
Defines functions cld.emm_list cld.emmGrid .mcletters

Documented in cld.emmGrid cld.emm_list

#    Copyright (c) 2012-2017 Russell V. Lenth                                #
#                                                                            #
#    This file is part of the emmeans package for R (*emmeans*)              #
#                                                                            #
#    *emmeans* is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify       #
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    #
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or       #
#    (at your option) any later version.                                     #
#                                                                            #
#    *emmeans* is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,            #
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          #
#    GNU General Public License for more details.                            #
#                                                                            #
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       #
#    along with R and *emmeans*.  If not, see                                #
#    <https://www.r-project.org/Licenses/> and/or                            #
#    <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.                                         #

# Runs the function multcompLetters from the multcompView package
# returns an error if not installed
.mcletters = function(..., Letters=c("1234567890",LETTERS,letters), reversed=FALSE) {
               "The 'multcompView' package must be installed to use CLD methods")

    # Expand strings to individual letters
    Letters = as.character(unlist(sapply(Letters, function(stg) {
        sapply(seq_len(nchar(stg)), function(i) substr(stg, i, i))
    result = multcompView::multcompLetters(..., Letters=Letters, reversed=reversed)
    if (is.null(result$monospacedLetters))
        result$monospacedLetters = result$Letters

### Lingering support for multcomp::cld -- registered dynamically in zzz.R
### NOTE: MUST KEEP the rdname of CLD.emmGrid 
###       because it's referenced by augmentedRCBD package
#' Compact letter displays
#' A method for \code{multcomp::cld()} is provided for users desiring to produce 
#' compact-letter displays (CLDs). 
#' This method uses the Piepho (2004) algorithm (as implemented in the
#' \pkg{multcompView} package) to generate a compact letter display of all
#' pairwise comparisons of estimated marginal means. The function obtains (possibly
#' adjusted) P values for all pairwise comparisons of means, using the
#' \code{\link{contrast}} function with \code{method = "pairwise"}. When a P
#' value exceeds \code{alpha}, then the two means have at least one letter in
#' common.
#' @rdname CLD.emmGrid
#' @order 1
#' @param object An object of class \code{emmGrid}
#' @param details Logical value determining whether detailed information on tests of
#'   pairwise comparisons is displayed
#' @param sort Logical value determining whether the EMMs are sorted before the comparisons
#'   are produced. When \code{TRUE}, the results are displayed according to
#'   \code{reversed}.
#' @param by Character value giving the name or names of variables by which separate
#'   families of comparisons are tested. If NULL, all means are compared.
#'   If missing, the object's \code{by.vars} setting, if any, is used.
#' @param alpha Numeric value giving the significance level for the comparisons
#' @param Letters Character vector of letters to use in the display. Any strings of
#'   length greater than 1 are expanded into individual characters
#' @param reversed,decreasing Logical value (passed to \code{multcompView::multcompLetters}.)
#'   If \code{TRUE}, the order of use of the letters is reversed.
#'   Either \code{reversed} or \code{decreasing} may be specified, thus providing
#'   compatibility with both \code{multcompView::multcompLetters(..., reversed, ...)} and
#'   \code{multcomp::cld(..., decreasing, ...)}.
#'   In addition, if both \code{sort} and \code{reversed} are TRUE, the sort
#'   order of results is reversed.
#' @param signif.sets Logical value. If \code{FALSE} (and \code{delta = 0}), a 
#'   \sQuote{traditional}
#'   compact-letter display is constructed with groupings representing sets of
#'   estimates that are not statistically different. If \code{TRUE}, the criteria
#'   are reversed so that two estimates sharing the same symbol test as significantly
#'   different. See also \code{delta}.
#' @param delta Numeric value passed to \code{\link{test.emmGrid}}. If this
#'   is positive, it is used as an equivalence threshold in the TOST procedure for
#'   two-sided equivalence testing. In the resulting compact letter display,
#'   two estimates share the same grouping letter only if they are found to be
#'   statistically equivalent -- that is, groupings reflect actual \emph{findings}
#'   of equivalence rather than failure to find a significant difference.
#'   When \code{delta} is nonzero, \code{signif.sets} is ignored.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to \code{\link{contrast}} (for example,
#'   an \code{adjust} method)
#' @references Piepho, Hans-Peter (2004) An algorithm for a letter-based 
#'   representation of all pairwise comparisons, 
#'   Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 
#'   13(2), 456-466.
#' @return
#' A \code{\link[=summary.emmGrid]{summary_emm}} object showing the estimated marginal means
#' plus an additional column labeled \code{.group} (when \code{signif.sets = FALSE}), 
#' \code{.signif.set} (when \code{signif.sets = TRUE}), or \code{.equiv.set} 
#' (when \code{delta > 0}).
#' @note
#' We warn that the default display encourages a poor
#' practice in interpreting significance tests. Such CLDs are misleading because they
#' visually group means with comparisons \emph{P} > \code{alpha} as though they 
#' are equal, when in fact we have only failed to prove that they differ.
