
Defines functions .get_available_xgboost_dart_learners .get_available_xgboost_tree_learners .get_available_xgboost_lm_learners

#' @include FamiliarS4Generics.R
#' @include FamiliarS4Classes.R

# familiarXGBoost --------------------------------------------------------------
  contains = "familiarModel",
  slots = list(
    "encoding_reference_table" = "ANY",
    "outcome_table" = "ANY",
    "outcome_shift" = "numeric",
    "outcome_scale" = "numeric",
    "feature_order" = "character"),
  prototype = list(
    "encoding_reference_table" = NULL,
    "outcome_table" = NULL,
    "outcome_shift" = 0.0,
    "outcome_scale" = 1.0,
    "feature_order" = character()))

setClass("familiarXGBoostLM", contains = "familiarXGBoost")
setClass("familiarXGBoostTree", contains = "familiarXGBoost")
setClass("familiarXGBoostDart", contains = "familiarXGBoost")

# initialize -------------------------------------------------------------------
  signature(.Object = "familiarXGBoost"),
  function(.Object, ...) {
    # Update with parent class first.
    .Object <- callNextMethod()

    # Set required package
    .Object@package <- "xgboost"


# is_available -----------------------------------------------------------------
  signature(object = "familiarXGBoost"),
  function(object, ...) {
    # Extract learner and outcome_type from the familiarModel object.
    outcome_type <- object@outcome_type

    # Strip booster type from the learner.
    learner <- sub_all_patterns(
      x = object@learner,
      pattern = c("xgboost_lm", "xgboost_tree", "xgboost_dart"),
      replacement = "",
      fixed = TRUE)
    if (startsWith(learner, "_")) {
      learner <- sub(
        x = learner,
        pattern = "_",
        replacement = "",
        fixed = TRUE)

    if (
      outcome_type == "continuous" &&
      learner %in% c("", "logistic", "gaussian", "gamma")) {
    } else if (
      outcome_type == "multinomial" &&
      learner %in% c("", "logistic")) {
    } else if (
      outcome_type == "binomial" &&
      learner %in% c("", "logistic")) {
    } else if (
      outcome_type == "survival" &&
      learner %in% c("", "cox")) {
    } else if (
      outcome_type == "count" &&
      learner %in% c("", "poisson", "gaussian")) {

# get_default_hyperparameters --------------------------------------------------
  signature(object = "familiarXGBoost"),
  function(object, data = NULL, user_list = NULL, ...) {
    # Initialise list and declare hyperparameter entries
    param <- list()
    param$sign_size <- list()
    param$learn_objective <- list()

    # General parameters
    param$n_boost <- list()
    param$learning_rate <- list()
    param$lambda <- list()
    param$alpha <- list()
    param$sample_weighting <- list()
    param$sample_weighting_beta <- list()

    # Tree specific parameters
    if (is(object, "familiarXGBoostTree") || is(object, "familiarXGBoostDart")) {
      param$tree_depth <- list()
      param$sample_size <- list()
      param$min_child_weight <- list()
      param$gamma <- list()

    # DART-specific parameters
    if (is(object, "familiarXGBoostDart")) {
      param$sample_type <- list()
      param$rate_drop <- list()

    # If data is explicitly NULL, return the list with hyperparameter names
    # only.
    if (is.null(data)) return(param)

    # Extract outcome type.
    outcome_type <- object@outcome_type

    # Determine number of samples.
    n_samples <- data.table::uniqueN(
      by = get_id_columns(id_depth = "series"))

    # signature size -----------------------------------------------------------
    param$sign_size <- .get_default_sign_size(data = data)

    # model objective ----------------------------------------------------------

    # xgboost has several families, or rather objectives, that can be used.

    # Read family string by parsing learner.
    fam <- sub_all_patterns(
      x = object@learner,
      pattern = c("xgboost_lm", "xgboost_tree", "xgboost_dart"),
      replacement = "",
      fixed = TRUE)
    if (fam != "") {
      fam <- sub(
        x = fam, 
        pattern = "_",
        replacement = "", 
        fixed = TRUE)

