
Defines functions sample_SNP gen_model sim_phenotype merge_cluster

Documented in gen_model merge_cluster sample_SNP sim_phenotype

#' Samples causal SNPs with different effect types
#' The sampled SNPs are combined in a list of character vectors with the
#' following fields: target, marginal, inter1 and inter2. Through the
#' parameters \code{overlap_marg} and \code{overlap_inter}, the synergistic
#' SNPs with the target can have additional marginal and epistatic effects. The
#' SNPs are consecutively sampled in the following order: target, marginal,
#' inter1 and inter2. For each SNP, we iteratively sample until the picked
#' SNP candidate meets the constraints defined by \code{thresh_MAF} and
#' \code{window_size} (see arguments for more details) or until the maximum
#' number of resamplings is reached. To avoid duplication of effects, we
#' sample at most one SNP per cluster.
#' @section Warning:
#' Make sure to supply the SNP IDs in \code{names(clusters)}. The SNPs in
#' the output list are referenced by their names.
#' @param nX number of SNPs interacting with the target variant
#' @param nY number of SNPs with marginal effects
#' @param nZ12 number of SNP pairs with epistatic effects
#' @param clusters vector of cluster memberships. Typically, the output
#'   of \code{\link[stats]{cutree}}. For ease of identification,
#'   the SNP IDs in \code{names(clusters)} are mandatory.
#' @param MAF vector of minor allele frequencies. The order of the SNPs in
#'   \code{MAF} is identical to that in \code{clusters}.
#' @param thresh_MAF lower-bound on the minor allele frequencies of
#'   causal SNPs. Rare variants are inherently difficult to recover. Assessing
#'   the retrieval performance on common variants better reflects the true
#'   performance of the epistasis detection algorithm.
#' @param window_size in number of clusters. Beside the target variant, the
#'   causal SNPs are sampled outside of a window centered around the
#'   target. On each side of the target variant, the width of the window
#'   is \code{window_size}.
#' @param overlap_marg number of SNPs with both synergistic effects with the
#'   target and marginal effects
#' @param overlap_inter number of SNPs with both synergistic effects with the
#'   target and additional epistatic effects
#' @param max_iter maximum number of sampling rejections for each SNP.
#'   If exceeded, the function generates an error
#' @return list of character vectors containing to the causal SNP IDs. The
#'   output list entries are: target, marginal, inter1 and inter2. An
#'   epistatic pair is obtained from the combination of two SNPs with
#'   identical positions in \code{inter1} and \code{inter2}.
#' @examples
#' clusters <- rep(seq_len(10), each = 3)
#' names(clusters) <- paste0("SNP_", seq_along(clusters))
#' MAF <- runif(length(clusters), min = 0.1, max = 0.5)
#' sample_SNP(nX = 2, nY = 2, nZ12 = 1, clusters, MAF, thresh_MAF = 0.2,
#'            window_size = 2, overlap_marg = 1, overlap_inter = 0)
#' @export
sample_SNP <- function(nX, nY, nZ12, clusters, MAF, thresh_MAF = 0.2, window_size = 3,
                       overlap_marg = 0, overlap_inter = 0, max_iter = 10000) {
  stopifnot((thresh_MAF > 0) & (thresh_MAF <= 0.5))
  stopifnot(length(clusters) == length(MAF))
  stopifnot(overlap_marg + overlap_inter < nX)
  stopifnot(overlap_marg < nY)
  stopifnot(overlap_inter < nZ12)

  if (is.null(names(MAF))) {
    names(MAF) <- names(clusters)
  } else {
    stopifnot(all(names(MAF) == names(clusters)))
  active <- rep(0, 1 + nX + nY + 2 * nZ12 - (overlap_marg + overlap_inter))
  for (i in seq_along(active)) {
    iter <- 0
    cdt <- FALSE
    while (cdt == FALSE) {
      iter <- iter + 1
      candidate_SNP <- sample.int(length(clusters), size = 1)
      candidate_name <- names(clusters)[candidate_SNP]
      cdt <- (MAF[candidate_SNP] > thresh_MAF)
      if (i == 1) {
        cluster_target <- clusters[candidate_name]
      } else {
        cdt <- cdt & (abs(clusters[candidate_name] - cluster_target) >
      if (iter > max_iter) {
        stop("The MAF constraint can not be satisfied")
    active[i] <- candidate_name
    MAF <- subset(MAF, (clusters != clusters[candidate_SNP]))
    clusters <- subset(clusters, (clusters != clusters[candidate_SNP]))

