
Defines functions .gtable_update_layout .gtable_rename_element .gtable_which_aligned .gtable_insert_along .gtable_insert .gtable_filter_exact .gtable_drop_empty .gtable_extract .gtable_get_extent .gtable_get_position .gtable_element_in_layout

.gtable_element_in_layout <- function(g, element, partial_match = FALSE) {
  if (partial_match) {
    return(any(grepl(pattern = element, x = g$layout$name)))
  } else {
    return(any(element %in% g$layout$name))

.gtable_get_position <- function(
    where = NULL,
    partial_match = FALSE, 
    allow_multiple = FALSE) {
  # Find position.
  if (partial_match) {
    # Based on partial matching.
    position <- g$layout[
      grepl(pattern = element, x = g$layout$name),
      c("t", "l", "b", "r")]
  } else {
    # Based on exact matching.
    position <- g$layout[
      g$layout$name == element,
      c("t", "l", "b", "r")]

  if (nrow(position) == 0) {
      ".gtable_get_position: element not found in layout table.")

  if (is.null(where)) {
    if (nrow(position) != 1) {
      if (allow_multiple) {
      } else {
        stop(paste0("Multiple matches, please set where attribute."))
  } else if (where == "top") {
    # Select the uppermost element.
    position <- position[position$t == min(position$t), ][1, ]
  } else if (where == "bottom") {
    # Select the bottommost element.
    position <- position[position$b == max(position$b), ][1, ]
  } else if (where == "left") {
    # Select the leftmost element
    position <- position[position$l == min(position$l), ][1, ]
  } else if (where == "right") {
    # Select the rightmost element
    position <- position[position$r == max(position$r), ][1, ]
  } else {
      x = where,
      var_name = "where",
      values = c("top", "bottom", "left", "right")))

  # Return as array.
  position <- simplify2array(position)


.gtable_get_extent <- function(g, element, partial_match = FALSE) {
  # Find position.
  if (partial_match) {
    # Based on partial matching.
    position <- g$layout[
      grepl(pattern = element, x = g$layout$name),
      c("t", "l", "b", "r")]
  } else {
    # Based on exact matching.
    position <- g$layout[
      g$layout$name == element,
      c("t", "l", "b", "r")]

  if (nrow(position) == 0) {
      ".gtable_get_extent: element not found in layout table.")

  # Find extent by deriving the bounding box of the elements.
  extent <- list()
  extent$t <- min(position$t)
  extent$b <- max(position$b)
  extent$l <- min(position$l)
  extent$r <- max(position$r)

  # Return as array.
  extent <- simplify2array(extent)


.gtable_extract <- function(
    partial_match = FALSE, 
    drop_empty = FALSE) {
  # Extract partially matching elements
  if (partial_match) {
    extracted_table <- gtable::gtable_filter(
      x = g, 
      pattern = paste0(element, collapse = "|"))
  } else {
    # Extract exactly matching elements
    extracted_table <- .gtable_filter_exact(
      g = g, 
      element = element)

  # Drop empty elements
  if (drop_empty) {
    extracted_table <- .gtable_drop_empty(g = extracted_table)

  if (length(extracted_table) == 0) {
    extracted_table <- NULL


.gtable_drop_empty <- function(g, trim = TRUE) {
  # Find grob classes
  grob_classes <- lapply(g$grobs, class)

  # Find zeroGrob and nullGrob classes, which represent empty elements.
  matches <- sapply(
    function(ii) any(ii %in% c("zeroGrob", "nullGrob")))

  # Filter layout and grobs of the gtable g by keeping non-empty elements.
  g$layout <- g$layout[!matches, , drop = FALSE]
  g$grobs <- g$grobs[!matches]

  if (trim) g <- gtable::gtable_trim(g)


.gtable_filter_exact <- function(
    trim = TRUE, 
    invert = FALSE) {
  # Similar to gtable::gtable_filter, but with exact matching.