    # Define the objective based on the name of the learner.
    if (fam == "") {
      # No specific objective is provided.
      if (outcome_type == "continuous") {
        learn_objective_default <- c("gaussian", "continuous_logistic", "gamma")
      } else if (outcome_type == "count") {
        learn_objective_default <- c("gaussian", "poisson")
      } else if (outcome_type == "binomial") {
        learn_objective_default <- "binomial_logistic"
      } else if (outcome_type == "multinomial") {
        learn_objective_default <- "multinomial_logistic"
      } else if (outcome_type == "survival") {
        learn_objective_default <- "cox"
    } else if (fam == "logistic") {
      # Logistic learner objectives form a collection, and are now uniquely
      # defined according to the type of outcome.
      if (outcome_type == "binomial") {
        learn_objective_default <- "binomial_logistic"
      } else if (outcome_type == "multinomial") {
        learn_objective_default <- "multinomial_logistic"
      } else if (outcome_type == "continuous") {
        learn_objective_default <- "continuous_logistic"
    } else {
      # Other objectives are uniquely defined.
      learn_objective_default <- fam

    # Set the learn_objective parameter
    param$learn_objective <- .set_hyperparameter(
      default = learn_objective_default,
      type = "factor",
      range = learn_objective_default,
      randomise = length(learn_objective_default) > 1)

    # number of boosting iterations --------------------------------------------

    # This hyper-parameter is expressed on the log 10 scale. It is called
    # nrounds in xgboost.
    param$n_boost <- .set_hyperparameter(
      default = c(0, 1, 2, 3),
      type = "numeric",
      range = c(0, 3),
      valid_range = c(0, Inf),
      randomise = TRUE)

    # learning rate ------------------------------------------------------------

    # Learning rate is on a log10 scale from -5 to 0 (0.00001 - 1), and
    # determines how fast the algorithm tries to learn. Lower values typically
    # lead to better models, but take longer to learn. This parameter is called
    # eta by xgboost.
    param$learning_rate <- .set_hyperparameter(
      default = c(-3, -2, -1),
      type = "numeric",
      range = c(-5, 0),
      valid_range = c(-Inf, 0),
      randomise = TRUE)

    # L2 regularisation term ---------------------------------------------------

    # The L2 regularisation term lambda lies in the half-open range [0, inf).
    # This term is implemented as a power(10) with a 10^-6 offset.
    param$lambda <- .set_hyperparameter(
      default = c(-6, -3, -1, 1, 3),
      type = "numeric",
      range = c(-6, 3),
      valid_range = c(-6, Inf),
      randomise = TRUE)

    # L1 regularisation term ---------------------------------------------------

    # The L1 regularisation term alpha is implemented as the L2 regularisation
    # term.
    param$alpha <- .set_hyperparameter(
      default = c(-6, -3, -1, 1, 3),
      type = "numeric",
      range = c(-6, 3),
      valid_range = c(-6, Inf),
      randomise = TRUE)

    # sample weighting method --------------------------------------------------
    # Class imbalances may lead to learning majority classes. This can be
    # partially mitigated by increasing weight of minority classes.
    param$sample_weighting <- .get_default_sample_weighting_method(outcome_type = object@outcome_type)

    # effective number of samples beta -----------------------------------------
    # Specifies the beta parameter for effective number sample weighting method.
    # See Cui et al. (2019).
    param$sample_weighting_beta <- .get_default_sample_weighting_beta(
      method = c(
      outcome_type = object@outcome_type)

    # Parameters for tree-based gradient boosting
    if (is(object, "familiarXGBoostTree") || is(object, "familiarXGBoostDart")) {
      # maximum tree depth -----------------------------------------------------

      # This hyperparameter is only used by tree models. The parameter is called
      # max_depth by xgboost. Larger depths increase the risk of overfitting.
      param$tree_depth <- .set_hyperparameter(
        default = c(1, 2, 3, 7),
        type = "integer",
        range = c(1, 10),
        valid_range = c(1, Inf),
        randomise = TRUE)

