
Defines functions getImport import

Documented in getImport import

# Import function from Lara Stas

#' @title Import and transform a dataset into long format
#' @aliases import, getImport
#' @description 
#' This graphical users interface (GUI) can be used for inserting .csv, .txt and .sav-files in R by means of a pop-up window. It also allows to transform a dataset from wide into the requiered long format for the fSRM-function. The output format for the SRM components can be confirmed or modified.
#' @export
#' @import tcltk
#' @import tcltk2
#' @importFrom foreign read.spss
#' @details
#' This GUI allows the user three different things: 
#' (i) Import a datafile in R. 
#' The upper section of the main window allows to insert .csv, .txt and .sav-files in R. It is required that the first row of this datafile contains the variable names.
#' (ii) Transform a dataset that is in wide format into the desired long format, in order to use the \code{fSRM}-function.
#' A new pop-up window appears after clicking on 'transform my data' in the middle section. This new window allows to transform a dataset from wide format (i.e. each column represents one measured relationship, each row one family) to the necessary long format. Specify - if present - first the variable names which identifies the different families and groups, respectively.
#' Next, specify the columns in the original dataset which contain the dyadic measurements. Enumerated columns need to be separated with a comma, consecutive columns need to be defined by means of colon (e.g. 1 : 9 defines the first until the second column in the original dataset).
#' Finally, define the position of the characters of the rater, the person being rated and the indicator (if present) in the previously selected dyadic measurements.

#' (iii) Define the desired output-format for the different SRM-components.

#' At the bottom section of the main window the user can agree with the default labels of the SRM components by clicking on 'Confirm output format' or specify alternative labels.
#' Importing a data set is a two-step process. First, you have to call the \code{import} function. When you click on OK, the transformed data set is saved in a hidden variable. To access the variable, you have to call \code{getImport}.

#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' import()
#' # --> now click throught the menu
#' dat <- getImport()	
#' }

