.load_data <- function(
sample_id_column = NULL,
batch_id_column = NULL,
series_id_column = NULL,
...) {
# Parse the input sample_id_column
if (!is.null(sample_id_column)) {
sample_id_column <- .replace_illegal_column_name(sample_id_column)
# Parse the input batch_id_column
if (!is.null(batch_id_column)) {
batch_id_column <- .replace_illegal_column_name(batch_id_column)
# Parse the input series_id_column
if (!is.null(series_id_column)) {
series_id_column <- .replace_illegal_column_name(series_id_column)
if ( {
# Keep data as is.
data <- data.table::copy(data)
# Update column names using a fixed routine
data.table::setnames(data, .replace_illegal_column_name(colnames(data)))
} else if ( {
# Convert to data.table
data <-
# Update column names using a fixed routine
data.table::setnames(data, .replace_illegal_column_name(colnames(data)))
} else if (is.character(data) && length(data) == 1) {
# Read from path
if (!file.exists(data)) {
stop(paste0("The requested data file does not exist: ", data))
# Load data based on file extension
file_extension <- tolower(.file_extension(data))
if (file_extension == "csv") {
data <- .load_csv(data)
} else if (file_extension == "rdata") {
data <- .load_rdata(data)
} else if (file_extension == "rds") {
data <- .load_rds(data)
} else {
"File extension", file_extension, "was not recognised as a loadable data type. Please load the",
"data manually."))
# Update column names using a fixed routine
data.table::setnames(data, .replace_illegal_column_name(colnames(data)))
} else if ((is.atomic(data) && length(data) > 1) || (is.list(data))) {
# Read data to a list by calling the function recursively
data_list <- lapply(data, .load_data)
if (length(data_list) > 1) {
new_data_list <- list()
joined_id <- integer()
# Attempt to bind rows
for (ii in seq_len(length(data_list))) {
# Check if the current data list entry was already joined previously
if (ii %in% joined_id) next
# Get current data
current_data <- data_list[[ii]]
# Iterate over remaining datasets
for (jj in seq(ii + 1, length(data_list))) {
# Check that index jj does not access non-existing data
if (jj > length(data_list)) break
# Find colnames in current data
current_data_cols <- colnames(current_data)
# Find column names of the new dataset
new_data_cols <- colnames(data_list[[jj]])
# Determine overlap in columns
overlap_cols <- intersect(current_data_cols, new_data_cols)
# Check if there is at least 90% overlap in column names
if (length(overlap_cols) / min(c(length(current_data_cols), length(new_data_cols))) < 0.90) {
# Check if types for each column are consistent
matching_types <- sapply(
function(col, x, y) {
if (is.logical(x[[col]]) && is.logical(y[[col]])) {
} else if (is.character(x[[col]]) && is.character(y[[col]])) {
} else if (is.factor(x[[col]]) && is.factor(y[[col]])) {
} else if (is.numeric(x[[col]]) && is.numeric(y[[col]])) {
} else {
x = current_data,
y = data_list[[jj]])
# Throw an error if any class is not consistent.
if (any(!matching_types)) {
"Mismatching column classes were found between datasets ",
ii, " and ", jj, ". Differences were found in columns:",
# Bind the datasets together
current_data <- data.table::rbindlist(
list(current_data, data_list[[jj]]),
use.names = TRUE,
fill = TRUE)
# Mark the dataset as joined to prevent double usage.
joined_id <- append(joined_id, jj)
# Append new data list with current_data
new_data_list <- append(new_data_list, list(current_data))
# Replace data_list with new_data_list
data_list <- new_data_list
# Check if it makes sense to attempt to join datasets by index.
if (length(data_list) > 1) {
# Get the left-hand dataset for merging
data < data_list[[ii]]
# Iterate over remaining datasets
for (ii in seq(2, length(data_list))) {
if (is.null(sample_id_column)) {
# Attempt cbind if both datasets have the same number of rows and
# non-overlapping column names
if (nrow(data) != nrow(data_list[[ii]])) {
"datasets could not be joined row-wise because the number of samples is different.",
"Please provide a sample id column or merge the datasets yourself prior to input."))