      # data subsampling fraction ----------------------------------------------

      # Trees may be grown using only a subset of the data to limit overfitting.
      # The parameter is called subsample in xgboost.
      param$sample_size <- .set_hyperparameter(
        default = c(0.30, 0.50, 0.70, 1.00),
        type = "numeric",
        range = c(2 / n_samples, 1.0),
        valid_range = c(0, 1),
        randomise = TRUE)

      # minimum sum of instance weight -----------------------------------------

      # Minimum sum of instance weight (hessian) needed in a child. If the tree
      # partition step results in a leaf node with the sum of instance weight
      # less than min_child_weight, then the building process will give up
      # further partitioning. In linear regression mode, this simply corresponds
      # to minimum number of instances needed to be in each node. The larger,
      # the more conservative the algorithm will be. (source:xgboost
      # documentation)
      # We implement this on a power(10) scale, with -1 offset.
      param$min_child_weight <- .set_hyperparameter(
        default = c(0, 1, 2),
        type = "numeric",
        range = c(0, 2),
        valid_range = c(0, Inf),
        randomise = TRUE)

      # minimum splitting error reduction --------------------------------------

      # Minimum error reduction required for splitting. This hyper-parameters is
      # called gamma or min_split_loss in xgboost. We implement it on the
      # power(10) scale, with 10^-6 offset.
      # For continuous and count-type outcomes, this parameter can be a bit
      # tricky due to a wide range in possible scales, and thus in error values.
      # This is resolved by normalising the outcome to the [0, 1] range.
      param$gamma <- .set_hyperparameter(
        default = c(-6, -3, -1, 1, 3),
        type = "numeric",
        range = c(-6, 3),
        valid_range = c(-6, Inf),
        randomise = TRUE)

    # Parameters for dart tree-based gradient boosting
    if (is(object, "familiarXGBoostDart")) {
      ## dart booster sample type -----------------------------------------------

      # Select the sample algorithm used by Dart booster.
      param$sample_type <- .set_hyperparameter(
        default = c("uniform", "weighted"),
        type = "factor",
        range = c("uniform", "weighted"),
        randomise = TRUE)

      ## dart booster tree drop rate --------------------------------------------

      # Fraction of previous trees to drop during dropout.
      param$rate_drop <- .set_hyperparameter(
        default = c(0, 0.1, 0.3),
        type = "numeric",
        range = c(0, 1),
        randomise = TRUE)

    # Return hyper-parameters

# get_prediction_type ----------------------------------------------------------
  signature(object = "familiarXGBoost"),
  function(object, type = "default") {
    if (object@outcome_type != "survival") return(callNextMethod())

    # The prediction type is a bit more complicated for xgboost methods.
    if (type == "default") {
    } else if (type == "survival_probability") {
    } else {
        "get_prediction_type,familiarXGBoost: unknown type (", type,
        ") for the current objective (",
        as.character(object@hyperparameters$learn_objective), ")."))

# ..train ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    object = "familiarXGBoost",
    data = "dataObject"),
  function(object, data, ...) {
    # Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
    outcome <- NULL

    # Aggregate repeated measurement data - xgboost does not facilitate repeated
    # measurements.
    data <- aggregate_data(data = data)

    # Check if training data is ok.
    if (reason <- has_bad_training_data(object = object, data = data)) {
      return(callNextMethod(object = .why_bad_training_data(
        object = object, 
        reason = reason)))

    # Check if hyperparameters are set.
    if (is.null(object@hyperparameters)) {
      return(callNextMethod(object = ..update_errors(
        object = object,

    # Check that required packages are loaded and installed.
    require_package(object, "train")

    # Use effect coding to convert categorical data into encoded data - this is
    # required to deal with factors with missing/new levels between training and
    # test data sets.
    encoded_data <- encode_categorical_variables(
      data = data,
      object = object,
      encoding_method = "dummy",
      drop_levels = FALSE)

    # Find feature columns in the data.
    feature_columns <- get_feature_columns(x = encoded_data$encoded_data)

    # Find outcome columns in data table.
    outcome_columns <- get_outcome_columns(x = object)

    # Build a xgb data matrix
    if (object@outcome_type %in% c("binomial", "multinomial")) {
      # Convert categorical outcomes to numerical labels expected by
      # xgboost.
      class_levels <- get_outcome_class_levels(x = object)
      class_num_labels <- as.numeric(seq_along(class_levels) - 1)
      class_conversion_table <- data.table::data.table(
        "class_level" = factor(class_levels, levels = class_levels),
        "num_label" = class_num_labels)