import <- function() {
  #if (!require(tcltk) | !require(tcltk2)) stop("You have to install the tcltk and the tcltk2 package to use the import() function! --> install.packages(c('tcltk', 'tcltk2'))")
  #### Read in the dataset ####
  getSPSS <- function() {
    name <- tclvalue(tkgetOpenFile(
      filetypes = "{{SPSS Files} {.sav}} {{All files} *}"))
    if (name == "") return();
    style$MyData <- read.spss(name, use.value.labels = TRUE, to.data.frame = TRUE)
    #assign("MyData", MyData, envir = .GlobalEnv)
    # tkdestroy(tt) # zodat automatisch het venster weggaat
    cat("Datafile is loaded\n")
    tkconfigure(button.SPSS, text = "Data inserted")
  getCSV <- function() {
    name <- tclvalue(tkgetOpenFile(
      filetypes = "{{CSV Files} {.csv}} {{All files} *}"))
    if (name == "") return();
    style$MyData <- read.csv(name)
    #assign("MyData", MyData, envir = .GlobalEnv)
    # tkdestroy(tt)
    cat("Datafile is loaded\n")
    tkconfigure(button.CSV, text = "Data inserted")
  getTXT <- function() {
    name <- tclvalue(tkgetOpenFile(
      filetypes = "{{TXT Files} {.txt}} {{All files} *}"))
    if (name == "") return();
    style$MyData <- read.table(name, header = TRUE)
    #assign("MyData", MyData, envir = .GlobalEnv)
    # tkdestroy(tt)
    cat("Datafile is loaded\n")
    tkconfigure(button.TXT, text = "Data inserted")
  #### Transformation of the dataset ####
  launchDialog <- function() {
    onOK <- function() {
      #Define the variables where the position of the characters will be inserted (actor, partner, indicator, group,..)
      var <- as.character(tclvalue(Entry0))
      group <- as.character(tclvalue(Entrygr))
      fam <- as.character(tclvalue(EntryID))
      act_from <- as.character(tclvalue(Entry1))
      act_to <- as.character(tclvalue(Entry2))
      part_from <- as.character(tclvalue(Entry3))
      part_to <- as.character(tclvalue(Entry4))
      ind_from <- as.character(tclvalue(Entry5))
      ind_to <- as.character(tclvalue(Entry6))
      # Transform from wide to long format
      # Select only the relevant variables
      if (var == "") {
        tkmessageBox(title="Warning", message = "Please insert the column numbers containing the dyadic measurements of interest (i.e. the measured variables)!") }
      else {
        b <- strsplit(var,",")[[1]]
        ind <- grep(":",b)
        DVs <- c()
        cnt <- 1
        for(i in 1:length(b)){
          if(i %in% ind){
            sequ <- as.numeric(strsplit(b[i],":")[[1]])
            # bij A:B de : van verwijderen
            lengthsequ <-diff(c(sequ[1],sequ[2]))
            # Hoogste - laagste waarde van element dat oorspronkelijk : bevatte
            DVs[cnt:(cnt+lengthsequ)] <- sequ[1]:sequ[2]
            # DVs heeft het aantal elementen dat er tussen A en B zit (A:B), en deze worden opgevuld door de getallen die er echt tussenzitten
            cnt <- cnt+lengthsequ+1
          } else {
            DVs[cnt] <- as.numeric(b[i])
            # voeg aan deze vector gewoon dat getal toe
            cnt <- cnt+1
      # Add an family ID to the basic dataset,
      if (group != "") {
        if (fam != "") {
          style$SRMData <- melt(style$MyData, id.vars=c(fam, group), measure.vars=c(DVs))       
          tclSetValue("fam", as.character(style$SRMData[,1]))     
          tclSetValue("group", as.character(style$SRMData[,2]))
        } else {
          style$MyData$family.id <- 1:nrow(style$MyData)
          style$SRMData <- melt(style$MyData, id.vars=c("family.id",group), measure.vars=c(DVs))
          tclSetValue("fam", as.character(style$MyData$family.id))     
          tclSetValue("group", as.character(style$SRMData[,2]))
      } else {
        if (fam != "") {
          style$SRMData <- melt(style$MyData, id.vars=fam, measure.vars=c(DVs)) 
          tclSetValue("fam", as.character(style$SRMData[,1]))  
          tclSetValue("group", as.character( ))
        } else {
          style$MyData$family.id <- 1:nrow(style$MyData)
          style$SRMData <- melt(style$MyData, id.vars="family.id", measure.vars=c(DVs))
          tclSetValue("fam", as.character(style$MyData$family.id))     
          tclSetValue("group", as.character( ))
      # Substract the characters of interest from the variable names + create useful pop-up warnings when something is not inserted
      # Actor ID's:
      if (act_from == "From" | act_from == "" | act_to == "To" | act_to == "") {
        tkmessageBox(title="Warning", message = "The characters of the rater are not correctly inserted")
      } else {
        style$SRMData$actor.id <- substr(style$SRMData$variable, act_from, act_to)
      # Partner ID's:
      if (part_from == "From" | part_from == "" | part_to == "To" | part_to == "") {
        tkmessageBox(title="Warning", message = "The characters of the person being rated are not correctly inserted")
      } else {
        style$SRMData$partner.id <- substr(style$SRMData$variable, part_from, part_to)
      # Indicator:
      if (ind_from == "From" | ind_from == "") {
        value <- tkmessageBox(title="No Indicators", message = "No indicators were defined. Is this correct?", icon = "info", type="yesno", default="yes")
        value <- tclvalue(value)
        if (value == "no") return() 
      } else {
        style$SRMData$ind <- substr(style$SRMData$variable, ind_from, ind_to) 
      # Only return if all fields are completed (except for the indicator and group)
      if (act_from != "From" & act_from != "" & act_to != "To" & act_to != "" & part_from != "From" & part_from != "" & part_to != "To" & part_to != "") { 
        cat("Data file created. Access it with dat <- getImport()\n")
    # Basic lay-out of the new pop-up window
    popup <- tktoplevel()
    tktitle(popup) <- "Transformation of the dataset"
    tkgrid(tklabel(popup, text = " "))
    # Ask for family ID
    heading <- tklabel(popup, text="If present, enter the variable name that contains the identifications of ... ")
    ID <- tklabel(popup, text=" the different families. ")
    gr <- tklabel(popup, text=" the different groups. ")
    tkgrid(tklabel(popup, text = " "))
    EntryID <- tclVar("")
