
Defines functions .process_collections .create_familiar_collection_runtime .collect_collection_info .create_familiar_data_runtime .create_familiar_ensemble_runtime .get_ensemble_structure_info .prepare_familiar_collections .prepare_familiar_data_sets run_evaluation

Documented in .prepare_familiar_data_sets

run_evaluation <- function(
    message_indent = 0L,
    verbose = TRUE) {
  # performs evaluation of the data
  if (settings$eval$do_parallel == "FALSE") cl <- NULL
  # Suppress verbosity if no data elements are extracted.
  if (length(settings$eval$evaluation_data_elements) == 0) verbose <- FALSE
  # Extract data from ensembles
  data_set_list <- .prepare_familiar_data_sets(
    cl = cl,
    only_pooling = settings$eval$pool_only,
    message_indent = message_indent,
    verbose = verbose)
  # Form collections (all individual ensembles with train and validation data
  # combined)
  collection_list <- .prepare_familiar_collections(data_set_list = data_set_list)
  # Create and save collections and export data. For temporary files we do not
  # export the plots and tables, as that does not make sense.
  if (!file_paths$is_temporary) {
      file_paths = file_paths,
      message_indent = message_indent,
      verbose = verbose)
  } else {
      file_paths = file_paths,
      message_indent = message_indent,
      verbose = verbose)

#' @title Prepare familiarData objects for evaluation at runtime.
#' @description Information concerning models, features and the experiment is
#'   processed and stored in familiarData objects. Information can be extracted
#'   from these objects as csv files, or by plotting, or multiple objects can be
#'   combined into familiarCollection objects, which allows aggregated exports.
#' @details This function generates the names of familiarData object files, and
#'   their corresponding generating ensemble, which allows the familiarData
#'   objects to be created.
#' @param cl Cluster for parallel processing.
#' @param only_pooling Flag that, if set, forces evaluation of only the
#'   top-level data, and not e.g. ensembles.
#' @param message_indent indent that messages should have.
#' @param verbose Sets verbosity
#' @return A data.table with created links to created data objects.
#' @keywords internal
#' @md
.prepare_familiar_data_sets <- function(
    cl = NULL,
    only_pooling = FALSE,
    message_indent = 0L,
    verbose = FALSE) {
  # Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
  fam_ensemble_exists <- fam_ensemble <- fam_data_exists <- fam_data <- NULL
  learner <- fs_method <- NULL
  data_dir_path <- model_dir_path <- NULL
  model_data_id <- model_run_id <- pool_data_id <- pool_run_id <- NULL
  ensemble_data_id <- ensemble_run_id <- is_ensemble <- is_validation <- NULL
  # Determine the models that should be generated.
  # Load project list, file_paths and settings if required.
  settings <- get_settings()
  file_paths <- get_file_paths()
  project_list <- get_project_list()
  # Get project_id
  project_id <- project_list$project_id
  # Check which data object is required for performing model building
  mb_data_id <- .get_process_step_data_identifier(
    project_info = project_list,
    process_step = "mb")
  # Get runs
  run_list <- .get_run_list(
    iteration_list = project_list$iter_list,
    data_id = mb_data_id)
  # Get list of data collection pools
  data_sets <- data.table::rbindlist(
      run_list = run_list,
      project_list = project_list,
      only_pooling = only_pooling),
    use.names = TRUE)

