
Defines functions getSubPop getEpiOffset getAddOffset getEpistasis getInteraction getAddCoefs getComponents getHaplo getGeno getPhased getAlleleFreqRun getPedigree getQTL getIncMatrix getEpiNet

Documented in getAddCoefs getAddOffset getAlleleFreqRun getComponents getEpiNet getEpiOffset getEpistasis getGeno getHaplo getIncMatrix getInteraction getPedigree getPhased getQTL getSubPop

#' Epistatic network retrieval.
#' Get an epistatic network from a \code{Population} object.
#' \code{getEpiNet()} is merely a function for retrieving an
#' epistatic network object. The common purpose is to plot the
#' network.
#' @param pop An object of class \code{'Population'} which has an
#'   \code{EpiNet} object attached.
#' @return An object of class \code{'EpiNet'} is returned.
#' @author Dion Detterer, Paul Kwan, Cedric Gondro
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Create population and attach an epistatic network
#' pop <- Population(
#'   popSize = 200, map = map100snp, QTL = 20,
#'   alleleFrequencies = runif(100),
#'   broadH2 = 0.9, narrowh2 = 0, traitVar = 40
#' )
#' pop <- attachEpiNet(pop)
#' # Plot epistatic network
#' epiNet <- getEpiNet(pop)
#' plot(epiNet)
#' @seealso \code{\link{Population}}, \code{\link{plot.EpiNet}},
#' \code{\link{attachEpiNet}}
getEpiNet <- function(pop) {


#' Incidence matrix retrieval.
#' Get an incidence matrix from a \code{Population}.
#' \code{getIncMatrix()} retrieves the incidence matrix used in
#' epistatic interactions within the given \code{Population} object.
#' This is most useful for copying the network structure to a new
#' \code{Population} object.
#' @param pop An object of class \code{'Population'} which has an
#'   \code{EpiNet} object attached.
#' @return An incidence matrix representing the epistatic network
#'   within the given \code{Population} object.
#' @author Dion Detterer, Paul Kwan, Cedric Gondro
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Create population
#' pop <- Population(
#'   popSize = 200, map = map100snp, QTL = 20,
#'   alleleFrequencies = runif(100),
#'   broadH2 = 0.9, narrowh2 = 0, traitVar = 40
#' )
#' # Attach random epistatic network and retrieve incidence matrix
#' pop <- attachEpiNet(pop)
#' inc <- getIncMatrix(pop)
#' # Create second population
#' pop2 <- Population(
#'   popSize = 200, map = map100snp, QTL = 20,
#'   alleleFrequencies = runif(100),
#'   broadH2 = 0.8, narrowh2 = 0.6, traitVar = 40
#' )
#' # Attach epistatic network to second population
#' # using incidence matrix from first
#' pop2 <- attachEpiNet(pop2, incmat = inc)
#' @seealso \code{\link{attachEpiNet}}
getIncMatrix <- function(pop) {

  if (is.null(pop$epiNet)) {
    stop("There is no epistatic network attached")

  mm <- pop$epiNet$Incidence
  mm[mm > 0] <- 1


#' QTL retrieval.
#' Retrieve the QTLs being used for this population.
#' \code{getQTL} retrieves the IDs and indices of the SNPs being used
#' as QTLs for a given \code{Population} object.
#' @param pop An object of class \code{'Population'}.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} containing the IDs and indices of all
#' QTLs is returned.
#' @author Dion Detterer, Paul Kwan, Cedric Gondro
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Create population
#' pop <- Population(
#'   popSize = 200, map = map100snp, QTL = 20,
#'   alleleFrequencies = runif(100),
#'   broadH2 = 0.9, narrowh2 = 0.6, traitVar = 40
#' )
#' # Get the SNP IDs of the QTLs
#' getQTL(pop)
#' @seealso \code{\link{Population}}
getQTL <- function(pop) {

  foo <- pop$map$SNP[pop$qtl]
  bar <- pop$qtl

  return(data.frame(ID = foo, Index = bar))