    Entrygr <- tclVar("")
    e.fam <- tkentry(popup,width="25", textvariable=EntryID, background="white")
    e.gr <- tkentry(popup,width="25", textvariable=Entrygr, background="white")
    tkgrid(heading, columnspan=3)
    tkgrid(ID, e.fam)
    tkgrid(gr, e.gr)
    tkgrid(tklabel(popup, text = " "))
    tkgrid(tklabel(popup, text = " "))
    tkgrid.configure(ID, gr, sticky = "e")
    tkgrid.configure(heading, e.fam, e.gr, sticky = "w")
    # Ask the position of the dyadic measurements
    font1 <- tkfont.create(family="times",size=9,slant="italic")
    Entry0 <- tclVar("")
    e.dyad <- tkentry(popup,width="25", textvariable=Entry0, background="white")
    blanco <- tklabel(popup, text="")
    heading0 <- tklabel(popup, text="Specify the column numbers of the dyadic measurements in your original dataset ")
    ex <- tklabel(popup, text="E.g. variables 1 until 9, 11, 13 and 15 are entered as",font=font1)
    ex2 <- tklabel(popup, text="1:9, 11, 13, 15",font=font1, background="white")
    tkgrid(heading0, columnspan=3)
    tkgrid(blanco, e.dyad)
    tkgrid(ex, ex2)
    tkgrid.configure(ex, blanco, sticky="e")
    tkgrid.configure(ex2, e.dyad, sticky="w")
    tkgrid(tklabel(popup, text = " "))
    # Start subtracting part from variable names
    heading2 <- tklabel(popup, text="Based on the variable names of the dyadic measurements, define the position of the characters of ... ")
    tkgrid(heading2, columnspan=3)
    tkgrid(tklabel(popup, text = " "))
    #Everything for inserting the characters of the actor ID:
    l.actor <- tklabel(popup, text=" the rater in the dyadic measurement?")
    Entry1 <- tclVar("From")
    Entry2 <- tclVar("To")
    e.actor1 <- tkentry(popup,width="6", textvariable=Entry1, background="white")
    e.actor2 <- tkentry(popup,width="6", textvariable=Entry2, background="white")
    tkgrid(l.actor, e.actor1, e.actor2)
    tkgrid(tklabel(popup, text = " "))
    #Everything for inserting the characters of the partner ID:
    l.partner <- tklabel(popup, text=" the person being rated in the dyadic measurement?")
    Entry3 <- tclVar("From")
    Entry4 <- tclVar("To")
    e.partner1 <- tkentry(popup,width="6", textvariable=Entry3, background="white")
    e.partner2 <- tkentry(popup,width="6", textvariable=Entry4, background="white")
    tkgrid(l.partner, e.partner1, e.partner2)
    tkgrid(tklabel(popup, text = " "))
    #Everything for inserting the characters of the indicator:
    l.ind <- tklabel(popup, text=" the indicators (if present)")
    Entry5 <- tclVar("From")
    Entry6 <- tclVar("To")
    e.ind1 <- tkentry(popup,width="6", textvariable=Entry5, background="white")
    e.ind2 <- tkentry(popup,width="6", textvariable=Entry6, background="white")
    tkgrid(l.ind, e.ind1, e.ind2)
    tkgrid(tklabel(popup, text = " "))
    tkgrid.configure(heading2, l.actor, l.partner, l.ind, sticky="w")
    OK.but <- tkbutton(popup, text = " OK ", command = onOK)
    Cancel.but <- tkbutton(popup, text = " Cancel ", command = function() {tkdestroy(popup)})
    tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but)
    tkgrid(tklabel(popup, text = " "))
  Change <- function() {
    outfam <- as.character(tclvalue(Entry9))
    outact <- as.character(tclvalue(Entry10))
    outpar <- as.character(tclvalue(Entry11))
    outrel <- as.character(tclvalue(Entry12))
    assign("actor", outact, envir=style)
    assign("partner", outpar, envir=style)
    assign("familyeffect", outfam, envir=style)
    assign("relationship", outrel, envir=style)
    print("Changed output format!")
    tkconfigure(change.but, text = "Output format confirmed")
  tt <- tktoplevel()
  tktitle(tt) <- "Inserting and transforming your data"
  label.read <- tklabel(tt,text="Read in your datafile")
  button.CSV <- tkbutton(tt, text = "Select CSV file", command = getCSV)
  button.TXT <- tkbutton(tt, text = "Select TXT file", command = getTXT)
  button.SPSS <- tkbutton(tt, text = "Select SPSS File", command = getSPSS)
  tkgrid(tklabel(tt, text="
  space1 <- tklabel(tt,text="
  label.data <- tklabel(tt,text="Do you want to transform your data from wide to long format? ")
  launchpopup.button <- tkbutton(tt, text = "Transform my data", command = launchDialog)
  space2 <- tklabel(tt,text=" ")
  ### Everything for the output format:
  l.output <- tklabel(tt,text="Which SRM labels do you prefer in the output? ")
  tkgrid( tklabel(tt,text=" "))
  tkgrid(l.output, columnspan=3)
  tkgrid(tklabel(tt,text=" "))
  o.fam <- tklabel(tt, text="Family effect?")
  o.actor <- tklabel(tt, text="Actor/Perceiver effect?")
  o.partner <- tklabel(tt, text="Partner/Target effect?")
  o.rel <- tklabel(tt, text="Relationship effect?")
  Entry9 <- tclVar("FE")
  Entry10 <- tclVar("A")
  Entry11 <- tclVar("P")
  Entry12 <- tclVar("R")
  o.famE <- tkentry(tt,width="15", textvariable=Entry9, background="white")
  o.actE <- tkentry(tt,width="15", textvariable=Entry10, background="white")
  o.parE <- tkentry(tt,width="15", textvariable=Entry11, background="white")
  o.relE <- tkentry(tt,width="15", textvariable=Entry12, background="white")
  tkgrid(o.fam, o.famE)
  tkgrid(o.actor, o.actE)
  tkgrid(o.partner, o.parE)
  tkgrid(o.rel, o.relE)
  tkgrid.configure(o.fam, o.actor, o.partner, o.rel, sticky="w")
  change.but <- tkbutton(tt, text = " Confirm output format ", command=Change)
  tkgrid.configure(label.read, label.data, l.output, sticky="w")
  tkgrid( tklabel(tt,text="
  tkgrid(tkbutton(tt, text = " OK ", command= function() {
    # this is the final OK - after that: return the data object
    tclSetValue("DV", as.character(style$SRMData$variable))
    tclSetValue("value", as.character(style$SRMData$value))
    tclSetValue("actor", as.character(style$SRMData$actor.id))
    tclSetValue("partner", as.character(style$SRMData$partner.id))
    tclSetValue("ind", as.character(style$SRMData$ind))
  tkgrid( tklabel(tt,text="
  # Print a warning about missing values ...
  font2 <- tkfont.create(family="times",size=8,slant="italic")
  heading13 <- tklabel(tt, text="Please deal with missing data in an appropriate way before using these functions.", font = font2)
  tkgrid.configure(heading13, sticky="e")

