
Defines functions .get_available_survival_regression_learners

#' @include FamiliarS4Generics.R
#' @include FamiliarS4Classes.R

# familiarSurvRegr -------------------------------------------------------------
  contains = "familiarModel",
  slots = list("encoding_reference_table" = "ANY"),
  prototype = list("encoding_reference_table" = NULL))

# initialize -------------------------------------------------------------------
  signature(.Object = "familiarSurvRegr"),
  function(.Object, ...) {
    # Update with parent class first.
    .Object <- callNextMethod()

    # Set the required package
    .Object@package <- "survival"


# is_available -----------------------------------------------------------------
  "is_available", signature(object = "familiarSurvRegr"),
  function(object, ...) {
    # Survival regression is only available if for survival outcomes.
    return(object@outcome_type == "survival")

# get_default_hyperparameters --------------------------------------------------
  signature(object = "familiarSurvRegr"),
  function(object, data = NULL, ...) {
    # Initialise list and declare hyperparameter entries
    param <- list()
    param$sign_size <- list()
    param$distribution <- list()

    # If data is explicitly set to NULL, return the list with hyperparameter
    # names only
    if (is.null(data)) return(param)

    # signature size -----------------------------------------------------------
    param$sign_size <- .get_default_sign_size(
      data = data,
      restrict_samples = TRUE)

    # outcome distribution -----------------------------------------------------

    # Randomisation of distribution depends on selected learner.
    if (object@learner == "survival_regr") {
      distribution_default <- c(
        "weibull", "exponential", "gaussian", "logistic", "loglogistic", "lognormal")
    } else {
      distribution_default <- sub(
        x = object@learner,
        pattern = "survival_regr_",
        replacement = "",
        fixed = TRUE)

    # Set the distribution parameter
    param$distribution <- .set_hyperparameter(
      default = distribution_default,
      type = "factor",
      range = distribution_default,
      randomise = ifelse(length(distribution_default) > 1, TRUE, FALSE))

    # Return hyper-parameters

# get_prediction_type ----------------------------------------------------------
  signature(object = "familiarSurvRegr"),
  function(object, type = "default") {
    # Survival regression models predict an expected survival time by default.
    if (type == "default") {
    } else if (type == "survival_probability") {
    } else {
        "get_prediction_type,familiarSurvRegr: unknown type")

# ..train ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    object = "familiarSurvRegr",
    data = "dataObject"),
  function(object, data, ...) {
    # Check if training data is ok.
    if (reason <- has_bad_training_data(object = object, data = data)) {
      return(callNextMethod(object = .why_bad_training_data(
        object = object,
        reason = reason)))

    # Check if hyperparameters are set.
    if (is.null(object@hyperparameters)) {
      return(callNextMethod(object = ..update_errors(
        object = object,

    # Check that required packages are loaded and installed.
    require_package(object, "train")

    # Use effect coding to convert categorical data into encoded data - this is
    # required to deal with factors with missing/new levels between training and
    # test data sets.
    encoded_data <- encode_categorical_variables(
      data = data,
      object = object,
      encoding_method = "dummy",
      drop_levels = FALSE)

    # Find feature columns in the data.
    feature_columns <- get_feature_columns(x = encoded_data$encoded_data)

    # Parse formula
    formula <- stats::reformulate(
      termlabels = feature_columns,
      response = quote(survival::Surv(outcome_time, outcome_event))

    # Set limits to the number of iterations that can be performed by
    # survival regression.
    model_control <- survival::survreg.control(iter.max = 100)

    # Train the model.
    model <- do.call_with_handlers(
      args = list(formula,
        "data" = encoded_data$encoded_data@data,
        "control" = model_control,
        "y" = FALSE,
        "dist" = as.character(object@hyperparameters$distribution)))

    # Extract values.
    object <- ..update_warnings(object = object, model$warning)
    object <- ..update_errors(object = object, model$error)
    model <- model$value

    # Check if the model trained at all.
    if (!is.null(object@messages$error)) return(callNextMethod(object = object))

    # Check if the model fitter converged in time.
    if (model$iter >= 100) {
      return(callNextMethod(object = ..update_errors(
        object = object,
        "Model fitter ran out of iterations and did not converge.")))

