
Defines functions .get_available_hyperparameter_exploration_methods .get_available_hyperparameter_learners .get_available_acquisition_functions .compute_expected_train_time acquisition_bayes_upper_confidence_bound acquisition_upper_confidence_bound acquisition_expected_improvement acquisition_improvement_empirical_probability acquisition_improvement_probability .compute_utility_value ..hyperparameter_random_forest_time_learner .create_hyperparameter_time_optimisation_model .create_hyperparameter_challenger_sets

.create_hyperparameter_challenger_sets <- function(
    n_challengers = 20L,
    random_admixture_fraction = 0.20) {
  # Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
  param_id <- expected_train_time <- utility <- summary_score <- weight <- NULL
  is_observed <- .NATURAL <- i.param_id <- NULL

  # Set the maximum number of local steps based on the number of randomisable
  # hyperparameters.
  n_max_local_steps <- 2 * sum(sapply(parameter_list, function(x) (x$randomise)))

  # Train hyperparameter optimisation model.
  if (!model_is_trained(score_optimisation_model)) {
    score_optimisation_model <- .train(
      object = score_optimisation_model,
      data = score_table,
      parameter_data = parameter_table)

  # Find information regarding the dataset that has the highest
  # optimisation score.
  incumbent_set <- get_best_hyperparameter_set(
    score_table = score_table,
    parameter_table = parameter_table,
    optimisation_model = score_optimisation_model,
    n_max_bootstraps = n_max_bootstraps,
    n = 1L)

  # Generate random sets--------------------------------------------------------

  # Increase random admixture for random search.
  if (is(score_optimisation_model, "familiarHyperparameterRandomSearch")) {
    random_admixture_fraction <- 1.0

  # In general, draw about 10 times as much random sets then required.
  n_random_sets <- ceiling(n_challengers * random_admixture_fraction)

  # Generate random sets
  random_sets <- lapply(
    seq_len(n_random_sets * 10),
    function(ii, parameter_list) {
      # Create random configuration.
        parameter_list = parameter_list,
        local = FALSE))
    parameter_list = parameter_list)

  # Combine random sets into a data.table.
  random_sets <- unique(data.table::rbindlist(random_sets, use.names = TRUE))

  # Compute expected improvement.
  if (!is_empty(random_sets) &&
      !is(score_optimisation_model, "familiarHyperparameterRandomSearch")) {
    random_sets[, "utility" := .compute_utility_value(
      parameter_set = .SD,
      score_model = score_optimisation_model,
      acquisition_data = incumbent_set,
      acquisition_function = acquisition_function)]

  # Compute expect train time.
  if (!is_empty(random_sets)) {
    random_sets[, "expected_train_time" := .compute_expected_train_time(
      parameter_set = .SD,
      time_model = time_optimisation_model)]

  # Identify local sets --------------------------------------------------------
  n_local_sets <- ceiling(n_challengers * (1.0 - random_admixture_fraction))

  # Find local sets
  local_sets <- list()

  if (n_local_sets > 0 &&
      !is(score_optimisation_model, "familiarHyperparameterRandomSearch")) {
    # Create a table of summary scores to identify the best sets.
    summary_score_table <- .compute_hyperparameter_summary_score(
      score_table = score_table,
      parameter_table = parameter_table,
      optimisation_model = score_optimisation_model)

    # Find the most promising samples by comparing against the median.
    summary_score_table[, "weight" := summary_score - stats::median(summary_score)]

    # If all parameters have the same optimisation score (an edge case), assign
    # weight 1 to each, that is, all hyperparameter sets are as likely to be
    # sampled.
    if (all(summary_score_table$weight == 0.0)) {
      summary_score_table[, "weight" := 1.0]

    # Remove 0 and negative weights.
    summary_score_table <- summary_score_table[weight > 0.0]

    # Select the hyperparameter ids to sample, starting with the most promising
    # samples first.
    summary_score_table <- summary_score_table[, "n_select" := round(
      2.0 * n_local_sets * weight^2 / sum(weight^2))][order(-summary_score)]
    selected_best_parameter_id <- unlist(mapply(
      function(x, n) (rep(x, times = n)),
      x = summary_score_table$param_id,
      n = summary_score_table$n_select))

    # Perform a local search.
    for (best_param_id in selected_best_parameter_id) {
      # Initialise iterator variable
      iter_local_step <- 0

