#' @include FamiliarS4Generics.R
#' @include FamiliarS4Classes.R
# show (vimpTable) -------------------------------------------------------------
signature(object = "vimpTable"),
function(object) {
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
score <- NULL
# Make sure the object is updated.
object <- update_object(object = object)
# Create an initial descriptor.
if (is_empty(object)) {
"An empty variable importance table for the ", object@vimp_method,
" variable importance method ",
"(", .familiar_version_string(object), ")."))
} else {
"A variable importance table for the ", object@vimp_method,
" variable importance method ",
"(", .familiar_version_string(object), "):\n\n"))
if (object@invert) {
} else {
#' @title Extract variable importance table.
#' @description This method retrieves and parses variable importance tables from
#' their respective `vimpTable` objects.
#' @param x Variable importance (`vimpTable`) object, a list thereof, or one or
#' more paths to these objects. This method extracts the variable importance
#' table from such objects.
#' @param state State of the returned variable importance table. This affects
#' what contents are shown, and in which format. The variable importance table
#' can be returned with the following states:
#' * `initial`: initial state, directly after the variable importance table is
#' filled. The returned variable importance table shows the raw, un-processed
#' data.
#' * `decoded`: depending on the variable importance method, the initial
#' variable importance table may contain the scores of individual contrasts
#' for categorical variables. When decoded, scores from all contrasts are
#' aggregated to a single score for each feature.
#' * `declustered`: variable importance is determined from fully processed
#' features, which includes clustering. This means that a single feature in
#' the variable importance table may represent multiple original features.
#' When a variable importance table has been declustered, all clusters have
#' been turned into their constituent features.
#' * `ranked` (default): The scores have been used to create ranks, with lower
#' ranks indicating better features.
#' Internally, the variable importance table will go through each state, i.e.
#' an variable importance table in the initial state will be decoded,
#' declustered and then ranked prior to returning the variable importance
#' table.
#' @param data Internally used argument for use with `familiarModel` objects.
#' @param as_object Internally used argument for use with `familiarModel`
#' objects.
#' @param ... Unused arguments.
#' @return A `data.table` with variable importance scores and, with
#' `state="ranked"`, the respective ranks.
#' @exportMethod get_vimp_table
#' @md
#' @rdname get_vimp_table-methods
"get_vimp_table", function(
state = "ranked",
...) {
# get_vimp_table (list) --------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname get_vimp_table-methods
signature(x = "list"),
function(x, state = "ranked", ...) {
# Dispatch to methods for underlying objects.
return(lapply(x, get_vimp_table, state = state, ...))
# get_vimp_table (character) ---------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname get_vimp_table-methods
signature(x = "character"),
function(x, state = "ranked", ...) {
# Dispatch to list, if x contains more than one element.
if (length(x) > 1) {
return(get_vimp_table(as.list(x), state = state, ...))
# Attempt to read file.
x <- readRDS(x)
# Prior to version 1.2.0, files would contain a list of data.
if (is.list(x)) {
x <- as_vimp_table_object(
project_id = "")
# Make sure the object is updated.
x <- update_object(object = x)
# Dispatch to object-specific routines.
return(get_vimp_table(x = x, state = state, ...))
# get_vimp_table (vimpTable) ---------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname get_vimp_table-methods
signature(x = "vimpTable"),
function(x, state = "ranked", ...) {
# Check that x is not empty.
if (is_empty(x)) return(NULL)
# Ensure that the variable importance table is processed.
x <- preprocess_vimp_table(x, stop_at = state)
# Return a copy of the variable importance table attribute.
# get_vimp_table (NULL) --------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname get_vimp_table-methods
signature(x = "NULL"),
function(x, state = "ranked", ...) {
# get_vimp_table (experimentData) ----------------------------------------------
#' @rdname get_vimp_table-methods
signature(x = "experimentData"),
function(x, state = "ranked", ...) {
# Check if the attribute has been set.
if (is.null(x@vimp_table_list)) {
warning("No variable importance tables are present.")
