
Defines functions distLquantile

Documented in distLquantile

#' distribution quantiles
#' Parametric quantiles of distributions fitted to a sample.
#' @details Very high quantiles (99\% and higher) need large sample sizes for
#' \code{\link{quantile}} to yield a robust estimate. Theoretically, at least
#' 1/(1-probs) values must be present, e.g. 10'000 for Q99.99\%. With smaller
#' sample sizes (eg n=35), they underestimate the actual (but unknown)
#' quantile. Parametric quantiles need only small sample sizes. They don't have
#' a systematical underestimation bias, but have higher variability.
#' @return if list=FALSE (default): invisible matrix with distribution quantile values .
#'         if list=TRUE: invisible dlf object, see \code{\link{printL}}

#' @note NAs are always removed from x in \code{\link{distLfit}}
#' @author Berry Boessenkool, \email{berry-b@@gmx.de}, March + July 2015, Feb 2016
#' @seealso \code{\link{q_gpd}}, \code{\link{distLfit}}, require("truncdist")
#'         Xian Zhou, Liuquan Sun and Haobo Ren (2000): Quantile estimation for
#'         left truncated and right censored data, Statistica Sinica 10
#'          \url{https://www3.stat.sinica.edu.tw/statistica/oldpdf/A10n411.pdf}\cr
#' @references On GPD: \url{https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/69438}
#' @keywords distribution robust univar
#' @export
#' @importFrom berryFunctions quantileMean owa tryStack rainbow2
#' @importFrom lmomco plmomco dlmomco qlmomco
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @examples
#' data(annMax) # Annual Discharge Maxima (streamflow)
#' distLquantile(annMax, emp=FALSE)[,] # several distribution functions in lmomco
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Taken out from CRAN package check because it's slow
#' distLquantile(annMax, truncate=0.8, probs=0.95)[,] # POT (annMax already block maxima)
#' dlf <- distLquantile(annMax, probs=0.95, list=TRUE)
#' plotLquantile(dlf, linargs=list(lwd=3), nbest=5, breaks=10)
#' dlf$quant
#' # Parametric 95% quantile estimates range from 92 to 111!
#' # But the best fitting distributions all lie aroud 103.
#' # compare General Pareto Fitting methods
#' # Theoretically, the tails of distributions converge to GPD (General Pareto)
#' # q_gpd compares several R packages for fitting and quantile estimation:
#' dlq <- distLquantile(annMax, weighted=FALSE, quiet=TRUE, probs=0.97, list=TRUE)
#' dlq$quant
#' plotLquantile(dlq) # per default best fitting distribution functions
#' plotLquantile(dlq, row=c("wak","GPD*"), nbest=14)
#' #pdf("dummy.pdf", width=9)
#' plotLquantile(dlq, row="GPD*", nbest=13, xlim=c(102,110),
#'           linargs=list(lwd=3), heights=seq(0.02, 0.005, len=14))
#' #dev.off()
#' # Sanity checks: important for very small samples:
#' x1 <- c(2.6, 2.5, 2.9, 3, 5, 2.7, 2.7, 5.7, 2.8, 3.1, 3.6, 2.6, 5.8, 5.6, 5.7, 5.3)
#' q1 <- distLquantile(x1, sanerange=c(0,500), sanevals=c(NA,500))
#' x2 <- c(6.1, 2.4, 4.1, 2.4, 6, 6.3, 2.9, 6.8, 3.5)
#' q2 <- distLquantile(x2, sanerange=c(0,500), sanevals=c(NA,500), quiet=FALSE)
#' x3 <- c(4.4, 3, 1.8, 7.3, 2.1, 2.1, 1.8, 1.8)
#' q3 <- distLquantile(x3, sanerange=c(0,500), sanevals=c(NA,500))
#' # weighted distribution quantiles are calculated by different weighting schemes:
#' plotLweights(dlf)
#' # If speed is important and parameters are already available, pass them via dlf:
#' distLquantile(dlf=dlf, probs=0:5/5, selection=c("wak","gev","kap"))
