
Defines functions .set_signature_size ..encode_categorical_hyperparameters .encode_categorical_hyperparameters ..compare_hyperparameter_optimisation_scores .compare_hyperparameter_sets ..create_hyperparameter_intensify_run_table ..update_hyperparameter_optimisation_stopping_criteria ..parse_optimisation_summary_to_string .compute_hyperparameter_additional_scores get_best_hyperparameter_set ..optimisation_function_validation_minus_sd .compute_hyperparameter_summary_score .compute_hyperparameter_optimisation_score ..compute_hyperparameter_model_performance .compute_hyperparameter_model_performance ..compute_hyperparameter_variable_importance .compute_hyperparameter_variable_importance .optimisation_process_time_available ..create_hyperparameter_run_table ..randomise_hyperparameter_set ..create_initial_hyperparameter_set

..create_initial_hyperparameter_set <- function(
    n_random_sets = 200L) {
  if (length(parameter_list) == 0) return(NULL)

  if (!.any_randomised_hyperparameters(parameter_list = parameter_list)) {
    # All variables have been fixed. No optimisation is required.

    # Get values for each parameter.
    value_list <- lapply(
      function(list_entry) (list_entry$init_config))

    # Convert to a data table.
    parameter_table <- data.table::as.data.table(value_list)
  } else {
    if (grid_initialisation_method %in% "random") {
      # Create completely random hyperparameter sets.

      # Create random hyperparameter sets.
      random_list <- lapply(
        function(ii, parameter_list) {
            parameter_list = parameter_list,
            local = FALSE))
        parameter_list = parameter_list)

      # Combine list into a single data table.
      parameter_table <- data.table::rbindlist(random_list, use.names = TRUE)

      # Allow only unique parameter sets.
      parameter_table <- unique(parameter_table, by = names(parameter_list))

    if (grid_initialisation_method %in% c("fixed", "fixed_subsample")) {
      # Create a fixed grid for the parameters. This may have the advantage of
      # spanning a number of suitable configurations.

      # Get initial values for each parameter.
      value_list <- lapply(
        function(list_entry) (list_entry$init_config))

      # Generate a table with all permutations of the grid points.
      parameter_table <- expand.grid(
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
      parameter_table <- data.table::as.data.table(parameter_table)

      # Allow only unique parameter sets.
      parameter_table <- unique(parameter_table, by = names(parameter_list))

    if (grid_initialisation_method %in% "fixed_subsample") {
      # Subsample the fixed grid.

      # Randomly select up to n_random_sets initial parameter sets from the
      # fixed grid.
      selected_row_id <- sample(
        x = seq_len(nrow(parameter_table)),
        size = min(c(nrow(parameter_table), n_random_sets)),
        replace = FALSE)

      parameter_table <- parameter_table[selected_row_id, ]

  # Add parameter id.
  parameter_table[, "param_id" := .I]


..randomise_hyperparameter_set <- function(
    parameter_table = NULL,
    local = TRUE) {
  if (local && is_empty(parameter_table)) {
      "..randomise_hyperparameter_set: no values for local search.")

  if (local) {
    # Parameters are locally randomised.

    # Create the updated list from the parameter table.
    updated_list <- as.list(parameter_table)

    # Remove param_id and expected improvement from updated list.
    updated_list$param_id <- NULL
    updated_list$expected_improvement <- NULL

    # Select one hyperparameter from the list of randomisable hyperparameters to
    # randomly update.
    random_parameters <- sapply(
      function(list_entry) (list_entry$randomise))
    selected_parameter <- fam_sample(
      size = 1)

    # Get current value of the selected hyperparameter from the table.
    current_parameter_value <- parameter_table[[selected_parameter]]

    # Get type and range of current hyperparameter
    parameter_type <- parameter_list[[selected_parameter]]$type
    parameter_range <- parameter_list[[selected_parameter]]$range

    if (parameter_type %in% c("integer", "numeric")) {
      if (length(parameter_range) == 2) {
        # Check that the range is not 0.
        if (max(parameter_range) != min(parameter_range)) {
          # Convert to float in [0,1] range
          hp_val_float <- (current_parameter_value - min(parameter_range)) /
            (max(parameter_range) - min(parameter_range))

          # Draw a new random position in [0,1]
          rand_valid <- FALSE
          while (!rand_valid) {
            # Draw 20 random numbers from a normal distribution with
            # mean = hp_val_float and sd = 0.2
            hp_rand <- stats::rnorm(20, mean = hp_val_float, sd = 0.1)
            rand_valid <- any(hp_rand >= 0.0 & hp_rand <= 1.0)

          # Select new value in [0,1] and convert to original range
          new_hp_val_float <- hp_rand[hp_rand >= 0 & hp_rand <= 1.0][1]
          new_hp_val_float <- new_hp_val_float * 
            (max(parameter_range) - min(parameter_range)) + min(parameter_range)
        } else {
          # Range is 0. Just copy the current parameter value.
          new_hp_val_float <- current_parameter_value
      } else {
        # Treat a range such as c(0,1,3) as if only these values can be selected.
        new_hp_val_float <- fam_sample(parameter_range, size = 1)

      # Set new value as integer or numeric float
      if (parameter_type == "integer") {
        updated_list[[selected_parameter]] <- as.integer(round(new_hp_val_float))
      } else {
        updated_list[[selected_parameter]] <- new_hp_val_float
    } else if (parameter_type %in% c("factor")) {
      # Find range of available options
      available_parameter_values <- parameter_range[parameter_range != current_parameter_value]

      # Randomly select one option
      updated_list[[selected_parameter]] <- factor(
        fam_sample(available_parameter_values, size = 1),
        levels = parameter_range)
    } else if (parameter_type %in% c("logical")) {
      # Find range of available options
      available_parameter_values <- parameter_range[parameter_range != current_parameter_value]

      # Randomly select one option
      updated_list[[selected_parameter]] <- fam_sample(available_parameter_values, size = 1)
    } else {
  } else {
    # Parameters are globally randomised.

