals)) { # i.e. +D file with ordinary siganals
for (sn in 1:hdr$nSignals) if (oSignals [sn]) {
# remove empty signal rFragments
usedRFragments <- !sapply(signals[[sn]]$rFragments, is.null)
signals[[sn]]$rFragments <- signals[[sn]]$rFragments[usedRFragments]
# and check that no empty signals remain
signalsL <- sapply (signals[[sn]]$rFragments, function(F) {length (F$signal)})
noSignal <- signalsL == 0
if (sum(noSignal)) cat ("readEdfSignals ERROR: Fragments with no signal !!!!!!!!!\n")
if (!fragments) { # create a continuous signal with NAs
till <- min (wRecTillRS[sn], selTillRS[sn])
signals[[sn]] <- fragmentsToSignal (signals[[sn]], selFromRT, selFromRS[sn], till)
} else { # fragmented, concatenate contiguous DSignal rFragments
cFragments <- concatenateFragments (signals[[sn]]$rFragments, hdr$sHeaders$samplesPerRecord[sn])
signals[[sn]]$fragments <- cFragments
if (length(cFragments) > 0) {
signals[[sn]]$nSamples <- sum (sapply (cFragments, function(X) length(X$signal)))
} else {
signals[[sn]]$nSamples <- 0
signals[[sn]]$rFragments <- NULL
# return the signals requested
signals <- signals [sgn]
for (i in 1:length(signals)) signals[[i]]$RSignalNumber <- i
class (signals) <- c("ebdfSignals", "list")
if (simplify & length (signals)==1) signals <- signals[[1]]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# supplementary functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Maps signal designations to signal indices
# The function maps a list a signal designations into an signal index vector.
# It also reports illegal designations.
# @param edf The edf object with the EDF file header
# @param signals='All' which may have one of the following values:
# - 'All', to include all signals
# - 'Signals', to include all signal signals only
# - 'Annotations', to include all annotation signals only
# - A vector with signal designations consisting of labels and/or signal numbers (numeric or as character)
# @return A list with two logical vectors:
# - One to indicate the selected signals
# - One to indicate erroneous signal values
# @keywords internal
edfProcessSignalDesignations <- function (hdr, signals='All') {
errorsL <- logical (length=length(signals))
indicesL <- logical (length=hdr$nSignals)
outOfBound <- integer (length=0)
for (sn in 1:length(signals)) {
if (signals[sn] == 'All') indicesL[] <- TRUE
else if (signals[sn] == 'Ordinary') indicesL <- indicesL | !hdr$sHeaders$isAnnotation
else if (signals[sn] == 'Annotations') indicesL <- indicesL | hdr$sHeaders$isAnnotation
else {
idx <- suppressWarnings (as.integer(signals[sn])) # try a (coerced) integer
if (!
if (idx <= hdr$nSignals) indicesL [idx] <- TRUE
else outOfBound <- c(outOfBound, idx)
else {
labels <- hdr$sHeaders$label
labelsL <- labels == signals[sn]
rNames <- row.names(hdr$sHeaders)
rNamesL <- rNames == signals[sn]
someFound <- sum (labelsL) + sum (rNamesL)
if (someFound) {
indicesL <- indicesL | labelsL | rNamesL
} else{
errorsL[sn] <- TRUE
list (signals=indicesL, errors=errorsL, outOfBound=outOfBound)
readNextDataRecord <- function (hdr, inFile) {
samples <- vector (mode='list', length=hdr$nSignals)
sampleSize <- hdr$sampleBits / 8
for (sn in 1:hdr$nSignals) { # read all signals (i.e. don't use a seek)
n <- hdr$sHeaders$samplesPerRecord[sn]
# read all record data
if (sampleSize ==2 & !hdr$sHeaders$isAnnotation[sn]) { # ordinary 16 bits signal
samples[[sn]] <- readBin (inFile, integer(), n=n, size=sampleSize, signed=TRUE, endian="little")
} else { # annotation or 24 bits
samples[[sn]] <- readBin (inFile, integer(), n=n*sampleSize, size=1, signed=TRUE, endian="little")
int1sToInt3s <- function (int1s) { # int1s: array of *signed* 1 byte integers
ni <- length (int1s) / 3
samples <- numeric(length = ni)
for (i in 1:ni) {
j <- i * 3 # the last and most signifcant sample byte
if (int1s[j-1] < 0) int1s[j-1] <- int1s[j-1] + 256 # correct the less significant int1s
if (int1s[j-2] < 0) int1s[j-2] <- int1s[j-2] + 256
samples [i] <- int1s[j]*65536 + int1s[j-1]*256 + int1s[j-2]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Annotation signal functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# get the start time for a data record
# The function retieves the first tal from (the first) annotation signal
# @param annotationSignal The first annoation signal from the data record
# @return The start time in seconds
# @keywords internal
getAnnoRecordStartRT <- function (annotationSignal) {
endings <- which(annotationSignal==0) # the TAL endings / separators 0
tal1 <- annotationSignal [1:(endings[1]-1)]
pt <- parseTal (tal1)
# Copies all annotations into a data frame
# The function copies all annotation in an 'EDF Annotations' signal
# into a data frame.
# @param hdr The hdr object with the EDF / BDF file header
# @param signal The index of the signal with the annotations
# @return A list with two data frames: annotations and recordStartTimes
# @keywords internal
edfProcesAnnotations <- function (hdr, ASignal, isFirstASignal, recordStarts) {
mergeRecordStarts <- FALSE # for future use, if at all. Require update of print annotaion signal(s)!!