#' A better alternative if one wants to show groupings is to specify an equivalence
#' threshold \code{delta}; then groupings will be based on actual findings of
#' equivalence. Another way to display actual findings is to set
#' \code{signif.sets = TRUE}, so that estimates in the same group are those 
#' found to be statistically \emph{different}. Obviously, these different options
#' require different interpretations of the results; the annotations and the label
#' given the final column help guide how to assess the results.
#' As further alternatives, consider \code{\link{pwpp}} (graphical display of \emph{P} 
#' values) or \code{\link{pwpm}} (matrix display).
#' @method cld emmGrid
#' @examples
#' if(requireNamespace("multcomp"))
#'     emm_example("cld-multcomp")
#'     # Use emm_example("cld-multcomp", list = TRUE) # to just list the code
cld.emmGrid = function(object, details = FALSE, sort = TRUE, 
                       by, alpha = .05, 
                       Letters = c("1234567890",LETTERS,letters), 
                       reversed = decreasing, decreasing = FALSE, signif.sets = FALSE, delta = 0, ...) {
    if (!is.na(object@post.beta)[1]) {
        message("NOTE: Summary and groupings are based on frequentist results")
        object@post.beta = matrix(NA)
    emmtbl = summary(object, ...)
        by = object@misc$by.vars
    if (sort) {
        args = list()
        for (nm in by) args[[nm]] = emmtbl[[nm]]
        args$.emmGrid. = emmtbl[[attr(emmtbl, "estName")]]
        ord = do.call("order", unname(args))
        emmtbl = emmtbl[ord, , as.df = FALSE]
        if (!is.null(object@misc$display)) {
            use = which(object@misc$display)
            object@linfct = object@linfct[use, , drop = FALSE]
            object@grid = object@grid[use, , drop = FALSE]
            object@misc$display = NULL
        object@grid = object@grid[ord, , drop = FALSE]
        object@linfct = object@linfct[ord, , drop = FALSE]
    attr(emmtbl, "by.vars") = by
    object@misc$by.vars = by
    prwise = contrast(object, "revpairwise", by = by)
    testargs = list(object = prwise, delta = delta, ...)
    testargs$side = NULL   # can't be doin' 1-sided tests!
    pwtbl = do.call(test, testargs)
    if (delta > 0)
        signif.sets = TRUE
    p.boo = if(signif.sets)
        (pwtbl$p.value >= alpha)
        (pwtbl$p.value < alpha)
    if(is.null(by)) {
        by.rows = list(seq_len(nrow(pwtbl)))
        by.out = list(seq_len(nrow(emmtbl)))
    else {
        by.rows = .find.by.rows(pwtbl, by)
        by.out = .find.by.rows(emmtbl, by)
    ### This code moved to inside the loop
    # Create comps matrix reflecting order generated by pairwise.emmc
    # icol = jcol = numeric(0)
    # create fake row indexes in revpairwise order for use by .mcletters
    # k = length(by.out[[1]])
    # for (i in 2:k) {
    #     icol = c(icol, seq_len(i-1))
    #     jcol = c(jcol, rep(i, i-1))
    # }
    ltrs = rep("", nrow(emmtbl))
    na.p = which(is.na(p.boo))
    # Take care of non-est cases. This is surprisingly complicated,
    # because it's possible we have some emmeans that are non-est
    # but comparisons are est'ble. So cases to exclude must be missing in
    # the table of means, AND appar somewhere in the indexes of NA p values
    # All that said, it still messes up because I didn't track the indexes correctly
    # excl.rows = intersect(which(is.na(emmtbl$SE)), union(icol[na.p], jcol[na.p]))
    # So I'll just go with which est's are missing
    excl.rows = which(is.na(emmtbl$SE))
    p.boo[na.p] = FALSE
    for (i in seq_len(length(by.rows))) {
        # Create comps matrix reflecting order generated by pairwise.emmc
        icol = jcol = numeric(0)
        k = length(by.out[[i]])
        for (j in 2:k) {
            icol = c(icol, seq_len(j-1))
            jcol = c(jcol, rep(j, j-1))
        labs = paste(icol, jcol, sep="-")
        pb = p.boo[by.rows[[i]]]
        names(pb) = labs
        mcl = .mcletters(pb, Letters = Letters, reversed = reversed)$monospacedLetters
        ltrs[by.out[[i]]] = paste0(" ", mcl[seq_along(by.out[[i]])])
    # any missing estimates get blanks...
    ltrs[excl.rows] = ""
    emmtbl[[".group"]] = ltrs
    if(sort && reversed) for (i in seq_len(length(by.out))) {
        r = by.out[[i]]
        emmtbl[r, ] = emmtbl[rev(r), ]
    if (!signif.sets) {
        dontusemsg = paste0("NOTE: If two or more means share the same grouping symbol,\n",
                            "      then we cannot show them to be different.\n",
                            "      But we also did not show them to be the same.")
        attr(emmtbl, "mesg") = c(attr(emmtbl,"mesg"), attr(pwtbl, "mesg"), 
                                 paste("significance level used: alpha =", alpha), dontusemsg)
    else if (delta == 0) {
        names(emmtbl)[names(emmtbl) == ".group"] = ".signif.set"
        attr(emmtbl, "mesg") = attr(emmtbl, "mesg") = c(attr(emmtbl,"mesg"), attr(pwtbl, "mesg"), 
            paste("significance level used: alpha =", alpha), 
            "Estimates sharing the same symbol are significantly different")
    else {
        names(emmtbl)[names(emmtbl) == ".group"] = ".equiv.set"
        attr(emmtbl, "mesg") = attr(emmtbl, "mesg") = c(attr(emmtbl,"mesg"), attr(pwtbl, "mesg"), 
            paste("significance level used: alpha =", alpha), 
            "Estimates sharing the same symbol test as equivalent")
    if (details)
        list(emmeans = emmtbl, comparisons = pwtbl)

### Registered dynamically in zzz.R
### NOTE: MUST KEEP the rdname of CLD.emmGrid 
###       because it's referenced by augmentedRCBD package
#' @rdname CLD.emmGrid
#' @order 2
#' @method cld emm_list
#' @param which Which element of the \code{emm_list} object to process
#'   (If length exceeds one, only the first one is used)
cld.emm_list = function(object, ..., which = 1) {
    multcomp::cld(object[[which[1]]], ...)

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emmeans documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:57 p.m.