# Iterate over data for the different variable importance methods.
state = state,
# get_vimp_table (familiarModel) -----------------------------------------------
#' @rdname get_vimp_table-methods
signature(x = "familiarModel"),
function(x, state = "ranked", data = NULL, as_object = FALSE, ...) {
# This method is used to obtain post-hoc variable importance tables from a
# trained model.
# Determine variable importance using internal routines of the familiarModel
# object.
vimp_object <- ..vimp(
object = x,
data = data)
# Set up a table with clustering information.
cluster_table <- .create_clustering_table(x@feature_info)
# Update variable importance table object.
vimp_object@vimp_method <- x@learner
vimp_object@run_table <- x@run_table
vimp_object@cluster_table <- cluster_table
vimp_object@project_id <- x@project_id
# Set package version.
vimp_object <- add_package_version(vimp_object)
# Determine what should be returned.
if (as_object) {
# The as_object flag allows for returning the actual data.
} else {
x = vimp_object,
state = state))
# decode_vimp_table (vimpTable) ------------------------------------------------
"decode_vimp_table", signature(x = "vimpTable"),
function(x, ...) {
# Use encoding table to parse variable importance table.
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
name <- original_name <- score <- NULL
# Check if the table has already been decoded.
if (.as_vimp_table_state(x@state) >= "decoded") {
# Update state.
x@state <- "decoded"
# Skip if the vimp table is empty.
if (is_empty(x)) return(x)
# Skip if there is no encoding table.
if (is_empty(x@encoding_table)) return(x)
# Split vimp_table into categorical and non-categorical features.
data_non_categorical <- x@vimp_table[!name %in% x@encoding_table$reference_name, ]
data_categorical <- x@vimp_table[name %in% x@encoding_table$reference_name, ]
if (!is_empty(data_categorical)) {
# Merge with reference.
data_categorical <- merge(
x = data_categorical,
y = x@encoding_table,
by.x = "name",
by.y = "reference_name")
# Summarise score by single value according to the method indicated by the
# score_aggregation attribute.
if (x@score_aggregation == "max") {
data_categorical <- suppressWarnings(
data_categorical[, list(score = max(score, na.rm = TRUE)), by = original_name])
} else if (x@score_aggregation == "abs_max") {
data_categorical <- suppressWarnings(
data_categorical[, list(score = max(abs(score), na.rm = TRUE)), by = original_name])
} else if (x@score_aggregation == "min") {
data_categorical <- suppressWarnings(
data_categorical[, list(score = min(score, na.rm = TRUE)), by = original_name])
} else if (x@score_aggregation == "abs_min") {
data_categorical <- suppressWarnings(
data_categorical[, list(score = min(abs(score), na.rm = TRUE)), by = original_name])
} else if (x@score_aggregation == "mean") {
data_categorical <- suppressWarnings(
data_categorical[, list(score = mean(score, na.rm = TRUE)), by = original_name])
} else if (x@score_aggregation == "abs_mean") {
data_categorical <- suppressWarnings(
data_categorical[, list(score = mean(abs(score), na.rm = TRUE)), by = original_name])
} else if (x@score_aggregation == "median") {
data_categorical <- suppressWarnings(
data_categorical[, list(score = stats::median(score, na.rm = TRUE)), by = original_name])
} else if (x@score_aggregation == "abs_median") {
data_categorical <- suppressWarnings(
data_categorical[, list(score = stats::median(abs(score), na.rm = TRUE)), by = original_name])
} else {
"decode_vimp_table,vimpTable: unknown score aggregation method"))
# Change name of original_name column to name
data.table::setnames(data_categorical, "original_name", "name")
# Combine to single data.table
vimp_table <- rbind(
# Replace infinite/nan/etc values by NA
vimp_table[!is.finite(score), "score" := NA_real_]