    # Check if all coefficients could not be estimated. Sometimes models could
    # be trained with a large number of features whose coefficients fail to
    # converge. This would sometimes lead to overly large signature sizes being
    # selected during hyperparameter optimisation, especially in situations
    # where there is not a lot of signal. Checking for non-finite coefficients
    # is an easy way to figure out if the model is not properly trained.
    if (any(!sapply(stats::coef(model), is.finite))) {
      return(callNextMethod(object = ..update_errors(
        object = object,

    # Add model
    object@model <- model

    # Add the contrast references to model_list
    object@encoding_reference_table <- encoded_data$reference_table

    # Set learner version
    object <- set_package_version(object)


# ..train_naive ----------------------------------------------------------------
    object = "familiarSurvRegr",
    data = "dataObject"),
  function(object, data, ...) {
    # Turn into a Naive model.
    object <- methods::new("familiarNaiveSurvivalTimeModel", object)

      object = object,
      data = data,

# ..predict --------------------------------------------------------------------
    object = "familiarSurvRegr",
    data = "dataObject"),
  function(object, data, type = "default", time = NULL, ...) {
    # Check that required packages are loaded and installed.
    require_package(object, "predict")

    if (type %in% c("default", "survival_probability")) {
      # Default method ---------------------------------------------------------

      # Check if the model was trained.
      if (!model_is_trained(object)) return(callNextMethod())

      # Check if the data is empty.
      if (is_empty(data)) return(callNextMethod())

      # Encode data so that the features are the same as in the training.
      encoded_data <- encode_categorical_variables(
        data = data,
        object = object,
        encoding_method = "dummy",
        drop_levels = FALSE)

      # Get an empty prediction table.
      prediction_table <- get_placeholder_prediction_table(
        object = object,
        data = encoded_data$encoded_data,
        type = type)

      if (object@outcome_type == "survival") {
        if (type == "default") {
          # Use the model to predict expected survival time.
          model_predictions <- predict(
            object = object@model,
            newdata = encoded_data$encoded_data@data,
            type = "response")

          # Update the prediction table.
          prediction_table[, "predicted_outcome" := model_predictions]
        } else if (type == "survival_probability") {
          # To predict survival probability we first compute survival quantiles,
          # which are survival probabilities.

          # Survival quantiles from 1.00 to 0.01
          survival_quantiles <- seq(from = 1.00, to = 0.01, by = -0.01)

          # Get estimated failure times
          failure_matrix <- predict(
            object = object@model,
            newdata = encoded_data$encoded_data@data,
            type = "quantile",
            p = 1.00 - survival_quantiles)

          # Set id columns
          id_columns <- get_id_columns()

          # Convert event_matrix to a matrix.
          if (!is.matrix(failure_matrix)) {
            failure_matrix <- matrix(
              data = failure_matrix,
              ncol = length(failure_matrix))

          # Combine with identifiers and cast to table.
          failure_table <- cbind(
            prediction_table[, mget(id_columns)],

          # Remove duplicate entries
          failure_table <- unique(failure_table, by = id_columns)

          # Melt to a long format.
          failure_table <- data.table::melt(
            id.vars = id_columns,
            variable.name = "quantile_variable",
            value.name = "survival_time")

          # Create conversion table to convert temporary variables into
          # the event times.
          conversion_table <- data.table::data.table(
            "quantile_variable" = paste0("V", seq_along(survival_quantiles)),
            "survival_quantile" = survival_quantiles)

          # Add in
          failure_table <- merge(
            x = failure_table, 
            y = conversion_table, 
            on = "quantile_variable")

          # Drop the time_variable column
          failure_table[, "quantile_variable" := NULL]

          # Now, interpolate at the given time point.
          failure_table <- lapply(
            split(failure_table, by = id_columns),
            function(sample_table, time, id_columns) {
              # Interpolate values at the given time.
              value <- stats::approx(
                x = sample_table$survival_time,
                y = sample_table$survival_quantile,
                xout = time,
                rule = 2
              # Create an output table
              output_table <- data.table::copy(sample_table[1, mget(id_columns)])
              output_table[, "survival_probability" := value]
            time = time, 
            id_columns = id_columns)
          # Concatenate to single table.
          failure_table <- data.table::rbindlist(failure_table)
          # Remove survival_probability from the prediction table.
          prediction_table[, "survival_probability" := NULL]
          # Then merge the event table into the prediction table.
          prediction_table <- merge(
            x = prediction_table,
            y = failure_table, 
            by = id_columns)
      } else {