    # Generate an updated list from parameter_list for randomisation
    updated_list <- lapply(
      function(list_entry) (list_entry$init_config[1]))

    # Select hyperparameters to be randomised
    random_parameters <- sapply(
      function(list_entry) (list_entry$randomise))
    random_parameters <- names(parameter_list)[random_parameters]

    # Iterate over hyperparameters
    for (selected_parameter in random_parameters) {
      # Get type and range of current hyperparameter
      parameter_type <- parameter_list[[selected_parameter]]$type
      parameter_range <- parameter_list[[selected_parameter]]$range
      parameter_distribution <- parameter_list[[selected_parameter]]$rand_distr

      if (parameter_type %in% c("integer", "numeric")) {
        if (length(parameter_range) == 2) {
          if (is.null(parameter_distribution)) {
            # Select new value in [0,1] and convert to original range
            hp_rand <- stats::runif(1)
            new_hp_val_float <- hp_rand * 
              (max(parameter_range) - min(parameter_range)) + min(parameter_range)
          } else if (parameter_distribution == "log") {
            # Select new value in [0,1] and convert to log transform of original
            # range
            hp_log_rand <- stats::runif(1) *
              (log(max(parameter_range)) - log(min(parameter_range))) + log(min(parameter_range))

            # Transform back from log transformation: note this emphasises
            # smaller values
            new_hp_val_float <- exp(hp_log_rand)
        } else {
          # Treat a range such as c(0,1,3) as if only these values can be
          # selected.
          new_hp_val_float <- fam_sample(parameter_range, size = 1)

        # Set new value as integer or numeric float
        if (parameter_type == "integer") {
          updated_list[[selected_parameter]] <- as.integer(round(new_hp_val_float))
        } else {
          updated_list[[selected_parameter]] <- new_hp_val_float
      } else if (parameter_type %in% c("factor")) {
        # Randomly select one option
        updated_list[[selected_parameter]] <- factor(
          fam_sample(parameter_range, size = 1),
          levels = parameter_range)
      } else if (parameter_type %in% c("logical")) {
        updated_list[[selected_parameter]] <- fam_sample(parameter_range, size = 1)

  # Return a randomised configuration as a data.table

..create_hyperparameter_run_table <- function(
    parameter_ids = NULL,
    measure_time = FALSE,
    score_table = NULL,
    parameter_table = NULL,
    optimisation_model = NULL,
    n_max_bootstraps = NULL) {
  # Creates a run table from the run identifiers and parameter identifiers.

  # Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
  time_taken <- NULL

  if (measure_time) {
    # Filter by time. This filters out the hyperparameter sets that took very
    # long to complete, while not delivering good enough performance.

    # Compute optimisation score based on the presented scores.
    optimisation_score_table <- .compute_hyperparameter_optimisation_score(
      score_table = score_table,
      optimisation_function = optimisation_model@optimisation_function)

    # Find data related to the most promising set of hyperparameters.
    incumbent_set <- get_best_hyperparameter_set(
      score_table = optimisation_score_table,
      parameter_table = parameter_table,
      optimisation_model = optimisation_model,
      n_max_bootstraps = n_max_bootstraps)

    # Select fitting hyperparameters.
    parameter_ids <- optimisation_score_table[time_taken <= incumbent_set$max_time]$param_id

  if (is.null(parameter_ids)) {
      "..create_hyperparameter_run_table: parameter_ids cannot be NULL.")

  # Create a run table consisting of parameter and run identifiers.
  run_table <- data.table::as.data.table(expand.grid(
    param_id = parameter_ids,
    run_id = run_ids,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE))


.optimisation_process_time_available <- function(
    time_limit = NULL,
    message_indent = 0L,
    verbose = FALSE) {
  # Check that there is time-limit to obey.
  if (is.null(time_limit)) return(TRUE)

  # Compute time spent optimising.
  optimisation_time <- process_clock$time(units = "mins")

  # Check if there still is time left.
  if (optimisation_time < time_limit) return(TRUE)

      "Hyperparameter optimisation: Optimisation stopped because the ",
      "optimisation process exceeded the allotted time: ",
      "time spent: ", optimisation_time, " mins; ",
      "time allotted: ", time_limit, " mins."),
    indent = message_indent,
    verbose = verbose)


.compute_hyperparameter_variable_importance <- function(
    cl = NULL,
    determine_vimp = TRUE,
    ...) {
  if (object@fs_method %in% .get_available_random_vimp_methods() ||
      object@fs_method %in% .get_available_none_vimp_methods() ||
      object@fs_method %in% .get_available_signature_only_vimp_methods() ||
      object@fs_method %in% .get_available_no_features_vimp_methods()) {

  # Check if the code is called downstream from summon_familiar.
  is_main_process <- !inherits(tryCatch(get_file_paths(), error = identity), "error")

  if (determine_vimp || !is_main_process) {
    # Variable importance has to be computed for the bootstraps if expressly
    # requested using determine_vimp or if the code is called outside of
    # summon_familiar.

