
Defines functions elaborator_plot_ref_pattern

Documented in elaborator_plot_ref_pattern

#' Generates the reference-value based pattern analysis plots in the shiny app elaborator
#' @description
#' Generates diagrams showing the frequency of normal and abnormal values at each visit of a study separately by treatment group and laboratory parameter according to the reference-value based pattern analysis.
#' @param data data set
#' @param criterion criterion for defining whether abnormal values are defined as values below the lower limit of normal (less), above the upper limit of normal (greater) or either above the upper limit of normal or below the lower limit of normal (within)
#' @param fontsize font size of numbers printed inside the circles
#' @param sorting_vector vector of laboratory parameter names in the order in which laboratory parameters are presented in the output
#' @param abnormal_value_factor numeric which is multiplied with upper and/or lower limit of normal for defining abnormal values; can only take positive values.
#' @return No return value, called to plot the reference-based value pattern.
#' @keywords internal

elaborator_plot_ref_pattern <- function(
  fontsize = 0.6,
  sorting_vector = as.character(unique(data[, "PARAMCD"])),
  abnormal_value_factor = 1
) {
  variable <- treat <- . <- subj <- upb <- upb2 <- lwb <- lwb2 <- difference_tmp <- dimension <- difference <- dimension2 <- NULL

  ColorBG <- "#E2F3F2"
  colRvbpPos <- "#2fb39f"
  colRvbpNeg <- "#f78300"

  if (length((unique(data$TRTP))) == 0 |
      length(unique(data[, "PARAMCD"])) == 0) {

    on_ex <- graphics::par("mfrow", "bty","mar","oma","bg")
    graphics::par(mfrow = c(1, 1),
                  bty = "n",
                  mar = c(1, 1, 1, 1),
                  oma = c(0, 0, 0, 0),
                  bg = ColorBG)
    graphics::plot(NULL, NULL, ylim = c(0, 1), xlim = c(0, 1), axes = FALSE, ylab = "", xlab = "")
    graphics::rect(xleft = graphics::grconvertX(0, 'ndc', 'user'), xright = graphics::grconvertX(1,'ndc', 'user'),
                   ybottom = graphics::grconvertY(0,'ndc', 'user'), ytop = graphics::grconvertY(1,'ndc', 'user'),
                   border = NA, col = ColorBG, xpd = TRUE)
    graphics::text(0.5, 0.5, paste0("No values for this Treatment"))
  } else {

    if (length(unique(data$PARAMCD))*length(unique(data$TRTP)) > 1) {
      shiny::withProgress(message = paste0('generating ', length(unique(data$PARAMCD))*length(unique(data$TRTP)),' Plots ...'), value = 0, {
        shiny::incProgress(0, detail = paste(""))

        number <- function(p){
          as.vector((as.matrix(p) %*% as.matrix(2^((p %>% dim %>% .[2]-1):0))))

        number2 <- function(p){
          res <- c()
          for(i in 1:nrow(p)){
            f <- 2^((length(p[i,]) - 1):0)
            res[i] <- sum(p[i, ] * f)

        D <- data.frame(subj = data$SUBJIDN,
                        treat = data$TRTP,
                        variable = data$PARAMCD,
                        time = as.numeric(data$AVISIT),
                        value2 = data$LBORRES,
                        lwb  = as.numeric(data$LBORNRLO),
                        upb  = as.numeric(data$LBORNRHI))

        if(abnormal_value_factor >= 0 & abnormal_value_factor != 1) {
          D$lwb2 <- D$lwb * abnormal_value_factor
          D$upb2 <- D$upb * abnormal_value_factor

        if (criterion == "within") {
          if (abnormal_value_factor == 1) {
            D$value = as.numeric(!((D$lwb <= D$value2) & (D$value2 <= D$upb)))
          } else {
            D$value = as.numeric(!((D$lwb2 <= D$value2) & (D$value2 <= D$upb2)))
        } else if (criterion == "less") {
          if (abnormal_value_factor == 1) {
            D$value = as.numeric(!(D$lwb <= D$value2))
          } else {
            D$value = as.numeric(!(D$lwb2 <= D$value2))
        } else if (criterion == "greater") {
          if (abnormal_value_factor == 1) {
            D$value = as.numeric(!(D$value2 <= D$upb))
          } else {
            D$value = as.numeric(!(D$value2 <= D$upb2))

        reducedData <- D[,c("subj", "treat", "variable", "time", "value")]