nAnnots <- 0
nTals <- 0
nRSTs <- 0
maxFromErr <- 2 * getNumericLowerSpacing (ASignal$from) # i.e. two successive numerical values
maxTillErr <- 2 * getNumericLowerSpacing (ASignal$till)
from <- ASignal$from - maxFromErr # to mitigate rounding errors
till <- ASignal$till + maxTillErr
annots <- ASignal$annotations # raw record annotations
for (rn in 1:hdr$nRecords) { # strip & count for each record
rnAnnots <- annots[[rn]]
# remove trailing zero's
i <- length(rnAnnots)
while (i>0 && rnAnnots[i]==0) i <- i-1 # !!!! or check for last '20' !!!!!!!!!!
rnAnnots <- rnAnnots[1:(i+1)] # keep last TAL delimiter
# add the number of TALs endings, i.e. the number of '0's
if (length(rnAnnots) > 1) {
nTals <- nTals + sum (rnAnnots==0)
nAnnots <- nAnnots + sum (rnAnnots==20) # still needs adjustment
annots[[rn]] <- rnAnnots
# adjust nAnnots
nAnnots <- nAnnots - nTals # per TAL: annots in between '20's
nRSTs <- ifelse (isFirstASignal, hdr$nRecords, 0) # number of record start time annotations
if (!recordStarts) { # ommit the record start times, if any
nAnnots <- nAnnots - nRSTs
nRSTs <- 0
} else if (mergeRecordStarts) {
nRSTs <- 0 # store with other annotations
} else {
nAnnots <- nAnnots - nRSTs # store seperately
# create empty data frame (possibly too long because of a from - till range)
# cat ("edfProcesAnnotations: recordStarts", recordStarts, "nAnnots=", nAnnots, "nRSTs=", nRSTs, '\n')
annotations <- data.frame(record=integer(nAnnots), onset=numeric(nAnnots),
duration=numeric(nAnnots), annotation=character(nAnnots),
RSTs <- data.frame(record=integer(nRSTs), startTime=numeric(nRSTs), stringsAsFactors=FALSE
nextAnnon <- 1
nextRST <- 1
for (rn in 1:hdr$nRecords) { # for each record
rnAnnots <- annots[[rn]]
endings <- which (rnAnnots==0) # the TAL endings / separators 0
ending1 <- endings[1]
fromChar <- 1
if (length(rnAnnots) > 1) for (it in endings) {
tal <- rnAnnots[fromChar:(it-1)] # tal which trailing 20
fromChar <- it + 1
pt <- parseTal (tal)
onsetHT <- pt$onsetHT
onsetRT <- onsetHT - hdr$startSecondFraction
duration <- pt$duration
endRT <- onsetRT + duration
if ( (duration)) {
include <- (from <= onsetRT & onsetRT <= till)
} else {
include <- (onsetRT <= till & from <= endRT) # overlap
if (include) {
anns <- pt$annotations
for (ia in 1:length(anns)) {
isRecordStart <- isFirstASignal & it==ending1 & ia ==1
if (isRecordStart) { # the firts annoatation must be empty
if (anns[ia]!="") {
cat ('Illegal annotation signal, a start time annotation must be empty\n')
if (!isRecordStart || recordStarts) {
# save the annottion
if (isRecordStart && !mergeRecordStarts) {
RSTs$record[nextRST] <- rn
RSTs$startTime[nextRST] <- onsetRT
nextRST <- nextRST+1
} else {
annotations$record[nextAnnon] <- rn
annotations$onset[nextAnnon] <- onsetRT
annotations$duration[nextAnnon] <- duration
annotations$end[nextAnnon] <- endRT
annotations$annotation[nextAnnon] <- anns[ia]
nextAnnon <- nextAnnon +1
if (nextAnnon == 1) {
# remove all rows
annotations <- annotations[FALSE, ]
} else {
if (nextAnnon - 1 < nAnnots) annotations <- annotations[1:(nextAnnon-1),]
if (nextRST == 1) {
# remove all rows
} else {
if (nextRST - 1 < nRSTs) RSTs <- RSTs[1:(nextRST-1),]
# cat ("edfProcesAnnotations end: RSTs$record=", RSTs$record, '\n')
# cat ("edfProcesAnnotations end: RSTs$onsetHT=" , RSTs$onsetHT , '\n')
list (annotations=annotations, recordStartTimes = RSTs )
# parses a TAL
# The function parses a TAL (Time-stamped Annotations List)
# @param tal A raw TAL from the edf / bdf file
# @param isRecordStart True if the TAL is the first one in a record, FALSE if not
# @return A list with the following values: onsetHT, duration, annotations
# @keywords internal
parseTal <- function (tal) {
