
# library(shiny); library("embryogrowth"); runApp("/Users/marcgirondot/Documents/Espace_de_travail_R/_shiny/tsd/")
# library(shiny); runApp("")

package.embryogrowth <- require('embryogrowth')

# Define UI for application that draws a histogram
  # Application title
      HTML("<small><i><font color='#006699'>The Virtual Data initiative, run by LABEX P2IO and supported by Université Paris-Sud, is thanked for providing computing resources on its cloud infrastructure.</font></i></small>")
    h1("Temperature-dependent sex determination", align = "center")
    , h2("at constant temperature", align = "center")
    , p(em("Temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD) is a type of environmental 
        sex determination in which the temperatures experienced during embryonic 
        development determine the sex of the offspring. It is present in all crocodilians, 
        many turtles and squamates."))
    , p(strong("The embryogrowth R package is a set of tools used 
               to model embryo growth and sexual phenotype linked to 
    , p("This web server version v. 4.1 is a simplified version of the complete tools available ", 
          , href=""
          , target="_blank"))
    , p(paste0("Embryogrowth package ", packageVersion("embryogrowth"), " is developped by ")
        , a("Marc Girondot"
            , href=""
            , target="_blank"))
    , p(paste0("Database version ", as.character(DatabaseTSD$Version[1])))
    , wellPanel(
    p(" The methods have been published in:")
    , p(a(
      img(src="PDF.png", height=35, width=35), 
      "Girondot, M. 1999 Statistical description of temperature-dependent 
      sex determination using maximum likelihood. Evolutionary Ecology Research 
      1, 479-486.", 
    , p(a(
      img(src="PDF.png", height=35, width=35), 
      "Godfrey, M.H., Delmas, V. & Girondot, M. 2003 Assessment of 
      patterns of temperature-dependent sex determination using maximum likelihood 
      model selection. Ecoscience 10, 265-272.", 
    , p(a(
      img(src="PDF.png", height=35, width=35), 
      "Hulin, V., Delmas, V., Girondot, M., Godfrey, M.H. & Guillon, J.-M. 2009 
      Temperature-dependent sex determination and global change: Are some species at 
      greater risk? Oecologia 160, 493-506.", 
    , p(a(
      img(src="PDF.png", height=35, width=35), 
      "Abreu-Grobois FA, Morales-Mérida BA, Hart CE, Guillon J-M, Godfrey MH, 
      Navarro E, Girondot M: Recent advances on the estimation of the thermal reaction norm 
      for sex ratios. PeerJ 2020, 8:e8451.", 
    , helpText(strong("These methods MUST not be used for incubation data at non-constant temperatures, both 
               for temperature versus sex ratio and incubation duration versus sex ratio."))
  # Sidebar with a slider input for the number of bins
  , sidebarLayout(
        h4("Load dataset from litterature")
        , selectInput("Species", "Species"
                      , choices=as.list(levels(as.factor(embryogrowth::DatabaseTSD$Species)))
                      , selected = NULL, multiple = FALSE,
                      selectize = TRUE, width = NULL, size = NULL)
        # , selectInput("RMU", "RMU"
        #               , choices=as.list(c("All", levels(as.factor(embryogrowth::DatabaseTSD$RMU))[-1]))
        #               , selected = NULL, multiple = TRUE,
        #               selectize = TRUE, width = NULL, size = NULL)
        , uiOutput("RMUControls")
        , helpText("RMU are the Regional Managment Units defined for marine turles in ", 
                   a("Wallace B.P., et al. (2023) Marine turtle regional management units 2.0: 
                     an updated framework for conservation and research of wide-ranging megafauna 
                     species. Endangered Species Research, 52, 209-223.", 
        , actionButton("goButton", "Go!")
      ,  wellPanel(h4("Options to evaluate TSD")
                   , radioButtons("Male", "Should the data presented as male or female relative frequency?", list(Male=1, Female=2), selected=1, inline = TRUE)
                   , radioButtons("Temperature", "Analyze sex ratio against temperature or incubation duration ?", list(Temperature=1, Duration=2), selected=1, inline = TRUE)
                   , selectInput("Equation", "What equation should be used?"
                                 , choices=list("GSD", "Logistic", "Hill", "Richards", "Double-Richards", "Hulin", "flexit")
                                 , selected = "Logistic", multiple = FALSE,
                                 selectize = TRUE, width = NULL, size = NULL)
                   , radioButtons("Intersexes", "How to count intersexes?", list(Discard=1, Males=2), selected=1, inline = TRUE)
                   , h4("Initial values for fit")
                   , numericInput("P", "P value", "", width = "50%")
                   , numericInput("S", "S value", "", width = "50%")
                   , helpText("In most of the cases, you can let these boxes empty.")
      ,  wellPanel(h4("Prediction")
                   , textInput("Prediction", "Values for which sex ratio should be predicted:", "30")
                   , helpText("Values can be separated with space or commas.")
                   , actionButton("predictButton", "Predict")

    # Show a plot of the generated distribution
      , h4("Synthesis for TSD model")
      , verbatimTextOutput(outputId="resultsInfo")
      , h4("Data used for the fit")
      , tableOutput(outputId="Data")
      # , verbatimTextOutput(outputId="Data")
      , h4("References")
      , verbatimTextOutput(outputId="references")
      , h4("Prediction")
      , tableOutput(outputId="Prediction")
      # , verbatimTextOutput(outputId="Prediction")
      # , verbatimTextOutput(outputId="p")

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

embryogrowth documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:16 p.m.