      # Convert categorical outcomes by adding numerical labels to the outcome
      # data.
      outcome_data <- data.table::copy(
        encoded_data$encoded_data@data[, mget(outcome_columns)])
      for (ii in seq_along(class_levels)) {
          outcome == class_conversion_table$class_level[ii],
          "outcome_label" := class_conversion_table$num_label[ii]]

      # Save conversion table to model_list
      object@outcome_table <- class_conversion_table

      # Set outcome_labels
      outcome_labels <- outcome_data$outcome_label
    } else if (object@outcome_type %in% c("continuous", "count")) {
      # Set outcome_labels
      outcome_labels <- encoded_data$encoded_data@data[[outcome_columns[1]]]

      # # Determine normalisation parameters so that outcome can be # normalised
      # to [0, 1] range (for logistic regression).
      if (as.character(object@hyperparameters$learn_objective) == "continuous_logistic") {
        object@outcome_shift <- min(outcome_labels)
        object@outcome_scale <- max(outcome_labels) - min(outcome_labels)

        # Normalise outcome labels.
        outcome_labels <- (outcome_labels - object@outcome_shift) / object@outcome_scale
    } else if (object@outcome_type == "survival") {
      # According to the xgboost documentation, right censored survival time
      # should be represented by negative values.
      outcome_labels <- encoded_data$encoded_data@data[[outcome_columns[1]]]

      # Identify right-censored entries
      right_censored <- encoded_data$encoded_data@data[[outcome_columns[2]]] == 0

      # Parse right-censored entries in outcome_labels to the correct
      # representation.
      outcome_labels[right_censored] <- outcome_labels[right_censored] * -1.0

    # Set weights.
    weights <- create_instance_weights(
      data = encoded_data$encoded_data,
      method = object@hyperparameters$sample_weighting,
      beta = ..compute_effective_number_of_samples_beta(
      normalisation = "average_one")

    # Create a data_matrix object
    data_matrix <- xgboost::xgb.DMatrix(
      data = as.matrix(encoded_data$encoded_data@data[, mget(feature_columns)]),
      label = outcome_labels)

    # Set the number of classes for the multi:softmax objective
    n_classes <- 1
    if (object@outcome_type == "multinomial") n_classes <- length(class_levels)

    # Identify the booster to use.
    if (is(object, "familiarXGBoostLM")) {
      booster <- "gblinear"
    } else if (is(object, "familiarXGBoostTree")) {
      booster <- "gbtree"
    } else if (is(object, "familiarXGBoostDart")) {
      booster <- "dart"
    } else {
        "..train,familiarXGBoost: could not set booster for object of unknown class: ",

    # Select shared arguments.
    learner_arguments <- list(
      "params" = list(
        "booster" = booster,
        "nthread" = 1L,
        "eta" = 10^object@hyperparameters$learning_rate,
        "lambda" = 10^object@hyperparameters$lambda - 10^-6,
        "alpha" = 10^object@hyperparameters$alpha - 10^-6,
        "objective" = ..get_distribution_family(object),
        "num_class" = n_classes),
      "data" = data_matrix,
      "weight" = weights,
      "nrounds" = round(10^object@hyperparameters$n_boost),
      "verbose" = 0)

    if (is(object, "familiarXGBoostTree") || is(object, "familiarXGBoostDart")) {
      learner_arguments$params <- c(
          "max_depth" = object@hyperparameters$tree_depth,
          "subsample" = object@hyperparameters$sample_size,
          "min_child_weight" = 10^object@hyperparameters$min_child_weight - 1.0,
          "gamma" = 10^object@hyperparameters$gamma - 10^-6))

    if (is(object, "familiarXGBoostDart")) {
      learner_arguments$params <- c(
          "sample_type" = as.character(object@hyperparameters$sample_type),
          "rate_drop" = object@hyperparameters$rate_drop))