#' Get population pedigree.
#' Retrieve the pedigree of a \code{Population} object.
#' \code{getPedigree()} can be used to retrieve the pedigree of a
#' population, including the phenotypic components of all individuals
#' in the pedigree.
#' @param pop a valid object of class \code{Population}.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} containing vectors for each
#' individual's ID, its sire and dam IDs, and its phenotypic
#' components, across the pedigree.
#' @author Dion Detterer, Paul Kwan, Cedric Gondro
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Construct a population with additive and epistatic effects
#' pop <- Population(
#'   popSize = 200, map = map100snp, QTL = 20,
#'   alleleFrequencies = runif(100),
#'   broadH2 = 0.9, narrowh2 = 0.6, traitVar = 40
#' )
#' pop <- addEffects(pop)
#' pop <- attachEpiNet(pop)
#' # Run the simulator
#' pop2 <- runSim(pop, generations = 150)
#' # Retrieve the population pedigree from the simulation
#' ped <- getPedigree(pop2)
#' # Re-run the simulation using the same pedigree
#' pop3 <- runSim(pop, ped)
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{runSim}}
getPedigree <- function(pop) {


#' Get allele frequencies.
#' Get allele frequencies across a simulation run.
#' Retrieves the allele frequencies in each generation across a
#' simulation run.
#' @param pop a \code{Population} object as returned by a previous
#' simulation run.
#' @return Returns a matrix of allele frequencies, one generation per
#' row.
#' @author Dion Detterer, Paul Kwan, Cedric Gondro
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Construct a population with additive and epistatic effects
#' pop <- Population(
#'   popSize = 200, map = map100snp, QTL = 20,
#'   alleleFrequencies = runif(100),
#'   broadH2 = 0.9, narrowh2 = 0.6, traitVar = 40
#' )
#' pop <- addEffects(pop)
#' pop <- attachEpiNet(pop)
#' # Run the simulator
#' pop2 <- runSim(pop, generations = 150)
#' af <- getAlleleFreqRun(pop2)
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{runSim}}
getAlleleFreqRun <- function(pop) {


#' Get population phased genotypes.
#' Retrieves the current phased genotypes in the population.
#' \code{getPhased} retrieves the current phased genotypes in the population,
#' returning a single matrix with one individual per row and two
#' columns per SNP.
#' @param pop a valid \code{Population} object.
#' @return Returns a phased genotypes matrix.
#' @author Dion Detterer, Paul Kwan, Cedric Gondro
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Construct a population
#' pop <- Population(
#'   popSize = 200, map = map100snp, QTL = 20,
#'   alleleFrequencies = runif(100),
#'   broadH2 = 0.9, narrowh2 = 0.6, traitVar = 40
#' )
#' # Retrieve genotypes
#' geno <- getPhased(pop)
#' @seealso \code{\link{Population}}, \code{\link{getHaplo}}, \code{\link{getGeno}}
getPhased <- function(pop) {

  hap <- pop$hap


#' Get population unphased genotypes.
#' Retrieves the current unphased genotypes in the population.
#' \code{getGeno} retrieves the current unphased genotypes in the population,
#' returning a single matrix with one individual per row and one SNP per
#' column.
#' @param pop a valid \code{Population} object.
#' @return Returns an unphased genotypes matrix.
#' @author Dion Detterer, Paul Kwan, Cedric Gondro
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Construct a population
#' pop <- Population(
#'   popSize = 200, map = map100snp, QTL = 20,
#'   alleleFrequencies = runif(100),
#'   broadH2 = 0.9, narrowh2 = 0.6, traitVar = 40
#' )
#' # Retrieve genotypes
#' geno <- getGeno(pop)
#' @seealso \code{\link{Population}}, \code{\link{getPhased}}, \code{\link{getHaplo}}
getGeno <- function(pop) {

  hap <- pop$hap

  return(hap[[1]] + hap[[2]])

#' Retrieve haplotypes.
#' Retrieve haplotypes from the population.
#' Retrieves the haplotypes from both the population which, when
#' added together, form the genotypes.
#' @param pop a valid \code{Population} object
#' @return A list is returned with two elements, corresponding to the
#'   two haplotype matrices.
#' @author Dion Detterer, Paul Kwan, Cedric Gondro
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Construct a new population with additive effects
#' pop <- Population(
#'   popSize = 20, map = map100snp, QTL = 20,
#'   broadH2 = 0.4, narrowh2 = 0.4, traitVar = 40,
#'   alleleFrequencies = runif(100, 0.05, 0.5)
#' )
#' pop <- addEffects(pop)
#' # Find the additive contribution to the individuals' phenotypes
#' hap <- getHaplo(pop)
#' hap <- (hap[[1]] + hap[[2]])[, getQTL(pop)$Index]
#' (hap %*% getAddCoefs(pop))[, 1] + getAddOffset(pop)
#' @seealso \code{\link{getAddCoefs}}, \code{\link{getAddOffset}}, \code{\link{getPhased}}, \code{\link{getGeno}}
getHaplo <- function(pop) {