    # Set up variable importance object.
    vimp_object <- promote_vimp_method(methods::new("familiarVimpMethod",
      outcome_type = object@outcome_type,
      vimp_method = object@fs_method,
      outcome_info = object@outcome_info,
      feature_info = object@feature_info,
      required_features = object@required_features,
      run_table = object@run_table))

    if (is_main_process) {
      # Load hyperparameters.
      vimp_object <- run_hyperparameter_optimisation(
        vimp_method = object@fs_method,
        data_id = tail(object@run_table, n = 1)$data_id,
        verbose = FALSE)

      # Select a suitable sets of hyperparameters.
      vimp_object <- .find_hyperparameters_for_run(
        run = list("run_table" = object@run_table),
        hpo_list = vimp_object,
        allow_random_selection = TRUE,
        as_list = FALSE)
    } else {
      # Optimise hyperparameters.
      vimp_object <- optimise_hyperparameters(
        object = vimp_object,
        data = data,
        cl = cl,
        determine_vimp = determine_vimp,
        verbose = verbose,
        message_indent = message_indent + 1L,

        "Computing variable importance for ",
        length(bootstraps), " bootstraps."),
      indent = message_indent + 1L,
      verbose = verbose)

    # Iterate over data.
    vimp_list <- fam_lapply(
      cl = cl,
      assign = "all",
      X = bootstraps,
      FUN = ..compute_hyperparameter_variable_importance,
      object = vimp_object,
      data = data,
      progress_bar = verbose,
      chopchop = TRUE)


..compute_hyperparameter_variable_importance <- function(
    data) {
  # Select bootstrap data.
  data <- select_data_from_samples(
    data = data,
    samples = train_samples)

  # Select a familiarVimpMethod object if multiple are present.
  if (rlang::is_bare_list(object)) {
    object <- object[[sample(x = seq_along(object), size = 1L)]]

  # Compute variable importance.
  vimp_table <- .vimp(
    object = object,
    data = data)

  # Form clusters.
  vimp_table <- recluster_vimp_table(vimp_table)

  # Compute variable importance.
  vimp_table <- get_vimp_table(vimp_table)


.compute_hyperparameter_model_performance <- function(
    cl = NULL,
    time_optimisation_model = NULL,
    overhead_time = NULL,
    verbose = FALSE) {
  # Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
  param_id <- NULL

  # Check that the run table is not empty. This may occur if, for instance, the
  # initial search turned up nothing.
  if (is_empty(run_table)) return(NULL)

  # Prepare training and validation samples for the separate runs.
  training_list <- lapply(
    function(ii, training_list) (training_list[[ii]]),
    training_list = bootstraps$train_list)

  validation_list <- lapply(
    function(ii, validation_list) (validation_list[[ii]]),
    validation_list = bootstraps$valid_list)

  # Generate parameter sets.
  parameter_list <- lapply(
    function(ii, parameter_table) (parameter_table[param_id == ii, ]),
    parameter_table = parameter_table)

  # Generate variable importance sets (if any)
  rank_table_list <- lapply(
    function(ii, rank_table_list) (rank_table_list[[ii]]),
    rank_table_list = rank_table_list)

  if (is.null(time_optimisation_model)) {
    # Create a scoring table, with accompanying information.
    score_results <- fam_mapply_lb(
      cl = cl,
      assign = NULL,
      FUN = ..compute_hyperparameter_model_performance,
      run_id = run_table$run_id,
      training_samples = training_list,
      validation_samples = validation_list,
      rank_table = rank_table_list,
      parameter_table = parameter_list,
      progress_bar = verbose,
      MoreArgs = list(
        "object" = object,
        "data" = data,
        "metric_objects" = metric_objects))
  } else {
    # Predict expected process time for each parameter set.
    process_time <- sapply(parameter_list,
      time_model = time_optimisation_model)

    # Create a scoring table, with accompanying information.
    score_results <- fam_mapply(
      cl = cl,
      assign = NULL,
      FUN = ..compute_hyperparameter_model_performance,
      run_id = run_table$run_id,
      training_samples = training_list,
      validation_samples = validation_list,
      rank_table = rank_table_list,
      parameter_table = parameter_list,
      progress_bar = verbose,
      process_time = process_time,
      overhead_time = overhead_time,
      chopchop = TRUE,
      MoreArgs = list(
        "object" = object,
        "data" = data,
        "metric_objects" = metric_objects))

  # Aggregate the results, and the score table
  aggregated_results <- list("results" = data.table::rbindlist(
    lapply(score_results$results, function(x) (x$score_table)),
    use.names = TRUE))

  # Add in process times to the results.
  aggregated_results$results[, "time_taken" := rep(
    score_results$process_time, each = 2 * length(metric_objects))]

  # Add in iteration id.
  aggregated_results$results[, "iteration_id" := iteration_id]

  # Aggregate errors.
  aggregated_results$error <- unlist(lapply(
    function(x) (x$error)))

  # Return aggregated results.

..compute_hyperparameter_model_performance <- function(
    signature_features = NULL) {
  if (!is(object, "familiarModel")) {
      "..compute_hyperparameter_model_performance: object is ",
      "not a familiarModel object."))

