#' @include FamiliarS4Generics.R
#' @include FamiliarS4Classes.R
#' @include Transformation.R
# update_object (generic) ------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Update familiar S4 objects to the most recent version.
#' @description Provides backward compatibility for familiar objects exported to
#' a file. This mitigates compatibility issues when working with files that
#' become outdated as new versions of familiar are released, e.g. because
#' slots have been removed.
#' @param object A `familiarModel`, a `familiarEnsemble`, a `familiarData` or
#' `familiarCollection` object.
#' @param ... Unused arguments.
#' @return An up-to-date version of the respective S4 object.
#' @exportMethod update_object
#' @md
#' @rdname update_object-methods
setGeneric("update_object", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("update_object"))
## update_object (familiarModel) -----------------------------------------------
#' @rdname update_object-methods
signature(object = "familiarModel"),
function(object, ...) {
if (tail(object@familiar_version, n = 1L) < "") {
# Rename req_feature_cols to required_features
attr(object, "required_features") <- attr(object, "req_feature_cols")
attr(object, "req_feature_cols") <- NULL
# Rename important_features to model_features
attr(object, "model_features") <- attr(object, "important_features")
attr(object, "important_features") <- NULL
# Introduce missing novelty_features slot by copying model_features.
attr(object, "novelty_features") <- attr(object, "model_features")
# Remove signature altogether.
attr(object, "signature") <- NULL
# Check that the model has been successfully trained. Since version
#, features from models that have not been trained will not be
# retained for further evaluation.
if (!model_is_trained(object)) {
object@required_features <- NULL
object@model_features <- NULL
object@novelty_features <- NULL
# Add name attribute.
attr(object, "name") <- NA_character_
if (tail(object@familiar_version, n = 1L) < "") {
# Add missing attributes.
attr(object, "trimmed_function") <- list()
attr(object, "learner_package") <- character(0L)
attr(object, "learner_version") <- as.package_version("0.0.0")
# Rename is_anonymised.
attr(object, "is_trimmed") <- attr(object, "is_anonymised")
attr(object, "is_anonymised") <- NULL
if (tail(object@familiar_version, n = 1L) < "1.0.0") {
# Rename learner_package to package
attr(object, "package") <- attr(object, "learner_package")
if ( {
methods::slot(object, "package", check = FALSE) <- NULL
# Rename learner_version to package_version
attr(object, "package_version") <- attr(object, "learner_version")
if (object@learner_version == as.package_version("0.0.0")) {
methods::slot(object, "package_version", check = FALSE) <- NULL
# Remove learner_package and learner_version attributes.
attr(object, "learner_package") <- NULL
attr(object, "learner_version") <- NULL
# Replace any novelty detector, since these are now proper classes.
methods::slot(object, "novelty_detector", check = FALSE) <- NULL
if (tail(object@familiar_version, n = 1L) < "1.1.0") {
# Add placeholder messages attribute.
attr(object, "messages") <- list()
# Update attached feature info objects.
feature_names <- names(object@feature_info)
if (length(feature_names) > 0) {
object@feature_info <- lapply(
names(object@feature_info) <- feature_names
# Update attached novelty detector
if (!is.null(object@novelty_detector)) {
object@novelty_detector <- update_object(object@novelty_detector)
if (tail(object@familiar_version, n = 1L) < "1.3.0" &&
is(object, "familiarGLM")) {
# Add feature_order slot to familiarGLM objects.
attr(object, "feature_order") <- character()
if (tail(object@familiar_version, n = 1L) < "1.4.0") {
# Add a robust slot to familiarMetricRegression objects.
for (ii in seq_along(object@hyperparameter_data$metric_object)) {
if (is(object@hyperparameter_data$metric_object[[ii]], "familiarMetricRegression")) {
attr(object@hyperparameter_data$metric_object[[ii]], "robust") <- "none"
if (!methods::validObject(object)) {
stop("Could not update the familiarModel object to the most recent definition.")