# Check for column overlap
overlap_cols <- intersect(colnames(data), colnames(data_list[[ii]]))
if (length(overlap_cols) > 0) {
"datasets could not be joined row-wise as one or more columns with the same name",
"appear in both the left and right-hand datasets:", paste_s(overlap_cols)))
# Throw a warning, as row-wise binding is dangerous
"datasets could be joined row-wise. Integrity of the data could not be ensured.",
"Please ensure that each sample occupies same row for consistency. Alternatively,",
"provide a sample id column or merge the datasets yourself prior to input."))
# Combine row-wise
data <- cbind(data, data_list[[ii]])
} else if (
!is.null(sample_id_column) &&
!is.null(batch_id_column) &&
is.null(series_id_column)) {
# Attempt full join on sample_id_column and batch_id_column,
# provided that other column names are not overlapping, and all
# sample_ids for a batch are unique.
# Check if the sample identifier columns is presents in the data
if (!sample_id_column %in% colnames(data) ||
!sample_id_column %in% colnames(data_list[[ii]])) {
"The specified column of sample identifiers", sample_id_column,
"was not found in one or more of the datasets."))
# Check if the batch identifier column is present in the data
if (!batch_id_column %in% colnames(data) ||
!batch_id_column %in% colnames(data_list[[ii]])) {
"The specified column of batch identifiers", batch_id_column,
"was not found in one or more of the datasets."))
# Check uniqueness of identifiers
if (anyDuplicated(data[, mget(sample_id_column, batch_id_column)]) > 0 ||
anyDuplicated(data_list[[ii]][, mget(sample_id_column, batch_id_column)]) > 0) {
"Sample identifiers were not uniquely specified within each batch.",
"In case this is intentional, i.e. for repeated measurements, please merge the",
"datasets yourself prior to input."))
# Check for column overlap
overlap_cols <- setdiff(
intersect(colnames(data), colnames(data_list[[ii]])),
c(sample_id_column, batch_id_column))
if (length(overlap_cols) > 0) {
"datasets could not be merged by sample and batch identifiers",
"as one or more columns with the same name appear in both the left and",
"right-hand datasets:", paste_s(overlap_cols)))
# Perform full join
data <- merge(
x = data,
y = data_list[[ii]],
on = c(sample_id_column, batch_id_column),
all = TRUE)
} else if (!is.null(sample_id_column) &&
!is.null(batch_id_column) &&
!is.null(series_id_column)) {
# Attempt full join on sample_id_column, batch_id_column, and
# series_id_column provided that other column names are not
# overlapping, and all sample_ids and series_ids for a batch are
# unique.
# Check if the sample identifier columns is presents in the data.
if (!sample_id_column %in% colnames(data) ||
!sample_id_column %in% colnames(data_list[[ii]])) {
"The specified column of sample identifiers", sample_id_column,
"was not found in one or more of the datasets."))
# Check if the batch identifier column is present in the data.
if (!batch_id_column %in% colnames(data) ||
!batch_id_column %in% colnames(data_list[[ii]])) {
"The specified column of batch identifiers", batch_id_column,
"was not found in one or more of the datasets."))
# Check if the series identifier column is present in the data.
if (!series_id_column %in% colnames(data) ||
!series_id_column %in% colnames(data_list[[ii]])) {
"The specified column of series identifiers", series_id_column,
"was not found in one or more of the datasets."))
# Check uniqueness of identifiers
if (anyDuplicated(data[, mget(sample_id_column, batch_id_column, series_id_column)]) > 0 ||
anyDuplicated(data_list[[ii]][, mget(sample_id_column, batch_id_column, series_id_column)]) > 0) {
"Sample identifiers were not uniquely specified within each batch.",
"In case this is intentional, i.e. for repeated measurements, please merge the",
"datasets yourself prior to input."))