# Replace vimp_table attribute.
x@vimp_table <- vimp_table
# decode_vimp_table (NULL) -----------------------------------------------------
signature(x = "NULL"),
function(x, ...) {
# decluster_vimp_table (vimpTable) ---------------------------------------------
signature(x = "vimpTable"),
function(x, show_weights = FALSE, show_cluster_name = FALSE, ...) {
# Check if the table has already been declustered.
if (.as_vimp_table_state(x@state) >= "declustered") return(x)
# Pre-process the variable importance table.
x <- preprocess_vimp_table(x, stop_at = "decoded")
# Update state.
x@state <- "declustered"
# Skip if the vimp table is empty.
if (is_empty(x)) return(x)
# Skip if there is no cluster table to work with.
if (is_empty(x@cluster_table)) return(x)
# Merge the cluster table into the variable importance table..
vimp_table <- merge(
x = x@vimp_table,
y = x@cluster_table,
by.x = "name",
by.y = "cluster_name",
all.x = FALSE,
all.y = FALSE)
# Adapt table by removing the original name column and renaming the
# feature name column.
vimp_table[, ":="(
"name" = NULL,
"feature_required" = NULL)]
x = vimp_table,
old = "feature_name",
new = "name")
# Remove weights, unless explicitly stated.
if (!show_weights && "weight" %in% colnames(vimp_table)) {
vimp_table[, "weight" := NULL]
# Update vimp_table attribute.
x@vimp_table <- vimp_table
# decluster_vimp_table (NULL) --------------------------------------------------
signature(x = "NULL"),
function(x, ...) {
# recluster_vimp_table (list) --------------------------------------------------
signature(x = "list"),
function(x, ...) {
# If the list is empty, return NULL instead.
if (is_empty(x)) return(NULL)
# Dispatch to method for single variable importance tables.
# recluster_vimp_table (vimpTable) ---------------------------------------------
signature(x = "vimpTable"),
function(x, ...) {
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
score <- NULL
# Check if the table has already been reclustered.
if (.as_vimp_table_state(x@state) >= "reclustered") return(x)
# Pre-process the variable importance table. Generally, this should not be
# necessary. The idea is that one calls update_vimp_table_to_reference prior
# to calling recluster_vimp_table. This makes it possible to form clusters
# according in the local context -- even if the same clusters did not appear
# when computing variable importance.
x <- preprocess_vimp_table(x, stop_at = "declustered")
# Update state.
x@state <- "reclustered"
# Skip if the vimp table is empty.
if (is_empty(x)) return(x)
# Skip if there is no cluster table to work with.
if (is_empty(x@cluster_table)) return(x)
# Merge variable importance table with reference cluster table.
vimp_table <- merge(
x = x@vimp_table[, mget(c("name", "score"))],
y = x@cluster_table,
by.x = "name",
by.y = "feature_name",
all.x = FALSE,
all.y = TRUE)
# Compute mean score for all features in the same cluster.
vimp_table <- vimp_table[, list("score" = mean(score, na.rm = TRUE)), by = "cluster_name"]
# Keep only relevant columns, and rename "cluster_name" to "name".
vimp_table[, mget(c("score", "cluster_name"))]
x = vimp_table,
old = "cluster_name",
new = "name")
# Update the vimp_table attribute.
x@vimp_table <- vimp_table
# recluster_vimp_table (NULL) --------------------------------------------------
signature(x = "NULL"),
function(x, ...) {
# rank_vimp_table (vimpTable) --------------------------------------------------
signature(x = "vimpTable"),
function(x, ...) {
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
score <- NULL
# Check if the table has already been ranked
if (.as_vimp_table_state(x@state) >= "ranked") return(x)
# Pre-process the variable importance table.
x <- preprocess_vimp_table(x, stop_at = "declustered")
# Update state.
x@state <- "declustered"
