# utilities and common functions for effects package
# John Fox, Jangman Hong, and Sanford Weisberg
# 7-25-2013 S. Weisberg modified analyze.model and Analyze.model to ignore
# default.levels, and use xlevels to set default. Use grid.pretty by default
# 11-09-2013: fixed error message in Analyze.model(), bug reported by Joris Meys. J. Fox
# 2013-10-15: eliminated functions not needed after effect() methods removed. J. Fox
# 2013-10-29: fixed*() to handle NA levels. J. Fox
# 2014-03-13: modified Fixup.model.matrix() and Analyze.model() to handle partial residuals;
# added is.factor.predictor() and is.numeric.predictor(). J. Fox
# 2014-03-14: error message for non-factor, non-numeric predictor
# 2014-07-08: if no numeric predictor, partial residuals suppressed with warning rather than an error
# 2014-10-09: namespace fixes. J. Fox
# 2015-04-08: added setStrip(), restoreStrip(). J. Fox
# 2015-07-07: fixed matchVarName() so that it handles periods in names properly. J. Fox
# 2015-09-10: added a fix for class = 'array' in Analyze.model. S. Weisberg
# 2016-02-16: fix Analyze.model(), Fixup.model.matrix() to handle non-focal terms like polynomials correctly; clean up code. J. Fox
# 2016-03-01: correct and improve computation of partial residuals
# 2017-07-10: fix warnings about 1 x 1 arrays produced in eff.mul() and eff.polr() in R 3.4.0 (reported by Stefan Th. Gries). J. Fox
# 2017-07-14: added applyDefaults() and isFALSE(). J. Fox
# 2017-07-27: added effectsTheme(); removed setStrip(), restoreStrip(). J. Fox
# 2017-08-08: added .onAttach() to set lattice theme. J. Fox
# 2017-08-26: added scheffe() to compute multipler for Scheffe-type confidence bounds. J. Fox
# 2017-08-29: enhanced applyDefaults() with onFALSE argument. J. Fox
# 2017-09-02: added nice()
# 2017-09-08: small changes to accommodate Effect.svyglm()
# 2017-09-10: added replacement for ticksGrid()
# 2018-05-09: fix typo in startup message
# 2018-05-13: modified Analyze.model() to support partial-residual plots against factors.
# 2018-08-17: modified .onAttach() so that trellis device doesn't open, suggestion of Kurt Hornik.
# 2018-10-06: modified, adding a 'type' argument and deleting the 'transformation' argument, using the mu.eta function from the defining family
# 2018-10-19: added
# 2018-10-25: fixed so that deletion of the transformation argument doesn't break plot.eff(). J. Fox
# 2018-12-19: accommodate character and logical predictors. J. Fox
# 2019-08-27: correctly handle logical or character predictor with residuals
# 2019-08-30: further fixes to character and logical predictors
# 2019-10-24: add color options (e.g., for colorblind palette, suggestion of ) to effectsTheme(). J. Fox
# 2019-11-14: change class(x) == "y" to inherits(x, "y")
# 2022-02-18: insure that levels of focal predictor in returned objects are in proper order (bug reported by Christoph Scherber, didn't affect plots or tables).