  # Find parameter id and run id for the current run
  parameter_list <- as.list(parameter_table[, -c("param_id")])
  param_id <- parameter_table$param_id[1]

  # Select training (in-bag) and validation (out-of-bag) data for current run,
  data_training <- select_data_from_samples(
    data = data,
    samples = training_samples)

  data_validation <- select_data_from_samples(
    data = data,
    samples = validation_samples)

  # Update the familiar model (for variable importance)
  object@hyperparameters <- parameter_list

  # Set signature.
  object <- set_signature(
    object = object,
    rank_table = rank_table,
    minimise_footprint = TRUE)

  # Train model with the set of hyperparameters.
  object <- .train(
    object = object,
    data = data_training,
    get_additional_info = FALSE,
    trim_model = FALSE,
    approximate = TRUE)

  # Generate scores.
  score_table <- mapply(
    function(data, data_set, object, metric_objects, settings) {
      # Get metric names.
      metric_names <- sapply(metric_objects, function(metric_object) metric_object@metric)

      # Set time_max.
      if (!is.null(object@settings$time_max)) {
        # Derive from evaluation settings attached to the familiarModel object.
        time_max <- object@settings$time_max
      } else {
        time_max <- object@outcome_info@time

      # Predict for the in-bag and out-of-bag datasets.
      prediction_table <- .predict(
        object = object,
        data = data,
        time = time_max)

      # Compute metric scores.
      metrics_values <- sapply(
        data = prediction_table)

      # Compute objective scores.
      metrics_objective_score <- mapply(
        metric = metric_objects,
        value = metrics_values,
        SIMPLIFY = TRUE)

      # Return as data.table.
        "metric" = metric_names,
        "data_set" = data_set,
        "value" = metrics_values,
        "objective_score" = metrics_objective_score))
    data = list(data_training, data_validation),
    data_set = c("training", "validation"),
    MoreArgs = list(
      "object" = object,
      "metric_objects" = metric_objects),

  # Aggregate to a single table.
  score_table <- data.table::rbindlist(score_table, use.names = TRUE)

  # Add parameter id and run id.
  score_table[, ":="(
    "param_id" = param_id,
    "run_id" = run_id)]
  # Set the column order.
    x = score_table,
    neworder = c("param_id", "run_id"))

    "score_table" = score_table,
    "error" = object@messages$error))

.compute_hyperparameter_optimisation_score <- function(
    optimisation_function) {
  # Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table

  if (is_empty(score_table)) return(NULL)

  # Compute optimisation score.
  optimisation_score_table <- .compute_metric_optimisation_score(
    score_table = score_table,
    optimisation_function = optimisation_function)

  # Reinsert time_taken.
  optimisation_score_table <- optimisation_score_table[
    unique(score_table[, c("param_id", "run_id", "time_taken")]),
    on = .NATURAL]


.compute_hyperparameter_summary_score <- function(
    optimisation_model) {
  # Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
  optimisation_score <- time_taken <- .NATURAL <- mu <- sigma <- NULL
  summary_score <- score_estimate <- NULL

  # Check that the table is not empty.
  if (is_empty(score_table)) return(NULL)

  # Check if summary score has already been created.
  if ("summary_score" %in% colnames(score_table)) return(score_table)

  # Extract the optimisation function.
  optimisation_function <- optimisation_model@optimisation_function

  # Check if the score table already contains optimisation scores.
  if (!"optimisation_score" %in% colnames(score_table)) {
    score_table <- .compute_hyperparameter_optimisation_score(
      score_table = score_table,
      optimisation_function = optimisation_function)

  # Make sure to return both the summary score, as well as the mean optimisation
  # score (or its model estimate if the optimisation function allows it). The
  # mean score is important for acquisition functions, where we work with
  # predictions of the optimisation score -- not the summary score. In addition,
  # compute time_taken.
  if (optimisation_function %in% c(
    "validation", "max_validation", "balanced", "stronger_balance")) {
    # Here we just use the mean score.
    data <- score_table[, list(
      "summary_score" = mean(optimisation_score, na.rm = TRUE),
      "score_estimate" = mean(optimisation_score, na.rm = TRUE),
      "time_taken" = stats::median(time_taken)
    ), by = "param_id"]
  } else if (optimisation_function %in% c("validation_minus_sd")) {
    # Here we need to compute the standard deviation, with an exception for
    # single subsamples.
    data <- score_table[, list(
      "summary_score" = ..optimisation_function_validation_minus_sd(optimisation_score),
      "score_estimate" = mean(optimisation_score, na.rm = TRUE),
      "time_taken" = stats::median(time_taken)
    ), by = "param_id"]
  } else if (optimisation_function %in% c("validation_25th_percentile")) {
    # Summary score is formed by the 25th percentile of the optimisation scores.
    data <- score_table[, list(
      "summary_score" = stats::quantile(optimisation_score, probs = 0.25, names = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE),
      "score_estimate" = mean(optimisation_score, na.rm = TRUE),
      "time_taken" = stats::median(time_taken)
    ), by = "param_id"]
  } else if (optimisation_function %in% c(
    "model_estimate", "model_estimate_minus_sd",
    "model_balanced_estimate", "model_balanced_estimate_minus_sd")) {
    # Model based summary scores. The main difference with other optimisation
    # functions is that a hyperparameter model is used to both infer the summary
    # scores and the score estimate.