  # Identify combinations of feature selection methods and learners
  run_methods <- data.table::rbindlist(
    get_fs_learner_combinations(settings = settings),
    use.names = TRUE)
  # Perform a cartesian join of the data sets and the run methods.
  data_set_list <- run_methods[, as.list(data_sets), by = c("fs_method", "learner")]
  # Add model file names
  data_set_list[, "fam_model" := get_object_file_name(
    learner = learner,
    fs_method = fs_method,
    project_id = project_id,
    data_id = model_data_id,
    run_id = model_run_id,
    object_type = "familiarModel")]
  # Add paths to model directories
  data_set_list[, "model_dir_path" := get_object_dir_path(
    dir_path = file_paths$mb_dir,
    object_type = "familiarModel",
    learner = learner,
    fs_method = fs_method),
    by = c("learner", "fs_method")]
  # Add paths to data
  data_set_list[, "data_dir_path" := get_object_dir_path(
    dir_path = file_paths$fam_data_dir,
    object_type = "familiarData")]
  # Set paths to familiar ensembles
  data_set_list[, "fam_ensemble" := get_object_file_name(
    dir_path = model_dir_path,
    learner = learner,
    fs_method = fs_method,
    project_id = project_id,
    data_id = ensemble_data_id,
    run_id = ensemble_run_id,
    is_ensemble = TRUE,
    object_type = "familiarEnsemble"),
    by = c("model_dir_path", "fs_method", "learner", "ensemble_data_id", "ensemble_run_id")]
  # Add data file directory + names
  data_set_list[, "fam_data" := get_object_file_name(
    dir_path = data_dir_path,
    learner = learner,
    fs_method = fs_method,
    project_id = project_id,
    data_id = ensemble_data_id,
    run_id = ensemble_run_id,
    pool_data_id = pool_data_id,
    pool_run_id = pool_run_id,
    is_ensemble = is_ensemble,
    is_validation = is_validation,
    object_type = "familiarData")]
  # Remove model_dir_path and data_dir_path
  data_set_list[, ":="(
    "model_dir_path" = NULL,
    "data_dir_path" = NULL)]
  # Check which ensembles exist
  data_set_list[, "fam_ensemble_exists" := file.exists(fam_ensemble)]
  # Check which data objects already exist
  data_set_list[, "fam_data_exists" := file.exists(fam_data)]
  # Find any new ensembles that may have to be created
  new_ensemble_table <- data.table::copy(data_set_list[
    fam_ensemble_exists == FALSE,
    mget(c("ensemble_data_id", "ensemble_run_id", "learner", "fs_method", "fam_model", "fam_ensemble"))])
  # Determine if there any ensembles that need to be processed.
  if (!is_empty(new_ensemble_table)) {
    # Select unique entries.
    new_ensemble_table <- unique(new_ensemble_table)
      "\nEvaluation: Creating ensemble models from individual models.",
      indent = message_indent,
      verbose = verbose)
    # Create familiarEnsemble objects
      cl = cl,
      assign = NULL,
      X = split(new_ensemble_table, by = "fam_ensemble"),
      FUN = .create_familiar_ensemble_runtime,
      progress_bar = verbose,
      dir_path = file_paths$mb_dir)
  # Re-check which ensembles exist
  data_set_list[, "fam_ensemble_exists" := file.exists(fam_ensemble)]
  if (!all(data_set_list$fam_ensemble_exists)) {
      ".prepare_familiar_data_sets: not all familiarEnsemble objects were created.")

  # Find any new familiarData objects that may have to be created.
  new_data_table <- data.table::copy(data_set_list[
    fam_data_exists == FALSE, 
    mget(c("fam_ensemble", "fam_data", "data_perturb_level",
           "pool_data_id", "pool_run_id", "pool_perturb_level", "is_validation"))])
  if (!is_empty(new_data_table)) {
    # Select unique entries.
    new_data_table <- unique(new_data_table)
    # Add iteration_id and total number of iterations
    new_data_table[, ":="("iteration_id" = .I, "n_sets" = nrow(new_data_table))]
      "\nEvaluation: Processing data to create familiarData objects.",
      indent = message_indent,
      verbose = verbose)
    # Set outer vs. inner loop parallelisation.
    if (settings$eval$do_parallel %in% c("TRUE", "inner")) {
      cl_inner <- cl
      cl_outer <- NULL
    } else if (settings$eval$do_parallel %in% c("outer")) {
      cl_inner <- NULL
      cl_outer <- cl
          "Evaluation: Parallel processing is done in the outer loop. ",
          "No progress can be displayed."),
        indent = message_indent,
        verbose = verbose && !is.null(cl_outer))
    } else {
      cl_inner <- cl_outer <- NULL
    # Perform the necessary computations to create familiarData objects.
      cl = cl_outer,
      assign = "all",
      FUN = .create_familiar_data_runtime,
      pool_data_table = split(new_data_table, by = "fam_data"),
      progress_bar = !is.null(cl_outer) && verbose,
      MoreArgs = list(
        "cl" = cl_inner,
        "dir_path" = file_paths$fam_data_dir,
        "message_indent" = message_indent + 1L,
        "verbose" = verbose))
  # Re-check if all familiarData objects exist
  data_set_list[, "fam_data_exists" := file.exists(fam_data)]
  if (!all(data_set_list$fam_data_exists)) {
      ".prepare_familiar_data_sets: not all familiarData_objects were created.")


