
Defines functions PhyloApply

Documented in PhyloApply

PhyloApply <-
function(Tree, FUN, NorP, Normalize = TRUE, dfArgs = NULL, ..., CheckArguments = TRUE)
  if (CheckArguments)
  # Preprocess the tree: calculate cuts, intervals, and get it in both hclust and phylog formats.
    stop("Tree cannot be NULL in PhyloApply")
  } else {
    ppTree <- Preprocess.Tree(Tree)
  # The tree must be ultrametric
  if (!ape::is.ultrametric(ppTree$phyTree))
    stop("The tree must be ultrametric to apply a function over it.")

  # NorP may be a vector or a matrix.
  if (is.vector(NorP) | is.SpeciesDistribution(NorP)) {
    NorPisVector <- TRUE
  } else {
    if (length(dim(NorP)) == 1) {
      NorPisVector <- TRUE
    } else {
      NorPisVector <- (dim(NorP)[2] == 1)
  # Save the name of NorP before manipulating it
  NorPName <- ArgumentOriginalName(NorP)
  # If NorP is a vector, double it into a matrix to simplify the code (use rownames)
  if (NorPisVector) {
    NorP <- matrix(NorP, nrow = length(NorP), ncol = 2, dimnames = list(names(NorP), c("NorP", "Dummy")))
  # NorP rows should be named. If they are not, but are the same number of elements as the tree, just warn.
  if (is.null(rownames(NorP))) {
    if (nrow(NorP) == length(ppTree$phyTree$tip.label)) {
      rownames(NorP) <- ppTree$phyTree$tip.label
      warning("The abundance or frequency vector was not named. It was supposed to be ordered as the tree leaves.")
    } else {
      stop("The abundance or frequency vector is not named and does not have the same number of elements as the tree. Abundances and species could not be linked.")

  # Eliminate abundances which are not in the tree (with a warning)
  SpeciesNotFound <- setdiff(rownames(NorP), ppTree$phyTree$tip.label)
  if (length(SpeciesNotFound) > 0) {
    NorP <- NorP[intersect(rownames(NorP), ppTree$phyTree$tip.label), ]
    if (nrow(NorP) > 1) { 
      # Some species have been dropped
      warning(paste("Species not found in the tree: ", SpeciesNotFound, collapse="; "))
    } else {
      # Less than 2 species were kept. Cannot calculate diversity.
      stop("Species cannot be found in the tree")
  # Rounding errors in cutree: is.unsorted(hTree$height) may return TRUE even though height is sorted by construction
  # Values are may not be sorted properly because of rounding errors, e.g. 4e-16 (2 * .Machine$double.eps) in a taxonomy where Cuts contains (1,2,3)
  OriginalHeights <- ppTree$hTree$height
  # Run sort so that is.unsorted returns FALSE.
  ppTree$hTree$height <- sort(OriginalHeights)
  # If there is no rounding error, add one (10 * .Machine$double.eps times the tree height) or cutree will miss some nodes.
  RoundingError <- max(ppTree$hTree$height) * 10 * .Machine$double.eps
  # Cut the tree at each node (eliminate the root). Cut at the values + RoundingError or many nodes will be missed.
  DatedGroups <- stats::cutree(ppTree$hTree, h=c(0, ppTree$Cuts[-length(ppTree$Cuts)]) + RoundingError)
  # DatedGroups is a table. Lines are species, columns are intervals between nodes.
  # Reorder NorP to fit DatedGroups
  NorP <- NorP[intersect(rownames(NorP), dimnames(DatedGroups)[[1]]),]
  # In each column, use the tip number as a factor to sum abundances of both NorP columns
  DatedN <- lapply(
    function(group) {
        function(n) {
            as.factor(DatedGroups[rownames(NorP), group]), 
  # DatedN is a list of two-column matrices. It must be cleaned up if NorP was a vector
  if (NorPisVector) {
    DatedN <- lapply(
      function(m) {
        # The matrix may have been converted to a vector by lapply() if it contained a single row
        if (is.matrix(m)) {
        } else {
  # Apply Function to each slice. A list is returned
  if (is.null(dfArgs)) {
    # Simple way: apply FUN to DatedN
    DatedResult <- parallel::mclapply(DatedN, FUN, ..., CheckArguments=FALSE)
  } else {
    # Complicated way: each call of FUN has specific values of arguments passed to FUN
    # Ex.: bcTsallis with Marcon correction requires argument SampleCoverage whose value changes along the tree.
    FUNArglist <- function(i, ...) {
      # Prepare the call to FUN
      # NorP : first argument: a vector of abundances. Not named.
      FUNNorP <- as.numeric(unlist(DatedN[i]))
      # Arguments passed by dfArgs. Named.
      FUNdfArgs <- dfArgs[i, ]
      names(FUNdfArgs) <- colnames(dfArgs)
      # Make a list of all arguments, including the ...
      return(c(list(FUNNorP), as.list(FUNdfArgs), ..., list(CheckArguments=FALSE)))
    DatedResult <- parallel::mclapply(seq_along(DatedN), function(i) do.call(FUN, FUNArglist(i, ...)))
    # Debug: print the arguments instead of doing the call
    # sapply(seq_along(DatedN), function(i) print(FUNArglist(i, ...))); stop("Code not run, calls are printed.")
  # Read the corrections
  Corrections <- lapply(DatedResult, function(x) names(x))
  # Unlist DatedResult to a vector
  DatedResult <- unlist(DatedResult)
  # Names of slices should be the cut time, without the rounding error
  names(DatedResult) <- names(Corrections) <- ppTree$Cuts
  # Normalization
  if (Normalize) {
    Normalization <- sum(ppTree$Intervals)
  } else {
    Normalization <- 1
  # Return a weighted average of the results in each slice
  Value <- list(
    Distribution = substitute(NorPName),
    Function = deparse(substitute(FUN)),
    Tree = deparse(substitute(Tree)),
    Normalized = Normalize,
    Cuts = DatedResult,
    Corrections = unlist(Corrections),
    Total = sum(DatedResult * ppTree$Intervals / Normalization)
  class(Value) <- "PhyloValue"

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entropart documentation built on Sept. 26, 2023, 5:09 p.m.