#Sélection de variable avec SIR
edrSelec <- function(Y, X, H, K, method, pZero=NULL, NZero=NULL, zeta=NULL,
rho=NULL, baseEst=NULL, btspSamp=NULL, lassoParam=NULL) {
#Vérification des paramètres d'entrée
dimVar <- .check.param(Y, X, H, K, "SIR-I")
n <- dimVar$n
p <- dimVar$p
if (!(method %in% c("CSS", "RSIR", "SR-SIR"))) {
stop("Unknown method for selecting components of 'X' with 'SIR-I'.")
if (all(method=="CSS", any( length(pZero)!=1, length(NZero)!=1))) {
stop("Invalid imputs 'pZero' and/or 'NZero' for the 'CSS' method.")
if (all(method=="CSS", length(zeta)!=1, length(rho)!=1)) {
stop("Using the 'CSS' method, a value is required for 'zeta' or 'rho'.")
if (all(method=="CSS", class(baseEst)!="edr", !is.null(baseEst))) {
stop(paste("Using the 'CSS' method, if an object 'baseEst' is provided,",
"it should be an 'edr' object."))
if (all(method=="CSS", K>1)) {
stop("The 'CSS' method does not work for 'K>1'.")
if (all(method=="RSIR", baseEst$method!="SIR-I, RSIR", n <= p)) {
stop(paste("Invalid input 'baseEst' for the RSIR method when n < p.",
"Please run the 'edrUnderdet' function."))
if (all(method=="RSIR", length(btspSamp)!=1)) {
stop("Invalid input 'btspSamp' for the RSIR method.")
if (all(method=="SR-SIR", baseEst$method!="SIR-I, SR-SIR", n <= p)) {
stop(paste("Invalid input 'baseEst' for the SR-SIR method when n < p.",
"Please run the 'edrUnderdet' function."))
if (all(method=="SR-SIR", is.null(lassoParam))) {
stop("Invalid input 'lassoParam' for the SR-SIR method.")
additionalContent <- NULL
if (is.null(baseEst)) {
baseEst <- edrUnderdet(Y, X, H, K, "SIR-QZ")
### Méthode CSS ###
if (method=="CSS") {
if (is.null(baseEst$indices)) {
baseEst$indices <- X %*% baseEst$matEDR[,1:K]
#Evaluation des sous-modèles
matModels <-matrix(0,ncol= pZero,nrow=NZero)
vectSqCor <- vector("numeric", NZero)
for (i in 1:NZero){
matModels[i,] <- sample(1:p, size=pZero,replace=FALSE)
currEst <- edrUnderdet(Y,X[,matModels[i,]],H,K,"SIR-QZ")
if (is.null(currEst$indices)) {
currEst$indices <- X[,matModels[i,]] %*% currEst$matEDR[,1:K]
vectSqCor[i]<-cor(currEst$indices, baseEst$indices)^2
#Sélection des meilleurs modèles
if (is.null(zeta)) {
matModTop <- matModels[vectSqCor > rho,]
} else {
matModTop <- matModels[
order(vectSqCor,decreasing = TRUE)[1:floor(zeta*NZero)],]
scoreVar <- tabulate(matModTop, p)#/tabulate(matIndice.ordonnee)
additionalContent <- list(matModels=matModels,
matModTop=matModTop, vectSqCor=vectSqCor)
### Méthode RSIR ###
if (method=="RSIR") {
if (is.null(baseEst)) {
baseEst$s <- 0
#Calcul des échantillons bootstrap
btspEst <- array(dim=c(p, btspSamp, K))
for (i in 1:btspSamp) {
index <- sample(n, n, replace=TRUE)
M <- sliceMat(Y[index], X[index,], H)
SigmaTilde <- var(X[index,]) + baseEst$s * diag(p)
temp <- .edrNorm(M, SigmaTilde,K)
btspEst[,i,] <- temp$matEDR
#Réorientation des directions EDR estimées
baseDir <- (var(X) + baseEst$s * diag(p)) %*% baseEst$matEDR
for (k in 1:K) {
dd <- (t(baseDir[,k]) %*% btspEst[,,k] > 0) * 2 - 1
btspEst[,,k] <- btspEst[,,k] * as.matrix(rep(1, p)) %*% dd
#Calcul de 1 - p-value
scoreVar <- vector("numeric", p)
for (i in 1:p) {
betacov <- var(btspEst[i,,])
stats <- t(baseEst$matEDR[i,1:K]) %*% solve(betacov) %*%
scoreVar[i] <- pchisq(stats, K)
} }
### Méthode SR-SIR ###
if (method=="SR-SIR") {
Sigma <- var(X)
temp <- sliceMat(Y, X, H, details=TRUE)
Xh <- t(temp$Xh)
Ph <- temp$Ph
#Fabrication des éléments de la régression Lasso
yStar <- Xh %*% sqrt(Ph)
B <- baseEst$matEDR[,1:K]
C4 <- B %*% solve(t(B) %*% Sigma %*% Sigma %*% B) %*% t(B) %*% Sigma %*% yStar
xStar <- NULL
for (h in 1:H) {
xStar <- rbind(xStar, Sigma %*% diag(C4[,h]))
yStar <- as.vector(yStar)