  # Find exact matches
  matches <- g$layout$name %in% element

  # If invert is TRUE, select only non-matching entries.
  if (invert) matches <- !matches

  # Filter layout and grobs of the gtable g.
  g$layout <- g$layout[matches, , drop = FALSE]
  g$grobs <- g$grobs[matches]

  if (trim) g <- gtable::gtable_trim(g)


.gtable_insert <- function(
    where = "top", 
    ref_element = "panel", 
    spacer = NULL, 
    partial_match = FALSE) {
  if (length(g_new) == 0) return(g)

  # Create an offset.
  offset <- integer(4)
  names(offset) <- c("t", "l", "b", "r")

  # Find position to insert this element
  ref_position <- .gtable_get_position(
    g = g, 
    element = ref_element, 
    where = where, 
    partial_match = partial_match)

  # Add spacing
  if (where %in% c("top", "bottom")) {
    # Add space to top.
    if (!is.null(spacer$t)) {
      g_new <- gtable::gtable_add_rows(
        heights = spacer$t, 
        pos = 0)

    # Add space to bottom.
    if (!is.null(spacer$b)) {
      g_new <- gtable::gtable_add_rows(
        heights = spacer$b, 
        pos = -1)
  } else {
    # Add space to left.
    if (!is.null(spacer$l)) {
      g_new <- gtable::gtable_add_cols(
        widths = spacer$l, 
        pos = 0)

    # Add space to right.
    if (!is.null(spacer$r)) {
      g_new <- gtable::gtable_add_cols(
        widths = spacer$r, 
        pos = -1)

  # Make room to insert the stuff.
  if (where == "top") {
    # Add row below t-1 (i.e. at t, and move existing rows down).
    g <- gtable::gtable_add_rows(
      heights = g_new$heights, 
      pos = ref_position[["t"]] - 1)

    # This shifts the rest of the elements (including the reference element)
    # down by a number of rows, which means that we need an offset.
    offset[["t"]] <- offset[["b"]] <- length(g_new$heights)
  } else if (where == "bottom") {
    # Add row below b (i.e. at b+1, and move existing rows down).
    g <- gtable::gtable_add_rows(
      heights = g_new$heights,
      pos = ref_position[["b"]])

    # This does not shift the reference element down, which means that the
    # offset is -1L.
    offset[["t"]] <- offset[["b"]] <- -1L
  } else if (where == "left") {
    # Add column at l-1 (i.e. at l, and move existing columns to right)
    g <- gtable::gtable_add_cols(
      widths = g_new$widths, 
      pos = ref_position[["l"]] - 1)

    # This shifts the rest of the elements (including the reference element) to
    # the right by a number of rows, which means that we need an offset.
    offset[["l"]] <- offset[["r"]] <- length(g_new$widths)
  } else if (where == "right") {
    # Add column at r (i.e. at r+1, and move existing columns to the right).
    g <- gtable::gtable_add_cols(
      widths = g_new$widths,
      pos = ref_position[["r"]])

    # This does not shift the reference element to the right, which means that
    # the offset can is -1L.
    offset[["l"]] <- offset[["r"]] <- -1L
  } else {
      "Unknown where argument: ", where))

  # Re-establish position of reference element.
  ref_position <- .gtable_get_position(
    g = g, 
    element = ref_element, 
    where = where, 
    partial_match = partial_match)

  for (ii in seq_len(nrow(g_new$layout))) {
    # Find element name
    element_name <- g_new$layout$name[ii]

    # Find the element position.
    element_position <- .gtable_get_position(
      g = g_new, 
      element = element_name)

    # Find the reference position of the similar-named element in g.
    sim_position <- .gtable_get_position(
      g = g, element = element_name,
      where = where,
      partial_match = partial_match)

    # Set new position. Note that element_position receives an offset of 1
    # because, position starts at 1, not 0, and we are only interest in the
    # internal shift for element_position with regard to the origin.
    new_position <- ref_position - offset - (element_position - 1L)

    # Align with similarly-named element in g. This only refers to vertical or
    # horizontal placement.
    if (where %in% c("top", "bottom")) {
      new_position[["l"]] <- sim_position[["l"]]
      new_position[["r"]] <- sim_position[["r"]]
    } else {
      new_position[["t"]] <- sim_position[["t"]]
      new_position[["b"]] <- sim_position[["b"]]