has.intercept <- function(model, ...) any(names(coefficients(model))=="(Intercept)")
term.names <- function (model, ...) {
term.names <- gsub(" ", "", labels(terms(model)))
if (has.intercept(model)) c("(Intercept)", term.names)
else term.names
} <- function (model, ...) deparse(attr(terms(model), "variables")[[2]])
mfrow <- function(n, max.plots=0){
# number of rows and columns for array of n plots
if (max.plots != 0 & n > max.plots)
stop(paste("number of plots =",n," exceeds maximum =", max.plots))
rows <- round(sqrt(n))
cols <- ceiling(n/rows)
c(rows, cols)
expand.model.frame <- function (model, extras, envir = environment(formula(model)),
na.expand = FALSE){ # modified version of R base function
f <- formula(model)
data <- eval(model$call$data, envir)
ff <- foo ~ bar + baz
if (
gg <- extras
else gg <- parse(text = paste("~", paste(extras, collapse = "+")))[[1]]
ff[[2]] <- f[[2]]
ff[[3]][[2]] <- f[[3]]
ff[[3]][[3]] <- gg[[2]]
if (!na.expand) {
naa <- model$call$na.action
subset <- model$call$subset
rval <- if (is.null(data)) eval(call("model.frame", ff, # modified
subset = subset, na.action = naa), envir) # lines
else eval(call("model.frame", ff, data = data, #
subset = subset, na.action = naa), envir) #
else {
subset <- model$call$subset
rval <- eval(call("model.frame", ff, data = data, subset = subset,
na.action = I), envir)
oldmf <- model.frame(model)
keep <- match(rownames(oldmf), rownames(rval))
rval <- rval[keep, ]
class(rval) <- "data.frame"
is.relative <- function(term1, term2, factors) {
descendants <- function(term, mod, ...){
names <- term.names(mod)
if (has.intercept(mod)) names <- names[-1]
if(length(names)==1) return(NULL)
which.term <- which(term == names)
if (length(which.term) == 0){
factors <- attr(terms(...), "factors")
rownames(factors) <- gsub(" ", "", rownames(factors))
colnames(factors) <- gsub(" ", "", colnames(factors))
function(term2) is.relative(term, term2, factors))]
else {
factors <- attr(terms(mod), "factors")
rownames(factors) <- gsub(" ", "", rownames(factors))
colnames(factors) <- gsub(" ", "", colnames(factors))
function(term2) is.relative(term, term2, factors))]
is.high.order.term <- function(term, mod,...){
0 == length(descendants(term, mod, ...))
subscripts <- function(index, dims){
subs <- function(dims, index){
dim <- length(dims)
if (dim == 0) return(NULL)
cum <- c(1,cumprod(dims))[dim]
i <- index %/% cum
if (index %% cum != 0) i <- i + 1
c(i, subs(dims[-dim], index - (i - 1)*cum))
rev(subs(dims, index))
} <- function(matrix, colclasses){
opt <- options(warn = -1)
ncol <- ncol(matrix)
colnames <- colnames(matrix)
colclasses[sapply(colclasses, function(x) "integer" %in% x)] <- "numeric"
result <- vector(mode="list", length=ncol)
names(result) <- colnames
for (j in 1:ncol){
result[[j]] <- matrix[, j]
class <- colclasses[[colnames[j]]]
result[[colnames[j]]] <- if ("numeric" %in% class) {
decChar <- getOption('OutDec')
if (decChar == '.') as.numeric(result[[colnames[j]]])
else as.numeric(gsub(decChar, '.', matrix[,j]))
else if ("ordered" %in% class) ordered(result[[colnames[j]]])
else if ("factor" %in% class) factor(result[[colnames[j]]])
else result[[colnames[j]]]
# the following function is a modification of code contributed by Steve Taylor
# rewritten, 2018-10-06
# fixed 2018-10-25 so that plot.eff() isn't broken by the rewrite <- function(x, row.names=NULL, optional=TRUE, type=c("response", "link"), ...){
type <- match.arg(type)
linkinv <- if (is.null(x$link$linkinv)) I else x$link$linkinv
linkmu.eta <- if(is.null(x$link$mu.eta)) function(x) NA else x$link$mu.eta
xx <- x$x
for (var in names(xx)){
if (is.factor(xx[[var]])){