# Update package version.
object <- add_package_version(object = object)
## update_object (familiarEnsemble) --------------------------------------------
#' @rdname update_object-methods
signature(object = "familiarEnsemble"),
function(object, ...) {
if (tail(object@familiar_version, n = 1L) < "") {
# Rename req_feature_cols to required_features
attr(object, "required_features") <- attr(object, "req_feature_cols")
attr(object, "req_feature_cols") <- NULL
# Rename important_features to model_features
attr(object, "model_features") <- attr(object, "important_features")
attr(object, "important_features") <- NULL
# Introduce missing novelty_features slot by copying
# model_features.
attr(object, "novelty_features") <- attr(object, "model_features")
# Set default model_dir_path, auto_detach and name attributes.
attr(object, "model_dir_path") <- NA_character_
attr(object, "auto_detach") <- FALSE
attr(object, "name") <- NA_character_
if (tail(object@familiar_version, n = 1L) < "") {
# Remove is_anonymised.
attr(object, "is_anonymised") <- NULL
# Update attached feature info objects.
feature_names <- names(object@feature_info)
object@feature_info <- lapply(
names(object@feature_info) <- feature_names
if (!methods::validObject(object)) {
stop("Could not update the familiarEnsemble object to the most recent definition.")
# Update package version.
object <- add_package_version(object = object)
## update_object (familiarData) ------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname update_object-methods
"update_object", signature(object = "familiarData"),
function(object, ...) {
if (tail(object@familiar_version, n = 1L) < "") {
# Rename req_feature_cols to required_features
attr(object, "required_features") <- attr(object, "req_feature_cols")
attr(object, "req_feature_cols") <- NULL
# Rename important_features to model_features
attr(object, "model_features") <- attr(object, "important_features")
attr(object, "important_features") <- NULL
# Rename mutual_correlation to feature_similarity
attr(object, "feature_similarity") <- attr(object, "mutual_correlation")
attr(object, "mutual_correlation") <- NULL
# Add sample_similarity.
attr(object, "sample_similarity") <- attr(list(), "non_existing_element")
if (tail(object@familiar_version, n = 1L) < "") {
# Remove is_anonymised.
attr(object, "is_anonymised") <- NULL
if (tail(object@familiar_version, n = 1L) < "1.2.0") {
# Update variable importance lists.
# Update fs_vimp slot by iterating over its contents.
object@fs_vimp <- lapply(
function(x, project_id, fs_method) {
# Check if the current element is empty.
if (is_empty(x)) return(x)
# Iterate over variable importance.
x@data <- lapply(
split(x@data, by = c("data_id", "run_id")),
function(x, fs_method, project_id) {
x = list("vimp" = x, "fs_method" = fs_method),
project_id = project_id)
fs_method = fs_method,
project_id = project_id
fs_method = object@fs_method,
project_id = object@project_id)
# Update model_vimp slot by iterating over its contents.
object@model_vimp <- lapply(
function(x, project_id, learner) {
# Check if the current element is empty.
if (is_empty(x)) return(x)
# Iterate over variable importance.
x@data <- lapply(
split(x@data, by = c("data_id", "run_id")),
function(x, learner, project_id) {
x = list("vimp" = x, "fs_method" = learner),
project_id = project_id)
learner = learner,
project_id = project_id
learner = object@learner,
project_id = object@project_id)
# Update feature_expressions slot by iterating over its contents.
object@feature_expressions <- lapply(
function(x) {
x@feature_info <- update_object(x@feature_info)
if (tail(object@familiar_version, n = 1L) < "1.5.0") {
# Update feature_expressions slot by iterating over its contents. This is
# to account for changes in transformation objects, introduced with 1.5.0.
object@feature_expressions <- lapply(
function(x) {
x@feature_info <- update_object(x@feature_info)
if (!methods::validObject(object)) {
stop("Could not update the familiarData object to the most recent definition.")
# Update package version.
object <- add_package_version(object = object)
## update_object (familiarCollection) ------------------------------------------
#' @rdname update_object-methods
"update_object", signature(object = "familiarCollection"),
function(object, ...) {
if (tail(object@familiar_version, n = 1L) < "") {
# Rename req_feature_cols to required_features
attr(object, "required_features") <- attr(object, "req_feature_cols")
attr(object, "req_feature_cols") <- NULL
# Rename important_features to model_features
attr(object, "model_features") <- attr(object, "important_features")
attr(object, "important_features") <- NULL
# Rename collection_name to name
attr(object, "name") <- attr(object, "collection_name")
attr(object, "collection_name") <- NULL
# Rename mutual_correlation to feature_similarity
attr(object, "feature_similarity") <- attr(object, "mutual_correlation")