      # Select initial configuration for local search
      selected_set <- parameter_table[param_id == best_param_id, ]

      while (iter_local_step < n_max_local_steps) {
        # Randomise configuration
        local_random_set <- ..randomise_hyperparameter_set(
          parameter_table = selected_set,
          parameter_list = parameter_list,
          local = TRUE)

        # Add configuration to list
        local_sets <- c(local_sets, list(local_random_set))

        # Continue search from current set
        selected_set <- local_random_set

        # Update iterator
        iter_local_step <- iter_local_step + 1L

  # Combine local sets.
  local_sets <- unique(data.table::rbindlist(local_sets))

  if (!is_empty(local_sets)) {
    # Compute expected improvement.
    local_sets[, "utility" := .compute_utility_value(
      parameter_set = .SD,
      score_model = score_optimisation_model,
      acquisition_data = incumbent_set,
      acquisition_function = acquisition_function)]

    # Compute expected train time.
    local_sets[, "expected_train_time" := .compute_expected_train_time(
      parameter_set = .SD,
      time_model = time_optimisation_model)]

  # Select challengers ---------------------------------------------------------

  local_challenger_sets <- list()
  random_challenger_sets <- list()

  if (is(score_optimisation_model, "familiarHyperparameterRandomSearch")) {
    # Preferentially select in the following order:
    # 1. Random sets that were not observed before.
    # 2. Random sets that were observed before.

    # Remove incumbent set.
    if (!is_empty(random_sets)) {
      random_sets <- random_sets[
        !parameter_table[param_id == incumbent_set$param_id],
        on = .NATURAL]

    # Select only parameter sets that can be evaluated within the allowed time.
    if (measure_time && !is_empty(random_sets)) {
      random_sets <- random_sets[expected_train_time < incumbent_set$max_time]

    # Consider random sets.
    if (!is_empty(random_sets)) {
      # Set observed status
      random_sets[, "is_observed" := FALSE]
      random_sets[parameter_table, "is_observed" := TRUE, on = .NATURAL]

      # Random sets that were not observed before.
      if (any(!random_sets$is_observed) && n_random_sets > 0) {
        # Select up to n_random_sets of random samples sets that were not
        # selected previously.
        selected_sets <- head(random_sets[is_observed == FALSE], n = n_random_sets)

        # Add to challenger sets and reduce the number of challengers to select.
        random_challenger_sets <- list(selected_sets)
        n_challengers <- n_challengers - nrow(selected_sets)
        n_random_sets <- min(c(n_random_sets - nrow(selected_sets), n_challengers))

      # Random sets that were observed before.
      if (any(random_sets$is_observed) && n_random_sets > 0) {
        # Select up to n_random_sets of random samples sets that were observed
        # selected previously.
        selected_sets <- head(random_sets[is_observed == TRUE], n = n_random_sets)

        # Add to challenger sets and reduce the number of challengers to select.
        random_challenger_sets <- c(random_challenger_sets, list(selected_sets))
        n_challengers <- n_challengers - nrow(selected_sets)

    if (!is_empty(random_challenger_sets)) {
      # Concatenate challenger sets.
      challenger_sets <- data.table::rbindlist(
        use.names = TRUE)

      # Remove expected time from challenger sets.
      challenger_sets[, ":="(
        "expected_train_time" = NULL,
        "is_observed" = NULL)]
    } else {
      challenger_sets <- NULL
  } else {
    # Preferentially select in the following order:
    # 1. Local sets that were not observed before, with highest utility first.
    # 2. Local sets that were observed before, with highest utility first.
    # 3. Random sets that were not observed before, with highest utility first.
    # 4. Random sets that were observed before, with highest utility first.