#Régression Lasso
aicVec <- vector("numeric", length(lassoParam))
bicVec <- vector("numeric", length(lassoParam))
ricVec <- vector("numeric", length(lassoParam))
matEDR <- list()
alphaHat <- matrix(0, ncol=length(lassoParam), nrow=p)
for (i in 1:length(lassoParam)) {
resL1ce<-l1ce(yStar ~ xStar - 1, sweep.out=NULL, standardize=FALSE,
bound=lassoParam[i], absolute.t=TRUE)
alphaHat[,i] <- coef(resL1ce)
matEDR[[i]] <- diag(alphaHat[,i]) %*% baseEst$matEDR[,1:K]
rss<-sum((yStar - fitted(resL1ce))^2)
# Critères de sélection du paramètre Lasso
nVar <-sum(alphaHat[,i] != 0)
aicVec[i] <- p * H * log(rss / p * H) + 2 * nVar
bicVec[i] <- p * H * log(rss / p * H) + log(p * H) * nVar
ricVec[i] <- (p * H - nVar) * log(rss / (p * H - nVar)) +
nVar * (log(p * H) - 1) + 4 / (p * H - nVar - 2)
chosenPar <- which(ricVec == min(ricVec))[1]
scoreVar <- alphaHat[,chosenPar] != 0
additionalContent <- list(aic=aicVec,bic=bicVec,ric=ricVec,matEDR=matEDR)
res <-c(list(scoreVar=scoreVar, K=K, H=H, n=n, method=method, X=X, Y=Y),
class(res) <- "edrSelec"
#Fonctions d'affichage pour des objets de type 'edrSelec'
plot.edrSelec <- function(x, nVar=25, ...) {
if (!inherits(x, "edrSelec")) {
stop("Use only with 'edrSelec' objects.")
nVar <- min(nVar, length(x$scoreVar))
if (x$method=="SR-SIR") {
toShow <- vector("numeric", length(x$scoreVar))
alphaHat <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(x$matEDR)) {
alphaHat <- cbind(alphaHat,diag(x$matEDR[[i]]%*%t(x$matEDR[[i]])) != 0)
for (i in 1:length(x$scoreVar)) {
toShow[i] <- min(x$ric) - min(x$ric[alphaHat[i,]], Inf)
yLabel <- "Loss in the RIC criterion to select it"
} else {
toShow <- x$scoreVar
if (x$method=="CSS") {
yLabel <- "Presence in the best models"
if (x$method=="RSIR") {
yLabel <- "1 - 'p-value'"
index <- sort(toShow, decreasing=TRUE, index.return=TRUE)
title <- paste("Variable selection using the", x$method, "method")
plot(1:nVar, index$x[1:nVar], type="n", xlab="Variable", ylab=yLabel,
cex.axis=1.5, cex.lab=1.5, cex.main=1.5, main=title, xaxt="n")
text(1:nVar, index$x[1:nVar], labels=index$ix[1:nVar])
summary.edrSelec <- function(object, nVar=5, ...) {
if (!inherits(object, "edrSelec")) {
stop("Use only with 'edrSelec' objects.")
cat(paste("Selection method performed:", object$method),"\n")
cat(paste("Number of observations:", object$n),"\n")
cat(paste("Dimension reduction K:", object$K),"\n")
cat(paste("Number of slices:", paste(object$H, collapse=", ")),"\n")
cat(" \n")
if(object$method == "SR-SIR") {
cat(paste("Selected variables:\n",paste(which(object$scoreVar),
collapse=", "),"\n"))
} else {
nVar <- min(nVar, length(object$scoreVar))
cat(paste(nVar,"most important variables:\n"))
index <- sort(object$scoreVar, decreasing=TRUE, index.return=TRUE)
toShow <- cbind(index$ix, index$x)
dimnames(toShow)[[1]] <- 1:length(object$scoreVar)
dimnames(toShow)[[2]] <- c("Variable", "Score")
toShow <- toShow[1:nVar,]
} }
print.edrSelec <- function(x, ...) {
if (!inherits(x, "edrSelec")) {
stop("Use only with 'edrSelec' objects.")
cat(paste("Selection method performed:", x$method),"\n")
cat(paste("Number of observations:", x$n),"\n")
cat(paste("Dimension reduction K:", x$K),"\n")
cat(paste("Number of slices:", paste(x$H, collapse=", ")),"\n")
cat(" \n")
if(x$method == "SR-SIR") {
cat(paste("Selected variables:\n", paste(which(x$scoreVar),
collapse=", "),"\n"))
} else {
cat("Score of each variable:\n")
index <- sort(x$scoreVar, decreasing=TRUE, index.return=TRUE)
toShow <- cbind(index$ix, index$x)
dimnames(toShow)[[1]] <- 1:length(x$scoreVar)
dimnames(toShow)[[2]] <- c("Variable", "Score")
} }
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