attr(object, "mutual_correlation") <- NULL
# Add sample_similarity.
attr(object, "sample_similarity") <- attr(list(), "non_existing_element")
if (tail(object@familiar_version, n = 1L) < "") {
# Remove is_anonymised.
attr(object, "is_anonymised") <- NULL
if (tail(object@familiar_version, n = 1L) < "1.2.0") {
# Update fs_vimp slot by iterating over its contents.
object@fs_vimp <- lapply(
function(x, project_id) {
# Check if the current element is empty.
if (is_empty(x)) return(x)
# Iterate over variable importance.
x@data <- lapply(
split(x@data, by = c("data_id", "run_id")),
function(x, fs_method, project_id) {
x = list("vimp" = x, "fs_method" = fs_method),
project_id = project_id)
fs_method = x@identifiers$fs_method,
project_id = project_id)
project_id = object@project_id)
# Update model_vimp slot by iterating over its contents.
object@model_vimp <- lapply(
function(x, project_id) {
# Check if the current element is empty.
if (is_empty(x)) return(x)
# Iterate over variable importance.
x@data <- lapply(
split(x@data, by = c("data_id", "run_id")),
function(x, fs_method, project_id) {
x = list("vimp" = x, "fs_method" = fs_method),
project_id = project_id)
fs_method = x@identifiers$learner,
project_id = project_id)
project_id = object@project_id)
# Update feature_expressions slot by iterating over its contents.
object@feature_expressions <- lapply(
function(x) {
x@feature_info <- update_object(x@feature_info)
if (tail(object@familiar_version, n = 1L) < "1.5.0") {
# Update feature_expressions slot by iterating over its contents. This is
# to account for changes in transformation objects, introduced with 1.5.0.
object@feature_expressions <- lapply(
function(x) {
x@feature_info <- update_object(x@feature_info)
if (!methods::validObject(object)) {
stop("Could not update the familiarCollection object to the most recent definition.")
# Update package version.
object <- add_package_version(object = object)
## update_object (vimpTable) ---------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname update_object-methods
signature(object = "vimpTable"),
function(object, ...) {
# Update package version.
object <- add_package_version(object = object)
## update_object (familiarNoveltyDetector) -------------------------------------
#' @rdname update_object-methods
signature(object = "familiarNoveltyDetector"),
function(object, ...) {
# Update attached feature info objects.
feature_names <- names(object@feature_info)
if (length(feature_names) > 0) {
object@feature_info <- lapply(object@feature_info, update_object)
names(object@feature_info) <- feature_names
if (!methods::validObject(object)) {
stop("Could not update the familiarNoveltyDetector object to the most recent definition.")
# Update package version.
object <- add_package_version(object = object)
## update_object (featureInfo) -------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname update_object-methods
"update_object", signature(object = "featureInfo"),
function(object, ...) {
# Add a placeholder familiar version slot if necessary.
if (!methods::.hasSlot(object, "familiar_version")) {
attr(object, "familiar_version") <- as.package_version("0.0.0")
if (tail(object@familiar_version, n = 1L) < "1.2.0") {
# Prior to version 1.2.0, information used to process features was stored
# in ad-hoc lists. Since version 1.2.0 these have been replaced by S4
# objects, which allows for much cleaner testing and updating.
# Check if the object is generic/unset or was filled.
is_unset <- is.null(object@transformation_parameters) &&
is.null(object@normalisation_parameters) &&
is.null(object@batch_normalisation_parameters) &&
is.null(object@imputation_parameters) &&
# Only set attributes if a proper
if (!is_unset) {
### Transformation -----------------------------------------------------
# Upgrade transformation parameters to a proper S4 object.
if (!is.null(object@transformation_parameters)) {
object@transformation_parameters <- ..create_transformation_parameter_skeleton(
feature_name = object@name,
feature_type = object@feature_type,
available = is_available(object),
method = object@transformation_parameters$transform_method,
lambda = object@transformation_parameters$transform_lambda)
} else {
object@transformation_parameters <- ..create_transformation_parameter_skeleton(
feature_name = object@name,
feature_type = object@feature_type,
available = is_available(object),
method = "none")