    # First, remove incumbent.
    if (!is_empty(local_sets)) {
      local_sets <- local_sets[
        !parameter_table[param_id == incumbent_set$param_id],
        on = .NATURAL]

    # Select only parameter sets that can be evaluated within the allowed time.
    if (measure_time && !is_empty(local_sets)) {
      local_sets <- local_sets[expected_train_time < incumbent_set$max_time]

    # Consider local sets.
    if (!is_empty(local_sets)) {
      # Set observed status
      local_sets[, "is_observed" := FALSE]
      local_sets[parameter_table, "is_observed" := TRUE, on = .NATURAL]

      # Local sets that were not observed before, with highest utility first.
      if (any(!local_sets$is_observed)) {
        # Select up to n_local_sets of locally sampled sets that were not
        # selected previously.
        selected_sets <- head(
          local_sets[is_observed == FALSE][order(-utility)],
          n = n_local_sets)

        # Add to challenger sets and reduce the number of challengers to select.
        local_challenger_sets <- list(selected_sets)
        n_challengers <- n_challengers - nrow(selected_sets)
        n_local_sets <- min(c(n_local_sets - nrow(selected_sets), n_challengers))

      # Local sets that were observed before, with highest utility first.
      if (any(local_sets$is_observed) && n_local_sets > 0) {
        # Select up to n_local_sets of locally samples sets that were observed
        # selected previously.
        selected_sets <- head(
          local_sets[is_observed == TRUE][order(-utility)],
          n = n_local_sets)

        # Add to challenger sets and reduce the number of challengers to select.
        local_challenger_sets <- c(local_challenger_sets, list(selected_sets))
        n_challengers <- n_challengers - nrow(selected_sets)

    if (!is_empty(local_challenger_sets)) {
      # Concatenate challenger sets.
      local_challenger_sets <- data.table::rbindlist(
        use.names = TRUE)

      # Remove expected improvement and time from challenger sets.
      local_challenger_sets[, ":="(
        "utility" = NULL,
        "expected_train_time" = NULL,
        "is_observed" = NULL)]
    # Remove incumbent and already selected challenger sets.
    if (!is_empty(random_sets)) {
      random_sets <- random_sets[
        !parameter_table[param_id == incumbent_set$param_id],
        on = .NATURAL]
    if (!is_empty(random_sets) && !is_empty(local_challenger_sets) > 0) {
      random_sets <- random_sets[
        on = .NATURAL]

    # Select only parameter sets that can be evaluated within the allowed time.
    if (measure_time && !is_empty(random_sets)) {
      random_sets <- random_sets[expected_train_time < incumbent_set$max_time]

    # Update n_random_sets to compensate for selected challengers.
    n_random_sets <- min(c(n_challengers, n_random_sets))

    # Consider random sets.
    if (!is_empty(random_sets)) {
      # Set observed status
      random_sets[, "is_observed" := FALSE]
      random_sets[parameter_table, "is_observed" := TRUE, on = .NATURAL]

      # Random sets that were not observed before, with highest utility first.
      if (any(!random_sets$is_observed) && n_random_sets > 0) {
        # Select up to n_random_sets of random samples sets that were not
        # selected previously.
        selected_sets <- head(
          random_sets[is_observed == FALSE][order(-utility)],
          n = n_random_sets)

        # Add to challenger sets and reduce the number of challengers to select.
        random_challenger_sets <- list(selected_sets)
        n_challengers <- n_challengers - nrow(selected_sets)
        n_random_sets <- min(c(n_random_sets - nrow(selected_sets), n_challengers))

      # Random sets that were observed before, with highest utility first.
      if (any(random_sets$is_observed) && n_random_sets > 0) {
        # Select up to n_random_sets of random samples sets that were observed
        # selected previously.
        selected_sets <- head(
          random_sets[is_observed == TRUE][order(-utility)],
          n = n_random_sets)

        # Add to challenger sets and reduce the number of challengers to select.
        random_challenger_sets <- c(random_challenger_sets, list(selected_sets))
        n_challengers <- n_challengers - nrow(selected_sets)

    if (!is_empty(random_challenger_sets)) {
      # Concatenate challenger sets.
      random_challenger_sets <- data.table::rbindlist(
        use.names = TRUE)

      # Remove expected improvement and time from challenger sets.
      random_challenger_sets[, ":="(
        "utility" = NULL,
        "expected_train_time" = NULL,
        "is_observed" = NULL)]

    # Combine to challenger sets.
    challenger_sets <- data.table::rbindlist(
      list(local_challenger_sets, random_challenger_sets),
      use.names = TRUE)

  # Add parameter identifiers for known sets.
  if (!is_empty(challenger_sets)) {
    # Left-join with parameter table to add in known parameters
    challenger_sets <- challenger_sets[
      "param_id" := i.param_id,
      on = .NATURAL]

    # Fill out missing parameter ids.
    if (any(is.na(challenger_sets$param_id))) {
      # Find the largest existing parameter id.
      max_param_id <- max(parameter_table$param_id)