#' distLquantile(dlf=dlf, truncate=0.3, list=TRUE)$truncate
#' # censored (truncated, trimmed) quantile, Peak Over Treshold (POT) method:
#' qwak <- distLquantile(annMax, sel="wak", prob=0.95, emp=FALSE, list=TRUE)
#' plotLquantile(qwak, ylim=c(0,0.06) ); qwak$quant
#' qwak2 <-distLquantile(annMax, sel="wak", prob=0.95, emp=FALSE, list=TRUE, truncate=0.6)
#' plotLquantile(qwak2, add=TRUE, distcols="blue")
#' # Simulation of truncation effect
#' library(lmomco)
#' #set.seed(42)
#' rnum <- rlmomco(n=1e3, para=dlf$parameter$gev)
#' myprobs <- c(0.9, 0.95, 0.99, 0.999)
#' mytrunc <- seq(0, 0.9, length.out=20)
#' trunceffect <- sapply(mytrunc, function(mt) distLquantile(rnum, selection="gev",
#'                              probs=myprobs, truncate=mt, quiet=TRUE,
#'                              pempirical=FALSE)["gev",])
#' # If more values are truncated, the function runs faster
#' op <- par(mfrow=c(2,1), mar=c(2,4.5,2,0.5), cex.main=1)
#' dlf1 <- distLquantile(rnum, sel="gev", probs=myprobs, emp=FALSE, list=TRUE)
#' dlf2 <- distLquantile(rnum, sel="gev", probs=myprobs, emp=FALSE, list=TRUE, truncate=0.3)
#' plotLquantile(dlf1, ylab="", xlab="")
#' plotLquantile(dlf2, add=TRUE, distcols=4)
#' legend("right", c("fitted GEV", "fitted with truncate=0.3"), lty=1, col=c(2,4), bg="white")
#' par(mar=c(3,4.5,3,0.5))
#' plot(mytrunc, trunceffect[1,], ylim=range(trunceffect), las=1, type="l",
#'      main=c("High quantiles of 1000 random numbers from gev distribution",
#'            "Estimation based on proportion of lower values truncated"),
#'      xlab="", ylab="parametric quantile")
#' title(xlab="Proportion censored", mgp=c(1.8,1,0))
#' for(i in 2:4) lines(mytrunc, trunceffect[i,])
#' library("berryFunctions")
#' textField(rep(0.5,4), trunceffect[,11], paste0("Q",myprobs*100,"%") )
#' par(op)
#' trunc <- seq(0,0.1,len=200)
#' dd <- pbsapply(trunc, function(t) distLquantile(annMax,
#'           selection="gpa", weight=FALSE, truncate=t, prob=0.99, quiet=T)[c(1,3),])
#'  plot(trunc, dd[1,], type="o", las=1)
#' lines(trunc, dd[2,], type="o", col=2)
#' set.seed(3); rnum <- rlmomco(n=1e3, para=dlf$parameter$gpa)
#' qd99 <- evir::quant(rnum, p=0.99, start=15, end=1000, ci=0.5, models=30)
#' axis(3, at=seq(-1000,0, length=6), labels=0:5/5, pos=par("usr")[3])
#' title(xlab="Proportion truncated", line=-3)
#' mytrunc <- seq(0, 0.9, length.out=30)
#' trunceffect <- sapply(mytrunc, function(mt) distLquantile(rnum, selection="gpa",
#'                       probs=0.99, truncate=mt, plot=FALSE, quiet=TRUE,
#'                       empirical=FALSE, gpd=TRUE))
#' lines(-1000*(1-mytrunc), trunceffect[1,], col=4)
#' lines(-1000*(1-mytrunc), trunceffect[2,], col=3) # interesting...
#' for(i in 3:13) lines(-1000*(1-mytrunc), trunceffect[i,], col=3) # interesting...
#' # If you want the estimates only for one single truncation, use
#' q_gpd(rnum, probs=myprobs, truncate=0.5)
#' } # end dontrun
#' @param x         Sample for which parametric quantiles are to be calculated.
#'                  If it is NULL (the default), \code{dat} from \code{dlf} is used.
#'                  DEFAULT: NULL
#' @param probs     Numeric vector of probabilities with values in [0,1]. DEFAULT: c(0.8,0.9,0.99)
#' @param truncate  Number between 0 and 1 (proportion of sample discarded).
#'                  Censored quantile: fit to highest values only (truncate lower proportion of x).