    # Check if the model is trained.
    if (!model_is_trained(optimisation_model)) {
      optimisation_model <- .train(
        object = optimisation_model,
        data = score_table,
        parameter_data = parameter_table)

    # Get parameter data that is used in the score table.
    parameter_data <- parameter_table[
      unique(score_table[, mget("param_id")]),
      on = .NATURAL]

    # Model was successfully trained.
    prediction_table <- .predict(
      object = optimisation_model,
      data = parameter_data,
      type = ifelse(
        optimisation_function %in% c("model_estimate", "model_balanced_estimate"),
        "default", "sd"))

    # Check the prediction table has returned sensible information.
    if (any(is.finite(prediction_table$mu))) {
      # Prepare the score estimate and time taken.
      data <- score_table[, list(
        "time_taken" = stats::median(time_taken)),
        by = "param_id"]

      # Fold the prediction table into data.
      data <- merge(
        x = data,
        y = prediction_table,
        all.x = TRUE,
        all.y = FALSE,
        by = "param_id")

      if (optimisation_function %in% c("model_estimate", "model_balanced_estimate")) {
        # Copy mu as score estimate.
        data[, "score_estimate" := mu]

        # Rename mu to summary_score.
          x = data,
          old = "mu",
          new = "summary_score")
      } else if (optimisation_function %in% c(
        "model_estimate_minus_sd", "model_balanced_estimate_minus_sd")) {
        # Compute summary score.
        data[, "summary_score" := mu - sigma]

        # Rename mu to score_estimate.
          x = data,
          old = "mu",
          new = "score_estimate")
      } else {
          ".compute_hyperparameter_summary_score: encountered ",
          "unknown optimisation function: ", optimisation_function))

      # Check that any predictions make sense at all.
      if (all(!is.finite(score_table$optimisation_score))) {
        data[, ":="(
          summary_score = NA_real_,
          score_estimate = NA_real_)]
    } else if (optimisation_function %in% c(
      "model_estimate", "model_balanced_estimate")) {
      # In absence of suitable data, use the model-less equivalent of
      # model_estimate or model_balanced_estimate, namely "validation".
      data <- score_table[, list(
        "summary_score" = mean(optimisation_score, na.rm = TRUE),
        "score_estimate" = mean(optimisation_score, na.rm = TRUE),
        "time_taken" = stats::median(time_taken)
      ), by = "param_id"]
    } else if (optimisation_function %in% c(
      "model_estimate_minus_sd", "model_balanced_estimate_minus_sd")) {
      # In absence of suitable data, use the model-less equivalent of
      # model_estimate_minus_sd or model_balanced_estimate_minus_sd,
      # namely "validation_minus_sd".
      data <- score_table[, list(
        "summary_score" = ..optimisation_function_validation_minus_sd(optimisation_score),
        "score_estimate" = mean(optimisation_score, na.rm = TRUE),
        "time_taken" = stats::median(time_taken)
      ), by = "param_id"]
    } else {
        ".compute_hyperparameter_summary_score: encountered unknown ",
        "optimisation function: ", optimisation_function))
  } else {
      ".compute_hyperparameter_summary_score: encountered an unknown ",
      "optimisation function"))

  # Format data by selecting only relevant columns. This also orders the data.
  data <- data[, mget(c("param_id", "summary_score", "score_estimate", "time_taken"))]

  # Update missing scores.
  data[!is.finite(summary_score), "summary_score" := ..get_replacement_optimisation_score()]
  data[!is.finite(score_estimate), "score_estimate" := ..get_replacement_optimisation_score()]


..optimisation_function_validation_minus_sd <- function(x) {
  # Here we need to switch based on the length of x.

  # The default behaviour is when multiple subsamples exist, and the standard
  # deviation can be computed.
  if (length(x) > 1) {
    return(mean(x, na.rm = TRUE) - stats::sd(x, na.rm = TRUE))

  # The exception for x with length 1, where the standard deviation does not
  # exist.
  return(mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))

get_best_hyperparameter_set <- function(
    n = 1L,
    parameter_id_set = NULL) {
  # The best set has several interesting values that can be computed and used
  # for acquisition functions, information for the user etc.

  # Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
  summary_score <- param_id <- NULL

  # Compute summary scores.
  data <- .compute_hyperparameter_summary_score(
    score_table = score_table,
    parameter_table = parameter_table,
    optimisation_model = optimisation_model)

  # Select only the parameter sets of interest. This happens during the run-off
  # between the incumbent and challenger hyperparameter sets.
  if (!is.null(parameter_id_set)) {
    data <- data[param_id %in% parameter_id_set]

  # Find the best hyperparameter set based on summary scores in data.
  data <- data[order(-summary_score)]
  data <- head(data, n = n)

  # Compute round t, i.e. the highest number of bootstraps observed across the
  # parameters.
  t <- max(unique(score_table[, mget(c("param_id", "run_id"))])[, list("n" = .N), by = "param_id"]$n)

  # Compute the maximum allowed time.
  max_time <- (5.0 - 4.0 * t / n_max_bootstraps) * data$time_taken[1]

  # Check that the maximum time is not trivially small (i.e. less than 10
  # seconds).
  if (is.na(max_time)) {
    max_time <- Inf
  } else if (max_time < 10.0) {
    max_time <- 10.0

  # Extract and update summary score and score estimate
  summary_score <- data$summary_score
  if (!is.finite(summary_score)) {
    summary_score <- ..get_replacement_optimisation_score()

  score_estimate <- data$score_estimate
  if (!is.finite(score_estimate)) {
    score_estimate <- ..get_replacement_optimisation_score()

  if (!"optimisation_score" %in% colnames(score_table)) {
    # Compute mean validation score as a summary score, as well as mean validation
    # scores of the raw metric values.
    additional_scores <- .compute_hyperparameter_additional_scores(
      score_table = score_table[param_id %in% data$param_id])

