
Defines functions check.param check.posparam check.quant check.prob check.n check.logic check.nparam check.inputn check.text check.phiu check.optim check.control check.bcmethod check.nn check.offset check.design.knots

Documented in check.bcmethod check.control check.design.knots check.inputn check.logic check.n check.nn check.nparam check.offset check.optim check.param check.phiu check.posparam check.prob check.quant check.text

#' @name checking
#' @param x            scalar or vector of quantiles
#' @param prob         scalar or vector of probability  
#' @param n            scalar sample size
#' @param param        scalar or vector of parameters
#' @param phiu         scalar or vector of phiu (logical, NULL or 0-1 exclusive)
#' @param ns           vector of lengths of parameter vectors
#' @param nparam       acceptable length of (non-scalar) vectors of parameter vectors
#' @param logicarg     logical input argument
#' @param textarg      character input argument
#' @param inputn       vector of input lengths
#' @param allowvec     logical, where TRUE permits vector
#' @param allownull    logical, where TRUE permits NULL values
#' @param allowmiss    logical, where TRUE permits missing input
#' @param allowna      logical, where TRUE permits NA and NaN values
#' @param allowzero    logical, where TRUE permits zero values (positive vs non-negative)
#' @param allowscalar  logical, where TRUE permits scalar (as opposed to vector) values
#' @param allowinf     logical, where TRUE permits +/-Inf values
#' @param allowfalse   logical, where TRUE permits FALSE (and TRUE) values
#' @param method       optimisation method (see \code{\link[stats:optim]{optim}})
#' @param control      optimisation control list (see \code{\link[stats:optim]{optim}})
#' @param bcmethod     boundary correction method
#' @param nn           non-negativity correction method (simple boundary correction only)
#' @param offset       offset added to kernel centres (logtrans only) or \code{NULL}
#' @param beta         vector of B-spline coefficients (required)
#' @param xrange       vector of minimum and maximum of B-spline (support of density)
#' @param nseg         number of segments between knots
#' @param degree       degree of B-splines (0 is constant, 1 is linear, etc.)
#' @param design.knots spline knots for splineDesign function
#' @title Internal functions for checking function input arguments
#' @description Functions for checking the input arguments to functions, so that main functions
#' are more concise. They will stop when an inappropriate input is found.
#' These function are visible and operable by the user. But they should be used with caution, as no
#' checks on the input validity are carried out.
#' For likelihood functions you will often not want to stop on finding a non-positive values for
#' positive parameters, in such cases use \code{\link[evmix:checking]{check.param}} rather than 
#' \code{\link[evmix:checking]{check.posparam}}.
#' @return The checking functions will stop on errors and return no value. The only exception is
#' the \code{\link[evmix:checking]{check.inputn}} which outputs the maximum vector length.
#' @author Carl Scarrott \email{carl.scarrott@@canterbury.ac.nz}.
#' @aliases checking check.quant check.prob check.n check.param check.posparam
#'  check.nparam check.logic check.text check.inputn
#' @family checking

#' @export
#' @rdname checking
check.param <- function(param, allowvec = FALSE, allownull = FALSE, allowmiss = FALSE,
                        allowna = FALSE, allowinf = FALSE) {
  fcall = match.call()
  if (missing(param) & !allowmiss) stop(paste("missing parameter input from call", deparse(fcall)))
  # If non-missing then need to check parameter value
  if (!missing(param)) {
    param.name = deparse(fcall[[2]])
    fcall = paste(deparse(fcall), collapse = "")
    if (is.null(param) & !allownull)
      stop(paste("parameter input", ifelse(is.null(param.name), "(unnamed)", param.name),
                 "is NULL from call", fcall))

    if (!is.null(param)) {
      if (length(param) == 0)
        stop(paste("parameter input", param.name, "is empty from call", fcall))
      # Special case - if all elements are NA the vector/scalar can be logical
      if (all(is.na(param))) {
        if (!allowna) stop(paste("NA/NaN values for parameter input", param.name, "not permitted from call", fcall))
      } else {
        if (mode(param) != "numeric")
          stop(paste("parameter input", param.name, "must be a non-empty numeric",
                     ifelse(allowvec, "vector", "scalar"), "from call", fcall))
        if (any(is.na(param)) & !allowna)
          stop(paste("NA/NaN values for parameter input", param.name, "not permitted from call", fcall))
        if (any(is.infinite(param)) & !allowinf)
          stop(paste("infinite values for parameter input", param.name, "not permitted from call", fcall))
      if ((length(param) > 1) & !allowvec)
        stop(paste("parameter input", param.name, "must be scalar from call", fcall))

