
Defines functions p0 p2star f2 meanNA Z2r r2Z syntax getCor

# get correlations between latent factors
getCor <- function(x, ops="~~", g="", label="", group=1) {
		eff <- parameterEstimates(x$fit, standardized=TRUE)
	# adjustements for multigroup case: add a group variable with only one group
	if (is.null(eff$group)) eff$group <- 1
	eff <- eff[eff$group==group, ]
	if (label=="") {
		sel <- eff$op %in% ops & !is.na(eff$est) & !grepl(paste(x$var.id, collapse="|"), eff$rhs)
		if (g != "") {
			sel <- eff$op %in% ops & !is.na(eff$est) & !grepl(paste(x$var.id, collapse="|"), eff$rhs) & (grepl(g, eff$lhs) | grepl(g, eff$rhs))
	} else {
		sel <- grepl(label, eff$label, fixed=TRUE)
		#TODO: include (g != "")? What does it mean?
	SS2 <- eff[sel, ]
	# insert label column if missing
	if (is.null(SS2$label)) {
		SS2 <- cbind(SS2[1:3], label="", SS2[, 4:10])
	N <- apply(SS2[, 1:3], 1, paste, collapse=" ", sep=" ")	# formula names
	SS3 <- data.frame(component=N, label=SS2$label, round(SS2[, c("est", "se", "z", "pvalue", "ci.lower", "ci.upper", "std.lv")], 3))
	SS3$component <- as.character(SS3$component)
	colnames(SS3) <- c("component", "label", "estimate", "se", "z", "p.value", "ci.lower", "ci.upper", "r")
	SS3$r[SS3$r > 1 | SS3$r < -1] <- NA
	return(SS3[, c(1, 2, 3:8, 9)])

# retrieve model syntax from fSRM object and copy it directly to the clipboard
# TODO: pbcopy for Windows?
syntax <- function(x){
	clipboard <- pipe("pbcopy", open="w")
	write(x$syntax, clipboard)

# Transform correlation to Fisher's Z
r2Z <- function(r) {return(0.5 * log((1 + r)/(1 - r)))}

# Recode  Fisher's Z to correlation
Z2r <- function(Z) {return((exp(2*Z)-1)/(exp(2*Z)+1))}

# calculate average correlation for all elemts of x which are within [-1;1].
# I.e., out-of-bound estimates are excluded.
meanNA <- function(x) {
	x[is.na(x)] <- NA
	x[x>1] <- NA
	x[x<(-1)] <- NA
	return(Z2r(mean(r2Z(x), na.rm=TRUE)))

## ======================================================================
## Formatters
## ======================================================================

# simple wrapper: formats a number in f.2 format
f2 <- function(x, digits=2, prepoint=0, skipZero=FALSE) {
	if (skipZero == TRUE) {zero <- "."} else {zero <- "0."}
	if (length(dim(x)) == 2) {
		apply(x, 2, function(x2) {gsub("0.", zero, sprintf(paste("%",prepoint,".",digits,"f",sep=""), x2) , fixed=TRUE)})
	} else {
		gsub("0.", zero, sprintf(paste("%",prepoint,".",digits,"f",sep=""), x) , fixed=TRUE)

# converts p values in stars
p2star <- function(val) {
	res <- val
	for (i in 1:length(val)) {
		res[i] <- ""
		if (is.na(val[i])) next();
		if (val[i] < 0.1) res[i] <- "\U2020"
		if (val[i] < 0.05) res[i] <- "*"
		if (val[i] < 0.01) res[i] <- "**"
		if (val[i] < 0.001) res[i] <- "***"

# nicely formats a p-value
p0 <- function(x, digits=3) {
	if (is.na(x)) return("NA")
	if (x >= .001) return(paste0("p = ", f2(x, digits, skipZero=TRUE)))
	if (x <  .001) return("p < .001")	
p <- Vectorize(p0)

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fSRM documentation built on Jan. 27, 2021, 5:05 p.m.