# Revise familiar version, because these now correspond basically to
# version 1.4.8 and earlier. Version 1.5.0 introduces transformers from
# power.transform.
] <- package_version("1.4.8")
### Normalisation ------------------------------------------------------
# Upgrade normalisation parameters to a proper S4 object.
if (!is.null(object@normalisation_parameters)) {
object@normalisation_parameters <- ..create_normalisation_parameter_skeleton(
feature_name = object@name,
feature_type = object@feature_type,
available = is_available(object),
method = object@normalisation_parameters$norm_method,
shift = object@normalisation_parameters$norm_shift,
scale = object@normalisation_parameters$norm_scale)
} else {
object@normalisation_parameters <- ..create_normalisation_parameter_skeleton(
feature_name = object@name,
feature_type = object@feature_type,
available = is_available(object),
method = "none")
### Batch normalisation ------------------------------------------------
# Upgrade batch normalisation parameters to a proper S4 object.
if (!is.null(object@batch_normalisation_parameters)) {
# Determine the method used for batch normalisation.
batch_normalisation_method <- unique(sapply(
function(x) (x$norm_method)))
batch_normalisation_method <- setdiff(
batch_normalisation_method, c("none", "unknown"))
if (is_empty(batch_normalisation_method)) {
batch_normalisation_method <- "none"
} else {
batch_normalisation_method <- "none"
# Add container.
batch_normalisation_parameters <- ..create_batch_normalisation_parameter_skeleton(
feature_name = object@name,
feature_type = object@feature_type,
available = is_available(object),
method = batch_normalisation_method)
# Update the container contents.
batch_normalisation_parameters@batch_parameters <- mapply(
function(x, batch, object) {
feature_name = object@name,
feature_type = object@feature_type,
available = is_available(object),
method = x$norm_method,
batch = batch,
shift = x$norm_shift,
scale = x$norm_scale))
x = object@batch_normalisation_parameters,
batch = names(object@batch_normalisation_parameters),
MoreArgs = list("object" = object))
# Update names.
names(batch_normalisation_parameters@batch_parameters) <- names(object@batch_normalisation_parameters)
# Update batch normalisations parameters in the object.
object@batch_normalisation_parameters <- batch_normalisation_parameters
# Mark complete
object@batch_normalisation_parameters@complete <- TRUE
### Imputation ---------------------------------------------------------
# Update imputation parameters to a proper S4 object.
imputation_method <- ifelse(
# Create an S4 skeleton.
imputation_object <- ..create_imputation_parameter_skeleton(
feature_name = object@name,
feature_type = object@feature_type,
available = is_available(object),
method = imputation_method)
# Attach to imputation object.
if (!is.null(object@imputation_parameters)) {
imputation_object@model <- object@imputation_parameters$common_value
# Set required features.
imputation_object@required_features <- object@name
# Mark complete
imputation_object@complete <- TRUE
# Attach to object.
object@imputation_parameters <- imputation_object
### Clustering ---------------------------------------------------------
if (!is.null(object@cluster_parameters)) {
# Set parameters -- we can't really infer cluster linkage or the
# similarity metric from available information, and set placeholders
# that will allow the cluster parameter object to be formed.
# Create temporary feature info object to avoid an incorrect check.
temp_feature_object <- object
temp_feature_object@cluster_parameters <- NULL
cluster_parameter_options <- list(
"feature_info" = temp_feature_object,
"method" = "hclust",
"cluster_cut_method" = "fixed_cut",
"cluster_representation_method" = object@cluster_parameters$method,
"cluster_linkage" = "average",
"cluster_similarity_metric" = "mcfadden_r2",
"cluster_similarity_threshold" = 0.3)
# Form parameter object.
cluster_parameter_object <-
args = cluster_parameter_options)
# Extract cluster parameters.
cluster_parameter_object <- cluster_parameter_object@cluster_parameters
# Set parameters.
cluster_parameter_object@weight <- object@cluster_parameters$weight
cluster_parameter_object@invert <- object@cluster_parameters$invert
cluster_parameter_object@cluster_name <- ifelse(
object@cluster_parameters$cluster_size > 1,
cluster_parameter_object@cluster_size <- object@cluster_parameters$cluster_size
cluster_parameter_object@required_features <- object@cluster_parameters$required_features
