
Defines functions dic_order

Documented in dic_order

#' @title Order of Variable Levels from Eurostat Dictionary.
#' @description Orders the factor levels.
#' @details Some variables, like classifications, have logical or conventional
#' ordering. Eurostat data tables are nor necessary ordered in this order.
#' The function [dic_order()] get the ordering from Eurostat classifications
#' dictionaries. The function [label_eurostat()] can also order factor levels
#' of labels with argument `eu_order = TRUE`.
#' @param x a variable (code or labelled) to get order for.
#' @param dic a name of the dictionary. Correspond a variable name in the
#'    data_frame from [get_eurostat()]. Can be also data_frame from
#'    [get_eurostat_dic()].
#' @param type a type of the x. Could be `code` or `label`.
#' @author Przemyslaw Biecek, Leo Lahti, Janne Huovari and Markus Kainu
#' @return A numeric vector of orders.
#' @importFrom tibble is_tibble
#' @family helpers
#' @export
dic_order <- function(x, dic, type) {
  if (!tibble::is_tibble(dic)) dic <- get_eurostat_dic(dic)

  # code or label
  n_type <- match(type, c("code", "label"))
  if (is.na(n_type)) stop("Invalid type.")

  # get order
  y <- order(match(x, dic[[n_type]]))
  if (any(is.na(y))) stop("All orders were not found.")

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eurostat documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:27 a.m.