# 2017-08-14 fixed bug in plot.predictoreff on passing 'multiline' to lines list
# 2017-08-30 for compatibility with other effect plots, default
# is now multiline=FALSE
# 2017-11-09 fixed bug in setting the class for multinom models, and possibly others
# 2017-11-17 added methods for clm, clm2, clmm in the file effectsclmm.R
# 2017-12-08 modified predictorEffect.default and predictorEffects.default for compatibility to Effect.default
# 2018-01-09 fixed bug in predictorEffects.default with log() in a formula.
# 2018-01-24 fixed bug with minus sign in a formula predictorEffects.default
# 2018-05-14 predictorEffect.default() calls Effect() with x.var=1
# 2018-06-07 predictorEffects now works with offsets.
# 2018-08-09 removed explicit 'xlevels' argument from predictorEffects, so the argument is correctly passed with ...
# 2018-10-19: changed class of predictorefflist to c("predictorefflist", "efflist", "list")
# 2018-11-19: added xlevels argument with default 5 to be applied to conditioning predictors and
# focal.levels argument with default 50 to be applied to focal predictor. J. Fox
# 2019-04-13: changed behavior of xlevels default to match Effect.lm() when residuals=TRUE. J. Fox
# 2020-05-29: use find_formula in the 'insight' package to find formulas. S. Weisberg
# 2020-06-23: modified predictorEffect.default to get formula using effSources. S Weisberg
# removed xlevels argument 8/9/18
predictorEffect <- function(predictor, mod, focal.levels=50, xlevels=5, ...){
UseMethod("predictorEffect", mod)
# removed xlevels argument 8/9/18
predictorEffect.svyglm <- function(predictor, mod, focal.levels=50, xlevels=5, ...){
mod$call <- list(mod$call, data=mod$data)
NextMethod(object=mod, ...)
#simplified 12/10/17
# removed xlevels argument 8/9/18
predictorEffect.default <- function(predictor, mod, focal.levels=50, xlevels=5, ..., sources){
dots <- list(...)
which.residuals <- which(!,
function(x) pmatch(x, c("residuals", "partial.residuals")))))
if (length(which.residuals) != 0){
if (isTRUE(dots[[which.residuals]]) && missing(xlevels)) xlevels <- list()
sources <- if(missing(sources)) effSources(mod) else sources
form <- if(is.null(sources$formula))
find_formula(mod)$conditional else sources$formula
all.vars <- all.vars(parse(text=form))
# all.vars <- find_terms(mod, flatten=TRUE)
# find the right effect to use
terms <- attr(terms(form), "term.labels")
# get the predictor names:
predictors <- all.vars(parse(text=terms))
# predictors <- find_terms(m2)$conditional
sel <- which(predictors == predictor)
if(length(sel) != 1) stop("First argument must be the quoted name of one predictor in the formula")
if (is.numeric(xlevels)){
if (length(xlevels) > 1 || round(xlevels != xlevels)) stop("xlevels must be a single whole number or a list")
xlevs <- list()
for (pred in predictors[-sel]){
xlevs[[pred]] <- xlevels
xlevels <- xlevs
xlevels[[predictor]] <- focal.levels
# create correspondence table
decode <- function(name) all.vars(parse(text=unlist(strsplit(name, ":"))))
tab <- rep(FALSE, length(terms))
for(j in 1:length(terms)){if(predictor %in% decode(terms[j])) tab[j] <- TRUE}
ans <- unlist(strsplit(paste(terms[tab], collapse=":"), ":"))
ans <- unique(all.vars(parse(text=ans)))
ans <- unique(c(predictor, ans)) # guarantees focal predictor is first
args <- names(list(...))
result <- if ("x.var" %in% args) Effect(ans, mod, xlevels=xlevels, ...) else Effect(ans, mod, x.var=1, xlevels=xlevels, ...)
class(result) <- c("predictoreff", class(result))
predictorEffects <- function(mod, predictors, focal.levels=50, xlevels=5, ...){
UseMethod("predictorEffects", mod)
# rewritten, simplified, 12/08/17, bug in formulas fixed 01/24/2018
predictorEffects.default <- function(mod, predictors = ~ ., focal.levels=50, xlevels=5, ..., sources) {
dots <- list(...)