#'                  Probabilities are adjusted accordingly. DEFAULT: 0
#' @param threshold POT cutoff value. If you want correct percentiles,
#'                  set this only via truncate, see Details of \code{\link{q_gpd}}.
#'                  DEFAULT: \code{\link[berryFunctions]{quantileMean}(x, truncate)}
#' @param sanerange Range outside of which results should be changed to \code{sanevals}.
#'                  This can capture numerical errors in small samples
#'                  (notably GPD_MLE_extRemes). If NA, this is ignored.
#'                  Attention: the RMSE column is also checked and changed.
#'                  DEFAULT: NA
#' @param sanevals  Values to be used below [1] and above [2] \code{sanerange}.
#'                  DEFAULT: NA
#' @param selection Distribution type, eg. "gev" or "wak", see
#'                  \code{lmomco::\link[lmomco]{dist.list}}.
#'                  Can be a vector. If NULL (the default), all types present in
#'                  dlf$distnames are used. DEFAULT: NULL
#' @param order     Logical: sort by RMSE, even if selection is given?
#'                  See \code{\link{distLweights}}. DEFAULT: TRUE
#' @param dlf       dlf object described in \code{\link{extremeStat}}. Use this to save
#'                  computing time for large datasets where you already have dlf.
#'                  DEFAULT: NULL
#' @param datname   Character string: data name, important if list=TRUE.
#'                  DEFAULT: deparse(substitute(x))
#' @param list      Return full \code{dlf}list with output attached as element \code{quant}?
#'                  If FALSE (the default), just the matrix with quantile estimates
#'                  is returned. DEFAULT: FALSE
#' @param empirical Add rows "empirical" and "quantileMean" in the output matrix?
#'                  Uses \code{\link{quantile}} with \code{qemp.type} (ignoring truncation)
#'                  and \code{\link{quantileMean}}. DEFAULT: TRUE
#' @param qemp.type Method passed to \code{\link{quantile}} for row "empirical".
#'                  Only used if \code{empirical=TRUE}.
#'                  DEFAULT: 8 (NOT the \code{stats::quantile} default)
#' @param weighted  Include weighted averages across distribution functions to the output?
#'                  DEFAULT: empirical, so additional options can all be excluded with emp=F.
#' @param gpd       Include GPD quantile estimation via \code{\link{q_gpd}}?
#'                  Note that the 'GPD_LMO_lmomco' result differs slightly from 'gpa',
#'                  especially if truncate=0. This comes from using
#'                  x>threshold (all 'GPD_*' distributions) or
#'                  x>=threshold ('gpa' and all other distributions in extremeStat).
#'                  DEFAULT: empirical
#' @param speed     Compute \code{\link{q_gpd}} only for fast methods?
#'                  Currently, only the Bayesian method is excluded. DEFAULT: TRUE
#' @param quiet     Suppress notes? If it is actually set to FALSE (not missing),
#'                  gpquiet is set to FALSE to print all the warnings including stacks.
#'                  DEFAULT: FALSE
#' @param ssquiet   Suppress sample size notes? DEFAULT: quiet
#' @param ttquiet   Suppress truncation!=threshold note? DEFAULT: quiet
#' @param gpquiet   Suppress warnings in \code{\link{q_gpd}}?
#'                  DEFAULT: TRUE if quiet is not specified, else quiet
#' @param \dots     Arguments passed to \code{\link{distLfit}}
#'                  and \code{\link{distLweights}} like weightc, ks=TRUE
distLquantile <- function(
threshold=quantileMean(dlf$dat_full[is.finite(dlf$dat_full)], truncate),
# input checks: ----------------------------------------------------------------
datname <- datname
truncate <- truncate[1] # cannot be vectorized
if(truncate<0 | truncate>=1) stop("truncate (proportion discarded) must be 0<t<1, not ", truncate)
if( is.null(x) &  is.null(dlf)) stop("Either dlf or x must be given.")
if(!is.null(x) & !is.null(dlf)) stop("Either dlf or x must be given, but not both.")