# Check for column overlap
overlap_cols <- setdiff(
intersect(colnames(data), colnames(data_list[[ii]])),
c(sample_id_column, batch_id_column, series_id_column))
if (length(overlap_cols) > 0) {
"datasets could not be merged by sample, batch and series identifiers",
"as one or more columns with the same name appear in both the left and",
"right-hand datasets:", paste_s(overlap_cols)))
# Perform full join
data <- merge(
x = data,
y = data_list[[ii]],
on = c(sample_id_column, batch_id_column, series_id_column),
all = TRUE)
} else {
# Attempt full join on sample_id_column, provided that other column
# names do not overlap, and all sample ids are unique.
# Check if the sample identifier columns is presents in the data
if (!sample_id_column %in% colnames(data) ||
!sample_id_column %in% colnames(data_list[[ii]])) {
"The specified column of sample identifiers", sample_id_column,
"was not found in one or more of the datasets."))
# Determine if all sample identifiers are unique
if (anyDuplicated(data[, sample_id_column, with = FALSE]) > 0 ||
anyDuplicated(data_list[[ii]][, sample_id_column, with = FALSE]) > 0) {
"Sample identifiers were not uniquely specified. In case this is intentional, ",
"i.e. for repeated measurements, please merge the datasets yourself prior to input."))
# Check for column overlap.
overlap_cols <- setdiff(
intersect(colnames(data), colnames(data_list[[ii]])),
if (length(overlap_cols) > 0) {
"Datasets could not be merged by sample identifiers as one or more ",
"columns with the same name appear in both the left and ",
"right-hand datasets: ", paste_s(overlap_cols)))
# Perform full join.
data <- merge(
x = data,
y = data_list[[ii]],
on = sample_id_column,
all = TRUE)
} else {
data <- data_list[[1]]
} else {
data <- data_list[[1]]
} else {
stop("Data is expected to be a data.table, data.frame, a path towards a file or a vector or list of the above.")
if (is_empty(data)) ..error_data_set_is_empty()
.load_rdata <- function(file_path) {
# Loads an RData file, and returns its contents
# Find data in the local environment
data <- get(ls()[ls() != "file_path"])
# Cast to data.table
.load_csv <- function(file_path) {
return(data.table::fread(file = file_path))
.load_rds <- function(file_path) {
#' Internal function for finalising generic data processing
#' @param data data.table with feature data
#' @inheritParams .parse_experiment_settings
#' @inheritParams as_data_object
#' @details This function is used to update data.table provided by loading the
#' data. When part of the main familiar workflow, this function is used after
#' .parse_initial_settings --> .load_data --> .update_initial_settings.
#' When used to parse external data (e.g. in conjunction with familiarModel)
#' it follows after .load_data. Hence the function contains several checks
#' which are otherwise part of .update_initial_settings.
#' @return data.table with expected column names.
#' @md
#' @keywords internal
.finish_data_preparation <- function(
check_stringency = "strict",
reference_method = "auto") {
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
sample_id <- batch_id <- n <- NULL
# Check if the input data has any samples
if (is_empty(data)) ..error_data_set_is_empty()
# Set sample identifier column
if (!is.null(sample_id_column)) {
# Check input -- note this may be double, but this function may be called
# when parsing external data as well, e.g. as argument to a predict method
# that is called using external data.
id_column = sample_id_column,
data = data,
include_features = include_features,
col_type = "sample")
# Rename column
x = data,
old = sample_id_column,
new = "sample_id")
} else {
# Create new column with sample ids.
data[, "sample_id" := .I]
# Set batch identifier column
if (!is.null(batch_id_column)) {
# Check input
id_column = batch_id_column,
data = data,
include_features = include_features,
col_type = "batch"
# Rename column
x = data,
old = batch_id_column,
new = "batch_id")
# Check data type of the batch_id column and change to character. Cohort
# names are parsed as characters, not integers.
if (!is.character(data$batch_id)) data$batch_id <- as.character(data$batch_id)
} else {
# Create a cohort id column with placeholder.
data[, "batch_id" := "placeholder"]
# Set outcome column
if (!is.null(outcome_column)) {
# Check plausibility of outcome type given the data
data = data,
outcome_type = outcome_type,
outcome_column = outcome_column,
censoring_indicator = censoring_indicator,
event_indicator = event_indicator,
competing_risk_indicator = competing_risk_indicator,
check_stringency = check_stringency)
if (outcome_type %in% c("survival")) {
# Add survival columns
if (check_stringency == "strict") {
# Identify survival status columns
event_cols <- sapply(
data = data,
censoring_indicator = censoring_indicator,
event_indicator = event_indicator,
competing_risk_indicator = competing_risk_indicator)