which.residuals <- which(!,
function(x) pmatch(x, c("residuals", "partial.residuals")))))
if (length(which.residuals) != 0){
if (isTRUE(dots[[which.residuals]]) && missing(xlevels)) xlevels <- list()
# The next function removes offset(s) from a formula, used for mform and cform
no.offset <- function(x, preserve = NULL) {
k <- 0
proc <- function(x) {
if (length(x) == 1) return(x)
if (x[[1]] =="offset") && !((k<<-k+1) %in% preserve)) return(x[[1]])
replace(x, -1, lapply(x[-1], proc))
update(proc(x), . ~ . - offset)}
sources <- if(missing(sources)) effSources(mod) else sources
form <- if(is.null(sources$formula)) {find_formula(mod)$conditional} else sources$formula
mform <- no.offset(form) # replacement for next line
# mform <- no.offset(Effect.default(NULL, mod)) # returns the fixed-effect formula for any method
cform <- if(is.character(predictors))
as.formula(paste("~", paste(predictors, collapse="+"))) else
cform <- update(as.formula(paste(". ~",
paste(all.vars(formula(mform)[[3]]), collapse="+"))),
cform <- no.offset(cform)
mvars <- all.vars(mform[[3]])
cvars <- all.vars(cform[[3]])
if (is.list(focal.levels)){
for(cvar in cvars){
if (!is.null(focal.levels[[cvar]])) next
focal.levels[[cvar]] <- 50
} else{
if (!is.vector(focal.levels) || !is.numeric(focal.levels) || length(focal.levels) > 1 || round(focal.levels) != focal.levels)
stop("focal.levels must be a length 1 positive\nwhole-number, numeric vector or a list")
if (length(xlevels) > 0){
if (is.list(xlevels)){
for(mvar in mvars){
if (!is.null(xlevels[[mvar]])) next
xlevels[[mvar]] <- 5
} else{
if (!is.vector(xlevels) || !is.numeric(xlevels) || length(xlevels) > 1 || round(xlevels) != xlevels)
stop("xlevels must be a length 1 positive\nwhole-number, numeric vector or a list")
# check that 'cvars' is a subset of 'mvars'. If so apply predictorEffect
if(!all(cvars %in% mvars)){
stop("argument 'predictors' not a subset of the predictors in the formula")
} else {
result <- list()
for(p in cvars){
flevs <- if (is.numeric(focal.levels)) focal.levels else focal.levels[[p]]
result[[p]] <- predictorEffect(p, mod, focal.levels=flevs, xlevels=xlevels, ...,
class(result) <- c("predictorefflist", "efflist", "list")
# plot methods
plot.predictoreff <- function(x, x.var,
main = paste(names(x$variables)[1], "predictor effect plot"), ...){
if(missing(x.var)) x.var <- names(x$variables)[1]
NextMethod(x, x.var=x.var, main=main, ...)
plot.predictorefflist <- function(x, selection, rows, cols, ask=FALSE, graphics=TRUE,
lattice, ...){
# Next line added 8/23/17 along with lattice, also lattice arg above
lattice <- if(missing(lattice)) list() else lattice
if (!missing(selection)){
if (is.character(selection)) selection <- gsub(" ", "", selection)
return(plot(x[[selection]], ...))
effects <- gsub(":", "*", names(x))
if (ask){
repeat {
selection <- menu(effects, graphics=graphics, title="Select Term to Plot")
if (selection == 0) break
else print(plot(x[[selection]], ...))
else {
neffects <- length(x)
mfrow <- mfrow(neffects)
if (missing(rows) || missing(cols)){
rows <- mfrow[1]
cols <- mfrow[2]
for (i in 1:rows) {
for (j in 1:cols){
if ((i-1)*cols + j > neffects) break
more <- !((i-1)*cols + j == neffects)
lattice[["array"]] <- list(row=i, col=j, nrow=rows, ncol=cols, more=more)
print(plot(x[[(i-1)*cols + j]], lattice=lattice,
# print and summary methods
print.predictorefflist <- function(x, ...){
for (eff in x){
print(eff, ...)
print.predictoreff <- function(x, ...){
cat("\n", names(x$variables)[1], "predictor effect\n")
summary.predictorefflist <- function(object, ...){
for (eff in object){
cat("\n", names(eff$variables)[1], "predictor effect\n")
print(summary(eff, ...))
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