# Skip if the vimp table is empty.
if (is_empty(x)) return(x)
# Make copy to avoid updating by reference.
vimp_table <- data.table::copy(x@vimp_table)
# Remove NA values.
vimp_table <- vimp_table[is.finite(score)]
# Compute dense ranks, with NA ranked as NA.
if (x@invert) {
vimp_table[, "rank" := data.table::frank(
ties.method = "dense",
na.last = "keep")]
} else {
vimp_table[, "rank" := data.table::frank(
ties.method = "dense",
na.last = "keep")]
# Update vimp_table attribute.
x@vimp_table <- vimp_table
# rank_vimp_table (NULL) -------------------------------------------------------
signature(x = "NULL"),
function(x, ...) {
# preprocess_vimp_table (vimpTable) --------------------------------------------
signature(x = "vimpTable"),
function(x, stop_at = "ranked", ...) {
# Convert the state attained and the requested state to ordinals.
state_attained <- .as_vimp_table_state(x@state)
stop_at <- .as_vimp_table_state(stop_at)
if (state_attained < "decoded" && stop_at >= "decoded") {
# Transform the features.
x <- decode_vimp_table(x, ...)
if (state_attained < "declustered" && stop_at >= "declustered") {
# Normalise feature values.
x <- decluster_vimp_table(x, ...)
if (state_attained < "ranked" && stop_at >= "ranked") {
# Batch-normalise feature values
x <- rank_vimp_table(x, ...)
# preprocess_vimp_table (NULL) -------------------------------------------------
signature(x = "NULL"),
function(x, ...) {
# remove_signature_features (vimpTable) ----------------------------------------
signature(x = "vimpTable"),
function(x, features = NULL) {
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
original_name <- name <- NULL
# Check state.
if (x@state != "initial") {
"remove_signature_features,vimpTable: can only remove signature ",
"features from a variable importance table in its initial state."))
# If there are no signature features, we don't need to remove them.
if (is_empty(features)) return(x)
# Check if any of the signature features are encoded.
if (!is.null(x@encoding_table)) {
# Find features that were encoded in the variable importance table.
encoded_features <- features[features %in% x@encoding_table$original_name]
# Find features that did not require encoding.
non_encoded_features <- setdiff(features, encoded_features)
# Find names of the encoded features as they appear in the variable
# importance table.
encoded_features <- x@encoding_table[
original_name %in% encoded_features]$reference_name
# Combine encoded and non-encoded feature names.
features <- c(encoded_features, non_encoded_features)
# Keep only features in the variable importance table that are not signature
# features.
x@vimp_table <- x@vimp_table[!name %in% features]
# remove_signature_features (NULL) ---------------------------------------------
signature(x = "NULL"),
function(x, features = NULL) {
# update_vimp_table_to_reference (list) ----------------------------------------
"update_vimp_table_to_reference", signature(x = "list"),
function(x, reference_cluster_table = NULL, ...) {
# If the list is empty, return NULL instead.
if (is_empty(x)) return(NULL)
# Dispatch to method for single variable importance tables.
reference_cluster_table = reference_cluster_table))
# update_vimp_table_to_reference (vimpTable) -----------------------------------
signature(x = "vimpTable"),
function(x, reference_cluster_table = NULL, ...) {
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
score <- NULL
# Force declustering.
if (.as_vimp_table_state(x@state) == "reclustered") x@state <- "decoded"
# Ensure that the vimp table is declustered.
x <- preprocess_vimp_table(x, "declustered", ...)