#' @export
#' @rdname checking
check.posparam <- function(param, allowvec = FALSE, allownull = FALSE, allowmiss = FALSE,
                        allowna = FALSE, allowinf = FALSE, allowzero = FALSE) {

  check.param(param, allowvec, allownull, allowmiss, allowna, allowinf)
  if (!missing(param)) {
    if (!is.null(param)) {
      if (!all(is.na(param))) {
        fcall = match.call()
        param.name = deparse(fcall[[2]])
        fcall = paste(deparse(fcall), collapse = "")
        if (any(param < 0, na.rm = TRUE)) 
          stop(paste("non-positive parameter", param.name, "not permitted from call", fcall))
        if (any(param == 0, na.rm = TRUE) & !allowzero) 
          stop(paste("zero parameter", param.name, "not permitted from call", fcall))

#' @export
#' @rdname checking
check.quant <- function(x, allownull = FALSE, allowna = FALSE, allowinf = FALSE) {
  # quantiles vector, must be non-missing and non-empty, does not check if vector/scalar
  fcall = match.call()
  if (missing(x)) stop(paste("missing quantiles from call", deparse(fcall)))
  x.name = deparse(fcall[[2]])
  fcall = paste(deparse(fcall), collapse = "")
  if (is.null(x) & !allownull)
    stop(paste("quantiles input", ifelse(is.null(x.name), "(unnamed)", x.name), "is NULL from call", fcall))
  if (!is.null(x)) {
    if (length(x) == 0)
      stop(paste("quantiles input", x.name, "is empty from call", fcall))

      # Special case - if all elements are NA the vector/scalar can be logical
    if (all(is.na(x))) {
      if (!allowna) stop(paste("NA/NaN values for quantiles input", x.name, "not permitted from call", fcall))
    } else {
      if (mode(x) != "numeric")
        stop(paste("quantiles input", x.name, "must be a non-empty numeric vector from call", fcall))
      if (any(is.na(x)) & !allowna)
        stop(paste("NA/NaN values for quantiles input", x.name, "not permitted from call", fcall))
      if (any(is.infinite(x)) & !allowinf)
        stop(paste("infinite values for quantiles input", x.name, "not permitted from call", fcall))

#' @export
#' @rdname checking
check.prob <- function(prob, allownull = FALSE, allowna = FALSE) {
  # probability vector, must be non-missing and non-empty, does not check if vector/scalar

  check.quant(prob, allownull, allowna)
  fcall = match.call()
  prob.name = deparse(fcall[[2]])
  fcall = paste(deparse(fcall), collapse = "")
  if (!is.null(prob)) {
    if (any(prob < 0, na.rm = TRUE) | any(prob > 1, na.rm = TRUE))
      stop(paste("probability input", prob.name, "must be between 0 and 1 (inclusive) from call", fcall))

#' @export
#' @rdname checking
check.n <- function(n, allowzero = FALSE) {
  # positive integer only permitted by default
  # non-negative when allowzero = TRUE

  fcall = match.call()

  if (missing(n)) stop("sample size input is missing")
  n.name = deparse(fcall[[2]])
  fcall = paste(deparse(fcall), collapse = "")
  if (is.null(n))
    stop(paste("sample size input", ifelse(is.null(n.name), "(unnamed)", n.name),
               "is NULL from call", fcall))

  if (length(n) == 0)
    stop(paste("sample size input", n.name, "is empty from call", fcall))
  if (length(n) != 1)
    stop(paste("sample size input", n.name, "must be scalar",
               ifelse(allowzero, "non-negative", "positive"), "integer from call", fcall))
  if (mode(n) != "numeric")
    stop(paste("sample size input", n.name, "must be a scalar",
               ifelse(allowzero, "non-negative", "positive"), "integer from call", fcall))
  if (!is.finite(n))
    stop(paste("sample size input", n.name, "is not finite from call", fcall))
  if (abs(n - round(n)) > sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
    stop(paste("sample size input", n.name, "must be a scalar",
               ifelse(allowzero, "non-negative", "positive"), "integer from call", fcall))

  if (n < 0)
    stop(paste("sample size input", n.name, "must be a scalar",
               ifelse(allowzero, "non-negative", "positive"), "integer from call", fcall))
  if ((n < 1) & !allowzero)
    stop(paste("sample size input", n.name, "must be a scalar positive integer from call", fcall))