if(!is.null(x)) if(is.list(x)) stop("x must be a vector. Possibly, you want to use dlf=",
# Fit distribution functions to (truncated) sample: ----------------------------
# refit if dlf is given, but truncate/threshold do not match
if(!is.null(dlf)) if( dlf$truncate!=truncate | dlf$threshold!=threshold )
  if(!quiet) message("Note in distLquantile: truncate (",truncate,
       ") did not match dlf$truncate (",dlf$truncate,
       "). Thresholds: ",toString(signif(c(threshold, dlf$threshold),7)),
       ".\n   distLfit is called with the original dlf$dat.")
  x <- dlf$dat
  datname <- dlf$datname
  dlf <- NULL
# actual fitting of distributions:
  # threshold initialization impossible if dlf = NULL
  if(is.na(threshold)) threshold <- quantileMean(x[is.finite(x)], truncate)
  dlf <- distLfit(dat=x, datname=datname, selection=selection,
                  truncate=truncate, threshold=threshold,
                  quiet=quiet, ssquiet=ssquiet, order=order, ...)
dn <- dlf$distnames # dn = distribution names
df <- dlf$distfailed # names of nonfitted (failed) distributions

# check selection --------------------------------------------------------------
sserror <- if(!is.null(dlf$error)) substr(dlf$error[1],1,18) =="dat size too small" else FALSE
if(!is.null(selection) & !sserror)
  missing <- selection[!selection %in% dn]
  if(length(missing)>0 & !quiet) message("Note in distLquantile: 'selection' (",
    toString(missing),") is not in dlf$distnames. NAs will be returned for these distributions.")
  # control for distributions that could not be fitted:
  failed <- selection[selection %in% df]
  if(length(failed)>0 & !quiet) message("Note in distLquantile: fitting failed for ",
    toString(failed),". NAs will be returned for these distributions.")
  # compute quantiles only for available distributions:
  dn <- selection

# Empty output matrix: ---------------------------------------------------------
if(order) dn <- dn[order(dlf$gof[dn, "RMSE"])]
output <- matrix(NA, ncol=length(probs)+1, nrow=length(dn) )
colnames(output) <- c(paste0(probs*100,"%"), "RMSE")
rownames(output) <- dn
# add rows for weighted averages of distribution functions and GPD comparison methods
if(empirical) output <- rbind(output, empirical=NA, quantileMean=NA)
if(weighted) output <- rbind(output,weighted1=NA, weighted2=NA, weighted3=NA, weightedc=NA)
if(gpd) output <- rbind(output,  GPD_LMO_lmomco=NA, GPD_LMO_extRemes=NA,
        GPD_PWM_evir=NA, GPD_PWM_fExtremes=NA, GPD_MLE_extRemes=NA, GPD_MLE_ismev=NA,
        GPD_MLE_evd=NA, GPD_MLE_Renext_Renouv=NA, GPD_MLE_evir=NA, GPD_MLE_fExtremes=NA,
        GPD_GML_extRemes=NA, GPD_MLE_Renext_2par=NA, GPD_BAY_extRemes=NA)
output <- rbind(output, n_full=NA, n=NA, threshold=NA)
# if input sample size is too small, return NA matrix:
if( length(dlf$dat)<5 )
  if(!ssquiet) message(
    "Note in distLquantile: sample size is too small to fit parameters (",
    length(dlf$dat),"). Returning NAs")
  dlf$quant <- output
  if(list) return(invisible(dlf)) else return(invisible(dlf$quant))
# truncation probs update: -----------------------------------------------------
probs2 <- probs
  if(all(probs < truncate) & !quiet) message("Note in distLquantile: 'probs' (",
     toString(probs),") must contain values that are larger than 'truncate' (",
          truncate, "). Returning NAs.")
  probs2 <- (probs-truncate)/(1-truncate) # correct probabilities for smaller sample proportion
  probs2[probs < truncate] <- 0   # avoid negative values
# Threshold check:
normalthr <- berryFunctions::quantileMean(dlf$dat_full[is.finite(dlf$dat_full)], truncate)
if(signif(threshold,7) != signif(normalthr,7))
    probs2 <- probs
    if(!ttquiet) message("Note in distLquantile: threshold (",threshold,
    ") is not equal to threshold computed from truncate (",normalthr,
    ").\n  Probabilities are not corrected for truncation!")