        Treats <- levels(reducedData$treat)

        reducedData_wide <- reshape2::dcast(reducedData, treat + variable + subj ~ time, drop = TRUE)

        reducedData_long <- reducedData_wide %>%
          dplyr::group_by(treat, variable) %>%
          dplyr::select(-subj) %>%
          tidyr::nest() %>%
          dplyr::mutate(difference_tmp = purrr::map(data, ~ .[, colSums(is.na(.)) != nrow(.)])) %>%
          dplyr::mutate(dimension = purrr::map(difference_tmp, ~ dim(.)[2])) %>%
          dplyr::mutate(difference = purrr::map(difference_tmp, ~ stats::na.omit(.))) %>%
          dplyr::select(-c(data, difference_tmp)) %>%
          dplyr::mutate(dimension2 = dimension %>%
                          unlist) %>%
          dplyr::mutate(mz = purrr::map(difference, ~ number(.)))

        sortinput <- sorting_vector[sorting_vector %in% reducedData_long$variable]

        graphics::layout(matrix(1:(length(Treats) * length(sortinput)), length(Treats), length(sortinput)))

        on_ex <- graphics::par("mfrow","mai","xaxs","yaxs","bg","fg","font","font.axis","font.lab","font.main","font.sub","ps","cex","family")
        graphics::par(mfrow = c(length((unique(data$TRTP))), length(unique(sortinput))),
                      mai = rep(0, 4), xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i",
                      bg = ColorBG,
                      fg = grDevices::rgb(140, 140, 140, maxColorValue = 255),
                      font = 1, font.axis = 1, font.lab = 1, font.main = 1, font.sub = 1,
                      ps = 5, cex = 1,
                      family = "sans")

        for (treatments in Treats) {
          for (labvalues in sortinput) {

            dimension_tmp <- reducedData_long %>%
              dplyr::filter(variable == labvalues , treat == treatments) %>%

            if (length(dimension_tmp) == 0) {
              graphics::plot(NULL, NULL, ylim = c(0, 1), xlim = c(0, 1), axes = FALSE, ylab = "", xlab = "")
              graphics::rect(xleft = graphics::grconvertX(0, 'ndc', 'user'), xright = graphics::grconvertX(1, 'ndc', 'user'),
                             ybottom = graphics::grconvertY(0,'ndc','user'), ytop = graphics::grconvertY(1, 'ndc', 'user'),
                             border = NA, col = ColorBG, xpd = TRUE)
              graphics::text(0.5, 0.5, paste0("No values for this Treatment"))

            } else {

              index <- 0:(2^dimension_tmp - 1)
              List_index <- lapply(index, function(i) elaborator_calculate_ref_pattern(i, dimension_tmp))

              CombinationMatrix <- matrix(unlist(List_index), 2^dimension_tmp, dimension_tmp, byrow = TRUE)
              colnames(CombinationMatrix) = paste("M", 1:dimension_tmp, sep = "")

              mg <- unlist(lapply(1:2^dimension_tmp, function(i) sum(CombinationMatrix[i,])))

              CombinationMatrix <- data.frame(CombinationMatrix, index)
              CombinationMatrix <- data.frame(CombinationMatrix[order(CombinationMatrix$index, decreasing = TRUE), ] , number = rep(0, 2^dimension_tmp))

              reducedData_long_tmp <- reducedData_long %>%
                dplyr::filter(variable == labvalues , treat == treatments)

              if (length(unlist(reducedData_long_tmp$mz)) > 0) {
                table_number <- table(unlist(reducedData_long_tmp$mz))
                q <- as.numeric(names(table_number))

                CombinationMatrix$number[elaborator_derive_equal_values(q, CombinationMatrix$index)] <- table_number
                elaborator_draw_ref_pattern(pattern_Matrix = CombinationMatrix, fontsize = fontsize, number_columns = dimension_tmp)

