
Defines functions lin_mip_rule_ is_lin_ lin_as_mip_rules is_linear

Documented in is_linear

LOGS <- c("log", "log1p", "log10", "log2")
# code is mainly copied from validate, but needed for linear sub expressions in
# conditional statements.

#' Check which rules are linear rules.
#' Check which rules are linear rules.
#' @note `errorlocate` supports linear,
#' categorical and conditional rules to be used in finding errors. Other rule types
#' are ignored during error finding.
#' @export
#' @param x [validator()] object containing data validation rules
#' @param ... not used
#' @return `logical` indicating which rules are (purely) linear.
 #' @family rule type
is_linear <- function(x, ...){
  if (is.expression(x)){
    return(sapply(x, is_lin_))

  stopifnot(inherits(x, "validator"))
  sapply(x$rules, function(rule){

lin_as_mip_rules <- function(x, ...){
  lin_rules <- x[is_linear(x)]

  lapply(lin_rules$rules, function(rule){
    rewrite_mip_rule(lin_mip_rule_(rule@expr, name=rule@name), eps=0)

# check if a (sub) expression is linear
is_lin_ <- function(expr, top=TRUE, ...){
  op <- op_to_s(expr)
  l <- consume(left(expr))
  r <- consume(right(expr))

  if (top){
    if (is_num_range(expr)){
    if (!(op %in% c("==", ">", ">=", "<=", "<"))){ return(FALSE) }
    return(is_lin_(l, FALSE) && is_lin_(r, FALSE))

  if (is.null(expr)){

  if (is.atomic(expr)){

  if (is.symbol(expr) || op == "var_group"){ return(TRUE) }

  if (op %in% c("+","-")){
      return( is_lin_(l, FALSE) && is_lin_(r, FALSE))

  if (op == "*"){
      if (is.numeric(l) || is.numeric(left(l))){ return(is_lin_(r, FALSE)) }
      if (is.numeric(r) || is.numeric(left(r))){ return(is_lin_(l, FALSE)) }
  if ( op %in% LOGS
     && isTRUE(getOption("errorlocate.allow_log"))
    if (is.numeric(l)){
    # this is a log transformed variable...
    if (is.symbol(l)){
    # TODO make this work for all linear subexpressions (takes more administration)
# create a linear mip_rule from a linear expression.
# assumes that it is checked with is_lin_
lin_mip_rule_ <- function(e, sign = 1, name, ...){

  if (is.symbol(e)){
    return(setNames(sign, deparse(e)))

  if (is.numeric(e)){

  if (is.null(e)){  # catches unary operators +-

  op <- op_to_s(e)
  l <- consume(left(e))
  r <- consume(right(e))

  if (op %in% c("==", ">", ">=", "<=", "<")){
    coef <- c(lin_mip_rule_(l, sign), lin_mip_rule_(r, -sign), .b=0) # makes sure that .b exists
    coef <- tapply(coef, names(coef), sum) # sum up coefficients
    b <- names(coef) == ".b"
    return(mip_rule(coef[!b], op, -coef[b], rule = name))

  if (op == '-'){
    if (is.null(r)){ # unary "-l"
      return(lin_mip_rule_(l, -sign))
    } # else binary "l-r"
    return(c(lin_mip_rule_(l, sign), lin_mip_rule_(r, -sign)))

  if (op == '+'){
    if (is.null(r)){ # unary "+l"
      return(lin_mip_rule_(l, sign))
    } # else binary "l+r"
    return(c(lin_mip_rule_(l, sign), lin_mip_rule_(r, sign)))

  if (op == '*'){
    if (is.numeric(left(l))){
      l <- eval(l) # to deal with negative coefficients
    if (is.numeric(l)){ return(lin_mip_rule_(r, sign*l)) }

    if (is.numeric(left(r))){
      r <- eval(r) # to deal with negative coefficients
    if (is.numeric(r)){ return(lin_mip_rule_(l, sign*r)) }

  if (op %in% LOGS){
    if (is.numeric(l)){
      l <- eval(e)
      return(lin_mip_rule_(l, sign))
    if (is.symbol(l)){ # derive a new variable <var>._<logfn>
      n <- paste0(deparse(l), "._", op)
      return(setNames(sign, n))
    stop("to be implemented")
  stop("Invalid linear statement")

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errorlocate documentation built on Oct. 1, 2023, 1:08 a.m.