    # Update width (for inserted rows) or height (for inserted height).
    if (where %in% c("top", "bottom")) {
      # Rows are inserted, and we need to update column width for new elements
      # that span a single column.
      if (new_position[["l"]] == new_position[["r"]]) {
        if (!is.null(g_new$grobs[[ii]]$width)) {
          g$widths[new_position[["l"]]] <- max(grid::unit.c(
    } else {
      # Columns are inserted, and we need to update row heights for new elements
      # that span a single row.
      if (new_position[["t"]] == new_position[["b"]]) {
        if (!is.null(g_new$grobs[[ii]]$height)) {
          g$heights[new_position[["t"]]] <- max(grid::unit.c(

    # Add element to g.
    g <- gtable::gtable_add_grob(
      grobs = g_new$grobs[[ii]],
      t = new_position[["t"]],
      l = new_position[["l"]],
      b = new_position[["b"]],
      r = new_position[["r"]],
      name = element_name,
      clip = g_new$layout$clip[ii])


.gtable_insert_along <- function(
    where = "top",
    ref_element = "panel",
    along_element = ref_element,
    spacer = NULL,
    attempt_replace = FALSE,
    partial_match_ref = FALSE,
    partial_match_along = FALSE,
    update_dimensions = TRUE) {
  # Intended for inserting elements that stretch multiple along_elements. It can
  # also be used for inserting elements directly (without along_elements) and/or
  # replacing existing elements (attempt_replace=TRUE)

  if (length(g_new) == 0) {
  } else if (length(g_new) > 1) {
      x = g_new, 
      var_name = "g_new", 
      req_length = 1)

  # Create an offset.
  offset <- integer(4)
  names(offset) <- c("t", "l", "b", "r")

  spacer_offset <- integer(4)
  names(spacer_offset) <- c("t", "l", "b", "r")

  # Find position to insert this element
  ref_position <- .gtable_get_position(
    g = g, 
    element = ref_element, 
    where = where, 
    partial_match = partial_match_ref)

  # Add spacing
  if (where %in% c("top", "bottom")) {
    # Add space to top.
    if (!is.null(spacer$t)) {
      g_new <- gtable::gtable_add_rows(
        heights = spacer$t, 
        pos = 0)

      # This shifts the actual element downward.
      spacer_offset[["t"]] <- spacer_offset[["b"]] <- 1L

    # Add space to bottom.
    if (!is.null(spacer$b)) {
      g_new <- gtable::gtable_add_rows(
        heights = spacer$b, 
        pos = -1)
  } else {
    # Add space to left.
    if (!is.null(spacer$l)) {
      g_new <- gtable::gtable_add_cols(
        widths = spacer$l, 
        pos = 0)

      # This shifts the actual element to the right.
      spacer_offset[["r"]] <- spacer_offset[["l"]] <- 1L

    # Add space to right.
    if (!is.null(spacer$r)) {
      g_new <- gtable::gtable_add_cols(
        widths = spacer$r, 
        pos = -1)

  if (attempt_replace) {
    # Find if there is a grob with the same name at the intended position.
    g_index <- .gtable_which_aligned(g,
      element = g_new$layout$name,
      ref_element = ref_element,
      where = where,
      partial_match_ref = partial_match_ref)

    if (!is.null(g_index)) {
      # Replace the grob.
      g$grobs[[g_index]] <- g_new

      # Update heights and widths to get the accurate figures.
      g <- .gtable_update_layout(g)


  # Make room to insert the stuff.
  if (where == "top") {
    # Add row below t-1 (i.e. at t, and move existing rows down).
    g <- gtable::gtable_add_rows(
      heights = g_new$heights,
      pos = ref_position[["t"]] - 1)

    # This shifts the rest of the elements (including the reference element)
    # down by a number of rows, which means that we need an offset.
    offset[["t"]] <- offset[["b"]] <- length(g_new$heights)
  } else if (where == "bottom") {
    # Add row below b (i.e. at b+1, and move existing rows down).
    g <- gtable::gtable_add_rows(
      heights = g_new$heights,
      pos = ref_position[["b"]])