xx[[var]] <- addNA(xx[[var]]) # handle factors with "valid" NA level
x$x <- xx
result <- switch(type,
response= { if (is.null(x$se))
data.frame(x$x, fit=transform(x$fit))
se = linkmu.eta(x$fit) * x$se,
link = { if (is.null(x$se))
data.frame(x$x, fit=x$fit)
data.frame(x$x, fit=x$fit,
upper= x$upper)})
attr(result, "type") <- type
} <- function(x, row.names=NULL, optional=TRUE, type, ...){
lapply(x,, type)
} <- function(x, row.names=NULL, optional=TRUE, ...){
factors <- sapply(x$variables, function(x) x$is.factor)
factor.levels <- lapply(x$variables[factors], function(x) x$levels)
if (!length(factor.levels) == 0){
factor.names <- names(factor.levels)
for (fac in factor.names){
x$x[[fac]] <- factor(x$x[[fac]], levels=factor.levels[[fac]], exclude=NULL)
result <- data.frame(x$x, x$prob, x$logit)
if (!is.null(x$confidence.level)) result <- cbind(result,
x$se.prob, x$se.logit, x$lower.prob, x$upper.prob, x$lower.logit, x$upper.logit)
} <- function(x, row.names=NULL, optional=TRUE, ...){
xx <- x$x
for (var in names(xx)){
if (is.factor(xx$var)){
xx$var <- addNA(xx$var) # handle factors with "valid" NA level
x$x <- xx
if (is.null(x$se)) data.frame(x$x, fit=x$fit)
else data.frame(x$x, fit=x$fit, se=x$se, lower=x$lower, upper=x$upper)
logit2p <- function(logit) 1/(1 + exp(-logit))
p2logit <- function(p) log(p/(1 - p))
lrug <- function(x) {
if (length(unique(x)) < 0.8 * length(x)) x <- jitter(x)
grid.segments(x, unit(0, "npc"), x, unit(0.5, "lines"),
## model.response not generic
model.response.gls <- function(model){
model.response(model.frame(as.formula(model$call$model), data=eval(model$call$data)))
terms.gls <- function(x, ...) terms(formula(x))
## vcov method for eff objects
vcov.eff <- function(object, ...) object$vcov
## [ method for efflist objects
`[.efflist` <- function(x, ...){
y <- NextMethod("[")
class(y) <- class(x)
### the following functions are for use by Effect() methods
Analyze.model <- function(focal.predictors, mod, xlevels, default.levels=NULL, formula.rhs,
partial.residuals=FALSE, quantiles, x.var=NULL, data=NULL, typical=mean){
if ((!is.null(mod$nan.action)) && inherits(mod$na.action, "exclude"))
class(mod$na.action) <- "omit"
all.predictors <- all.vars(formula.rhs)
check.vars <- !(focal.predictors %in% all.predictors)
excluded.predictors <- setdiff(all.predictors, focal.predictors)
number.bad <- sum(check.vars)
if (any(check.vars)) {
message <- if (number.bad == 1) paste("the following predictor is not in the model:",
else paste("the following predictors are not in the model:",
paste(focal.predictors[check.vars], collapse=", "))
X.mod <- model.matrix(mod)
cnames <- colnames(X.mod)
factor.cols <- rep(FALSE, length(cnames))
names(factor.cols) <- cnames
for (name in all.predictors){
if (is.factor.predictor(name, mod)) {
factor.cols[grep(paste("^", name, sep=""), cnames)] <- TRUE
factor.cols[grep(":", cnames)] <- FALSE
X <- na.omit(expand.model.frame(mod, all.predictors))
which.matrices <- sapply(X, function(x) is.matrix(x) && ncol(x) == 1)
if (any(which.matrices)){
nms <- names(which.matrices[which.matrices])
msg <- if (length(nms) > 1){
paste("the predictors", paste(nms, collapse=", "), "are one-column matrices that were converted to vectors")
} else {
paste("the predictor", nms, "is a one-column matrix that was converted to a vector")
for (nm in nms){
X[, nm] <- as.vector(X[, nm])
for (name in all.predictors){
if (is.factor.predictor(name, mod) && is.null(xlevels[[name]])) {
xlevels[[name]] <- levels(X[, name]) # accomodate logical predictor
bad <- sapply(X[, all.predictors, drop=FALSE], function(x) !(is.factor(x) || is.numeric(x)))
if (any(bad)){