    # Merge additional scores with summary data and sort again to prevent any
    # merge issues.
    data <- merge(
      x = data,
      y = additional_scores,
      by = "param_id")
    data <- data[order(-summary_score)]

    # Find metric columns
    metric_columns <- unique(score_table$metric)

    # Extract the summary score, score estimate, and time taken, and return with
    # other information.
      "param_id" = data$param_id,
      "t" = t,
      "time" = data$time_taken,
      "max_time" = max_time,
      "summary_score" = summary_score,
      "score_estimate" = score_estimate,
      "validation_score" = data$validation_score,
      "metric_score" = data[, mget(c(metric_columns))],
      "n" = n_max_bootstraps))
  } else {
      "param_id" = data$param_id,
      "t" = t,
      "time" = data$time_taken,
      "max_time" = max_time,
      "summary_score" = summary_score,
      "score_estimate" = score_estimate,
      "n" = n_max_bootstraps))

.compute_hyperparameter_additional_scores <- function(score_table) {
  # Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
  data_set <- optimisation_score <- value <- NULL

  # Compute mean validation score, which is the typical objective score for
  # hyperparameter optimisation.
  mean_validation_scores <- .compute_hyperparameter_optimisation_score(
    score_table = score_table,
    optimisation_function = "validation")
  mean_validation_scores <- mean_validation_scores[, list(
    "validation_score" = mean(optimisation_score, na.rm = TRUE)
    ), by = c("param_id")]

  # Compute mean metric values.
  mean_metric_scores <- score_table[
    data_set == "validation",
    list("average_metric_value" = mean(value, na.rm = TRUE)),
    by = c("param_id", "metric")
  mean_metric_scores <- data.table::dcast(
    param_id ~ metric,
    value.var = "average_metric_value")

    x = mean_validation_scores,
    y = mean_metric_scores,
    by = "param_id"))

..parse_optimisation_summary_to_string <- function(
    parameter_list) {
  # Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
  param_id <- NULL

  # Set up string.
  message_str <- character(0L)

  # Add summary score.
  message_str <- c(
      "summary score: ",
      sprintf("%.4f", parameter_set$summary_score[1])))

  # Add validation optimisation score.
  message_str <- c(
      "validation optimisation score: ",
      sprintf("%.4f", parameter_set$validation_score[1]))

  # Add metric scores.
  for (metric in colnames(parameter_set$metric_score)) {
    message_str <- c(
        metric, ": ",
        sprintf("%.4f", parameter_set$metric_score[[metric]][1]))

  # Add hyperparameters. Iterate through parameter list and identify parameters
  # that are being optimised.
  for (current_parameter in names(parameter_list)) {
    # Check if the current parameter is randomised.
    if (parameter_list[[current_parameter]]$randomise == TRUE) {
      # Determine the value of the parameter for the set identified by the id
      # variable.
      optimal_value <- parameter_table[param_id == parameter_set$param_id, ][[current_parameter]][1]

      # Append to string.
      message_str <- c(
        paste0(current_parameter, ": ", optimal_value)

  return(paste0(message_str, collapse = "; "))

..update_hyperparameter_optimisation_stopping_criteria <- function(
    stop_data = NULL,
    tolerance = 1E-2) {
  # Store the validation score of the incumbent set. Note that the latest score
  # is always appended.
  validation_scores <- c(

  # Store the parameter id of the incumbent set. Note that the most recent
  # hyperparameter set identifier is always appended.
  incumbent_parameter_id <- c(

  # Read the convergence counters. Can be NULL initially.
  convergence_counter_score <- stop_data$convergence_counter_score
  if (is.null(convergence_counter_score)) convergence_counter_score <- 0L

  # Convergence counter for parameter identifiers.
  convergence_counter_parameter_id <- stop_data$convergence_counter_parameter_id
  if (is.null(convergence_counter_parameter_id)) convergence_counter_parameter_id <- 0L

  # Update convergence counter for parameter identifiers if there is no change
  # in the incumbent parameter set. Skip on the first run-through.
  if (length(incumbent_parameter_id) >= 2) {
    if (all(tail(incumbent_parameter_id, n = 3L) == set_data$param_id)) {
      # Update the convergence counter.
      convergence_counter_parameter_id <- convergence_counter_parameter_id + 1L
    } else {
      # Reset the convergence counter.
      convergence_counter_parameter_id <- 0L

  # Assess convergence of the summary scores. This is skipped on the first
  # run-through.
  if (length(validation_scores) >= 2) {
    # Compute absolute deviation from the mean.
    max_abs_deviation <- max(abs(
      tail(validation_scores, n = 3L) - mean(tail(validation_scores, n = 3L))))

    if (is.na(max_abs_deviation)) {
      convergence_counter_score <- 0L
    } else if (max_abs_deviation <= tolerance) {
      convergence_counter_score <- convergence_counter_score + 1L
    } else {
      convergence_counter_score <- 0L

  # Read the no-naive-improvement counter. Can be NULL initially. This reduces
  # needless search for meaningless hyperparameter sets.
  no_naive_improvement_counter <- stop_data$no_naive_improvement_counter
  if (is.null(no_naive_improvement_counter)) no_naive_improvement_counter <- 0L

  if (set_data$validation_score <= 0) {
    # The best known model does not predict better than a naive_model.
    no_naive_improvement_counter <- no_naive_improvement_counter + 1L
  } else {
    # The best known model predicts better than a naive model.
    no_naive_improvement_counter <- 0L