# distribution quantiles: ------------------------------------------------------
# This is the actual work...
lenprob <- 1:length(probs)
for(d in dn[!dn %in% dlf$distfailed & dn %in% names(dlf$parameter)])
  output[d,lenprob] <- tryStack(lmomco::qlmomco(f=probs2, para=dlf$parameter[[d]]), silent=TRUE)
# Change columns for probs below truncate to NA (without any message currently)
if(truncate!=0) output[ , c(probs < truncate,FALSE)] <- NA
# Add RMSE values:
output[dn,"RMSE"] <- dlf$gof[dn,"RMSE"]
# Weighted quantile estimates:
if(weighted) output <- q_weighted(output, order=order, ...)
# add further quantile estimates -----------------------------------------------
# Empirical Quantiles:
  dlf_dat_full_finite <- dlf$dat_full[is.finite(dlf$dat_full)]
  output["empirical",lenprob] <- quantile(dlf_dat_full_finite, probs=probs, type=qemp.type)
  output["quantileMean",lenprob] <- berryFunctions::quantileMean(dlf_dat_full_finite,
                                             probs=probs, truncate=truncate)
# q_gpd estimates: -------------------------------------------------------------
  # inernal helper function:
  supwarn <- if(gpquiet) suppressWarnings else I
  q_gpd_int <- function(pack, meth=NULL) supwarn(q_gpd(package=pack, method=meth,
                        x=dlf$dat_full, probs=probs,
                        truncate=truncate, threshold=threshold,
                        quiet=quiet, efquiet=gpquiet, ttquiet=TRUE))
  output["GPD_LMO_lmomco",]       <- q_gpd_int("lmomco")
  output["GPD_LMO_extRemes",]     <- q_gpd_int("extRemes", meth="Lmoments")
  output["GPD_PWM_evir",]         <- q_gpd_int("evir", meth="pwm")
  output["GPD_PWM_fExtremes",]    <- q_gpd_int("fExtremes", meth="pwm")
  output["GPD_MLE_extRemes",]     <- q_gpd_int("extRemes", meth="MLE")
  output["GPD_MLE_ismev",]        <- q_gpd_int("ismev")
  output["GPD_MLE_evd",]          <- q_gpd_int("evd")
  output["GPD_MLE_Renext_Renouv",]<- q_gpd_int("Renext", meth="r")
  output["GPD_MLE_evir",]         <- q_gpd_int("evir", meth="ml")
  output["GPD_MLE_fExtremes",]    <- q_gpd_int("fExtremes", meth="mle")
  output["GPD_GML_extRemes",]     <- q_gpd_int("extRemes", meth="GMLE")
  output["GPD_MLE_Renext_2par",]  <- q_gpd_int("Renext", meth="f")
if(!speed)output["GPD_BAY_extRemes",] <- q_gpd_int("extRemes", meth="Bayesian") # computes a while
# sanity checks ----------------------------------------------------------------
  sr <- range(sanerange, finite=TRUE)
  if(diff(sr)<sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) stop("sanerange diff = 0. (",toString(sanerange),")")
  toosmall <- which(output<sr[1])
  toosmallnames <- rownames(which(output<sr[1], arr.ind=TRUE))
  toosmallnames <- toString(unique(toosmallnames))
  toosmallvals <- toString(output[toosmall])
  if(!ssquiet) message("Note in distLquantile: The following quantile ",
      "estimates are smaller than sanerange (",sr[1],") and changed to ",sanevals[1],":\n",
      toosmallnames, " with values: ", toosmallvals)
  output[toosmall] <- sanevals[1]
  toolarge <- which(output>sr[2])
  toolargenames <- rownames(which(output>sr[2], arr.ind=TRUE))
  toolargenames <- toString(unique(toolargenames))
  toolargevals <- toString(output[toolarge])
  if(!ssquiet) message("Note in distLquantile: The following quantile ",
      "estimates are larger than sanerange (",sr[2],") and changed to ",sanevals[2],":\n",
      toolargenames, " with values: ", toolargevals)
  output[toolarge] <- sanevals[2]
# output: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# add sample size and threshold info:
output[c("n_full","n","threshold"), 1] <- c(length(dlf$dat_full), length(dlf$dat), dlf$threshold)
dlf$distnames <- dn
dlf$distcols <- berryFunctions::rainbow2(length(dn))
dlf$distselector <- "distLquantile"
dlf$quant <- output
if(list) invisible(dlf) else invisible(output)

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