message <- if (sum(bad) == 1) paste("the following predictor isn't a factor, logical, character, or numeric:",
else paste("the following predictors aren't factors, logical, character, or numeric:",
paste(all.predictors[bad], collapse=", "))
x <- list()
factor.levels <- list()
if(length(xlevels)==0 & length(default.levels) == 1L) xlevels <- default.levels
if(is.numeric(xlevels) & length(xlevels) == 1L){
levs <- xlevels
for(name in focal.predictors) xlevels[[name]] <- levs
for (name in focal.predictors){
levels <- mod$xlevels[[name]] ## reverted levels <- levels(X[, name])
if(is.null(levels)) levels <- mod$xlevels[[paste("factor(",name,")",sep="")]] ##reverted deleted
fac <- !is.null(levels)
if (!fac) {
levels <- if (is.null(xlevels[[name]])){
if (partial.residuals){
quantile(X[, name], quantiles)
# grid.pretty(range(X[, name]))
nice(seq(min(X[, name]), max(X[, name]), length.out=5))
else {
if(length(xlevels[[name]]) == 1L) {
nice(seq(min(X[, name]), max(X[,name]), length=xlevels[[name]]))} else
else factor.levels[[name]] <- levels
# x[[name]] <- list(name=name, is.factor=fac, levels=levels)
x[[name]] <- list(name=name, is.factor=is.factor(X[, name]), levels=levels)
if (partial.residuals){
numeric.predictors <- sapply(focal.predictors, function(predictor) is.numeric.predictor(predictor, mod))
if (is.null(x.var)){
x.var <- if (any(numeric.predictors)) which(numeric.predictors)[1]
else 1
} <- focal.predictors[x.var]
if (is.numeric(X[,]) && is.null(xlevels[[]])){
x.var.range <- range(X[, focal.predictors[x.var]])
x[[x.var]][["levels"]] <- seq(from=x.var.range[1], to=x.var.range[2], length=100)
x.excluded <- list()
for (name in excluded.predictors){
levels <- mod$xlevels[[name]] ##reverted levels <- levels(X[, name])
if (is.logical(X[, name])) levels <- c("FALSE", "TRUE")
fac <- !is.null(levels)
level <- if (fac) levels[1] else typical(X[, name])
if (fac) factor.levels[[name]] <- levels
x.excluded[[name]] <- list(name=name, is.factor=fac,
dims <- sapply(x, function(x) length(x$levels))
len <- prod(dims)
n.focal <- length(focal.predictors)
n.excluded <- length(excluded.predictors)
n.vars <- n.focal + n.excluded <-matrix('', len, n.vars)
excluded <- sapply(x.excluded, function(x) x$level)
for (i in 1:len){
subs <- subscripts(i, dims)
for (j in 1:n.focal){[i,j] <- x[[j]]$levels[subs[j]]
if (n.excluded > 0)[i, (n.focal + 1):n.vars] <- excluded
colnames( <- c(sapply(x, function(x) x$name),
sapply(x.excluded, function(x) x$name))
colclasses <- lapply(X, class)
colclasses[colclasses == "matrix"] <- "numeric"
colclasses[colclasses == "array"] <- "numeric" <-, colclasses=colclasses)
for (i in 1:length(x)){
if (x[[i]]$is.factor){[[x[[i]]$name]] <- if (is.ordered([[x[[i]]$name]])){
ordered([[x[[i]]$name]], levels=x[[i]]$levels)
} else {
factor([[x[[i]]$name]], levels=x[[i]]$levels)
factor.cols=factor.cols, focal.predictors=focal.predictors, n.focal=n.focal,
excluded.predictors=excluded.predictors, n.excluded=n.excluded,
x=x, X.mod=X.mod, cnames=cnames, X=X, x.var=x.var)
Fixup.model.matrix <- function(mod, mod.matrix, mod.matrix.all, X.mod,
factor.cols, cnames, focal.predictors, excluded.predictors,
typical, given.values,{
attr(mod.matrix, "assign") <- attr(mod.matrix.all, "assign")
if (length(excluded.predictors) > 0){
strangers <- Strangers(mod, focal.predictors, excluded.predictors)
stranger.cols <-
apply(outer(strangers, attr(mod.matrix,'assign'), '=='), 2, any)
else stranger.cols <- rep(FALSE, ncol(mod.matrix))
if (has.intercept(mod)) stranger.cols[1] <- TRUE
if (any(stranger.cols)) {
facs <- factor.cols & stranger.cols
covs <- (!factor.cols) & stranger.cols
if (has.intercept(mod)) covs[1] <- FALSE