  # Return list with stopping parameters.
    "score" = validation_scores,
    "parameter_id" = incumbent_parameter_id,
    "convergence_counter_score" = convergence_counter_score,
    "convergence_counter_parameter_id" = convergence_counter_parameter_id,
    "no_naive_improvement_counter" = no_naive_improvement_counter))

..create_hyperparameter_intensify_run_table <- function(
    exploration_method) {
  # Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
  param_id <- sampled <- run_id <- to_sample <- n <- NULL

  # Combine all parameter ids.
  parameter_ids <- c(parameter_id_incumbent, parameter_id_challenger)

  # Make a copy of the score table and keep only relevant parameter and run
  # identifiers.
  score_table <- unique(data.table::copy(
    score_table[param_id %in% parameter_ids, c("param_id", "run_id")]))

  # Add a sampled column that marks those elements that have been previously
  # sampled.
  score_table[, "sampled" := TRUE]

  # Generate run data table
  run_table <- data.table::as.data.table(expand.grid(
    param_id = parameter_ids,
    run_id = seq_len(n_max_bootstraps),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

  # Mark those runs that have not been sampled yet. These have an NA-value for
  # the sampled column.
  run_table <- merge(
    x = run_table,
    y = score_table,
    by = c("param_id", "run_id"),
    all.x = TRUE)
  run_table[is.na(sampled), "sampled" := FALSE]

  # Add a to_sample column to mark new samples to be made.
  run_table[, "to_sample" := FALSE]

  # Find runs that have only been fully, partially or not sampled by the hyperparameter sets.
  sampled_runs <- run_table[sampled == TRUE, list("n" = .N), by = "run_id"]

  # Identify run identifiers.
  fully_sampled_runs <- sampled_runs[n == length(parameter_ids)]$run_id
  partially_sampled_runs <- sampled_runs[n > 0 & n < length(parameter_ids)]$run_id
  unsampled_runs <- setdiff(seq_len(n_max_bootstraps), sampled_runs[n > 0]$run_id)

  # Check that there are any runs to be sampled.
  if (length(fully_sampled_runs) == n_max_bootstraps) return(NULL)

  # Compute the number of runs that could be completely new. This is 1/3rd of
  # n_max_bootstraps, with a minimum of 1. This makes the selection of new runs
  # more conservative, saving time and resources. When the exploration method
  # equals none, we select up to n_intensify_step_bootstraps of new runs.
  if (exploration_method == "none") {
    n_new_runs <- n_intensify_step_bootstraps
  } else if (exploration_method == "single_shot") {
    n_new_runs <- 1L
  } else {
    n_new_runs <- max(c(1L, floor(n_intensify_step_bootstraps / 3)))

  # An exception should be made if there are no partially sampled runs. Then up
  # to n_intensify_step_bootstraps should be sampled.
  if (length(partially_sampled_runs) == 0) n_new_runs <- n_intensify_step_bootstraps

  # Iterate over the parameter identifiers and identify what runs should be
  # sampled.
  for (parameter_id in parameter_ids) {
    # Find partially sampled runs that have not been sampled for the current
    # hyperparameter set.
    current_partially_sampled_runs <- setdiff(
      run_table[sampled == TRUE & param_id == parameter_id, ]$run_id)

    # Select runs to be sampled from among those that have been sampled by other
    # hyperparameter sets.
    if (length(current_partially_sampled_runs) > 0) {
        run_id %in% head(current_partially_sampled_runs, n = n_intensify_step_bootstraps) &
          param_id == parameter_id,
        "to_sample" := TRUE]

    # Add completely new runs if there is room.
    if (length(current_partially_sampled_runs) < n_intensify_step_bootstraps &&
        length(unsampled_runs) > 0) {
      # Determine the number of new runs that should be added.
      n_current_new_runs <- min(c(
        n_intensify_step_bootstraps - length(current_partially_sampled_runs)))

      # Select up to current_new_runs to sample.
        run_id %in% head(unsampled_runs, n = n_current_new_runs) &
          param_id == parameter_id,
        "to_sample" := TRUE]

  # Select only runs that should be sampled, and return run_id and param_id
  # columns.
  run_table <- run_table[to_sample == TRUE, c("param_id", "run_id")]


.compare_hyperparameter_sets <- function(
    exploration_method = "successive_halving",
    intensify_stop_p_value) {
  # Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
  param_id <- p_value <- summary_score <- NULL

  if (exploration_method == "successive_halving") {
    # Compute summary scores.
    data <- .compute_hyperparameter_summary_score(
      score_table = score_table,
      parameter_table = parameter_table,
      optimisation_model = optimisation_model)

    # Select only data concerning the incumbent and challenger sets
    data <- data[param_id %in% c(parameter_id_incumbent, parameter_id_challenger)]

    # Order the relevant data according to summary score.
    data <- data[order(-summary_score)]

    # Remove the worst half of performers. For simplicity we increase the number
    # of selectable hyperparameters by one to account for the challenger.
    n_selectable <- floor((length(parameter_id_challenger)) / 2)

    # Select the new incumbent, which may be identical to the old incumbent.
    param_id_incumbent_new <- head(data, n = 1L)$param_id