# Update the cluster table.
x@cluster_table <- reference_cluster_table
# Set the state to declustered, since ranking is removed..
x@state <- "declustered"
if (is_empty(x)) return(x)
# Merge variable importance table with reference cluster table.
vimp_table <- merge(
x = x@vimp_table[, mget(c("name", "score"))],
y = reference_cluster_table,
by.x = "name",
by.y = "feature_name",
all.x = FALSE,
all.y = TRUE)
# Compute mean score for all features in the same cluster.
vimp_table[, "score" := mean(score, na.rm = TRUE), by = "cluster_name"]
# Select only those entries with a finite score (i.e. those where the merge
# produces matches).
vimp_table <- vimp_table[is.finite(score)]
# Keep only relevant columns, and rename "feature_name" to "name". Update
# the vimp_table attribute.
x@vimp_table <- vimp_table[, mget(c("score", "name"))]
# update_vimp_table_to_reference (NULL) ----------------------------------------
signature(x = "NULL"),
function(x, reference_cluster_table = NULL, ...) {
# collect_vimp_table (list) ----------------------------------------------------
signature(x = "list"),
function(x, run_table = NULL, ...) {
# Collect variable importance tables, potentially limiting to
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
data_id <- run_id <- NULL
# Check that all variable importance tables are for the same variable
# importance method. Check first which variable importance methods are
# present.
vimp_method <- unique(sapply(x, function(x) x@vimp_method))
# Dispatch to separate lists.
if (length(vimp_method) > 1) {
# Initialise list to store variable importance tables.
vimp_table_list <- list()
for (current_vimp_method in vimp_method) {
# Identify elements which use the same variable importance method.
same_vimp_method <- sapply(
function(x, vimp_method) x@vimp_method == current_vimp_method)
# Store all elements with the same variable importance method as an
# element in the vimp_table_list list.
vimp_table_list[[current_vimp_method]] <- list(x[same_vimp_method])
# Dispatch collections of the lists.
run_table = run_table,
# Select only elements that share the same dataset.
if (!is.null(run_table)) {
# Try and identify matching data and run ids between vimpTable object and
# the run_table. Start at the bottom and try to match.
for (ii in rev(run_table$perturb_level)) {
# Get a list with identifiers.
run_id_list <- .get_iteration_identifiers(
run = list("run_table" = run_table),
perturb_level = ii)
# Check whether there are any matching data and run ids by checking if
# matching creates a non-empty table.
matching_elements <- sapply(
function(x, run_id_list) {
if (is_empty(x)) {
data_id == run_id_list$data & run_id == run_id_list$run]))
run_id_list = run_id_list
# If there is any match, we break from the loop
if (any(matching_elements)) break
# Update matching_elements with entries where the run_table has
# not been specified.
matching_elements <- matching_elements | sapply(x, function(x) is_empty(x@run_table))
# Shrink x to matching elements.
x <- x[matching_elements]
# Check that x is not empty.
if (is_empty(x)) return(NULL)
# collect_vimp_table (vimpTable) -----------------------------------------------
signature(x = "vimpTable"),
function(x, run_table = NULL, ...) {
# Parse to list.
x = list(x),
run_table = run_table,
# collect_vimp_table (NULL) ----------------------------------------------------
signature(x = "NULL"),
function(x, run_table = NULL, ...) {
#' @title Aggregate variable importance from multiple variable importance
#' objects.
#' @description This methods aggregates variable importance from one or more
#' `vimpTable` objects.
#' @param x Variable importance (`vimpTable`) object, a list thereof, or one or
#' more paths to these objects.
#' @param aggregation_method Method used to aggregate variable importance. The
#' available methods are described in the *feature selection methods* vignette.
#' @param rank_threshold Rank threshold used within several aggregation methods.
#' See the *feature selection methods* vignette for more details.
#' @param ... unused parameters.
#' @return A `vimpTable` object with aggregated variable importance data.