#' @export
#' @rdname checking
check.logic <- function(logicarg, allowvec = FALSE, allowna = FALSE) {
  # only logical, numeric(0)/NULL/NaN not permitted as non-logical
  fcall = match.call()
  if (missing(logicarg)) stop(paste("missing logical input from call", deparse(fcall)))

  logic.name = deparse(fcall[[2]])
  fcall = paste(deparse(fcall), collapse = "")
  if (is.null(logicarg)) # NULL not permitted
    stop(paste("NULL value for input", logic.name, "not permitted, must be logical",
               ifelse(allowvec, "vector", "scalar"), "from call", fcall))

  if (length(logicarg) == 0) # numeric(0)
    stop(paste("empty value for input", logic.name, "not permitted, must be logical", 
               ifelse(allowvec, "vector", "scalar"), "from call", fcall))
  if (any(is.nan(logicarg))) # NaN not permitted
    stop(paste("NaN value for input", logic.name, "not permitted, must be logical",
               ifelse(allowvec, "vector", "scalar"), "from call", fcall))
  if (any(is.infinite(logicarg))) # infinite values not permitted
    stop(paste("infinite value for input", logic.name, "not permitted, must be logical",
               ifelse(allowvec, "vector", "scalar"), "from call", fcall))

  # above 3 checks would also be caught by following, but above is more helpful to user
  if (mode(logicarg) != "logical") # non-logical not permitted
    stop(paste("non-logical input", logic.name, "not permitted, must be logical",
               ifelse(allowvec, "vector", "scalar"), "from call", fcall))

  if (any(is.na(logicarg)) & !allowna)
    stop(paste("NA values for logical input", logic.name, "not permitted from call", fcall))

  if ((length(logicarg) > 1) & !allowvec)
    stop(paste("input", logic.name, "must be logical scalar from call", fcall))

#' @export
#' @rdname checking
check.nparam <- function(ns, nparam = 1, allownull = FALSE, allowmiss = FALSE) {

  fcall = match.call()
  if (missing(ns) & !allowmiss) stop(paste("missing parameter input from call", deparse(fcall)))
  # If non-missing then need to check parameter value
  if (!missing(ns)) {
    ns.name = deparse(fcall[[2]])
    fcall = paste(deparse(fcall), collapse = "")

    check.n(nparam, allowzero = TRUE)
    if (is.null(ns) & !allownull)
      stop(paste("parameter input", ifelse(is.null(ns.name), "(unnamed)", ns.name),
                 "is NULL from call", fcall))
    if (length(ns) == 0)  { # empty/NULL OK if nparam == 0
      if (!is.null(ns) & (nparam != 0))
        stop(paste("parameter input", ns.name, "is empty from call", fcall))      
    } else {

      # Special case - if all elements are NA the vector/scalar can be logical
      if (!all(is.na(ns))) {
        if (mode(ns) != "numeric")
          stop(paste("parameter input", ns.name, "must be numeric",
                     ifelse(nparam > 1, "vector", "scalar"), "from call", fcall))
      if (length(ns) != nparam)
        stop(paste("parameter input", ns.name, "must be numeric",
                     ifelse(nparam > 1, "vector", "scalar"), "of length", nparam, "from call", fcall))

#' @export
#' @rdname checking
check.inputn <- function(inputn, allowscalar = FALSE, allowzero = FALSE) {
  # parameter lengths consistency check, mixture of scalar/vectors permitted by default
  # vector of parameter lengths (scalar irrelevant) in main input

  fcall = match.call()
  if (missing(inputn)) stop(paste("missing vector lengths (inputn) from call", deparse(fcall)))
  inputn.name = deparse(fcall[[2]])
  fcall = paste(deparse(fcall), collapse = "")

  if (is.null(inputn))
    stop(paste("vector lengths", ifelse(is.null(inputn.name), "(unnamed)", inputn.name),
               "is NULL from call", fcall))
  if (length(inputn) == 0)
    stop(paste("vector lengths", inputn.name, "is empty vector from call", fcall))
  if (mode(inputn) != "numeric")
    stop(paste("vector lengths", inputn.name, "must be",
      ifelse(allowzero, "non-negative", "positive"), "integer vector from call", fcall))
  if (any(!is.finite(inputn)))
    stop(paste("vector lengths", inputn.name, "must be",
      ifelse(allowzero, "non-negative", "positive"), "integer vector from call", fcall))

  if (any(abs(inputn - round(inputn)) > sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)))
    stop(paste("vector lengths", inputn.name, "must be",
      ifelse(allowzero, "non-negative", "positive"), "integer vector from call", fcall))
  if (any(inputn < 0))
    stop(paste("vector lengths", inputn.name, "must be",
      ifelse(allowzero, "non-negative", "positive"), "integer vector from call", fcall))

  if (any(inputn == 0) & (!allowzero))
    stop(paste("vector lengths", inputn.name, "must be positive integer vector from call", fcall))

  n = max(inputn)

  if (!isTRUE(all.equal(inputn, rep(n, length(inputn))))) {
    if (isTRUE(all.equal(inputn[inputn != 1], rep(n, length(inputn[inputn != 1]))))) {
      if (!allowscalar) 
        stop(paste("vector lengths", inputn.name, "must be",
                   ifelse(allowzero, "non-negative", "positive"),
                   "integer vector (with all vectors of same length) from call", fcall))
    } else {
      stop(paste("vector lengths", inputn.name, "must be",
                 ifelse(allowzero, "non-negative", "positive"),
                 "integer vector (with all vectors of same length, not scalars) from call", fcall))  