# The plausibility already took care of consistency checking. This means
# that there is one and only one event status column and the other
# column contains survival time.
time_column <- outcome_column[!event_cols]
event_column <- outcome_column[event_cols]
} else {
# For other stringency levels, outcome columns are assumed to be
# extracted from familiarModel or familiarEnsemble objects, which
# already contain ordered values.
time_column <- outcome_column[1]
event_column <- outcome_column[2]
# Rename columns
x = data,
old = c(time_column, event_column),
new = get_outcome_columns(x = outcome_type))
} else {
# Rename outcome column
x = data,
old = outcome_column,
new = get_outcome_columns(x = outcome_type))
} else if (outcome_type %in% c("survival", "competing_risk")) {
# Generate outcome columns with NA
# Find outcome column names
outcome_column <- get_outcome_columns(x = outcome_type)
# Create new columns and set to NA
for (current_outcome_col in outcome_column) {
data[, (current_outcome_col) := NA]
} else if (outcome_type %in% c("binomial", "multinomial")) {
# Find outcome column names
outcome_column <- get_outcome_columns(x = outcome_type)
# Generate outcome column with NA values
data[, (outcome_column) := NA_character_]
} else if (outcome_type %in% c("count", "continuous")) {
# Find outcome column names
outcome_column <- get_outcome_columns(x = outcome_type)
# Generate outcome column with NA values
data[, (outcome_column) := NA_real_]
} else if (outcome_type %in% c("unsupervised")) {
# Outcome column is NULL, as unsupervised data do not have outcome.
outcome_column <- NULL
} else {
# Set class levels
if (outcome_type %in% c("binomial", "multinomial")) {
if (!is.null(class_levels)) {
# Perform checks on class levels
data = data,
outcome_type = outcome_type,
outcome_column = "outcome",
class_levels = class_levels,
check_stringency = check_stringency)
# Set class levels. This may involve reordering class levels in case the
# outcome already was a factor.
data$outcome <- factor(
x = data$outcome,
levels = class_levels,
exclude = NA)
} else if (!is.factor(data$outcome)) {
# Convert to factors
data$outcome <- factor(
x = data$outcome,
levels = unique(data$outcome),
exclude = c(NA, "NA", "NAN", "na", "nan", "NaN"))
# Check survival time for positivity.
if (outcome_type %in% c("survival", "competing_risk")) {
time_column <- get_outcome_columns(x = outcome_type)[1]
data = data,
outcome_column = time_column,
outcome_type = outcome_type,
check_stringency = check_stringency)
# Convert outcome_event to 0s and 1s.
replacement_outcome_event <- numeric(length(data$outcome_event))
replacement_outcome_event[data$outcome_event %in% censoring_indicator] <- 0
replacement_outcome_event[data$outcome_event %in% event_indicator] <- 1
# Update competing risk indicators.
if (length(competing_risk_indicator) > 0) {
for (ii in seq_along(competing_risk_indicator)) {
replacement_outcome_event[data$outcome_event %in% competing_risk_indicator[ii]] <- ii + 1
# Update outcome event column.
data$outcome_event <- replacement_outcome_event
# Find outcome columns.
outcome_cols <- get_outcome_columns(x = outcome_type)
# Set series identifier.
if (!is.null(series_id_column)) {
# Check input
id_column = series_id_column,
data = data,
include_features = include_features,
col_type = "series")
# Rename column
x = data,
old = series_id_column,
new = "series_id")
# Check data type of the series_id column and change to character. Series
# identifiers are parsed as characters, not integers.
if (!is.character(data$series_id)) data$series_id <- as.character(data$series_id)
} else {
# Assign series ID per unique outcome for each sample.
temp_data <- unique(data[, mget(c("sample_id", "batch_id", outcome_cols))])
temp_data[, "series_id" := seq_len(.N), by = c("sample_id", "batch_id")]