    } else {
      # User-specified method --------------------------------------------------

      # Check if the model was trained.
      if (!model_is_trained(object)) return(NULL)

      # Check if the data is empty.
      if (is_empty(data)) return(NULL)

      # Encode data so that the features are the same as in the
      # training.
      encoded_data <- encode_categorical_variables(
        data = data,
        object = object,
        encoding_method = "dummy",
        drop_levels = FALSE)

      # Use the model to predict expected survival time.
        object = object@model,
        newdata = encoded_data$encoded_data@data,
        type = type,

# ..predict_survival_probability -----------------------------------------------
    object = "familiarSurvRegr",
    data = "dataObject"),
  function(object, data, time, ...) {
    if (!object@outcome_type %in% c("survival")) return(callNextMethod())

    # Check that required packages are loaded and installed.
    require_package(object, "predict")

    # If time is unset, read the max time stored by the model.
    if (is.null(time)) time <- object@settings$time_max

      object = object, 
      data = data, 
      time = time, 
      type = "survival_probability"))

# ..vimp -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  signature(object = "familiarSurvRegr"),
  function(object, ...) {
    # Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
    score <- NULL

    if (!model_is_trained(object)) return(callNextMethod())

    # Check that required packages are loaded and installed.
    require_package(object, "vimp")

    # Define p-values
    coefficient_z_values <- tryCatch(
      error = identity)

    if (inherits(coefficient_z_values, "error")) return(callNextMethod())

    # Remove any intercept from the data.
    coefficient_z_values <- coefficient_z_values[
      names(coefficient_z_values) != "(Intercept)"]

    if (length(coefficient_z_values) == 0) return(callNextMethod())

    # Assign to variable importance table.
    vimp_table <- data.table::data.table(
      "score" = coefficient_z_values,
      "name" = names(coefficient_z_values))

    # Remove NA values
    vimp_table <- vimp_table[is.finite(score)]

    # Create variable importance object.
    vimp_object <- methods::new(
      vimp_table = vimp_table,
      encoding_table = object@encoding_reference_table,
      score_aggregation = "max",
      invert = TRUE)


# ..set_calibration_info -------------------------------------------------------
  signature(object = "familiarSurvRegr"),
  function(object, data) {
    # Check if calibration info already.
    if (has_calibration_info(object)) return(object)

    if (object@outcome_type == "survival") {
      # Determine baseline survival.
      object@calibration_info <- get_baseline_survival(data = data)
    } else {


# ..set_vimp_parameters --------------------------------------------------------
  signature(object = "familiarSurvRegr"),
  function(object, method, ...) {
    # Randomisation of distribution depends on selected learner.
    if (method == "survival_regr") {
      distribution_default <- "weibull"
    } else {
      distribution_default <- sub(
        x = method,
        pattern = "survival_regr_",
        replacement = "",
        fixed = TRUE

    # Set the distribution parameter
    object@hyperparameters$distribution <- distribution_default


# .trim_model-------------------------------------------------------------------
  signature(object = "familiarSurvRegr"),
  function(object, ...) {
    # Update model by removing the call.
    object@model$call <- call("trimmed")

    # Add show.
    object <- .capture_show(object)

    # Remove .Environment.
    object@model$terms <- .replace_environment(object@model$terms)

    # Remove elements that contain sample-specific values.
    object@model$linear.predictors <- NULL

    # Set is_trimmed to TRUE.
    object@is_trimmed <- TRUE

    # Default method for models that lack a more specific method.

.get_available_survival_regression_learners <- function(show_general = TRUE) {
  # Learners
  learners <- c(
    "survival_regr", "survival_regr_weibull", "survival_regr_exponential",
    "survival_regr_gaussian", "survival_regr_logistic",
    "survival_regr_lognormal", "survival_regr_loglogistic"
  if (!show_general) {
    learners <- setdiff(learners, c("survival_regr"))

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familiar documentation built on Sept. 30, 2024, 9:18 a.m.