.prepare_familiar_collections <- function(data_set_list) {
  # Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
  descriptor <- NULL

  # Drop superfluous columns and select unique entries.
  data_set_list <- data.table::copy(data_set_list[, mget(c(
    "descriptor", "ensemble_data_id", "ensemble_run_id",
    "pool_data_id", "pool_run_id", "fam_data"))])
  data_set_list <- unique(data_set_list)
  # Ensemble-based collections
  ensemble_descriptors <- c(
  pool_descriptors <- c(
  # Split by type
  ensemble_collections <- split(
    data_set_list[descriptor %in% ensemble_descriptors],
    by = c("ensemble_data_id", "ensemble_run_id"))
  pool_collections <- list(data_set_list[descriptor %in% pool_descriptors])
  # Combine
  collections <- c(ensemble_collections, pool_collections)
  # Process to extract collection_name, familiar_data objects and familiar data
  # set names.
  collections <- lapply(collections, .collect_collection_info)

.get_ensemble_structure_info <- function(
    only_pooling = FALSE) {
  # Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
  perturb_level <- data_id <- run_id <- has_validation <- NULL
  pool_perturb_level <- data_perturb_level <- can_pre_process <- NULL
  # Create empty ensemble run list
  ensemble_run_list <- list()

  # Determine perturbation level for model building
  model_perturb_level <- tail(run_list[[1]]$run_table, n = 1L)$perturb_level

  # Iterate upwards to perturb_level 1
  for (curr_perturb_level in rev(seq_len(model_perturb_level))) {

    # Generate a run table index
    ensemble_run_list <- append(
        function(ii, run_list, curr_perturb_level) {
          # Extract the table row corresponding to the current perturbation
          # level for each entry in the run list
          dt <- run_list[[ii]]$run_table[perturb_level >= curr_perturb_level]
          # Extract whether the current table row has validation data
          dt[, "has_validation" := !is.null(project_list$iter_list[[as.character(data_id)]]$run[[as.character(run_id)]]$valid_samples),
             by = c("data_id", "run_id")]
          # Get model data
          dt_model <- tail(run_list[[ii]]$run_table, n = 1L)
          # Extract the data_id and run_id of each entry
          dt[, ":="(
            "model_data_id" = dt_model$data_id[1],
            "model_run_id" = dt_model$run_id[1])]
          # Get pooling data
          dt_pool <- run_list[[ii]]$run_table[perturb_level == curr_perturb_level]
          # Add a pool_data_id and pool_run_id entry, which determines at which
          # level data is pooled
          dt[, ":="(
            "pool_data_id" = dt_pool$data_id[1],
            "pool_run_id" = dt_pool$run_id[1],
            "pool_perturb_level" = curr_perturb_level)]
            old = c("data_id", "run_id", "perturb_level"),
            new = c("ensemble_data_id", "ensemble_run_id", "data_perturb_level"))
        curr_perturb_level = curr_perturb_level,
        run_list = run_list))
  # Combine different ensembles
  ensemble_table <- data.table::rbindlist(ensemble_run_list)
  # Select the perturbation levels which have associated validation data, if
  # any. Only itmes that can process are considered. This excludes bootstraps.
  perturbation_levels <- head(sort(unique(ensemble_table[
    has_validation == TRUE & can_pre_process == TRUE]$data_perturb_level)), n = 2L)
  # Create the resulting data sets.
  if (length(perturbation_levels) == 0) {
    # Development pool
    internal_development_pool <- ensemble_table[
      pool_perturb_level == 1 & can_pre_process == TRUE]
    internal_development_pool[, ":="(
      "descriptor" = "internal_development_pool",
      "is_ensemble" = data_perturb_level == pool_perturb_level,
      "is_validation" = FALSE)]
    data_sets <- list(internal_development_pool)
  } else {
    # Internal development ensemble
    internal_development_ensemble <- ensemble_table[
      data_perturb_level == tail(perturbation_levels, n = 1L) & pool_perturb_level != 1L]
    internal_development_ensemble[, ":="(
      "descriptor" = "internal_development_ensemble",
      "is_ensemble" = data_perturb_level == pool_perturb_level,
      "is_validation" = FALSE)]
    # Internal validation ensemble -- check if internal validation exists
    if (!is_empty(ensemble_table[
      data_perturb_level == tail(perturbation_levels, n = 1L) &
      data_perturb_level != 1L &
      has_validation == TRUE &
      pool_perturb_level != 1L])) {
      internal_validation_ensemble <- data.table::copy(internal_development_ensemble)
      # Update descriptors
      internal_validation_ensemble[, ":="(
        "descriptor" = "internal_validation_ensemble",
        "is_validation" = TRUE)]
    } else {
      internal_validation_ensemble <- head(internal_development_ensemble, n = 0L)