    # Train the model.
    model <- do.call_with_handlers(
      args = learner_arguments)

    # Extract values.
    object <- ..update_warnings(object = object, model$warning)
    object <- ..update_errors(object = object, model$error)
    model <- model$value

    # Check if the model trained at all.
    if (!is.null(object@messages$error)) return(callNextMethod(object = object))

    # Add model. Note that we do not use xgboost::xgb.save.raw to save raw model
    # data, since this prevents the model being used for variable importance.
    object@model <- model

    # Add the contrast references to model_list
    object@encoding_reference_table <- encoded_data$reference_table

    # Add feature order
    object@feature_order <- feature_columns

    # Set learner version
    object <- set_package_version(object)


# ..train_naive ----------------------------------------------------------------
    object = "familiarXGBoost",
    data = "dataObject"),
  function(object, data, ...) {
    if (object@outcome_type %in% c("count", "continuous", "binomial", "multinomial")) {
      # Turn into a Naive model.
      object <- methods::new("familiarNaiveModel", object)
    } else if (object@outcome_type %in% c("survival")) {
      # Turn into a Naive Cox model.
      object <- methods::new("familiarNaiveCoxModel", object)

      object = object,
      data = data,

# ..predict --------------------------------------------------------------------
    object = "familiarXGBoost",
    data = "dataObject"),
  function(object, data, type = "default", ...) {
    # Check that required packages are loaded and installed.
    require_package(object, "predict")

    if (type == "default") {
      # Default method ---------------------------------------------------------

      # Check if the model was trained.
      if (!model_is_trained(object)) return(callNextMethod())

      # Check if the data is empty.
      if (is_empty(data)) return(callNextMethod())

      # Load model through unserialisation.
      if (inherits(object@model, "raw")) {
        object@model <- xgboost::xgb.load.raw(object@model)

      # Encode data so that the features are the same as in the training.
      encoded_data <- encode_categorical_variables(
        data = data,
        object = object,
        encoding_method = "dummy",
        drop_levels = FALSE)

      # Get an empty prediction table.
      prediction_table <- get_placeholder_prediction_table(
        object = object,
        data = encoded_data$encoded_data,
        type = type)

      # Make predictions. If the booster object is DART type, predict() will
      # perform dropouts, i.e. only some of the trees will be evaluated. This
      # will produce incorrect results if data is not the training data. To
      # obtain correct results on test sets, set ntree_limit to a nonzero value,
      # e.g. preds = bst.predict(dtest, ntree_limit=num_round) [from the
      # documentation].
      # Also note that for cox regression, the predictions are recalibrated
      # based on the linear predictor / marginal prediction.
      if (utils::packageVersion("xgboost") < "1.4.0") {
        model_predictions <- predict(
          object = object@model,
          newdata = as.matrix(encoded_data$encoded_data@data[, mget(object@feature_order)]),
          outputmargin = object@outcome_type == "survival",
          ntreelimit = round(10^object@hyperparameters$n_boost),
          reshape = TRUE)
      } else {
        # From version 1.4 onward, ntreelimit was deprecated, and
        # replaced by iterationrange.
        model_predictions <- predict(
          object = object@model,
          newdata = as.matrix(encoded_data$encoded_data@data[, mget(object@feature_order)]),
          outputmargin = object@outcome_type == "survival",
          iterationrange = c(1, round(10^object@hyperparameters$n_boost)),
          reshape = TRUE)

      if (object@outcome_type == "binomial") {
        # binomial outcomes ----------------------------------------------------

        # Obtain class levels.
        class_levels <- get_outcome_class_levels(x = object)

        # Add class probabilities (glm always gives probability for the second
        # class).
        class_probability_columns <- get_class_probability_name(x = object)
        prediction_table[, (class_probability_columns[1]) := 1.0 - model_predictions]
        prediction_table[, (class_probability_columns[2]) := model_predictions]