              } else {
                graphics::text((dimension_tmp - 1) / 2, (2^dimension_tmp + 1) / 2, "No Data Available!")
            if (treatments == Treats[1]) {
              graphics::text(0, (2^dimension_tmp + 1) - 1, labvalues, cex = 2)

            if (labvalues == sortinput[1]) {
              graphics::text(-0.5, (2^dimension_tmp + 1) / 2, treatments, srt = 90, cex = 2)

            shiny::incProgress(1/(length(sortinput) * length(Treats)), detail = paste(""))
          shiny::incProgress(1/length(sortinput), detail = paste(""))
        shiny::incProgress(0, detail = paste("done!"))
    } else {

      number <- function(p) {
        as.vector((as.matrix(p) %*% as.matrix(2^((p %>% dim %>% .[2]-1):0))))

      number2 <- function(p){
        res <- c()
        for(i in 1:nrow(p)){
          f <- 2^((length(p[i,]) - 1):0)
          res[i] <- sum(p[i, ] * f)

      D <- data.frame(subj = data$SUBJIDN,
                      treat = data$TRTP,
                      variable = data$PARAMCD,
                      time = as.numeric(data$AVISIT),
                      value2 = data$LBORRES,
                      lwb  = as.numeric(data$LBORNRLO),
                      upb  = as.numeric(data$LBORNRHI))

      if(abnormal_value_factor >= 0 & abnormal_value_factor != 1) {
        D$lwb2 <- D$lwb * abnormal_value_factor
        D$upb2 <- D$upb * abnormal_value_factor

      if (criterion == "within") {
        if (abnormal_value_factor == 1) {
          D$value = as.numeric(!((D$lwb <= D$value2) & (D$value2 <= D$upb)))
        } else {
          D$value = as.numeric(!((D$lwb2 <= D$value2) & (D$value2 <= D$upb2)))
      } else if (criterion == "less") {
        if (abnormal_value_factor == 1) {
          D$value = as.numeric(!(D$lwb <= D$value2))
        } else {
          D$value = as.numeric(!(D$lwb2 <= D$value2))
      } else if (criterion == "greater") {
        if (abnormal_value_factor == 1) {
          D$value = as.numeric(!(D$value2 <= D$upb))
        } else {
          D$value = as.numeric(!(D$value2 <= D$upb2))

      reducedData <- D[,c("subj", "treat", "variable", "time", "value")]

      Treats <- levels(reducedData$treat)

      reducedData_wide <- reshape2::dcast(reducedData, treat + variable + subj ~ time, drop = TRUE)

      reducedData_long <- reducedData_wide %>%
        dplyr::group_by(treat, variable) %>%
        dplyr::select(-subj) %>%
        tidyr::nest() %>%
        dplyr::mutate(difference_tmp = purrr::map(data, ~ .[, colSums(is.na(.)) != nrow(.)])) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(dimension = purrr::map(difference_tmp, ~ dim(.)[2])) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(difference = purrr::map(difference_tmp, ~ stats::na.omit(.))) %>%
        dplyr::select(-c(data, difference_tmp)) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(dimension2 = dimension %>%
                        unlist) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(mz = purrr::map(difference, ~ number(.)))

      sortinput <- sorting_vector[sorting_vector %in% reducedData_long$variable]

      graphics::layout(matrix(1:(length(Treats) * length(sortinput)), length(Treats), length(sortinput)))

      on_ex <- graphics::par("mfrow","mai","xaxs","yaxs","bg","fg","font","font.axis","font.lab","font.main","font.sub","ps","cex","family")
      graphics::par(mfrow = c(length((unique(data$TRTP))), length(unique(sortinput))),
                    mai = rep(0, 4), xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i",
                    bg = ColorBG,
                    fg = grDevices::rgb(140, 140, 140, maxColorValue = 255),
                    font = 1, font.axis = 1, font.lab = 1, font.main = 1, font.sub = 1,
                    ps = 5, cex = 1,
                    family = "sans")

      for (treatments in Treats) {
        for (labvalues in sortinput) {

          dimension_tmp <- reducedData_long %>%
            dplyr::filter(variable == labvalues , treat == treatments) %>%

          if (length(dimension_tmp) == 0) {
            graphics::plot(NULL, NULL, ylim = c(0, 1), xlim = c(0, 1), axes = FALSE, ylab = "", xlab = "")
            graphics::rect(xleft = graphics::grconvertX(0, 'ndc', 'user'), xright = graphics::grconvertX(1, 'ndc', 'user'),
                           ybottom = graphics::grconvertY(0,'ndc','user'), ytop = graphics::grconvertY(1, 'ndc', 'user'),
                           border = NA, col = ColorBG, xpd = TRUE)
            graphics::text(0.5, 0.5, paste0("No values for this Treatment"))