    # This does not shift the reference element down, which means that the
    # offset is -1L.
    offset[["t"]] <- offset[["b"]] <- -1L
  } else if (where == "left") {
    # Add column at l-1 (i.e. at l, and move existing columns to right)
    g <- gtable::gtable_add_cols(
      widths = g_new$widths,
      pos = ref_position[["l"]] - 1)

    # This shifts the rest of the elements (including the reference element) to
    # the right by a number of rows, which means that we need an offset.
    offset[["l"]] <- offset[["r"]] <- length(g_new$widths)
  } else if (where == "right") {
    # Add column at r (i.e. at r+1, and move existing columns to the right).
    g <- gtable::gtable_add_cols(
      widths = g_new$widths,
      pos = ref_position[["r"]])

    # This does not shift the reference element to the right, which means that
    # the offset can is -1L.
    offset[["l"]] <- offset[["r"]] <- -1L
  } else {
      "Unknown where argument: ", where))

  # Re-establish position of reference element.
  ref_position <- .gtable_get_position(
    g = g, 
    element = ref_element, 
    where = where, 
    partial_match = partial_match_ref)

  # Find element name
  element_name <- g_new$layout$name[1]

  # Find the extent of the along_elements
  extent <- .gtable_get_extent(
    g = g, 
    element = along_element, 
    partial_match = partial_match_along)

  # Set new position
  new_position <- ref_position + spacer_offset - offset

  if (where %in% c("top", "bottom")) {
    new_position[["l"]] <- extent[["l"]]
    new_position[["r"]] <- extent[["r"]]
  } else {
    new_position[["t"]] <- extent[["t"]]
    new_position[["b"]] <- extent[["b"]]

  # Add element to g.
  g <- gtable::gtable_add_grob(g,
    grobs = g_new$grobs[[1]],
    t = new_position[["t"]],
    l = new_position[["l"]],
    b = new_position[["b"]],
    r = new_position[["r"]],
    name = element_name,
    clip = g_new$layout$clip[1]
  # Update widths and heights.
  g <- .gtable_update_layout(g = g)


.gtable_which_aligned <- function(
    partial_match_ref = FALSE,
    only_nearby = TRUE) {
  # Identify the element that is located as close as possible to the reference
  # element, and is aligned with it.

  # Find position of the reference element.
  ref_position <- .gtable_get_position(
    g = g,
    element = ref_element,
    where = where,
    partial_match = partial_match_ref)

  # As a list
  ref_position <- as.list(ref_position)

  # Identify candidates
  if (where == "top") {
    # Any candidates should span the left-right extent of the reference element,
    # and be entirely above it.
    candidates <- which(g$layout$name == element &
      g$layout$l == ref_position$l &
      g$layout$r == ref_position$r &
      g$layout$t < ref_position$t &
      g$layout$b < ref_position$t)
  } else if (where == "bottom") {
    # Any candidates should span the left-right extent of the reference element,
    # and be entirely below it.
    candidates <- which(g$layout$name == element &
      g$layout$l == ref_position$l &
      g$layout$r == ref_position$r &
      g$layout$t > ref_position$b &
      g$layout$b > ref_position$b)
  } else if (where == "left") {
    # Any candidates should span the top-bottom extent of the reference element,
    # and be entirely to the left it.
    candidates <- which(g$layout$name == element &
      g$layout$l < ref_position$l &
      g$layout$r < ref_position$l &
      g$layout$t == ref_position$t &
      g$layout$b == ref_position$b)
  } else if (where == "right") {
    # Any candidates should span the top-bottom extent of the reference element,
    # and be entirely to the right it.
    candidates <- which(g$layout$name == element &
      g$layout$l > ref_position$r &
      g$layout$r > ref_position$r &
      g$layout$t == ref_position$t &
      g$layout$b == ref_position$b)
  } else {
    stop("Unknown where argument.")

  if (length(candidates) == 0) {

  if (length(candidates) > 1 && only_nearby) {
    # Identify the candidate that is located nearest to the reference element.
    layout_table <- g$layout[candidates, ]

    if (where == "top") {
      distance <- ref_position$t - layout_table$t
    } else if (where == "bottom") {
      distance <- layout_table$b - ref_position$b
    } else if (where == "left") {
      distance <- ref_position$l - layout_table$l
    } else if (where == "right") {
      distance <- layout_table$r - ref_position$r