# Merge the series_id column into the main dataset.
data <- merge(
x = data,
y = temp_data,
by = c("sample_id", "batch_id", outcome_cols))
# Add repetition identifiers
data[, "repetition_id" := seq_len(.N),
by = c("sample_id", "batch_id", "series_id", outcome_cols)]
# Check that there are all combinations of sample_id, batch_id and series_id
# have the same outcome.
single_outcome_samples <- unique(data, by = c("sample_id", "batch_id", "series_id", outcome_cols))
single_outcome_samples <- single_outcome_samples[, list("n" = .N), by = c("sample_id", "batch_id", "series_id")]
if (any(single_outcome_samples$n > 1)) {
single_outcome_samples <- single_outcome_samples[n > 1]
single_outcome_samples[, "descriptor" := paste0(sample_id, " (", batch_id, ")")]
"One or more samples with the same identifier do not have the same outcome value: ",
# Determine which columns to maintain
if (!is.null(include_features)) {
# Check presence of features in include_features in the data
data = data,
feature = include_features)
# Select only features marked for inclusion, as well as identifier and outcome columns
data <- data[, mget(c(get_non_feature_columns(x = outcome_type), include_features))]
# Check if the data actually contains any features at this point
if (!has_feature_data(x = data, outcome_type = outcome_type)) {
# Convert data to categorical features
data <- .parse_categorical_features(
data = data,
outcome_type = outcome_type,
reference_method = reference_method)
# Convert integer data to double. This prevents rare errors later e.g.,
# when aggregating data by computing a median value (that is not guaranteed to
# be an integer).
data <- .parse_integer_features(
data = data,
outcome_type = outcome_type
#' Internal function for converting integer features
#' @param data data.table with feature data
#' @param outcome_type character, indicating the type of outcome
#' @details This function parses columns containing integer feature data to
#' features to double. This prevents, e.g., errors when the result of an
#' operation on the feature data yields a non-integer (i.e. floating point)
#' result.
#' @return data.table with integer features converted to double.
#' @md
#' @keywords internal
.parse_integer_features <- function(data, outcome_type) {
# Replace columns types so that only numeric and categorical features remain
# Check presence of feature columns
if (!has_feature_data(x = data, outcome_type = outcome_type)) ..error_data_set_has_no_features()
# Get feature columns
feature_columns <- get_feature_columns(x = data, outcome_type = outcome_type)
# Identify features that consist of integer values.
integer_features <- sapply(
function(feature, data) (is.integer(data[[feature]])),
data = data
integer_features <- feature_columns[integer_features]
# Do not update data if there are no columns with integer features.
if (length(integer_features) == 0L) return(data)
# Update to integer features to double.
for (feature in integer_features) {
data.table::set(data, j = feature, value = as.double(data[[feature]]))
#' Internal function for setting categorical features
#' @param data data.table with feature data
#' @param outcome_type character, indicating the type of outcome
#' @param reference_method character, indicating the type of method used to set
#' the reference level.
#' @details This function parses columns containing feature data to factors if
#' the data contained therein have logical (TRUE, FALSE), character, or factor
#' classes. Unless passed as feature names with `reference`, numerical data,
#' including integers, are not converted to factors.
#' @return data.table with several features converted to factor.
#' @md
#' @keywords internal
.parse_categorical_features <- function(
reference_method = "auto") {
# Replace columns types so that only numeric and categorical features remain
# Check presence of feature columns
if (!has_feature_data(x = data, outcome_type = outcome_type)) ..error_data_set_has_no_features()
# Get feature columns
feature_columns <- get_feature_columns(x = data, outcome_type = outcome_type)
# Find column classes
column_class <- lapply(
function(ii, data) (class(data[[ii]])),
data = data)
# Identify categorical columns
categorical_columns <- sapply(
function(selected_column_class) {
any(selected_column_class %in% c("logical", "character", "factor"))
categorical_columns <- feature_columns[categorical_columns]
# Do not update data if there are no columns for categorical data
if (length(categorical_columns) == 0) return(data)
# Generate a list of warnings.
warning_list <- list()