          } else {

            index <- 0:(2^dimension_tmp - 1)
            List_index <- lapply(index, function(i) elaborator_calculate_ref_pattern(i, dimension_tmp))

            CombinationMatrix <- matrix(unlist(List_index), 2^dimension_tmp, dimension_tmp, byrow = TRUE)
            colnames(CombinationMatrix) = paste("M", 1:dimension_tmp, sep = "")

            mg <- unlist(lapply(1:2^dimension_tmp, function(i) sum(CombinationMatrix[i,])))

            CombinationMatrix <- data.frame(CombinationMatrix, index)
            CombinationMatrix <- data.frame(CombinationMatrix[order(CombinationMatrix$index, decreasing = TRUE), ] , number = rep(0, 2^dimension_tmp))

            reducedData_long_tmp <- reducedData_long %>%
              dplyr::filter(variable == labvalues , treat == treatments)

            if (length(unlist(reducedData_long_tmp$mz)) > 0) {
              table_number <- table(unlist(reducedData_long_tmp$mz))
              q <- as.numeric(names(table_number))

              CombinationMatrix$number[elaborator_derive_equal_values(q, CombinationMatrix$index)] <- table_number

              elaborator_draw_ref_pattern(pattern_Matrix = CombinationMatrix, fontsize = fontsize, number_columns = dimension_tmp)

                x = grconvertX(0, "npc", "user"),
                y = grconvertY(.2, "npc", "user"),
                labels = paste0("Upper limit normal:",
                                  D %>%
                                    dplyr::filter(treat == treatments & variable == labvalues) %>%
                                    dplyr::pull(upb) %>%
                                  collapse = ", "
                adj = 0,
                cex = 2

                x = grconvertX(0, "npc", "user"),
                y = grconvertY(.15, "npc", "user"),
                labels = paste0("Lower limit normal:",
                                  D %>%
                                    dplyr::filter(treat == treatments & variable == labvalues) %>%
                                    dplyr::pull(lwb) %>%
                                  collapse = ", "
                adj = 0,
                cex = 2

              if(abnormal_value_factor >= 0 & abnormal_value_factor != 1) {
                if (!criterion == "less") {
                    x = grconvertX(0, "npc", "user"),
                    y = grconvertY(.1, "npc", "user"),
                    labels = paste0("Upper lower normal times factor (", abnormal_value_factor, ") : ",
                                      D %>%
                                        dplyr::filter(treat == treatments & variable == labvalues) %>%
                                        dplyr::pull(upb2) %>%
                                        unique() %>%
                                      collapse = ", "
                    adj = 0,
                    col = "red",
                    cex = 2
                if (!criterion == "greater") {
                    x = grconvertX(0, "npc", "user"),
                    y = grconvertY(.05, "npc", "user"),
                    labels = paste0("Lower limit normal times factor (", abnormal_value_factor, ") : ",
                                      D %>%
                                        dplyr::filter(treat == treatments & variable == labvalues) %>%
                                        dplyr::pull(lwb2) %>%
                                        unique() %>%
                                      collapse = ", "
                    adj = 0,
                    col = "red",
                    cex = 2
            } else {
              graphics::text((dimension_tmp - 1) / 2, (2^dimension_tmp + 1) / 2, "No Data Available!")
          if (treatments == Treats[1]){
            graphics::text(0, (2^dimension_tmp + 1) - 1, labvalues, cex = 2)

          if (labvalues == sortinput[1]){
            graphics::text(-0.5, (2^dimension_tmp + 1) / 2, treatments, srt = 90, cex = 2)

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elaborator documentation built on Feb. 23, 2021, 1:06 a.m.