#' @export
#' @import tcltk
#' @import tcltk2
getImport <- function() {
  a <- tclGetValue("fam")
  family.id <- as.numeric(strsplit(a,"[ ]")[[1]])
  b <- tclGetValue("DV")
  variable <- strsplit(b,"[ ]")[[1]]
  c <- tclGetValue("value")
  value <- as.numeric(strsplit(c,"[ ]")[[1]])
  d <- tclGetValue("actor")
  actor.id <- strsplit(d,"[ ]")[[1]]
  e <- tclGetValue("partner")
  partner.id <- strsplit(e,"[ ]")[[1]]
  f <- tclGetValue("ind")
  ind <-  strsplit(f,"[ ]")[[1]]
  if  (tclGetValue("group") != "") {
    if (tclGetValue("ind") != ""){
        g <- tclGetValue("group")
        group <-  as.numeric(strsplit(g,"[ ]")[[1]])      
        var <- substr(variable, 1, 2)
        SRMData <- as.data.frame(cbind(family.id, variable, value, actor.id, partner.id, var, group))
        out <- split(SRMData, f = ind)
        df1 <- as.data.frame(out[1])
        df2 <- as.data.frame(out[2])
        colnames(df1) <- c("family.id","variable","value","actor.id","partner.id","var", "group")
        colnames(df2) <- c("family.id","variable","value","actor.id","partner.id","var", "group")
        x <- merge(df1,df2, by = c("family.id","var", "group", "actor.id", "partner.id"))
        SRMData <- cbind(as.character(x$family.id), as.character(x$var), as.character(x$group), as.numeric(as.character(x$value.x)), as.numeric(as.character(x$value.y)), as.character(x$actor.id), as.character(x$partner.id))
        colnames(SRMData) <- c("family.id","var", "group","value.1", "value.2","actor.id", "partner.id")
        SRMData <- as.data.frame(SRMData)
      } else {
        g <- tclGetValue("group")
        group <-  as.numeric(strsplit(g,"[ ]")[[1]])
        SRMData <- as.data.frame(cbind(family.id, group, variable, value, actor.id, partner.id))
    } else {
      if (tclGetValue("ind") != ""){
        var <- substr(variable, 1, 2)
        SRMData <- as.data.frame(cbind(family.id, variable, value, actor.id, partner.id, var))
        out <- split(SRMData, f = ind)
        df1 <- as.data.frame(out[1])
        df2 <- as.data.frame(out[2])
        colnames(df1) <- c("family.id","variable","value","actor.id","partner.id","var")
        colnames(df2) <- c("family.id","variable","value","actor.id","partner.id","var")
        x <- merge(df1,df2, by = c("family.id","var", "actor.id", "partner.id"))
        SRMData <- cbind(x$family.id, x$var, as.numeric(as.character(x$value.x)), as.numeric(as.character(x$value.y)), x$actor.id, x$partner.id)
        colnames(SRMData) <- c("family.id","var", "value.1", "value.2","actor.id", "partner.id")
        SRMData <- as.data.frame(SRMData)
      } else {
      SRMData <- as.data.frame(cbind(family.id, variable, value, actor.id, partner.id))

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fSRM documentation built on Jan. 27, 2021, 5:05 p.m.