    # External validation ensemble -- check if external validation data exists
    if (!is_empty(ensemble_table[
      data_perturb_level == 1L &
      has_validation == TRUE &
      pool_perturb_level == 1L])) {
      external_validation_ensemble <- data.table::copy(internal_development_ensemble)
      # Update descriptors
      external_validation_ensemble[, ":="(
        "descriptor" = "external_validation_ensemble",
        "data_perturb_level" = 1L,
        "pool_data_id" = 1L,
        "pool_run_id" = 1L,
        "pool_perturb_level" = 1L,
        "is_ensemble" = TRUE,
        "is_validation" = TRUE)]
    } else {
      external_validation_ensemble <- head(internal_development_ensemble, n = 0L)

    # Development pool
    internal_development_pool <- ensemble_table[
      data_perturb_level == tail(perturbation_levels, n = 1L) & pool_perturb_level == 1L]
    internal_development_pool[, ":="(
      "descriptor" = "internal_development_pool",
      "ensemble_data_id" = 1L,
      "ensemble_run_id" = 1,
      "is_ensemble" = data_perturb_level == pool_perturb_level,
      "is_validation" = FALSE)]
    # Internal validation pool
    internal_validation_pool <- ensemble_table[
      data_perturb_level == tail(perturbation_levels, n = 1L) &
        data_perturb_level != 1L &
        has_validation == TRUE &
        pool_perturb_level == 1L]
    internal_validation_pool[, ":="(
      "descriptor" = "internal_validation_pool",
      "ensemble_data_id" = 1L,
      "ensemble_run_id" = 1,
      "is_ensemble" = data_perturb_level == pool_perturb_level,
      "is_validation" = TRUE)]

    # External validation pool
    external_validation_pool <- ensemble_table[
      data_perturb_level == 1L & has_validation == TRUE & pool_perturb_level == 1L]
    external_validation_pool[, ":="(
      "descriptor" = "external_validation_pool",
      "is_ensemble" = data_perturb_level == pool_perturb_level,
      "is_validation" = TRUE)]
    if (only_pooling) {
      # List of datasets that operate on the top level (pooling level).
      data_sets <- c(
    } else {
      # List of datasets
      data_sets <- c(
        split(internal_development_ensemble, by = "ensemble_run_id"),
        split(internal_validation_ensemble, by = "ensemble_run_id"),
        split(external_validation_ensemble, by = "ensemble_run_id"),


.create_familiar_ensemble_runtime <- function(ensemble_table, dir_path) {
  # Creates a familiarEnsemble and extracts the corresponding data
  # Note that data for development and validation data is extracted separately.
  # This function is called during the validation step.