#' @export
#' @rdname checking
check.text <- function(textarg, allowvec = FALSE, allownull = FALSE) {

  fcall = match.call()
  if (missing(textarg)) stop(paste("missing character input (textarg) from call", deparse(fcall)))

  param.name = deparse(fcall[[2]])
  fcall = paste(deparse(fcall), collapse = "")

  if (is.null(textarg) & !allownull)
    stop(paste("character input", ifelse(is.null(param.name), "(unnamed)", param.name),
               "is NULL from call", fcall))

  if (!is.null(textarg)) {
    if (length(textarg) == 0)
      stop(paste("character input", ifelse(is.null(param.name), "(unnamed)", param.name),
                   "is empty from call", fcall))

    if (any(is.na(textarg))) {
      stop(paste("NA/NaN values for character input", param.name, "not permitted from call", fcall))
    } else {
      if (mode(textarg) != "character")
        stop(paste("non-character values for character input", param.name, "not permitted from call", fcall))
      if ((length(textarg) > 1) & !allowvec)
        stop(paste("character input", param.name, "must be single string from call", fcall))

#' @export
#' @rdname checking
check.phiu <- function(phiu, allowvec = FALSE, allownull = FALSE, allowfalse = FALSE) {
  # vector or scalar of phiu, must be non-missing and non-empty
  # NA/NaN and infinite values never permitted
  # TRUE/FALSE or 0-1 permitted in likelihood, as full sample data is available
  # TRUE or 0-1 (exclusive) in other functions, as sample proportion (FALSE) not available

  fcall = match.call()
  if (missing(phiu)) stop(paste("missing phiu input from call", deparse(fcall)))
  phiu.name = deparse(fcall[[2]])
  fcall = paste(deparse(fcall), collapse = "")
  if (allowfalse) {
    phiuerror = "phiu must be either TRUE for bulk model based tail fraction approach, 
      or between 0 and 1 (exclusive) when using parameterised tail fraction approach"
  } else {
    phiuerror = "phiu must be either TRUE for bulk model based tail fraction approach, 
      FALSE for parameterised tail fraction approach (estimated using sample proportion)
      or between 0 and 1 (exclusive) for fixed tail fraction"

  if (is.null(phiu) & !allownull)
    stop(paste("phiu input", ifelse(is.null(phiu.name), "(unnamed)", phiu.name),
               "is NULL from call", fcall, ".", phiuerror))
  if (!is.null(phiu)) {
    if (length(phiu) == 0)
      stop(paste("phiu input", phiu.name, "is empty from call", fcall, ".", phiuerror))
    if ((mode(phiu) != "numeric") & (mode(phiu) != "logical"))
        stop(paste("phiu input", phiu.name, "must be a non-empty numeric or logical",
                   ifelse(allowvec, "vector", "scalar"), "from call", fcall, ".", phiuerror))
    if (any(is.na(phiu)))
      stop(paste("NA/NaN values for phiu input", phiu.name, "not permitted from call", fcall, ".", phiuerror))

    if (any(is.infinite(phiu)))
      stop(paste("infinite values for phiu input", phiu.name, "not permitted from call", fcall, ".", phiuerror))
    if ((length(phiu) > 1) & !allowvec)
      stop(paste("phiu input", phiu.name, "must be scalar from call", fcall, ".", phiuerror))

    if (is.logical(phiu)) {
      if(!allowfalse & any(!phiu))
        stop(paste("FALSE values for phiu input", phiu.name, "not permitted from call", fcall, ".", phiuerror))
    } else {

#' @export
#' @rdname checking
check.optim <- function(method) {
  # checks optim method specification

  allmethod = eval(formals(optim)$method)
  if (!(method %in% allmethod))
    stop(paste(c("optim method must be one of", allmethod), collapse = " "))

