# The main function that calls all other functions in fabisearch
#' Multiple change point detection in the network (or clustering) structure of multivariate high-dimensional time series
#' @description This function detects multiple change points in the network (or clustering) structure of multivariate high-dimensional time series using
#' non-negative matrix factorization and a binary search.
#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel stopImplicitCluster
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores
#' @param Y An input multivariate time series in matrix format, with variables organized in columns and time points in rows. All entries in Y must be positive.
#' @param mindist A positive integer with default value equal to 35. It is used to define the minimum distance acceptable between detected change points.
#' @param nruns A positive integer with default value equal to 50. It is used to define the number of runs in the NMF function.
#' @param nreps A positive integer with default value equal to 100. It is used to define the number of permutations for the statistical inference procedure.
#' @param alpha A positive real number with default value set to NULL. When alpha = NULL, then the p-value calculated for inference on the change
#' points is returned. If alpha = a positive integer value, say 0.05, then it is used to define the significance level for inference on the change points.
#' @param rank A positive integer, which defines the rank used in the optimization procedure to detect the change points. If rank = NULL, which is also the
#' default value, then the optimal rank is computed. If rank = a positive integer value, say 4, then a predetermined rank is used.
#' @param algtype A character string, which defines the algorithm to be used in the NMF function. By default it is set to "brunet". See the "Algorithms" section of
#' \code{\link[NMF]{nmf}} for more information on the available algorithms.
#' @param testtype A character string, which defines the type of statistical test to use during the inference procedure. By default it is set to "t-test". The
#' other options are "ks" and "wilcox" which correspond to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Wilcoxon tests, respectively.
#' @param ncore A positive integer with default value equal to 1. It is used to define the number of cores to use in the procedure
#' @return A list with the following components :\cr
#' \code{rank}: The rank used in the optimization procedure for change point detection.\cr
#' \code{change_points}: A table of the detected change points where column "T" is the time of the change point and "stat_test" is the result (either a boolean value if alpha = a positive real number, or the p-value if alpha = NULL) of the t-test.\cr
#' \code{compute_time}: The computational time, saved as a "difftime" object.\cr
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## Change point detection for a multivariate data set, sim2, using settings:
#' ## rank = 3, mindist = 99, nruns = 2, and nreps = 2
#' set.seed(123)
#' detect.cps(sim2, rank = 3, mindist = 99, nruns = 2, nreps = 2)
#' }
#' # $rank
#' # [1] 3
#' #
#' # $change_points
#' # T stat_test
#' # 1 101 0.3867274
#' #
#' # $compute_time
#' # Time difference of 0.741534 mins
#' @author Martin Ondrus, \email{}, Ivor Cribben, \email{}
#' @references "Factorized Binary Search: a novel technique for change point detection in multivariate high-dimensional time series networks", Ondrus et al.
#' (2021), <arXiv:2103.06347>.
detect.cps = function(Y, mindist = 35, nruns = 50, nreps = 100, alpha = NULL, rank = NULL, algtype = "brunet", testtype = "t-test", ncore = 1){
# Find T as the number of rows in the input matrix
T = nrow(Y)
# Initialize lower, upper, and define time series -> required for Recall function to work correctly
lower = 1
upper = T
x = 1:T
# Start timer for finding how long it took to compute
compute.T.start = Sys.time()
# Define the Y as a matrix, put rownames into the matrix
Y = as.matrix(Y)
rownames(Y) = x
# If rank has not been specified, then it must be found
if (is.null(rank)){
n.rank = opt.rank(Y, nruns, algtype)
} else {
n.rank = rank
print(paste("User defined rank:", n.rank))
# Define split.index and optimal.ranks, need to define outside of function so "Recall" works inside the function
split.index = c()
# Define the original splits
orig.splits = split_all(Y, split.index, lower, upper, x, mindist, nruns, n.rank, algtype)
# Check whether any of the change points found have a negative change in loss, otherwise do not run rest of procedures
if(any(orig.splits$chg.loss < 0)){
# Register parallel backend if relevant
if(ncore > 1){
# Define the refitted splits
refit.splits = refit_splits(orig.splits, Y, T, x, nreps, n.rank, algtype)
# Define the permutation distribution to compare with refitted splits
perm.distr = perm_distr(orig.splits, Y, T, x, nreps, n.rank, algtype)
# Determine which splits are significant
sign.splits = sign_splits(orig.splits, refit.splits, perm.distr, alpha, testtype)
} else {
# Initialize an empty dataframe
sign.splits = data.frame(T = double(), stat_test = logical())
# End timer
compute.T.end = Sys.time()
# Define the variables for the final output
cpt.time = difftime(compute.T.end, compute.T.start, units="mins")
# Close the parallel backend
# Save the final output as a list and return from the function
final.output = list(rank = n.rank, change_points = sign.splits, compute_time = cpt.time)
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