    # Select the remaining challengers, which temporarily includes the new
    # incumbent.
    param_id_challenger_new <- head(data, n = n_selectable + 1L)$param_id
  } else if (exploration_method == "stochastic_reject") {
    # Compute hyperparameter optimisation scores. First check if the score table
    # already contains optimisation scores.
    if (!"optimisation_score" %in% colnames(score_table)) {
      data <- .compute_hyperparameter_optimisation_score(
        score_table = score_table[param_id %in% c(parameter_id_incumbent, parameter_id_challenger)],
        optimisation_function = optimisation_model@optimisation_function)
    } else {
      data <- data.table::copy(score_table)

    # Compute summary scores.
    summary_data <- .compute_hyperparameter_summary_score(
      score_table = data,
      parameter_table = parameter_table,
      optimisation_model = optimisation_model)

    # Select only data concerning the incumbent and challenger sets
    summary_data <- summary_data[param_id %in% c(parameter_id_incumbent, parameter_id_challenger)]

    # Order the relevant data according to summary score.
    summary_data <- summary_data[order(-summary_score)]

    # Select the new incumbent, which may be identical to the old incumbent.
    param_id_incumbent_new <- head(summary_data, n = 1L)$param_id

    # Select the preliminary set of challengers.
    param_id_challenger_new <- setdiff(
      union(parameter_id_incumbent, parameter_id_challenger),

    # Compare optimisation scores and compute p-values.
    p_value_table <- data[
      param_id %in% param_id_challenger_new,
        challenger_score_table = .SD,
        incumbent_score_table = data[param_id == param_id_incumbent_new]),
      by = c("param_id")]

    # Select parameter identifiers with p-values above the thresholds.
    param_id_challenger_new <- p_value_table[p_value > intensify_stop_p_value, ]$param_id
  } else if (exploration_method %in% c("none", "single_shot")) {
    # Keep the incumbent set.
    param_id_incumbent_new <- parameter_id_incumbent

    # Keep the challengers.
    param_id_challenger_new <- parameter_id_challenger
  } else {
      ".compare_hyperparameter_sets: encountered unknown exploration method: ",

  # Update param_id_challenger_new by removing the incumbent set.
  param_id_challenger_new <- setdiff(
    union(param_id_incumbent_new, param_id_challenger_new),

    "parameter_id_incumbent" = param_id_incumbent_new,
    "parameter_id_challenger" = param_id_challenger_new))

..compare_hyperparameter_optimisation_scores <- function(
    incumbent_score_table) {
  # Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
  run_id <- optimisation_score <- NULL

  # Find matching bootstrap ids
  run_id_match <- intersect(

  # Select rows that match. Note that optimisation score is updated locally to
  # avoid update by reference on protected slices of the score table in
  # .compare_hyperparameter_optimisation_scores.
  challenger_score_table <- data.table::copy(challenger_score_table[run_id %in% run_id_match, ])
  challenger_score_table <- challenger_score_table[is.na(optimisation_score), "optimisation_score" := -1.0]
  incumbent_score_table <- data.table::copy(incumbent_score_table[run_id %in% run_id_match, ])
  incumbent_score_table <- incumbent_score_table[is.na(optimisation_score), "optimisation_score" := -1.0]

  # Find p-value for matching means using paired wilcoxon rank test.
  p_value <- suppressWarnings(stats::wilcox.test(
    x = challenger_score_table[order(run_id_match)]$optimisation_score,
    y = incumbent_score_table[order(run_id_match)]$optimisation_score,
    paired = TRUE,
    alternative = "less"
  # Return list with p-values.
  return(list("p_value" = p_value))

.encode_categorical_hyperparameters <- function(parameter_list) {
  # Iterate over hyperparameters.
  parameter_list <- lapply(


..encode_categorical_hyperparameters <- function(x) {
  # Encodes the init_config element of x in case x is a categorical
  # hyperparameter.

  # Skip if x is not categorical.
  if (x$type != "factor") return(x)

  if (x$randomise) {
    # Assign default range + initial value as levels, in case the hyperparameter
    # is randomised.
    x$init_config <- factor(x$init_config, levels = c(union(x$range, x$init_config)))
  } else {
    # Assign only the selected level as factor.
    x$init_config <- factor(x$init_config, levels = x$init_config)


.set_signature_size <- function(
    suggested_range = NULL) {
  if (is.null(suggested_range)) suggested_range <- c(1, Inf)

  # Update minimum signature size in object.
  object@hyperparameters$sign_size <- min(suggested_range)

  # Some variable importance methods fail to produce a list (e.g. none,
  # signature_only, random). We create a single element list in that case.
  if (is_empty(rank_table_list)) rank_table_list <- list(NULL)

  # Determine the lower range of the signature.
  signature_list <- lapply(
    function(rank_table, object) {
        object = object,
        rank_table = rank_table)
    object = object)

  # Find the minimum number of
  min_signature_size <- min(sapply(signature_list, length))

  # Update maximum signature size in the list.
  object@hyperparameters$sign_size <- max(suggested_range)

  # Determine the lower range of the signature.
  signature_list <- lapply(
    function(rank_table, object) {
        object = object,
        rank_table = rank_table)
    object = object)

  # Update maximum signature size in the list.
  max_signature_size <- max(sapply(signature_list, length))

  # Add minimum and maximum signature size, if necessary.
  if (any(suggested_range < min_signature_size)) {
    suggested_range <- c(suggested_range, min_signature_size)
  if (any(suggested_range > max_signature_size)) {
    suggested_range <- c(suggested_range, max_signature_size)

  # Limit range to unique values within the range.
  suggested_range <- suggested_range[
    suggested_range >= min_signature_size &
      suggested_range <= max_signature_size]
  suggested_range <- unique(suggested_range)


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