#' @export
#' @rdname checking
check.control <- function(control) {
  # checks optim method specification

  if (missing(control)) stop("optim control list is missing")

  if (mode(control) != "list")
    stop("optim control must be list, see optim function for details")

  allcontrol = c("trace", "fnscale", "parscale", "ndeps", "maxit", "abstol", "reltol",
    "alpha", "beta", "gamma", "REPORT", "type", "lmm", "factr", "pgtol", "tmax", "temp")  
  if (any(!(names(control) %in% allcontrol)))
    stop(paste(c("optim control list must be containly only", allcontrol), collapse = " "))

#' @export
#' @rdname checking
check.bcmethod <- function(bcmethod) {
  # checks boundary correction method specification


  allbcmethod = c("simple", "cutnorm", "renorm", "reflect", "logtrans", 
    "beta1", "beta2", "gamma1", "gamma2", "copula")
  if (!(bcmethod %in% allbcmethod))
    stop(paste(c("boundary correction method must be one of", allbcmethod), collapse = " "))

#' @export
#' @rdname checking
check.nn <- function(nn) {
  # checks non-negative correction method specification


  allnn = c("none", "zero", "jf96")
  if (!(nn %in% allnn))
    stop(paste(c("non-negative correction method must be one of", allnn), collapse = " "))

#' @export
#' @rdname checking
check.offset <- function(offset, bcmethod, allowzero = FALSE) {
  # checks offset for different bcmethods

  check.posparam(offset, allownull = TRUE)

  if (bcmethod != "logtrans") {
    if (!is.null(offset)) warning("offset only relevant for logtrans method")
  } else {
    if (is.null(offset)) stop("offset must be provided for logtrans method")
    if (offset < 0) stop(paste("offset must be", ifelse(allowzero, "non-negative", "positive")))
    if ((offset == 0) & !allowzero ) stop("offset must be positive")

#' @export
#' @rdname checking
check.design.knots <- function(beta, xrange, nseg, degree, design.knots) {
  # checks knot specification and calculate them if not pre-specified
  # Outputs a list containing the design.knots and corrected inputs
  # Two options for specifying knots:
  #    1) design.knots vector
  #    2) xrange, nseg and degree
  # if both provided then design.knots is used
  if (is.null(design.knots) & is.null(xrange)) stop("Either design.knots or xrange must be specified")

  if (is.null(design.knots)) {
    # check x-range
    if (length(xrange) != 2) stop("knot range in xrange must be vector of length 2")
    if (diff(xrange) <= 0) stop("knot range in xrange must have positive width")
    # consistent with Eilers and Marx the "P-spline masters":
    # defaults to regular knots and not natural B-splines,
    # so each B-spline is just shifted/spliced version of each other
    dx = diff(xrange)/nseg # regular knot spacing
    design.knots = seq(xrange[1] - degree * dx, xrange[2] + degree * dx, by = dx)
  } else {
    # if knots specified, they must be sorted
    if (is.unsorted(design.knots)) {
      design.knots = sort(design.knots)
    } else {
      if (design.knots[1] > design.knots[length(design.knots)])
        design.knots = rev(design.knots)
    # degree determinable by difference between design.knots and coefficients
    if ((length(design.knots) - length(beta) - 1) != degree) {
      warning(paste("Degree ", degree, 
                    " is inconsistent with difference in coefficients and design knots #(design.knots) - #(beta) - 1 = ",
                    length(design.knots) - length(beta) - 1, ", so degree is reset", sep=""))
      degree = length(design.knots) - length(beta) - 1

    # number of segments degree determinable from design.knots and degree
    if (nseg != (length(design.knots) - 1 - degree*2)) {
      warning(paste("Number of segments ", nseg, " is inconsistent with design knots where length(design.knots) - 1 - degree*2= ",
                    length(design.knots) - 1 - degree*2, ", so nseg reset", sep=""))
      nseg = length(design.knots) - 1 - degree*2

    # xrange also determined by design knots and degree
    if (!is.null(xrange)) {
      if (!isTRUE(all.equal(xrange, design.knots[c(degree + 1, length(design.knots) - degree)]))) {
        warning(paste("Interpolation range (", xrange[1], ", ", xrange[2], ") is inconsistent with design knots (",
                      design.knots[degree + 1], ", " , design.knots[length(design.knots) - degree],
                      "), so xrange reset", sep=""))
        xrange = design.knots[c(degree + 1, length(design.knots) - degree)]
    } else {
        xrange = design.knots[c(degree + 1, length(design.knots) - degree)]
  if (length(beta) != (nseg + degree)) 
    stop(paste("Number of coefficients ", length(beta), " is not equal to number of B-splines nseg + degree = ", nseg + degree, sep=""))

  return(list(xrange = xrange, nseg = nseg, degree = degree, design.knots = design.knots))

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