if (any(facs)){
mod.matrix[,facs] <- matrix(apply(as.matrix(X.mod[,facs]), 2,
if ( typical else mean),
nrow=nrow(mod.matrix), ncol=sum(facs), byrow=TRUE)
if (!is.null(given.values)){
stranger.names <- cnames[stranger.cols]
given <- stranger.names %in% names(given.values)
if (any(given)) {
mod.matrix[,stranger.names[given]] <- matrix(given.values[stranger.names[given]], nrow=nrow(mod.matrix),
ncol=length(stranger.names[given]), byrow=TRUE)
for (name in cnames){
components <- unlist(strsplit(name, ':'))
components <- components[components %in% cnames]
if (length(components) > 1) {
mod.matrix[,name] <- apply(mod.matrix[,components], 1, prod)
matchVarName <- function(name, expressions){
scratch <- "zAMIjw4RN3" # randomly generated string
name <- gsub("\\.", scratch, name)
expressions <- gsub("\\.", scratch, as.character(expressions))
a <- !grepl(paste("[.]+", name, sep=""), expressions)
b <- !grepl(paste(name, "[.]+", sep=""), expressions)
c <- grepl(paste("\\b", name, "\\b", sep=""), expressions)
a & b & c
Strangers <- function(mod, focal.predictors, excluded.predictors){
names <- term.names(mod)
if (has.intercept(mod)) names <- names[-1]
sel <- apply(sapply(excluded.predictors, matchVarName, expressions=names), 1, any)
# the following is used by effect.multinom() and Effect.multinom()
eff.mul <- function(x0, B, se, m, p, r, V){
mu <- exp(x0 %*% B)
mu <- mu/(1 + sum(mu))
mu[m] <- 1 - sum(mu)
logits <- log(mu/(1 - mu))
if (!se) return(list(p=mu, logits=logits))
d <- array(0, c(m, m - 1, p))
exp.x0.B <- as.vector(exp(x0 %*% B))
sum.exp.x0.B <- sum(exp.x0.B)
for (j in 1:(m-1)){
d[m, j,] <- - exp.x0.B[j]*x0
for (jj in 1:(m-1)){
d[j, jj,] <- if (jj != j)
- exp(as.vector(x0 %*% (B[,jj] + B[,j])))*x0
else exp.x0.B[j]*(1 + sum.exp.x0.B - exp.x0.B[j])*x0
d <- d/(1 + sum.exp.x0.B)^2 <- rep(0, m)
for (j in 1:m){
dd <- as.vector(t(d[j,,]))
for (s in 1:r){
for (t in 1:r){[j] <-[j] + V[s,t]*dd[s]*dd[t]
V.logits <-^2 * (1 - mu)^2)
list(p=mu, std.err.p=sqrt(, logits=logits,
# the following are used by effect.polr() and Effect.polr()
eff.polr <- function(x0, b, alpha, V, m, r, se){
eta0 <- as.vector(x0 %*% b)
mu <- rep(0, m)
mu[1] <- 1/(1 + exp(alpha[1] + eta0))
for (j in 2:(m-1)){
mu[j] <- exp(eta0)*(exp(alpha[j - 1]) - exp(alpha[j]))/
((1 + exp(alpha[j - 1] + eta0))*(1 + exp(alpha[j] + eta0)))
mu[m] <- 1 - sum(mu)
logits <- log(mu/(1 - mu))
if (!se) return(list(p=mu, logits=logits))
d <- matrix(0, m, r)
d[1, 1] <- - exp(alpha[1] + eta0)/(1 + exp(alpha[1] + eta0))^2
d[1, m:r] <- - exp(alpha[1] + eta0)*x0/(1 + exp(alpha[1] + eta0))^2
for (j in 2:(m-1)){
d[j, j-1] <- exp(alpha[j-1] + eta0)/(1 + exp(alpha[j-1] + eta0))^2
d[j, j] <- - exp(alpha[j] + eta0)/(1 + exp(alpha[j] + eta0))^2
d[j, m:r] <- exp(eta0)*(exp(alpha[j]) - exp(alpha[j-1]))*
(exp(alpha[j-1] + alpha[j] + 2*eta0) - 1) * x0 /
(((1 + exp(alpha[j-1] + eta0))^2)*
((1 + exp(alpha[j] + eta0))^2))
d[m, m-1] <- exp(alpha[m-1] + eta0)/(1 + exp(alpha[m-1] + eta0))^2
d[m, m:r] <- exp(alpha[m-1] + eta0)*x0/(1 + exp(alpha[m-1] + eta0))^2 <- rep(0, m)
for (j in 1:m){
dd <- d[j,]
for (s in 1:r){
for (t in 1:r){[j] <-[j] + V[s,t]*dd[s]*dd[t]
V.logits <-^2 * (1 - mu)^2)
list(p=mu, std.err.p=sqrt(, logits=logits,
eff.latent <- function(X0, b, V, se){
eta <- X0 %*% b
if (!se) return(list(fit=eta))
var <- diag(X0 %*% V %*% t(X0))
list(fit=eta, se=sqrt(var))
# determine class of a predictor
# is.factor.predictor <- function(predictor, model) {
# !is.null(model$xlevels[[predictor]])
# }
is.factor.predictor <- function(predictor, model) {
predictor %in% names(attr(model.matrix(model), "contrasts"))
is.numeric.predictor <- function(predictor, model) {