#' @exportMethod aggregate_vimp_table
#' @md
#' @rdname aggregate_vimp_table-methods
rank_threshold = NULL,
...) {
# aggregate_vimp_table (list) --------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname aggregate_vimp_table-methods
signature(x = "list"),
function(x, aggregation_method, rank_threshold = NULL, ...) {
# Check that the list itself is not empty.
if (is_empty(x)) return(NULL)
# Check that any character elements are interpreted as paths, and are
# loaded.
x <- lapply(
function(x) {
if (is.character(x)) {
# Attempt to read from file.
x <- readRDS(x)
# Prior to version 1.2.0, files would contain a list of data.
if (is.list(x)) {
x <- as_vimp_table_object(x, project_id = "")
# Update object definitions.
x <- update_object(object = x)
# Check that the list contents are not empty.
empty_elements <- sapply(x, is_empty)
if (all(empty_elements)) return(NULL)
# Keep only non-empty elements.
x <- x[!empty_elements]
# Preprocess individual elements prior to merging.
x <- lapply(x, preprocess_vimp_table, ...)
# Add in unique run_id, and export the variable importance themselves.
vimp_table <- mapply(
function(x, ii) {
# Prevent updating by reference.
vimp_table <- data.table::copy(x@vimp_table)
# Add run identifier.
vimp_table[, "run_id" := ii]
x = x,
ii = seq_along(x),
# Combine all variable importance tables into a single table.
vimp_table <- data.table::rbindlist(vimp_table, use.names = TRUE)
# Create an aggregated variable importance table.
aggregated_vimp_object <- methods::new("vimpTable", x[[1]])
# Attach the aggregated variable importance table.
aggregated_vimp_object@vimp_table <- vimp_table
if (aggregation_method == "none") {
aggregated_vimp_object <- .compute_rank_mean_score(
x = aggregated_vimp_object)
} else if (aggregation_method %in% c("mean", "median", "best", "worst")) {
# Perform aggregation using simple ensemble methods
if (aggregation_method == "mean") {
aggregated_vimp_object <- .compute_rank_mean_rank(
x = aggregated_vimp_object)
} else if (aggregation_method == "median") {
aggregated_vimp_object <- .compute_rank_median_rank(
x = aggregated_vimp_object)
} else if (aggregation_method == "best") {
aggregated_vimp_object <- .compute_rank_best_rank(
x = aggregated_vimp_object)
} else if (aggregation_method == "worst") {
aggregated_vimp_object <- .compute_rank_worst_rank(
x = aggregated_vimp_object)
} else if (aggregation_method %in% c("stability", "exponential")) {
# Perform aggregation using occurence-based methods.
if (is.null(rank_threshold)) {
rank_threshold <- .optimise_feature_occurrence_threshold(
vimp_table = aggregated_vimp_object)
if (aggregation_method == "stability") {
aggregated_vimp_object <- .compute_rank_stability(
x = aggregated_vimp_object,
rank_threshold = rank_threshold)
} else if (aggregation_method == "exponential") {
aggregated_vimp_object <- .compute_rank_exponential(
x = aggregated_vimp_object,
rank_threshold = rank_threshold)
} else if (aggregation_method %in% c(
"borda", "enhanced_borda", "truncated_borda", "enhanced_truncated_borda")) {
# Perform aggregation using Borda-count based methods
if (is.null(rank_threshold)) {
rank_threshold <- .optimise_feature_occurrence_threshold(
vimp_table = aggregated_vimp_object)
if (aggregation_method == "borda") {
aggregated_vimp_object <- .compute_rank_borda(
x = aggregated_vimp_object,
rank_threshold = rank_threshold,
truncated = FALSE,
enhanced = FALSE)
} else if (aggregation_method == "enhanced_borda") {
aggregated_vimp_object <- .compute_rank_borda(
x = aggregated_vimp_object,
rank_threshold = rank_threshold,
truncated = FALSE,
enhanced = TRUE)
} else if (aggregation_method == "truncated_borda") {
aggregated_vimp_object <- .compute_rank_borda(
x = aggregated_vimp_object,
rank_threshold = rank_threshold,
truncated = TRUE,
enhanced = FALSE)
} else if (aggregation_method == "enhanced_truncated_borda") {
aggregated_vimp_object <- .compute_rank_borda(
x = aggregated_vimp_object,
rank_threshold = rank_threshold,
truncated = TRUE,
enhanced = TRUE)