#' Get phenotypic components.
#' Get pedigree and phenotypic data from current population.
#' Retrieves the pedigree and phenotypic data components from all
#' individuals in the current population.
#' @param pop a \code{Population} object
#' @return Returns a \code{data.frame} giving the individual's ID,
#' the ID of the sire, the ID of the dam, the additive, epistatic and
#' environmental components of the phenotype and the overall
#' phenotypic value.
#' @author Dion Detterer, Paul Kwan, Cedric Gondro
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Construct a population with additive and epistatic effects
#' pop <- Population(
#'   popSize = 200, map = map100snp, QTL = 20,
#'   alleleFrequencies = runif(100),
#'   broadH2 = 0.9, narrowh2 = 0.6, traitVar = 40
#' )
#' pop <- addEffects(pop)
#' pop <- attachEpiNet(pop)
#' # Retrieve phenotypic components from population
#' components <- getComponents(pop)
#' @seealso \code{\link{Population}}, \code{\link{addEffects}},
#'   \code{\link{attachEpiNet}}
getComponents <- function(pop) {

  # Find indices of rows which match current IDs
  comp <- pop$ped[pop$ped$ID %in% pop$ID, ]

  # Sort the data frame according to current IDs
  indices <- match(pop$ID, comp$ID)
  comp <- comp[indices, ]


#' Get additive coefficients.
#' Retrieve additive coefficients from population.
#' \code{getAddCoefs} retrieves the additive coefficients currently
#' in use in a \code{Population} object, assuming additive effects
#' have been attached.
#' @param pop a \code{Population} object with additive effects
#'   attached
#' @return \code{getAddCoefs} returns the additive coefficients
#'   currently in use by the population.
#' @author Dion Detterer, Paul Kwan, Cedric Gondro
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Construct a population with additive effects
#' pop <- Population(
#'   popSize = 200, map = map100snp, QTL = 20,
#'   alleleFrequencies = runif(100),
#'   broadH2 = 0.6, narrowh2 = 0.6, traitVar = 40
#' )
#' pop <- addEffects(pop)
#' # Get additive coefficients
#' additive <- getAddCoefs(pop)
#' @seealso \code{\link{addEffects}}
getAddCoefs <- function(pop) {


#' Retrieve interaction values.
#' Retrieve  values for an interaction within an epistatic network.
#' This function returns a \eqn{k}-dimensional array for a particular
#' interaction, where \eqn{k} is the order of interaction and the
#' array holds \eqn{3^k} entries . This means that a 5-way
#' interaction, for example, will return a 5-dimensional array
#' consisting of \eqn{3^5 = 243} entries.
#' Within each dimension, the three indices (1, 2 and 3) correspond
#' to the homozygous genotype coded 0/0, the heterozygous genotype
#' and the homozygous genotype coded 1/1, respectively. Each entry
#' is drawn from a normal distribution. (Any offset needs to be
#' applied manually using \code{getEpiOffset}.)
#' @param pop a valid population object
#' @param n the interaction to return
#' @author Dion Detterer, Paul Kwan, Cedric Gondro
#' @examples
#' # Construct a new population
#' pop <- Population(
#'   popSize = 150, map = map100snp, QTL = 20,
#'   alleleFrequencies = runif(100), broadH2 = 0.7,
#'   narrowh2 = 0.45, traitVar = 40
#' )
#' # Attach additive effects
#' pop <- addEffects(pop)
#' # Attach a network of epistatic effects
#' pop <- attachEpiNet(pop)
#' # Retrieve the possible values for the first two-way interaction
#' getInteraction(pop, 1)
#' # Retrieve the value for the case where, in the fourth two-way
#' # interaction, the first QTL in the interaction is heterozygous
#' # and the second QTL in the interaction is the homozygous
#' # reference genotype.
#' getInteraction(pop, 4)[2, 1]
#' # Retrieve the value for the case where, in the second two-way
#' # interaction, the first QTL in the interaction is the homozygous
#' # reference genotype and the second QTL in the interaction is the
#' # homozygous alternative genotype.
#' getInteraction(pop, 2)[1, 3]
#' @seealso \code{\link{attachEpiNet}}, \code{\link{getEpiOffset}}
#' @export
getInteraction <- function(pop, n) {