    # Select the candidate with minimal distance.
    candidates <- candidates[which.min(distance)[1]]


.gtable_rename_element <- function(
    partial_match = FALSE,
    allow_missing = FALSE) {
  if (!.gtable_element_in_layout(
    g = g,
    element = old,
    partial_match = partial_match)) {
    if (allow_missing) {

    stop(".gtable_rename_element: element not found in layout table.")

  if (partial_match) {
    updated_element <- grepl(pattern = old, x = g$layout$name)
  } else {
    updated_element <- g$layout$name == old

  if (sum(updated_element) > 1) {
    warning(".gtable_rename_element: multiple elements will be updated.")

  g$layout$name[updated_element] <- new


.gtable_update_layout <- function(g) {
  ..get_aspect <- function(grob_id, g, aspect = "width") {
    if (aspect == "width") {
      aspect_names <- c("widths", "width")
    } else if (aspect == "height") {
      aspect_names <- c("heights", "height")
    } else {
      ..error_reached_unreachable_code("aspect was not height or width")
    if (grid::is.unit(g$grobs[[grob_id]][[aspect_names[1L]]])) {
      grob_size <- g$grobs[[grob_id]][[aspect_names[1L]]]
      grob_size <- ..filter_aspect_sizes(grob_size)
      if (length(grob_size) > 1L) grob_size <- sum(grob_size)
    } else if (grid::is.unit(g$grobs[[grob_id]][[aspect_names[2L]]])) {
      grob_size <- g$grobs[[grob_id]][[aspect_names[2L]]]
    } else {
      grob_size <- NULL
  ..filter_aspect_sizes <- function(x) {
    if (length(x) == 0L) return(NULL)
    # Filter items that have no dimension.
    grob_zero <- as.numeric(x) == 0.0
    x <- x[!grob_zero]
    if (length(x) == 0L) return(grid::unit(0.0, "points"))
    # npc is only relevant if there are no other grobs with more specific unit
    # types.
    grob_npc <- grid::unitType(x) == "npc"
    if (any(grob_npc) && !all(grob_npc)) x <- x[!grob_npc]
  ..get_updated_aspect <- function(g, aspect = "width") {
    if (aspect == "width") {
      new_sizes <- g$widths
      aspect_length <- ncol(g)
    } else if (aspect == "height") {
      new_sizes <- g$heights
      aspect_length <- nrow(g)
    } else {
      ..error_reached_unreachable_code("aspect was not height or width")
    for (ii in seq_len(aspect_length)) {
      # Do not update "null" elements.
      if (any(unlist(grid::unitType(new_sizes[ii], recurse=TRUE)) == "null")) next
      # Select candidates.
      if (aspect == "width") {
        candidates <- which(g$layout$l == ii & g$layout$r == ii)
      } else {
        candidates <- which(g$layout$t == ii & g$layout$b == ii)
      # Skip if there are no candidates.
      if(length(candidates) == 0L) {
        new_sizes[ii] <- grid::unit(0.0, "points")
      # Identify the aspect size of the grobs.
      grob_sizes <- lapply(candidates, ..get_aspect, g=g, aspect=aspect)
      grob_sizes <- grob_sizes[sapply(grob_sizes, grid::is.unit)]
      # Skip if there are no valid aspect sizes.
      if (length(grob_sizes) == 0L) {
        new_sizes[ii] <- grid::unit(0.0, "points")
      # Set grob sizes.
      grob_sizes <- do.call(grid::unit.c, grob_sizes)
      grob_sizes <- ..filter_aspect_sizes(grob_sizes)
      if (length(grob_sizes) > 1L) grob_sizes <- max(grob_sizes)
      new_sizes[ii] <- grob_sizes

  new_heights <- ..get_updated_aspect(g = g, aspect = "height")
  new_widths <- ..get_updated_aspect(g = g, aspect = "width")
  # Update heights and widths in the table.
  g$heights <- new_heights
  g$widths <- new_widths

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