# Previously, features that form the cluster were not stored as
# information. To prevent issues with functions that generate a
# cluster table, set the required features instead.
cluster_parameter_object@cluster_features <- unique(c(
# Mark complete.
cluster_parameter_object@complete <- TRUE
# Replace in the feature info object.
object@cluster_parameters <- cluster_parameter_object
} else {
# Assume singular cluster.
cluster_parameter_options <- list(
"feature_info" = object,
"method" = "none")
# Form parameter object.
cluster_parameter_object <-
args = cluster_parameter_options)
# Extract cluster parameters.
cluster_parameter_object <- cluster_parameter_object@cluster_parameters
# Set parameters.
cluster_parameter_object@weight <- 1.0
cluster_parameter_object@invert <- FALSE
cluster_parameter_object@cluster_name <- object@name
cluster_parameter_object@cluster_size <- 1L
cluster_parameter_object@required_features <- object@name
cluster_parameter_object@cluster_features <- object@name
# Mark complete.
cluster_parameter_object@complete <- TRUE
# Replace in the feature info object.
object@cluster_parameters <- cluster_parameter_object
# Update objects separately.
object@transformation_parameters <- update_object(object = object@transformation_parameters)
object@normalisation_parameters <- update_object(object = object@normalisation_parameters)
object@batch_normalisation_parameters <- update_object(object = object@batch_normalisation_parameters)
object@imputation_parameters <- update_object(object = object@imputation_parameters)
object@cluster_parameters <- update_object(object = object@cluster_parameters)
if (!methods::validObject(object)) {
stop("Could not update the featureInfo object to the most recent definition.")
# Update package version.
object <- add_package_version(object = object)
## update_object (featureInfoParametersTransformationPowerTransform) -----------
#' @rdname update_object-methods
signature(object = "featureInfoParametersTransformationPowerTransform"),
function(object, ...) {
if (tail(object@familiar_version, n = 1L) < "1.5.0") {
# Transformation objects are now implemented using power.transform.
if (is(object, "featureInfoParametersTransformationNone")) {
transformer <- power.transform::create_transformer_skeleton(method = "none")
object <- methods::new(
name = object@name,
familiar_version = object@familiar_version
} else if (is(object, "featureInfoParametersTransformationBoxCox")) {
transformer <- power.transform::create_transformer_skeleton(
method = "box_cox",
lambda = object@lambda
object <- methods::new(
name = object@name,
familiar_version = object@familiar_version
} else if (is(object, "featureInfoParametersTransformationYeoJohnson")) {
transformer <- power.transform::create_transformer_skeleton(
method = "yeo_johnson",
lambda = object@lambda
object <- methods::new(
name = object@name,
familiar_version = object@familiar_version
} else {
# Without explicit class (original object pre v1.2.0).
transformer <- power.transform::create_transformer_skeleton(
method = object@fitting_parameters$method,
lambda = object@fitting_parameters$lambda
object@complete <- TRUE
object@transformer <- transformer
object@method <- power.transform::get_transformation_method(transformer)
if (!methods::validObject(object)) {
"Could not update the featureInfoParametersTransformationPowerTransform ",
"object to the most recent definition."))
# Update package version.
object <- add_package_version(object = object)
## update_object (experimentData) ----------------------------------------------
#' @rdname update_object-methods
signature(object = "experimentData"),
function(object, ...) {
# Update feature info objects.
if (!is.null(object@feature_info)) {
for (feature_info_set in names(object@feature_info)) {
object@feature_info[[feature_info_set]] <- lapply(
# Update vimp tables.
if (!is.null(object@vimp_table_list)) {
for (vimp_method in names(object@vimp_table_list)) {
object@vimp_table_list[[vimp_method]] <- lapply(
if (!methods::validObject(object)) {
stop("Could not update the experimentData object to the most recent definition.")
# Update package version.
object <- add_package_version(object = object)
## update_object (list) ------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname update_object-methods
signature(object = "list"),
function(object, ...) {
# Pass to underlying methods.
object <- lapply(
## update_object (ANY) ------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname update_object-methods
signature(object = "ANY"),
function(object, ...) {
# Fallback method for missing or unknown items.
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