  # Generate a skeleton familiarEnsemble
  fam_ensemble <- methods::new(
    model_list = as.list(ensemble_table$fam_model),
    learner = ensemble_table$learner[1],
    fs_method = ensemble_table$fs_method[1])
  # Add package version.
  fam_ensemble <- add_package_version(object = fam_ensemble)
  # Load models and prevent auto-detaching.
  fam_ensemble <- load_models(
    object = fam_ensemble,
    dir_path = dir_path,
    suppress_auto_detach = TRUE)

  # Create a run table
  fam_ensemble@run_table <- list(
    "run_table" = lapply(
      function(fam_model) fam_model@run_table),
    "ensemble_data_id" = ensemble_table$ensemble_data_id[1],
    "ensemble_run_id" = ensemble_table$ensemble_run_id[1])
  # Complete the ensemble using information provided by the model
  fam_ensemble <- complete_familiar_ensemble(object = fam_ensemble)
  # Detach models
  fam_ensemble <- detach_models(object = fam_ensemble)
  save(list = fam_ensemble, file = dir_path)

.create_familiar_data_runtime <- function(
    cl = NULL,
    message_indent = 0L,
    verbose = TRUE) {
  # Creates a familiarData object.
      "\nEvaluation: Processing dataset ", pool_data_table$iteration_id,
      " of ", pool_data_table$n_sets, "."),
    indent = message_indent,
    verbose = verbose)
  # Load the familiarEnsemble
  fam_ensemble <- load_familiar_object(pool_data_table$fam_ensemble)
  # Define a dataObject with delayed reading. This enables the proper selection
  # of development and training data for each familiarModel used in the
  # ensemble.
  data_obj <- methods::new(
    data = NULL,
    preprocessing_level = "none",
    outcome_type = fam_ensemble@outcome_type,
    delay_loading = TRUE,
    perturb_level = pool_data_table$data_perturb_level[1],
    load_validation = pool_data_table$is_validation,
    aggregate_on_load = FALSE)
  # Retrieve settings from the backend
  settings <- get_settings()
  # Create a familiarData object
  fam_data <- extract_data(
    object = fam_ensemble,
    data = data_obj,
    cl = cl,
    data_element = settings$eval$evaluation_data_elements,
    time_max = settings$eval$time_max,
    evaluation_times = settings$eval$eval_times,
    sample_limit = settings$eval$sample_limit,
    detail_level = settings$eval$detail_level,
    estimation_type = settings$eval$estimation_type,
    aggregate_results = settings$eval$aggregate_results,
    aggregation_method = settings$eval$aggregation,
    rank_threshold = settings$eval$aggr_rank_threshold,
    ensemble_method = settings$eval$ensemble_method,
    stratification_method = settings$eval$strat_method,
    metric = settings$eval$metric,
    feature_cluster_method = settings$eval$feature_cluster_method,
    feature_cluster_cut_method = settings$eval$feature_cluster_cut_method,
    feature_linkage_method = settings$eval$feature_linkage_method,
    feature_similarity_metric = settings$eval$feature_similarity_metric,
    feature_similarity_threshold = settings$eval$feature_similarity_threshold,
    sample_cluster_method = settings$eval$sample_cluster_method,
    sample_linkage_method = settings$eval$sample_linkage_method,
    sample_similarity_metric = settings$eval$sample_similarity_metric,
    confidence_level = settings$eval$confidence_level,
    bootstrap_ci_method = settings$eval$bootstrap_ci_method,
    dynamic_model_loading = settings$eval$auto_detach,
    icc_type = settings$eval$icc_type,
    message_indent = message_indent + 1L,
    verbose = verbose)
  # Update the pooling table
  fam_data@pooling_table <- fam_data@pooling_table[, ":="(
    "pool_data_id" = pool_data_table$pool_data_id,
    "pool_run_id" = pool_data_table$pool_run_id,
    "pool_perturb_level" = pool_data_table$pool_perturb_level)]
  # Set a placeholder name for the familiarData object
  fam_data <- set_object_name(x = fam_data)
  # Save the familiarData object
  save(list = fam_data, file = dir_path)
      "Evaluation: familiarData object ", get_object_name(object = fam_data), " was created."),
    indent = message_indent,
    verbose = verbose)