# Iterate over categorical columns
for (ii in categorical_columns) {
# The default option is to parse categorical features by setting the most
# frequent level as reference.
factor_fun <- ..parse_categorical_most_frequent
# Check if the feature was externally set to be a factor.
is_external <- is.factor(data[[ii]])
if (reference_method == "auto") {
# Under "auto" mode, the most frequent level is used for categorical
# features that are not externally set, whereas features that are
# externally set are not re-ordered.
if (is_external) factor_fun <- ..parse_categorical_as_is
} else if (reference_method == "never") {
# Under "never" mode, the categorical features that are not externally
# set are simply ordered, whereas features that are externally set are not
# re-ordered.
factor_fun <- if (is_external) ..parse_categorical_as_is else ..parse_categorical_sorted
# Exclude any potential re-ordering of known ordinal features under all
# conditions.
if (is_external) {
if (is.ordered(data[[ii]])) factor_fun <- ..parse_categorical_as_is
# Create a categorical variable for the current column.
data.table::set(data, j = ii, value = factor_fun(data[[ii]]))
# Raise an error in case there are missing class levels for any feature.
if (length(warning_list) > 0) {
stop(paste(warning_list, collapse = "\n"))
..parse_categorical_as_is <- function(x) {
# Return as is.
..parse_categorical_sorted <- function(x) {
# Find class levels.
class_levels <- if (is.factor(x)) levels(x) else unique_na(x)
# Sort class levels.
class_levels <- sort(class_levels)
return(factor(x = x, levels = class_levels))
..parse_categorical_most_frequent <- function(x) {
# Suppress NOTES due to non-standard evaluation in data.table
n <- NULL
# Created sorted table
class_level_data <- data.table::data.table("x" = x)
class_level_data <- class_level_data[, list("n" = .N), by = "x"][order(-n, x)]
# Keep only non-NA values.
class_level_data <- class_level_data[!]
# Convert to character.
class_levels <- as.character(class_level_data$x)
# Get the reference level.
reference_level <- head(class_levels, n = 1L)
# Order class levels.
class_levels <- sort(class_levels)
# Insert the reference level in the first position.
class_levels <- setdiff(class_levels, reference_level)
class_levels <- c(reference_level, class_levels)
return(factor(x = x, levels = class_levels))
update_data_set <- function(data, object) {
# Check if the classes of the input is correct.
if (! {
stop("update_data_set: data is not a data.table")
if (!(is(object, "familiarModel") ||
is(object, "familiarEnsemble") ||
is(object, "familiarNoveltyDetector"))) {
"update_data_set: object is not a familiarModel, familiarNoveltyDetector ",
"or a familiarEnsemble."))
# Find the outcome type.
if (is(object, "familiarNoveltyDetector")) {
outcome_type <- "unsupervised"
} else {
outcome_type <- object@outcome_type
# Find the outcome column
outcome_column <- get_outcome_columns(outcome_type)
# Start warning list.
warning_list <- NULL
# Check outcome --------------------------------------------------------------
# Checks for categorical / ordinal outcomes.
if (outcome_type %in% c("binomial", "multinomial")) {
if (is(object@outcome_info, "outcomeInfo")) {
# Update the outcome column if the outcome data is ordinal.
if (object@outcome_info@ordered && !is.ordered(data[[outcome_column]])) {
data[[outcome_column]] <- ordered(
x = data[[outcome_column]],
levels = object@outcome_info@levels)
} else if (!object@outcome_info@ordered && !is.factor(data[[outcome_column]])) {
data[[outcome_column]] <- factor(
x = data[[outcome_column]],
levels = object@outcome_info@levels)
# Check that the data does not have extra levels.
extra_levels <- setdiff(
if (length(extra_levels > 0)) {
warning_list <- c(
"The outcome column contains the following ",
ifelse(length(extra_levels) > 1, "levels", "level"),
" that were not found in the original dataset: ",
paste_s(extra_levels), "; original: ", paste_s(object@outcome_info@levels)))
} else {
# Ensure that order is correct.
data[[outcome_column]] <- factor(
x = data[[outcome_column]],
levels = object@outcome_info@levels,
ordered = object@outcome_info@ordered)