  marg_idx <- sample.int(nX, overlap_marg)
  if (overlap_marg == 0) {
    inter_idx <- sample(seq_len(nX), overlap_inter)
  } else {
    inter_idx <- sample(seq_len(nX)[-marg_idx], overlap_inter)
  SNP_list <- list(
    target = active[1], syner = active[seq_len(nX) + 1],
    marginal = active[c(seq(nX + 2, nX + nY + 1 - overlap_marg), 1 +
      marg_idx)], inter1 = active[c(seq(nX + nY + 2, nX + nY + nZ12 +
      1 - overlap_inter) - overlap_marg, 1 + inter_idx)], inter2 = active[seq(nX +
      nY + nZ12 + 2 - (overlap_marg + overlap_inter), length(active))]


#' Samples effect sizes for the disease model
#' The generated disease model is the list of effect size coefficients.
#' The list comprises the following fields: 'syner', 'marg' and 'inter'.
#' 'syner' is itself a list of numeric vectors with two entries named
#' 'A0' and 'A1'. 'A0' refers to the vector of effect sizes when the target
#' variant \eqn{A = 0}{A = 0}. Similarly, 'A1' refers to the vector of effect
#' sizes in the case \eqn{A = 1}{A = 1}. The two other entries 'marg' and
#' 'inter' are, respectively, the marginal and epistatic effect sizes. The
#' effect sizes are independent and normally-distributed. The \code{mean}
#' parameter is either a list of vectors or a vector of length 4. If
#' \code{mean} is a vector, then the effect sizes for each type of effects have
#' the same mean. Otherwise, the corresponding vector in the list
#' specifies their individual means. The same logic applies to \code{sd}, the
#' standard deviation parameter. For coherence, the parameters \code{mean} and
#' \code{sd} are encoded in the same order as the output.
#' @param nX number of SNPs interacting with the target variant
#' @param nY number of SNPs with marginal effects
#' @param nZ12 number of SNP pairs with epistatic effects
#' @param mean vector or list of means
#' @param sd vector or list of standard deviations
#' @return a list of vectors corresponding to the effect size coefficients.
#' @examples
#' effect_sizes <- gen_model(nX = 2, nY = 2, nZ12 = 1,
#'                           mean = rep(1, 4), sd = rep(1, 4))
#' @export
gen_model <- function(nX, nY, nZ12, mean = rep(0, 4), sd = rep(1, 4)) {
  stopifnot(length(mean) == 4)
  stopifnot(length(sd) == 4)
  if (is.list(mean)) {
    stopifnot((length(mean[[1]]) == nX) | (length(mean[[2]]) == nX) |
      (length(mean[[3]]) == nY) | (length(mean[[4]]) == nZ12))
  if (is.list(sd)) {
    stopifnot((length(sd[[1]]) == nX) | (length(sd[[2]]) == nX) | (length(sd[[3]]) ==
      nY) | (length(sd[[4]]) == nZ12))

  model <- list(syner = list(
    A0 = stats::rnorm(nX, mean = mean[[1]], sd = sd[[1]]),
    A1 = stats::rnorm(nX, mean = mean[[2]], sd = sd[[2]])
  ), marg = stats::rnorm(nY,
    mean = mean[[3]], sd = sd[[3]]
  ), inter = stats::rnorm(nZ12,
    mean = mean[[4]],
    sd = sd[[4]]