} else {
"aggregate_vimp_table,list: encountered an unknown aggregation method:",
# Force ranking of the aggregated variable importance object.
aggregated_vimp_object@state <- "declustered"
# Rank aggregated scores.
aggregated_vimp_object <- rank_vimp_table(aggregated_vimp_object)
# Update state again to reflect the current state.
aggregated_vimp_object@state <- "aggregated"
# aggregate_vimp_table (character) ---------------------------------------------
#' @rdname aggregate_vimp_table-methods
signature(x = "character"),
function(x, aggregation_method, rank_threshold = NULL, ...) {
# Force x to a list, and pass to main method.
x = as.list(x),
aggregation_method = aggregation_method,
rank_threshold = rank_threshold,
# aggregate_vimp_table (vimpTable) ---------------------------------------------
#' @rdname aggregate_vimp_table-methods
signature(x = "vimpTable"),
function(x, aggregation_method, rank_threshold = NULL, ...) {
# Check if the variable importance table object already has been aggregated.
if (.as_vimp_table_state(x@state) == "aggregated") return(x)
x = list(x),
aggregation_method = aggregation_method,
rank_threshold = rank_threshold,
# aggregate_vimp_table (NULL) --------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname aggregate_vimp_table-methods
signature(x = "NULL"),
function(x, aggregation_method, rank_threshold = NULL, ...) {
# aggregate_vimp_table (experimentData) ----------------------------------------
#' @rdname aggregate_vimp_table-methods
signature(x = "experimentData"),
function(x, aggregation_method, rank_threshold = NULL, ...) {
# Check if the attribute has been set.
if (is.null(x@vimp_table_list)) {
warning("No variable importance tables are present.")
# Iterate over data for the different variable importance methods.
aggregation_method = aggregation_method,
rank_threshold = rank_threshold,
# add_package_version (vimpTable) ----------------------------------------------
signature(object = "vimpTable"),
function(object) {
# Set version of familiar
return(.add_package_version(object = object))
.as_vimp_table_state <- function(x) {
if (is(x, "vimpTable")) x <- x@state
# Available states
state_levels <- c(
if (!all(x %in% state_levels)) {
".as_vimp_table_state: one or more of x could not be matched to vimp table states.")
x = x,
levels = state_levels,
ordered = TRUE))
as_vimp_table_object <- function(
project_id) {
# Helper function for turning variable importance tables generated prior to
# version 1.2.0 into vimpTable objects.
vimp_table <- x$vimp
if (!is_empty(vimp_table)) {
# Determine if an increasing score leads to an increasing rank.
invert <- stats::cor(
method = "spearman"
) < 0.0
# Select only expected columns.
vimp_table <- vimp_table[, mget(c("score", "name"))]
} else {
invert <- FALSE
# Create variable importance object.
vimp_table <- methods::new(
vimp_table = vimp_table,
vimp_method = x$fs_method,
run_table = x$run_table,
score_aggregation = "max",
encoding_table = NULL,
cluster_table = NULL,
invert = invert,
project_id = project_id,
familiar_version = "1.2.0",
state = "declustered")
prepare_vimp_table_object <- function(
vimp_table = NULL,
run_table = NULL,
score_aggregation = "max",
encoding_table = NULL,
cluster_table = NULL,
state) {
# This function helps prepare a vimpTable object for unit testing. It is not
# used as part of the main workflow.
proto_vimp_table <- methods::new(
vimp_table = vimp_table,
vimp_method = vimp_method,
run_table = run_table,
score_aggregation = score_aggregation,
encoding_table = encoding_table,
cluster_table = cluster_table,
invert = invert,
state = state)
# Add package version.
proto_vimp_table <- add_package_version(proto_vimp_table)
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