  nqtl <- sum(pop$epiNet$Incidence[, n] > 0)
  # temp <- saveRNG()
  # set.seed(pop$epiNet$Seeds[n])
  # vals <- rnorm(3^nqtl) * pop$epiScale # + pop$epiOffset / ncol(pop$epiNet$Incidence)
  # restoreRNG(temp)
  vals <- rng(3^nqtl, pop$epiNet$Seeds[n]) * pop$epiScale
  return(array(vals, dim = rep(3, nqtl)))

#' Calculate epistatic interactions.
#' Calculate epistatic interactions for members of the population.
#' This function calculates the values of each epistatic interaction
#' per individual, returning a matrix whose rows are the individuals
#' in the population and whose columns are the epistatic
#' interactions. The sums of these rows represent the total epistatic
#' contribution to the phenotype, once the epistatic offset is added.
#' @param pop a valid \code{Population} object with epistatic effects
#'   attached
#' @param scale a boolean value indicating whether to scale the
#'   values to bring them in line with the desired initial variance
#' @param geno by default, the function uses the current genotypes
#'   in the population; alternatively, \code{geno} is a user-supplied
#'   set of genotypes (limited to QTLs) on which to base the
#'   calculation
#' @author Dion Detterer, Paul Kwan, Cedric Gondro
#' @examples
#' # Construct a new population with epistatic effects
#' pop <- Population(
#'   popSize = 20, map = map100snp, QTL = 20,
#'   broadH2 = 0.4, narrowh2 = 0, traitVar = 40,
#'   alleleFrequencies = runif(100, 0.05, 0.5)
#' )
#' pop <- attachEpiNet(pop)
#' # Find the epistatic contribution to the individuals' phenotypes
#' rowSums(getEpistasis(pop)) + getEpiOffset(pop)
#' # Compare with epistatic component from getComponents()
#' getComponents(pop)$Epistatic
#' @seealso \code{\link{getEpiOffset}}
#' @export
getEpistasis <- function(pop, scale = TRUE, geno = NULL) {

  # Get the QTL values
  if (is.null(geno)) {
    geno <- (pop$hap[[1]] + pop$hap[[2]])[, pop$qtl]

  # Get the indices per individual per interaction
  indices <- (geno %*% pop$epiNet$Incidence) + 1

  # Get the seeds for each interaction
  seeds <- pop$epiNet$Seeds

  # Save the RNG
  # oldseed <- saveRNG()

  # Get epistatic values per individual per interaction
  for (i in 1:ncol(indices)) {
    # set.seed(seeds[i])
    # rnvals <- rnorm(max(indices[, i]))
    rnvals <- rng(max(indices[, i]), seeds[i])
    indices[, i] <- rnvals[indices[, i]]

  # Restore the RNG
  # restoreRNG(oldseed)

  if (!is.null(pop$epiScale) && scale) {
    indices <- indices * pop$epiScale


#' Retrieve additive offset.
#' Retrieve offset used for calculating additive component.
#' In order for the initial population to have an additive
#' component with a mean of 0 for its phenotype, an offset is added,
#' and it remains fixed across generations. This function retrieves
#' that offset.
#' @param pop A valid \code{Population} object with additive effects
#'   attached
#' @return The additive offset is returned.
#' @author Dion Detterer, Paul Kwan, Cedric Gondro
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Construct a new population with additive effects
#' pop <- Population(
#'   popSize = 20, map = map100snp, QTL = 20,
#'   broadH2 = 0.4, narrowh2 = 0.4, traitVar = 40,
#'   alleleFrequencies = runif(100, 0.05, 0.5)
#' )
#' pop <- addEffects(pop)
#' # Find the additive contribution to the individuals' phenotypes
#' hap <- getHaplo(pop)
#' hap <- (hap[[1]] + hap[[2]])[, getQTL(pop)$Index]
#' (hap %*% getAddCoefs(pop))[, 1] + getAddOffset(pop)
#' # Compare with additive component from getComponents()
#' getComponents(pop)$Additive
#' @seealso \code{\link{getAddCoefs}}, \code{\link{addEffects}}
getAddOffset <- function(pop) {