.collect_collection_info <- function(data_set) {
  # Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
  descriptor <- NULL
  # Determine whether any internal and external validation is present.
  has_internal_validation <- any(data_set$descriptor %in% c(
    "internal_validation_ensemble", "internal_validation_pool"))
  has_external_validation <- any(data_set$descriptor %in% c(
    "external_validation_ensemble", "external_validation_pool"))
  # Set development name
  data_set[descriptor %in% c("internal_development_ensemble", "internal_development_pool"),
           "fam_data_name" := "development"]
  # Set internal validation name
  if (has_internal_validation && !has_external_validation) {
    data_set[descriptor %in% c("internal_validation_ensemble", "internal_validation_pool"),
             "fam_data_name" := "validation"]
  } else if (has_internal_validation && has_external_validation) {
    data_set[descriptor %in% c("internal_validation_ensemble", "internal_validation_pool"),
             "fam_data_name" := "int. validation"]
  # External validation name
  if (!has_internal_validation && has_external_validation) {
    data_set[descriptor %in% c("external_validation_ensemble", "external_validation_pool"),
             "fam_data_name" := "validation"]
  } else if (has_internal_validation && has_external_validation) {
    data_set[descriptor %in% c("external_validation_ensemble", "external_validation_pool"),
             "fam_data_name" := "ext. validation"]
  # Determine whether the collection represents a pool or an ensemble.
  is_pool <- any(data_set$descriptor == "internal_development_pool")
  # Set the collection name.
  if (is_pool) {
    collection_name <- "pooled_data"
  } else {
    collection_name <- paste0("ensemble_data_", data_set$ensemble_run_id[1])
  # Return collection info that is required to form a collection.
    "collection_name" = collection_name,
    "fam_data" = as.list(data_set$fam_data),
    "fam_data_names" = droplevels(factor(
      x = data_set$fam_data_name,
      levels = c("development", "int. validation", "ext. validation", "validation")))))

.create_familiar_collection_runtime <- function(
    message_indent = 0L,
    verbose = TRUE) {
  # Create the expected file path to the familiarCollection object.
  fam_collection_file <- file.path(
    paste0(collection_info$collection_name, ".RDS"))
  # Check if the familiarCollection already exists.
  if (!file.exists(fam_collection_file)) {
      paste0("\nEvaluation: Creating collection ", collection_info$collection_name),
      indent = message_indent,
      verbose = verbose)
    # Create a collection using the available input data
    fam_collection <- suppressWarnings(
        object = collection_info$fam_data,
        familiar_data_names = collection_info$fam_data_names,
        collection_name = collection_info$collection_name))
    # Save to drive.
      list = fam_collection,
      file = file_paths$fam_coll_dir)
  } else {
    # Read from drive.
    fam_collection <- load_familiar_object(fam_collection_file)

.process_collections <- function(
    message_indent = 0L,
    verbose = TRUE) {

  # Create or load familiarCollection object.
  fam_collection <- .create_familiar_collection_runtime(
    collection_info = collection_info,
    file_paths = file_paths,
    message_indent = message_indent,
    verbose = verbose)
    paste0("\nEvaluation: Exporting data from collection ", collection_info$collection_name),
    indent = message_indent,
    verbose = verbose)
  # Export to csv
    object = fam_collection,
    dir_path = file_paths$results_dir)
  # Export to plot
    object = fam_collection,
    dir_path = file_paths$results_dir)

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familiar documentation built on Sept. 30, 2024, 9:18 a.m.