# custom lattice theme
# effectsTheme <- function(strip.background=list(col=gray(seq(0.95, 0.5, length=3))),
# strip.shingle=list(col="black"), clip=list(strip="off"),
# superpose.line=list(lwd=c(2, rep(1, 6)))){
# current <- sapply(c("strip.background", "strip.shingle", "clip", "superpose.line"),
# trellis.par.get)
# result <- list(strip.background=strip.background, strip.shingle=strip.shingle, clip=clip,
# superpose.line=superpose.line)
# attr(result, "current") <- current
# result
# }
effectsTheme <- function (strip.background = list(col = gray(seq(0.95, 0.5, length = 3))),
strip.shingle = list(col = "black"), clip = list(strip = "off"),
superpose.line = list(lwd = c(2, rep(1, 6))), col){
car.palette <- c("blue", "magenta", "cyan", "orange", "gray", "green3", "red")
colorblind.palette <- rgb(red = c(230, 86, 0, 240, 0, 213, 204),
green = c(159, 180, 158, 228, 114, 94, 121),
blue = c(0, 233, 115, 66, 178, 0, 167),
names = c("orange", "", "", "yellow",
"blue", "vermillion", "reddish.purple"),
maxColorValue = 255)
# colorblind palette from (ignoring "black")
current <- sapply(c("strip.background", "strip.shingle",
"clip", "superpose.line"), lattice::trellis.par.get)
if (!missing(col)){
superpose.line$col <- if (col[1] == "colorblind"){
} else if (col[1] == "car") {
} else if (col[1] == "R") {
} else {
result <- list(strip.background = strip.background, strip.shingle = strip.shingle,
clip = clip, superpose.line = superpose.line)
attr(result, "current") <- current
.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname){
if (!"package:lattice" %in% search()){
lattice::lattice.options(default.theme = effectsTheme)
packageStartupMessage("lattice theme set by effectsTheme()",
"\nSee ?effectsTheme for details.")
else packageStartupMessage("Use the command",
"\n lattice::trellis.par.set(effectsTheme())",
"\n to customize lattice options for effects plots.",
"\nSee ?effectsTheme for details.")
# to handle defaults for list-style arguments
applyDefaults <- function(args, defaults, onFALSE, arg=""){
if (is.null(args)) return(defaults)
if (isFALSE(args)) {
if (missing(onFALSE)) return(FALSE)
else return(onFALSE)
names <- names(args)
names <- names[names != ""]
if (!isTRUE(args) && length(names) != length(args)) warning("unnamed ", arg, " arguments, will be ignored")
if (isTRUE(args) || is.null(names)) defaults
else defaults[names] <- args[names]
isFALSE <- function(x){
length(x) == 1 && is.logical(x) && !isTRUE(x)
# compute multiplier for Scheffe-type confidence bounds
scheffe <- function(level, p, df=Inf){
sqrt(p*qf(level, p, df))
# function to compute "nice" numbers
nice <- function (x, direction = c("round", "down", "up"), lead.digits = 1) {
direction <- match.arg(direction)
if (length(x) > 1){
result <- sapply(x, nice, direction = direction, lead.digits = lead.digits)
if (anyDuplicated(result)) result <- nice(x, direction=direction, lead.digits = lead.digits + 1)
if (x == 0)
power.10 <- floor(log(abs(x), 10))
if (lead.digits > 1)
power.10 <- power.10 - lead.digits + 1
lead.digit <- switch(direction, round = round(abs(x)/10^power.10),
down = floor(abs(x)/10^power.10), up = ceiling(abs(x)/10^power.10))
sign(x) * lead.digit * 10^power.10
ticksGrid <- function(x, y, col=reference.line$col){
reference.line <- trellis.par.get("reference.line")
panel.abline(h=y, v=x, col=col, lty=reference.line$lty)
# for character and logical predictors
is.factor <- function(x) inherits(x, "factor") || ((is.character(x) || is.logical(x)) && is.vector(x))
levels.character <- function(x) {
levs <- unique(x)
levels.logical <- function(x) {
c("FALSE", "TRUE")
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