        # Update predicted class based on provided probabilities.
        class_predictions <- class_levels[
          apply(prediction_table[, mget(class_probability_columns)], 1, which.max)]
        class_predictions <- factor(
          x = class_predictions,
          levels = class_levels)
        prediction_table[, "predicted_class" := class_predictions]
      } else if (object@outcome_type == "multinomial") {
        # multinomial outcomes -------------------------------------------------

        # Obtain class levels.
        class_levels <- get_outcome_class_levels(x = object)

        # Add class probabilities.
        class_probability_columns <- get_class_probability_name(x = object)
        for (ii in seq_along(class_probability_columns)) {
          if (is.matrix(model_predictions)) {
            # Check if model_predictions is a matrix.
            prediction_table[, (class_probability_columns[ii]) := model_predictions[, ii]]
          } else {
            # Or not.
            prediction_table[, (class_probability_columns[ii]) := model_predictions[ii]]

        # Update predicted class based on provided probabilities.
        class_predictions <- class_levels[
          apply(prediction_table[, mget(class_probability_columns)], 1, which.max)]
        class_predictions <- factor(
          x = class_predictions,
          levels = class_levels)
        prediction_table[, "predicted_class" := class_predictions]
      } else if (object@outcome_type %in% c("continuous", "count")) {
        # Numerical outcomes ---------------------------------------------------

        # Map predictions back to original scale.
        model_predictions <- model_predictions * object@outcome_scale + object@outcome_shift

        # Extract predicted regression values.
        prediction_table[, "predicted_outcome" := model_predictions]
      } else if (object@outcome_type %in% c("survival")) {
        # Survival outcomes ----------------------------------------------------

        # Add predictions to the prediction table.
        prediction_table[, "predicted_outcome" := model_predictions]
      } else {

    } else {
      # User-specified method --------------------------------------------------

      # Check if the model was trained.
      if (!model_is_trained(object)) return(NULL)

      # Check if the data is empty.
      if (is_empty(data)) return(NULL)

      # Encode data so that the features are the same as in the training.
      encoded_data <- encode_categorical_variables(
        data = data,
        object = object,
        encoding_method = "dummy",
        drop_levels = FALSE)

      # Note that xgboost:::predict.xgb.Booster does not have a type argument.
        object = object@model,
        newdata = as.matrix(encoded_data$encoded_data@data[, mget(object@feature_order)]),

# ..predict_survival_probability -----------------------------------------------
    object = "familiarXGBoost",
    data = "dataObject"),
  function(object, data, time, ...) {
    # Only predict survival probability for survival outcomes.
    if (!object@outcome_type %in% c("survival")) return(callNextMethod())

    # We can only predict probability for Cox.
    if (!as.character(object@hyperparameters$learn_objective) %in% c("cox")) {

    # If time is unset, read the max time stored by the model.
    if (is.null(time)) time <- object@settings$time_max

    # Check that required packages are loaded and installed.
    require_package(object, "predict")

      object = object,
      data = data, 
      time = time))

# ..vimp -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  signature(object = "familiarXGBoost"),
  function(object, ...) {
    # Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
    Weight <- NULL

    # Check if the model has been trained upon retry.
    if (!model_is_trained(object)) return(callNextMethod())

    # Check that required packages are loaded and installed.
    require_package(object, "vimp")

    # Load model through unserialisation. Note that this currently does not
    # produce a model that can be used to infer variable importance.
    if (inherits(object@model, "raw")) {
      object@model <- xgboost::xgb.load.raw(object@model)

    # Use xgboost::xgb.importance function from xgboost to extract a
    # data.table.
    xgboost_score <- tryCatch(
      xgboost::xgb.importance(model = object@model),
      error = identity)

    if (inherits(xgboost_score, "error")) return(callNextMethod())
    if (is(object, "familiarXGBoostTree") || is(object, "familiarXGBoostDart")) {
      # Process to variable importance table.
      vimp_table <- data.table::data.table(
        "score" = xgboost_score$Gain,
        "name" = xgboost_score$Feature)
    } else if (is(object, "familiarXGBoostLM")) {
      # Output are linear coefficients, which may be negative. We keep
      # the maximum weight of each feature.
      xgboost_score <- xgboost_score[, list(Weight = max(abs(Weight))), by = "Feature"]