# TODO: When we start supporting transformation and normalisation
# parameters for outcome, process the data here.
if (outcome_type %in% c("count", "continuous")) {
if (is(object@outcome_info, "outcomeInfo")) {
if (!is.null(object@outcome_info@transformation_parameters) ||
!is.null(object@outcome_info@normalisation_parameters)) {
# Check columns --------------------------------------------------------------
# Get all column names.
all_columns <- colnames(data)
# Check that the non-feature columns are present.
non_feature_columns <- get_non_feature_columns(outcome_type)
missing_non_feature_columns <- setdiff(non_feature_columns, all_columns)
if (length(missing_non_feature_columns) > 0) {
warning_list <- c(
"The following non-feature ",
ifelse(length(missing_non_feature_columns) > 1, "columns are", "column is"),
" missing in the dataset: ",
# Remove non-feature columns from the check.
all_columns <- setdiff(all_columns, non_feature_columns)
# Check that the feature columns for required_features, and if not, for the
# union of model_features and novelty_features are present.
required_features <- object@required_features
# Novelty detectors do not have separate novelty feature attributes.
if (is(object, "familiarNoveltyDetector")) {
model_and_novelty_features <- object@model_features
} else {
model_and_novelty_features <- union(object@model_features, object@novelty_features)
# Check presence of features.
if (length(required_features) > 0 && length(model_and_novelty_features) > 0) {
if (all(required_features %in% all_columns)) {
available_features <- required_features
} else if (all(model_and_novelty_features %in% all_columns)) {
available_features <- model_and_novelty_features
} else {
# At least one model / novelty feature is missing.
missing_feature_columns <- setdiff(model_and_novelty_features, all_columns)
warning_list <- c(
"The following feature ",
ifelse(length(missing_feature_columns) > 1, "columns are", "column is"),
" missing in the dataset: ",
# Select features that are available.
available_features <- intersect(model_and_novelty_features, all_columns)
if (length(available_features) == 0) {
warning_list <- c(
"No additional feature-specific details could be assessed because ",
"none of the features appear in the dataset.")
} else {
available_features <- NULL
# Check features -------------------------------------------------------------
feature_info_list <- object@feature_info[available_features]
# Iterate over features.
for (feature in available_features) {
# Select the feature info object for the current feature.
feature_info <- feature_info_list[[feature]]
if (feature_info@feature_type == "numeric") {
# For numeric features determine whether the feature in the data is numeric.
if (!is.numeric(data[[feature]])) {
warning_list <- c(
"The ", feature, " column contain a numeric feature. Found: ",
} else if (feature_info@feature_type == "factor") {
# For categorical and ordinal features determine whether there are any
# unknown levels in the data.
if (is.factor(data[[feature]])) {
levels_present <- levels(data[[feature]])
} else {
levels_present <- unique(data[[feature]])
# Check for extra levels. Note that fewer levels is fine.
extra_levels <- setdiff(levels_present, feature_info@levels)
if (length(extra_levels > 0)) {
warning_list <- c(
"The ", feature, " column contains the following ",
ifelse(length(extra_levels) > 1, "levels", "level"),
" that were not found in the original dataset: ",
paste_s(extra_levels), "; original: ", paste_s(feature_info@levels)))
} else {
# Ensure that order of levels in the data is correct.
data[[feature]] <- factor(data[[feature]],
levels = feature_info@levels,
ordered = feature_info@ordered)
} else {
"update_data_set: unknown feature type encountered: ",
# Raise an error in case there was any error for any feature.
if (length(warning_list) > 0) stop(paste(warning_list, collapse = "\n\n"))
.add_data_dummy_columns <- function(
outcome_column) {
# Add dummy sample identifier column if absent.
if (!sample_id_column %in% colnames(data)) {
data[, (sample_id_column) := .I]
# Add dummy batch identifier column if absent.
if (!batch_id_column %in% colnames(data)) {
data[, (batch_id_column) := "placeholder"]
# Add dummy series identifier column if absent.
if (!series_id_column %in% colnames(data)) {
data[, (series_id_column) := seq_len(.N), by = c(sample_id_column, batch_id_column)]
# Add dummy outcome columns, if absent.
for (current_outcome_column in outcome_column) {
if (!current_outcome_column %in% colnames(data)) {
data[, (current_outcome_column) := NA]
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