#' Simulates a binary phenotype
#' The phenotypes are simulated according to a logistic regression model.
#' Depending on the chosen configuration in \code{\link{sample_SNP}}, the model
#' includes different effect types: synergistic effects with the target,
#' marginal effects and additional epistatic effects. We offer the option to
#' generate a balanced phenotype vector between cases and controls, through the
#' \code{intercept} parameter.
#' @param X genotype matrix
#' @param causal causal SNPs.
#' @param model disease model
#' @param intercept binary flag. If \code{intercept=TRUE}, a non-null intercept
#'   is added so that the output is (approximately) balanced between cases and
#'   controls.
#' @return A vector of simulated phenotypes which are encoded as a two-level
#'   factor (TRUE/FALSE).
#' @seealso \code{\link{sample_SNP}} and \code{\link{gen_model}}
#' @examples
#' nX <- 5
#' nY <- 3
#' nZ12 <- 2
#' clusters <- rep(seq_len(25), each = 3)
#' names(clusters) <- paste0("SNP_", seq_along(clusters))
#' MAF <- runif(length(clusters), min = 0.2, max = 0.5)
#' n_samples <- 3
#' X <- matrix((runif(n_samples * length(clusters)) < 0.4) +
#'             (runif(n_samples * length(clusters)) < 0.4),
#'             ncol = length(clusters), nrow = n_samples)
#' colnames(X) <- names(clusters)
#' causal <- sample_SNP(
#'  nX, nY, nZ12, clusters, MAF, thresh_MAF = 0.2, window_size = 2,
#'  overlap_inter = 0)
#' model <- gen_model(nX, nY, nZ12, mean = rnorm(4), sd = rep(1, 4))
#' Y <- sim_phenotype(X, causal, model, intercept = TRUE)
#' @export
sim_phenotype <- function(X, causal, model, intercept = TRUE) {
  stopifnot(!(is.null(causal[["target"]]) | is.null(causal[["syner"]]) |
    is.null(causal[["marginal"]]) | is.null(causal[["inter1"]]) | is.null(causal[["inter2"]])))
  stopifnot(!(is.null(model[["syner"]][["A0"]]) | is.null(model[["syner"]][["A1"]]) |
    is.null(model[["marg"]]) | is.null(model[["inter"]])))
  stopifnot((length(causal[["syner"]]) == length(model[["syner"]][["A0"]])) &
    (length(causal[["syner"]]) == length(model[["syner"]][["A1"]])) &
    (length(causal[["marginal"]]) == length(model[["marg"]])) & (length(causal[["inter1"]]) ==
    length(model[["inter"]])) & (length(causal[["inter2"]]) == length(model[["inter"]])))

  risk <- (X[, causal$target] == 0) * (X[, causal$syner] %*% model$syner$A0) +
    (X[, causal$target] > 0) * (X[, causal$syner] %*% model$syner$A1) +
    (X[, causal$marginal] %*% model$marg) + (X[, causal$inter1] * X[
    ]) %*% model$inter

  if (intercept) {
    risk <- risk - mean(risk)

  phenotypes <- stats::runif(dim(X)[1]) < (1 / (1 + exp(-risk)))


#' Merges a number of clusters around the target
#' The purpose of the function \code{\link{merge_cluster}} is to
#' define an enlarged window of SNPs which
#' are in linkage disequilibrium with the target. It replaces the indices of neighbor
#' clusters with \code{center}, the target cluster index. The neighborhood is defined
#' according to the parameter \code{k} (see Arguments for more details). Subsequently,
#' we filter them out for the estimate of the propensity scores.
#' @param clusters vector of cluster memberships. Typically, the output
#'   of \code{\link[stats]{cutree}}
#' @param center the target variant cluster
#' @param k vector or integer. if \code{k} is given as a vector, it corresponds to
#'   the cluster indices to be updated. Otherwise, if \code{k} is an integer,
#'   the cluster indices to be updated lie between \code{center-k} and
#'   \code{center+k}.
#' @return The updated cluster membership vector. The cluster indexing is also
#'   updated so that the maximum cluster index is equal to the total number of
#'   clusters after merging.
#' @examples
#' hc <- hclust(dist(USArrests))
#' clusters <- cutree(hc, k = 10)
#' merge_cluster(clusters, center=5, k=2)
#' @export
merge_cluster <- function(clusters, center, k = 3) {
  stopifnot(center %in% clusters)
  if (is.atomic(k) & length(k) == 1L) {
    stopifnot((2 * k + 1) <= nlevels(as.factor(clusters)))
    idx_window <- center - (-k:k)
  } else {
    stopifnot(all(k %in% clusters))
    idx_window <- k

  clusters[which(clusters %in% idx_window)] <- center
  clusters <- vapply(
    clusters, function(s) match(s, sort(unique(clusters))),


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