      # Parse score to data.table
      vimp_table <- data.table::data.table(
        "score" = xgboost_score$Weight,
        "name" = xgboost_score$Feature)
    } else {
        "..vimp,familiarXGBoost: could not process vimp for object of unknown class: ",

    # Create variable importance object.
    vimp_object <- methods::new("vimpTable",
      vimp_table = vimp_table,
      encoding_table = object@encoding_reference_table,
      score_aggregation = "max",
      invert = TRUE)


# ..set_calibration_info -------------------------------------------------------
  signature(object = "familiarXGBoost"),
  function(object, data) {
    # Check if calibration info already.
    if (has_calibration_info(object)) return(object)

    if (object@outcome_type == "survival") {
      # Determine baseline survival.
      object@calibration_info <- get_baseline_survival(data = data)
    } else {


# ..get_distribution_family ----------------------------------------------------
  signature(object = "familiarXGBoost"),
  function(object) {
    # Obtain family from the hyperparameters.
    objective <- object@hyperparameters$learn_objective

    # Check that the learn_objective hyperparameter exists.
    if (!is.character(objective) && !is.factor(objective)) {
        "..get_distribution_family,familiarXGBoost: learn_objective ",
        "hyperparameter was not set."))

    # Load objective for extreme gradient boosting.
    if (objective == "gaussian") {
      boost_objective <- "reg:squarederror"
    } else if (objective == "continuous_logistic") {
      boost_objective <- "reg:logistic"
    } else if (objective == "multinomial_logistic") {
      boost_objective <- "multi:softprob"
    } else if (objective == "binomial_logistic") {
      boost_objective <- "binary:logistic"
    } else if (objective == "poisson") {
      boost_objective <- "count:poisson"
    } else if (objective == "gamma") {
      boost_objective <- "reg:gamma"
    } else if (objective == "cox") {
      boost_objective <- "survival:cox"
    } else {
        "..get_distribution_family,familiarXGBoost: unknown learn objective: ",


# ..set_recalibration_model ----------------------------------------------------
    object = "familiarXGBoost",
    data = "dataObject"),
  function(object, data, time = NULL) {
    # Recalibration is performed using standard methods
    if (object@outcome_type %in% c("survival")) {
      # Calibrate the models.
      object@calibration_model <- .set_recalibration(
        object = object,
        data = data,
        time = time)

      # Return object.
    } else {

# .trim_model ------------------------------------------------------------------
  signature(object = "familiarXGBoost"),
  function(object, ...) {
    # Set is_trimmed to TRUE.
    object@is_trimmed <- TRUE

    # Prevent trimming of raw, serialised model information.
    if (inherits(object@model, "raw")) return(object)

    # Update model by removing the call.
    object@model$call <- call("trimmed")

    # Add show.
    object <- .capture_show(object)

    # Default method for models that lack a more specific method.

.get_available_xgboost_lm_learners <- function(show_general = TRUE) {
  # Learners
  learners <- c(
    "xgboost_lm", "xgboost_lm_logistic", "xgboost_lm_gaussian",
    "xgboost_lm_poisson", "xgboost_lm_gamma", "xgboost_lm_cox"
  if (!show_general) {
    learners <- setdiff(learners, c("xgboost_lm"))

.get_available_xgboost_tree_learners <- function(show_general = TRUE) {
  # Learners
  learners <- c(
    "xgboost_tree", "xgboost_tree_logistic", "xgboost_tree_gaussian",
    "xgboost_tree_poisson", "xgboost_tree_gamma", "xgboost_tree_cox"
  if (!show_general) {
    learners <- setdiff(learners, c("xgboost_tree"))

.get_available_xgboost_dart_learners <- function(show_general = TRUE) {
  # Learners
  learners <- c(
    "xgboost_dart", "xgboost_dart_logistic", "xgboost_dart_gaussian",
    "xgboost_dart_poisson", "xgboost_dart_gamma", "xgboost_dart_cox"
  if (!show_general) {
    learners <- setdiff(learners, c("xgboost_dart"))

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familiar documentation built on Sept. 30, 2024, 9:18 a.m.