epistasis-package: Detecting Epistatic Selection with Partially Observed...

Description Author(s) References


A package for reconstructing an underlying network of genomic signatures of high-dimensional epistatic selection from multi-locus genotype data. The package is implemented the recent improvement in the analysis of high-dimensional partially observed genotype data Behrouzi and Wit (2016). The network captures the conditionally dependent short- and long-range linkage disequilibrium structure of a genomes and reveals aberrant marker-marker associations that are due to epistatic selection rather than gametic linkage.


Pariya Behrouzi, Danny Arends, and Ernst C. Wit
Maintainers: Pariya Behrouzi pariya.behrouzi@gmail.com


P. Behrouzi and E. C. Wit. Detecting Epistatic Selection with Partially Observed Genotype Data Using Copula Graphical Models. arXiv, 2016.

epistasis documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:09 a.m.