      # Generate parameter ids for new parameter sets.
      challenger_sets[is.na(param_id), "param_id" := max_param_id + .I]
  } else {
    challenger_sets <- NULL


.create_hyperparameter_time_optimisation_model <- function(
    hyperparameter_learner = "random_forest",
    optimisation_function) {
  # Check that score_table contains optimisation scores.
  if (!"optimisation_score" %in% colnames(score_table)) {
    score_table <- .compute_hyperparameter_optimisation_score(
      score_table = score_table,
      optimisation_function = optimisation_function)

  # Train model to predict process time.
  model <- ..hyperparameter_random_forest_time_learner(
    score_table = score_table,
    parameter_table = parameter_table)


..hyperparameter_random_forest_time_learner <- function(
    parameter_table) {
  # Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
  time_taken <- NULL

  # Check if package is installed
    x = "ranger",
    purpose = "to predict process time of hyperparameter sets")

  # Fill NA values with large, but finite values. Determine the maximum time.
  if (!all(is.na(score_table$time_taken))) {
    max_time_taken <- max(score_table$time_taken, na.rm = TRUE)
  } else {
    # Set max time to an improbable 86400 seconds, in case all time values are
    # NA. A single model trained in familiar should never take a day to finish.
    max_time_taken <- 86400.0

  # Merge score and parameter data tables on param id.
  joint_table <- merge(
    x = score_table,
    y = parameter_table,
    by = "param_id",
    all = FALSE)

  # Replace NA entries with the minimum optimisation score.
  joint_table[is.na(time_taken), time_taken := 10 * max_time_taken]

  # Get parameter names.
  parameter_names <- setdiff(
    c("param_id", "run_id", "optimisation_score", "time_taken"))

  # Hyperparameters for the random forest.
  n_tree <- 400
  n_train <- nrow(joint_table)
  sample_fraction <- max(c(0.3, min(c(1, 1 / (0.025 * n_train)))))

  # Parse formula.
  formula <- stats::reformulate(
    termlabels = parameter_names,
    response = "time_taken")

  # Train random forest.
  rf_model <- ranger::ranger(formula,
    data = joint_table,
    num.trees = n_tree,
    num.threads = 1L,
    sample.fraction = sample_fraction,
    verbose = FALSE)


.compute_utility_value <- function(
    acquisition_function) {
  # Check that the score_model is trained, and return NA if not.
  if (!model_is_trained(score_model)) {
    return(rep_len(NA_real_, nrow(parameter_set)))

  # Dispatch to acquisition functions.
  acquisition_fun <- switch(
    "improvement_probability" = acquisition_improvement_probability,
    "improvement_empirical_probability" = acquisition_improvement_empirical_probability,
    "expected_improvement" = acquisition_expected_improvement,
    "upper_confidence_bound" = acquisition_upper_confidence_bound,
    "bayes_upper_confidence_bound" = acquisition_bayes_upper_confidence_bound
  utility_scores <- acquisition_fun(
    object = score_model,
    parameter_data = parameter_set,
    acquisition_data = acquisition_data)


acquisition_improvement_probability <- function(
    acquisition_data) {
  # The definition of probability of improvement is found in Shahriari, B.,
  # Swersky, K., Wang, Z., Adams, R. P. & de Freitas, N. Taking the Human Out of
  # the Loop: A Review of Bayesian Optimization. Proc. IEEE 104, 148–175 (2016)

  # Get the score estimate from the incumbent hyperparameter set.
  tau <- acquisition_data$score_estimate

  # Predict the mean and standard deviation for the parameter sets in parameter
  # data.
  prediction_table <- .predict(
    object = object,
    data = parameter_data,
    type = "sd")

  # Compute the probability of improvement.
  alpha <- stats::pnorm((prediction_table$mu - tau) / prediction_table$sigma)


acquisition_improvement_empirical_probability <- function(
    acquisition_data) {
  # The definition of probability of improvement is found in Shahriari, B.,
  # Swersky, K., Wang, Z., Adams, R. P. & de Freitas, N. Taking the Human Out of
  # the Loop: A Review of Bayesian Optimization. Proc. IEEE 104, 148–175 (2016)

  # Get the incumbent score.
  tau <- acquisition_data$score_estimate

  if ("raw" %in% get_prediction_type(object)) {
    # Compute the empirical probability of improvement.