#' Retrieve epistatic offset.
#' Retrieve offset used for calculating epistatic component.
#' In order for the initial population to have an epistatic
#' component with a mean of 0 for its phenotype, an offset is added,
#' and it remains fixed across generations. This function retrieves
#' that offset.
#' @param pop A valid \code{Population} object with epistatic effects
#'   attached
#' @author Dion Detterer, Paul Kwan, Cedric Gondro
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Construct a new population with epistatic effects
#' pop <- Population(
#'   popSize = 20, map = map100snp, QTL = 20,
#'   broadH2 = 0.4, narrowh2 = 0, traitVar = 40,
#'   alleleFrequencies = runif(100, 0.05, 0.5)
#' )
#' pop <- attachEpiNet(pop)
#' # Find the epistatic contribution to the individuals' phenotypes
#' rowSums(getEpistasis(pop)) + getEpiOffset(pop)
#' # Compare with epistatic component from getComponents()
#' getComponents(pop)$Epistatic
#' @seealso \code{\link{getEpistasis}}
getEpiOffset <- function(pop) {


#' Get subpopulation
#' Retrieve a subset of a \code{Population} without recalculating effects
#' \code{getSubPop()} returns a new \code{Population} object using the
#' individuals with IDs specified by the vector \code{ID}.
#' Any additive and epistatic effects will be copied as-is to the new
#' \code{Population} object, with heritability parameters recalculated.
#' Any IDs given but not present will be discarded.
#' @param pop a valid object of class \code{Population}.
#' @param ID a vector giving the IDs of individuals to include in the
#'   subset
#' @return A new \code{Population} object containing the specified
#'   individuals is returned.
#' @author Dion Detterer, Paul Kwan, Cedric Gondro
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Construct a population with additive and epistatic effects
#' pop <- Population(
#'   popSize = 2000, map = map100snp, QTL = 20,
#'   alleleFrequencies = runif(100)
#' )
#' pop <- addEffects(pop)
#' pop <- attachEpiNet(pop)
#' # Run the simulator
#' pop2 <- runSim(pop, generations = 10)
#' # Create a new subpopulation of 500 individuals
#' ID <- getComponents(pop2)$ID
#' ID <- sample(ID, 500)
#' pop3 <- getSubPop(pop2, ID)
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{Population}}, \code{\link{getComponents}}
getSubPop <- function(pop, ID) {
  pop2 <- list()
  class(pop2) <- "Population"

  # Discard invalid IDs
  ID <- ID[ID %in% pop$ID]

  # Get the indices of the IDs
  indices <- match(ID, pop$ID)

  components <- getComponents(pop)[indices, 1:7]

  pop2$popSize <- length(ID)

  if (pop2$popSize == 0) {
    stop("IDs not found in population")

  pop2$map <- pop$map
  pop2$qtl <- pop$qtl
  pop2$hap <- list()
  pop2$hap[[1]] <- pop$hap[[1]][indices, ]
  pop2$hap[[2]] <- pop$hap[[2]][indices, ]
  pop2$alleleFreq <- pop$alleleFreq
  pop2$VarP <- var(components$Phenotype)
  pop2$VarG <- var(components$Additive + components$Epistatic)
  pop2$VarE <- pop$VarE
  pop2$H2 <- pop2$VarG / pop2$VarP
  pop2$VarA <- var(components$Additive)
  pop2$h2 <- pop2$VarA / pop2$VarP
  pop2$isMale <- pop$isMale[indices]
  pop2$ID <- pop$ID[indices]
  pop2$additive <- pop$additive
  pop2$addOffset <- pop$addOffset
  pop2$epiNet <- pop$epiNet
  pop2$epiOffset <- pop$epiOffset
  pop2$epiScale <- pop$epiScale
  pop2$phenotype <- pop$phenotype[indices]

  indices <- match(ID, pop$ped$ID)
  pop2$ped <- pop$ped[indices, 1:7]
  pop2$ped$Sire <- rep(0, pop2$popSize)
  pop2$ped$Dam <- rep(0, pop2$popSize)


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epinetr documentation built on March 18, 2022, 7:01 p.m.