endings <- which(tal==20) # locate 'phrase' trailing delimiters '20'
onsetPlusDuration <- tal[1:(endings[1]-1)] # without trailing 20
di <- which(onsetPlusDuration==21) # locate start delimiter for 'duration'
if (length(di)) {
onsetHT <- as.numeric (intToUtf8 (onsetPlusDuration[1:(di-1)]))
duration <- as.numeric (intToUtf8 (onsetPlusDuration[(di+1):length(onsetPlusDuration)]))
} else {
onsetHT <- as.numeric (intToUtf8 (onsetPlusDuration))
duration <- NA
l <-length (endings)
if (l-1) annotations <- character(l-1) # l-1 = number of annotations
else annotations <- ''
if (l>1) for (i in 2:l) {
if (endings[i-1] == endings[i]-1) annotations[i-1] <- '' # an empty annotation
else annotations[i-1] <- intToUtf8 (tal[(endings[i-1]+1):(endings[i]-1)])
list (onsetHT=onsetHT, duration=duration, annotations=annotations)
doMergeASignals <- function (ASignals, annoSN) {
for (sn in 1:length(ASignals)) {
ASignals[[sn]]$annotations$fromSignal <- annoSN[sn] # add source signal number
ASignal1 <- ASignals[[1]]
mergedAnnos <- ASignal1$annotations
l <- length(ASignals)
if (l>1) for (i in 2:l) {
mergedAnnos <- rbind (mergedAnnos, ASignals[[i]]$annotations)
ASignal1$annotations <- mergedAnnos
ASignal1$signalNumber <- annoSN
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# D signal functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
fragmentsToSignal <- function (fsignal, sSelFromRT, sSelFromRS, sSelTillRS) {
fsignal$signal <- fragmentsSignalToSignal (fsignal$rFragments, sSelFromRS, sSelTillRS)
fsignal$nSamples <- sum (! (fsignal$signal))
if (length(fsignal$signal)) {
fsignal$start <- sSelFromRT
fsignal$fromSample <- sSelFromRS
else {
fsignal$start <- as.numeric (NA)
fsignal$fromSample <- as.numeric (NA)
class(fsignal) <- 'ebdfCSignal'
fragmentsSignalToSignal <- function (rFragments, sSelFromRS, sSelTillRS) {
signal <- integer (length=0)
nSamples <- max (0, sSelTillRS - sSelFromRS + 1)
if (nSamples) {
signal <- rep (as.numeric(NA), nSamples) # memory check ??
if (length(rFragments)) for (fn in 1:length(rFragments)) {
rFragment <- rFragments[[fn]]
fStartRS <- rFragment$fsFromRS
fFromFS <- fStartRS - sSelFromRS + 1 # from in from-till signal fragment
fTillFS <- fFromFS + length (rFragment$signal) - 1
signal[fFromFS:fTillFS] <- rFragment$signal
concatenateFragments <- function (rFragments, recordL) {
nOld <- length (rFragments)
fragments <- vector("list", length=0)
if (nOld) {
oldToNew <- getOldToNew (rFragments, recordL)
fragments <- getNewFragments (rFragments, oldToNew)
getOldToNew <- function (rFragments, recordL) {
nOld <- length (rFragments)
oldToNew <- integer (length=nOld)
tol <- 1e-6
newCnt <- 1
oldToNew[1] <- newCnt
if (nOld > 1) for (oldCnt in 2:nOld) {
s1 <- rFragments[[oldCnt-1]]$drsFromRS + recordL
s2 <- rFragments[[oldCnt ]]$drsFromRS
if (s1 != s2) newCnt <- newCnt +1
oldToNew [oldCnt] <- newCnt
getNewFragments <- function (rFragments, oldToNew) { # per signal
nOld <- length (oldToNew)
nNew <- oldToNew [nOld]
oldFLength <- sapply (rFragments, function (x){length(x$signal)} )
newFragments<- vector("list", length=nNew) # initialise for new fragments
# class(newFragments) <- 'ebdfFragments'
for (nfi in 1:nNew) {
toCopyL <- oldToNew == nfi
toCopyN <- which (toCopyL)
newSignal <- numeric (length = sum(oldFLength[toCopyL]))
newFrom <- 1
for (j in toCopyN) {
nextFrom <- newFrom + oldFLength[j]
newSignal [newFrom:(nextFrom-1)] <- rFragments[[j]]$signal
newFrom <- nextFrom
fromST <- rFragments[[toCopyN[1]]]$fsFromST
fromRS <- rFragments[[toCopyN[1]]]$fsFromRS
fromRT <- rFragments[[toCopyN[1]]]$fsFromRT
newFragments[[nfi]] <- list (start=fromST, fromSample=fromRS,
recordingStart=fromRT, signal= newSignal)
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