    # Define helper function.
    .acquisition_improvement_empirical_probability <- function(x, tau) {
      return(sum(x > tau) / length(x))

    # Predict raw data for the hyperparameter sets.
    prediction_table <- .predict(
      object = object,
      data = parameter_data,
      type = "raw")

    # Drop parameter id. This should leave only raw data.
    prediction_table[, "param_id" := NULL]

    # Compute utility.
    alpha <- apply(prediction_table,
      MARGIN = 1,
      tau = tau)
  } else {
    # Compute the stochastic probability of improvement.

    # Predict the mean and standard deviation for the parameter sets in
    # parameter data.
    prediction_table <- .predict(
      object = object,
      data = parameter_data,
      type = "sd")

    # Stochastic values
    alpha <- stats::pnorm((prediction_table$mu - tau) / prediction_table$sigma)


acquisition_expected_improvement <- function(
    acquisition_data) {
  # The definition of expected improvement is found in Shahriari, B., Swersky,
  # K., Wang, Z., Adams, R. P. & de Freitas, N. Taking the Human Out of the
  # Loop: A Review of Bayesian Optimization. Proc. IEEE 104, 148–175 (2016).

  # Get the incumbent score.
  tau <- acquisition_data$score_estimate

  # Predict the mean and standard deviation for the parameter sets in parameter
  # data.
  prediction_table <- .predict(
    object = object,
    data = parameter_data,
    type = "sd")

  # Compute a z-score.
  z <- (prediction_table$mu - tau) / prediction_table$sigma

  # Compute the expected improvement.
  alpha <- (prediction_table$mu - tau) * stats::pnorm(z) +
    prediction_table$sigma * stats::dnorm(z)


acquisition_upper_confidence_bound <- function(
    acquisition_data) {
  # The definition of upper confidence bound is adapted from Srinivas, N.,
  # Krause, A., Kakade, S. M. & Seeger, M. W. Information-Theoretic Regret
  # Bounds for Gaussian Process Optimization in the Bandit Setting. IEEE
  # Trans. Inf. Theory 58, 3250–3265 (2012).

  # Find the number hyperparameters.
  n_parameters <- length(object@target_hyperparameters)

  # Predict the mean and standard deviation for the parameter sets in parameter
  # data.
  prediction_table <- .predict(
    object = object,
    data = parameter_data,
    type = "sd")

  # Compute the beta parameter.
  beta <- 2.0 / 5.0 * log(5.0 / 3.0 * n_parameters * (acquisition_data$t + 1)^2 * pi^2)

  # Compute alpha
  alpha <- prediction_table$mu + beta * prediction_table$sigma


acquisition_bayes_upper_confidence_bound <- function(
    acquisition_data) {
  # The definition of the Bayesian upper confidence bound is adapted from
  # Kaufmann, E., Cappé, O. & Garivier, A. On Bayesian upper confidence bounds
  # for bandit problems. in Artificial intelligence and statistics 592–600
  # (2012).

  # Compute the quantile we are interested in.
  q <- 1.0 - 1.0 / (acquisition_data$t + 1)

  if ("percentile" %in% get_prediction_type(object)) {
    # Compute empiric alpha.
    alpha <- .predict(
      object = object,
      data = parameter_data,
      type = "percentile",
      percentile = q)$percentile
  } else {
    # Predict the mean and standard deviation for the parameter sets in
    # parameter data.
    prediction_table <- .predict(
      object = object,
      data = parameter_data,
      type = "sd")

    # Stochastic alpha.
    alpha <- stats::qnorm(
      mean = prediction_table$mu, 
      sd = prediction_table$sigma)


.compute_expected_train_time <- function(
    time_model) {
  # If no time model is present, return NA.
  if (is.null(time_model)) return(NA_real_)

  if (!data.table::is.data.table(parameter_set)) {
    parameter_set <- data.table::as.data.table(parameter_set)

  # Check if package is installed
    x = "ranger",
    purpose = "to predict process time of hyperparameter sets")

  predictions <- predict(time_model,
    data = parameter_set,
    type = "response",
    num.threads = 1L,
    verbose = FALSE)


.get_available_acquisition_functions <- function() {

.get_available_hyperparameter_learners <- function() {

.get_available_hyperparameter_exploration_methods <- function() {

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